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Registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) play a vital role in healthcare delivery.

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Chloe C

Discusion # 1

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Nursing plays a role in changing health policy on multiple levels: conduct quality improvement projects on the job, attend local meetings to share their expertise and advice and write to their political representatives to advise them on critical health-related issues. Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses are in a great position to advocate for policy development because they spend so much time with patients to know the specific needs of the communities they serve. (Regis College, n.d.).


Nurses often must move out of their comfort zone to advocate for health policy changes, and this process can be very time-consuming. Some have no interest in politics and policy-making and lack educational preparedness. Some have found a lack of resources and mentorship from exemplary nurse leaders. 

           Joining nursing organizations is essential for nurses to enhance individual advocacy efforts. These groups provide resources and strategize more effectively to bring nursing perspectives to health policy decision-makers. Nursing organizations can monitor public policy, offer ways for their members to learn about health policy, and serve as a resource for reliable information related to policy issues and policymakers. (Abood, n.d.).


As nurses, these opportunities to participate in policy-making can be communicated in the employment setting through word of mouth directly to coworkers or nursing-led education classes about the subject. Also, social media is a great way to reach, educate, advocate, and communicate with a specific target audience on a larger scale in this day and age. (Anders, 2021).

Andrikia W

Discussion post #2

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Registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) play a vital role in healthcare delivery. As RNs and APRNs, we must become actively involved and continue to be the voice and advocate for our patients and community. We can become involved by meeting with local legislators and community leaders to address the problems we are facing with health care. Also, joining an organization such as American Nurses Association is a way for nurses to become actively involved in the policy-making process. In addition to lobbying on issues that directly affect the nursing profession, ANA takes bold stances on issues important to its members. ANA has taken firm positions on a range of issues including Medicare reform, the importance of safe nurse staffing, workplace violence, whistleblower protections for health care workers, and adequate reimbursement for health care services (ANA, n.d.). Social media is a key platform for nurses to be advocates. For example, Facebook has a variety of distinct groups designated for RNs and APRNs. It is a resourceful tool to utilize to network and get information to the public. Another strategy in increasing participation and bringing awareness to politics and policymaking is providing nurses with efficient information regarding health policies. For example, I did not have a lot of knowledge about healthcare policy making until taking this course. Surprisingly, this information is not provided or taught in undergraduate courses. If the information is introduced at an early stage in nurses’ careers, then they will be more actively engaged.

Nurses are not always granted the opportunity to voice their concerns. The International Nursing Review article identifies a lack of support, resources, and time for nurses to do so in their workplaces, and too often nurses lack confidence and skills in policymaking and do not understand the differences or connections between policy and politics (Health Stream, 2021). However, nurses should not allow negativity or lack of support from legislators to discourage them from becoming involved. Instead, nurses should fight back and have adequate evidence-based practice to support the topic of concern. Nursing organizations allow nurses to band together and support one another in policy implementation. Nurses can create healthcare change and should become involved in the policy process and learn about upcoming issues. As a component of professional nursing, active participation in the policy process is essential in the formulation of policies designed to provide quality health care at sustainable costs to all individuals (Milstead & Short, 2019).

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