Writers Solution

Using rhetorical theory as a frame for textual analysis

Below is the source,

Purpose of the Assignment: To practice using rhetorical theory as a frame for textual analysis. To practice using rhetorical theory to find the intent and exigence in sources.

Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor. Writing Teachers. Individuals interested learning more about writing and rhetorical theory.

Assignment Description: *NOTE: It’s a good idea to print this out and keep it nearby as you work on this assignment. There is a lot of information in here that will be directly helpful to you as you work through the process.

Step 1: Locate a text, and remember that a text is a broad term in this assignment, and identify and analyze the rhetorical situation of that text. A text can be defined broadly, but for this assignment, you’re going to choose from either of these two categories:

a) choose an assignment that you were given by your teacher or professor in a class that you have taken within the past six months. You must have the original document that came with the assignment and supporting materials such as the class description, the class syllabus, and other information about the context within which you received the assignment.

b) choose a written communication that you directly composed for professional or personal reasons in order to solve a problem. This text must be significant. It could be the text you wrote about for the Writing to Solve Problems assignment if that seems like it will provide enough substance and interest for you to analyze. By significant, I mean that you had to go through multiple stages to get this text written and sent; it must have had a strong exigence (reason) and you had an important argument to make, and you went through stages of a process to compose and create it rather than simply writing it in a few minutes and sending it. Think carefully about this option.

c) if you can’t find an example within either of these categories, you must make an appointment with me to discuss an alternative option before beginning your writing process for this assignment.

You have to have an authentic copy of your text for this assignment; this constraint will factor in to your choice of a topic. You’re going to need to attach the text to the end of your assignment so that your reader can refer to it as they read your analysis, so make sure you have a copy of it that is shareable and that you have permission to share. Work e-mails can be sensitive, for example, so if you chose that option, then do what you need to do and consult whom you need to make sure it’s shareable. If it’s too difficult, then it would probably be best to choose a different text. 

Think about the text you intend to use for this assignment and make sure you fully understand how to apply the theory of the rhetorical situation to that text.  Don’t choose a text that is too difficult to analyze or has very little content or substance. Choose a text wisely, and make sure the text you choose has plenty of rhetorical content to address and examine so you can demonstrate your knowledge of rhetorical situations in the paper. Watch this video by Kyle Steadman to help you understand what rhetorical analysis is and how it works:

Step 2: Now create rhetorical data to examine and use to write the paper. This will take some time. Use the following questions to help you generate content for the analysis. The goal is to learn as much as possible about the details of the text before writing the paper. 

  1. What is the exigence and purpose for the text? Why was it made? What is the text reacting to?
  2. What is the main argument the text is trying to make? Where is the argument set up and established in the text?
  3. Who are the intended audience(s) for the text? How do you know these are the audiences?
  4. Who stands to gain something from the arguments and information in the text and who does not stand to gain? Why?
  5. Who are all the rhetors responsible for making the text? The writer, sure, but what about the academic department, the educational institution who created the requirements and learning outcomes for the class? Or if it’s yourself writing an e-mail, for example, did you have anyone else look at it before you sent it? Was it critiqued by anyone else? Try to identify all of the individuals responsible for shaping the text. Those are the rhetors. There can be a main rhetor, but there are always contributors to a text.
  6. Does the text have a picture or image? Who made the image(s)?
  7. What types of constraints existed for the rhetors?
  8. What deadlines and limitations did they face? How did that limit the text?
  9. What advantages did they have? Did they have a strict timeline to work around?
  10. Did they only get to use a certain amount of words, pages, or images? How did these issues constrain the work?

The answers to the questions above will serve as a way to collect rhetorical data. The more complete and comprehensive the answers to those questions are, the more rhetorical data you have to examine and analyze for this assignment.

Step 3: Once you’ve answered some of these questions, start to shape a central statement about what you’ve learned. Use the “Backpacks and Briefcases” article to set up terms and ideas and to support and elaborate on your rhetorical analysis. Collect quotes from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that connect to your own ideas in your paper and that you can use as support for your ideas in your paper, like you are having a conversation with the author Laura Bolin Carroll in your paper.

To craft your thesis statement, think about this questions:

What did the rhetorical information you collected about the text teach you?

What did you learn about the text after examining its rhetorical data? You looked at the text rhetorically. How did that frame for examining a text provide you a different perspective of the text?

What did you learn about the text from studying is rhetorical components? How did rhetorical theory help you see below the surface of the text?

Step 4: Draft your paper. In your own words, tell us how the text is rhetorically situated using your data and the articles from the course about rhetorical situations. The final assignment must be 750-1000 words and follow a citation format like MLA or APA carefully and accurately. Please use a handbook or Purdue Owl (Links to an external site.) to guide you. 

Here is a general guide for organizing your paper:

Introduction: Give us some background about your text. What is it, why did you choose it for this assignment as an example of a rhetorical situation? End the introduction with a thesis statement that synthesizes all of the elements of the rhetorical situation into a clear analysis. The thesis statement should be the answer to a question, or a combination of the questions above–in general, how did you come to see this text differently by using the concepts of rhetorical situations to analyze it? Your thesis statement must be a single sentence.

Body: Write several paragraphs. You can write one paragraph about each of the elements of the rhetorical situation, starting with the exigence and argument, audience, rhetors, constraints. Use the questions above to help you fill in the details. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph, which includes the topic of the paragraph and what you’re going to teach us about that topic in the paragraph. The topic sentence has a direct relationship to the thesis. You can think of it as a leg that the thesis is standing on. The body of the essay breaks up the big idea/central statement/thesis statement into smaller, digestible parts that each get their own paragraph. Each paragraph speaks for one part of the thesis. That should be very clear in the paragraph. It takes multiple revisions to get it as clear as possible, so expect to keep reading and re-reading your drafts as you work on this assignment to try and make this connection as clear and obvious as possible for your reader.

Then, after the topic sentence, introduce your idea in your own words; bring in an example from your text that illustrates this idea; explain what this example means and how it connects to your idea, in your own words. Then bring in a quotation or paraphrase from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that is in conversation with your idea. Introduce that quote or paraphrase in your own words, with a signal phrase like “Carroll states in “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that [insert quote or paraphrase here] (page # from the article where the quote appears). Then explain in your own words how that quote relates to your idea.

Finish the paragraph with a sentence that reminds us what you wanted us to learn in this paragraph! That’s a sentence like the topic sentence, only it’s even clearer and uses different words.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points from the paper again in new words. Restate your thesis in new words. What should we take away from this paper and keep thinking about? This can be a recommendation, a prediction, or an opinion about the big idea of your text.

Works Cited: You’ll need to include MLA or APA* citations for Laura Bolin Carroll’s article as well as your own text. I don’t think you’ll be needing any other citations for this paper, but if anything comes up, I’ll be sure to announce ti.

Your text: copy and paste the text into the last pages of your paper.

* If you have a good working knowledge of how to use MLA or APA or a strong preference for either one, you may use it. If you are new to these style formats and citation, please use MLA for this paper, which I am providing examples of. I’m happy to help with citation and formatting, and you should also make an appointment at the TCC Writing & Tutoring Center to go over your paper and get additional help if you think you need it.

Look over some of these examples for the assignment: 

  • Links to an external site.
  • Example Paper #2
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Writers Solution

Brainstorm different texts for the rhetorical analysis

To brainstorm different texts for the rhetorical analysis assignment. You should choose an assignment that you received in the last six months, a personal written communication, or a social media post (this wasn’t written in the Rhetorical Situation Assignment, but I’m offering it as an alternative) from your own account of a post you made.To figure out how to start the rhetorical situation assignment.To outline the rhetorical situation for your text (exigence, audience, rhetors, constraints).Intended Audience: Classmates. Instructor. Writing Teachers. Individuals interested in learning more about rhetorical situations. Description:ETA: Reminder: You must choose a text within one of the categories listed in the Rhetorical Situation Assignment. Please read the assignment first before you choose your text for the assignment.Post a screenshot (you can use the insert media button, or you can attach it to your post) of one page of the assignment, written communication, or social media post that you made from your own account) you would like to analyze for this assignment, and then provide a brief summary of the text with detail. The summary should start to identify why the text exists (what was the reason for its creation, what problem was it created to solve, what point was it trying to make, what was its purpose) and who the text is targeting (the audience).The summary should be at least 250 words. Consider it to be preparation for your essay. You’ll be using this summary for your essay before you get into the analysis of your text, so put some effort into this summary and provide as many details about the text as necessary.Within 24 hours: Make sure you come back to this discussion and look over your classmates’ outlines. You must provide insights on at least two of your classmates outlines:Help them outline the rhetorical situation. Make a comment or ask a question about the exigence, audience, rhetor, and/or constraints for the text’s rhetorical situation. Did it make sense to you? Did it leave any questions in your mind? What questions could you ask your classmate that would help them to dig up more details about any aspects of the rhetorical situation?I will grade your assignment once I have approved your topic.To start this activity, consider that rhetoric is everywhere. Here is an example of a sign (although you will not be analyzing images for this paper, it provides an example of a rhetorical situation and how I would start thinking about the different aspects of its rhetorical situation). The street sign in the slide below is a rhetorical text that is part of a rhetorical situation. These types of signs started showing up in the Twin Cities after several incidents of police brutality. These are texts commenting on a rhetorical situation about police violence and human rights. They are intended to be seen by everyone in the city, since everyone in the city could potentially be a victim of police violence and travel public streets and highways. I’m not sure who made this sign, so I would try to locate the rhetor. There are several constraints that impact how, where, and when this sign gets bolted to the pole. It’s illegal to put unauthorized street signs up. This is kind of textual interrogation is how you start working on the rhetorical analysis assignment.

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Writers Solution

Backpacks vs. briefcases: steps toward rhetorical analysis

Assignment Description: 1) Read “Backpacks vs. briefcases: steps toward rhetorical analysis” (Links to an external site.) by Laura Bolin Carroll2) Write down at least two critical questions you had about the reading. Make sure the questions are introspective and can’t be answered directly in the reading. Ask questions that demonstrate some critical consideration of the reading. Ask your instructor for examples of critical discussion questions if needed. Put Critical Questions above the questions.3) Then answer the following discussion question below using 250-350 words.4) Make sure to come back and answer at least two of your classmates’ discussion questions within 48 hours of the initial post deadline.For the Response Part of Your Assignment:Define what a “rhetorical situation” is, including all of its parts (exigence, intended audience, rhetors, and constraints) in your own words, using quotes or paraphrases from Laura Bolin Carroll’s article with MLA in-text citations (send me an e-mail if you need help with this!) and then use an example of a text to explain how each part of the rhetorical situation functions. So, in your post you can have two sections. In the first section, either use bullet points or paragraphs to divide your post into exigence, intended audience, rhetors, and constraints. In each paragraph or bullet-pointed section, a) define the term in your own words, b) include a quote or paraphrase from “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” that supports the definition. Then, in the second section, write about your text example and explain what the exigence, intended audience, rhetors, and constraints for that text were.For your topic for this post, choose a text from either of these two categories: 1) an assignment that you still have in your possession–given to you in a class that you took within the last 6 months or are taking now, or 2) a social media, blog or vlog post that you published for an audience. A third option, if you have the original document in your possession and are able to share it ethically, could be a letter or e-mail that you had to write in order to solve a problem at work or in your personal life, such as to a company.Use MLA format carefully and accurately for your citations from Carroll. Please use the resources for MLA in our modules to guide you. This activity will help you generate content and ideas for your 3-4 page rhetorical situation assignment.

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Burnout Analysis: Bar Graphs

Descriptive statistics describes a data set. It is used to summarize and organize the data into something more manageable, actionable, and ready for presentation. It can also help organize data and present a business problem in an understandable manner. You can use descriptive statistics to understand and analyze the data for your organization.

The employees in your company report struggling with burnout (being overworked). You have been asked to analyze the situation and recommend solutions to reduce employee burnout. You have access to an employee survey with employee responses related to the situation.

This week you will analyze the employee survey data and create bar graphs to represent the data visually. Based on your analysis, you will then create an executive summary targeted to a non-technical audience unfamiliar with statistics. See the document Module Four Survey Response Key for the responses that were available on the survey.


Part 1: Burnout Analysis: Bar Graphs

To complete this assignment, you will use Tableau software that is located within the virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI).

Follow the directions in the User Manual: Working With Tableau document to import these employee survey responses into Tableau and conduct a burnout analysis. Use Tableau to create bar graphs that will answer the following questions. Take screenshots of your bar graphs to include in your executive summary document.

  1. Which gender is experiencing the burnout level “Pretty wiped out almost every day” most?
  2. Which male age group is experiencing the stress level, “A little stress that would be expected with the ups and downs of life” at home the most?
  3. Which leadership level strongly agrees with the fact that they love what they do?
  4. Which gender with a tenure of 5+ years had the lowest number of responses for the burnout level “I feel great! Energy to spare!”?

Part 2: Executive SummaryCreate an Executive Summary of your results addressing the following criteria:

  1. Purpose and respondents: Explain the purpose of the executive summary and briefly describe the survey respondents.
  2. Results: Summarize your bar graph analyses and answer the questions they represent. Add corresponding bar graphs to relevant sections of the summary to illustrate your analyses.
  3. Recommendations: Based on your analysis, recommend two areas the company can focus on to reduce employee burnout.

What to Submit

To complete this assignment, you must submit the following:

Executive Summary: Submit a 2-to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Include the screenshots of the graphs you generated in Tableau. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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Writers Solution

A Case Analysis of AMC

Assignment content: A Case Analysis of AMC

AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters.

Construct a five-page analysis of AMC Theaters using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic. Describe how the pandemic affected the movie theater industry.

  • Explain price discrimination in the movie theater market.
  • Movie theater employees are generally paid hourly. Design an incentive pay structure for AMC Theaters and explain how it would work.
  • Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to AMC Theater’s business model
  • Apply the concepts of game theory to short selling and meme stocks as it relates to AMC Theaters
  • Assess AMC Theater’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
  • Explain the asymmetric information issues that lead to short selling and meme stocks.
  • Apply the concepts of moral hazard to short selling and meme stocks, using AMC as an example.

Your essay must be at least five pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources, at least one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on A Case Analysis of AMC


Writers Solution

Ford Motor Company SWOT Analysis. (2023

Below is my Organizational Chart that I had to paste here you will need for this assignment. please see attached screen shot which goes with this assignment.  This is a PowerPoint presentation  Please add pictures and make sure it is font is size 12.

Select an organization that needed a change to its culture as you complete the organizational change information chart.

For each type of information listed in the first column, include details about the organization in the second column.

Indicate your suggested actions for improvement in the third column.



Suggested Actions for Improvement


To become the worlds most trusted company when designing vehicles.

Ford should make their vehicles safer to avoid recalls so customer will not lose confidence in their products.


To make people’s lives better by making mobility accessible and affordable.

Ford can produce cars that are affordable for low income families.


To build a better world for everyone can live their dream.

Ford should do more to initiate programs that help improve lives for others such as mentoring.


Ford values people, products, quality, customers, and profits.

Ford should do more to reach out to reach out to more communities.

Diversity and  Equity

Ford wants to create a more diverse and equity among their culture.

Ford needs to hire more minorities and women in their organizational culture.


Ford has many diverse Employee Resource Groups to help workers from all types of cultures to help them relate to changes within the organization.

Ford needs to improve these programs with better and more resources to help in times of changes.


To create a growth and value strategy.

Ford Motor should invest in making cars that depend on other forms of energy.


Ford uses a Product Development Strategy so it can be used in R&D of new products.

Ford should come with innovative ideas to promote other products that can be produce.


Ford  uses a communication team that have daily meetings which involves listening and receiving feedback.

Ford can make use of the positive and negative communication from meetings and pass it on to shareholders for them to make changes that are positive and will benefit them financially.

Organizational Perceptions

Considering the same organizational culture and change goal, rate your agreement from 1 to 5 in the second column with the statement in the first column. Use the following scale:

1.     Strongly disagree

2.     Somewhat disagree

3.     Neither agree nor disagree

4.     Somewhat agree

5.     Strongly agree


Rating (1 – 5)

Employees know the organization’s vision.


Employees know the organization’s mission.


Employees know the organization’s purpose.


Employees know the organization’s values.


Overall, the organization is diverse and equitable.


Diverse groups are included in decision making and processes for change.


The change goal was successfully met.


The implementation strategies were effective.


The organization’s communication about the change was effective.


Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change

Consider the goal for organizational change that you identified and the existing organizational culture.

For each of Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change listed in the first column, rate whether you observed that step during the implementation process in the second column. Use the following scale to rate your observation:

1.     Never observed

2.     Rarely observed

3.     Sometimes observed

4.     Often observed

Identify actions you suggest for improvement in the third column.

Step Name

Rating (1 – 4)

Suggested Actions for Improvement

Step 1: Create Urgency.


Ford should discuss and identify opportunities to avoid recall of products.

Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition.


Ford can pick a leader who will lead the change.

Step 3: Create a Vision for Change.


Ford can a put strategy in place to create a vision and a plan to arrive at how they will get there.

Step 4: Communicate the Vision.


Ford should use all avenues to communicate their vison.

Step 5: Remove Obstacles.


Ford needs to get rid of obstacles that would undermine the new change.

Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins.


Ford needs to recognize and reward those that made contributions to the wins.

Step 7: Build on the Change.


Ford should keep adding new and positives ideas to changes through change agents.

Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.


Ford should make sure that changes are visible and communicate progress.

Ford had to make leadership changes and it was a positive move. The company has to think about what the future holds for them in staying profitable and this means creating other products rather than just depending on cars and tracks.

Ford could invest more an R&D to come up with making products such as electric vehicles that uses other forms of renewable energy if they can make these vehicles that appeal to consumers on both sides of the aisle they could have a strategy that may prove very profitable for shareholders by using a growth strategic plan.

Ford could have used a strategic plan to gain the trust of their customers so their reputations would not be at stake. Even if they did invest more into R&D customers probably would be afraid to purchase any vehicle from their company. So they need a a good Customer Service Strategy to help manage their recalls of some of their cars or trucks.


Ford Motor Company SWOT Analysis. (2023lease

Select an organization that needed a change to its culture as you complete the organizational change information chart.

For each type of information listed in the first column, include details about the organization in the second column.

Indicate your suggested actions for improvement in the third column.



Suggested Actions for Improvement


To become the worlds most trusted company when designing vehicles.

Ford should make their vehicles safer to avoid recalls so customer will not lose confidence in their products.


To make people’s lives better by making mobility accessible and affordable.

Ford can produce cars that are affordable for low income families.


To build a better world for everyone can live their dream.

Ford should do more to initiate programs that help improve lives for others such as mentoring.


Ford values people, products, quality, customers, and profits.

Ford should do more to reach out to reach out to more communities.

Diversity and  Equity

Ford wants to create a more diverse and equity among their culture.

Ford needs to hire more minorities and women in their organizational culture.


Ford has many diverse Employee Resource Groups to help workers from all types of cultures to help them relate to changes within the organization.

Ford needs to improve these programs with better and more resources to help in times of changes.


To create a growth and value strategy.

Ford Motor should invest in making cars that depend on other forms of energy.


Ford uses a Product Development Strategy so it can be used in R&D of new products.

Ford should come with innovative ideas to promote other products that can be produce.


Ford  uses a communication team that have daily meetings which involves listening and receiving feedback.

Ford can make use of the positive and negative communication from meetings and pass it on to shareholders for them to make changes that are positive and will benefit them financially.

Organizational Perceptions

Considering the same organizational culture and change goal, rate your agreement from 1 to 5 in the second column with the statement in the first column. Use the following scale:

1.     Strongly disagree

2.     Somewhat disagree

3.     Neither agree nor disagree

4.     Somewhat agree

5.     Strongly agree


Rating (1 – 5)

Employees know the organization’s vision.


Employees know the organization’s mission.


Employees know the organization’s purpose.


Employees know the organization’s values.


Overall, the organization is diverse and equitable.


Diverse groups are included in decision making and processes for change.


The change goal was successfully met.


The implementation strategies were effective.


The organization’s communication about the change was effective.


Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change

Consider the goal for organizational change that you identified and the existing organizational culture.

For each of Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change listed in the first column, rate whether you observed that step during the implementation process in the second column. Use the following scale to rate your observation:

1.     Never observed

2.     Rarely observed

3.     Sometimes observed

4.     Often observed

Identify actions you suggest for improvement in the third column.

Step Name

Rating (1 – 4)

Suggested Actions for Improvement

Step 1: Create Urgency.


Ford should discuss and identify opportunities to avoid recall of products.

Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition.


Ford can pick a leader who will lead the change.

Step 3: Create a Vision for Change.


Ford can a put strategy in place to create a vision and a plan to arrive at how they will get there.

Step 4: Communicate the Vision.


Ford should use all avenues to communicate their vison.

Step 5: Remove Obstacles.


Ford needs to get rid of obstacles that would undermine the new change.

Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins.


Ford needs to recognize and reward those that made contributions to the wins.

Step 7: Build on the Change.


Ford should keep adding new and positives ideas to changes through change agents.

Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.


Ford should make sure that changes are visible and communicate progress.

Ford had to make leadership changes and it was a positive move. The company has to think about what the future holds for them in staying profitable and this means creating other products rather than just depending on cars and tracks.

Ford could invest more an R&D to come up with making products such as electric vehicles that uses other forms of renewable energy if they can make these vehicles that appeal to consumers on both sides of the aisle they could have a strategy that may prove very profitable for shareholders by using a growth strategic plan.

Ford could have used a strategic plan to gain the trust of their customers so their reputations would not be at stake. Even if they did invest more into R&D customers probably would be afraid to purchase any vehicle from their company. So they need a a good Customer Service Strategy to help manage their recalls of some of their cars or trucks.


Ford Motor Company SWOT Analysis. (2023lease look at the screen shot that I have attached

Select an organization that needed a change to its culture as you complete the organizational change information chart.

For each type of information listed in the first column, include details about the organization in the second column.

Indicate your suggested actions for improvement in the third column.



Suggested Actions for Improvement


To become the worlds most trusted company when designing vehicles.

Ford should make their vehicles safer to avoid recalls so customer will not lose confidence in their products.


To make people’s lives better by making mobility accessible and affordable.

Ford can produce cars that are affordable for low income families.


To build a better world for everyone can live their dream.

Ford should do more to initiate programs that help improve lives for others such as mentoring.


Ford values people, products, quality, customers, and profits.

Ford should do more to reach out to reach out to more communities.

Diversity and  Equity

Ford wants to create a more diverse and equity among their culture.

Ford needs to hire more minorities and women in their organizational culture.


Ford has many diverse Employee Resource Groups to help workers from all types of cultures to help them relate to changes within the organization.

Ford needs to improve these programs with better and more resources to help in times of changes.


To create a growth and value strategy.

Ford Motor should invest in making cars that depend on other forms of energy.


Ford uses a Product Development Strategy so it can be used in R&D of new products.

Ford should come with innovative ideas to promote other products that can be produce.


Ford  uses a communication team that have daily meetings which involves listening and receiving feedback.

Ford can make use of the positive and negative communication from meetings and pass it on to shareholders for them to make changes that are positive and will benefit them financially.

Organizational Perceptions

Considering the same organizational culture and change goal, rate your agreement from 1 to 5 in the second column with the statement in the first column. Use the following scale:

1.     Strongly disagree

2.     Somewhat disagree

3.     Neither agree nor disagree

4.     Somewhat agree

5.     Strongly agree


Rating (1 – 5)

Employees know the organization’s vision.


Employees know the organization’s mission.


Employees know the organization’s purpose.


Employees know the organization’s values.


Overall, the organization is diverse and equitable.


Diverse groups are included in decision making and processes for change.


The change goal was successfully met.


The implementation strategies were effective.


The organization’s communication about the change was effective.


Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change

Consider the goal for organizational change that you identified and the existing organizational culture.

For each of Kotter’s 8-Steps to Change listed in the first column, rate whether you observed that step during the implementation process in the second column. Use the following scale to rate your observation:

1.     Never observed

2.     Rarely observed

3.     Sometimes observed

4.     Often observed

Identify actions you suggest for improvement in the third column.

Step Name

Rating (1 – 4)

Suggested Actions for Improvement

Step 1: Create Urgency.


Ford should discuss and identify opportunities to avoid recall of products.

Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition.


Ford can pick a leader who will lead the change.

Step 3: Create a Vision for Change.


Ford can a put strategy in place to create a vision and a plan to arrive at how they will get there.

Step 4: Communicate the Vision.


Ford should use all avenues to communicate their vison.

Step 5: Remove Obstacles.


Ford needs to get rid of obstacles that would undermine the new change.

Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins.


Ford needs to recognize and reward those that made contributions to the wins.

Step 7: Build on the Change.


Ford should keep adding new and positives ideas to changes through change agents.

Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.


Ford should make sure that changes are visible and communicate progress.

Ford had to make leadership changes and it was a positive move. The company has to think about what the future holds for them in staying profitable and this means creating other products rather than just depending on cars and tracks.

Ford could invest more an R&D to come up with making products such as electric vehicles that uses other forms of renewable energy if they can make these vehicles that appeal to consumers on both sides of the aisle they could have a strategy that may prove very profitable for shareholders by using a growth strategic plan.

Ford could have used a strategic plan to gain the trust of their customers so their reputations would not be at stake. Even if they did invest more into R&D customers probably would be afraid to purchase any vehicle from their company. So they need a a good Customer Service Strategy to help manage their recalls of some of their cars or trucks.


Ford Motor Company SWOT Analysis. (2023


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Ford Motor Company SWOT Analysis. (2023


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Critical Analysis of Government Policy

Assessment: Critical Analysis Report
Weight: 30%
Word count: 1500
Critical Analysis of Government Policy or Program
Choose a government response (State or Federal) that is aimed at supporting families at risk, such as a policy or program, and address the
following in your report:
!. An overview of the policy or program including its goals and objectives, target population, and implementation strategies.
“. A critical analysis of the effectiveness of the policy or program including its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT

. An evaluation of the policy or program’s impact on families at risk, including any unintended consequences or benefits

$. Recommendations for how the policy or program could be improved to better support families at risk
Your responses should incorporate reference to current literature and relevant theory (minimum five academic references) and
adhere to APA7 referencing style

An overview of the policy
or program including its
goals and objectives,
target population, and
The overview of the
policy/program is
absent or unclear,
and/or irrelevant to the
The overview of the
policy/program is basic
or limited in scope;
lacks clarity, detail or
coherence, and/or the
information provided is
incomplete or contains
Minimal integration of
The overview of the
policy/program is well-
structured, clear and
concise, and provides
a good understanding
of the goals,
objectives, target
population, and
strategies. Well-
supported by literature.
The overview of the
policy/program is
highly detailed,
comprehensive and
demonstrating a deep
understanding of the
goals, objectives,
target population, and
strategies. Strong
integration of literature
evidence of critical
analysis and
The overview of the
policy/program is
outstanding insight
and analysis of the
goals, objectives,
target population, and
strategies. The
overview is rigorous
and thoughtful and
integration of literature.
A critical analysis of the
effectiveness of the policy
or program including its
Limited or no
identification of the
policy/ program’s
Identification of some
of the policy/program’s
opportunities, and
Identification of most
of the policy/
program’s strengths,
opportunities, and
identification of the
A comprehensive and
insightful identification
of the policy/
program’s strengths,
23/7/23, 1:19 pmSubject guide
Page 2 of 3
strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats
(SWOT analysis).
opportunities, and
threats; limited or no
discussion of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program;
limited or no use of
relevant literature to
support the analysis.
threats; some
discussion of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program; use
of some relevant
literature to support
the analysis
threats; a critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a well-supported
argument; use of
relevant literature to
support the analysis.
opportunities, and
threats; a well-
developed critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a convincing argument
supported by relevant
opportunities, and
threats, with an
original perspective; a
well-developed and
sophisticated critical
analysis of the
effectiveness of the
policy or program, with
a compelling argument
supported by a
breadth of relevant
An evaluation of the policy
or program’s impact on
families at risk, including
any unintended
consequences or benefits
No evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk; evaluation lacks
critical analysis and is
not supported by
Basic evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk, but lacks critical
analysis; minimal
integration of literature
Clear evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk with some critical
evidence provided to
support the analysis
with appropriate
integration of literature
Detailed and thorough
evaluation of the
impact on families at
risk with critical
analysis; strong
evidence provided to
support the analysis,
including strong
integration of literature
Exceptional evaluation
of the policy/program’s
impact on families at
risk with
comprehensive and
insightful critical
analysis; robust
evidence provided to
support the analysis,
including sophisticated
integration of literature
Recommendations for how
the policy or program
could be improved to
better support families at
No recommendations
provided or
recommendations are
not relevant to the
recommendations lack
specificity or are not
Recommendations are
provided but lack detail
or specificity.
recommendations are
feasible but do not
address all major
weaknesses identified
in the analysis.
recommendations are
not supported by
evidence or analysis.
Recommendations are
specific, feasible, and
supported by evidence
or analysis.
address most of the
major weaknesses
identified in the
consider the needs
and perspectives of
families at risk and
other stakeholders.
Recommendations are
highly specific,
innovative, and
address all major
weaknesses identified
in the analysis and
provide a clear
rationale for why they
will be effective.
Recommendations are
supported by a strong
evidence base and
consider the potential
consequences of
Recommendations are
highly specific,
innovative, and
Recommendations are
supported by a
comprehensive and
rigorous analysis of
the policy or program
and its impact on
families at risk.
Recommendations are
likely to result in
improvements in the
policy or program and
its outcomes for
families at risk.
Fluent academic writing
with correct spelling,
grammar and punctuation
Numerous errors in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation that
Basic proficiency in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation; some
errors in sentence
structure and clarity,
but meaning is
generally clear;
Good proficiency in
spelling, grammar, and
punctuation with few
errors; clear and
concise sentence
structure that is easy
to follow; demonstrates
Very good proficiency
in spelling, grammar,
and punctuation with
no errors;
Exceptional proficiency
in spelling, grammar,
and punctuation with
no errors; outstanding
sentence structure
23/7/23, 1:19 pmSubject guide
Page 3 of 3
poor sentence
structure and lack of
clarity in expression;
use of inappropriate
language and tone for
academic writing
appropriate language
and tone for academic
an understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone
excellent sentence
structure and clarity
that is engaging and
easy to follow;
demonstrates a strong
understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone
and clarity that is
engaging and
demonstrates a deep
understanding of
academic writing
conventions and tone,
and applies this
knowledge to create a
highly effective piece
of writing
Use of current literature
and relevant theory
(minimum five academic
references) referenced in
accordance with the APA
referencing style
No references provided
or references are not
relevant to the topic;
absence of, or
incorrect use of, APA
referencing style
References provided
but are not all current
or not all relevant to
the topic.
APA referencing style
used with minor errors
or inconsistencies
At least five current
and relevant
references provided
and integrated well into
the essay.
APA referencing style
used accurately and
More than five current
and relevant
references provided
and used effectively to
support arguments
throughout the essay.
APA referencing style
used expertly and
More than five current
and highly relevant
references provided
and used expertly to
support arguments
and insights
throughout the essay.
APA referencing style
used impeccably and
demonstrating expert-
level skill and


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Help in financial analysis in a business plan

Get help in financial analysis in a business plan at finance experts. Financial analysis is a crucial component of a business plan as it helps assess the financial health, profitability, and viability of a business. It involves evaluating historical financial data, making projections, and using various financial metrics and ratios to gain insights into the company’s performance.

Here are the key aspects to consider when conducting financial analysis in a business plan:

  1. Historical Financial Information: Examine the company’s prior income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements to start. This makes it easier to spot trends, patterns, and swings in cash flows over time as well as in revenues, costs, assets, and liabilities.
  2. Revenue Analysis: Assess the sources of revenue and their contribution to the overall business. Identify the company’s primary revenue streams, such as product sales, service fees, or subscriptions. Analyze the growth rate, seasonality, and customer segments driving the revenue to understand the business’s revenue generation potential.
  3. Cost Analysis: Evaluate the company’s cost structure and identify the major cost components. This includes analyzing costs of goods sold (COGS), operating expenses, and any other significant costs incurred by the business. Understanding cost drivers and trends helps in managing expenses effectively and optimizing profitability.
  4. Profitability Analysis: Measure the company’s profitability using key financial ratios such as gross profit margin, operating profit margin, and net profit margin. These ratios provide insights into the company’s ability to generate profits and control costs. Compare the profitability ratios to industry benchmarks to assess the company’s performance relative to its competitors.
  5. Liquidity Analysis: Evaluate the company’s liquidity position by analyzing its current assets and liabilities. Key liquidity ratios such as the current ratio and quick ratio assess the company’s ability to meet short-term obligations. This analysis helps determine the company’s ability to manage cash flow, pay bills, and sustain operations.
  6. Financial Efficiency Analysis: Assess the company’s financial efficiency by analyzing various ratios such as inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover, and accounts payable turnover. These ratios provide insights into the company’s effectiveness in managing inventory, collecting receivables, and paying its suppliers. Higher turnover ratios indicate better financial efficiency.
  7. Cash Flow Analysis: Evaluate the company’s cash flow statements to understand its cash inflows and outflows. Analyze the cash flow from operations, investing activities, and financing activities. Assess the company’s ability to generate positive cash flow, manage working capital, and fund investments and growth initiatives.
  8. Financial Projections: Develop financial projections based on historical data, market analysis, and future business plans. This includes projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Projections should be realistic, supported by thorough research and analysis, and aligned with the overall business strategy.
  9. Sensitivity Analysis: Perform sensitivity analysis to assess the potential impact of changes in key variables on the financial projections. This helps identify the risks associated with different scenarios and enables the development of contingency plans to mitigate risks.
  10. Risk Assessment: Identify and evaluate financial risks such as market volatility, regulatory changes, competition, and operational risks. Assess the potential impact of these risks on the company’s financial performance and include risk mitigation strategies in the business plan.
  11. Funding Requirements: Determine the funding requirements of the business, including startup costs, working capital needs, and expansion plans. Clearly articulate the funding requirements and demonstrate how the funds will be utilized to drive growth and profitability.
  12. Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis: Assess the potential return on investment for investors by calculating key metrics such as return on equity (ROE) or return on investment (ROI). This helps attract potential investors by showcasing the financial attractiveness of the business opportunity. Feel free for Help in financial analysis in a business plan for any need in tutoring.
Writers Solution

Conducting a survey within any organization is an essential examination and analysis process that provides insight into target markets

Peer 1 

Conducting a survey within any organization is an essential examination and analysis process that provides insight into target markets, specific techniques and or data to make business decisions (Hiyari, 2021). Defining the population for a study involves two separate decisions: what unit to study, and the boundaries of the population (Displayr, n.d.). Commonly used units utilized within the population portion of this survey include, users, households, consumers, businesses, etc.. (Berkowitz, 2016). In this case the population assessment would be best made on family practitioners that are qualified during the current year within the region the survey is taking place.

A sampling frame is a database and/or list that can be used to identify quantitative and/or qualitative measures, which provide market research for a specific project, source and/or clientele (Sample Unit, n.d.). A data list and/or record of family practitioners that are associated to a national association in accordance with their geographic locations would be an appropriate suggestion within this case. A sampling unit within marketing research can refer to any type of person and/or thing that is being researched (Berkowitz, 2016). This sampling unit is more of a singular value within a database provided through research conducted (Sample Unit, n.d.). The specific geographic locations in this research example, would be appropriate for a sampling unit, as it offers sizes for grouping methods (Displayr, n.d.).

Peer 2

 A sample is designed by collecting data from the target population which in this scenario would be the family practitioners who did not choose to specialize in pediatrics after graduation. The population is defined as “the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about” (Bhandari, 2020). The population for the practitioners that did not choose pediatrics as their specialty includes the family practitioners who were qualified to specialize in pediatrics nationwide but did not choose that specialty after graduating from American Academy of Pediatrics.

            Sampling frames is a way to put all possible sampling units together and “the specific group of individuals that you will collect data from” (McCombes, 2022). In this scenario, there is no list of the family practitioners that did not specialize in pediatrics, but samples could be collected from the graduates of many medical colleges in a specific area and gather those samples as one to get a sampling frame. The sampling frame can also be done by accessing the practitioners that are a part of a national association such as American Academy of Pediatrics and determine those who did not choose pediatrics as their specialty in a certain geographical area.

            The sampling unit is either an individual or a company sample, which in this case is newly graduated family practitioners who did not specialize in pediatrics after graduation. A sampling frame that can be used would be cluster sampling which “is a probability sampling method in which you divide a population into clusters, such as district of schools, and then randomly select some of these clusters as your sample” (Thomas, 2022)




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Modern systems analysis and design and class discussions

Using your study of chapters 11 and 12 of Modern systems analysis and design and class discussions, review the applied case study “Petrie Electronics” as shown on page 435. Answer the following questions with details and propose clear solutions in 2-3 APA-formatted pages:

Visit the Nielsen Website and update PE Figure 12-1 based on guidelines and articles posted since this list was compiled. Add only elements you believe are essential and relevant to the design of “No Customer Escapes.”

How unique do you consider the human interface design guidelines for a Website to be from general application design guidelines? Justify your answer.

Search for other Web-based resources, besides the Nielsen Website, for Website design. (Hint: Look at the references at the end of this and prior chapters.) In what ways do the design guidelines you find contradict your previous answer? Explain the differences.

This chapter introduced the concepts of loyalty and trustworthiness as necessary for customers to interact with a Website. What elements could be added to a customer loyalty site such as “No Customer Escapes” to improve the levels of loyalty and trustworthiness of Petrie’s customers?

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841




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