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After viewing Angelou’s reading of “Still I Rise,” how did your interpretation of the poem

Answer each of the following questions in at least 100 words:

  • After viewing Angelou’s reading of “Still I Rise,” how did your interpretation of the poem, tone, or meaning change, if at all?
  • Select two or three poems from the list below and discuss how the authors define, or redefine, what poetry is or is not? You may also reflect on your own understanding of poetry in light of their definitions.
  • Select two or three different poems from the list below and discuss how the author uses images and symbols to convey their ideas. Do you find their methods effective? Why or why not?


Because You Asked about the Line between Prose and Poetry


Ars Poetica


Ars Poetica #100: I Believe




“Poetry Makes Nothing Happen”?


Introduction to Poetry



read “And of Clay We Are Created” and your choice of three poems. Then, identify what you believe would be the thesis statement (main argument) for each piece. This may be either a single-sentence quote from the piece OR a statement you write, but it should summarize the argument the author presents. If you quote or paraphrase from the text, be sure to cite in text and via a Works Cited page.

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Lucy’s monologue occurs three months after Julia’s death

Details: Lucy’s monologue occurs three months after Julia’s death. Lucy is in the emergency room. She is grieving and wants to talk about Julia and their life together. She feels very lonely, but has had some contact with her neighbor Adele and her niece, Nora. There have been other instances where she became anxious and dizzy and slightly confused, stating that her heart was pounding and she feels like she “can’t walk or do anything.” Lucy thinks she has called 911 “about once a month since Julia died” and was transported by ambulance to the emergency department.

Well, here I am again, waiting to be seen by the emergency room doctor. This must be the third time this has happened since Julia died. I miss her so much. I never knew it would be so lonely in that house by myself. Nora comes to visit every once and awhile. In fact she’s on her way here now, with my neighbor Adele. I don’t want to scare them though I know Adele saw the ambulance and must be worried. This has happened about once a month I think. I feel okay, then for no reason at all I just get anxious and dizzy. My heart kind of pounds and I just feel like I can’t walk or do anything. One time I fell, but I didn’t get hurt too bad. This time I almost fell, landed on my couch and scraped my arm. I think I tripped over my shoe that I was going to put on. I was able to reach for the phone and call 911. I felt a little better by the time the paramedics got there, but they thought I should come in and be checked out anyway. I need someone to look at this scrape on my arm. They should probably check my knees too. They’re a little weak. I had surgery on one of them. Most days I’m fine, it’s just once in a while……. I don’t think we ever had to call 911 when Julia was alive. I don’t remember ever having these dizzy spells then. My knees were weak, but I took it easy and never fell that I can recall. I was feeling pretty bad these past few years that I couldn’t walk as far or as fast as we used to. We loved to travel, and hike around new places. We traveled all over. I think my favorite place was Ireland. Julia wanted to go there, she picked that trip. It was wonderful. We rented a car and just drove all everywhere.

We went out to pubs for music every night, and we went to the Waterford crystal factory. It was lovely. It’s so sad to know we’ll never have those experiences again. Oh, we loved our adventures! They are all over now. It’s just me in that old house. Nora visits when she can, every few weeks or so. Neil came once for my birthday. That was nice. My neighbor Adele stops by, but not very often because she has her grandkids to take care of. Sometimes days go by and I never talk to another soul. That never happened when Julia was alive. She always had something to say! I felt safer then. I never had these dizzy spells. Maybe the doctors will figure it out this time.

Discussion Questions:

1. What are Lucy’s strengths?

2. What are your concerns for this patient?

3. What is the cause of your concern?

4. What information do you need?

5. What are you going to do about it?

6. What is Lucy experiencing?




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Influence of Vatican II After reading Bokenkotter Ch. 33

Evaluating the Influence of Vatican II After reading Bokenkotter Ch. 33, you will write a 1 to 2-page paper explaining why your textbook calls the Second Vatican Council a “tidalwave of change” (p. 409).

Your paper should:

Provide a brief summary of why the Second Vatican Council was called in the mid-Twentieth Century.

List some changes made in the Second Vatican Council.

Evaluate the textbook’s statement that there has been “renewal” and “greater Christian unity” since Vatican II (p. 422). Do you agree?

Make sure you cite all sources used, including your textbook and class videos. Use APA style and format, and see the Rubric for Assignments in Canvas under the Rubrics link.




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Determine if the sequence is monotonic (or is monotonic after some finite value of n).

Work the problems below as directed. Show all work. Clearly mark your final answers. Use exact values unless the problem specifically directs you to round. Simplify as much as possible. Partial credit is possible, but solutions without work will not receive full credit. Part 1: These questions you will submit answers to in Canvas. Show all work and submit the work with Part 2 of the exam. But you must submit the answers in Canvas to receive credit. Each question/answer will be listed separately. The Canvas question will refer to the number/part to indicate where you should submit which answer. The questions will appear in order (in case there is an inadverten t typo). Correct answers will receive full credit with or without work in this section, but if you don’t submit work and clearly label your answers, you won’t be able to challenge any scoring decisions for making an error of any kind. 1. Find the limit of th e infinite series. (10 points) 2. Determine the convergence or divergence of each series. (6 points each) a. b. ∑ 1 (− 1)4/5 ∞ = 2 c. d. ( )   = + 1 2 4 n n n   = − 1n n ne   = − 1 3 1 4 1 n n   = + − − 1 2 5 2 3 5 n n n n e. f. g. 3. For the series , if the series converges, does it converge conditionally or absolutely? Find the partial sum of the first six terms and then state the maximum error on the sum at that term. (16 points) 4. Find N such that for the convergent series. (10 points) 5. Use the first four terms of the Taylor series to approximate . (10 points) ( )   = + − 1 1 ln )1 ( n n n   = +     − 1 2 1 3 2 )1 ( n n n n n n n n 2 1 1 3 2   =       + − 1 2 1 ( 1) n n n +  = −  0.001 NR  4 1 1 n n  =  − 1 0 2dx e x 6. For the sequence below. i) Determine if the sequence is monotonic (or is monotonic after some finite value of n). You may determine this graphically or by calculating derivatives. ii) Determine the bounds (above and below of the sequence). iii) Can you apply the bounded & monotonic theorem for convergence to this sequence? iv) Does this sequence converge by another theorem? If so, which one? v) If the sequence converges, what does it converge to? ( 20 points) Part 2: In this section you will record your answers on paper along with your work. After scanning, submit them to a Canvas dropbox as directed. Th ese questions will be graded by hand. 7. Find an expression for the nth partial sum of . (12 points) 8. For each of the series in #2, state the test used to determine convergence. (9 points each) a. b. ∑ 1 (−1)4/5 ∞ =2 c. /2n na ne − = ( )   = + 1 2 4 n n n   = − 1n n ne   = − 1 3 1 4 1 n n d. e. f. g. 9. Determine the radius of convergence for the series . State the interval of convergence and clearly indicate whether it is open, closed or half -open. (10 points)   = + − − 1 2 5 2 3 5 n n n n ( )   = + − 1 1 ln )1 ( n n n   = +     − 1 2 1 3 2 )1 ( n n n n n n n n 2 1 1 3 2   =       + −   = + + − 0 1 )1 ( )1 ( n n n x n 10. Find the nth Taylor polynomial centered at the given c. Use the included table to show work.

(15 points) n n! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 11. Find a power series for the functions using the geometric series method. (20 points each) a. b. ( ) cos 4 , 6, 2 g x x n c  = = = () ()nfx () ()nfc () n xc− () () () !

n n fc xc n − ()nPx = 3 () 21 fx x = − 3 24 7 () (1 3 ) x fx x = +

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Laws that have been passed after major disasters and the programs that have been initiated to improve emergency management

Instructions: Consider the laws that have been passed after major disasters and the
programs that have been initiated to improve emergency management by
reviewing the following documents.
Review the following documents by clicking the links provided.
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (n.d.). Sandy Recovery
Improvement Act of 2013. Retrieved from
Kennell, P. M., Nassi, S. P., & Westerfield, R. R. (2016). Four years after
Sandy, storm resiliency lags. Risk Management, 63(8), 4–6. Retrieved from
Then, write an essay that addresses the following questions.
▪ Identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the public and
private sectors that collaborated during the preparedness and
response phases to the affected states.
▪ Based on the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, identify and
discuss some of the legislative actions to improve emergency
preparedness and response.
▪ In your opinion, did the changes identified in the Sandy Recovery
Improvement Act of 2013 do enough to ensure stronger preparation
and response efforts in the event of a similar disaster in the future?
While not required, the following resource may assist you in your review of
the efforts following Hurricane Sandy.
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2013). Hurricane Sandy FEMA
after-action report. Retrieved from
Your submission should be a minimum of three pages, not including the title
and reference pages. Your essay should contain an introduction and be
well organized, with clear evidence of critical thinking. All sources used
should be properly cited. Your paper and all sources used should be
formatted in APA style.


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Create   a new field in the Agency Info table after InsPhone named Web site with the Hyperlink  data type

EX16_AC_COMP_GRADER_CAP_HW – Drivers and Insurance

Project Description:

In this project, you will add fields to a table and set data validation rules. You will also import a text file into a database, design advanced queries, and create a navigation form. Additionally, you will use SQL to modify a record source and create an embedded macro to automate opening a report.

Start   Access. Open the file named exploring_acap_grader_h1_Drivers.accdb.   Save the database as exploring_acap_grader_h1_Drivers_LastFirst.

Create   a table in the database by importing the downloaded delimited text file named   Insurance_Text.txt. Use the first   row of the file as field names, use InsuranceID as the primary key, and then   name the table InsuranceCos_Text.   Accept all other default options. Do not save the import steps.

Create   a new field in the Agency Info table after InsPhone named Web site with the Hyperlink
  data type. Save the table. In Datasheet view, add the website to the
William Smith record (Record 1).

Create   a new field in the Agency Info table after Web site named AgentPhoto with the Attachment data type. Save   the table. In Datasheet view for Record 1 (William Smith), add the downloaded picture file named a00c2WmSmith.jpg to the AgentPhoto   field.

Set   the validation rule of the InsuranceCo field to accept the values ASNAT,   or SF only. Set the validation text to read Please enter AS, NAT, or SF. (include the period).

Make   InsuranceCo a lookup field in the Agency Info table. Set the lookup to get   values from the InsuranceID field in the InsuranceCos_Text table. Accept all   other defaults and save the table. In   Datasheet view, click in any InsuranceCo cell and click the arrow to view the   options. Close the table.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Insurance table, add the DriverID,   AutoType, TagID, and TagExpiration fields (in that order). Save the query as Missing Tag Dates.

Set   the criteria in the TagExpiration field to find null values. Run the query   (two records will display). Save and close the query.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Drivers table, add the Class field.   Change the query type to Update and set the criteria to update drivers whose   class is Minor   to Junior. Run the query (eight records will   update). Save the query as Driver Class_Update   and close the query. View the updates in the Drivers table and close the   table.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Drivers table, add the Class field.   Save the query as Driver Class_Delete.

Change   the query type to Delete and set the criteria to delete drivers whose class   is Special. Run the query (one record will be   deleted). Save and close the query. View the changes in the Drivers table and   close the table.

Create   a new query using Design view. From the Insurance table, add the DriverID,   AutoType, AutoYear, and TagID fields (in that order). Save the query as Auto Year_Parameter.

Set   the criteria in the Auto Year field to display the prompt as Enter the auto year: and run the query. In the prompt,   enter 2007 and click OK to view the results (two   records). Save and close the query.

Use   the Analyze Performance tool to analyze the Drivers table. Note the idea to   change the data type of the Weight field from Short Text to Long Integer. In   the Drivers table, set the data type of the Weight field to Number (Long   Integer), and save and close the table.

Create   a Navigation form based on the Vertical Tabs, Left template. Drag and drop   the Drivers form onto the first tab of the form. Drop the Insurance form onto   the second tab.

Drag   and drop the Drivers report onto the third tab of the Navigation form. View   the form in Form view, click each of the tabs, and then save the form as Navigator. Close the form.

Open   the Drivers report in Design view. Modify the record source of the report   using a SQL statement to select all Drivers   records with a Class   of Adult. Print Preview the report (eight   records will display). Save and close the report.

Open   the Drivers form in Design view, click to add a command button at the   intersection of the 6-inch mark on the horizontal ruler and the 3-inch mark   on the vertical ruler.

Set   the command button to open the report named Drivers. Use the default picture   as the button. Set the name and the caption properties of the button to Open Drivers Report. Save the form. View the form in Form   view, and click the command button.

Close   all database objects, close the database, and then exit Access. Submit the   database as directed


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Natalie’s friend Curtis Lesperance decides to meet with Natalie after hearing that her discussions about a possible business partnership with her friend Katy Peterson have failed.

Cookie Creations (Chapter 13)
This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations case study. From the information gathered in the previous chapters, read the continuation of the Cookie Creations case study in Chapter 13 on page 13-32 of the textbook. The case study allows you to apply what you have learned about corporations and stocks from the unit lesson and required unit resources.
Natalie’s friend Curtis Lesperance decides to meet with Natalie after hearing that her discussions about a possible business partnership with her friend Katy Peterson have failed. Natalie had decided that forming a partnership with Katy, a high school friend, would hurt their friendship. Natalie had also concluded that she and Katy were not compatible to operate a business venture together.
Because Natalie has been so successful with Cookie Creations and Curtis has been just as successful with his coffee shop, they both conclude that they could benefit from each other’s business expertise. Curtis and Natalie next evaluate the different types of business organization. Because of the advantage of limited personal liability, they decide to form a corporation.
Curtis has operated his coffee shop for 2 years. He buys coffee, muffins, and cookies from a local supplier. Natalie’s business consists of giving cookie-making classes and selling fine European mixers. The plan is for Natalie to use the premises that Curtis currently rents to give her cooking-making classes and demonstrations of the mixers that she sells. Natalie will also hire, train, and supervise staff to bake the cookies and muffins sold in the coffee shop. By offering her classes on the premises, Natalie will save on travel time going from one place to another. Another advantage is that the coffee shop will have one central location for selling the mixers.
The current market values of the assets of both businesses are listed below.
Curtis’s Coffee Cookie Creations
Cash $7,130 $12,000
Accounts receivable 100 800
Inventory 450 1,200
Equipment 2,500 1,000*
*Cookie Creations decided not to buy the delivery van considered in Unit II.
Combining forces will also allow Natalie and Curtis to pool their resources and buy a few more assets to run their new business venture.
Curtis and Natalie then meet with a lawyer and form a corporation on November 1, 2020, called Cookie& Coffee Creations Inc. The articles of incorporation state that there will be two classes of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue: common shares and preferred shares. They authorize 100,000 no-par shares of common stock and 10,000 no-par shares of preferred stock with a $0.50 noncumulative dividend.
The assets held by each of their sole proprietorships will be transferred into the corporation at current market value. Curtis will receive 10,180 common shares, and Natalie will receive 15,000 common shares in the corporation. Therefore, the shares have a fair value of $1 per share.
Natalie and Curtis are very excited about this new business venture, so they have come to you with the questions below.
Curtis’s dad and Natalie’s grandmother are interested in investing $5,000 each in the business venture. We are thinking of issuing them preferred shares. What would be the advantage of issuing them preferred shares instead of common shares?
Our lawyer has sent us a bill for $750. When we discussed the bill with her, she indicated that she would be willing to receive common shares in our new corporation instead of cash for her services. We would be happy to issue her shares, but we are a bit worried about accounting for this transaction. Can we do this? If so, how do we determine how many shares to give her?
In a Word document, answer the questions posed by Natalie and Curtis above.
In an Excel spreadsheet, prepare the journal entries required on November 1, 2020, the date when Natalie and Curtis transfer the assets of their respective businesses into Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc.
Assume that Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. issues 1,000 $0.50 noncumulative preferred shares to Curtis’s dad and the same number to Natalie’s grandmother—in both cases for $5,000. Also assume that Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. issues 750 common shares to its lawyer.
Prepare the journal entries for each of these transactions. They all occurred on November 1. Prepare the opening balance sheet for Cookie & Coffee Creations Inc. as of November 1, 2020, including the journal entries in (b) and (c) above.
Provide your responses to Natalie and Curtis’s two questions in a Word document, which should be a minimum of one page in length. Complete the accounting for items b–d in one Excel spreadsheet; you may use multiple tabs to organize your response. In summary, you will submit one Word document containing item a and one Excel spreadsheet containing items b–d.



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After implementing your capstone, you will have an opportunity to conduct a post-assessment and evaluate the success of the project

Question: After implementing your capstone, you will have an opportunity to conduct a post-assessment and evaluate the success of the project. Before getting the results, what do you expect to learn from the post-assessment? Do you feel your capstone project was successful? What could you have done differently or improved upon?

Answer: The post-assessment will help in analyzing the state of the capstone project and how have the strategies involved have fared for the remote work program This helps in analyzing any pitfalls that are needed to be checked to ensure optimized capstone simulation. To be able to understand the metrics which are dominant in determining the results in post-assessment will be a big boost for understanding the capstone project.

This capstone project has been successful if the implied strategies are accurately executed and the results are favourable for the organization. There could have been more detailed scenarios to help in making decisions impacting the business environment. The explanation of all the necessary fields or a training module to understand the interface would be essential and helpful. Thus these improvements can be considered in the capstone project.

Tilles, S. (2014, August 1). How to evaluate corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from

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A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

Linguistics course

2. For each pair of statements below, indicate which one is true and which one is false. For

the true statement, say which theory of language acquisition best accounts for it as well

as which theory is the least suited to explain the statement. Explain your answers.

a. • A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

like other children growing up in Denmark with Danish parents.

• A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

more slowly than other children growing up in Denmark with Danish parents because the child is genetically predisposed to learn Chinese.

b. • Children say things like foots and both mans before they master the correct forms feet

and both men because they overuse the rule for regular plural information.

• Children never say things like foots and both mans, because imitate what

adults say and no adult would say this.

3. Consider the following examples of children’s speech taken from Clark (1995), and

answer the questions:

[playing with a toy lawnmower] “I’m lawning.”

[pretending to be superman] “I’m supermanning.”

[realizing his father was joking] “Daddy, you joked me.

[of food on his plate] “I’m gonna fork this.”

i. Explain what the children are doing with language. How are these utterances different from the adult norm? What do the children not know about the English language yet? On the other hand, what do the children already demonstrate knowing

about English in order to use it so creatively?

ii. Which theory of language acquisition best accounts for these data? Why?

4. Consider the following exchange taken from Braine (1971). Discuss the effectiveness Of

the father’s strategy in teaching the child. Also think about what the father’s and child’s

respective objectives are. Which theory of language acquisition does this example


Child: Want other one spoon, Daddy.

Father: You mean, you want the other spoon.

Child: Yes, I want other one spoon, please Daddy.

Father: Can you say “the other spoon”?

Child: Other … one … spoon.

Father: Say “other.”

Child: Other.

Father: “Spoon.”

Child: Spoon.

Father: “Other spoon.”

Child: Other … spoon. Now give me other one spoon.

8. The data below are from a child named Paul at the age of two. They were collected by

his father, Timothy Shopen. Consider each set of examples, and answer the questions

at the end of each section.

A. Adult Word    Paul                                      Adult Word                         Paul

a. sun                    [SAn]                                     d. snake                               [nelk]

b. see                    [si]                                          e. sky                                     [kai]

c. spoon               [pun]                                    f. stop                                   [tap]

i. State a principle that describes Paul’s pronunciation of these words. That

is, how does Paul’s pronunciation systematically differ from the adult pronunciation?

B. Adult Word      Paul                                     Adult Word         Paul

g. bed                    [bet]                                      w. bus                   [bAS]

h. wet                   [wet]                                     n. buzz                  [bAS]

i. egg                     [ek]                                        o. man                  [mien]

j. rake                    [lelk]                                      p. door                  [d:)J]

k. tub                     [tAp]                                      q. some                [SAm]

I. soap                   [soup]                                  r. boy                    [b:H]

ii. State another principle describing Paul’s pronunciations here. Be sure to word

your statement in a way that reflects the fact that (o)-(r) are not affected.

C. Adult Word    Paul

s. laugh                 [l<ep]

t. off                      [Jp]

u. coffee              [kJfi]

iii. State a third principle describing Paul’s pronunciation in this section.

Based on the principles you have seen so far, suggest how Paul would pronounce the word love.

D. Adult Word   Paul                       Adult Word         Paul

v. truck                 [tAk]                      aa. clay                 [keI]

w. brownie         [bauni]                  bb. cute                [kut]

x. plane                [pem]                    CC. beautiful      [butdpdl]

y. broken             [boukan]              dd. twig                [tlk]

z. crack                 [k<ek]

iv. State a fourth principle describing the new aspects of Paul’s pronunciation

in these examples.

E. Adult Word                    Paul

ee. quick                              [kWlk]

ft. quack                               [kw<ek]

v. Do these two words illustrate an exception to the fourth principle? If so, how?

9. The data below are taken from Fasold and Connor-Linton (2006). The data show words

pronounced by different children at about the same age. Are there any sounds or sound

sequences that seem to be particularly difficult? What patterns are evident in the children’s pronunciations?

Adult Word/ Child                            Adult Word/ Child

a. bottle [boboJ                                 h. key [til ]

b. [bAfm]                                             i. duck [gAk]

c. tub [bAbJ                                        j. water [wowo]

d. baby [bibiJ                                      k. stop [tJp]

e. tree [til                                            I. blanket [ba:ki]

f. candy [ka:kiJ                                   m. doggie [gJgi]

g. banana [na:n;)                              n. this [dis]

10.) The children below pronounce some words differently than adults do, and differently from one another. Look at the examples of each child’s speech and determine how each will pronounce the target phrases that follow.

Child A:

Adult word                         Child

A. ghost                               (doust)

B. dog                                   (dag)

C. cat                                     (kaet)

D. gopher                            (doufer)

E. muffin                              (mafin)

F. pig                                     (pig)

Child B:

Adult word                         Child

A. ghost                               (goust)

B. dog                                   (dak)

C. cat                                     (kaet)

D. gopher                            (gouf)

E. muffin                              (maf)

F. pig                                     (pik)


Go Faster

Big tummy

Good baby

15. For each word below, explain what a child has to learn about the word in order to use

it correctly.

ft. cold

b. Susan

c. you

d. bird

e. this

16. This activity is adapted from Yule (1996). Show the following list of expressions to some

friends and ask them to guess the meaning:

ft. a snow-car

a running-stick

a water-cake

a finger-brush

a pony-kid

Now compare your friends’ versions with those of a two-year-old child below (from

Clark 1993). What do the examples suggest about the nature of vocabulary acquisition?

b. [talking about a toy car completely painted white]

Child: This is a snow-car.

Parent: Why is this a snow-car?

Child: ‘Cause it’s got lots of snow on it. I can’t see the windows.

Child: This is a running stick.

Parent: A running-stick?

Child: Yes, because I run with it.

Child: [in the bath] It’s a water-cake.

Parent: Why do you call it a water-cake?

Child: I made it in the water.

Child: I bought you a toothbrush and a finger-brush.

Parent: ‘vVhat’s a finger-brush?

Child: It’s for cleaning your nails.

Child: [wearing a sun hat] I look like a pony-kid.

Parent: What’s a pony-kid?

Child: A kid who rides ponies.

17. Read the following “conversations!! between three-month-old Ann and her mother

(from Snow 1977). Which aspects of how adults talk to young children and what they

say to young children can you identify in each “conversation!!?

a. Mom: Oh you are a funny little one, aren’t you, hmm?


Aren’t you a funny little one?



b. Ann: abaabaa

Mom: Baba.

Yes, that’s you, what you are.

18. For each pair of sentences, which of the two would an adult most likely say to a young

child? Justify your answer.

a. Timmy, see the bird?

Do you see the bird?

b. You are taking a bath now.

Timmy is taking a bath now.

c. Look, the girl is eating. And now she is playing with the balL

Look, the girl is eating. And now the girl is playing with the ball.

d. That’s a birdie.

That’s a robin.

e, No, that’s a kitty, not a doggy.

No, say went, not goed.

19. Many adults use child-directed speech to speak to children, and they seem to be able to

use child-directed speech in ways that are helpful to the child. How do you think adults

know what to do to be most helpful?

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What is Pepsi doing ? Marketing blunder after blunder.

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What is Pepsi doing ? Marketing blunder after blunder.

Most marketing errors aren’t obvious. Marketing mistakes bleed companies usually with invisible cuts that take years to add up. Such as McDonalds recent decision to change the colours of their ‘restaurants’ – such a move won’t substantially harm such a distinctive brand as McDonalds not when they are doing so many other things right, but it will hurt a bit.

Occasionally though marketers make big blundering really obvious errors. These can actually be quite valuable (if corrected quickly). Valuable because the effects are are visible so much learning can be gained from them.

It’s very rare to see obvious blunder after blunder. But lately Pepsico has done it, again and again. Are they learning nothing ?

This is the company that launched the Tropicana disaster by removing the brand’s distinctive assets from the pack. Sales dropped sharply overnight. Hopefully that taught some marketers about branding. It’s a mistake that most packaged good companies have made.

In the same year Pepsi decided to call Gatorade just G, and ditch their logo. Again they have been backtracking ever since.

And, of course, in 2009 Pepsico also changed the Pepsi logo. A more modest change – so more of a small wound than wholesale bleeding, but still no good for the brand. On April 20th AdAge reported that the beverage division reported a 9% decline in revenue and 6% decrease in volume (the difference meaning they price promoted heavily to try to save themselves) during a quarter that included their New Year’s Eve, Presidential Inauguration and Super Bowl marketing blitzes!

Then they told the world that they were going to revolutionise their marketing by taking a huge chunk of their marketing budget out of TV advertising and moving it into social media related initiatives. The “Pepsi Refresh project” saw share declines (in a shrinking category) so that Diet Coke became the number 2 soft-drink in America.

Bob Hoffman summed it up:

The Refresh Project accomplished everything a social media program is expected to: Over 80 million votes were registered; almost 3.5 million “likes” on the Pepsi Facebook page; almost 60,000 Twitter followers. The only thing it failed to do was sell Pepsi.

Now in mid 2011 Pepsi have announced a return to TV advertising with the first new campaign in 3 years. And this ad Epic Commercial #1 — Pepsi MAX Truck Driver vs. Coke Zero Truck Driver  features Coke versus Pepsi. Amazing. Have they learnt nothing about distinctive assets (Links to an external site.)?

Meanwhile Ad Age reports (Links to an external site.) that their Chief Marketing Officer for beverages is leaving, and they are reshuffling other senior marketing positions. I suspect that might mean they haven’t learnt from their mistakes, that they simply are desperate.

Here is a classic example of a firm making repeated marketing errors. Do some research and find another company that has made marketing errors that has impacted the effectiveness of their brand.   

What errors did they make and what part of their marketing mix was flawed? Have they recovered from the error or are they still floundering?  

Make sure to include the link to the web site where you gathered your information. 

Your response should be 3-4 paragraphs and provide adequate background as well as your opinion or observation. This should be submitted through the Canvas Portal either through an upload or inserted in the text answer box





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