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Accounting Cost Systems And Cost Behavior


ACC501 Accounting For Decision Making

Accounting Cost Systems And Cost Behavior

Assignment Overview

Preparation of an Income Statement for The Serious Reader Company

The first case of this course provides an opportunity to prepare a segmented variable costing (contribution margin, behavioral) income statement and analyze the information. This is a very small company and the information may seem simplistic at first glance. Don’t forget that numbers and hands-on practice best illustrate many basic accounting concepts.

The Serious Reader Company is a small online retailer operating out of a garage apartment. The owner buys books at garage sales, thrift shops, library sales, and whenever an opportunity arises. The company classifies all books into five categories based on cost of acquisition and estimated sales price. See below for details about books purchased and sold during the last year (20XX).

Case Assignment


Computations (use Excel)

  • Prepare a segmented variable costing (behavioral) income statement for the company in good format.
  • Prepare a second variable costing statement assuming 90% of all the books in each category purchased were actually sold.
  • Prepare a third variable costing statement assuming that the price is increased by 50% for all five categories (use original sales information).
  • The owner enjoys the used-book business. Any suggestions as how to turn this into a full-time business venture so the owner can quit his other job? Prepare another income statement to support your idea.

Memo (use Word)

Interpret the results from the computations and explain how the information is useful. Write a 4- or 5-paragraph memo to the owner of the business. Start with an introduction and end with a recommendation. Each of the four or five paragraphs should have a heading.

Short essay to comment on the questions below (use Word). Start with an introduction and end with a summary or conclusion. Use headings. Maximum length of two pages.

  • Why do many organizations make the effort to prepare a different type of income statement for internal purposes?
  • Variable costing is not just about preparing income statements. Provide at least three scenarios in which understanding how costs behave is useful.

Assignment Expectations

Each submission should include two files: (1) An Excel file; and (2) A Word document. The Word document shows the  memo first and short essay last. Assume a  knowledgeable business audience and use required format and length. Individuals in business are busy and want information presented in an organized and concise manner.


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Exploring the Realm of Managerial Accounting Research: Insights and Trends

Get more information on Managerial Accounting Research: Insights and Trends from the writing experts at Managerial accounting research is critical in offering insights into organizational decision-making processes. It focuses on how accounting information is used internally for planning, controlling, and decision-making. There has been an increasing interest in examining many areas of management accounting in recent years, spanning from cost analysis and performance assessment to strategic decision support. This article will go into the world of management accounting research, emphasizing its importance, important areas of attention, and developing trends.

I. Managerial Accounting Research’s Importance

Managers benefit from managerial accounting research because it enables them to make educated choices and maximize resource allocation. It serves as a basis for budget planning, performance evaluation, cost analysis, and finding areas for improvement. Organizations may improve their competitiveness and achieve long-term success by mastering the ideas and procedures of management accounting.

II. Managerial Accounting Research Focus Areas

A. Cost Analysis and Budgeting: Fixed costs, variable costs, direct costs, indirect costs, and relevant costs are all investigated in managerial accounting study. Cost behavior analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, and cost allocation approaches are covered. It also looks at cost-cutting approaches including activity-based costing (ABC) and target costing.

Managerial accounting research focuses on establishing performance measurement systems that capture critical parameters to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational operations. It delves into topics including key performance indicators (KPIs), balanced scorecards, and benchmarking approaches. The study also looks at the use of non-financial variables to offer a more complete picture of success.

C. Budgeting and Forecasting: Budgeting strategies studied in managerial accounting research include standard budgeting, rolling budgets, and zero-based budgeting. It looks at the function of forecasting methodologies in projecting future financial performance and assists companies in aligning their objectives with available financial resources.

D. Strategic Analysis and Decision Support: Managerial accounting research aids strategic decision-making by offering tools and methodologies for assessing investment projects, measuring profitability, doing break-even analysis, and performing cost-benefit analysis. It also looks at how management accounting may be used in strategic planning and performance assessment.

III. Managerial Accounting Research Emerging Trends

A. Accounting for Sustainability: With a growing focus on corporate social responsibility and environmental sustainability, managerial accounting research is investigating methods to integrate sustainability measures into decision-making processes. It addresses environmental cost assessment and reporting, carbon accounting, and the incorporation of sustainability performance indicators into management accounting systems.

B. Big Data Analytics: With the advent of big data, new paths for managerial accounting study have opened up. It focuses on using sophisticated analytics approaches to big amounts of data in order to find patterns and draw insights for improved decision-making. It looks at how data mining, machine learning, and predictive modeling may be used in management accounting.

C. Behavioral components: Behavioral components of decision-making are increasingly being considered in managerial accounting research. It investigates how cognitive biases, incentive structures, and organizational culture affect management decision-making processes, as well as the consequences for accounting methods and results.

D. Automation and Technology: The incorporation of technology, such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and robotic process automation, is altering management accounting methods. This research investigates the advantages, disadvantages, and consequences of technology adoption for managerial accounting activities such as data management, reporting, and analysis.

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To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company

In order to succeed on the course FM, as stated in the Syllabus, it is necessary to make a Global Case Study in the form of a financial model in excel.
The goal is to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures. It is a specific task whose solution makes it possible to understand and manage corporate finance.
Global Case Study: INSTRUCTIONS
Objective: To create an excel financial model associated with formulas from accounting to cash flow to Valuate the company, to calculate CF, FCF, optimal capital structure and to determine the risk of investment (CAPEX) using different techniques for measuring investment profitability. You will have a company with its financial forecasts in excel with a possibility to do scenario or sensitivity analysis.
Please build a model in excel with the following sheets (sheets=pages):
Page 1 (Tips) :
On this page you have some useful recommendations to be considered in overall assignment. Before you start with Page 2 it is fully advised that you read carefully all tips with separate recommendations what is advised (+) and what is not (-) advised in assignment preparation. It does not mean that you will get negative points if you do not respect all recommendations but if you respect what is there advised your global case will be more exact, complete and in accordance with assignment expectations.
Page 2 (History) – 5 points :
On this page you have to add missing data in blue parts. You have to add in blue parts for 3 last years (Year N, Year N-1, Year N-2). You can copy the data from the source page and paste it in this sheet. Balance sheet data, Income statement (P&L) and Cash flow statement. You have to choose the company listed on stock exchange from your choice from one of the following web sources :,,,, or other. Please add the name of source in blue part at the end of financial statements.
Page 3 (Inputs) :
On this page you have to add all your assumptions: growth/decline rates of Revenues and Expenditures and other various inputs you will use in the financial model, however please note that some green cells are already predefined/filled in and You must not change them. On this page all inputs are manually entered in the green coloured cells.
The whole Model can be modified if you change the assumptions on this page. It helps you as CFO to do the scenarios or sensitivities simulations in order to present to your management the possible project outcomes or company valuations.
Page 4 (Assets Amortization/Depreciation) – 5 points :
Make an Amortization/Depreciation calculating page for all long-term assets including the new
CAPEX annually during the life of your project (7 years). Consider the amortization/depreciation cost for annual future amortization/depreciation of existing Assets same as average annual A&D of last 3 years from your realized financial statements in P2 History. If in your Financial Statements there is no A&D of assets cost then you just add 0 in P4 in line for Existing annual assets amortization. If you do not have all last 3 past years you can take only the amortization cost of the last year.
In a separate line for the new amortization cost of your new CAPEX calculate annual amortization costs using the linear or straight line amortization method from Year N+1 to the end of your project.
To do this task we assume that Company will start a new large investment (CAPEX) in the beginning Year N+1 with an assumption that CAPEX is equal to 10% of the Total Revenues of the Year N+1.
Page 5 (Cost of Capital) – 15 points :
On this page your task is to calculate the WACC. The discount rate (cost of capital) is the weighted average of the cost of capital (WACC) of all your long-term (Bank loan, bonds and equity) funding sources.
As CFO of your company your goal is to reduce the overall cost of financing of your CAPEX from Page 4. So, your management accepted your proposal to finance your CAPEX equally with bank loan, bonds and equity.
To determine WACC you have to calculate the cost of lenders (Bank loan), the cost of bondholders (bonds) and the cost of shareholders (equity).
Based on inputs from page 3, make a table of amortization of loan and bonds, calculation of interests and coupons, principals using formulas (PMT or other)
Bank Loan has an interest rate defined in P3 inputs and is repaid in annuities over 7 years.
Bonds have a coupon rate defined in P3 inputs and with face value paid at maturity in year 7.
Both debt sources of funding are received one shot and used for the investment financing at beginning of year N+1. We assume there are no finance fees to be calculated and considered.
For cost of bank loan or bonds (rates) you can either use the same rates as the existing bank loans (use the lowest loan rate) or bonds (yield) if any in company, or you can also use rates from your peers or comparative companies of similar risk which is published on web pages such as or other source.
Please add each time a source you are using if any. If you do not use any of proposed rates then you can estimate your rates in which case please add a short explanation of such estimated rates.
Calculate the shareholders cost using the DDM model (Gordon).
For the purpose of calculation of cost of equity only we shall assume that your dividends are same forever, starting from Year 0, with an annual increase forever defined in P3 Inputs.
For all long term financing sources here let we assume that the corresponding rates are same for each source of financing until the end of project.
Page 6 (Projection of Financial Statements) – 15 points :
As CFO of your Company you should be able to project your Financial Statements, namely P&L and Balance sheet as first step on Page 6 and CF statement on Page 7.
Projection of P&L
Start with P&L and then with Balance sheet. To project your Profit and Loss statement you should take into consideration the impact of amortization policy, financial costs of your long term financing of your CAPEX, profit tax and other components of P&L.
Make a projection of the profit and loss account for 7 years based on the assumptions from the page inputs. Your revenues and costs from the Inputs page should be increased/decreased for rates of revenue/costs growth / decline. Revenues (Sales) for the Year 1 should be taken from the Total Revenues from the realized previous Year 0 (N) increased/decreased by the rate of growth/decline of your Total Revenues in Year 0.
Your projected P&L is simplified and considers only the lines defined on P6.
If in your projected P&L you obtain losses most of years you should probably modify your inputs in order to obtain net incomes which are more interesting to be used for modelling. For the simplification reason, you are expected to use only the costs related to COGS, depreciation/amortization related to existing LT assets and new assets (CAPEX) and and financial interests relating to new financial debt in P&L.
For dividends calculation we shall assume that the only condition to pay it annually is a positive net income.
Projection of Balance sheet
Cash of Year 0 should be considered from your last realized year, such Cash item to be added in inputs. From Cash in Year 0 you should calculate future cash item based on assumptions in inputs.
Receivables and Stocks are calculated based on assumptions in inputs. We assume there are no Receivables and Stocks in Year 0.
Tangible assets or Fixed Assets should be considered from your last realized year as Net Tangible assets, such item to be added in inputs. In Year 1 the Tangible Assets should be increased for the amount of your new CAPEX even if it is realized at beginning of year.
If there are no Tangible Assets in your last realized balance sheet then consider only your new CAPEX in Year 1 as Tangible Assets.
Accumulated amortization in Year 1 consider only the Accumulated amortization from existing Capex for simplification reasons.
Payables and other Liabilities are calculated from Year 1 based on assumptions in Inputs.
For simplification reasons the Long Term debt is calculated as a difference between Total Liabilities and Total Short Tern liabilities. For simplification reasons the Total Liabilities is equal to difference between Total Equity and Liabilities and Equity.
Shareholders equity in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. The Shareholders equity in Year N corresponds to Total Equity in Year 0. In Year 1 do not forget to add in Shareholders Equity the Equity used to finance part of your Capex from Page 5.
Retained earnings/Deferred losses item in Year 0 should be considered from your last realized Balance sheet, the item to be added in inputs. In Retained earnings/Deferred losses item please also consider the future incomes/losses from Year 1 to Year 7.
Total Equity and Liabilities has to be equal to Total Assets. Check test at end of Balance sheet should state “OK” if this is verified, if not test will show “NOT OK”.
Page 7 (Cash Flow) – 10 points :
To do the scenarios analysis you need Cash Flows (CF). In this page, you have to determine the corresponding CF’s resulting from company’s operating, investment and finance activities during the project life.
Keep in mind that for the simplification reasons the idea is to have only basic and main items of company in CF statement as proposed in formatted table. In other words, you will consider only activities resulting from your projections from Year 1 to Year 7 in P6.
Page 8 (Scenarios) – 10 points :
Finally, you have your CFs in Page 7. Now, you can apply your CFOs skills you have acquired on Financial Management course at SSBM and demonstrate to your management board how different scenarios can impact the profitability of company.
In this page you will use the CFs obtained from the page 7 including the new investment (CAPEX)
However, to have your CFs resulting from only your new CAPEX you need to take only part of total annual CFs in CF statement. We shall assume that 20% (as defined in inputs Page 3) of each annual Cash Flow (use Change of Cash line in CF statement) results from your new CAPEX. Add such reduced CFs in Cash Flow line using formula. Do not forget to add your new CAPEX in Year 0 instead of year 1 in Cash Flow line. Only in Year 1 You should remove new Capex from Change of cash in Year 1 (note that – and – make +) in order to get CF of Year 1 in Base Case Scenario.
Such obtained CFs will be considered as your Base case Scenario 1.
Now, you can finally calculate the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
Even if management board is fine with this you have to demonstrate that in case of problems on market some of the considered inputs can deteriorate and in such situation it is important to see the consequence on the profitability.
Now, in following lines you will do the Worst case scenario 2 based on the following assumptions :

  • an increase of your investment (new CAPEX) by 20%,
    -decrease of all CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is decreased by 5%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Worst Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    However, your management bord considers that you are perhaps too pesimistic and as they like to expect the profitability and higher dividends they would like you to sho them also the profitability in Best case scenario.
    Now, in following lines you will do the Best case scenario 3 based on the following assumptions
  • a reduction of your investment (new CAPEX) by 15%,
  • increase of CFs from Year 1 to Year 7, each CF is increased by 6%.
    Repeat, the calculation of the project NPV (WACC rate is used as discount rate) and IRR for Base Case Scenario.
    To simplify the calculations, you can use the CAPEX and CFs from Base case scenario.
    If your Cash Flows are very disproportional to the CAPEX and you cannot calculate IRR and/or NPV, you can try to modify inputs, items like CAPEX or CF’s to obtain NPV and IRR more realistic but please then explain the problems you are facing and the way to solve it with new inputs you propose.
    Page 9 (NWC) – 5 points :
    Your management has now a quite good picture on CF’s and different scenarios. However, they are concerned if company has sufficient Net working capital to ensure the project development. To get the answer and to assure your management board, you, as CFO is supposed to calculate the NWC in Page 9. To do that use the simplified calculation based on your projected values on Page 6. For Current Assets consider only Receivables and Stocks while for Current Liabilities consider Payables and Other liabilities.
    You are also requested to calculate the Increase or Decrease of NWC, the figures you will need in Company valuation.
    Page 10 (Valuation) – 15 points :
    Once you have obtained your projections in previous pages you are now in position to proceed to the valuation of your company.
    On this page, you will determine the company value based on Free Cash Flows (FCF). Apply the financial management to calculate your companys value for shareholders.
    Add the empty cells using formulas. In line Capex consider only the new investment from Page 5. For NWC line you have the values obtained in Page 9.
    For Terminal Value of your FCF use Gordons model used to discount the infinite FCF’s. This means that your FCF’s from Year 8 growth by growth rate (defined in Inputs) of FCF forever.
    Calculate the value of your company with the help of discounted FCFs in infinite and using WACC as discount rate Cash and Long term debt are from the last realized year..
    Calculate the Equity value based on FCF and stock price. As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on FCF. You have obtained the stock price using intrinsic method of valuation based on FCF’s. You would like to check if the obtained value is realistic. To do this, you have to apply the second intrinsic method of equity valuation which is based on dividends.
    Using formula get your dividends you have already calculated in Page 6.
    For Terminal Value of your Dividends we shall assume that paid Dividends will be same forever. This means that company will pay same amount of Dividends from Year 8 forever.
    Calculate your discounted dividends using cost of equity from Page 5 as discount rate.
    Calculate your Equity based on Dividends.
    As equity value is in thousands you should multiply your obtained stock price by 1000 to get the full stock price based on Dividends.
    Add market price and Net Income using formula from Input page. Calculate Market Capitalization using values from Page Inputs.
    Calculate Price Earnings Ratio.
    The chart with comparison of Stock prices based on FCF, Dividends and Market stock price enable to see the differences.
    Now, you have all necessary results to proceed to the Conclusion.
    Page 11 (Conclusion) 20 points :
    Congratulations, if you are at Conclusion page it means that you have managed to apply in practice the financial tools you have learned on FM lectures through pages 1-10. The page is the most important one in terms of points for grading as the interpretation of financial results is something very important and crucial for everyone who deals with corporate finance and financial management.
    The obtained figures in previous pages is a condition precedent to make possible understanding the financial situation of your company. In other words, the obtained outputs based on inputs will help you, as CFO, to proceed now to the interpretation of the company value, different risks of company, capital structure, profitability of investment and value of equity for owners.
    Your management board request you to present the financial situation of company in this page through following parts :
    Capital Structure
    Use the results from Page 5 to consider if your capital structure used for CAPEX financing is well structured ? Explain what would you do to make it more optimal, if possible ?
    Use the results from Page 9 to analyze the short term financing needs. Is your NWC optimal ? What would you do to improve your NWC ? Do you have cash gaps and how would you finance it ?
    Financial Statements Analysis
    Use the results from Page 6 to analyze the financial statements. What do you think about the profitability in projected P&L and can you identify any problem there ? Is your balance sheet well structured and are there any issues ?
    Is your CAPEX used in Page 8 profitable in Base Case Scenario ?
    What are the conclusions of Best case and Worst case Scenarios compared to Base Case Scenario ?
    What is your IRR in Base case scenario compared to WACC (page 5) and what conclusion you can make from it ?
    What would you do as a CFO to increase the company value ? Is the company market stock price overvalued or undervalued compared to obtained intrinsic values of stock price based on FCF and Dividends ?
    Explain how you would further increase IRR and/or reduce WACC and increase the Company value. What do you suggest to your Management Board as an incentive to achieve the planned goals of raising the companys value and stock price.
    Page 12 (Instructor):
    In this Page the Pages 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11 will be evaluated based points given by Instructor that you can find on top of each page. The total will give the total number of points which will be added in cell and corresponding student grade based on grading scale will be added here. The Total number of points is the same as percentage number.
    Prof Dario Silic SSBM




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Evaluate accounting systems and controls used in management decision-making

Managerial Accounting is related to software  as Business Analyst. The paper should be in apa format with 650 words and 2 references. Evaluate accounting systems and controls used in management decision-making

Below is the syllabus for your reference:

This course focuses on managerial accounting concepts, including costing, budgeting, forecasting, planning, and control. Emphasis is on preparing and using financial statements as well as various managerial reports for decision-making.

Upon completion of this course:

Evaluate accounting systems and controls used in management decision-making. Interpret managerial accounting control functions including budgeting and cost allocationAnalyze prevalent managerial accounting systems used in organizationsCompare integrated internal cost systems used in decision-makingResearch, apply critical thinking, and communicate current issues in managerial accounting

The mission of the Hutton & Plaster School of Business is to foster academic excellence and student achievement at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students are provided with a strong academic foundation in business, and are prepared to become productive, competent, and ethical professionals. The Hutton School of Business provides a learning environment that is characterized by student-oriented instructional methodologies and the development of leadership and life-long learning skills in its students. 

At the Hutton School of Business, the following broad-based goals for students have been developed: 

  1. Students will acquire the relevant disciplinary knowledge and competencies appropriate to their program of study.
  2. Students will acquire effective business-related professional skills.
  3. Students will be challenged to assess their personal values and connect them to ethical behaviors appropriate to their intended endeavors.

Program Intended Student Learning Outcomes

Based upon these broad-based goals, the Hutton & Plaster School of Business has identified the following general intended student learning outcomes (MBA ISLO) for students: 

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed case study problem-solving skills.
  2. Students will be able to examine the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing.
  3. Students will be able to integrate their findings from the major theories and concepts in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing to organizational decision making.
  4. Students will be able to analyze the opportunities and challenges of legal, social, economic, and global business issues.
  5. Students will be able to apply standards of ethical behavior in business to managerial decision making.
  6. Students will be able to utilize appropriate technological and quantitative methods and tools to the solution of practical business problems.
  7. Students will be able to demonstrate advanced professional business communication skills.
  8. Students will be able to demonstrate well-developed organizational, leadership, and teamwork skills.
  9. Students will be able to integrate theory and practical application across business functional areas for the purpose of strategic analysis, planning, implementation, and control.

Concentration Intended Student Learning Outcomes

Further, the Hutton & Plaster School of Business has identified the following intended student learning outcomes for students pursuing a concentration:

Concentration in Accounting (ACTG) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of accounting.
  2. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different areas of accounting.
  3. Students will be able to conduct research on issues and questions relevant to the accounting profession.
  4. Students will be able to interpret the ethical and legal responsibilities of professional accountants.

Concentration in Entrepreneurship (ENTR) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of entrepreneurship.
  2. Students will be able to formulate a plan for the creation of a new venture.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different areas of business.

Concentration in Healthcare Administration (HCA) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of healthcare administration.
  2. Students will be able to formulate healthcare administration strategies designed to allow the organization to achieve its objectives.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the area of healthcare administration.

Concentration in Marketing (MKTG) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of marketing.
  2. Students will be able to formulate marketing strategies designed to allow the organization to achieve its objectives.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the area of marketing.

Concentration in Project Management (PROJ) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of the project management process including planning the project, initiating the project, executing the project, monitoring the project, and controlling the project.
  2. Students will be able to examine the ethical and legal responsibilities of project managers.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different areas of project management.

Concentration in Strategic Management (MGMT) ISLOs

  1. Students will be able to utilize advanced knowledge of management.
  2. Students will be able to formulate management strategies designed to allow the organization to achieve its objectives.
  3. Students will be able to develop advanced analytical and critical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems, and make sound ethical decisions in the different area of management
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Banksia Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia

Question: Banksia Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2022 year, Banksia gained a new client, Sydney Dental (SD),


Banksia Chartered Accountants is a successful mid-tier accounting firm with a large range of clients across Australia. During the 2022 year, Banksia gained a new client, Sydney Dental (SD), which owns 100 per cent of the following entities:

All Smiles Dapto Limited, a private dental clinic that specialises in the orthodontic treatment.

Wollongong Private Dental Hospital

Nowra Dental Pty Ltd, a dental clinic

Year-end for all SD entities is 30 June.

You are the audit partner reviewing the audit work papers for SD for the year ended 30 June 2022. Today is 13 July 2022 and the audit report is due to be signed in three weeks’ time.

During your review you note that the fixed-term borrowings of SD totalling $150 million are approaching maturity and SD does not seem to have renegotiated any terms of refinancing. You are aware, from your experience with other clients, that banks are reluctant to extend financing on the same terms in the current market. The financing of SD was historically managed by the group’s treasurer who left the group six months ago and has not been replaced.

SD’s financial controller, who has been with the group for nine months, has advised you that she has been busy renegotiating with some of SD’s key suppliers who recently requested cash on delivery for all orders rather than extending the normal credit terms.

You are also aware that a fire that occurred in the hospital cafeteria last week was not adequately covered by insurance. Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the fire, but the cafeteria was so badly damaged it had to be closed.

While discussing this matter with SD’s law firm, they reveal that the hospital is unlikely to have adequate professional indemnity insurance to meet the current demands of several malpractice cases that have been brought against the hospital in the last 12 months.


(a) Explain your responsibilities with respect to the cafeteria fire.                         

(b) How should this fire event be handled in the financial report and the audit report?                                                                                    

(c) Suggest three possible going concern issues for SD? Explain. If so, suggest two mitigating circumstances?                                                                                        

(d) How will you recommend any going concern issue be handled in the financial report and the audit report?


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portfolio of analytics methods used of accounting, economics or finance

Create a slide deck which represents a portfolio of analytics methods used of accounting, economics or finance. This task is to be done as an individual. 16 slides, total 30 marks.

Assessment Description

You will discuss below five analytics methods and a financial or accounting or economics application for each one.

· Association rule learning · Classification tree analysis · Genetic algorithms · Machine learning · Regression analysis • Out of the five methods that you chose, investigate one in more detail. • Reflect on the limitations of the methods and possible ethical, legal or privacy issues. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria. Slide format should be as follows: • Title, student name and ID [1 slide] • Discuss any 4 analytics methods from above. Create one slide for each analytics method and one for its application in accounting or finance or economics. [8 slides, 16 marks] • Discuss the remaining 1 Analytics method in detail and create three slides for the analytics method and one slide for its application in accounting or economics or finance [4 slides, 8 marks] • Reflect and list the limitations of the 5 analytics methods [1 slides, 2 marks] • Discuss in short sentences possible ethical, legal and privacy issues. Please refer to lecture slide week 11. [2 slides, 4 marks]


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Financial Accounting Standards Board

Search the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) website listed in the topic resources and identify a recently issued financial reporting standard. Write a one-paragraph summary of and its principal provisions. Search “Project Activities” to identify the reporting issue with the most recent update. Briefly describe the issue and the action taken by the FASB. Discuss the accounting implications of this action as it would apply to three different industries. Do not select a standard already addressed by your peers. In replies to peers, provide additional industry examples.


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Cost Accounting and Ethical Dilemmas

FAITH INTEGRATION PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS In order to begin this assignment, you should reflect on the following topics covered in the course:  Cost Accounting and Ethical Dilemmas Cost Analysis and Estimation Product, Services, and Job Costing Process and Activity Based Costing Cost Management and Allocation Management Control Systems, Planning and Budgeting Business Unit Measurement and Transfer Pricing Variance Analysis and Capital Investment DecisionsYou are required to prepare a minimum 1,000 word essay describing how the Bible is related to the topics covered in the course. In addition, you should include at least four scholarly sources, including the textbook, to substantiate your positions. You must cover all the key components of the course topics, clearly state and support all major points, ensure thoughtful analysis to consider all assumptions, implications, and comparisons, and have a clear, logical flow to your paper. Ensure you utilize scriptural support, in addition, to your scholarly sources throughout your paper to bring clarity to issues relating to biblical principles and experiences. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.


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Accounting Theory and Current Issues

Unit Title Accounting Theory and Current Issues
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Conceptual and critical evaluation of theories
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO
Mapping) This is a group assignment. Students are required to conduct a research and analysis of a theoretical financial reporting issue and present their findings in a written report. Students will have to do research on relevant literature and demonstrate understanding and critical evaluation of key disclosure issues relating to application of specific accounting standards. Additionally, they will demonstrate understanding and critical evaluation of the Australian financial reporting environment and its current regulatory framework and recommend future directions to the Australian financial reporting regulators. (ULO 1, 2, 4, 7).
Weight 40 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 40
Word limit 3,000 words ± 500 words
Due Date Group Formation: Please form the group by self-enrolling in Blackboard. There should be maximum of 4 members in a group. Email for any issues with self-enrolling into groups.
Assignment submission:
Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment per calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by Student Services of your campus prior to the assessment deadline.
Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes has now implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing:

  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues Group Assignment
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  2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
  3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
    For example;
    P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of
    Information Systems Education,
  4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details, which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, the paragraph where the content can be found. For example;
    -The company decided to implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).-
    Non – Adherence to Referencing Guidelines Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
  5. Students who submit assignments that do not comply with the guidelines may be required to resubmit their assignments or incur penalties for inadequate referencing.
  6. Late penalties will apply per day after a student or group has been notified of resubmission requirements.
    Students whose citations are identified as fictitious will be reported for academic misconduct.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
    Page 3 of 6 Assignment Specifications
    Part A
    In an article published in The Australian on 4 May 2021, it was noted that the company named as the ‘ABC Group’ reported a big loss equal to $595 million and negative net assets of $75 million. The company seems insolvent and unable to pay all of its liabilities if they fall due. The auditors did not qualify the financial statements, nor challenge the directors on their assertion that the company was a going concern.
    1) Discuss the implications for the company’s financial statements preparation and presentation if the company is not considered to be a going concern? Use the conceptual framework concept and general-purpose financial statements requirement given the evidence provided above?
    -Maximum 1000 words.-
    Part B
    According to the Australian Accounting Standards (AASB 138 Intangible Assets), companies are required to not capitalised research expenditure instead treating them as expenses consequently present them in the income statement.
    1) Building on the three main components of the Positive Accounting Theory, provide your prediction and discuss which companies are likely to have a preference of capitalising research expenditure rather than expenses?
    2) Discuss the potential investigation or studies for researchers for testing your predictions in the above question.
    -Maximum 2000 words.-
    Assignment Structure:
    Assignment Cover page clearly stating your name(s) and student number(s)
    Group’s Assignment Task Allocation table (except for Solo group members) Table of Content
    Body of the assignment with appropriate section headings List of references
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
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    Marking Rubric
    Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
    Part A Discuss the implications for the company’s financial statements preparation and presentation, if the company is not considered to be a going concern
    15% Demonstrate superior knowledge of the theory and key concepts. Excellent interpretation with extensive elaboration of relevant subtopics, appropriately weighted and within the prescribed word count. Demonstrated in-depth understanding and application of key concepts and terminology relating to the accounting fundamentals. A detailed outline of knowledge including the supporting theoretical argument. Providing a thorough understanding of the concepts within the topic. Professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows adequate knowledge of the concepts, key points and displays a sound understanding of theories and results. Relevant professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows some basic understanding of the topic. Has managed to cover some of the main points of the case. Displays sufficient understanding of concepts. Professional terminology adequately incorporated. Inadequate or little understanding of the theory. Lacks the necessary detail and expression and displays an
    underdeveloped understanding of the concepts. Absence of key professional terminology.
    Part B (1)
    Building on the three main component of
    the Positive Accounting Theory, provide your prediction and discuss which companies are likely to have preference of capitalising research expenditure rather than expenses
    Demonstrate superior knowledge of the theory and key concepts. Excellent interpretation with extensive elaboration of relevant subtopics, appropriately weighted and within the prescribed word count. Demonstrated in-depth understanding and application of key concepts and terminology relating to the accounting fundamentals. A detailed outline of knowledge including the supporting theoretical argument. Providing a thorough understanding of the concepts within the topic. Professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows adequate knowledge of the concepts, key points and displays a sound understanding of theories and results.
    Relevant professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows some basic understanding of the topic. Has managed to cover some of the main points of the case. Displays sufficient understanding of concepts. Professional terminology adequately incorporated. Inadequate or little understanding of the theory. Lacks the necessary detail and expression and displays an
    underdeveloped understanding of the concepts. Absence of key professional terminology.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
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    Part B (2) Discuss the potential investigation or studies for researchers for testing your predictions in the above question
    5% Superior Interpretation of the questions and underlying key points provided.
    Outstanding and insightful theoretical discussion with clear empirical evidence provided. Interpretation of the questions and underlying key points were clearly identified. Demonstrated a strong theoretical discussion and empirical evidences. Interpretation of questions and underlying key points were partially identified. An effective theoretical response with some empirical evidence provided. Interpretation of the questions and underlying key points identified.
    Adequate coherence supported with a basic theoretical approach. Appropriate empirical evidence provided. Inadequate interpretation of the underlying key points.
    Inadequate interpretation demonstrating inconsistent and irrelevant thoughts. Inappropriate coherence of the key points.
    Presentation and Structure
    10% Superior key points were clearly identified and supported with outstanding references.
    Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax Referencing requirements exceeds expectations and advanced research techniques demonstrated. Effective key points were identified and supported with excellent references Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax. Referencing requirements meet expectations with excellent resources used Advanced research techniques demonstrated. Adequate key points were identified and supported with sound references
    Appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax. Referencing requirements meet expectations and appropriate resources used.
    Appropriate research demonstrated, and sound resources used. Key points were identified and supported with sufficient references. a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts in the report.
    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs some improvement. Referencing requirements are met and mostly appropriate resources used. Key points were poorly identified and not supported with references. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs significant improvement. Provides an inadequate critical analysis.
    Failure to meet referencing
    requirements and inappropriate resources used.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
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    Academic Integrity
    Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard. Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
    Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches
    Plagiarism Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.
    Collusion Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorised.
    Copying Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence.
    Impersonation Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination.
    Contract cheating Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment.
    Data fabrication and falsification Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images.
    Source: INQAAHE, 2020
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues




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ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba

 Case Study ABC Consulting is an accounting firm located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. ABC Consulting was founded in 2010 and has experienced some strong growth over the years. The firm currently employs over 20 accountants and 11 support staff. As the company has grown, the needs of the business have also changed. John Reese, the founder of ABC Consulting, is increasingly concerned with the cost of administrative overhead, saying “What worked for us to keep five accountants organized just isn’t working for twenty accountants.” Administrative costs for the company are growing too rapidly. John has chartered a project to develop a time and billing system, which is a system that will be used by the accountants to log their time to specific jobs. The system will produce invoices and timesheets and will be developed by Simply Agile Business Consulting, a software development firm where you are the BA. You have prepared and conducted elicitation with John and key stakeholders in ABC Consulting. You have documented your elicitation results and findings, as follows: ABC Consulting needs to automate the management of employee timesheets. This need is aligned with the goal of holding a position of operational excellence in the industry. This project will reduce average cost to administer a timesheet by 75% in the next nine months, and will produce the following outcomes: increased customer satisfaction; and reduced administration costs. BUAN 0120 Elicitation & Collaboration   Listen  11/15/21, 4:44 PM BUAN 0120 | Assignment 2 2/4 The project will be executed by Simply Agile Business Consulting and focus on requirements and business analysis. The cost for this project is $200,000, and the annual savings are $100,000, plus additional benefits. BUSINESS NEED: Automate timesheet management. GOAL: Hold a position of operational excellence in the industry. OBJECTIVE: Reduce average cost to administer timesheets by 75% the next nine months. BUSINESS PROBLEM: Timesheet management is too costly. DESIRED OUTCOMES: Project will produce increased customer satisfaction and reduced administration costs. Case Study Questions In a Word document, not exceeding four pages and following APA formatting, complete the assignment according to the following instructions. 1. In your own words, briefly describe the documented elicitation results by the business analyst. 2. List and explain 2 guidelines and tools, as described by the BABOK, that the business analyst can use to confirm the elicitation results. 3. Identify 2 techniques that will be most beneficial in confirming the elicitation results from John and the ABC Consulting stakeholders and provide justification for your response. 4. Judging by the documented elicited result above, do you think that the business analyst has gathered enough information to uncover all the business needs and problems? Justify your position. 11/15/21, 4:44 PM BUAN 0120 | Assignment 2 3/4 5. Provide personal examples and references to the BABOK or course materials, where needed, to justify your arguments


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