Writers Solution

Gale Criminal Justice Collection for an article by Patrick T. McCormick called “Fit to Be Tried

 At what point should juveniles be tried as adults? Should they ever be tried as adults?

First, read this article.

Next, search the Gale Criminal Justice Collection for an article by Patrick T. McCormick called “Fit to Be Tried.”

What do these articles have to say about trying juveniles as adults? Explain why you agree or disagree. Share your thoughts. 

150 words

Writers Solution

What do you hope to accomplish with your web article?

 For your final project this semster, you will be creating a persuasive or informative Web Article. 

There are links to example Web Articles in your assignment sheet, as well as in Week 5-7, if you’d like to explore them before completing this assignment.

In this plan/outline, you will write at least 250 words total to give me a sense of what you plan to do for your web article. In particular, your proposal should cover these ideas: 

  1. Purpose and Audience: What do you hope to accomplish with your web article? Are you trying to inform your audince? Are you trying to persuade your audience to change their behavior? Take action? Argue in favor of a particular solution? And who is this argument/information directed to? Be as specific as you can when identifying your ideal audience — since you’re writing informatively/persuasively you should think about who you’re hoping to inform or persuade. Take some time to explain why you have decided on this purpose and what you really want to say. In this section, I really want to see what’s important to you, since good writing is self-motivated.
  2. Thesis: State the working thesis that you will assert in the final web article, and explain in about a paragraph why this will be the thesis you’ve decided on. Your thesis should be a claim that others can logically have different perspectives on. It should also engage your readers’ interest that can surprise your audience with something new or challenging.
  3. Style and Design: This includes visuals, writing style, and document design. Since you are writing in the genre of a web article, this means there must be some visual elements to accompany the text. What photos, illustrations, charts, or other visual elements will you include? How will you design the page? You’ll also want to write in a voice and style most appropriate for your chosen audience. What will that be? Will you be more formal/casual/friendly/academic/etc.?

Note: if you choose to refer to sources in your explanation, be sure to put your quotes in quotation marks and cite your sources!

Research is a recursive process, meaning that we have to keep returning to it. At work and at school, as we get further along in a project, we keep having to find more research to complete the different phases of the project. 

As you prepare to write your Web Article, you will see that the research you did before for your Annotated Bibliography will not enough to complete the project in this unit. There will be things you still don’t quite understand; things you remember reading but don’t see in your sources; questions that come up as you write.

For this assignment, I want you to find 3 new sources to use in your Web Article project. I do not mean any three sources that will just be tacked on to your works cited–but sources that will actually help you. 

I recommend making an outline of your project, or starting a draft, and thinking about which sources from your Annotated Bibliography will help you write each section. Then ask yourself, “Where are the gaps? What kind of information do I still need?” This assignment will help you most if you think about what you still need before you set out to find it. 

Each source should be listed as a hyperlink. Then, for each source, write a brief explanation (at least 100 words each) why you are adding that source to your list. Here are some questions to consider as you write your explanation: 

Writers Solution

Texas Bill of Rights from Article I of the Texas Constitution

 There are three different discussions forums in this post. And they are:

1.  Read the Texas Bill of Rights from Article I of the Texas Constitution ( Pick any of the sections from the Texas Bill of Rights  What is the right that is mentioned? What does it mean (in your own words)? Find a Supreme Court case (US or Texas) dealing with the issue brought up by the right you are mentioning. What were the facts of the case? What right did the person claim they had? What was the court’s decision? And finally, do you agree with the outcome of the case and why? Be sure to include a link to the case you chose.

Make sure to write a 250-300-word post and to to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response with a 100-word reply. 

2.  Prompt: Find an Op-Ed that discusses any law enacted by the Texas Legislature in the last legislative session. Find an interesting, controversial law that generated a good deal of discussion. Especially look for law that could affect your life or the lives of those you know. Read the Op-Ed. What does the law call for – what will be its effect? What is the argument made by the author of the Op-Ed – is it for or against the law. What arguments on the other side do you think could be made. What do you think of the law – make sure you make arguments and cite evidence to support your position.

Make sure to write a 250-300-word post and to to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response with a 100-word reply. 

3.  Prompt: Find an OP-ED by author who argues that Voter ID in Texas is a good idea and summarize his arguments. Be sure to post the link. Then find an OP-ED by a liberal author that argues that Voter ID in Texas is a bad idea. Be sure to post the link. Who has the better arguments and why?

Make sure to write a 250-300-word post and to to read what others have written and comment on at least one other student’s response with a 100-word reply.

Writers Solution

impact the future in a significant way and, when you post your article, also post a profitable business you think could be made out of that future event.

Find an article about events that you think will impact the future in a significant way and, when you post your article, also post a profitable business you think could be made out of that future event. Additionally, when you post, include the following information:

The number of people impacted by the event you are describing

The size of the impact on each person from that Event

The amount of time involved (e.g. will this happen in 1 year? 100?)

The probability (i.e.) how likely you think it is the event will occur

Give the TAM/SAM/SOM for your business

Identify barriers to entry you may utilize to keep out competition.