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Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic

A Case Analysis of AMC

AMC is the largest movie theater operator in the world. AMC recently became a popular meme stock. Take a few minutes to learn more about AMC Theaters.

Construct a five-page analysis of AMC Theaters using the following criteria.

Analyze the market before the COVID-19 pandemic. Describe how the pandemic affected the movie theater industry.

  • Explain price discrimination in the movie theater market.
  • Movie theater employees are generally paid hourly. Design an incentive pay structure for AMC Theaters and explain how it would work.
  • Apply the concepts of economies of scale and economies of scope to AMC Theater’s business model
  • Apply the concepts of game theory to short selling and meme stocks as it relates to AMC Theaters
  • Assess AMC Theater’s potential for international expansion and potential trade policy issues.
  • Explain the asymmetric information issues that lead to short selling and meme stocks.
  • Apply the concepts of moral hazard to short selling and meme stocks, using AMC as an example.

Your essay must be at least five pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources, at least one of which must be from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when writing your analysis, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.


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Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system

Discussion 4

Discussion Directions

After all you have learned in this course, it is time to think about how you would develop your own classroom management plan and philosophy. What theories and theorists stand out most to you? With which ones do you most closely identify? Let the following learning activity help you think of ways you would develop your own plan.

( )

Answer the following questions and respond thoughtfully to your classmates’ posts:

Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system. Is it realistic or idealistic to seek input from all of these groups?
Based on what you have learned in this course, what theories or models would you incorporate into your own classroom management plan? Why did you choose these specific theories or models?
Would you seek input from students, administrators, and parents, like Ms. Zeichner? Explain why or why not. If so, what questions would you ask?
Getting off to a good start is key to effective classroom management. The Wongs’ classroom management model focuses on the first days of school and preparing your classroom for an effective school year. Review the principles of the Wong classroom management model.

How can you use the Wong classroom management model to ensure success in your classroom?
How can you apply Wong’s approach to your personal philosophy of classroom management?
Review your classmates’ posts. How are their answers similar to or different from yours? Explain.

Discussion 5

Topic 1: Implementing a Cooperative Learning Approach

There might be times when you as a teacher will want to think about changing your classroom management plan. You may come across new theories on your own, a fellow teacher might have a suggestion for you, or the decision to change might come from administration. In any case, you should be prepared to handle such a switch. Read the following case studies and answer each of the associated questions.

Case Study 1

Phillip Naylor was a high school student teacher. In a discussion at a weekly Seminar, he said, “Jones’ opinions on rules might make sense for elementary students, but they certainly do not apply to the high school where I teach. Listen, these students are tough with a capital T — they argue, threaten others, and fight. What will happen if I use some of these strategies that are focused on motivating the students instead of controlling student behavior? What we need are strict and specific rules — ones we can enforce.”

What reasons would you give to either support Jones’ beliefs about classroom management or to support Mr. Naylor’s comments?
How could you apply Jones’ model on classroom management in your classroom?
How can you address the needs of students with behavioral challenges?
Review a classmate’s post, looking for similarities and differences from your response. Compare your peer’s response with yours. Are there other ideas and perspectives you did not originally consider? Explain.

Case Study 2

As a preservice teacher, Sandi Williams was not sure about the effectiveness of using cooperative learning with diverse students. “OK, I know it works with those who are working on grade level. But I’m not sure about students with disabilities or special needs. Just how much can they contribute to or get out of a group? And gifted students like to compete. Cooperative learning takes away half of their fun! And it probably slows them down, too. Then there are those students who just like to goof off. With a cooperative learning group, they’ll just wait for someone else to do the work. Nope, I don’t see how cooperative learning helps diverse classes of students and I don’t see how it helps classroom management.”

Using the ideas of the Kagan model, respond to each of Sandi’s concerns.
Can cooperative learning groups work with a diverse population of students? Use the Kagan model of classroom management to develop a plan for effectively incorporating diverse students into cooperative learning groups.
What accommodations or modifications might she have to make to meet the needs of students with disabilities?
Review a classmate’s post. Compare and contrast your response with your peer’s response.

Discussion 6

Topic 1: Creating Your Classroom Management Plan and Reflecting on the Course

The discussions in this course include several components. You may not be able to address all of these questions in a single post. You will need to plan to return to the discussion several times during the week to weigh in on the questions. Please make sure you do so as part of both original posts as well as in replies to your classmates. Remember that your grade for the Discussion Board comprises both original postings and your contributions through replies. Both are great places to introduce new information, opinions, links, etc., and both are equally important to your grade.

In this course, you have reviewed numerous models of classroom management. Use these models to share the rules, consequences and rewards, procedures, strategies for motivating learners, and strategies for building a positive learning environment for your classroom.

Classroom Management Plan

List the following:

Rules (only 4–5)
Consequences & Rewards
Discuss your strategies for addressing the following in your classroom:

Motivating all diverse learners.
Building a positive learning environment.
State and discuss the models or theories of classroom management that you used to inform your classroom management plan.

After you have posted your classroom management plan, please respond to your classmates and give them feedback and suggestions on their plans — what else might they do? Are there additional issues they could plan for or should have considered? Do you see some ideas that you might incorporate into your own plan?

Course Reflection

Reflect back on your initial response about classroom management in your introduction post.

How do you define classroom management now after completing this course?
What are the areas of classroom management that you now find most challenging after completing this course?
How have your responses to these questions changed since the beginning of the course?
How can you use the details learned in this course to inform your classroom management practices in your classroom?




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Analyze the feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis, and what happens when these systems do not function appropriately.


Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about homeostasis. Based on your research and understanding, provide your response to the following tasks:

  • Analyze the feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis, and what happens when these systems do not function appropriately. Provide two specific examples for each.
  • Provide the organizational levels in order, beginning at the atom. Then, analyze how each level relates to specific functions and to each other.
  • Evaluate metabolism, anabolism, and catabolism. Then, distinguish them by providing an example for each of these and the end result for that reaction.
  • Analyze and define internal and external respiration in terms of physiology and anatomy.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format




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Analyze internal and external issues

For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in previous units. The Unit VIII Project will now combine what you previously developed into a final strategic plan for the company.

When creating your strategic plan, focus on the following points:

Analyze internal and external issues.  

Assess global and national competition. Analyze key financial statements, and explain how items such as corporate tax rates can affect your company’s ability to compete on a global scale.

Examine the future outlook for the industry and your selected organization;

Implement performance tools used for measuring business performance.  

Integrate corrective actions to take if the business is not performing successfully. Explain how training programs, job enrichment, and motivation techniques can improve employee satisfaction and performance evaluation.

Regarding the future of the organization, you may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company going. This can include information about how the new product or service line you introduced in Unit IV will impact the company.

Your paper must be at least three full pages in length (does not include the title page or the reference page), and you must use at least two academic sources from the CSU Online Library. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Continued from order no 562577, 562894, 562979, 563467




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Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework

The foundation of the protecting our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources is the risk management framework. Risk is the possibility of an unwanted event – the chance of losing something. The goal in risk management is to mitigate loss from a natural or manmade disaster.

For this assignment, read Chapter 3, “The Strategy: Managing Risk,” PDF attached 


Write a 2–4 page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework, including Figure 3 – Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Framework on page 15 of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, and conclude how it has been designed to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure.
  2. Determine the purpose of the feedback loop design and argue how it strengthens or weakens the model. Justify your response.
  3. Decide if taking a “risk management” approach is suitable for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure. Support your response.
  4. Choose the one step that is the most important or has the greatest impact on the other steps of the Risk Management Framework and describe why.
  5. Discuss your thoughts on the effectiveness of the NIPP, and suggest one change you would make to the plan. Support your response.
  6. Use the Internet, or your supplemental resource list to locate at least three quality resources for use in this assignment




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Analyze ethical dilemmas in the health care environment.  


In a three-page reflection paper, respond to the below questions based on the following course objectives:

Course Objectives:

Analyze ethical dilemmas in the health care environment.  

Assess the sources of health care laws and regulations.  

Explain the features of federal assistance programs.  

Examine the rights of stakeholders in the health care system.  

Analyze the characteristics of negligence in the health care environment.  

Explain regulations regarding safeguarding of health information management.

Answer the following two questions with examples and explanations.

Discuss how the course supported each of the six objectives above.

Explain how you could apply the information presented in the course as a health care management professional.

Reflect on this course, and answer the following two questions:

What was the most valuable thing you learned, and why?  

What did you find most challenging, and how will you strengthen those areas as a health care management professional?

Citations, references, and APA format are required. Use the CSU Online Library as one of your references to support one or more of your responses. APA formatting with at least three references are required

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Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

    Reforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting.
    You have been hired as an expert consultant for the American Medical Association (AMA) to deliver a presentation to a physicians group regarding various barriers to improving, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. The AMA’s meeting is entitled “Healthcare Reform: Understanding the Obstacles that Hinder Us.”

    Research the following:
    • Three economic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Create a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, providing the physicians group with the information you’ve gathered on the economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare in the United States.

    • APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
    • Click this link for help on creating a PowerPoint presentation.
    • Click this link for help on creating an audio recording for a PowerPoint presentation


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Fundamental visualization software techniques to analyze data and tell the data story

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to use fundamental visualization software techniques to analyze data and tell the data story.


Open Tableau and connect to the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet in the \\\”Rental Data\\\” file. 

The \\\”Rental Data\\\” file contains data on car rental activity for a specialty rental car company, whose customer base is only college students. Note for the \\\”Insurance\\\” field 1 = customer purchased rental insurance, and 0 = customer did not purchase rental insurance. The \\\”InputData\\\” worksheet provides a description of each \\\”CarID\\\” code. \\\”TimeOut\\\” is measured in hours, and \\\”Price\\\” is dollar amount charged for the rental. The \\\”Note\\\” field includes the general condition of the rented car upon its return. The remaining fields in the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet are self-explanatory.

Create the following charts/tables using Tableau. Charts/Tables will be based on the \\\”RentalData\\\” worksheet in the \\\”Rental Data\\\” file. Place each chart/table into a separate sheet in your Tableau file.

  1. Column Chart: Sum of Miles by CarID. Ensure that the column bars are purple and that the mileage values are above each column. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyCarID.\\\”
  2. Pie Chart: Percentage Time out by \\\”Standing.\\\” Ensure that the percentage values for each pie piece are displayed on the chart. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyStanding.\\\”
  3. Scatter Chart: Time Out by Price. Ensure \\\”TimeOut\\\” is the x variable, and \\\”Price\\\” is the y variable. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyPrice.\\\”
  4. Horizontal Bar Chart: Time Out by Car ID by Month. Ensure that the horizontal bars are green and that the time out values are to the right of each column. Partition the chart by month. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”TimeOutbyCarID.\\\”
  5. Text Table: Count of Notes by Gender by Standing by Insurance. Ensure that the counts are blue. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”NotebyGenderbyStandingbyIns.\\\”
  6. Treemap Chart: Count of Notes by Standing. Select your own colors for the treemap. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”NotebyStanding.\\\”
  7. Packed Bubbles Chart: Miles by CarID by Insurance. Select your own colors for the chart (one color for each \\\”Insurance\\\” category). The size of the bubbles should be based on mileage for each \\\”CarId.\\\” Display the \\\”CarID\\\” inside each bubble. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyCarIDbyInsurance.\\\”
  8. Area Chart: Miles by Month. Select your own colors for the chart (one color for each area). Display the \\\”Miles\\\” values on the chart. Name the Tableau sheet \\\”MilesbyMonth.\\\”

For each required item above, take note of the results. The insights gained from this information will need to be summarized in a PowerPoint presentation that will be submitted as a part of this assignment. You are required to submit the completed Tableau *.twb file and the Excel file containing the source data to your instructor. Create a .zip file that contains your Tableau file and any other supporting files.  Submit your .zip file. Ensure that your last name is in the filenames


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analyze the financial health of an organization

For this project, gather with your team and analyze the financial health of an organization you have collectively selected.You and your team will develop and include recommendations for the improvement of the financial health of the company. The company WE CHOSE is GOOGLE

To accomplish this:

  1. Explore your chosen organization’s financial statements for the last five years. (attached)
  2. Use ratio analysis and other forms of analyses like trend analysis to identify 2-3 financial opportunities or challenges. (only this part need to be done)

3. Investigate news and press releases focused on the organization to better understand the underlying factors influencing those issues. 

4. Explore actionable solutions to tap the opportunity or mitigate the challenge. 

(i put 3.4 here just for you to better understand this project, follow the instructions, thank you)


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Analyze the forces that affect the company and marketing efforts. Competitive Forces

Strategic Marketing Plan Part A: Environmental Analysis and SWOT Analysis

(Due in Wk 2) Company Description

Describe the company you are designing the plan for. Include:

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Product line description
  • Company information, such as the size of the company

Environmental Analysis

Analyze the forces that affect the company and marketing efforts. Competitive Forces

Analyze the company’s key competitors. You may choose to use a BCG Matrix or attribute checklist to compare your company against its competitors. Describe any strategic moves the competition has recently made. Estimate your market share. Identify key competitive advantages against your competitors. Economic Forces

Analyze the economic environment in the areas affecting your business. Consider differences within your industry and the economic impact on suppliers. Political Forces

Analyze relevant political forces. Examples may include an election year or a law to drastically reduce or eliminate plastic waste in your county. Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues

Analyze the legal, regulatory, and ethical issues that may affect your business. Considerations may include local laws such as a ban on the use of plastic bags, the ability to post billboards, or a possible increased regulation on direct mail. Technological Forces

Analyze whether your company will be affected by emerging technologies or trends in hardware and software industries Social Forces

Analyze social trends and how they may affect your business. Considerations may include if your business will be affected by demographic trends, a growing dependence on computers, or whether interest in your product might be affected by growing preferences in the way things are done or changing social values. Current Target Markets

Define the company’s current target markets. Describe the demographic, geographic, psychographic, and product usage of these targets. Review Current Marketing

Review the company’s current marketing tactics. Consider how people find out about the product, how they get information about the product or service, what might be involved in the buying process, and what money is available for marketing. If your company is a start-up, describe your competitors’ current marketing. SWOT Analysis

Assess your company’s strengths, weaknesses, threats, opportunities, and then evaluate how to address these in your marketing plan. Strengths

Assess your company’s competitive advantage. Consider core competencies, assets, location, practices, etc. that are distinct in the way the organization meets the needs of its customers. Weaknesses

Assess what limits the company may have in its current marketing strategy. Consider if there is a company weakness that needs to be addressed through Public Relations or Marketing. Opportunities

Assess the opportunities you see based on trends or environmental conditions. Threats

Assess the threats or limitations that may interfere with the company’s ability to meet its objectives or interfere with marketing plans. Strengths to Opportunities & Converting Weaknesses and Threats

Convert weaknesses and threats to strengths, then strengths to opportunities in the marketing plan. Consider the implications for addressing supplier relationships, implementing new technologies, or changing the product line or addressing new markets. Marketing Objectives

Establish marketing objectives based on the results from the SWOT analysis. Marketing objectives must align with corporate objectives, modified by the company’s resources. Objectives should include a date for the completion of the objective and the way in which success will be measured. For example: The company will expand its marketing efforts to include a new market segment of 21- to 29-year-olds. This will entail the development of a customized product by June 2020 that will address the specific psychographic and technological needs of this age group. This strategy is expected to attain a 20% growth in overall sales by January 2020. Customer loyalty (willingness to recommend the product) will increase by 30%. Part B: Marketing Data Analysis

(Due in Wk 4) Internal Data

Evaluate internal sources of information available to you inside the organization and what information you will receive from each source. Identify 3-6 sources of internal data. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: Sales dataMonthly sales by specific productAverage sales that month in US dollars for each of 10 products. Data can be segmented by business and consumer markets.Can be used for trend analysis, projections, and to measure effectiveness of promotions.

Secondary Data

Evaluate secondary data sources and the specific information you need from each source. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: U.S. Census BureauIncome over the last 4 years by family structureHousehold structures with the highest income capacityMarket Share Analysis Customer Segments

Primary Data

Evaluate primary data needs to create and evaluate the marketing plan. Insert or remove rows as needed.

SourceWhat it MeasuresDataPotential Usage
Example: Focus groupProduct usage, motives, identify group level satisfaction, decision process, etc.QualitativeIdentify different reactions of market segments to product. Identify marketing opportunities, product/service flaws and opportunities

Customer Relationship Management

Establish customer touchpoints and develop appropriate CRM events for customer acquisition, retention, and profitability. Insert or remove rows as needed.

CRM TouchpointPurpose & CRM ObjectiveDataPotential Data Usage
Example: Customer profile information on websiteStarts the account for visitors: name, geography, email address (Customer acquisition)Presale: geographic location; customer id, source of reference Email address Post sales: address, product purchased, quantity, price.Track new and returning customer counts, total period purchases by customer ID, geographic sales data. Can be used for loyalty rewards, retention, and targeted marketing.

Part C: Market Strategy, Marketing Channels, Implementation, and Monitoring

(Due in Wk 6) New Customer Segments

Determine any new customer segments for your strategy and describe how you will provide value to each segment.Marketing Mix for New Customer Segments

Determine adaptions for each new customer segment.

  • Products
  • Price
  • Distribution
  • Traditional Promotion
  • Online Promotion

Marketing Implementation

Create the implementation for your marketing plan. Describe how you will organize and implement the plan, such as whether it will be organized by market, geography, and who is responsible for marketing decisions. Marketing Communication Channels

Evaluate the marketing communication channels you will use to reach selected audiences. Include Internet and traditional communication channels to convey key messages. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each channel you select.




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Insert or remove rows as needed.

ChannelTarget MarketAdvantagesDisadvantages
Example: Direct mailMiddle class residentialCan include couponsExpense and low return rate for given product

Strategic Actions

Develop specific activities required to implement the marketing plan. Identify the person or role who will be responsible for each action, when it will be complete, and what standard or metric indicate that the activity is complete. Insert or remove rows as needed.

ActionDate for CompletionPerson/Role ResponsibleStandard/Metric
Example: Design flyer for direct mail campaign1/1/2021J. Smith, graphic designerApproval by senior marketing team and legal


Develop the measurement to identify how you know you have been successful for each strategic action. Specify the measures to track performance against goals. Identify standard reports from your online and traditional marketing efforts. Insert or remove rows as needed.

ActionTargetPerson ResponsibleInter-measurement
Example: Direct mail flyer1100 new inquiriesWestern regional manager500 new inquiries first month of campaign

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