Writers Solution

What other aspects of your life are inCuenced by a sociological perspective?

Sociological theory
Read & consider
To have a sociological perspective is to look at your social world in terms of the major sociological theories.
There are three main Sociological theories:
Conflict Theory
Symbolic Interactionism
(there are also subgroups and combinations of these)
To this we are also going to add: Feminist theory.
Sociologists generally examine social interactions and social structures in terms of power (who has power over others, who controls what,
who doesn’t have it) and how these social factors shape behaviours. A sociological perspective looks at the impact of social factors such
as age, gender, ethnic group, socioeconomic group, cultural group, national group, geographical location, occupational group, education
To develop a sociological perspective we need to break down the assumptions we have about our social world. We need to be able to stand
outside our own ideological frameworks and see the everyday and the ordinary as unfamiliar and the object of scientific study. This can be
difficult!17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 5 of 13
3. Major social theories
Watch & consider
This video follows on from the crash course in sociology video we watched in week 1. It looks at theoretical paradigms or theories of
sociology, macro and micro distinctions and the 3 major paradigms in sociology.
Watch: Major sociological paradigms: Crash course sociology #2 (YouTube 9:39)
Major Sociological Paradigms: Crash Course Sociology #2
CrashCourse. (2017, March 21)
Major sociological paradigms: crash course sociology #2 [Video} YouTube,
Page 6 of 13
4. Activity: Durkheim
Watch, consider & post
Emile Durkheim is considered a founding thinker of sociology. He focussed on how a society is formed and how it functions, or how a society
maintains order and stability. He is attributed with the creation of the functionalist perspective in sociology. His work remains very relevant
today as we explore culture and what holds a society together as well as what creates division and our response to that division in a
Watch: Sociology – Emile Durkheim (YouTube 7:47)
SOCIOLOGY – Émile Durkheim
The School of Life (2015, May 22)
Sociology – Emile Durkheim [Video] You Tube
Structural-functional theory is often criticised for focussing too much on the stability of societies and its inability to explain social change.
For these reasons, many sociologists now believe that functionalism is no longer useful as a macro-level theory.
Activity: Emile Durkheim did extensive research on suicide during the latter part of the nineteenth century. His theory as to why people
commit suicide focuses on the condition of social cohesion present in a society and experienced by the individual.
To help us understand Durkheim’s theory of social cohesion, let’s undertake a critical analysis of Australia’s welfare and health.
Go to Australia’s Welfare 2019 or the Australian Bureau of Statistics and find either some welfare or health statistics that support Durkheim’s
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.
Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2019).
Australia’s welfare 2019 : in brief.
welfare/australias-welfare-2019-in-brief/contents/table-of-content17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 7 of 13
5. Activity: Marx
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Political theory – Karl Marx (YouTube 9:27)
The School of Life (2014, December 19)
Political theory – Karl Marx [Video] You Tube
Activity: Conflict theory has been criticised for focussing on conflict to the exclusion of recognising stability. Can you think of any social
structures that are stable or have gradually progressed over time rather than changing abruptly as conflict theory would suggest?
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 8 of 13
6. Activity: Weber
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Sociology – Max Weber (YouTube 7:22)
The School of Life (2015, February 20)
Sociology – Max Weber [Video] You Tube
Activity: Weber also recognised that in addition to class, society can be stratified by groups who have different status. Which groups in our
society have a status that is viewed with prestige and something to be desired and which groups have low status and prestige and as a
result may experience scorn, disadvantage or discrimination? How much power do these groups wield?
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 9 of 13
7. Activity: Feminist theory
Watch, consider & post
Watch: Theories of Gender: Crash course sociology #33 (YouTube 10:37)
Theories of Gender: Crash Course Sociology #33
CrashCourse (2017, November 14)
Theories of gender: Crash Course Sociology #33 [Video] You Tube
Activity: Some feminist theorists identify the following 5 major issues of feminism today:
!. The division of domestic labour
“. The media
#. The glass ceiling
$. Social inequality
%. Violence against women
Yet often these issues are surrounded in controversy and heated opposition. Why? How can a sociological perspective affect social
Post your response by clicking on the forum icon below.17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 10 of 13
8. Sociological Theory Today
Read & consider
These three approaches are still the main foundation of modern sociological theory, but some evolution has been seen. Structural-
functionalism was a dominant force after World War II and until the 1960s and 1970s. At that time, sociologists began to feel that structural-
functionalism did not sufficiently explain the rapid social changes happening in the United States at that time.
Conflict theory then gained prominence, as there was renewed emphasis on institutionalised social inequality. Critical theory, and the
particular aspects of feminist theory and critical race theory, focused on creating social change through the application of sociological
principles, and the field saw a renewed emphasis on helping ordinary people understand sociology principles, in the form of public
Postmodern social theory attempts to look at society through an entirely new lens by rejecting previous macro-level attempts to explain
social phenomena. Generally considered as gaining acceptance in the late 1970s and early 1980s, postmodern social theory is a micro-level
approach that looks at small, local groups and individual reality. Its growth in popularity coincides with the constructivist aspects of
symbolic interactionism.
Read:1.3 theoretical perspectives from
OpenStax. (2016).
Introduction to Sociology (2nd ed.). OpenStax CNX., 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 11 of 13
9. Activity: Sociological perspectives on the family
Consider & post
Later in this subject we will be looking at the topic of gender equality and will be exploring the family further. However, in this activity we are
going to consider how each of the sociological perspectives view the family.
Click on the Google doc link below to post your responses
Additional resource
The following video is an additional resource if you have some extra time. It’s not very interesting to watch so just put your headphones on
and listen to it next time you are on the train, bus, in a waiting room…
Video: (YouTube 16:47)
Marshall, D. (2013, July 8).
Sociology of the family [Video]. YouTube., 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 12 of 13
10. Activity: Applying the sociological perspective everyday
Read, consider & post
Benefits of applying the sociological perspective to our daily lives:
assess the truth of community held assumptions ie common sense, taken-for-granted, status quo: Are these commonly held beliefs
true? Why are they so widely held? For example where do differences in gender, ethnicity or class come from?
assess both the opportunities and the constraints that characterise our lives – how can we pursue our goals?
empowers us to participate actively in shaping our society
helps us recognise diversity and confront the challenges of living in a diverse world
Read this article which takes a sociological view on the tearing down of statues of racist historical figures: We see history more clearly after
tearing down statues of racist colonisers
Savoulian, R. (2020, July 9).
We see history more clearly after tearing down statues of racist
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! Share “
What other aspects of your life are inCuenced by a sociological perspective?
Click on the wall or on the icon below.!
Yuliya Y
Yuliya Y
Career opportunities
Louise Anderson
Louise Anderson
Where i go shopping for
clothing household goods and
the weekly groceries.\
What my work wardrobe
consists of
Where and when my
leisure/social time is spent17/4/23, 12:13 pmWeek 2
Page 13 of 13
11. Activity: Marginalisation
Consider & post
“What is marginalisation? Marginalisation describes a state in which individuals are living on the fringes of society because of their
compromised or severely limited access to the resources and opportunities needed to fully participate in society and to live a decent life.
Marginalised people experience a complex, mutually reinforcing mix of economic, social, health and early-life disadvantage, as well as
stigma.” (Cruwys et al., 2013, p.4)
Consider a group in Australia that can be identified as marginalised based on the definition above, for example, Indigenous Australians,
unemployed people and welfare-reliant single mothers. The sociological perspective provides a way for us to analyse and explain
marginalisation. We can analyse the social structures that shape society at a macro-level or we can look at the social interactions that
occur in a specific situation at a micro-level.
In the following activity think of the social structures in Australian society and the social interactions in a specific situation that might
contribute to the marginalisation of that group. Then consider what social changes need to be made to ensure social inclusion.
Post your response in the Google doc by clicking on the icon below.
Additional resource
Cruwys, T., Berry, H.L., Cassells, R., Duncan, A., O’Brien, L.V., Sage, B. & D’Souza, G. (2013).
Marginalised Australians: Characteristics and
predictors of exit over ten years 2001-2010. University of Canberra.
Korff, J. (2020, 17 July).
Aboriginal prison rates. Creative spirits.




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Describe the distinctive aspects of Mayan, Aztec and Incan agriculture

Please write 250-300 words, on the following: 

Topic: Describe the distinctive aspects of Mayan, Aztec and Incan agriculture. Identify lessons—good or bad—that contemporary agricultural systems might take from these different forms of agriculture. You may want to consider what climate might benefit from any of these techniques or identify a crop that might be suitable for these ancient techniques.


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The Positive and Negative Aspects of Welfare Reform


From the choices provided by the instructor, select a peer-reviewed article that most closely aligns to your interests. You will utilize the article to assist you in formulating an argument. Choose at least three other peer-reviewed/academic resources (use JSTOR through the library’s website) from your selected subject area or discipline in tandem with your selected article to prepare a critical analysis of the topic being discussed. Please prepare a somewhat detailed outline similar to the one below to help get your thoughts in order. After preparing your outline and selecting subtitles and appropriate information, you are ready to write your paper. When you submit your materials, please include your outline separately from your final paper but submit them at the same time to the same link. The purpose of an outline is to create a working document that you can then use to compose your paper. The more detailed the outline, the more easily you can write your paper. Make your outline as detailed as you can, so you can almost write your paper entirely from using your outline. It is a good habit to get into.


I. Title of Paper – Your paper title should be descriptive of your topic: For Example: The Positive and Negative Aspects of Welfare Reform

II. Introduction to paper – Your subtitle to this section of the paper should be Introduction. Your introduction should indicate something similar to the following: Utilizing the article “The End of Welfare as I knew It,” (Spatz, 2013), and selected sociological literature, this paper will conduct a critical analysis of the welfare system past and present followed by recommendations of how to best revamp the system.

III. The End of Welfare as I Know it (Your subtitle for this section could be Article Summary or the name of the article you selected). Be sure as you write the summary, you cite the author of the particular article that you have selected intermittently within your review.

In this section, provide a summary of the contents of the article to be analyzed.

IV. Literature Review

In this section you will discuss your literature from your field or fields of choice to discuss the issue. Be sure that you cite (using APA formatting or whatever the appropriate formatting is for the discipline that you have selected…research your discipline to determine the appropriate formatting). Cite each of the three sources that you have selected each time that you them in the body of the paper and be sure that you include a reference page as well with the full citation at the end. Please use Purdue Owl for details on how to cite appropriately. The website is:

V. Critical Analysis

In this section, you will use your literature (at least three separate resources) to discuss the points made by the article mixing in your own point of view (but professionally and not directly). That means, do not use personal pronouns. Do not say I, we, etc. Explain how the literature that you found discusses, agrees with, disagrees, with etc. the points made by the article that you selected from the text. When discussing the text, do not refer to it as text, refer to it by the name of the author of the article (not the editor ‘Finsterbusch’ but the author of the particular article that you selected). Do not use the first name of authors. You should references them using only their last name(s) and the year (and pages) in your paper.

VI. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

In this section, provide a summary (two to four paragraphs) of the entire paper and then provide conclusions and recommendations based on the argument you have made substantiated by your sources.

Additional Writing Directions

After you complete your outline and all of your facts and details are in order with citations, you are ready to write your paper. Since the Social Sciences Master’s degree is composed of a variety of disciplines each with their own selected writing format, you will want to look up the appropriate writing style for your discipline. In general, Anthropology and History tend to follow the Chicago style writing format while Sociology, Political Science and Psychology tend to follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Whichever style you select, please look up the details and be consistent. I am particularly interested in appropriate citations used in the body of the paper (to avoid plagiarism) and your reference/bibliography page.

Please read the attached document to refresh your memory and clarify plagiarism. Plagiarism is taken very seriously in the academic community and especially so in graduate school. There is no leniency when it comes to plagiarism; it is considered stealing property. In brief, plagiarism means using any information other than your own without giving appropriate credit to the source. Even if you paraphrase (put materials into your own words), if this material was composed by someone else, you must provide the citations. Most citations should include author of article, date of publication, website, journal, book, etc. that it came from. Please see your appropriate discipline’s documentation on proper citations. The internet contains excellent documentation for all popular writing style formats.

In beginning your paper, please include a separate cover sheet with your name, date, name of course, assignment and title of paper. On the first page of your paper please provide the title of your paper and then jump into your introduction. As you write your paper, follow your outline, providing the information that you indicated you would be providing in each section. I have a preference for use of subtitles, so please use subtitles as indicated in the outline. Citations should be included in the body of the paper each time information is utilized from publishes sources. Additionally, you are to have either a Reference page, Bibliography page or whatever citation page is used by your selected style format.

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding your paper.

You must follow these directions, to get the full amount of points. If you do not follow the directions, I will not grade the outline/paper and will return it to you immediately. In graduate school as in the career world, the most important thing is following directions. It can make all the difference


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Understand and discuss aspects of your Internship performance

These topics will be used from experiences recorded in your journal and what you have learned.  Include how they may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals.  You should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and business course experience. 

Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. 

  • Understand and discuss aspects of your Internship performance. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of and relevance to your academic career by making a connection between knowledge learned in the classroom and practical problems in an off-campus work environment. 
  • Identify your strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest, based on your practical work experience. 
  • Examine aspects of the company’s Organizational Development (OD).


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Aspects of designing a School Budget

Discussion 4
Topic: Aspects of designing a School Budget

Imagine that you have been asked to be on a panel of school administrators at a national conference. Your panel is presenting information on what you see as “hot topics” regarding the design process and the strategies used to maintain a K–12 school budget.

Use these articles as a starting point for your research:

Ezarik, Melissa. (2019, July 25). 5 strategies for balancing the budget while preserving instruction. DA District Administration.

Griffith, M. (2005). School finance litigation and beyond [Policy brief]. Education Commission of the States.

Thro, W. E. (1994, May). Judicial analysis during the third wave of school finance litigation: The Massachusetts decision as model. Boston College Law Review, 35(3).

Zdroik, M. (n.d.). Prepare for budgeting. Skyward.

Feel free to find additional articles in the Library or from the internet that you can use as well. Your task is to use the articles to form an outline of your presentation. The outline should contain your main talking points concerning the design, implementation, and maintenance of a K–12 budget, as well as, a brief summary of each point. Post your response to the Discussion Board.

Discussion 5
Topic: Current Financial Trends in Education

When certain areas are not covered in the budget or when a school budget falls short of funds, a current trend in schools today is having parents purchase school supplies, uniforms, and to pay fees for textbooks, clubs, and athletics. In today’s current educational environment, this is not an ideal situation and this requirement can be difficult for some families. Look into what your local policies are regarding families providing school supplies, textbooks, uniforms, club or athletic fees, or any other parent funded requirement and then answer the following questions:

How does your local school district handle this matter as it relates to fees, supplies, and textbooks for all families? Is there a distinction between socioeconomic classes?
Does your local school district make accommodations for families that cannot afford fees and supplies? If so, what are they? Are these accommodations confidential?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) calls for a free and appropriate education for children with disabilities. Should that apply to school supplies and other school fees? Does your school district offer funding assistance for supplies and activities for students with disabilities?
As a lead teacher, what policies and procedures would you implement in your school if you were to look at the current financial trends and wanted to ensure all students had the supplies and material necessary to be successful?

Discussion 6
Topic: Future Trends of a Virtual Learning Environment.

Your current board of education members wish to explore and understand more about virtual education, and the future of education concerning quality, delivery, and financial aspects. Due to the recent virus epidemic, there is the possibility that a virtual learning environment will be the new normal.

Contemplate this scenario: Your district’s school board is struggling with the board of education which has some questions and concerns about implementing and funding virtual education. As with many boards, several members are from the private sector and their knowledge of how learning, especially virtual learning, takes place is limited. The teacher’s union also has issues and questions about the virtual learning environment and how it will be administered. Your PTO (parent/teacher organization) has asked you to present a short discussion on this topic. Your audience will be teachers, community members, the school board, and the superintendent. Consider how you will discuss the issue. Research current and possible future trends regarding virtual education and post to the questions below:

What implications does this learning environment have for the future of education as well as the staff and teachers?
What are the implications for student achievement?
What would be the possibility of a blended learning environment where both virtual and in-person classes could be held?
How does a virtual learning environment impact school finances?


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In the context of COVID-19, what are important aspects of the university experiences for SoSS students and why are these aspectsimportant to them?

Coding level 1  (Parent code)Coding level 2                             (Child code)Quotes
Flexible HoursChildcare“……………………” (participant 1) “……………………” (participant 2) “……………………” (participant 4)
Work/Employment“……………………” (participant 2) “……………………” (participant 3)
Good TeachersCommunication“……………………” (participant 1)
Availability/consultation“……………………” (participant 3)
 Caring“……………………..” (participant 1) “…………………….” (participant 4)
Blended LearningDifferent learning styles“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 3) “……………………..” (participant 4)
 Flexibility“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 2)
Social OpportunitiesCampus meeting place“……………………..” (participant 1) “……………………..” (participant 2) “……………………..” (participant 4)
 Campus events and clubs“……………………..” (participant 2) “……………………..” (participant 3) “……………………..” (participant 4)

This is the template that should be used and filled out. It is called ‘interview coding table’’.

Instructions for Qualitative data

Table should be filled out with the information provided on the conducted interview attached. I conducted this interview in class with a fellow student. We ran out of time so I wasn’t  able to ask all the intended question. Please include that in the 500 words writing component.

Research Question

‘In the context of COVID-19, what are important aspects of the university experiences for SoSS students and why are these aspectsimportant to them?

Present your qualitative interview coding table (Table 1) and then write 500 words about it. These 500 words should include

  • How the data was generated (summary of method). (4 marks )(whole steps you did- your student handbook is a good guide to look into about the research process you did)
  • Their interpretation of the data (i.e. what does the data SHOW / MEAN ?) How does it answer the research question? (analysis) (8 marks) Refer to Table 1 in your discussion, connect with your research question
  • Suggestions /Recommendations for how the findings could be used, e.g., to inform policy, identify patterns in social phenomenon (3 marks) – well justified findings coming from your coding table
  • Data Presentation is important as they can get you easy 5 marks as below.

Table title, source statements (2)

Quality of data (3)

No references/reference list required.

Portfolio – submission checklist for Quantitative data (500 words)

You have a choice between analysing survey data or a content analysis (see module 3.5 folder). Please submit only one of them as you won’t gain any extra marks for submitting both. You will lose marks if you submit both. Data presented in tables/figures are not part of this 500 word count.

  • Write your quantitative research question clearly

So if you are using survey data for quantitative component (500 words), then your research question is:

‘In the context of COVID-19, what are the most important campus facilities to Western Sydney University students and why?’

Present your univariate and bivariate analysis (tables/figures) and discuss in 500 words

Table title, source statements (2)

Quality of data (3)

No references/reference list required.


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Task of budget maintenance and requests for many different aspects of your school


There are times, as educational leaders, that may seem as if you have no control over the circumstances that you or your teachers may face — for example, poverty. There are situations where students from financially stressed homes may not have the means to participate fully in a school program. On a deeper level, they face struggles and stress that other students may not face. This can impact school performance on many levels.


As the readings have made you aware, there are different funding formulas for federal, state, and local education funds. As an educational leader, you will be charged with the task of budget maintenance and requests for many different aspects of your school.

Imagine you are at an administration’s meeting with the District Strategic Planning Team that is responsible for the allocation of personnel and funds to each school in the district. Your school is in a transitional neighborhood in your school district. Your school district is a suburban district usually thought to be home to the upper-middle class. In your school’s geographical location, however, many previously owner-occupied homes are now rentals and two large apartment complexes have become Section 8 and Housing Authority properties. Both Section 8 and Housing Authority housing programs are governmentally funded programs. Your free and reduced lunch has changed from 15% to 70% of your school population in the past year alone. The number of students qualifying for free and reduced lunch is indicative of the change in the socioeconomic status of the neighborhood.

In this meeting with the District Strategic Planning Team, your funding requests are up against other needed requests from other schools in the district. You are competing with other schools for a limited amount of funds. As funds seem to be in short supply and everyone believes they have a strong and valid need, you will want to research and support each point in your request for funds.

In the state where you live, research local, state, and federal funding formulas and explain how your school receives funds each year and create a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint® presentation, that includes the following:

Introduction slide.

Describe your school to the district officials. Make sure you include the history as well as the characteristics of the local community, the student population, and the staff.

List and explain your budget requests based on the research gained from the funding formulas.

Use information from your reading — both textbook resources and outside research —to justify and support your request for equitable and adequate funding (remember to use APA citation for your references).

Explain how your budget is affected by local, state, and federal guidelines.

Reference slide.

10-15 slides


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various aspects of managerial decision-making


In this course, you have learned about various aspects of managerial decision-making. For this final assignment, you will reflect on everything you have learned and discuss how you will use it to improve your decision-making in the future. To complete this assignment, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the best practices in rational decision-making and explains how you will use what you have learned in each of the following areas to improve your managerial decision-making.

Overcoming bias

Awareness of boundaries

Awareness of framing

Motivation in decision-making

Emotions in decision-making

Fairness and ethics



The six issues in negotiator cognition

Be as creative as you can with color and flow to make the presentation unique and powerful. Use bullet points where possible to keep it clear and concise. Pretend you are creating the presentation for an audience of managerial decision-making learners.

In your presentation, you must use at least two academic references, one of which may be your textbook. The sources must be cited and referenced in APA format. Your presentation should include an introduction slide and conclusion slide; it must be a minimum of 12 slides, but no more than 20 slides (not counting the title and reference slides)


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One of the most confusing aspects of wrongful convictions is the concept of false confessions.

One of the most confusing aspects of wrongful convictions is the concept of false confessions. Why would someone admit to something they didn’t do? For this assignment, we will once again go the Innocence Project website.

Watch the video about false confessions, and write a one page reaction paper about what you have viewed.

1.    What did you learn about how and why false confessions occur?

2.    Do you think this is a problem- why or why not?

3.    Do you agree or disagree with the Innocence Project’s proposed solutions to this problem?

Must be in APA Format





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Explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication

Oral History Interview
Throughout the course, you have explored various aspects of culture and intercultural communication. To learn more about other people’s cultures and subcultures, conduct an extensive oral history interview with a person who is somewhat older than you and from a different culture or subgroup from you. This person can be a relative or acquaintance who is from a different generation. It can be someone who immigrated to this country either recently or some time ago. Or, it can be someone who belongs to a different subgroup from you and whose cultural experiences you believe would be very different from your own. Obtain permission from the person you are interviewing to record the conversation (either an audio or video recording) or to take handwritten notes during the interview.
Your overarching goals during the oral history interview are
To learn more about the culture and subcultures to which your interview subject belongs.
To determine how their culture and gender have influenced the way they communicate with others.
To discover what issues they have encountered in their life when engaging in intercultural communication.
To relate concepts you have studied in this course to the experiences of this person.
When conducting the interview, ask the interviewee at least six questions from this list (in addition to at least three questions you create specifically for your interviewee):
How far back in time can the person remember? What is your interviewee’s first childhood memory? (Consider how it reflects the interview subject’s culture or subculture?)
What does the person remember of the experience of being an immigrant or a subgroup member in that time?
Which impressions or experiences from that time are most vivid to your interviewee today?
If your interviewee immigrated to this country, what was the country of origin like in terms of geography, government, transportation, economic system, and education system? If your interviewee was raised in this country, what were these aspects of life like during childhood?
What does the person recall of the communication with members of the dominant culture? What barriers to effective communication did your interviewee encounter?
In the United States today, what is different about your interviewee’s life in terms of language, religion, family customs, diet, recreation, and work, as compared to childhood?
What role did the news media play in the interview subject’s life and in supporting or contesting the views of the interview subject’s culture? How did the media influence the subject’s individual beliefs and opinions about males and females, masculinity and femininity, and other aspects of gender belief systems and views about race and ethnicity? (Cite specific examples given to you regarding these two specific issues.)
If your interview subject spoke a different native language, ask your interviewee to discuss differences between that language and English (consider the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis).
What are some of the most significant differences in day-to-day life in the past versus today?
In addition, you must ask at least three original questions that are specifically tailored to the individual that you are interviewing. You should expect to spend at least 30 minutes interviewing your subject, but some interviews will go longer. Do not rush your interviewee! Give your subject the freedom to talk as long as possible in answering each of your questions.
As part of this assignment, submit a copy of your interview. The following options are acceptable ways of submitting a copy of your interview:
Submit an audio file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use an audio file, please make sure you copy the link onto your Word document and then upload the document.)
Submit a video file of the interview to Waypoint. (If you use a video or screencast, please make sure you copy the link onto a Word document and then upload the document.)
Create a typed transcript of the interview and submit it as a separate document to Waypoint.
Include in your Final Project a hyperlink to a website where the interview can be watched/heard.
For your Final Project in this course, create a report of the oral history interview that you conducted. To create this report, review your recording of the interview and any notes you took during it, and write a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper (excluding the title and references pages), in which you discuss aspects of this person’s culture and/or subcultures and communication issues related to your interviewee’s cultural identity.
In your paper
Define the concept of intercultural communication.
Explain what can be learned about intercultural communication by conducting an oral interview.
Identify the name of the person you interviewed and their relationship to you.
Create a thesis statement that previews the conclusions you reached as a result of conducting this interview.
Describe the interview subject’s cultural background and the culture and/or subcultures to which your subject belongs.
Analyze the interview subject’s answers to each of the questions you asked during your interview to connect the concepts covered in this course (do not simply provide a transcript of the interview subject’s answers).
Conclude what you learned about intercultural communication as a result of conducting this oral history interview.
Your paper should be written in paragraph form, not in a question and answer format. Thus, you must weave the information you present into a coherent narrative form, paraphrasing the information gleaned from the interview or using direct quotations from your interview subject, as appropriate. Your primary sources of information for this paper will be the interview subject. However, it is important that you also reference material you have studied in the text and other course resources to help support your analysis of your interview subject’s answers. Every chapter in the course text is potentially of relevance to the Final Project, depending on who you interview and what that person focuses on.
Please note: If you received feedback from a Writing Center consultant on your draft from Week 3, please be sure to submit a second document describing, in one paragraph, how you revised your rough draft based on this feedback. This document will be in addition to your Final Project. This additional document describing your revisions based on the feedback you received from the Writing Center is evidence of enhancement of your draft and can raise your score for the final assignment, so be sure to submit it along with your Final Project if you have done this. Working with the Writing Center is highly recommended, but not required.
Please note that if you are a Communications Studies major, this assignment will be an element in your graduation portfolio. If you have not set up your portfolio yet, you may do so by selecting Folio from the menu in your classroom on the left-hand side. If you have set up your portfolio, you can access it the same way. You will be working with your portfolio extensively in the Communications capstone course, COM480. If you are a Communications Studies major, please add this paper to your portfolio. Other students are not required to do this. View the Folio Quick Start Guide for guidance.
For your reference, these are the elements that are required to be included in your portfolio:
COM101 Week 1 assignment “Perspective on Communication” and Final Paper “Personal Communication Skills Assessment”
COM223 Final Paper “Persuasive Campaign for Online Education”
COM325 Final Paper
COM345 Final Project
COM355 Final Paper “The Future of Communication Technology”
COM370 Week 1 assignment “Personal Cultural Profile” and Final Project “Oral History Interview” (This Paper)
COM425 Final Paper
SPE103 A speech of your choice from the class
The Oral History Interview Final Project
Must be at least 1,500 to 2000 words in length (not including title and references pages), double spaced, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following (see Sample APA Title Page):
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph (see Introductions and Conclusions) with a succinct thesis statement (see Writing a Thesis Statement).
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must use at least six references (one may be the textbook); include additional resources found on the University of Arizona Global Campus Library Library website.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Be sure to integrate your research rather than simply inserting it (see Integrating Research).
Must include a conclusion that summarizes the main points and restates the thesis (see Introductions and Conclusions).
Must document all sources in text in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Citing Within Your Paper).
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (see Formatting Your References List).
Resource: Before you submit your written assignment, you are encouraged to review The Grammarly Guide: How to Set Up & Use Grammarly tutorial, set up a Grammarly account (if you have not already done so), and use Grammarly to review a rough draft of your assignment. Then carefully review all issues identified by Grammarly and revise your work as needed

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