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select a disorder/topic and assess the client provided through BPS and CRSJ. Briefly explore ethical considerations

Using the scenario provided select a disorder/topic and assess the client provided through BPS and CRSJ. Briefly explore ethical considerations.  You may choose the gender, culture, and race of the individual in the scenario.  You may also add or delete sections that would add to the scenario in a more appropriate manner depending upon the disorder you have chosen.

Click here for Scenario.

Please select the disorder/topic from this list only. Please note you must choose one of the following disorders:

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Bullying, self-harm, suicide prevention
  • Mood disorders (Depression, Post-Partum Depression, Bipolar)
  • Substance abuse/addiction
  • Dementia/Alzheimer’s

Review the late submission policy in the syllabus. 

Content – Criteria:

Each student will introduce and explore BPS and CRSJ as the foundation for examining the selected disorder/topic. Give an understanding, analysis, and critical evaluation of each factor (a minimum of 8 factors are expected for an average grade for the entire paper, a total of 12 factors would be beneficial), building a therapeutic relationship, a brief discussion of ethical considerations or concerns, your personal role as a therapist, and conceptualization (be sure to develop a framework and conceptualize how you would help the client using a BPS/CRSJ approach, and a path toward assessment, (goals and treatment plan are not a part of this assignment). 

The focus of the paper should be on the application of BPS and CRSJ in order to explore the disorder/topic in preparation or progress toward treatment. You do not need to consider a treatment plan for this disorder/topic as this is not expected at this level. The first step is to assess and explore layers that would impact the client and clinical process (i.e., layers outlined in BPS/CRSJ). In future courses, skills and competencies will be added to fully create the treatment plans and intervention. Discuss the importance of developing the therapeutic relationship and your role as a therapist. 

Please use APA 7th edition in writing your paper including headings in your paper. Subheadings should be included. Use the provided rubric to guide the outline of the paper.


Your Final Paper should be between 10 – 12 double-spaced pages excluding title page and reference pages. A Word Document is required for this paper, not a pdf. The course instructor will not read theoretical content after page 12. This paper does not require an abstract, a table of contents, or an appendix.


You are welcome to draw predominantly from the course reading materials to complete this assignment. However, you must have at least five (5) additional current (last ten years), peer-reviewed resources (from outside the course) to ensure adequate coverage of the topic. Remember to cite original sources unless they are not accessible in the Yorkville library.

Quality of Writing:

It is imperative you have a very good writing style and follow APA format as you will be marked on these variables (APA manual, 7th edition).





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challenges that valuation professionals face when attempting to properly assess the current value of a private business


Using the first four chapters in the Hitcher textbook as your primary reference, and supplemented by appropriate secondary sources, identify and discuss two (2) specific issues or challenges that valuation professionals face when attempting to properly assess the current value of a private business. Your paper should have an Introduction, two “body” parts (specific issue or challenge one and specific issue or challenge two) appropriately titled, and a Conclusion. The body parts need to clearly define the issue/challenge, fully discuss why this issue/challenge is important, and suggest what valuation professionals can do to limit the impact of the issue/challenge.

  1.   Assignment length: At least 750 words (excluding title page and references) in current APA format.
  2. Number of citations: At least 3 (in addition to your textbook, which must be your primary references). Remember: any article/source listed in your references must be cited at least once in your paper.
  3. Accepted sources: Books or other scholarly/professional sources. Remember, Investopedia, Wikipedia, websites, periodicals (e.g., newspaper, magazine, newsletters), and blogs are not scholarly/professional sources. You can use these in your paper (if properly cited), but they do not count towards the required number of citations. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool




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Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base

Create a 7 slide minimum Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes about your selected website (eBay) in which you complete the following: 

  • Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base.
  • Describe any content and/or strategies you believe will help improve customer e-mail open rates and interaction.
  • Explain how this e-mail/newsletter strategy can be integrated with other social media marketing efforts and online communities to improve brand recognition and website performance.
  • Evaluate the metrics that should be used to measure the success of the new strategy and processes (i.e., how will you know if your proposed marketing efforts are making an impact?).
  • Recommend a plan for moving from the current marketing strategy to your proposed strategy.
  • Assess whether new target customers, products, or services should be included in this updated marketing plan.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines, and cite any resources used.

Submit your assignment





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Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance

Subject Code and Title MGT600 Management, People and Teams / MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams
Assessment Reflective Analysis
Indhridual/Group Individual
Length Up to 750 words
Learning Outcomes a) Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying strategic people management and explain how their application enhances organisational and individual performance. c) Demonstrate effective communication and practical problem-solving skills to effectively manage people in a range of organisational contexts d) Critically reflect on the roles and functions that managers perform in the context of the challenges and risks they have to address in the changing environment. e) Develop and justify a model of management cognisant of the organisational minutiae to guide future practice.
Module 2.1 (Week 2)
Weighting 15%
Total Marks 15 marks
Self-awareness creates an opportunity for further development and personal success.
This reflective analysis is designed for you to explore the subject’s introductory content and importantly, identify how it relates to your own experiences and how you may use it in the future
• Module 1.1 ¦ The nature of organisations, the role of management and challenges faced
• Module 1.2 – Motivation, influence and power and politics and
• Module 2.1 ¦ Communication, conflict and negotiation
In writing your reflective analysis, you should consider the learning resources provided in the respective modules as well as reading more broadly on the relevant topics.
Think carefully about what you are reading and what has been discussed in class or in online discussions. Identify the key principles and concepts and be sure you know what they mean, why they are important and how they can be applied.
Your reflective analysis write up may take a variety of forms but must be within the word limit and include:
• A short introduction.
• An analysis of the relevant module topics including their relevance to you and application.
• A short conclusion.
• Reference list.
In reflecting upon the module topics, you should explore questions such as:

  1. What is in the content and why is this topic important?
  2. How is the topic relevant to you?
  3. What has been your past experience in this topical area?
  4. What have you learnt from the content so far and how will you use it in the remainder of the subject or in your workplace?
    The word limit is short, so make use of tables, figures and diagrams as these are not included in your word count.
    You will be assessed against the learning rubric below and your level of insight and application of knowledge from Modules 1 and 2.1.
    You must recognise all sources of information; including images that you can include in your work. Reference your work according to the APA 6th edition guidelines. Please see more information on referencing here skills/referencing






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principles of economics and the economic way of thinking to assess market issues and make business decisions

Assignment 1: Principles of Economics
Worth 150 points

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

Identify a relevant economic article from either the Strayer Library or a newspaper. The article must deal with any course concepts covered in Weeks 1-4.
In the first two (2) paragraphs, identify at least four (4) key points that the article highlights.
In the next three to five (3-5) paragraphs, apply two (2) of the following economic concepts (supply and demand, market structures, elasticity, and costs of production) to the key points that you highlighted in Question 2.
In your concluding paragraph, state whether you agree or disagree with the author’s comments. Provide a rationale for the response.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment with one (1) being your article.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Apply the underlying principles of economics and the economic way of thinking to assess market issues and make business decisions.
Analyze the dynamics of supply and demand to anticipate market equilibrium.
Analyze the elasticity of demand and supply and its importance, and the effect of taxes or other public policies
Describe the impact of various forms of competition on business operations with emphasis on perfect competition.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in principles of economics.
Write clearly and concisely about principles of economics using proper writing mechanics.





Principles of Economics

Principles of economics are concepts that serve as the foundation of satisfying unlimited wants using scarce resources available (Menger, 1871).

This article covers different courses in principles of economics; ‘An Afghan lesson in supply and demand’ an article printed in Los Angeles Times (Fleishman, 2010). The article explains the demand for private schools in Afghan since the public schools have low quality education. Parents want the best education for their children and since most public schools in Afghan cannot offer this, most parents are forced to send their children abroad to acquire high quality education. The market of private schools is also increasing at an alarming rate in Afghan but the supply is minimal.

Afghan establishment of private schools is faced with limited and lack of capital. Private schools entails spending on educational related expenses that includes, hiring of tutors, setting up of the institutions and the necessary education material required. Willing suppliers of private schools lack capital for the set up of these schools. The article also highlights the lack of available and skilled labor force. From the article the discussed private schools has few teachers who are even unqualified to teach. The school even lacks a head- principal.

The lack of private schools in Afghan indicates low supply of private schools while the demand is high. There are many willing clients to join private schools in afghan and have the funds to pay for the tuition, causing the demand to be high. The supply of private schools is very low causing an imbalance of market structure of demand and supply in the market. Demand for private schools is higher than the supply for private schools. Demand is higher than supplier therefore causing disequilibrium in supply and demand curve.

The market structure of private schools in Afghan also causes market disequilibrium since there is ready market and no source of supply. Due to limited private schools in Afghan their school fees cost might be high due to limited supply and high demand. When the supply is low and demand is high both cost and prices tend to be high.

There are no investors willing to inject their money into the project of private schools in Afghan hence lack capital. Skilled Labor force is also a problem in Afghan. The supply for skilled labor force is very low while the demand for skilled……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


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Gather and assess fiver cholarly research articles relevant to your topic, compiling these articles into an annotated bibliography


Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography

1. Gather and assess fiver cholarly research articles relevant to your topic, compiling these articles into an annotated bibliography. • Annotated bibliographies are comprised of a brief summary of the article and a discussion and assessment of how the article will contribute to the research project.

• These five sources must be scholarly sources of original research, such as journal articles and books. • Although students may use relevant course readings for their research projects, the annotated bibliographies must not include course readings

• Each annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 – 200 words per entry (total 750 – 1000 words). • Annotated bibliographies must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA

2. There are many helpful university-based websites, including the following to help students prepare their annotated bibliographies: • OWL in d.), Purdue online writing lab.

• Cornell University. Ind.). How to prepare an annotated bibliography: The annotated bibliography.

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Measure and assess customer and employee satisfaction.

some sample job duties for Market Research Specialist edited to be more specific for a paper roll company I work for.

5 or 6 of these needs to be edited.

Example of 1 I did:  To study & analyze the buying behavior of consumers, dealers, retailers towards AZ Paper brand as compared with similar product of other companies, thus understand the consumer acceptance of products.

–          Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically and translating complex findings into written text.

–          Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, and buying habits to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand.

–          Conduct research on consumer opinions and marketing strategies, collaborating with marketing professionals, statisticians, pollsters, and other professionals.

–          Measure and assess customer and employee satisfaction.

–          Devise and evaluate methods and procedures for collecting data, such as surveys, opinion polls, or questionnaires, or arrange to obtain existing data.

–          Measure effectiveness of marketing, advertising, and communications programs and strategies.

–          Seek and provide information to help companies determine their position in the marketplace.

–          Forecast and track marketing and sales trends, analyzing collected data.

–          Gather data on competitors and analyze their prices, sales, and method of marketing and distribution.

–          Monitor industry statistics and follow trends in trade literature.