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Business Intelligence & Data Analyst

A Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Analyst is a professional who specializes in analyzing and interpreting data to provide actionable insights and support data-driven decision-making within an organization and our finance experts offer tasks solutions at Their role involves gathering, cleansing, analyzing, and visualizing data to help stakeholders gain valuable insights into business operations, customer behavior, market trends, and other key areas.

Here are some key responsibilities of a Business Intelligence and Data Analyst:

Obtaining pertinent data from a variety of sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and external data providers. Data collection and cleansing. To guarantee data accuracy and consistency, this may entail extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) procedures.

Data analysis and interpretation: the process of examining data sets, spotting patterns, correlations, and trends in order to generate insightful conclusions. Analytics that fit under this category might be descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive.

Development of reporting and dashboards: utilizing business intelligence (BI) tools like Tableau, Power BI, or QlikView to produce dynamic, aesthetically pleasing reports, dashboards, and data visualizations. This facilitates user-friendly data understanding and exploration for stakeholders.

Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) establishing and monitoring KPIs that are in line with company goals. Making and keeping scorecards and dashboards to track performance metrics and deliver regular updates to stakeholders.

Business Needs Analysis: Collaborating with business stakeholders to understand their requirements and translate them into data analysis projects. Identifying opportunities for data-driven insights to drive business improvement, operational efficiency, and decision-making.

Data Mining and Predictive Analytics: Applying data mining techniques and predictive modeling to identify trends, patterns, and future outcomes. This helps in forecasting, customer segmentation, and predictive analytics applications.

Data Quality and Governance: Ensuring data integrity, accuracy, and consistency by implementing data quality control measures. Adhering to data governance policies, privacy regulations, and best practices to maintain data security and compliance.

Data Visualization and Storytelling: Presenting data analysis findings in a clear and compelling manner to stakeholders through visualizations, reports, and presentations. Translating complex data into actionable insights and recommendations.

Continuous Improvement: Staying updated with emerging data analysis techniques, tools, and industry trends. Actively seeking opportunities to enhance data analysis processes, data collection methods, and reporting capabilities.

To excel as a Business Intelligence and Data Analyst, you should have strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Proficiency in data analysis tools such as SQL, Python, R, or Excel is essential. Knowledge of data visualization tools and techniques is also important for effectively communicating insights.

A solid understanding of statistical concepts, data modeling, and database management is valuable. Additionally, familiarity with business processes, industry dynamics, and relevant domains (such as marketing, finance, or operations) can enhance your ability to provide meaningful insights.

Good communication skills are crucial for effectively collaborating with stakeholders, understanding business requirements, and presenting findings. The ability to work with large data sets, attention to detail, and an analytical mindset are essential traits for success in this role. A continuous learning mindset, curiosity, and an eagerness to explore new data analysis techniques and tools are important to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving field of business intelligence and data analysis.


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Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst

A Commercial Banking and Credit Analyst is a finance professional who specializes in assessing the credit worthiness of commercial borrowers and analyzing loan applications for commercial banking purposes and we at offer research writing services and tutoring in this field. Their role involves evaluating financial statements, conducting risk assessments, and making credit recommendations to support lending decisions.

Here are some key responsibilities of a Commercial Banking and Credit Analyst:

Credit analysis is the process of carefully examining a business borrower’s financial records, cash flows, and credit histories in order to assess their creditworthiness. This entails evaluating financial parameters, market movements, and the borrower’s capacity to pay back debt.

Identifying and assessing the credit risks connected to commercial loan applications. This entails evaluating elements like borrower history, industry hazards, market conditions, collateral value, and repayment capabilities.

Analyzing financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, allows one to assess the borrower’s performance and overall financial health. Liquidity, profitability, leverage, and other important financial metrics are all assessed in this process.

Loan Structuring: Collaborating with relationship managers and borrowers to structure appropriate loan terms and conditions based on the borrower’s needs and risk profile. This involves determining loan amounts, interest rates, repayment schedules, and collateral requirements.

To ensure compliance with lending policies, rules, and risk management guidelines, lenders must conduct due diligence on potential borrowers, which includes evaluating legal documents, contracts, and other pertinent information.

Recommendations and credit reports: creating credit reports and recommending credit depending on analyses completed. These reports often include information on the borrower’s creditworthiness, recognized hazards, and suggestions for whether to approve, modify, or reject the loan..

Portfolio Management: Monitoring the credit quality and performance of existing commercial loan portfolios. This includes conducting periodic reviews of borrower financials, assessing loan covenant compliance, and identifying potential credit issues or deteriorating trends.

Relationship Management: Collaborating with relationship managers, borrowers, and internal stakeholders to gather necessary information, discuss credit proposals, and provide insights and recommendations regarding credit decisions.

Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Ensuring adherence to applicable regulatory requirements, lending policies, and internal credit risk management guidelines. Staying updated on relevant laws, regulations, and industry best practices.

To excel as a Commercial Banking and Credit Analyst, you should have a solid understanding of financial analysis, credit risk assessment, and lending principles. Strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and the ability to interpret and communicate complex financial information are essential.

Proficiency in financial modeling, spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel), and credit analysis tools can enhance your effectiveness in this role. Additionally, familiarity with commercial lending regulations, accounting principles (e.g., GAAP), and industry-specific knowledge can be valuable. Good communication skills are crucial for effectively conveying credit analysis findings, discussing loan terms with borrowers, and collaborating with internal stakeholders. The ability to work under pressure, manage multiple priorities, and make well-informed decisions within tight timelines is important in the fast-paced environment of commercial banking and credit analysis.


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Capital Markets & Securities Analyst

A Capital Markets and Securities Analyst is a finance professional who specializes in analyzing securities and evaluating capital market activities and we at offer tutoring services in this field. Their role involves studying financial instruments, monitoring market trends, and providing insights to support investment decisions and capital raising activities.

Here are some key responsibilities of a Capital Markets and Securities Analyst:

Researching and analyzing different kinds of securities, such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments. To determine investment potential, this involves examining financial statements, market trends, company performance, and sector dynamics.

The goal of market research is to uncover investment possibilities and potential hazards by tracking and evaluating capital market movements, macroeconomic variables, regulatory changes, and industry advancements. Staying current on market news, economic statistics, and pertinent industry information is necessary for this.

Investment Advice: Offering investment advice and insights based on careful examination and valuation of securities. To convey findings to portfolio managers, clients, or senior management, this may entail creating investment reports, investment memos, and presentations.

Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and Offerings: Assisting in the due diligence process for companies planning to go public or issue securities. This includes analyzing financial statements, assessing market conditions, preparing offering documents, and supporting the valuation and pricing of securities.

Capital Raising Activities: Assisting in the execution of capital raising activities, such as equity offerings, debt issuances, and private placements. This involves collaborating with investment banks, legal teams, and other stakeholders to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and market best practices.

Risk Assessment: Evaluating the risk profile of different securities and investment portfolios, including assessing credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. Conducting stress testing and scenario analysis to assess potential impacts on investment performance.

Compliance and Regulatory Analysis: Staying updated on securities laws, regulations, and compliance requirements to ensure adherence to relevant rules and regulations. Assisting in the preparation and filing of regulatory reports and disclosures.

Relationship Management: Building and maintaining relationships with various stakeholders, including institutional investors, investment banks, legal advisors, and regulatory authorities. Collaborating with these parties to facilitate smooth execution of capital market transactions.

To succeed as a Capital Markets and Securities Analyst, you should have a strong understanding of financial markets, securities analysis, and investment valuation techniques. Additionally, strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines are important in this role.

Proficiency in financial modeling, data analysis tools, and software such as Bloomberg, FactSet, or other market data platforms is highly desirable. Good communication and presentation skills are also crucial for effectively conveying complex information to stakeholders. Staying updated with market trends, regulatory changes, and emerging financial technologies can help you stay ahead in the dynamic field of capital markets and securities analysis.


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Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst

We offer tips and tutoring services about Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst help by finance experts at The role of a Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst typically involves analyzing financial data, creating financial models, and conducting valuations to support various financial decisions within an organization. This role requires a strong understanding of finance, accounting, and advanced Excel skills.

Here are some key responsibilities of a Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst:

  1. 1. Financial analysis: Investigating in-depth corporate performance, market trends, and financial statements to assess financial health and pinpoint areas for improvement.
  2. 2. Financial Modeling: Creating intricate financial models to predict future financial performance, assess investment opportunities, and gauge the effects of various hypotheses and scenarios.
  3. 3. Valuation: The process of valuing businesses, assets, or investment opportunities by applying a variety of techniques, including discounted cash flow (DCF), comparable company analysis (CCA), and prior transactions analysis (PTA).
  4. 4. Data gathering: Accurately and completely gathering and organizing financial and non-financial data from internal and external sources.
  5. 5. Reporting and Presentations: Creating financial reports, speeches, and investment memoranda to share information with stakeholders, such as management, investors, and clients.
  6. Risk Assessment: Assessing financial risks and conducting sensitivity analyses to evaluate the impact of different risk factors on financial outcomes.
  7. Industry Research: Conducting research on industry trends, competitive landscapes, and macroeconomic factors to provide informed insights and support decision-making.
  8. Financial Planning and Budgeting: Assisting in the development of financial plans and budgets, providing financial projections and analysis to support strategic planning.
  9. Collaboration: Working closely with cross-functional teams such as finance, accounting, operations, and strategy to gather data, validate assumptions, and ensure alignment with business objectives.

To excel in this role, you should have a solid foundation in finance and accounting principles, proficiency in financial modeling techniques, and strong analytical skills. It’s also beneficial to stay updated with industry trends, regulatory changes, and best practices in financial analysis and valuation.

Additionally, proficiency in using spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel, and familiarity with financial modeling tools or programming languages like Python can be valuable in enhancing your efficiency and effectiveness as a Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst.




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Technical tasks associated with a Data Analyst at Comscore

Data Analyst Candidate Exercise
The following exercises are designed to represent some of the technical tasks associated with a Data Analyst at Comscore. These are meant both to orient a candidate to our dataset and to understand a candidate’s reasoning and analysis, keeping in mind that the rational steps that lead to a solution are often as important as the solution itself. This test may take between 1 to 2 hours to complete.
Section I – Introduction & Graph Interpretation

  1. Put these search terms into the two most logical groups:
    a) Bank of America
    b) Savings accounts
    c) Wireless phones
    d) Verizon wireless phones
    e) Travelocity
    f) Cruise lines
    g) Chase checking accounts
  2. The following graphs show the volume of unique people (Y-axis) visiting a given website during a given timeframe (X-Axis). For each graph, select the description that best fits the data, and give a brief explanation.
    a) A graph displaying seasonality within the retail industry
    b) A graph displaying seasonality within the travel industry
    c) Neither
    Graph 1: _ Please explain your reasoning: Graph 2 :
    Please explain your reasoning:
    Graph 3 : ___

    Please explain your reasoning:
  3. The following graph represents two websites owned by the same company. In the space below, give a reasonable explanation for the activity shift seen after October 2010.
  4. The following chart shows the average time per session (in minutes) of a visit to the following three websites:, and Do these results make sense? Please explain why or why not?
    Section II – Technical Example
    Regular expressions, or regex, are used in computing to match strings of text in a powerful and efficient manner. At Compete, an analyst uses regex to match on URL strings and search keywords to help recognize a consumer’s behavior. For example, if wanted to match on the brand “Hoover” we would want to write a regular expression that would also match on “Hoover vacuums” and “Hoover vacuum cleaner”, but probably not “Hoover Dam”.
    While alphanumeric characters retain their literal meaning within regex, many other characters take on a functional meaning. For a more in-depth look at regex, feel free to consult the web – including the regular expression Wikipedia page (
    Some examples of regular expressions which we will be using in this quiz are as follows:
    A. The expression {.*} is used to represent any number of any characters (both alphanumeric or whitespace). It’s actually the combination of two characters that have a special meaning:
    . which represents any single character
  • which represents a given character repeated N times, where N is 0 or higher
    When combined they represent any possible permutation of N characters. For example
    a.*c will match “abc”, “abbc”, “ac”, “a man wrote the letter c”
    B. The expression {.} is used to represent the period character. Since the character {.} has a special meaning in regex, if we want to represent the literal text character we use the expression {.} will match “”
    C. The expression {^} represents the beginning of a string, while the {$} represents the end. For example
    ^rain will match “rained”, but not “train” since expression requires a matching string to begin with “rain”
    rain$ will match “train”, but not “rained” for similar reasons
    ^rain$ will only match the exact string “rain”
    D. The expression {(…)}, and {|}
    In regex, there is the ability to group characters together. There are several uses for this, however for our purposes here we will only focus on grouping when paired with the Boolean OR {|} operator. For example, an expression such as a(b|c)d looks for the following sequence in a string: the letter a, then the letter b or c, then the letter d – which would match either “abd” or “acd”
    I drive a (Prius|Hummer) would match both “I drive a Prius” and “I drive a Hummer”
    but would NOT match the string “I drive a (Prius|Hummer)”
    Using the explanation above, or an outside resource on regular expressions, answer the questions below.
  1. Which of the below text strings match the following regular expression [MARK ALL THAT MATCH]:
    A. “wal-mart”
    B. “walmart”
    C. “walmart coupons”
    D. “shop at wal-mart”
  2. Which of the below text strings match the following regular expression [MARK ALL THAT MATCH]:
    A. “”
    B. “|syc/index”
    C. “”
    D. “”
  3. In the space below, compose a regular expression that will meet ALL of the below requirements:
    WILL MATCH the following strings:
    Regular Expression:
    Section III – Datamining Example
    tags tag_groups
    tag_no integer YES tag_group_no integer YES
    tag_id varchar(255) NO name varchar(255) NO
    description text NO description text NO
    date_created timestamp NO date_created timestamp NO
    created_by_user_no integer NO created_by_user_no integer NO
    short_name varchar(10) NO tag_group_owner_no integer NO
    name varchar(50) NO tag_mega_group_no integer NO
    tag_group_no integer NO denominator_tag_no integer NO
    display_case varchar(32) NO tag_group_sort_order integer NO
    formula text NO group_type varchar(16) NO
    tag_sort_order integer NO notes text NO
    from_date date NO tag_group_id varchar(48) NO
    to_date date NO
    should_renormalize boolean NO
    locked_weight_date date NO
    should_weight boolean NO
    notes text NO
    tag_group_owner_no integer YES
    tag_group_owner_id varchar(32) NO
    name varchar(128) NO
    date_created timestamp NO
    created_by varchar(64) NO
  10. Create a script that will return the “name” field of each table below when the “tag_no” of interest are: 46391,46392,46393,46397,46398,46399,46400,46401,46402,46403,46404,46405,46406,46407,46408,46409,46410,46411,46412,46413,46414,46415,46416,46417,46418.
  11. Write a SQL query to check if there are duplicated rows in the “tags” table in Q1?
    Section IV – Open Ended Question
    The purpose of this final section is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate your approach toward answering a logic question, and assess your ability to reach a reasonable, justified conclusion. The focus is not on whether your answer is “correct”, but rather to identify the steps you took to reach your conclusions. You may choose any way you see fit to answer the question; however, strong answers are clear and logically reasonable, developed around two or more relevant ideas, and use simple arithmetic to arrive at the result. Please note your answers should contain a good argument with a clear line of reasoning, rather than a simple formula.
  12. How many printed books are purchased on each month by customers in the U.S. and what are the total sales that are generated?
    a. Key assumptions made to frame the question
    b. The process to arrive at a result
    c. Result


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Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to assist Law Enforcement with investigating a digital crime

Assignment Instructions:You are tasked as the Cyber Security Analyst at your new organization to assist Law Enforcement with investigating a digital crime.

For the purpose of this assignment, you are to search the Internet for a recent Digital Crime or Cyber attack on an actual organization (and that will be your new organization). Use the Tasks outlined below (and feel free to add your own steps) and create an in-depth plan that that provides a well thought out approach (what you propose to do to carry out each task) to investigate the crime.

Cybersecurity Investigation & Forensic Methodology (Tasks):

  • Investigate the crime or the scene of the incident
  • Reconstruct the scene or incident
  • Collect the digital evidence, and make a copy of the original data
  • Analyze the evidence using inductive and deductive forensic tools
  • Establish linkages, associations and reconstructions
  • Use the evidence for the prosecution of the perpetrators


  • 4 – 6 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section)





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Imagine you are the IT manager for Gail Industries and you are meeting with a new business analyst team at the Smallville customer site.

Read the Gail Industries Case Study. You will use details from it throughout all 6 weeks of this course. 

Imagine you are the IT manager for Gail Industries and you are meeting with a new business analyst team at the Smallville customer site. The project sponsor has asked you to spend time with the business analyst team to gather details to meet IT audit requirements to determine whether IT services meet the organization’s objectives. 

Prepare a 12- to 16-slide media-rich presentation with speaker notes for a business briefing for your Smallville client about IT audit objectives, risk assessment, and what help you may need from them to complete this task. In your presentation: 

  • Describe at least 2 reasons that it is important to conduct periodic reviews of information systems (IS) to determine whether they continue to meet the organization’s objectives.
  • Discuss the importance of the organization’s policies and practices as they relate to IS and IT infrastructure.
  • List at least 2 organization policies and associate them with an example of an IT or cybersecurity operation or procedure.
  • Identify strategic and operational objectives audit planning.

Ensure you are preparing for a systems audit, not a financial audit. Frame your analysis around the systems, not the accounting or finance aspects directly.

Cite references to support your assignment. 

Format citations according to APA guidelines.





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HRIS analyst.

Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the workplace. If you were a full-time student and took 2 courses, you should write a total of 400-500 words). Please make sure you both the reference and show how it related to HRIS analyst. 

Analyzing and Visualizing data:  

Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualization A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications Inc.

Business Intelligence: PDF attached below