Writers Solution

Analyse the relationship between sports, event and tourism

Assessment Title Report
Graduate Capabilities
1) Professional Expertise
2) Innovative Problem Solving
3) Technology and Information Literacy
4) Global Citizenship
5) Skilled Collaboration
6) Allie Leadership
7) Independent Self Management
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Analyse the relationship between sports, event and tourism
b) Critique issues and initiatives related to sports tourism in
Australia and internationally
c) Evaluate how government agencies and private sector groups work together to foster the growth of sporting events and activities
d) Arrange the steps used to promote major sporting events
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 35%
Word count 1500 words (+/- 10% excluding cover page, references, appendices)
Submission type Turnitin ? Word Document
Format / Layout of Assessment
ICMS Cover Page
Executive Summary
Reference List
Assessment instructions
Assessment overview
This is an individual assessment that aims to enable you to identify and apply the value and critical nature of strategic exploitation of commercial opportunities. The assessment examines the overall goals for the organisation that is involved in a range of sport event tourism business activities. This assessment assists in the development of research skills to achieve the intended learning outcomes.
Task description
Students are to examine and analyse sport event tourism planning and strategic sharing of the various agencies with reference to relevant literature are required to develop a written report on one of the following questions:

  1. Critically compare and contrast the Brisbane 2032 after-use and after-users approach to that of other cities of your choice.
  2. Thinking about the tourism organisation in your region, what could that tourism organisation learn from the Vancouver 2010 Games Tourism Consortium if it were to host a major sports event in your region?
    • Throughout the questions the key issues and new conceptual thinking defining sport event tourism will be set out.
    • Clearly set out the full question which you are answering at the beginning of your answer. This will be deducted from the word length report.
    • In answering the question, draw upon precedent cases and sound sport event tourism research.
    • Review your subject readings, particularly the theories and models of sport event tourism, for topic idea.
    • Utilise resources including the ICMS library, websites, media articles, sports and tourism organisation homepage and websites.
    • Your response must be typed in word.
    • Marks will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.
    • Use at least FIVE (5) pieces of academic evidence. Academic evidences are defined as peer reviewed journal articles, governmental publications, and academic textbooks.
    • You must reference your essay in accordance with the ICMS Style Guide (APA 7th referencing style).
    • The essay submitted must be your own work and the lecturer reserves the right to carry out a viva voce on the essay to ensure that the essay is the students own work.
    • The Turnitin submission by 11.55pm on the date specified.
    Assessment criteria
    • Knowledge and understanding (30%): quality content is detailed and covers the topics from comprehensive insights.
    • Problem solving (interpret and analyse) (30%): understand and explain sport, event and tourism concepts and theories to best practices.
    • Research effort and literature support (20%): the content incorporates relevant information from subject and research with clear references.
    • Communicative competence (20%): structure, writing style, referencing in APA 7th style, clarity, grammar and spelling.
    Submission process
    • Date: Sunday of Week 8 by 11.55 pm Sydney time
    • Submission in the LMS is performed via Turnitin, the similarity detection software used by ICMS students and teaching staff to prevent plagiarism by ensuring referencing is correct and that work has not been inadvertently copied from elsewhere. You can access Turnitin under the ‘Assessments’ section in your Moodle course site.
    • Please note that draft reports submitted in this way will be regarded as the final version at the due date if you have not uploaded a subsequent, finalised version (each file uploaded overwrites the previous version).
    • A penalty of 5% will be deducted for each day late with a zeromark notated for any submission seven or more days late as per ICMS policy. If for any reason you are unable to submit a late submission via Turnitin please contact your Lecturer.
    • Extensions to due dates will be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and where adequate supporting documentation can be provided. Please note that work commitments do not constitute grounds for an extension. Requests must be made via the special consideration process. Decisions and recommendations are only made by lecturers-in-charge/course coordinators.
    • You will be advised of your mark by your Lecturer within 2 weeks of submission.
    • Please keep a copy of your assignments.
    Readings for the assessment

    Alexandris, K., & Kaplanidou, K. (2014). Marketing sport event tourism: Sport tourist behaviours and destination provision. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 23(3), 125-126.

    Bazzanell, F., Peters, M., & Schnitzer, M. (2019). The perceptions of stakeholders in small-scale sporting event. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 20(4), 261-286. doi:

    Chalip, L., & Leyns, A. (2007). Local business leveraging of a sport event: Managing an event for economic benefit. In W.
    Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 543-568). London: Routledge.
    • Clarke, D. W. (2018). Understanding event sport tourism experiences of support partners: A research note. Leisure Sciences, 40(5), 466-475. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2017.13849
    • Dredge, D., & Whiford, M. (2011). Event tourism governance and the public sphere. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 19(4-5), 479-499. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2011.573074

    Funk, D. C., & Bruun, T. J. (2007). The role of
    sociopsychological and culture-education motives in marketing international sport tourism: A cross-cultural perspective. Tourism Management, 28(3), 806-819.
    • Green, B. C., Costa, C., & Fitzgerald, M. (2007). Marketing the host city: Analysing exposure generated by a sport event. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 346-361). Routledge.

    Higham, J., & Hinch, T. (2018). Sport tourism development (3rd ed.). Multilingual Matters.
    • Mallen, C., & Adams, L. J. (2008). Sport, recreation and tourism event management: Theoretical and practical dimension. Elsevier.
    • Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management (3rd ed.). Routledge.

    Papadimitriou, D., & Apostolopoulou, A. (2009). Olympic sponsorship activation and the creation of competitive advantage. Journal of Promotion Management, 15(1-2), 90117.

    Parent, M. M., & Chappelet, J-L. (2017). Routledge handbook of sports event management. Routledge.

    Parent, M. M., & Smith-Swan, S. (2013). Managing major sports events: Theory and practice. Routledge.
    • Weed, M. (2005). A ground theory of the policy process for sport and tourism. Sport in Society, 8(2), 356-377.
    • Tourism Australia (Sporting Events)
    • World Tourism Organization
    Grading Criteria / Rubric Please see below.
    Assessment 2 – Marking Rubric
    Criteria HD (85100) D (7584) CR (6574) PASS (50-
    64) FAIL (049)
    Knowledge & understanding
    Demonstrates exceptional sport event tourism planning, through complete knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    A keen awareness of current trends/debates in sport event
    tourism issues is
    Provides exceptional future directions and best practice recommendations. Demonstrates highly appropriate sport event tourism planning, through detailed knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    Current trends/debates in sport event tourism issues have been clearly taken into account and addressed in allimportant respects.
    Provides most relevant future directions and very clear practice recommendations. Demonstrates very appropriate sport event tourism planning, through good knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    The concept of the work is relevant and related to current sport event tourism issues.
    Provides sufficient future directions and well-found practice recommendations. Demonstrates appropriate sport event tourism planning, through reasonable knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    There is a very limited, but just adequate concept underlying the task. The relation to current sport event tourism issues is tenuous.
    Provided valid future directions and reasonable practice recommendations. Demonstrates basic sport event tourism planning, through poor knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
    The fundamental idea is not what was required for the exercise, although it might possibly be appropriate elsewhere. An essential idea is missing.
    Provided insufficient future directions and poor practice recommendations.
    Problem solving
    (interpret and analyse) (30%)?
    Practical approaches and considerations are critically supported by the information in response to the set question.
    Presents exceptional explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and
    There is strong evidence of a consistently high level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are very clearly supported by the information in
    response to the set question.
    Presents highly appropriate explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is evidence of a generally high level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are clearly
    supported by the information in
    response to the set question.
    Presents very appropriate explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is evidence of a generally satisfactory but very occasionally inconsistent level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are
    appropriately supported by the information in response to the set question.
    Presents appropriate explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is evidence of an adequate but rather weak level of commitment in terms of research and practical application. Practical approaches and considerations are poorly
    supported by the information in
    response to the set question.
    Presents basic/poor explanation and illustration to analyse sport event tourism of the underlying theories, concepts, assumptions and arguments.
    There is little evidence of a commitment in terms of
    research and practical application.
    Research effort
    & literature support (20%) Excellent research and summation of sections and a
    detailed analysis and explanation. Impressive research and summation of sections and a detailed analysis and explanation. Solid research and summation of sections and thorough analysis and explanation.
    Acceptable research and summation of sections and adequate analysis and explanation. Poor research and no summation of sections or analysis and explanation.
    Page 6 of 7
    A wide range of academic research including more than 12 academic evidences beyond subject materials to appropriately validate all key findings. Demonstrates evidence of indepth research including least 10 pieces of academic evidence used to validate key findings. Demonstrates evidence of indepth research including least 8 pieces of academic evidence used to validate key findings. Demonstrates evidence of indepth research including least 5 pieces of academic evidence used to validate key findings. Unable to demonstrate evidence of research. Some academic articles may be used but not relevant to findings.
    Communicative competence
    (20%) A substantial presentation and effective communication of findings fully supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
    Full use of report style conventions with logical flow, and appropriate sections. Fluent academic writing style throughout. Grammar and spelling accurate throughout.
    Referencing is consistently accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. A well-structured presentation and communication of findings supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
    Introduction states purpose clearly and outlines main points succinctly. There is a clear summary of findings and recommendations. Grammar and spelling accurate.
    Referencing is accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. An appropriate presentation and communication of findings supported with visuals. These may not always correspond to the written text but do not detract from the communication of findings.
    Introduction and conclusions outline and summaries main ideas. Grammar and spelling mainly accurate.
    Referencing is mainly accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. A presentation that shows evidence of report Structure, but errors may detract from communication of findings.
    There are some concepts used but they may not correspond to the elements. Meaning is apparent but academic language not always accurate. Grammar and spelling generally accurate but may contain errors.
    Some attempt at referencing but not always compliant with ICMS Style Guide. Lacks evidence of a structured presentation with limited visuals to support description and explanation.
    The few concepts used do not correspond to the key elements. Meaning may be unclear. Grammar and spelling contain frequent errors.
    Referencing is unsystematic and not compliant with ICMS Style Guide
Writers Solution

critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts


Behaviour Change Report

Assessment type;

Essay addressing behaviour change in a specific population

Word limit/length; 2000 words

Learning Outcomes

1. critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts

2. evaluate and critique, biological, psychological, social, neurophysiological and systematic factors that impact on behaviour and behaviour change in mental health contexts

3. formulate effective individual and systemic responses to facilitate behaviour change founded on theory, empirical research and recovery principles

4. apply motivational interviewing knowledge and strategies to facilitate coconstructed constructive consumer behaviour change


Select a behaviour that is relevant to a specific population of mental health service users / consumers and propose an evidenced based approach to successful behaviour change. Consider and include in your discussion:-

1. The rationale for focusing the behaviour change intervention with the specific population;

2. A critical review of theoretical perspectives that have been applied to supporting behaviour change in the population;

3. A discussion of potential barriers to behaviour change at the neurophysiological, individual, interpersonal, organisational levels and how these barriers could be overcome.

Specific details of the proposed intervention are not required within this assignment. The focus should be on the justification, the theoretical approach to addressing the behaviour and a sophisticated understanding of obstacles to behaviour change


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Writers Solution

Lenses to analyse geographical and social problem

 You must come up with a hypothetical research idea on any topic in geography that you would like to investigate (e.g. homelessness, migration, uneven development, nationalism, neoliberalism, socio-spatial segregation, discrimination of minorities, abuses, colonialism and neo-colonialism etc.). Choose two of the theoretical approaches and their associated methodologies covered in the module, using them as lenses to analyse geographical and social problems (e.g. regional science, positivism and spatial science, humanistic geographies, anarchism, feminism, queer theory, postmodernism, poststructuralism, more- than-human geographies, hybridity, post-colonialism and geography’s exclusions, de- colonial approaches, etc.).
As an alternative to a theoretical approach, you may also pick as a ‘lens’ the thinking of a relevant scholar, e.g. ‘drawing upon Anne Buttimer’s notion of dialogue’, or ‘based on William Bunge’s ideas on social mappings’ …

Write an essay to explain and compare how this same research topic might be conceptualised and carried out differently when approached from each of these two different theoretical ‘lenses’. You must discuss: 1) how the different theories would inform the research; 2) the potential advantages and limitations of each, and; 3) decide which methodology would be most appropriate to carry out your study and justify why.

You are expected to draw from the module’s assigned readings, lecture materials and at least 4 additional SCHOLARLY READINGS (i.e. academic books, academic book chapters, or peer-reviewed journal articles) which are not included in the module’s reading list. Note that items such as NGO reports, government documents, magazine articles and newspaper reports are not academic/scholarly journal articles. You can include these references, but they will be IN ADDITION to the above. An academic style of writing is expected, including a complete list of references.
2500-3000 words


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Lenses to analyse geographical and social problem


Writers Solution

Choose an issue that affects families and children. Analyse how the issue affects diverse children and families? How is it relevant now?


Assessment TypeReport of Family Issue
Aligned Learning outcomes
b. Explore critical, strength-based and anti-oppressive theory to practice with individuals and families.
Locate individual and family issues within social, cultural and political conditions
c. Critically explore the values, assumptions and challenges in working with families that present with complex/ multiple issues in the community, and range of social work responses.
d. Demonstrate a critical understanding of ethical challenges relating to culture, gender, age and power and strategies to work in an antioppressive, strengths-based manner.
e. Apply practice skills, assessment skills, resource & networking skills to working with individuals and families.
Consider the challenge of working critically within the current sociopolitical culture of managerialism and neo-liberalism.
2000 words
*Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)/Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (AEDT). Check your time zone to ensure that you submit your assessment on time. If required, use a time zone converter.
Assessment 2 Details and Instructions
In class, we will spend time reviewing media reports on issues affecting families and children. Choose one of these issues or another contemporary issue in the Australian media to write a report on:
A. The Issue
• Choose an issue that affects families and children. Analyse how the issue affects diverse children and families? How is it relevant now?
• Outline current debates about the issue, using research and current Australian media material.
• Refer to legislation relating to the issue (identify Acts, dates and websites)
• Identify and critique government and opposition policy positions, identifying relevant federal, state or local government policies
• Identify and explain how the work of relevant peak bodies, forums, foundations, research institutes, publications or websites relate to the issue.
• Describe an agency in Melbourne that responds to families affected by this issue. Identify the sector in which the agency is located eg government, non-government, trust, other.
• Outline social workers’ roles, ethical considerations and practices in response to the issue.
• Analyse managerialist and neoliberal constraints and how the agency can address the issue
• Describe an example of a child, young person or family who would go to this agency. What would they hope to achieve.
• Analyse the model of practice that the agency might use in working with this family, child or youth • Draw some conclusions about the policy and practice relating to this issue
• Make some suggestions for future developments in policy and practice.
B. Policy Responses
• Identify and critique government and opposition policy positions, identifying relevant federal, state or local government policies
• Identify and explain how the work of relevant peak bodies, forums, foundations, research institutes, publications or websites relate to the issue.
C. Practice Responses – Agency
• Describe an agency in Melbourne or Sydney that responds to families affected by this issue. Identify the sector in which the agency is located eg government, non-government, trust, other.
• Outline social workers’ roles, ethical considerations and practices in response to the issue.
• Analyse managerialist and neoliberal constraints and how the agency can address the issue
• Describe an example of a child, young person or family who would go to this agency. What would they hope to achieve.
• Analyse the model of practice that the agency might use in working with this family, child or youth

D. Conclusions and Critique
• Draw some conclusions about the policy and practice relating to this issue
• Make some suggestions for future developments in policy and practice.
Assessment Criteria
1. Demonstrated research into the issue, and relevant debates and legislation
2. Insight into the impact of the issue on diverse families and children
3. Critique of government, non-government organisations’ responses to the issue
4. Analysis of limitations and impact of agency and social workers, with example
5. Demonstrated understanding of issue and suggestions for future policy and practice developments.
6. Academic literacy
Submission Instructions: Students should submit their assessment online.
Marking Criteria – Assessment 2 Report on Family Issue
1. Demonstrated research into the issue, and relevant debates and legislation
2. Insight into the impact of the issue on diverse families and children
3. Critique of government, non-government organisations’ responses to the issue
4. Academic integrity: Clear written communication skills, accurate referencing and reference to 10 set readings –
journal article or book chapters
5.Demonstrated understanding of issue and suggestions for future policy and practice developments.
6. Academic integrity: Clear written communication skills, accurate APA referencing of 10 set readings – journal article
or book chapters
Total Mark: /50


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Writers Solution

Analyse current trends in innovation and disruptive technologies that assist problem-solving in the hospitality industry

Entrepreneurship for Hospitality Leaders
Assessment Individual Case Study
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: Interpret the concept of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the context of the Hospitality industry
a) Analyse current trends in innovation and disruptive technologies that assist problem-solving in the hospitality industry
b) Evaluate the current literature on new concept development and start-ups in the hospitality industry
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Week 4 (Friday)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Assessment 1 is an individual case study that requires students to critically analyse the main topics covered in weeks 2, 3 & 4 of the course.
The workshops, power-point slides and learning activities as well as prescribed texts will form the basis of the case study. There will be a large focus on Disruptive Technology, Creativity and forms of innovation, Problem solving with innovation and Exploration of emerging technologies. Several other relevant topics will also inform your knowledge covered by the assessment. Specifically, students will utilise knowledge in the following areas; The Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurs, Behaviours of the most successful entrepreneurs, Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur, Social Entrepreneurship; The Entrepreneurial Process; Understanding the customer – a hotel guest’s perspective; customer profiling; customer Jobs, Gains and Pains and Customer journey mapping.
The format of the individual case study will be a series of long and short answer questions to encourage students to critically analyse the related course material to date. This will be a take home style case study where students will work individually in their own time. Each question will be designed to test the knowledge and analytical skills of students.
For example –Describe and discuss a current disruptive technology that has recently been used in the hotel industry. Please consider the following prompts; Why did it become an effective technology in the modern era? Why was it adopted? What are some associated advantages and disadvantages? (100 words)
For some time now guests have been frustrated with delays for checking in. Long queus and wait times often contribute to guests experiencing poor service and leads to complaints(Frederick, O’Connor, & Kuratko, 2019). Recently, mobile check in and mobile key were invented, and front desk now can simply be available for anyone wishing to use historic methods of in person check in, and other guests can use selfserve for convenience. As most guests have a mobile device to hand this technological advance has become widely adopted by many forward thinking hotels. Advantages include reduced labour cost and disadvantages are relating to the mobility check in technology cost
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
As a hospitality leader your role will be to have a working knowledge of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial characteristics and processes. Additionally, a sound comprehension of emerging technologies which impact the industry
You will address the questions within the case study using classroom learnings in the field of entrepreneurships as it relates to the hospitality industry in the modern era and help us to better better hotel processes with a customer centric approach.
You are required to complete broad research and analysis of course materials which helps us to understand the role of entrepreneurs in our industry.
Task Instructions
Prepare answers to each question on one document and answer in numerical order identifying the question number being addressed. Attempt all questions. Read each question carefully.
To complete this assessment task you must answer each of the questions and critically analyse the relevant course materials within the suggested word-count of each question.
Students can prepare for the case study by partaking in the weekly class learnings and homework. There is a requirement to address at least 4 relevant references within your work.
Short Answer Questions worth 10 marks (approx.200 words each)
Long Answer Question worth 30 marks (approx.500-600 words)
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via the Academic Skills website.
Submission instructions
Pronoun: Please use third person throughout the report Style: Research business report and ensure all writing is grammatically correct Submission Guidelines:

  1. The assessment is due Friday, week 5 (check the Turnitin date).
  2. Typed and formatted in a Word document.
  3. Submit this task via the Assessment link in Black Board via the main navigation menu in EHL604: Entrepreneurship for Hospitality Leaders. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
  4. Students must refer to a minimum of 4 credible references in their work and provide details of these in their reference list
  5. All referencing must be in accordance with APA 7th edition Referencing and Academic Writing Guide
  6. See marking rubric attached at the end of this document. You do not need to attach this rubric to your submissions
    Academic Integrity
    All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
    Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Short answer question 1
    Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge to the analyse situation. Key components of the question are not addressed.
    Knowledge or
    understanding of required concepts and analysis of situation. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Thorough knowledge or understanding of situation within the context of the hotel industry. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Highly developed understanding of the situation and a strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended
    reading. Well
    demonstrated capacity to explain ad apply relevant concepts.
    A sophisticated understanding of the situation and a very strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Short answer
    question 2
    Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge to the analyse situation. Key components of the question are not addressed.
    Knowledge or
    understanding of required concepts and analysis of situation. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence Thorough knowledge or understanding of situation within the context of the hotel industry. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates Highly developed understanding of the situation and a strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information A sophisticated understanding of the situation and a very strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of
    from the research/course materials.
    a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended
    reading. Well
    demonstrated capacity to explain ad apply relevant concepts.
    personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Short answer
    question 3
    Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge to the analyse situation. Key components of the question are not addressed.
    Knowledge or
    understanding of required concepts and analysis of situation. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Thorough knowledge or understanding of situation within the context of the hotel industry. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Highly developed understanding of the situation and a strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended
    reading. Well
    demonstrated capacity to explain ad apply relevant concepts.
    A sophisticated understanding of the situation and a very strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Short answer
    question 4
    Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge to the analyse situation. Key components of the question are not addressed.
    Knowledge or
    understanding of required concepts and analysis of situation. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information Thorough knowledge or understanding of situation within the context of the hotel industry. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course Highly developed understanding of the situation and a strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Discriminates between assertion of personal A sophisticated understanding of the situation and a very strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Systematically and critically discriminates
    substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended
    reading. Well
    demonstrated capacity to explain ad apply relevant concepts.
    between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Short answer
    question 5
    Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge to the analyse situation. Key components of the question are not addressed.
    Knowledge or
    understanding of required concepts and analysis of situation. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Thorough knowledge or understanding of situation within the context of the hotel industry. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Highly developed understanding of the situation and a strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended
    reading. Well
    demonstrated capacity to explain ad apply relevant concepts.
    A sophisticated understanding of the situation and a very strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Long Answer
    question 6
    Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge to the analyse situation. Key components of the question are not addressed. Knowledge or
    understanding of required concepts and analysis of situation. Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas. Often confuses assertion of personal Thorough knowledge or understanding of situation within the context of the hotel industry. Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the Highly developed understanding of the situation and a strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Discriminates between A sophisticated understanding of the situation and a very strong ability to analyse the impact of these on a hospitality business. Systematically and
    opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    research/course materials. Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended
    reading. Well
    demonstrated capacity to explain ad apply relevant concepts.
    critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Effective communication. Depth of Analysis, discussion and personal opinion evidenced and linked to theory
    Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning
    Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow
    Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Communicates coherently and concisely in a manner that adheres to the given format.
    Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology. Engages audience
    interest. Information, arguments and evidence are structured and clear. Communicates eloquently. Expresses meaning coherently, concisely and creatively within the given format. Well supported by evidence, demonstrating
    a clear flow of ideas and arguments. Engages and sustains audience’s
    interest in the topic, demonstrates high levels
    of situational sensitivity
    Grammar, Written expression and referencing (10%)
    Serious errors with submission. The student
    is advised to contact CALS and seek assistance otherwise academic progression may be at risk Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Acceptable submission with some errors with the required format. The student is advised to ensure work is edited before submitting. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    A good attempt at formatting the essay correctly. Only a few minor errors noted. Submission may require a second edit.
    Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas
    The essay has only a few errors that require a small amount of editing. Evidence of attention to detail is evident in the format / structure.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements. Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence
    The essay no errors. Evidence of very strong attention to detail is evident in the format / structure.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO A) Interpret the concept of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the context of the hospitality industry
    SLO A) Analyse current trends in innovation and disruptive technologies that assist problem-solving in the hospitality industry
    SLO B) Evaluate the current literature on new concept development and start-ups in the hospitality industry

GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class







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Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design

Subject Code and Name ACCT6001 Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment 2 – Business Process Analysis
Individual/Group Group of 3-4 students
Learning Outcomes (a) Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 5/Module 3.1
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes; analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggest ways to improve the organisation’s current business process inefficiencies.
Submission Instructions:
• Students will organise themselves into groups of 3 to 4. Students will work in their groups to prepare a response to ALL of the case questions listed at the end of the case study.
• Students that have not formed groups by Week 02, will be placed into groups by the learning facilitator
• Students need to submit a report, presented in proper report format (including a reference list). The report needs to be submitted though the submission link available on the Blackboard. One copy of this report needs to be submitted in Word format by a representative of each group on the Blackboard
Case Study
Eljay is a large online education provider (school) consisting of administration, teaching and corporate services teams. Students of often email the school with questions about learning and teaching materials, assessments, and IT-related problems that require the school to process and solve the problem. These student queries are managed based on their type (teaching, assessment, IT), priority and status. The three levels of priority identified by the school include: “important”, “normal” and “less important”. The status of a student query (e.g. job) includes: “Open”, “In Process”, “Re Process”, “Solved”, “Closed”. Queries are logged in a job management system (excel spreadsheet saved on a SharePoint site), which enables the school to manage the details of the life cycle of the query from start to finish. In addition to recording student details, this system records the job code, description, type, priority, and status of the job as it progresses through each team.
The current business process begins when a student emails the school with a query. Employees within the administration team, who have less content-related knowledge, manually load each student query into the job management system. When this job is created, it is assigned an “Open” status by the administration team. Every query that employees from this team enter into the job management system is given a job code which is used to uniquely identify the student query. Once this code has been created in the system, an email is sent to the student with the job code (e.g. the reference number for the query). The student must mention this job code every time an inquiry about the status of the query is made. Any queries that are easily resolved (e.g. those that involve common problems) are assigned to employees within the administration team who work directly with the student to resolve the query. If an employee from this team is unable to resolve a student’s query, the job status is changed to “In Process” and the query is forwarded to the teaching team who have extensive content-related knowledge.
When a manager from the teaching team has the time to review the queries assigned to the team, they update the priority level of the job. The manager will then assign each job to an employee depending on the priority and existing workload of employees in the team. Once a teacher has been assigned to a job, the query is investigated, and a solution is developed and emailed to the administration team. An employee from the administration team changes the status of the job to “Solved” and emails the solution to the student. A request to verify that the query has been correctly resolved is included in the email. If the student’s reply to this request informs the administration team that the query has been successfully resolved, the job status is changed to “Closed” and the job is complete. If the student emails to notify the administration team that the query has not been resolved, the status of the job is changed to “Re Process” and the query is emailed back to the teaching team. The teaching team then goes through the process all over again.
If employees from either the administration or teaching team are unable to provide the student with a solution (e.g. for an IT-related query), the corporate services team is called upon to finish the job. The corporate services team work directly with the student to resolve the query. When the student’s query is resolved, the corporate services team notify the teaching team, who update the status of the job to “Solved”. An employee from the administration team, emails the student to inform them that a solution has been reached and the job is set to “Closed”.
The school would like to reduce costs by removing inefficient and ineffective processes while at the same time improving student response times.
a. Draw a business process map outlining existing processes for managing student queries Identify (include swimlanes in your diagram).
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing system for managing student queries.
c. Research and report on ways to improve the business processes. As you address the weakness, consider how IT can transform the processes of the organization (include references to support your suggestions).
d. Draw a new business process model that outlines your suggested improvements.
e. Include in the Appendix of your report, minutes of meetings held between group members (Include a list of actionable tasks, team members responsible for those tasks, deadlines, and progress towards completing tasks)
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Understanding of the business processes in the organisation
The description of the steps to achieve the goal of the organisation has not been identified correctly.
Business process diagram incorrect.
Activities, stakeholders and notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes not shown.
Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 30%) steps are missing.
Business process diagram is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified but incomplete.
Some notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes are shown but some stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 20%) steps are missing.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are mostly identified (around 2-3 items missing).
Most notations are correct (2-3 incorrect notations).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, 2- 3 stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct. Minor errors (1-2 errors).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete. Exceptions and variations in the process are also shown.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct.
Exceptions and variations are shown in the model.
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct
Problem Analysis Critical business issues (processes to be improved) were not identified (or incorrectly identified). Processes to be improved were correctly identified but incomplete. Processes were correctly identified but missing 1 or 2 issues.
Processes which have greatest impact were All processes were correctly identified.
Processes which have greatest impact were all All processes were correctly
Processes which have greatest impact were all identified and have justified and explained
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis_Due at week 3
30% Objective (s) of the requirements of the process was (were) not identified (or identified incorrectly)
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the processes were not identified (or incorrectly identified) Processes which have greatest impact were not identified.
Some objectives of the requirements of the process were identified but incomplete.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
One of the following were incomplete: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness identified but incomplete.
All objectives of the requirements were identified but lack details.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness but some discussions are incomplete. identified and have detailed explanation and justification.
All objectives of the requirements were identified and discussed in detail.
All inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified with detailed explanation and justification.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness were all identified and explained in detail. the reasons in detail and convincingly.
Excellent and convincing explanation and justification of the following:
• Objectives of the requirements • Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes • Organisation level, process level and job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness
Process Improvement and use of IT
30% Recommended changes
are very general, lacks detail, does not answer the problem.
Business process diagram is incorrect or does not Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions but lack detailed
explanation and justification.
Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with some Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Some explanations are not convincing.
Business process diagram reflects the Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems were prioritised. Excellent explanation and justifications of the
recommended changes. Main problems were categorised and prioritised. Alternative solutions were evaluated.
Business process diagram reflects all the recommended changes with no errors.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis
incorrect notations and missing elements.
10-12 recommended changes with few incorrect notations and elements. Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with no errors.
Team Work
10% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis





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Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design

Accounting Information Systems
Assessment Assessment – Business Process Analysis
Learning Outcomes (a) Analyse and articulate business processes and recognise the role of accounting information systems in enhancing business process design.
(e) Communicate with IT professionals, stakeholders and user groups of information systems
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of week 5/Module 3.1
For Intensive class: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Week 3/Module 3.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment is designed to develop student’s understanding of business processes; analyse existing organisation’s processes; and suggest ways to improve the organisation’s current business process inefficiencies.
Submission Instructions:
• Students will organise themselves into groups of 3 to 4. Students will work in their groups to prepare a response to ALL of the case questions listed at the end of the case study.
• Students that have not formed groups by Week 02, will be placed into groups by the learning facilitator
• Students need to submit a report, presented in proper report format (including a reference list). The report needs to be submitted though the submission link available on the Blackboard. One copy of this report needs to be submitted in Word format by a representative of each group on the Blackboard
Case Study
Eljay is a large online education provider (school) consisting of administration, teaching and corporate services teams. Students of often email the school with questions about learning and teaching materials, assessments, and IT-related problems that require the school to process and solve the problem. These student queries are managed based on their type (teaching, assessment, IT), priority and status. The three levels of priority identified by the school include: “important”, “normal” and “less important”. The status of a student query (e.g. job) includes: “Open”, “In Process”, “Re Process”, “Solved”, “Closed”. Queries are logged in a job management system (excel spreadsheet saved on a SharePoint site), which enables the school to manage the details of the life cycle of the query from start to finish. In addition to recording student details, this system records the job code, description, type, priority, and status of the job as it progresses through each team.
The current business process begins when a student emails the school with a query. Employees within the administration team, who have less content-related knowledge, manually load each student query into the job management system. When this job is created, it is assigned an “Open” status by the administration team. Every query that employees from this team enter into the job management system is given a job code which is used to uniquely identify the student query. Once this code has been created in the system, an email is sent to the student with the job code (e.g. the reference number for the query). The student must mention this job code every time an inquiry about the status of the query is made. Any queries that are easily resolved (e.g. those that involve common problems) are assigned to employees within the administration team who work directly with the student to resolve the query. If an employee from this team is unable to resolve a student’s query, the job status is changed to “In Process” and the query is forwarded to the teaching team who have extensive content-related knowledge.
When a manager from the teaching team has the time to review the queries assigned to the team, they update the priority level of the job. The manager will then assign each job to an employee depending on the priority and existing workload of employees in the team. Once a teacher has been assigned to a job, the query is investigated, and a solution is developed and emailed to the administration team. An employee from the administration team changes the status of the job to “Solved” and emails the solution to the student. A request to verify that the query has been correctly resolved is included in the email. If the student’s reply to this request informs the administration team that the query has been successfully resolved, the job status is changed to “Closed” and the job is complete. If the student emails to notify the administration team that the query has not been resolved, the status of the job is changed to “Re Process” and the query is emailed back to the teaching team. The teaching team then goes through the process all over again.
If employees from either the administration or teaching team are unable to provide the student with a solution (e.g. for an IT-related query), the corporate services team is called upon to finish the job. The corporate services team work directly with the student to resolve the query. When the student’s query is resolved, the corporate services team notify the teaching team, who update the status of the job to “Solved”. An employee from the administration team, emails the student to inform them that a solution has been reached and the job is set to “Closed”.
The school would like to reduce costs by removing inefficient and ineffective processes while at the same time improving student response times.
a. Draw a business process map outlining existing processes for managing student queries Identify (include swimlanes in your diagram).
b. Identify strengths and weaknesses in the existing system for managing student queries.
c. Research and report on ways to improve the business processes. As you address the weakness, consider how IT can transform the processes of the organization (include references to support your suggestions).
d. Draw a new business process model that outlines your suggested improvements.
e. Include in the Appendix of your report, minutes of meetings held between group members (Include a list of actionable tasks, team members responsible for those tasks, deadlines, and progress towards completing tasks)
Learning Rubric: Assessment 1
Assessment Criteria Fail
(Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Understanding of the business processes in the organisation
The description of the steps to achieve the goal of the organisation has not been identified correctly.
Business process diagram incorrect.
Activities, stakeholders and notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes not shown.
Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 30%) steps are missing.
Business process diagram is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified but incomplete.
Some notations are incorrect.
Swimlanes are shown but some stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) has been identified but some (around 20%) steps are missing.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are mostly identified (around 2-3 items missing).
Most notations are correct (2-3 incorrect notations).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, 2- 3 stakeholders are missing. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct. Minor errors (1-2 errors).
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct. Business processes (step by step description) are detailed and complete. Exceptions and variations in the process are also shown.
Business process model is consistent with the current business processes.
Activities and stakeholders are identified.
Notations are correct.
Exceptions and variations are shown in the model.
Swimlanes are used for multiple stakeholders, complete and correct
Problem Analysis Critical business issues (processes to be improved) were not identified (or incorrectly identified). Processes to be improved were correctly identified but incomplete. Processes were correctly identified but missing 1 or 2 issues.
Processes which have greatest impact were All processes were correctly identified.
Processes which have greatest impact were all All processes were correctly
Processes which have greatest impact were all identified and have justified and explained
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis_Due at week 3
30% Objective (s) of the requirements of the process was (were) not identified (or identified incorrectly)
Inefficiency and ineffectiveness of the processes were not identified (or incorrectly identified) Processes which have greatest impact were not identified.
Some objectives of the requirements of the process were identified but incomplete.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
One of the following were incomplete: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness identified but incomplete.
All objectives of the requirements were identified but lack details.
Some inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness but some discussions are incomplete. identified and have detailed explanation and justification.
All objectives of the requirements were identified and discussed in detail.
All inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes were identified with detailed explanation and justification.
The following were discussed: organisational level, process level and the job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness were all identified and explained in detail. the reasons in detail and convincingly.
Excellent and convincing explanation and justification of the following:
• Objectives of the requirements • Inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of the current processes • Organisation level, process level and job/performer level inefficiencies and ineffectiveness
Process Improvement and use of IT
30% Recommended changes
are very general, lacks detail, does not answer the problem.
Business process diagram is incorrect or does not Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions but lack detailed
explanation and justification.
Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with some Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Some explanations are not convincing.
Business process diagram reflects the Recommended changes answers the problems and provides alternative solutions and detailed explanation and justification. Explanations are convincing. Main problems were prioritised. Excellent explanation and justifications of the
recommended changes. Main problems were categorised and prioritised. Alternative solutions were evaluated.
Business process diagram reflects all the recommended changes with no errors.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis
incorrect notations and missing elements.
10-12 recommended changes with few incorrect notations and elements. Business process diagram reflects the recommended changes with no errors.
Team Work
10% Does not participate effectively in a team environment.
Places individual goals ahead of the group responsibility.
Hinders the group process and upsets the schedule. Participates effectively in teams.
Identifies team and individual goals, tasks, responsibilities and schedules.
Contributes to group processes.
Supports the team. Contributes to small group discussions to reach agreement on issues.
Works together with others towards shared goals.
Renegotiates responsibilities to meet needed change. Understands group dynamics and team roles.
Facilitates team development.
Renegotiates responsibilities, tasks and schedules to meet needed change. Builds team’s identity and commitment.
Leads teams.
Evaluates teams’ outcomes.
Implements strategies for enhancing team effectiveness.
ACCT6001_Assessment Brief 2_Business Process Analysis





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analyse what law is and the role law plays in doing business internationally

Chosen Country is Italy
Subject Code and Title MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts
Assessment Board Paper
Individual/Group Group (2 or more)
Length 5 minute presentation
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following Subject Learning
a) Critically analyse what law is and the role law plays in doing business internationally
c) Critically evaluate the multiplicity of laws and the conflicts they may present when doing business internationally
d) Construct and justify recommendations to management on specific legal implications of doing business
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday of module 6.2 (Week 12)
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 20 marks
Doing business in another country will require an Australian company to ensure it complies with any relevant domestic laws in place in that country. In some cases, it may be difficult, to determine what the applicable law is i.e. a conflict a law may arise.
It will be necessary for the company to select a suitable business structure in order to conduct its business operations. This assessment builds on Assessments 1 and 2 where students chose a country and researched the legal system and contract law. This assessment allows students to consider the most appropriate business structure for doing business in the chosen country and to consider the relevant employment and intellectual property laws that must be complied with. Relevant international treaties will also need to be considered.
Successful completion of this assessment will require students to work in a group of two (2) or more to reflect upon and justify a decision to their company’s Board of Directors, whether to proceed with business operations in the chosen country or not.
Your learning facilitator will allocate you to a group and advise you of the students you are working with. Your group will consist of students who have all researched the same chosen country.
Your group will prepare a 5-minute presentation for the Board of Directors regarding one (1) of the business opportunities identified by students in Assessment 2. You must decide as a group what business opportunity you are going to focus on.
Your presentation must be no more than five (5) minutes in length and all members of the group must be included in the presentation. Your groups Board Paper presentation must cover the following:
• state the chosen country
• explain briefly the nature of business of the company and the business opportunity
• describe and explain the business structure that would be most suitable to conduct the relevant business in the chosen country
• identify and explain any treaties or international conventions that are relevant to doing business in the chosen country
• identify any intellectual property that requires protection and analyse the options for best protecting this property in the chosen country
• explain how the company will resource this business opportunity, in terms of labour, including an analysis of the labour laws and the industrial relations system operating in the chosen country
• identify any potential for conflict of laws arising from the business opportunity and an explanation of the nature of such conflict and how such a conflict may be resolved
• identify and discuss any potential difficulties that may arise in relation to doing business in the chosen country
• provide a recommendation, together with justifications as to whether the company should proceed with the business opportunity.
Submission Instructions:
(1) Creating your video presentation
• Create a short video presentation, length: 5 minutes o Be specific and clear, as you will be assessed on originality and authenticity
• Tips on filming a video presentation is available at:
• Your presentation must be in video format (mp4, MOV, etc.) for uploading into Blackboard (refer to the link below)
(2) Uploading your video presentation
• Detailed instructions on compressing (if necessary) and uploading video presentation is available at ent_id=_387629_1&mode=reset
• Submit the recorded video via the Assessment 3 Board Paper submission link in the main navigation menu in MGT608 Business Law and International Contexts.
• After uploading your video presentation, retain a copy in a safe place.
• The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.
• Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Rubric:
Your reports will be marked against the rubric, which is shown on the next pages. Please ensure that your submission addresses all three of the Assessment Attributes in the rubric.
Assessment Rubric: MGT608 Assessment 3 Board Paper
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%
Global Perspective
Percentage for this criterion
30% Limited knowledge, skill and/or experience in global perspectives Identifies objectives and strategies of international business in the context of global competition.
Identifies appropriate elements of the legal principles in the country as applicable to business transactions. Analyses impact of entering new international markets.
Analyses market segmentation in attractive international markets.
Identifies appropriate elements of the legal principles in the country as applicable to business transactions. Identifies cultural differences; international trade policies and institutions.
Notes legalities surrounding direct investment.
Identifies appropriate elements of the legal principles of the country as applicable to business transactions. Introduces clear global perspectives into the analysis.
international commercial and legal arrangements.
Is sensitive to regional economic integration.
Identifies current international business trends and developments.
Application of Knowledge
Percentage for this criterion
30% Limited understanding of the internal and external business environment.
Lacks a global perspective for potential markets and trends.
Uses a limited range of information as the basis Understands the internal and external business environment including commercial context and market forces.
Understands local and global market trends.
Accesses relevant information.
Synthesises and Understands the impact of financial, social, political, environmental issues on the business.
Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development/service provision.
Understands the business. Understands the impact of financial, social,
political, legal and environmental issues on the business, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate.
Demonstrates commercial awareness of product development/service Demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Understands the impact of financial, social, political, legal and environmental issues on the business, as they relate to different countries where the business may operate.
Demonstrates commercial fluency with product
for recommended practice. evaluates information from a variety of sources.
Gathers and uses competitor knowledge Can prepare and present business cases and proposals. provision and cost relationships.
Understands the business and its risks.
Can prepare and present business cases and proposals development/service provision and cost relationships.
Understands the business and its risks.
Assesses the impact of information and communication systems on the operations of the business.
Demonstrates currency with legal implications of entering a foreign market place for businesses.
Knowledge and skills demonstrating
Creativity and
Percentage for this criterion
20% Limited understanding of required concepts and knowledge.
Key components of the assignment are not all addressed. Demonstrated knowledge or understanding of the field of law.
Key components of the brief are addressed.
Often conflates/confuses assertion or personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field of law.
Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from research.
Explores the limits and strengths of current knowledge.
Demonstrates capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts Highly developed understanding of the field of law.
Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from research and extended reading.
Evaluates the limits & strengths of current knowledge. A sophisticated understanding of the field of law.
Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated from research and extended reading.
Extends the limits and
strengths of current knowledge
Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Masters concepts and application to new situation and further learning.
Percentage for this criterion
20% Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence.
No effort is made to keep audience engaged; audience follow the line of reasoning. Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way is not always clear and logical.
Attempts are made to keep the audience engaged, but not always successful. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments.
The audience is mostly engaged, line of reasoning is easy to follow. Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence.
Engages the audience, demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Expertly presented; the presented is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and arguments.
Engages and sustains audience’s attention in the topic, demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity





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Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning

Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Research
Unit: Organisational Learning and Change
Unit Code: BUS 510
Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 – Organisational change project
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: Learning outcomes – (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
(a) Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning
(b) Critically analyse and explain the dynamics of strategic organisational change
(c) Critically review and evaluate the reasons for different approaches to change, and demonstrate an ability to apply this understanding to volatile or novel organisational contexts
(d) Critically analyse and critique common perspectives on the role of, and relationship between, individuals, teams and leaders in the change process
(e) Integrate biblical frameworks into a contemporary understanding of organisational learning and change
(f) Integrate the concepts of organisational learning, strategic and innovative change management with leadership theory and practice
Criteria for Assessment: • Criterion 1 – Description of the organisation – (5/50)
• Criterion 2 – Understanding of organisational change concepts or theories – (10/50)
• Criterion 3 – Organisational analysis – (10/50)
• Criterion 4 – Recommendations and resource requirements – (20/50)
• Criterion 5 – References and structure – (5/50)
Assessment Task: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students take on a management perspective to analyse organisational change and propose recommendations with the aim of improving the situation. This project seeks to create a case study of an organization that requires a change intervention.
Students will be required to choose an organisation that they are familiar with and analyse it using relevant change management theories or frameworks to identify areas where change is required. Relevant change intervention strategies are to be proposed.
The organisational change project covers the following:
1. An introduction to the organisation.
2. Internal and external analysis of the organisation to identify areas requiring change (at the end of this section, include a summary of the areas where change is required)
3. Literature review – overview of change management theories or frameworks
4. Evaluation of possible change strategies required to improve the situation.
5. Recommendations of the most suitable strategies.
6. Required resources for implementing the identified suitable strategies.
7. Conclusion
Submission Date: Week 13 (online submission via Turnitin)
Total Mark & Weighting: 50 marks (50%)
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or without approved extenuating circumstances incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day,
calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 35 will incur a 1.75-mark penalty per calendar day.
Assignments should usually incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion, and will be fully referenced including a reference list.
The word count for the assessment is 3000 words (+/- 10%)
Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count
References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a reference, but not the lecturer notes. We want to see evidence that you can conduct your own research. Also, in order to help markers, determine students’ understanding of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page number/s if shown in the original.
Work that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard Referencing Workbook” will be penalized.

Your assessment would be marked based on the following marking guideline.
Total marks – 50
Criteria Mark Fail Pass
Distinction High Distinction
Criterion 1
Description of the organisation 5 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Limited and incomplete description, missing many elements Adequate description of, missing a few elements Good and thorough description, includes all elements Very good and thorough description, includes all elements Exceptional and thorough description, includes all elements
Criterion 2
Understanding of organisational change theories or concepts 10 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Understanding of the individual concepts or theories not demonstrated Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is satisfactory Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is sound Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is detailed Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is highly integrated
Criterion 3
Organisational analysis 10 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Lack of critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts not applied in the analysis Limited critical analysis of the organisation
Limited application of the relevant theories or concepts in the analysis Some critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts have been applied in the analysis Competent level of critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts have been correctly applied in the analysis Clear and thorough critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts been adequately applied in the analysis
Criterion 4
Recommendations and resource requirements 20 Below 10.0 10.0 – 12.0 12.5 – 14.0 14.5 – 16.0 16.5 and above
Limited, insufficient analysis of strategies with few and unclear recommendations
No resource requirements discussed Analysis of strategies with fairly established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements mentioned but not adequately described Good analysis of strategies with established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements described but could have been improved by providing more details. Very good analysis of strategies with established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements explained. Exceptionally thorough analysis of strategies with clearly established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements explained will all key aspects covered.
Criterion 5
Structure and mechanics
– Coherence and organization
– APA format 5 Below 2.5 2.5 – 3.0 3.5 – 3.8 3.9 – 4.4 4.5 and above
An unfocussed, incoherent essay, characterized by disorganization and/or missing required sections.
References are inconsistent with required format; a notable number of errors present. A somewhat focused, slightly incoherent essay, characterized by some disorganization and/or missing required sections.
References are inconsistent with required format; a number of errors present. A somewhat coherent and organized essay and including most required sections.
Referencing format is adhered to throughout the essay, with some errors present. A clear and coherent essay, organized and including all required sections.
Referencing format is rigorously adhered to throughout the essay, with very few errors present. An exceptionally clear, concise and coherent essay, critically organized and including all required sections.
Referencing format is rigorously adhered to throughout the essay, with no errors present.

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You are required, in the role of the Finance Officer for Landscape Horizons, to compile and analyse financial data and prepare a number of reports, as well as fill in a BAS form and submit it to their BAS agent for approval.

Assessment Task 2: Financial activity reporting project
Task summary
You are required, in the role of the Finance Officer for Landscape Horizons, to compile and analyse financial data and prepare a number of reports, as well as fill in a BAS form and submit it to their BAS agent for approval. You will also provide recommendations on the business in a meeting with the business owner.
This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.
• Access to textbooks and other learning materials
• Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
• Assets and Liabilities Data
• Recommendations Report Template
• Transaction Spreadsheet
• Financial Policy and Procedures
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.
• Required reports
• Recommendation Report
• Draft BAS Form
Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.
Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on their performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.

Assessment Task 2 Instructions
Landscape Horizons is a gardening business established by Greg James as a sole trader three months ago. The business offers gardening services to residential customers. The business address is Greg’s home 7 Mountview Road, Tyagarah NSW 2483. ABN 24 615 058 112.
Greg charges an hourly rate of $50. Financial projections show that the annual income will be approximately $80,000.
Greg can already see that he is going to get busier and busier due to the amount of customer enquiries. He recently had a casual labourer help him out a few times in the last couple of weeks, for one day in total. He has also decided to employ (you) an Accounts Officer part-time to look after the invoicing, accounts and reporting, as this is an aspect of the business he does not want to do himself. He has a Financial Policy and Procedures that a friend wrote for him, and this should be used as guidance.
All the transactions for the first three months have been recorded in a spreadsheet but Greg has requested that these are now moved into an accounting software system as he believes this will be much more efficient.
Complete the following activities:
1. Compile and analyse financial data
Review the Transaction Spreadsheet and research the financial and taxation regulations that would apply to Landscape Horizons.
Set up the company in the accounting software system as directed by your assessor.
Once you have completed this, you are required to enter the income and expenses for the first three months of the financial year from the transaction spreadsheet. For each item you will need to classify the type of income or expense, establish a relevant code and then record the data against this code.
You will also be required to value the assets and liabilities of the business as set out in Assets and Liabilities Data and enter in this into the accounting system using the required accounting method. Check all of your entered values prior to finalising.
Greg has reviewed the data you have entered and has sent you the following email.
Dear Finance Officer
I am very happy that we have now moved all of the data into the new accounting system, it will be so much easier to track.
Please advise me of the method you used to value the assets, as I am interested in how this is calculated.
Also, I do apologise but I included a set of tyres that I bought for my wife’s car (for $528 on the 31st of September). They were not a business expense. Please remove them from the calculations.
Thanks Greg

2. Respond to queries
You are required to respond to the queries in Greg’s email.
Greg has sent you a further email regarding financial reports and seeking your recommendations.
Dear Finance Officer
Thanks for the information on asset valuation and rectifying the discrepancy with the invoice for the last month.
I really want to keep on top of the business and its performance so could you please provide copies of the following to me:
• Profit and loss report, including trends in profits as well as expenses over the last three months
• Statement of cash flow
• Balance sheet
I set myself a budget for expenses of $1,000 per month. Please advise of whether this has been achieved for each month or not.
Finally, please provide me with my projected income for the financial year assuming the business moves forward on pretty much the same note.
And I would also like you to give me some insight onto what would be possible if I take on Jimmy for two days a week on a regular basis, paying him $25 per hour and charging out his services to clients at $50 per hour.
I would like you to present the information to me at a face to face meeting. I am happy to look at the raw numbers with you, but if you would like to develop charts or diagrams to assist with the explanation, please feel free to develop these. It is important that you structure and format the reports in a way that makes them easy for me to understand.
Thanks Greg
3. Prepare reports
You are required to prepare, and download, the reports your client has asked you for using the accounting software provided by your RTO.
Using the Recommendations Report Template respond to Greg’s questions in his email.
Print out a copy of each of these reports to take to the meeting with Greg.

4. Present information to the client
When you have prepared the requested reports, meet with the client to discuss these.
Show each of the reports to the client, answering any questions they have.
You should present the financial issues and requirements clearly, succinctly, using language appropriate to the audience and the environment.
During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:
• Speaking clearly and concisely
• Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
• Asking questions to identify required information
• Responding to questions as required
• Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding
5. Fill out a draft BAS
Print out a copy of the BAS Form.
Make sure that it is the most up to date version by visiting the ATO website at:—quarterly-BAS/
Using the data you have entered into the accounting system, fill out a BAS Form for Greg with pen or pencil.
When you are finished, submit the form to Greg (your assessor) within the timeline that you have been given.

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