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Identity theft is becoming more common as technology continues to advance exponentially

Project 2: Identity Theft ResponseStart Here


Identity Theft Response

Identity theft is becoming more common as technology continues to advance exponentially. Mobile devices, applications, and email make it more convenient for individuals to access records and financial accounts, but also increase the risk of identity theft.

As the CISO, you will be drafting an incident response plan to address identity theft for your financial organization.

Identity Theft Response is the second of four sequential projects in this course. The final plan will be about 10-12 pages in length. There are 16 steps in this project and it should take about 14 days to complete. Begin with Step 1, where you will identify types of cyberattacks in which personally identifiable information could be vulnerable.


Your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below.

·         1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

·         2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.

·         8.4: Design an enterprise cybersecurity incident response plan.

Project 2: Identity Theft ResponseStep 1: Identify Potential PII Attacks

Since this project will require an enterprise cybersecurity incident response plan with considerations specifically to identity theft, types of attacks must be identified. In a table or spreadsheet, identify the types of attacks that could result in denial of access to or theft of PII (personally identifiable information). Consider both internal and external incidents and those associated with employees and/or customers. Submit your list of potential PII attacks for feedback from your CIO (course instructor).

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You will build upon this list of identified attacks throughout this project to form your Incident Response Plan. In the next step, industry-specific standards related to these types of attacks will be addressed.

Step 2: Align Industry-Specific Standards

Now that you have identified potential attacks in the previous step, you should research and identify state or federal government standards established for the protection of PII (where they exist) as well as industry codes. Keep in mind that while you are concerned in particular about standards that govern the financial industry, there are different standards specific to other industries. As a CISO, you need to be aware that regulations can vary—for example, standards are different in the health care field.

Add an additional column to the prepared list of potential types of PII attacks from the previous step. In this second column, note what standards might be required when addressing each incident type. You should align government-mandated and sector-voluntary standards to the PII attacks identified.

Refer to the provided industry-specific regulations for additional background on existing regulations. As you consider standards for your organization, continue building upon this table in the next step.

Step 3: Exceed Policy Standards to Fulfill Company Demands

In the previous step, you identified the policy standards for relevant PII attacks. In this step, address any types of attacks that were not aligned in the previous step or those in which given standards are considered inadequate by senior leadership. As CISO, you are aware of your organization’s expectations to guarantee the highest level of security for the organization and individuals in regards to theft of PII (personally identifiable information).

To complete this phase of the project, you will add an additional one to two columns to include upgraded or superior solutions on items considered to still be vulnerable. The alternatives that you add should reflect your organizational demands, initiatives, and vision. You will assess and prioritize this list of solutions in the next step.

Step 4: Assess Alternatives

Now that you have created a list of alternative solutions, assess your recommendations and prioritize them in a final column. Prioritize each alternative by placing a number “1” next to the first priority, a number “2” next to the second, and so on.

To the right of the prioritized solutions, in a sentence or two, state why you selected that alternative in that particular position. Submit the updated PII Solution Alternatives Table for feedback.

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This table will be used as an appendix in your final Incident Response Plan. In the next step, you will begin to develop a strategy for breach management.

Step 5: Complete the Executing the Response to a Cyberattack eLearning Module

So far, you have identified potential PII attacks and developed a set of PII solution and prevention alternatives. Before outlining a strategy for breach management, review Executing the Response to a Cyberattack. A response to cyberattack typically includes prevention measures, which you have already considered, but it also includes defense, detection, recovery, and response concerns. These areas should be developed with business considerations and subject to the advice of company leaders.

Now that you have become more familiar with an overview of how to execute a response to a cyberattack, proceed to the next step to outline a breach management strategy.

Step 6: Outline Breach Management Strategy

The next several steps will fit the alternatives into a breach management strategy. Strategic thinking can be challenging in a project environment. A “project” is work- and task-oriented, and it includes specific deliverables produced within a defined timeframe. Such projects have a limited budget and are developed to exact specifications. This project’s charter is to present a strategic view of responding to a potential breach in the area of the system containing PII.

This section of the planning should explore areas other than cyber technology. It is about policies, required and recommended, that expand the project notes you have been creating to address corporate concerns outside of the technology realm, such as legal implications, reporting, etc.

Briefly outline, for use in the next few steps, a strategic approach in response to a breach allowing access to PII—customers and/or employees. Think of the policy aspects that will have to be addressed. You will continue to use the findings determined here and over the next few steps to produce a breach management strategy.

Breach management options will be considered in the next step.

Step 7: Determine Breach Management Options

Using the outline of the strategic approach developed in the previous step, determine both the technical and strategic options available in addressing a breach of PII. The eventual goal is to help senior management understand the level of effort required in an appropriate response to a breach. Take note of these options for future use.

Once complete, you will be ready to research legal issues in the next step.

Step 8: Research Breach Management Legal Issues

With breach management options identified in the last step, begin to research associated legal issues. Breach management in response to exfiltration of PII is well documented in a legal context. Multiple resources are available that address the issue. This section of your research and breach management strategy report should carefully identify all the concerns being raised in the courts surrounding previously documented cases.

The idea is to find evidence of court cases being litigated that are a result of a PII breach—not necessarily the outcomes of those legal proceedings. Identify the issues that your policy strategy should address and draft a discussion. This discussion will be used in a future report. After considering legal issues, move to the next step, which will be a look at cyber insurance.

Step 9: Research Breach Management Cyber Insurance Options

Redirect the research from legal issues in the last step to cyber insurance options in this step. As the number of PII breaches grows, so does the new industry of cyber insurance. Draft several paragraphs that state the options now available for this component of risk mitigation. Be sure to include what is covered by most readily available insurance policies, as well as what is not covered.

As an example: Is the institution covered for a customer PII breach if it is determined the breach was caused by an employee? The intent is not to make you a cyber insurance expert, but to offer senior leadership some of the strategic, big-picture options. This draft will be used in a future report.

In the next step, you will research the regulatory requirements of breach management.

Step 10: Research Breach Management Reporting and Other Requirements

Publicly traded enterprises and health care organizations are subject to governmental regulations and requirements where PII is concerned. In addition, some industries voluntarily impose standards upon their members. This is the section of the breach management strategy to address those issues.

What are the minimum reporting requirements applicable to financial institutions (in this case)? What standards are in place that must be met to prevent additional damage to the institution in the way of fines, warnings, or other sanctions as a result of noncompliance with regulations on reporting the breach?

Actual requirements for other industries could be similar, overlapping, or not, determined by the business sector, inclusion in critical infrastructure classification, and a number of other factors. The financial sector is our example for this project and not to be considered comprehensive or all-inclusive across all sectors.

In the next step, you will compile the report on breach management strategy.

Step 11: Compile the Breach Management Strategy Report

After considering the elements of breach management strategy over the last several steps, compile all drafts and revise into a complete five- to seven-page Breach Management Strategy that will present policies to senior leadership for the response to a PII breach.

You will need to include an overview of your strategic approach, options available, legal issues, cyber insurance, reporting and other requirements, and finally the proposal. Your proposal should identify issues/impacts with mitigation strategies, and include regulatory responses where they exist. Note how financial industry reporting requirements differ from health care or other industries.

Submit the Breach Management Strategy for feedback. This report will help complete your work on the final incident response plan.

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Step 12: Compose Policy Components of an Incident Response Plan (IRP)

Now that you have a proposed breach management strategy, you are ready to begin development of an incident response plan (IRP) specific to a breach of PII. Compose the key policy components of an incident response plan in a list to be used as a basis for the next step.

Step 13: Itemize the Steps of an IRP

Start at the key policy component list from the last step and add postincident requirements already identified to itemize the actions it will take to accomplish these goals. Keep in mind the level of effort required and time involved to accomplish each element of the IRP.

You now have all the information necessary to create a comprehensive IRP. To get your mind set in the right direction, imagine that a breach affecting PII has occurred. It is the organization’s worst cyber incident. What do you do? How does the organization respond? What steps need to be taken to meet all the requirements you have identified in the Breach Management Strategy?

This step is to create a list or an outline; the use of a spreadsheet is recommended to facilitate subsequent steps in the project. The primary column is all of the actions or tasks that need to be completed in the IRP. As part of this first list, identify what department is responsible for what action by considering the functional areas of a financial institution.

You will build upon this list in the next step by adding the element of time to your spreadsheet documentation.

Step 14: Assign a Typical Timeline for an IRP

As a result of your Breach Management Strategy, are there specific timelines required by the regulatory compliance you referenced? If so, that should be your starting point for creating the IRP timeline. These are referred to as project “milestones.” Look at the list you created in the previous step and put those milestones in a required response time sequence.

When building the timeline, pay attention to elements that depend on previous elements—things that must be completed before a following action can be started. In project management, these are referred to as “critical path” items.

This section of creating the IRP must have all critical path items covered within regulatory milestones. It is not mandatory to assign perfect values to the actual time it takes to accomplish each action item. It is mandatory to show the milestone dates.

As an example, one reporting requirement for a financial institution suffering a PII breach is likely to be to notify all affected customers within 72 hours of the breach. That means you will have a customer notification milestone at three days in the IRP.

After you have added the milestone dates to your spreadsheet documentation, you will plan for implementation of the incident response plan in the next step.

Step 15: Plan for the IRP Implementation

This is the step where you tie together the requirements (milestones), the timeline (critical path), and which department will be responsible for what elements in the plan (accountability). Ensure all of the rows and columns in the spreadsheet are in alignment to accomplish the goal of minimizing the impact of the PII breach. It is the final step in creating the IRP. This spreadsheet will be included in your final IRP.

Now, it is time for the final step, in which you will explain the results of all your hard work on the IRP to senior leadership.

Step 16: Complete the Incident Response Policy Plan (IRP)

The resulting IRP should be a total of 10 to 12 pages that present an actionable plan to fully address a breach of the organization’s PII. It should include a final paragraph on your thoughts about how the recommendations are likely to be received.

This final step is to bring all the work together. Use what has been created in the previous steps as detail to support your completed plan on incident response. Synthesize the material and include all CIO (instructor) feedback received.

Include in your comprehensive IRP the review and findings from a policy approach to maintain or exceed compliance with all regulatory demands. In addition, demonstrate your adherence to the best possible outcome for victims of a PII breach.

Remember, confidence in and approval of the approach is mandatory. It has already been determined that a breach of the organization’s PII is a serious matter. The CEO and the rest of the executives are depending on your expertise to address the situation quickly and effectively. This IRP is that plan of action.

Submit the complete report to the CIO for approval and delivery to the senior leadership team.

Check Your Evaluation Criteria

Before you submit your assignment, review the competencies below, which your instructor will use to evaluate your work. A good practice would be to use each competency as a self-check to confirm you have incorporated all of them. To view the complete grading rubric, click My Tools, select Assignments from the drop-down menu, and then click the project title.

·         1.3: Provide sufficient, correctly cited support that substantiates the writer’s ideas.

·         2.2: Locate and access sufficient information to investigate the issue or problem.

·         8.4: Design an enterprise cybersecurity incident response plan.

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Discuss the possible benefits of Advance care planning for Ben and Jan

Assessment 2: Written essay- case based scenario
Assessment type: Case study
Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 35%
Subject related SiLOs: 1-3
This case study is adapted from Ben’s s story, who you’ll be familiar with from workshops you’ve attended:
Ben is a 65-year-old, retired gentleman. Ben lives with his wife Jan who is very supportive and has two adult children Jason and Rose. Ben was diagnosed with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer three years ago, and was treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Up until recently Ben had been fit and well with scans showing no recurrence of disease. A month ago, Ben developed a cough and chest pain, and after seeing his GP was referred for diagnostic imaging. Unfortunately, recent investigations revealed a recurrence of Ben’s lung cancer, which has now metastasised. Please watch here:
Ben has been well supported by Jan since receiving this news, however Jan has found Ben’s care increasingly difficult to manage. As such, Ben is transferred to an aged care facility for respite care. During Ben’s stay, Ben discusses his concerns about dying with Jen, a care worker at the facility. Please watch here
You are required to write a case -based essay that answers the following questions. You are not required to discuss Ben’s specific medical diagnosis, as in the specific pathophysiology of Lung cancer; the focus of this essay is to explore the role of advance care planning in the context of Ben’s chronic illness progression. This will require you to understand the illness trajectory of metastatic lung cancer.
Using The Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act which came into effect on March,
? Discuss the possible benefits of Advance care planning for Ben and Jan
? At what point throughout Ben’s illness trajectory might a conversation on advanced care planning be initiated with Ben? There may be differing opinions on this within the literature, please describe these.
? What sort of information should be included in the advance care plan? Discuss any supporting documents (relevant in Victoria) that may be included in the Advance care plan.
? When would the advance care plan be reviewed and activated?
Planning your essay:
When you plan your essay, consider a person-centred approach to support your discussion. You need to support your discussion with high quality, peer reviewed literature. Your essay needs to draw from legislation that is relevant to Victoria, as laws and legislation vary both nationally and internationally.
In your essay:
• Identify Ben, his diagnosis of metastatic lung cancer and how it applies to the progression of his chronic illness to set the context for your discussion. To do this you will need an understanding of the illness trajectory of metastatic lung cancer, and how the progression of the disease will impact Ben.
• Include an introduction, body and conclusion in your essay. Use headings to indicate the topic you are discussing. The four essay questions can be used as headings.
Please refer to the La Trobe University Nursing & Midwifery Assessment
Presentation Guide:
• Ensure you have clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.
• Discuss why advance care planning is important in relation to person centred care, and informed decision making by drawing from your research sources and their arguments. You are required to use peer reviewed, scholarly articles to support each point you make. You may use Australian government or other authoritative websites
as a point of reference, however the use of web- based sources, or any non -peer reviewed sources is not acceptable (ie Better Health channel, Wikipedia).
• Discuss what sort of information would be included in an advance care plan, referring to the Victoria specific forms which can be found here:
• Discuss when an advance care plan would be reviewed (remembering that advance care planning is an ongoing process and people’s preferences may change over time), and when it would be activated.
• Make sure that any statement of fact is supported by evidence, correctly referenced in-text and in the reference list. When using evidence, paraphrase where possible, and always cite sources.
• Conclude your essay by summarising, not simply restating the essay but by readdressing it considering the evidence provided. Never add any additional and new information in the conclusion!
Helpful checklist:
1) Have you reviewed the case study, Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act, 2016, discussed any supporting documents that may be included in the process 2) Is your discussion clear, concise and defined?
3) Have you answered all the essay questions?
4) Resources (Research). Have you used appropriate literature to support your discussion?
5) Writing
• Clear expression
• Clear and logical structure
• Logical transitions between sections
• Clear paragraphs (topic sentence, evidence, analysis)
• Academic language use e.g. appropriate vocabulary
• Spelling and grammar
• Punctuation
6) Referencing
• APA 6 or 7 referencing style is used consistently
• In-text referencing is used
• A reference list is included
• References are correctly formatted and listed

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Discuss ways in which social media platforms can be used to advance your career or open new career opportunities.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Discuss ways in which social media platforms can be used to advance your career or open new career opportunities.
  • How can they hurt your chances for advancement in the workplace?




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Isues surrounding life and death. Define advance directives available to patients

 Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Explain issues surrounding life and death.
  • Define advance directives available to patients.
  • Apply legal principles of advance directives.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment: HS101-2: Discuss federal and state health care regulations.


Your Assignments in this course will take you through “A Day in the Life” of a healthcare professional. You will be given the opportunity to apply the concepts that you have learned throughout the course to a variety of situations that a healthcare professional might face.

In addition to the grading standards found in the Syllabus, projects will also be graded on accuracy and application of course materials. Each answer should be at least 1 paragraph in length, including supporting facts from the textbook and references.


Read the case study. Respond to the questions that correspond to the scenario and upload to the appropriate Dropbox.

Each question should be answered in complete sentences, using correct sentence structure. Responses should be free of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

Case Study:

Read the Case in Point: Terri Schiavo and Case in Point: Angela Carder, found in Chapter 8 of your textbook. After reading the case, please respond to the questions below. Be sure to include facts from the textbook as well as other sources to support your conclusions. Provide in- text citations and a reference list.

Questions to answer:

  1. There are four types of advance directives listed in your text. Please list and describe them. Identify the type of advance directive Terri Schiavo could have used to avoid the legal battles surrounding the end of her life.
  2. Explain the difference between withholding and withdrawing treatment. Which method was used to end Terri Schiavo’s life?
  3. In the case of Angela Carder, what type of tort might have been committed (assault, battery, fraud, defamation of character, false imprisonment, or invasion of privacy)? Why?
  4. What ethical violations might have taken place in the case of Angela Carder? Be specific, using ethical principles and theories introduced in Unit 1.
  5. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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Advance payments to suppliers

Exercise 1. The following information is available for company ABC as of 31December N:Land 500Additional paid in capital (share premium) 150Advance payments to suppliers (from which for inventories 200) 300Licenses 50Customers 600Prepayments 80Legal reserve 70Dividends payable 100Depreciation of plant and machinery 50Investments in associates 700Issued capital paid in (Share capital paid in) ??Sundry debtors 100Raw materials 60Plant and machinery 700Long term bank loans (of which becoming due in less than one year 150) 525Write downs of raw materials 5Cash at bank 30Provisions for guarantees to customers 500VAT payable 50Long term receivables 100Buildings 300Development costs (assets recognition criteria are fulfilled) 100Other reserves 700Salaries payable 200Depreciation of buildings 50Short term bank loans 150Finished goods 180Profit for the period 250Advances received from customer 100Short term financial investments 150Suppliers payable 100Bills of exchange payable 30Other taxes payable 50Deferred income 100
Required:a. Draw up the balance sheet b. Calculate issued capital (paid in capital).
Exercise 2. Using the following elements prepare an income statement by function and by nature (you must obtain the same result with both methods.
a. Personal expenses 650
a.1. for production 400
a.2. for distribution 150
a.3. for administration 100
b. Interest expenses 40
c. row material expenses 150
d. income tax expenses 150
e. merchandise expenses 10
f. consumable expenses 300
f.1. for production 200
f.2. for distribution 70
f.3. for administration 30
g. Finish goods revenues 1.400
h. Other op expenses.210
i. Financial expenses 46
j. Other taxes expenses 20
k. Finish goods -31.12.N 200
l. Costs CSS 210:
l.1. for production 130
l.2. for distribution 50
l.3. for administration 30
n. Services expenses 10
o. other financial revenue 10
p. seles revenue 50
q. depreciation expenses 250
q.1. for production 180
q.2. for distribution 20
q.3.for administration 50
r. revenue from dividends 120

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Great chess players know their next three moves in advance.

Discussion 1: Selecting the Right Research Design

Great chess players know their next three moves in advance. A chess master can even know how the match might end in the first few moves. The master does so by knowing not only how the pieces can move, but also how they will move based on external factors. The player creates a plan based on all information available and how that information will factor into the game. Similarly, researchers must plan in advance to foresee obstacles that might trouble their research design.

For this Discussion, you will reflect on the information available to you from previous work in this course to create a research design for answering the three questions you have generated. You will further practice creating research designs by giving colleagues feedback on their own.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the quantitative research questions on the Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet you completed for the Week 2 Discussion. You learned and recorded on your worksheet which research questions are descriptive, relational, or comparative.
  • Select a descriptive research question, a relational research question, and a comparative research question.
  • Consider an appropriate research design for each of your three selected questions.
By Day 3

Post and describe an appropriate research design for each of the three different research questions you identified from your Research Question Types Quiz Worksheet. Be sure to include your research questions as part of your discussion. Explain your reasoning for selecting the research design you chose for each of your research questions.