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How do consumer decisions affect leadership decisions and organizational directions?

How can the transparency of price, quality, and safety change the way a consumer selects healthcare choices? Cite a current example of transparency in the healthcare industry.

How do consumer decisions affect leadership decisions and organizational directions? Provide an example to illustrate your perspective and support with scholarly sources. 

Provide scholarly sources to support your perspective on this issue.

Part 2

Select a healthcare organization with which you work or are familiar.

Assume you are the public relations director for your selected healthcare organization. You have been asked to prepare an article on several recent healthcare innovations or changes for an industry publication, describing why your organization proposes to adopt 1 of them. 

Write a 750- to 1,050-word article from your organization’s perspective.

Address the following in your article:

  • Review a minimum of 2 recent (within 3 to 5 years) innovations or changes in health care and their impact on existing systems (e.g., first- and second-movers, wearables, printed organs, genetic testing) related to your selected organization within the health care industry.
  • Align the impact of the innovations/changes with one element of the IHI Quadruple Aim. 
  • Include an analysis explaining how and why the innovations/changes impact the identified IHI Quadruple Aim component. 
  • Describe which innovation/change your organization is proposing to implement and why.

Demonstrate the following within the article:

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Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities

  1. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
  2. Review , read/write,  AND BASE IT ON READ AND WITE
  3. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  4. Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning

In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:  

  1. Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
  2. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  3. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
  4. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Cite to at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.  

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.   

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Resources if you need assistance.


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Why and how did it affect your thoughts on education and teaching secondary reading/writing?

Reflect upon and respond to the following:

Examine the topic and/or reading that affected you most during this course. Why and how did it affect your thoughts on education and teaching secondary reading/writing? Analyze how it will impact your teaching in the future.

please make it a personal reflection and write at least five hundred words. 


1. Anderson, L.W. (2003). Classroom assessment: Enhancing the quality of teacher decision making. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.

  • Read chapters 1-4 (pages 1-94) which provide a solid introduction to assessment usage and application.

2. Berry, R., & Kennedy, K.J. (2008). Assessment for learning. Retrieved from eBook Central (accessed through LIRN). If you are having trouble accessing eBook Central resources, please review the instructions: Finding a chapter in eBook Central Academic.

  • Read chapter 6 (pages 105-122) which focuses on creating assessments that speak to diverse students.

3. USFHealth (n.d.). Creating a rubric: Tutorial. College of Public Health.

  • This site gives a thorough overview of how to create a rubric for use in alternative assessments. Be sure to look through all 6 modules.


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Developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product

Deliverable Length:   10-15 PowerPoint slides (each slide should include 200-250 words each in the notes section)

Based on your discussions with Michelle, you have developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product. As you compile your notes, the phone rings. 

“Hi. This is Michelle. I want to touch base with you about your presentation to the board next week. Do you have any questions about the upcoming meeting?”
“Thanks for calling,” you say. “You have good timing. I was just reviewing my notes and working on my PowerPoint presentation. I think I’ve covered the areas we discussed at our last meeting. Do you have something else that you want me to include?”
“Oh, good,” says Michelle. “Yes, I’d like you to share 3 or 4 goals for the marketing project, too. Make sure these goals are specific as possible. You might want to lead with the goals, but I’ll leave that up to you. Naturally you’ll need to do some research to determine the types of goals that are relevant for a new product project like this. Be as specific as you can when outlining realistic expectations.
“Okay,” you say as you jot down more notes. “Anything else?”
“Just be sure to include your thoughts about whether we should develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns. You’ll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. ”
“Will do. Thanks for the information. I think about 10–15 slides should be about right for a 30-minute presentation.” 

The students should list and explain 3–4 goals that a company in this situation should set for itself. The explanations should be 2–3 sentences each, and they should include citations from the text and other sources. Each goal should be as specific as possible; for example, the goals might include—among other things—the following items: 

  • Sales in dollars or units 
  • Market share 
  • Customer awareness 
  • Profit 
  • Return on investment 
  • Customer satisfaction 


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Analyze the forces that affect the company and marketing efforts. Competitive Forces

Strategic Marketing Plan Part A: Environmental Analysis and SWOT Analysis

(Due in Wk 2) Company Description

Describe the company you are designing the plan for. Include:

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Product line description
  • Company information, such as the size of the company

Environmental Analysis

Analyze the forces that affect the company and marketing efforts. Competitive Forces

Analyze the company’s key competitors. You may choose to use a BCG Matrix or attribute checklist to compare your company against its competitors. Describe any strategic moves the competition has recently made. Estimate your market share. Identify key competitive advantages against your competitors. Economic Forces

Analyze the economic environment in the areas affecting your business. Consider differences within your industry and the economic impact on suppliers. Political Forces

Analyze relevant political forces. Examples may include an election year or a law to drastically reduce or eliminate plastic waste in your county. Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues

Analyze the legal, regulatory, and ethical issues that may affect your business. Considerations may include local laws such as a ban on the use of plastic bags, the ability to post billboards, or a possible increased regulation on direct mail. Technological Forces

Analyze whether your company will be affected by emerging technologies or trends in hardware and software industries Social Forces

Analyze social trends and how they may affect your business. Considerations may include if your business will be affected by demographic trends, a growing dependence on computers, or whether interest in your product might be affected by growing preferences in the way things are done or changing social values. Current Target Markets

Define the company’s current target markets. Describe the demographic, geographic, psychographic, and product usage of these targets. Review Current Marketing

Review the company’s current marketing tactics. Consider how people find out about the product, how they get information about the product or service, what might be involved in the buying process, and what money is available for marketing. If your company is a start-up, describe your competitors’ current marketing. SWOT Analysis

Assess your company’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities, and then evaluate how to address these in your marketing plan. Strengths

Assess your company’s competitive advantage. Consider core competencies, assets, location, practices, etc. that are distinct in the way the organization meets the needs of its customers. Weaknesses

Assess what limits the company may have in its current marketing strategy. Consider if there is a company weakness that needs to be addressed through Public Relations or Marketing. Opportunities

Assess the opportunities you see based on trends or environmental conditions. Threats

Assess the threats or limitations that may interfere with the company’s ability to meet its objectives or interfere with marketing plans. Strengths to Opportunities & Converting Weaknesses and Threats

Convert weaknesses and threats to strengths, then strengths to opportunities in the marketing plan. Consider the implications for addressing supplier relationships, implementing new technologies, or changing the product line or addressing new markets. Marketing Objectives

Establish marketing objectives based on the results from the SWOT analysis. Marketing objectives must align with corporate objectives, modified by the company’s resources. Objectives should include a date for the completion of the objective and the way in which success will be measured. For example: The company will expand its marketing efforts to include a new market segment of 21- to 29-year-olds. This will entail the development of a customized product by June 2020 that will address the specific psychographic and technological needs of this age group. This strategy is expected to attain a 20% growth in overall sales by January 2020. Customer loyalty (willingness to recommend the product) will increase by 30%. Part B: Marketing Data Analysis

(Due in Wk 4) Internal Data

Evaluate internal sources of information available to you inside the organization and what information you will receive from each source. Identify 3-6 sources of internal data. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: Sales dataMonthly sales by specific productAverage sales that month in US dollars for each of 10 products. Data can be segmented by business and consumer markets.Can be used for trend analysis, projections, and to measure effectiveness of promotions.

Secondary Data

Evaluate secondary data sources and the specific information you need from each source. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: U.S. Census BureauIncome over the last 4 years by family structureHousehold structures with the highest income capacityMarket Share Analysis Customer Segments

Primary Data

Evaluate primary data needs to create and evaluate the marketing plan. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: Focus groupProduct usage, motives, identify group level satisfaction, decision process, etc.QualitativeIdentify different reactions of market segments to product. Identify marketing opportunities, product/service flaws and opportunities

Customer Relationship Management

Establish customer touchpoints and develop appropriate CRM events for customer acquisition, retention, and profitability. Insert or remove rows as needed.

CRM TouchpointPurpose & CRM ObjectiveDataPotential Data Usage
Example: Customer profile information on websiteStarts the account for visitors: name, geography, email address (Customer acquisition)Presale: geographic location; customer id, source of reference Email address Post sales: address, product purchased, quantity, price.Track new and returning customer counts, total period purchases by customer ID, geographic sales data. Can be used for loyalty rewards, retention, and targeted marketing.

Part C: Market Strategy, Marketing Channels, Implementation, and Monitoring

(Due in Wk 6) New Customer Segments

Determine any new customer segments for your strategy and describe how you will provide value to each segment.Marketing Mix for New Customer Segments

Determine adaptions for each new customer segment.

  • Products
  • Price
  • Distribution
  • Traditional Promotion
  • Online Promotion

Marketing Implementation

Create the implementation for your marketing plan. Describe how you will organize and implement the plan, such as whether it will be organized by market, geography, and who is responsible for marketing decisions. Marketing Communication Channels

Evaluate the marketing communication channels you will use to reach selected audiences. Include Internet and traditional communication channels to convey key messages. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each channel you select.




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Insert or remove rows as needed.

ChannelTarget MarketAdvantagesDisadvantages
Example: Direct mailMiddle class residentialCan include couponsExpense and low return rate for given product

Strategic Actions

Develop specific activities required to implement the marketing plan. Identify the person or role who will be responsible for each action, when it will be complete, and what standard or metric indicate that the activity is complete. Insert or remove rows as needed.

ActionDate for CompletionPerson/Role ResponsibleStandard/Metric
Example: Design flyer for direct mail campaign1/1/2021J. Smith, graphic designerApproval by senior marketing team and legal


Develop the measurement to identify how you know you have been successful for each strategic action. Specify the measures to track performance against goals. Identify standard reports from your online and traditional marketing efforts. Insert or remove rows as needed.

ActionTargetPerson ResponsibleInter-measurement
Example: Direct mail flyer1100 new inquiriesWestern regional manager500 new inquiries first month of campaign

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Federal Reserve’s monetary policy affect at least 2 of the 4 components of GDP

Competency 2 – Reflection

Assignment Content

  1. Once your faculty member marks this activity as complete in the gradebook, the Competency Assessment will open for you to submit.

    This reflection activity is comprised of two sections collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflections by responding to all prompts.

    Federal Reserve
    Analyze how changes in the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy affect at least 2 of the 4 components of GDP (e.g., consumption, investment, government spending, net exports). Justify your answer to the following question: Have the Federal Reserve’s countercyclical monetary policies been effective in moderating business cycle swings?

    Government Intervention
    ​​​​​​​Government interventions into markets can sometimes succeed, but sometimes they make the situation worse. Explore 2 examples of government intervention that did not work. Explain why the intervention made things worse and what could have been done differently to improve the situation. Support your analysis by including:
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Understand how injuries not only affect the performance of a player but how they affect their mental health and psych as they come back to play

 Paper Outline (write 4 pages total) avoid the chosen points and continue writing over the given paper

Injury psychology

· Understand how injuries not only affect the performance of a player but how they affect their mental health and psych as they come back to play or even during their sit-out period

· Pros and Cons

· How is one affected later on when they get back to play?

· Hypothesis: a lot more negative effects than positive

· How to help improve their mental health

· Does mental health affect individuals to recover faster

· How to help them get back better and stronger when they come back to play

· Ways it harms the athlete mentally

· Tips to help an athlete increase psychological skills in order to control variance aspects


· Background on Negative relationship of athletes and their injuries

· Findings: Negative effects and Positive (If Any) effects of injuries

· Introduce Research Question: How and why injuries affect mental health

· Thesis: Negative impacts on mental health from injuries

· Backed up by articles

· Biggest Negative Impacts Athletes Experience

· 1. Depression/Stress

· 2. Mood Disturbance

· 3. Self-Esteem Levels

· 4. Fear of playing

Body of Paper:

Key Points:

· Negative Impacts Injuries have on players of all sports

· 1. Depression/Stress

· 2. Mood Disturbance

· 3. Self-Esteem Levels

· 4. Fear of playing

· 5. Psychological skill level

· 6. Afraid of not playing as used to be

· How Mental Toughness ties into being mentally strong

· How they deal with stress

· How they overcome depression and negative thoughts

· Relationship Between Stress and Injury

· Emotional Responses to Injury

· How to help improve their mental health

· How to improve their mental health while injured against normal

· Benefits on Improving Mental Health and how that affect variance thing in life

Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport Scale

· Average time for athletes to return if they decide to

· Psychological hold backs that prevent athletes from coming back

· Programs to help athletes come back

· Motivational videos or practices or by bringing a Pro to provide some positive feedback

Major Impact of Findings


· How worrying about mental health, working and improving on it benefits athletes

· Any changes we can see in the future for caring about injured athletes

· How important it is to look out for athletes during an injury make sure they are happy and still part of the team, make sure they’re ready for when they come back

· Would relationships or situation affect like would it make sense to sit out if a player is playing through an injury but making them more stressed out

· Can injuries help someone realize how much they miss being a part of participating in a game or how lucky they get to be playing again

· Could come back with a harder work ethic …

· Could someone benefit from an injury? (Special Cases)

· How does injuries or failures affect players to get back on their feet with much more strength


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How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?

Lesson topic: the external assessment process
Q1: How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?
Q2: Use a series of two-dimensional (two-variable) graphs to illustrate the historical relationship among the following variables: value of the dollar, oil prices, and interest rates. Give one implication of each graph for strategic planning
Q3: Opportunities and threats usually result from an interaction among key environmental trends rather than from a single external event or factor
Lesson topic: the internal assessment process
Q1: Do you agree or disagree with the RBV theorists that internal resources are more important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage? Explain your and their position.
Q2: Culture affects all the functions of the business. Discuss
Q3: Do you think cultural products affect strategy formulation, implementation, or evaluation the most? Why?
Important note:
For each question answers it’s very important to explain, justify, describe and give examples

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?

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How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?

Lesson topic: the external assessment process
Q1: How does the external audit affect other components of the strategic-management process?
Q2: Use a series of two-dimensional (two-variable) graphs to illustrate the historical relationship among the following variables: value of the dollar, oil prices, and interest rates. Give one implication of each graph for strategic planning
Q3: Opportunities and threats usually result from an interaction among key environmental trends rather than from a single external event or factor
Lesson topic: the internal assessment process
Q1: Do you agree or disagree with the RBV theorists that internal resources are more important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage? Explain your and their position.
Q2: Culture affects all the functions of the business. Discuss
Q3: Do you think cultural products affect strategy formulation, implementation, or evaluation the most? Why?
Important note:
For each question answers it’s very important to explain, justify, describe and give examples





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How does edge-based security affect the cost, functionality, and maintenance requirements of a surveillance system?

Research some of the newest security technology in edge-based video surveillance by going to this article: 

Living on the edge.

How does edge-based security affect the cost, functionality, and maintenance requirements of a surveillance system?

Fully address the questions in this discussion; provide a valid rationale or a citation for your choices; your initial post is due by Thursday, and you must respond to at least two other students’ views.

The initial post should be at least 350 words in length. Each reply post should be at least 150 words in length.

APA format

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