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Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version

Healthcare revenue-cycle management is a strictly managed and closely monitored process that impacts the patients (beneficiaries), providers, or payers. Therefore, it is important for both stakeholders to understand the other’s perspective, so that they have a more holistic view of the entire process. The following flowcharts capture the revenue cycle from the patient’s perspective and the facility’s perspective.

Text-only versions of the images below are available: Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version.

Casto, A. (2021). Principles of Healthcare Reimbursement (7th Ed). American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

Reproduced with permission from AHIMA.This activity will help you describe the revenue-cycle process and healthcare reimbursement, as well as differentiate the components of revenue-cycle processes from various perspectives.

The activity will help you prepare for section 4 (Revenue Cycle Process) in the course project that you will be submitting in Module Nine.


Complete the provided template by analyzing the revenue cycle from both the patient perspective and the provider perspective. Then, analyze the revenue-cycle components from a third-party payer perspective.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Comparative Table: Create a table to compare and contrast the revenue cycle from the patient’s perspective and the provider’s perspective. Refer to Figure 1.7A and Figure 1.7B in the Overview section of this rubric to create the table.
  2. Comparison of Perspectives: Explain how the patient perspective is like the facility or provider perspective in ensuring revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  3. Contrast Between Perspectives: Explain how the patient perspective differs from the facility or provider perspective in ensuring revenue integrity. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  4. Significance for Third-Party Payer: Interpret the revenue cycle from the perspective of a third-party payer. Deduce your interpretation based on the information in the comparative table. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

Your analysis should be evidence-based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the textbook or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit:    attachments below 

Submit the provided template as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Please follow the instructions carefully as this professor is so particular. 


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Module One Activity Revenue Cycle Images Text-Only Version


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What causes a nation’s economic activity to fluctuate?

International Journal of Tax Economics and Managemen t ISSN Online: 261 8-1118 ISSN Pri nt: 261 8-110X An Overview on Macroeconomics : Ideas, Approaches and Importance Fai Tsai Department of Business Economics (Author of Correspondence) China Abstract This article includes various topics related macroeconomics. In the beginning the nature of macroeconomics are described. Then the article turns describing many terms of this macroeconomics. The utility of macroeconomics will be explained in this article. Besides ; scope of macroeconomics are also des cribed in this article. The practical appliance of this Part of economics are described here. Keywords: Idea ; Scope ; Origin ; Utility ; Terms . 22 1. Introduction Macroeconomics is the study of the structure and performance of national economies and of the policies that governments use to try to affect economic performance. What determines a na tion’s long -run economic growth? a) What causes a nation’s economic activity to fluctuate? b) What causes unemployment? c) What causes prices to rise? d) How does being a part of a global economic system affect nations’ economies? e) Can government policies be used to improve economic performance? f) Through macroeconomics we an answer these questions. 2. Idea of T his Microeconomics examines the behavior of individual decision -making units — business firms and households. Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix mi cro – meaning “large” + economics) is a branch of economics dealing with the performance ; structure ; behavior ; and decision -making of an economy as a whole. This includes regional ; national ; and global economies. Macroeconomists study aggregated indicators such as GDP ; unemployment rates ; national income ; price indices ; and the interrelations among the different s ectors of the economy to better understand how the whole economy functions. They also develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as national income ; output ; consumption ; unemployment ; inflation ; saving ; investment ; international trad e; and international finance. While macroeconomics is a broad field of study ; there are two areas of research that are emblematic of the discipline: the attempt to understand the causes and consequences of short -run fluctuations in national income (the business cycle) ; and the attempt to understand the determinants of long -run econ omic growth (increases in national income). Macroeconomic models and their forecasts are used by governments to assist in the development and evaluation of economic policy. Macroeconomics deals with the economy as a whole; it examines the behavior of economic aggregates such as aggregate income ; consumption ; investment ; and the overall level of prices. Aggregate behavior refers to the behavior of all households and firms together. Macroec onomics and microeconomics ; a pair of terms coined by Ragnar Frisch ; are the two most general fields in economics. In contrast to macroeconomics ; microeconomics is the branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisio ns and the interactions among these individuals and firms in narrowly -defined markets. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications 3. Importance When we study the consumption behavior or equilibrium of a consumer; the production pattern & equilibrium of a firm ; the entire analysis is ‘micro’ in nature……because We study a UNIT and not the SYSTEM in which it is operating. 3.1 Study of Macroeconomics a) The economic wellbeing of consumers rich or poor is affected by movement in interest rates ; exchange rates ; inflation etc. b) Businesses stand to gain or lose considerable amounts of money when their economic environment changes ; regardless of how well they are managed. c) The economic wellbeing of consumers rich or poor is affected by movement in interest rates ; exc hange rates ; inflation etc. d) Businesses stand to gain or lose considerable amounts of money when their economic environment changes ; regardless of how well they are managed. e) Being prepared for such changes in fortunes can have considerable value; more gener ally ; it makes us all better citizens able to grasp the complex challenges that our societies face. f) Macroeconomics is relevant to voters who wonder what their governments are up to. g) Study of Macroeconomics also help governments avoid the worst economic crises that have afflicted modern industrial societies in the past century — depressions and hyperinflations. h) These extreme situations can tear at a society’s social fabric ; yet can be prevented when policy -makers apply sound economic principles. 4. Origin of this Idea Before the publication of Keynes “General Theory…. ” the distinction between Micro & Macro economic issues did not arise at all. The need for separate study of macroeconomics was felt by Keynes while understanding and analyzing the Great Depression of 1929. 5. The Roots of Macroeconomics The Great Depression was a period of severe economic contraction and high unemployment that began in 1929 and continued throughout the 1930s. 24 The accepted economic theory of the pre – Keynesian era ; believed that the economy usually remains at full employment level (full utilization of resources). If there are any departures from this situation ; these are purely temporary and for a short period of time. However ; these classical models failed to expl ain the prolonged existence of high unemployment during the Great Depression. This provided the impetus for the development of macroeconomics. In 1936 ; John Maynard Keynes published The General Theory of Employment ; Interest ; and Money . Keynes believed governments could intervene in the economy and affect the level of output and employment. During periods of low private demand ; the government can stimulate aggregate demand to lift the economy out of recession. Macroeconomics encompasses a variety of conc epts and variables ; but there are three central topics for macroeconomic research. Macroeconomic theories usually relate the phenomena of output ; unemployment ; and inflation. Outside of macroeconomic theory ; these topics are also important to all economic agents including workers ; consumers ; and producers. 6. Long -Run Economic Growth We can explain this term – a) Rich nations have experienced extended periods of rapid economic growth. b) Poor nations either have never experienced them or economic growth was offset by economic decline. 6.1. Total O utput Total output is increasing because of increasing population ; i.e. the number of available workers. It refers increasing average labor productivity: the amount of output produced per unit of labor input. Rates of growth of output (or output per worker) are determined by: a) rates of saving and investment; b) rates of technological change; c) Rates of change in other factors. 7. Business Cycles Business cycles are short -run contractions and expansions of economic activity. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications The most volatile period in the history of Canadian output was between 1914 and 1945. The business cycle ; also known as the economic cycle or trade cycle ; is the downward and upward movement of gross domestic product (GDP) around its long -term growth trend. The length of a business cycle is the period of time containing a single boom and contraction in sequence. These fluctuations typically involve shifts o ver time between periods of relatively rapid economic growth (expansions or booms) and periods of relative stagnation or decline (contractions or recessions). 8. Recessions Recession is the downward phase of a business cycle when national output is falling or growing slowly. In economics ; a recession is a business cycle contraction when there is a general decline in economic activity. Macroeconomic indicators such as GDP (gross domestic product) ; investment spending ; capacity utilization ; household income ; business profits ; and inflation fall ; while bankruptcies and the unemployment rate rise. In the United Kingdom ; it is defined as a negative economic growth for two consecutive quarters. a) Hard times for many people b) A major political concern 9. Unemployment Recessions are usually accompanied by high unemployment: the number of people who are available for work and are actively seeking it but cannot find jobs. Unemployment or joblessness is a situation in which able – bodied people who are looking for a job cann ot find a job. The causes of unemployment are heavily debated. 9.1. The Unemployment Rate a) The unemployment rate can stay high even when the economy is doing well. b) After eight years of economic growth ; in 2000 ; the unemployment rate in Canada was near 7%. 10 . Inflation 100% Force Labour Unemployed Rate nt Unemployme   26 a) When prices of most goods and services are rising over time it is inflation. When they are falling it is deflation. b) The inflation rate is the percentage increase in the average level of prices. c) Effects of Inflation d) When the inflation rate reaches an extremely high level the economy tends to function poorly. The purchasing power of money erodes quickly ; which forces people to spend their money as soon as they receive it. e) Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises ; each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services; consequently ; inflation reflects a reduction in the purchasing power per unit of money – a loss of real value in the medium of exchange and unit of account within the economy. The measure of inflation is the inflation rate ; the annualized percentage change in a general price index ; usually the consumer price index ; over time. The opposite of inflation is deflation. 9.1 The International Economy An economy which has extensive trading and financial relationships with other national economies is an open economy. An economy with no relationships is a closed economy. International trade and borrowing relationships can transmit business cycles from country to country. 9.2 Exports and Imports Exports are one component of international trade. The other component is imports. They are the goods and services bought by a country’s residents that are produced in a foreign country. Combined ; they make up a country’s trade balance. When the country exports more than it imports ; it has a trade surplus. When it imports more than it exports ; it has a trade deficit. As example ; Canadian exports are goods and services produced in Canada and consumed abroad. Canadian imports are goods and services produced abroad and consumed in Canad a. An import is a good brought into a jurisdiction ; especially across a national border ; from an external source. The party bringing in the good is called an importer. An import in the receiving country is an export from the sending country. Importation an d exportation are the defining financial transactions of international trade. In international trade ; the importation and exportation of goods are limited by import quotas and mandates from the customs authority. 9.4 Trade Imbalances Trade imbalances (trade surplus and deficit) affect output and employment. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications a) Trade surplus: exports exceed imports. b) Trade deficit: imports exceed exports. c) The balance of trade ; commercial balance ; or net exports is the difference between the monetary value of a nation’s exports and imports over a certain time period. Sometimes a distinction is made between a balance of trade for goods versus one for services. The balance of trade measures a flow of exports and imports over a given period of time. The notion of the balance of trade does not mean that exports and imports are “in balance” with each other. 10 .5 The Exchange Rate a) The trade balance is affected by the exchange rate: the amount of Canadian dollars that can be purchased with a unit of foreign currency. Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchange market ; which is open to a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers ; and where currency trading is continuous. 11 . Macroeconomic Policy A nation’s economic performance depends on: a) natural and human resources; b) capital stock; c) technology d) economic choices made by citizens; e) Macroeconomic policies of the government. f) Fiscal policy: government spending and taxation at different government levels. g) Monetary policy: the central bank’s control of short -term interest rates and the money supply. 11.1 . Budget Deficits a) The economy is affected when there are large budget deficits: the excess of government spending over tax collection. b) The large budget def icits of the 1980s and early 1990s are unusual. c) Borrowing from the public might divert funds from more productive uses. d) Federal budget deficits might be linked to the decline in productivity growth. A budget deficit occurs when expenses exceed revenue and indicate the financial health of a country. The government generally 28 uses the term budget deficit when referring to spending rather than businesses or individuals. Accrued deficits form national debt. In cases where a budget deficit is identified ; current expenses exceed the amount of income received through standard operations. A nation wishing to correct its budget deficit may need to cut back on certain expenditures ; increase revenue -generating activities ; or employ a combination of the two. The opposite of a budget deficit is a budget surplus. When a surplus occurs ; revenue exceeds current expenses and results in excess funds that can be allocated as desired. In situations where the inflows equal the outflows ; the budget is balanced. The opposit e of a budget deficit is a budget surplus. When a surplus occurs ; revenue exceeds current expenses and results in excess funds that can be allocated as desired. In situations where the inflows equal the outflows ; the budget is balanced. 11 .2. Aggregation a) Macroeconomists ignore distinctions between individual product markets and focus on national totals. b) The process of summing individual economic variables to obtain economy wide totals is called aggregation. c) Aggregation in the futures markets is a principal involving the combination of all future positions owned or controlled by a single trader or group of traders. Aggregation in financial planning is a time – saving accounting method that consolidates an individual’s financial data from various institutions. It is increasingly popular with advisers for servicing clients’ accounts. 12 . What Macroeconomists Do Most important acts are – a) Macroeconomic forecasting b) Macroeconomic analysis c) Macroeconomic research d) Data development Macroeconomic forecasting – prediction of future economic trends – has some success in the short run. In the long run too many factors are highly uncertain. Macroeconomic analysis – analyzing and interpreting events as they happen – helps both private sector and public policymaking. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications Macroeconom ic research – trying to understand the structure of the economy in general – forms the basis for macroeconomic analysis and forecasting. e) Economic theory: a set of ideas about the economy to be organized in a logical framework. f) Economic model: a simplified description of some aspects of the economy. Economists can disagree on normative issues because of differences in values. Economists disagree on positive issues because of different schools of thought. The invisible hand of Economics: General welfare will be maximized (not the distribution of wealth) if:there are free markets; individuals act in their own best interest To maintain markets’ equilibrium – the quantities demanded and supplied are equal: • Markets must function without impediments. • Wages and prices should be flexible. Thus ; according to the classical approach ; the government should have a limited role in the economy. 13 . The Keynesian Approach a) Keynes (1936) assumed that wages and prices adjust slowly. b) Thus ; markets could be out of equilibrium for long periods of time and unemployment can persist. c) Therefore ; according to the Keynesian approach ; governments can take actions to alleviate unemployment. d) The government can purchase goods and services ; thus increasing the demand for output and reducing unemployment. e) Newly generated incomes would be spent and would raise employment even further. f) After stagflation – high unemployment and high inflation – of the 1970s ; a modernized classical approach reapp eared. g) Substantial communication and cross -pollination is taking place between the classical and the Keynesian approaches. 13.1. Unified Approach to Macroeconomics a) Individuals ; firms and the government interact in goods ; asset and labor markets. 30 b) The macroeconomic analysis is based on the analysis of individual behavior . c) Keynesian and classical economists agree that in the long run prices and wages adjust to equilibrium levels. d) The basic model will be used either with classical or Keynesian assumptions about flexibility of wages and prices in the short run. 14. Importance of Macroeconomics a) To understand the working of the economy Macroeconomic variables like Total Income ; Total Output ; Employment and General Price level help us in analyzing the functioning of the economy. In Economic Policies – Macroeconomic study helps us to find a solution to complex economic problems of modern times. i. General Unemployment ; ii. National In come data helps in forecasting the level of economic activity & to understand th e distribution of income among different groups of people in the economy. b) In Economic Growth – To plan for economic growth ; it is necessary that the macro economic variables like income ; output and employment are evaluated. In Monetary P roblems – Frequent changes in the value of money (?) affects the economy adversely!! c) In Business Cycles – Macroeconomics began to be studied only after the Great Depression. Thus ; its importance lies in analyzing the causes of economic fluctuations and in providing remedies. 15 . Conclusion Thus we can discuss about all the spheres of macroeconomics. We can understand importance of this macroeconomics by this article. This article introduces the importance of this course. The main functions of macroeconomics are the collection ; organizing ; and analysis of data; determining national income; and formulating appropriate economic policies to maintain economic growth and full employment in a developing country. An Overview on Macroeconomics: Ideas, Approaches and Importance Copyright © 2019 | Seagull Publications Reference 1. Blanchard ; Olivier (2011). Macroeconomics Updated (5th Ed .). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978 -0-13 -215986 -9. 2. Blaug ; Mark (1986) ; Great Economists before Keynes ; Brighton: Wheatsheaf. 3. Blaug ; Mark (2002). “Endogenous growth theory”. In Snowdon ; Brian; Vane ; Howard ( Eds .). An Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics. Northampton ; Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing. 4. Macroeconomics: Principles ; Problems ; & Policies (Irwin Economics) by Campbell McConnell ; Stanley Brue and Sean Flynn 5. Principles of Macroeconomics (Mankiw’s Principles of Economics) by N. Gregory Mankiw




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mobile electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor brain activity of officers when put into stressful situations

Selective Service

The selection process for law enforcement officers includes an interview, situational tests, and psychological tests. As in most professions, officers also participate in annual continuing education programs.  While there is a need for updated training for officers, researchers have also recognized the need to study police behaviors. Recently, researchers have created a mobile electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor brain activity of officers when put into stressful situations. Read about the study here. Now locate a news article that discusses how police officers are trained to handle stressful situations. Given the information you found, how does your article interpret the research study? Your paper should be no more than two (2) pages and should include an APA citation for the article analyzed

Please read the article first


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Integrated into the topic will be content or activity in a) support of  antiracist approach to work

resent a 10-15 minute, interactive training. We know that in 10-15 minutes you are unable to do a full training. This training is meant to share a sample of how you work. Th

please come prepared to present a 10-15 minute, interactive training. We know that in 10-15 minutes you are unable to do a full training. This training is meant to share a sample of how you work.

The directions are below:

1. Choose one of the topics listed here: a leadership skill, giving and receiving feedback, choose  value to highlight, or a topic of your choosing.

2. Integrated into the topic will be content or activity in a) support of  antiracist approach to work and/or b) in support of the strategic transformation to eliminate health inequities in Oregon by 2030. 

3. Include supportive materials in your mini-training such as a) a PowerPoint slide deck, b) a workbook sample, and/or c) a handout.

note please follow the instructions carefully. 


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Psychological demands of the activity

 The word document (PAP document 2023) is what the assignment must be completed in. The pdf document labelled week five highlights how to do the assignment. I have the marking scheme attached as well. The assignment looks for video, but you don’t need to do this. Pictures of FITT training plans etc. would be needed.I need the assignment completed five times (in every case, the athlete is 18 years of age approx.) (see below). So basically 5 assignments need to be done and sent back to me.
For each section A, using theoretical concepts, learners will complete an analysis of their performance and identify areas of strengths and weakness.
I must come up with a performance analysis by testing myself in the following areas in the specific sport/activity that I choose. The eight areas are:
Learning a new skill, developing technique
Psychological demands of the activity
Physiological demands of the activity
Performance-related components of fitness
Health-related components of fitness
Movement and biomechanical analysis
Tactical and strategical application
Diet and Nutrition
Accompanying images (images can be in word format and used as an appendix at the end) should show the results of tests in these areas and how they compare against the national norm. You will have to make up the results here. Referring to the Energy systems, i.e. ATP-PC system, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic glycolysis needed is chosen sport would be good.
For section B, using the SMART strategy, they must identify four performance goals. Learners need to explain why they selected each goal and how it relates to their performance analysis in section A.
In order to improve, they come up with a 6-week training planning incorporating the FITT principle, and that also accounts for the principles of training, i.e. SPORT & RAID ( Specificity, Progressive Overload, Reversibility, Tedium, Rest, Recovery and Overtraining, Adaptation, Individual Needs and Diminishing Returns) and should have periodisation (mesocycle/macrocycle/microcycle) in order to address each performance goal. Plans should incorporate Warm-Up – RAMP: Raise, Activate and Mobilise, Potentiate, Cool Down & mention strategies for rest and recovery. It should incorporate the different training methods, i.e. fartlek, circuit training, HIIT, resistance, plyometrics etc. Some training plans may look at diet & nutrition or Strategies to improve psychological preparedness.
Accompanying images (images can be in word format and used as an appendix at the end) should show the training plans geared towards the specific performance goal. An interim reflection should be completed to review the plan’s effectiveness and current progress against the four performance goals. Appropriate changes should be documented and justified.
Section C is the concluding analysis. A second analysis of performance will be completed so learners can ascertain any progress they made against their four performance goals and in all tests used in section A. Again you will have to make up results here. The analysis process completed should include the same contexts used in the initial performance analysis for a fair comparison. Learners will comment on progress made in relation to the effectiveness of their training plan and the quality of its implementation. (images can be in word format and used as an appendix at the end
The five subjects I would like tested are as follows:
65 kg male basketballer – four performance goals that need to be SMART can be based on
Performance-related components of fitness – improving agility
Health-related components of fitness – improving Cardiovascular Endurance
Psychological demands of the activity – scot or swot analysis
Learning a new skill, developing technique e.g. free throw
The FITT training plans that incorporate the principles of training etc then focus on these 4 performance goals in section B
60kg female doing resistance training, i.e. squats, lunges, bench press, pull up, push up, unilateral, bilateral) – four performance goals that need to be SMART can be based on
Performance-related components of fitness – improving power
Health-related components of fitness – improving muscular strength
Diet and Nutrition – good diet needed to build muscle & lose fat
Movement and biomechanical analysis of squat, push up & pull up technique
The FITT training plans that incorporate the principles of training etc then focus on these 4 performance goals in section B
70kg male soccer player – four performance goals that need to be SMART can be based on
Performance-related components of fitness – improving reaction time
Health-related components of fitness – improving flexibility
Diet and Nutrition to enhance performace
Learning a new skill, developing technique e.g. passing
The FITT training plans that incorporate the principles of training etc then focus on these 4 performance goals in section B
55 kg female volleyball player – four performance goals that need to be SMART can be based on
Learning a new skill, developing technique e.g. the dig
Health-related components of fitness – improving muscular endurance
Psychological demands of the activity anxiety
Physiological demands of the activity – sleep
The FITT training plans that incorporate the principles of training etc then focus on these 4 performance goals in section B
60 kg male sprinter – four performance goals that need to be SMART for section B can be based on
Performance-related components of fitness – improving speed
Health-related components of fitness – Cardiovascular Endurance
Diet and Nutrition to improve performance
Movement and biomechanical analysis of sprinting technique
The FITT training plans that incorporate the principles of training etc then focus on these 4 performance goals in section B
assignment requirements
The three sections of your project must not exceed a total length of 1600 words, excluding references and bibliography.
You must not change the structure or format of the booklet in any way and should adhere to the following formatting guidelines:
The text should be in Arial, font size 12.
You may make use of text editing features such as italics, bullets, postscript, etc.
Document margins have been set and should not be changed. The text margins for each A4 page are:
Left, right, and top margins 20 mm.
Bottom margin 30 mm
You are also not allowed to attach or include links to any other material.
An image can be any relevant graph, chart, diagram or photograph. They can be inserted in the appendices at the end of each section in this booklet. When referring in the body of the report to any specific image, the image must be properly labelled (figure 1, figure 2, etc.). You are not allowed to include picture collages. The total number of images allowed throughout this booklet is 16.
You must also include references and a bibliography in the space provided at the end of the booklet. You must reference any information used in your report, such as publications including books, professional journals and government reports; online sources and other types of media; specialist organisations and relevant individuals. To include such material without properly referencing the source will be considered plagiarism.
Some good references would be appreciated throughout where possible. If each assignment had 5-8 references, it would be good.

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Role play activity Dealing with Difficult Guests and Problem Solving.

1. Pick one interaction from role play activity Dealing with Difficult Guests and Problem Solving. Tell us your solution using the script to describe it. List any other recommendations that you can think of and any that your classmates suggested that you came up with as a group.

2. Tell us the importance of understanding how to deal with difficult guests and learning how to solve problems will be beneficial to you going forward for your future careers. 

Submission: Reflections will be one page (250 words) in APA standard format with title page, double-spaced in 12 point font.

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Activity Based Costing (ABC) differ from traditional costing

How does Activity Based Costing (ABC) differ from traditional costing?  Which is better to allocate the cost of hospital X-ray equipment?  Why?

  Indirect costs must be allocated to assign them to activities that caused them to be incurred.  A significant indirect cost in Health Services organizations is the cost of Financial Services.  To allocate these costs would it be better to use patient revenues or the number of bills generated?  

Read the article from the link below.  This Week’s chapter is on cost allocation.  The article was written in 2011, just before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, is the method of cost allocation more important or less important?  Why?  


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Counselor Mock Training Activity

STI Risk Assessment Counselor Mock Training Activity

In this assignment, imagine that you are a health educator in-training whose job will involve assessing individuals for STI risk and providing risk reduction counseling. This assignment is set up as a series of mock training activities designed to teach the health educator in-training (you!) all about STI risk assessment and provide an opportunity to practice assessment skills.

Note: This assignment should primarily be focused on STIs other than HIV. HIV will be covered in more detail in another lesson.

Part 1

The first part of the mock training provides health educators with an overview of STIs in their home state. To complete this portion of the training, visit the following websites to review the most common STIs in your state, identify the groups most commonly impacted by STIs, and determine what types of preventive services and programs are offered in your state.

Part 1 Deliverable: 1-2 paragraph(s) written summary addressing the points noted above.

Part 2

The second part of the mock training teaches health educators the assessment process and rationale. To complete this portion of the training, review the Guide for STD/HIV/Hepatitis Integrated Risk Assessment , taking careful note of the risk assessment questions and categories, the rationale for each question, and the appropriate risk reduction strategies and follow-up actions (such as appropriate screenings and/or referrals) based on patient responses.

Part 2 Deliverable: 1-2 paragraph(s) describing your opinion of the main strengths and weaknesses of the Integrated Risk Assessment for identifying STI risks.

Part 3

The third part of the mock training provides health educators with the opportunity to practice explaining the importance of STI assessment to others. To complete this portion of the training, write a short script (1-2 paragraph(s)) to use with individuals who come in for STI screening that explains the purpose and importance of STI screening.

Part 3 Deliverable: 1-2 paragraph(s) “script” explaining the purpose and importance of STI screening.

Part 4

The final part of the mock training is designed to help health educators understand the assessment process from the patient perspective, supporting the development of competence and empathy. To complete this portion of the training, complete the Integrated Risk Assessment yourself and write a brief personal reflection (around 1 page or less)  that:

  1. summarizes what you learned about evaluating STI risk,
  2. addresses whether you have any personal risk factors for STI,
  3. identifies appropriate personal risk reduction strategies you can apply now or in the future should your risk factors change, including recommended testing, vaccination, and other referrals, and
  4. describes your personal reactions to completing the assessment, including a reflection on how the process of self-assessment is valuable to becoming a competent and empathetic health educator.

Part 4 Deliverable: Brief personal reflection that addresses items 1 through 4 above. Note: You do not need to submit your completed Risk Assessment, only the personal reflection.

Final Submission: The final submission should combine the deliverables from each part of the assignment into one document, that will be about 2 pages in length


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Physical Activity Resource Brochure

Part 2: Physical Activity Resource Brochure

After reading the websites cited in the Overview and your peer’s Discussion posts develop a one-page Physical Activity Resource Brochure/infographic. Imagine that your peers all live in the same general location. Research one fun and unusual but accessible activity that will meet the physical activity goals of you and your peers.

Remember to search for activities on Living Social, Groupon, Department of Recreation and Parks brochures, club and meetings sections of the newspaper, bulletin boards in your favorite neighborhood coffee shop or grocery store, etc. Develop a one-page infographic as the brochure which offers information on:

  • a description of the activity
  • cost
  • when and where
  • website or copy of the listing location

The activity should be described as above noted with the addition of photos or graphics to enhance the brochure. Pictures and graphics are required. 

You may submit your brochure/infographic in PowerPoint, PDF, Word or Microsoft Publisher format. View websites on how to create an 8 X 11.5 color infographic (one-page Word or pdf. document), but do not purchase formatting options. 


Assignment Expectations:

Length: One-page

Structure: One-page colored infographic/brochure

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions.  A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment. Citations on infographic where used, references at the bottom of infographic





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The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Manage Human Resource Strategic Planning

Assessment Guidelines
Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.

  1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Manage Human Resource Strategic Planning.
  2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this assessment.
  3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment submission on Moodle.
  4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic Manager.
  5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.
  6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue a satisfactory (pass) result. A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.
  7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and
    By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied from any other source.
    Student NAME:___________________________ Date:_____
    Assessment Overview
    In this assessment there are three (4) individual tasks which need to be completed
    Task A – Knowledge-based Questions
    Task B – Research planning requirements
    Task C – Develop human resources strategic plan
    Task D – Implement human resources strategic plan
    Each section needs to be completed and submitted to Moodle as part of your final submission.
    There is a case study which compliments this assessment. The case study has been uploaded into Moodle as a separate document, you need to read through the case study in order to be able to complete the assessment.
    If you cannot download the assessment advise your trainer, you will need to use both the case study and PowerPoint lecture slides to help you complete the assessment.
    You must upload all documents into Moodle for your final submission.
    Task A – Knowledge-based Questions
  8. Describe what is meant by ‘strategic HR planning’.
  9. List three political factors which will have a bearing on the legislation and regulation surrounding your business.
  10. List five common options for sourcing labour.
  11. List five potential objectives/targets which a strategic plan is required to address.
    Task B– Research Planning Requirements
  12. Review the case study on KCF and in a class discussion, discuss what you have learnt, including targets and goals which will impact on staff.
  13. Research emerging practice and/or trends which can impact on KCF staff. (Emerging practices and/or trend can include changes in the way people buy or the community expectations, economic trends, new products or services which can be introduced.
    For example the introduction of uber eats.)
  14. Explain how this information you have researched will impact on KFC and the staff in the future? Include information such as if staffing will need to increase or decrease due to trends, skills required, skills staff will need to keep up with a changing trends in the market.
  15. How will the changes on the market place affect the recruitment of staff?
  16. Is there any changes to legislation which will impact on staffing? If so discuss then briefly?
    Task C – Develop human resource strategy plan
  17. Discuss ideas on how you can consult with senior management. In your discussion include copies of email, memos, minutes of meetings or notes confirming meeting discussion.
  18. Discuss how you will gain agreements on values and policies. Your objectives and targets may include development of areas such as equal employment opportunity and diversity, human resources information systems, induction, industrial relations, job analysis and design, occupational health and safety, performance management, professional development, recruitment and selection, remuneration, staff retention and succession planning.
  19. Document your strategic objectives and targets for the agreed plan
  20. Select at least 2 options for achieving your objectives and targets. One of these must be your final choice. These could include external provision by a consultant or contractor/s, having the work performed elsewhere (outsourcing), internal human resources provision of the service/s, and internal non-human resources provision of the service/s and/or merging of business units. Discuss each and why you made the final choice that you made. Include a Cost Benefit Analysis for each of your chosen options.
  21. Discuss your strategic human resource plan and mention how you will gain support from senior management ?
  22. Develop a risk management plan to support the agreed strategic human resource plan and manage contingencies.
    Task D – Implement human resource strategic plan
  23. Discuss how you will work with others to see the plan is implemented. How will you monitor and review the plan?
  24. How can the plan be adapted if circumstances change?
  25. Discuss how you will evaluate and review the performance of the plan against the objectives?





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