Writers Solution

Application: Memory

Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources.

Required Resources


  • Myers, D. G. (2014). Exploring psychology, in modules (9th ed.). New York, NY: Worth.
    • Module 21, “Studying and Building Memories” (pp. 290–300)
    • Module 23, “Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Memory Improvment” (pp. 310–323)
    • Module 26, “Intelligence and Its Assessment” (pp. 353–364)


Optional Resources

  • Exploratorium. (1998). Sheep brain dissection: The anatomy of memory. Retrieved from

    This website includes a review of the biological underpinnings of memory via a series of picture of a sheep brain dissection. It’s a fascinating look at the anatomy of memory.
  • Plucker, D. (2012) Human intelligence. Retrieved from

    This website includes biographical profiles of people who have influenced the development of intelligence theory and testing, in-depth articles exploring current controversies related to intelligence, and resources for teachers.
  • National Geographic. (n.d.). Mapping memory in 3D. Retrieved November 13, 2012, from

    This is a web article on the biological underpinnings of memory.

Application: Memory

What did you eat yesterday? Can you remember what you ate the day before? How about the day before that? Is it easier or more difficult to remember details the farther back in time you go?

While it may not be necessary to remember what you eat every day, improving your memory so that you can remember details may affect other areas where memory is more important. Would it be useful to be able to remember the grocery list on your way home from work? Imagine recalling planned events without having to consult a calendar.

Short-term memory (STM) is limited and is prone to decay. In contrast, long-term memory (LTM) has nearly unlimited—and, according to scientists, permanent—storage capacity. You can help ensure the storage of memories in LTM by developing meaningful connections between new information and things that you already know. After practicing in the Exploratorium, be sure to try the strategies in your everyday life.

For this Assignment, you practice memory strategies covered in this week’s readings.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Before beginning the Exploratorium activity, review Module 21, “Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Improving Memory.” Focus on strategies for improving memory.
  • As you work your way through the exercises at the Exploratorium’s “Don’t Forget… Playing Games With Memory” note the following data:
    • Record your score on “Memory Solitaire.”
    • Record your score on “Tell Yourself a Story.” (Think back to the concepts in this week’s reading where you learned about level of processing, recency, and chunking.) 
    • Note observations about your strategy on “Tell Yourself a Story.”  What type of story or set of connections did you devise? Did it help improve your memory? What applications do you see for this strategy?
    • Record your score on “Wander Around Your House.” How well did this trick work? What applications can you see for this method?

a paper of 2–4 pages in which you evaluate the effectiveness of memory strategies demonstrated by the memory tasks. As part of your evaluation, describe the aspects of memory demonstrated by the memory tasks. Include the data you collected and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies presented.






Psychology: Application: Memory

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Application: Memory

The human memory provides evidence that learning has taken place in one’s life. The ability to recall information is dependent on where the information was stored. Human mind has short and long-term memory where information is stored. In order to explain the functioning of human memory, scientists have advanced various models that include the levels of processing and information processing models (Myers, 2012). However, there is consensus that neither of the models provide a comprehensive mechanisms regarding how the human memory functions.

Strategies to Improve Memory

            In order to improve the ability to recall information and experiences, many strategies have been developed. These methods include taking good memory diet, use of memory mnemonics and games among others (Exploratorium, 1999). In the memory game of “Memory Solitaire,” I was able to recall twelve out of the twenty items. When I played the game of “Wander around Your House,” I was able to recall ten of the items listed. The two games provided an important strategy for evaluating the ability to recall some items, and thus was a perfect evaluation of my brain.           The memory tasks demons…………………………………………………………..
Assignment status
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Writers Solution

Microsoft is a global leader in system software and application software.

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses acc403 mod 5 case slp. The organization that is chosen for study is Microsoft. Microsoft is a global leader in system software and application software. The company is the leader in creating and providing of desktop, laptop, handheld and mobile operating system, network operating system as well as application software like .net, Visual suite of products etc. It is also a leader in providing office productivity software like Word, Excel, Power Point and personal database – Access. It is also a leader in internet access software – internet explorer and its mail clients – Outlook and Outlook express are most sought after mail access clients.

There is no actual data that is available in public domain and hence the figures presented here are only to highlight the learning assimilation that has happened and do not reflect actualness or claim any authenticity.

The activity and activity drivers identified are:


Activity Drivers

Designing of software

Design Changes


Number of orders


Machine time


Number of customer agreements

The company uses the actual costs and activity rates which are shown below:

(All figures in USD)

Activity Driver

Costs of Activity

Total Driver Usage

Application Rate

Design Changes


12,250 changes


No. of Orders


6,500 orders


Machine time


1,525 hours


No. of agreements


7,000 agreements


Application rates are then multiplied by the cost driver usage for each product to determine the cost to be applied to each product:



Application Rate

Driver Usage



Designing of software


225 changes




150 orders




100 hours




200 agreements


Total overhead costs to be applied to each standard MS-Office package: 270,000.00

MS-Office Professional

Designing of software


1000 changes




500 orders




52.5 hours




500 agreements


Total overhead costs to be applied to each standard MS-Office professional package:



1. The ICFAI University Press. (2004). Introduction to Management Accounting. Hyderabad: The ICFAI University Press.

2. Value based (2008, March 25). Activity Based Costing Method ABC Methodology. Retrieved July 15, 2008, from Value based

2Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at CapitalEssayWriting.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT

Writers Solution

Theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject

 Assessment 1Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment
Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.
Value: 20% Due Date: Students are to upload their submission to the Turnitin link on the KOI
Moodle subject home page by 5:00pm Friday of Week 6.
Topic: This assignment covers contemporary theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject.
Task Details: This assignment requires students to access the Conceptual Framework of Accounting and select the conceptual framework tab. Students are then required to access paragraph 2.4 fundamental qualitative characteristics.
Students should:
1- Prepare a summary of the requirements for general-purpose financial reports with respect to these fundamental qualitative characteristics.
2- Select an ASX corporation ( and review general purpose financial report material with respect to the reporting of risk by the corporation
3- Review the general-purpose financial reports, additional company media releases, internet, and other sources in relation to the reporting of risk by the corporation.
4- Prepare a comprehensive report directed to this research. The report extracted from the general-purpose financial report and additional material relevant to the analysis.
Presentation: Report – 1,500 word report. The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables). Students need to stay within
the assigned word limits, and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment. The report should be typed double spaced, using Times New Roman font size of either 10 point or 12 point. Every page should be clearly numbered.
The assignment should include the following parts:
o A title / cover page, which indicates basic information such as Subject title, Subject code, Trimester number, Assignment title, group members’ full names and KOI student numbers, word count and name of the tutor;
o Executive Summary;
o Table of Contents;
o Main contents – Introduction, analysis using suitable headings and subheadings, Conclusions and Recommendations, Appendices (if any); References (using Harvard – Anglia style); and/or o Attachments.
Marking Guide:
Research – extent and application 30%
Analysis 30%
Recommendations/conclusions 30%
Presentation 10%
This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20 subject marks.

Writers Solution

DoGood Donor application allows employees to enter multiple combinations of donor type and pledge amount to determine data to retrieve.

  An administration page in the DoGood Donor application allows employees to enter multiple combinations of donor type and pledge amount to determine data to retrieve. Create a block with a single cursor that allows retrieving data and handling multiple combinations of donor type and pledge amount as input. The donor name and pledge amount should be retrieved and displayed for each pledge that matches the donor type and is greater than the pledge amount indicated. Use a collection to provide the input data. Test the block using the following input data. Keep in mind that these inputs should be processed with one execution of the block. The donor type code I represents Individual, and B represents Business.


Writers Solution

Describe the critical goal of the web site or application. In other words, what is the purpose or what is it designed to accomplish?


For your third assignment, you are hired as a UX Designer to conduct a Usability Review of an existing web site, desktop application, or mobile app and present your findings and recommendations using PowerPoint or other approved presentation application (e.g. Google Slide, LibreOffice Impress, Prezi)

 Project Directions

Select an existing website, desktop, or mobile application and complete the following as the result of your Usability Review.

1. Describe the critical goal of the web site or application. In other words, what is the purpose or what is it designed to accomplish?

2. Describe the top four usability issues you uncovered (sorted by severity). Complete the following information for each issue and present it in column format:

A. Usability Issue – List the issue

B. Severity Rating (High, Medium, or Low) – Rate the severity of the issue into one of three categories:

· High severity – Issues that prevent the user from completing tasks efficiently.

· Medium severity – Issues that impede ease of use and understanding.

· Low severity – Issues that do not prevent users from completing tasks, but inconvenience the user.

C. Rationale – Describe the usability issue. Discuss the severity you assigned to the issue. Why is this an issue? Justify your severity rating.

D. Recommendation – Recommend a path of action to address the usability issue. How can the issue be fixed or corrected?

Note: This is not a complete or extensive usability review, but for purposes of this class, it will provide you an introduction into the usability review process.

 Project Findings Presentation

Please follow the steps below:

Create a PowerPoint presentation to present your findings. The PowerPoint template below can be used to complete this project. Simply add your information to the slides.

The slides should be designed as follows:

slide 1

Slide 1: Cover Slide 

Include the following:

· Your name

· Your class

· Year and semeser

· Website or application used in your usability review

Slide 2a

Slide 2: The critical goal of the web site or application. 

Slide 3

Slide 3: First Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 4

Slide 4: Second Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 5

Slide 5: Third Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 6

Slide 6: Fourth Usability Issue 

Include the following:

· Item A: Usability Issue

· Item B: Severity Rating

· Item C: Rationale

· Item D: Recommendation

Slide 7

Slide 7: Summary 

Summarize slides 1 through 6.

Slide 8

Slide 8: Questions 

Ask your audience if they have any questions.

Slide 9

Slide 9: References 

List the references you used to complete this project.

Slide 10

Slide 10: Project Reflection 

Answer the following question regarding the assignment:

What issues or challenges did you face completing this project? How did you resolve them? If you did not face any issues or challenges in completing this project, what do you think are some issues or challenges someone new to completing usability studies might face in completing a project like this? Note: Your reflection must be a total of at least 100 words.

 Presentation Design Style

Please follow conventional presentation design format and guidelines. In other words, your presentation should look “presentable”. 

 Probject Resources

The following resources may be helpful.

1. How to Conduct a Usability Review by Craig Tomlin (web page)

2. Presentation Design Quick Tips: You Need CRAP by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:15 mins | closed captioned)

3. Presentation Design Quick Tip #1: C is for Contrast by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:31 mins | closed captioned)

4. Presentation Design Quick Tip #2: Repetition by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:15 mins | closed captioned)

5. Presentation Design Quick Tip #3: A is for Alignment by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:45 mins | closed captioned)

6. Presentation Design Quick Tips #4: Proximity by Carl Kwan (Youtube Video | 1:31 mins | closed captioned)

 Submission Requirements

Submit your presentation to your Project 3 Assignments Folder.


Listing 4 user design issues and presenting them in presentation format along with a project reflection “in accordance” with the assignment instructions will earn you a 100% (A) on this project.