Writers Solution

What are the underlying with Airbnd when it comes to economics..

MBA 5010 Week 4 Integrative AssignmentIn week 1, we analyzed the sharing economy.This week, you’re going to build on theknowledge you gained. Your assignment is todeconstruct the economics underlying Airbnb.Specifically, I want you to answer the followingquestions: What resources are being shared? What is the opportunity cost of theresources “consumed” to facilitate thissharing? How does this create value for customers? Does the value created for customers outweigh the opportunity cost of the resourcesconsumed? Does Airbnb capture a sufficient amount of any value generated to remain a viablebusiness?The purpose of this question is to provide you an opportunity to demonstrate yourunderstanding of the economics of value creation. So, emphasize this aspect of your answer.Try to limit yourself to 500 words. Your answer will be evaluated based on correctness,completeness, and clarity. As always, be attentive to your writing.