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Project Responsibility and Accountability, and Risk Assessment and Management Plan

Review the following section from your course textbook: Chapter 4, Project Responsibility and Accountability, and Risk Assessment and Management Plan. All projects and change initiatives face some type of risk. The larger the project, the more risks there are and the more significant the impact that the risk will have on your project should it arise. For your graded assignment this week you will be constructing a risk register. Your text suggests five steps in documenting a response to the risk: Identify Risk—Internal and external including vendors; what are the skill levels of all Assess Risk—Prioritize low, medium, high Manage Risk—Determine—Remove, shift, and decrease impact; reassess Monitor and Control Each Risk—For higher risk, implement more frequent monitoring Establish an Ongoing Management Plan for Risk Assessment—that requires constant review; update and remove those risks not impacting project Identify one risk that you will include on your risk register and address each of the five steps for that risk.

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Risk assessment for TransGlobal Airlines to better understand its business environment


When performing an evaluation to determine the performance or health of a company, it is important to identify and evaluate any current or potential risks the company might face.

In this assignment, you will perform a risk assessment for TransGlobal Airlines to better understand its business environment.


Perform a risk assessment for TransGlobal Airlines and write a report describing the results.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Identification: Identify two risks the company is facing, including at least one high-impact risk.
    • Identify the balanced scorecard component each risk corresponds to.
    • Classify the risk based on these two types:
      • Operational
      • Strategic
  • Evaluation: Determine whether the probability and impact of each identified risk is low, medium, or high. Justify your evaluation of the impact and probability of each risk.
  • Mitigation: Recommend a possible risk-prevention or mitigation strategy for each identified risk.

What to Submit

Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

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Writing a placement assessment assistance

Get writing a placement assessment assistance from the experts at Demonstrating your writing skills and talents within a certain time period or word count restriction is often required when writing a placement evaluation.

The stages below may help you properly approach and write a placement evaluation, even if the precise criteria may change based on the institution or group performing the assessment:
Recognize the Request: Read and comprehend the placement assessment prompt very carefully. Pay attention to any particular requirements, recommendations, or inquiries you must answer in your reply. Before continuing, be sure you understand the question being posed.
Create a Response Plan: Spend a little while outlining and brainstorming your ideas. Decide on the key arguments or ideas you wish to emphasize in your answer. Think about structuring your ideas using a strategy that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Make a Powerful Introduction: Introduce your answer with a compelling opening that gives background information and grabs the reader’s attention. Declare your key point or thesis in clear terms and give the reader a preview of what to anticipate in the following paragraphs.
Construct Cohesive Body Paragraphs: Give your thoughts, justifications, or facts to back up your thesis in the body paragraphs. Each paragraph should be logically related to the one before it and the one after it and should only address one key theme. Each paragraph should begin with a subject sentence, which should also serve as a bridge between concepts.
Provide Backing Documentation for Writing a placement assessment assistance: Your arguments or statements should be supported by relevant facts, examples, or statistics. Facts, figures, research results, or personal experiences may be included here. Make sure your proof is reliable, current, and successfully supports your major ideas.
Keep Your Writing Clear and Cohesive: Clarify, condense, and make your writing coherent. Use proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. To keep readers interested, change up the length and structure of your sentences. A lot of jargon or too complicated terminology might make it difficult to grasp.
Address Counterarguments (if Applicable): Recognize opposing viewpoints and address or refute them in your answer if the prompt asks you to discuss counterarguments or provide a balanced opinion. This exhibits critical thinking and the capacity to take into account other points of view.
Finish with a Powerful Summary: The conclusion to your answer should be well-written, repeat your thesis or major argument, and summarize your important arguments. Keep your conclusion brief and to the point, leaving the reader with a clear comprehension of your perspective.
Revision and editing: Spend some time reading, editing, and revising your writing. Verify the accuracy of your language and spelling as well as the logic of your overall argument. Make sure your answer is well-organized and clearly conveys your thoughts.
Manage Your Time: Use your time efficiently and keep in mind any time constraints that may be in place. Plan your writing process so that you can come up with ideas, create an outline, then write and revise within the time allotted.
Keep in mind that depending on the institution or group delivering the placement evaluation, the precise specifications and objectives may change. It is always good to review any supplied instructions or resources and, if necessary, ask for clarification.

Understanding the precise information and criteria is essential when writing a placement evaluation. The institution or group performing the evaluation will choose the specific details, however the following are some typical components you may want to think about:

    Prompt or Question: Your answer will be based on the prompt or question that is given. You can be asked to evaluate a certain subject, provide your viewpoint on a subject, or offer a solution. Before beginning your work, take sure to carefully read and comprehend the prompt.

    Word Count or Time Limit: Placement tests often include word counts or time restrictions that must be met. Keep in mind these specifications and structure your article appropriately. Set aside enough time to think, write, and rewrite while keeping in mind the limitations.

    Consider the target audience for your placement evaluation while determining its purpose. Are the readers of your essay professors, admissions officials, or prospective employers? You may adjust your writing style, tone, and degree of formality by being aware of the assessment’s goal.

    formatting requirements, such as font size, line space, or citation formats, may be included in certain placement examinations. To present your work in the appropriate manner, make sure you follow these guidelines.

    Know the criteria that will be used to evaluate your evaluation by being familiar with them. Clarity of speech, structure, coherence, critical thinking, the use of evidence, and grammar are a few examples of possible components. You may set priorities and concentrate on the important components of your work by being aware of the grading criteria.

    Research Requirements: Depending on the assessment’s nature, you could be asked to use research or cite outside sources. If research is essential, be sure to utilize reputable sources and correctly reference any content that was borrowed in accordance with the required citation style.

    Read any extra instructions or recommendations that were included with the evaluation. They could contain instructions for particular duties, questions to get you thinking, or demands that you incorporate certain ideas or theories in your answer. Pay special attention to these guidelines and use them as appropriate in your work.

    Plan ahead of time to spend on revision and editing your work. Make sure your answer is concise, well-organized, and error-free in both grammar and spelling. Examine your work for readability overall, logical flow, and strong transitions. To assist you improve your work, think about getting criticism from a reliable source or using online writing tools.

Remember that different placement assessments may have different needs and specifics and thus the need of writing a placement assessment assistance from our experts at is crucial to thoroughly read and adhere to the directions given. Understanding and addressing these specifics can help you demonstrate your writing abilities and adhere to the assessment’s requirements.

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What types of assessment data should be gathered from clients?



1. What types of assessment data should be gathered from clients?

2. What is brokering of services and give two examples?

3.  What are the core functions of case management?

4.  Explain two models of case management.

5. Explain the five stages of the change model.

6. Explain what is paraphrasing, reflection, confrontation, and interpretation is in the interview process.

7. Explain the 4 principles of motivational interviewing




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Assessment identify potential areas of improvement and prepare a Personal Development Plan

Login into CONNECT and click the link called “Course wide resources and additional activities”. Click the self

assessment link called “Do you have what it takes to be a leader?” and assess your leadership style.

Based on these assessment identify potential areas of improvement and prepare a Personal Development Plan

(PDP). You should then access the learning logs and complete both learning logs as directed to prepare your


Remember to follow APA guidelines for this assignment.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.


Specific experiences teach specific lessons necessary for success. But it is critical, as T.S. Eliot said,

not to “…have the experience, and miss the meaning.” Managers we studied who went on to

become effective executives not only had the experiences but learned lessons from them. Center

for Creative Leadership Studies on Executive Learning

Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth, career

development, and an enhanced ability to understand and have empathy with others. In their studies of

managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: (1)

understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; (2) know the impact of these values,

styles, and strengths and weaknesses on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and

(3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences.

Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness. We try to protect our selfesteem.

We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful or may require us to change our

treasured and habitual ways of seeing, thinking, and behaving. We may think that we already know ourselves well

enough. Or we may not want to take the time out of our busy schedules to engage in self-reflection — like the busy

woodcutter who never takes the time to sharpen the saw and eventually loses the ability to cut wood. In short,

developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection, is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned

yet reaps many rewards.

Keeping a learning log is a structured way to develop this skill. This log is a confidential, written record of your

personal development through the class.

The first log can be 8 -10 pages, and each entry should be no more than

1-2 double spaced pages. The last entry, your comprehensive action plan for change, should be no more than 6

pages. Your learning log is a confidential document. Only I will read it. The following criteria will be used to

evaluate your learning log.

• Completion of assignment: You submit the log on time, answer specific questions when asked to

do so, and have complete entries for each assignment. All papers must be submitted on time or

they will be considered late and at least 10% points will be deducted from your grade. The number

of points deducted for late papers will be determined based on how late the paper is turned in. If

there are special circumstances, please discuss these with the instructor.

• Self-reflection: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection. You provide

examples from your own experience. You show an understanding of the consequences of your

values, attitudes, style, behavior, etc. on yourself, others, and the organization. 30%

• Conceptual understanding: You demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of conceptual materials

from class and integrate them, as relevant, into your log. 30%

• Application: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to take steps toward personal change. You

discuss in depth possible plans for action. 20%

• Written composition: The learning log is professionally presented: well-organized and well written

(including spelling, grammar, reasonable paragraph length, double-spaced, 12 point font, pages

numbered, no less than 1 inch margins, and staying within page limits). 10%

• Plagiarism and citations: Please ensure to cite any external material properly as this paper will be

scanned for plagiarism. 10%

N.B: Required Learning Log questions  set 1

                          Learning Log questions set 2

                          Personal development plan

Please see attached for document.




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community health needs assessment (CHNA) of an organization


For this project, you will create a research plan based on the community health needs assessment (CHNA) of an organization of your choice. Follow the steps below.

Start by using an internet search or other methods to find a CHNA for an organization of your choice. It is recommended to use an organization in your community or where you work. CHNAs are required in charitable hospital organizations per IRS guidelines, and are required to be made public, so this type of facility may be a good place to start. If you have trouble finding an assessment, you can reach out to your professor.

Next, review the CHNA and identify the areas of opportunity as well as the supporting data. For example, if the local unemployment rate is high, perhaps job opportunities are an area that could be improved.

Choose one area of opportunity to focus on. Using the CHNA data, answer the following questions.

  • What is the area of opportunity you have identified?
  • What data was shared that supported this opportunity?
  • What is one idea you have to address this opportunity?
  • If you were going to create a strategic marketing plan for this idea, what research would you need to do (minimum of four specific areas)?
  • How would each of these research areas impact your final proposal on how to address this opportunity?
  • In your opinion, what would be the most difficult part of obtaining this research data?
  • Reflecting on the impact of the research you identified, what is the risk to this area of opportunity, if you made a plan without doing the necessary research?

Your project must be a minimum of two written pages. You may include graphics or charts to support your project, but they do not count toward the written page requirement. You must use a minimum of two sources to support your project. All sources used must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style




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Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project

Subject Code and Title MIS202 App, Web Design and Development
Assessment Frontend Programming Project
Individual/Group Individual
Length Not applicable
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine and apply web-based application architecture
b) Propose and communicate solutions using web-based design to meet organisational needs
c) Analyse organisational problems and develop solutions using frontend and backend technologies
d) Apply web-based programming concepts to solve organisational problems
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8).
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In Assessments 2 and 3, you will turn the website prototype you developed in Assessment 1 into a working website. In this assessment, you will be developing the frontend of that website.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
In this assessment, you will focus on frontend development. In particular, you will demonstrate your HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming skills and apply them in a close-to-real-life web development project.
Task Instructions
This assessment is based on the case study on Student Accommodation. You should first read the case in Assessment 1. You should also read the additional information for Assessment 2.
Additional information for the case
The website will support all the most recent several versions of mainstream browsers, including Safari, Chrome, IE, Edge and Firefox. Considering the popularity of mobile devices, this website should also be able to be viewed on a mobile device with a mobile browser, that is, the layout of the website shall be able to automatically adapt to various screen sizes and resolutions.
The company places a high standard on the usability of this website and requires you to develop a website that maximises usability. The following usability considerations must be implemented:
• contextual help tips provided to users when they mouse over a button or an input field;
• client-side validation must be implemented, e.g. prompt to user when their password and confirmed password do not match or if the input is invalid (e.g. a negative number for weekly rent).
All programming code must be well formatted, including appropriate indentation and spacing. Please refer to section 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2 in Google HTML/CSS Style Guide available at
You must also provide sufficient comments in the code. In particular, comments must be provided to significant blocks of code that directly address the functional requirements of this system.
Assessment Task
You are now to develop a comprehensive frontend for the website in the case study using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The frontend must comprehensively include all the functional requirements described in the case study and the requirements you identified in Task 1, 2 in Assessment 1 for each user either described in the case study, or that you identified in Task 3.1 in Assessment 1. The frontend must also satisfy all the requirements in the Additional Information for the case section in this Assessment.
There is NO minimum HTML page requirement nor maximum HMTL page requirement.
You may use frontend web development frameworks or libraries, including but not limited to, Bootstrap ( and JQuery (
General Assessment Requirement
Incomprehensible submissions – Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated their knowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.
Case study: Assessment response must focus on the hypothetical case study given in the Task Instructions. Any assessment items that do not address the case study may be awarded 0 (zero) marks.
Track changes: If you use Track Changes when writing your assessment, you must ensure that the submitted document is the final and correct version of the document. That is, if your submitted report contains Track Changes or Comments or any other editing marks, it may be awarded 0 (zero) marks. It is your responsibility to submit the final and correct version of your report.
Check with marking criteria: Before submitting your assessment, you should check it against the assessment criteria and the marking rubric included in this specification to ensure that you have satisfactorily addressed all the criteria that will be used to mark your submission.
Academic language: All submissions should be thoroughly proofread for spelling, typographical or grammatical errors before being submitted. Do not reply on the ‘spell-check’ function in your word processing program. If, for example, ‘affect’ is substituted for ‘effect’, your program may not detect the error.
Referencing: No referencing required for this assessment.
Submission Instructions: ALL students must submit ONE ZIP file containing ALL HTML/CSS/JS files via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS202 App, Web Design and Development. Physical copies/email submissions are not accepted.
Complete and correct submission: Assessments, once submitted, are FINAL and therefore cannot be modified. The onus is on you to ensure that your submissions are final, correct (correct files in correct format) and complete before submitting to Blackboard.
You are expected to begin this assessment when you begin the trimester, especially as you relate the learning activities (formative assessment) in the modules to this and the other (summative) assessments. Be sure to keep several drafts of your work as well as your notes and any sources you used to draw on when preparing your report.
Extensions will be considered only in extenuating circumstances where the student has applied before the due date. At that point, students are required to provide the latest draft, in case the extension is not granted, and to demonstrate they have earnestly done everything to avoid lateness.
Students are responsible for keeping appropriate back-ups and drafts of their assignments and to submit the correct version.
Torrens University Australia’s policies apply to the preparation and submission of this assignment.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%

20% Web Page Layout And Styling
The overall web page design is professional and the layout is complete (e.g. clear navigation, footer).
The overall styling of the web pages is professional and is suitable for the case study. The website is poorly designed. The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of the basic web page structure.
The styling of the website does not look professional and may not be fit for purpose. The website is not very well designed and there is a noticeable lack of structural components in the web page.
The overall styling of the website is not very professional and there is significant room for improvement. The website is generally well designed and the layout structure is generally complete, but there is some room for improvement.
The overall styling of the website looks somewhat professional and generally fit for purpose, but there is some room for improvement. The website is excellently designed and the layout structure is generally complete.
The overall styling of the website looks professional and fit for purpose, but there is minor room for improvement. The website is expertly designed and the layout structure is complete.
The overall styling of the website looks extremely professional and fit for purpose.

20% teness and relevance
The front-end website covers all major functional requirements for all its users in the case study. All the website pages implemented in the submission are relevant to the case study. Many functional requirements are not implemented.
Many implemented
features are not relevant to the case study. Some of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Some of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. Most of the major functional requirements are implemented.
Most of the implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented.
All of the
implemented features are relevant to the case study. All of the major functional requirements are implemented to a very high standard.
All implemented features are highly relevant to the case study.
Responsive web design and browser compatibility The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of The implementation demonstrates thorough and in-

20% The frontend development correctly used responsive web design.
The web pages and their layout adjust to various screen sizes. The web pages and their layout look good in all mainstream browsers (Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox). responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates limited or no understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates functional understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates sound understanding of browser compatibility. responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates clear understanding of browser compatibility. depth understanding of responsive web design techniques.
The implementation demonstrates thorough and indepth understanding of browser compatibility.
Web form design
• Form widgets are selected appropriately, that is, the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data.
• Appropriate HTML5 form
validation features are used.
20% The choice of form widgets demonstrates limited or no understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
No HTML5 form validation is implemented. The choice of form widgets demonstrates functional understanding
of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
Some HTML5 form
validation is
implemented, but there is significant room for improvement. The choice of form widgets demonstrates sound understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form validation is implemented, but there is some room for improvement. The choice of form widgets
demonstrates clear understanding of the function of commonly used web form widgets.
HTML5 form
validation is implemented, but there is minor room for improvement. The form widgets are selected appropriately, that is the most appropriate form controls are selected for a given type of data;
Appropriate HTML5 form validation features are correctly and thoroughly used.
Coding convention and quality of code
• The program follows a consistent naming convention.
• The program is well formatted, including appropriate spacing and indentation.
• The program contains sufficient comments; the implementation of major functions is commented. The code is formatted very little to not at all.
The naming of methods or variables is inconsistent. No naming convention is followed. The code is satisfactorily written, but there is substantial room for improvement.
There are significant errors in code format, and naming of methods or variables. The code is generally well written, but there is some room for improvement.
There are more than 5 errors, but less than 8 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is generally well written.
There are more than
2 errors but less than 5 errors in terms of naming convention and code format. The code is expertly written.
There are no more than 2 errors in terms of naming convention and code format.
20% Little or no comments provided. There is a significant lack of useful comments. There is reasonable amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments. There is a sufficient amount of useful comments

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National/State Learning Standards – list the geometry standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

Assessment Description: National/State Learning Standards – list the geometry standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

After analyzing assessment data to understand patterns and gaps in learning, the next step in instructional planning is to develop lessons that integrate the information to create appropriate learning experiences.

For this assignment, select a topic from your Assessment Analysis Action Plan to create a single lesson plan using the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”

Focus on the following:

National/State Learning Standards – list the geometry standard from the Assessment Analysis Action Plan

Specific Learning Objectives –  aligned to selected standard

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology – including a rationale for how resources provide differentiated learning experiences

Anticipatory Set – including rationale for how student interest and prior knowledge are integrated

Multiple Means of Representation – including rationale for how assessment data was used to adapt the planning and instruction for differentiated learning

Multiple Means of Expression – including rationale and modifications for how the assessments in the lesson plan can be used to monitor and adjust instruction and create diverse learning experiences 

Review this lesson plan with your mentor teacher prior to implementing it in Clinical Field Experience C.


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Standardized rapid assessment instruments that you believe would effectively supplement a biopsychosocial assessment


Identify a behavioral health issue that is related to the topic you are focusing on throughout your MSW program. Then, identify at least three standardized rapid assessment instruments that you believe would effectively supplement a biopsychosocial assessment. Prepare a proposal for these instruments and be sure to address the following:

  • Identify your focus topic and the behavioral health issue you are choosing for this assignment.
  • Describe each standardized rapid assessment instrument, and then indicate who created each one. Offer proof that each one is evidence-based. 
  • Determine how each tool would be applied in a clinical setting. Justify the use of each tool, in addition to the standard biopsychosocial assessment. 
  • Provide a PDF copy of each assessment instrument.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages


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Do you agree with Beccaria’s assessment of the death penalty?

Think about your own ideas about the death penalty while answering the following questions…

1. Do you agree with Beccaria’s assessment of the death penalty? Explain. 

2. What portions of his reasoning do you most agree or disagree with?

  • At least 300 words.
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
  • Do not plagiarize


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