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statistical concepts of association and causation

Module 5 – Association and Causation: Fitting Language to Evidence
Assignment #2: “Science or Journalism?”
This assignment provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding of the statistical concepts of association and causation. The only study design that can demonstrate cause and effect is a randomized control trial, where outcomes are compared with and without an assigned exposure/intervention. To determine causation, a statistical test of differences is used to demonstrate whether there is a significant effect of the exposure/intervention on a particular outcome.
Observational studies (where there is not randomization to an exposure/intervention) cannot demonstrate cause and effect. Unfortunately, “causal language” is often used by reporters who try to explain associations (e.g., correlations) that are found in observational studies. Distortions in the wording that explains statistical analyses by reporters can lead readers to misunderstandings about study results. For example, “An association was found between vaping and cancer” is different in meaning from, “Vaping causes cancer.”
Assignment Instructions:
1) Identify an article in the lay literature (e.g., newspaper, news feed) that describes a study in which a “cause” or “effect” was identified. Choose something that has been published within the past year. Make an electronic copy of the article.
2) After finding your article, consider if the original research study was a randomized control trial (where “cause” can be determined) or some other study design (in which an “association” may be identified…but not cause).
3) Compose a two-page analysis of the concordance between the likely research study and its descriiption in the lay literature.
i. Provide examples of how you would improve the language of the article if you believe that there WASN’T “cause” established in the original study.
ii. Provide a brief descriiption of how the researchers may have conducted the randomized control trial if you believe that there WAS “cause” established in the original study.
4) In developing your analysis paper, please use the following APA standard format elements:
i. Double-space;
ii. 1-inch margins;
iii. Times New Roman 12 font;
iv. APA style title page with an appropriate title (e.g., reflecting the name of the assignment);
v. Running head (shortened title up to 50 characters);
vi. Pagination per APA guidelines;
vii. APA style heading system to organize your paper, as applicable.
5) Submit your analysis and the article to the Blackboard link by the due date in a single file that includes three documents:
i. APA-style student title page
ii. Two-page analysis
iii. Reference Page
iv. Article
6) Your final collated paper should be a single file in PDF form. There are several ways to get the three different documents into a combined file (e.g., scanning, Adobe Acrobat Pro). Please be sure to give yourself adequate time to consider this important collating step in the assignment process




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statistical concepts of association and causation

Association and Causation: Fitting Language to Evidence
Assignment #2: “Science or Journalism?”
This assignment provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding of the statistical concepts of association and causation. The only study design that can demonstrate cause and effect is a randomized control trial, where outcomes are compared with and without an assigned exposure/intervention. To determine causation, a statistical test of differences is used to demonstrate whether there is a significant effect of the exposure/intervention on a particular outcome.
Observational studies (where there is not randomization to an exposure/intervention) cannot demonstrate cause and effect. Unfortunately, “causal language” is often used by reporters who try to explain associations (e.g., correlations) that are found in observational studies. Distortions in the wording that explains statistical analyses by reporters can lead readers to misunderstandings about study results. For example, “An association was found between vaping and cancer” is different in meaning from, “Vaping causes cancer.”
Assignment Instructions:
1) Identify an article in the lay literature (e.g., newspaper, news feed) that describes a study in which a “cause” or “effect” was identified. Choose something that has been published within the past year. Make an electronic copy of the article.
2) After finding your article, consider if the original research study was a randomized control trial (where “cause” can be determined) or some other study design (in which an “association” may be identified…but not cause).
3) Compose a two-page analysis of the concordance between the likely research study and its descriiption in the lay literature.
i. Provide examples of how you would improve the language of the article if you believe that there WASN’T “cause” established in the original study.
ii. Provide a brief descriiption of how the researchers may have conducted the randomized control trial if you believe that there WAS “cause” established in the original study.
4) In developing your analysis paper, please use the following APA standard format elements:
i. Double-space;
ii. 1-inch margins;
iii. Times New Roman 12 font;
iv. APA style title page with an appropriate title (e.g., reflecting the name of the assignment);
v. Running head (shortened title up to 50 characters);
vi. Pagination per APA guidelines;
vii. APA style heading system to organize your paper, as applicable.
5) Submit your analysis and the article to the Blackboard link by the due date in a single file that includes three documents:
i. APA-style student title page
ii. Two-page analysis
iii. Reference Page
iv. Article
6) Your final collated paper should be a single file in PDF form. There are several ways to get the three different documents into a combined file (e.g., scanning, Adobe Acrobat Pro). Please be sure to give yourself adequate time to consider this important collating step in the assignment process




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There is an association between participation in extracurricular activities and high scores (80% or more) in standardized testing

Suppose you are interested in whether participation in extracurricular activity is associated with higher academic achievement. In a sample of 250 students who participated in 2 or more extracurricular activity 147 kids were high achievers (scored 80% or more on the Standardized test) while among 350 students who did not report to participate in any extracurricular activity 168 were high achievers.
Which of the following are the most appropriate null and alternative hypotheses?
A H0: There is an association between participation in extracurricular activities and high scores (80% or more) in standardized testing.
HA: There is no association between participation in extracurricular activities and high scores (80% or more) in standardized testing.
B H0: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is less than or equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
HA: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is greater than the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
C H0: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
HA: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is not equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
D H0: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is equal to the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.
HA: The proportion of high achievers in the extracurricular group is greater than the proportion of high achieves in the non-extracurricular group.

[2 marks]

A parallel-group randomised control trial of a new infertility treatment is being trialled. Women undergoing treatment for infertility were invited to participate and were randomised in a 1:1 ratio to receive either the standard treatment or the intervention (PICSI).
The primary outcome is term live-birth ( = 37 weeks gestational age) within the study follow-up period of 2 years.
The expected term live-birth rate is 24% using the standard treatment. The study aims to detect a 5% increase (from 24% to 29%) in the term live-birth rate in the PICSI treatment group with power 90% and alpha 5%, allowing for a 10% drop-out rate.
Calculate the minimum total recruitment target that will sufficiently power the study.
Note: the numbers below indicate targets that have been rounded up to the nearest 50. Select the best option based on to your Stata/PSPower calculation.
A 1650
B 2750
C 3300
D 3650
If the observed difference between groups is larger than expected (i.e. greater than 5%), will the recruitment target still provide the analysis with sufficient power?

Burr et al. (1976) tested a new procedure to remove house-dust mites from the bedding of adult asthmatics in attempt to improve subjects’ lung function, which was measured by PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate). The trial was a two period cross-over design; the control treatment was dust removal from the living room. The means and standard errors for the continuous variable PEFR in the 32 subjects were:
Treatment group Mean Standard Error
Control 329 litres/min 20.8 litres/min
New procedure 335 litres/min 19.6 litres/min
Differences (Treatment – Control) 6.45 litres/min 5.05 litres/min
The researchers decide to perform a one sample t-test on the differences with a significance level of 5%. Which of the following options is correct?
A The test statistic is 1.3 and the associated p-value is statistically significant.
B The test statistic is 1.3 and the associated p-value is not statistically significant.
C The test statistic is 7.2 and the associated p-value is statistically significant.
D There’s not enough information.
A cohort of students of a certain age underwent standardised tests in Maths and English. The top 2.5% of students in each subject were awarded medals.
The scores on the Maths test were normally distributed with mean 55 and standard deviation 10. The scores on the English test were normally distributed with mean 60 and standard deviation 13.
Chloe’s marks were 77 in Maths and 85 in English. Will she receive any medals?
A Chloe will receive a medal for English
B Chloe will receive a medal for Maths
C Chloe will receive a medal for Maths and a medal for English
D Chloe will not receive any medals.

The Apgar test is used to evaluate the health of a newborn at 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth. Each of five items is scored between 0 and 2. A total score between 7 and 10 is considered normal, a total score between 4 and 6 indicates the infant requires medical attention, and a total score between 0 and 3 indicates the infant requires immediate resuscitation.
The distribution of Apgar scores of a sample of 100 babies with low birth weight has descriptive summary:
n mean sd min p25 median p75 max
100 6.25 2.43 0 5 7 8 9
Which of the following is NOT true?
A The interquartile range is 3
B The distribution is symmetric
C The range is 9
D There were no infants with a score of 10

Brown et. al., Morbidity and mortality in patients randomised to double-blind treatment with a long-acting calcium-channel blocker or diuretic in the INSIGHT study, Lancet 356, 29 July 2000.

Which of the following best describes the type of primary outcome?
A) Continuous
B) Categorical
C) Binary
D) Count

A group of 11 patients were recruited for a new weight loss diet regimen. Patients were weighed at baseline before the start of a new diet regimen. At the end of 6 weeks patients were weighed again. The mean and variance of the change in weight after 6 weeks were 0.7 and 1.44. Assume that the change in weight is normally distributed. Researchers are interested in whether there was a significant change in weight from baseline to 6 week followup.
What is the most appropriate hypothesis test for the above scenario?
a) Two sample independent t-test
b) Wilcoxon ranked sum test
c) Chi-squared test
d) One sample t-test

If a statistical test fails to show a statistically significant test statistic, what would be the most feasible way to obtain a statistically significant result in a subsequent study?
A) Decrease the mean weight change
B) Increase the sample standard deviation
C) Increase the sample size
D) Decrease the sample size

QUESTION 17 [3 marks]
A study was conducted to understand the effect metoprolol on lowering the heart rate among men and women with atrial fibrillation. A sample of 30 men and 25 women were given the drug and heart rates were measured after 48 hours. The mean heart rate for men was 89 with standard deviation of 10 whereas the mean heart rate was 95 with standard deviation of 12 among women.
Which statistical method you would use to test whether the effect of the drug on heart rate is different for men and women? Explain your choice of test and specify any assumptions that need to be satisfied.
QUESTION 18 [2 marks]
Regardless of your choice of test in Question 17, perform the appropriate parametric test and write conclusion. Make sure you refer to the p-value and confidence interval for the effect in your answer.
QUESTION 19 [3 marks]
‘Standard deviation’ and ‘Standard error’ are two statistical terms that are often confused. Explain in your own words what the difference is between them


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Implicit Association Tests (IAT)

Harvard University has established “Project Implicit” to help individuals identify biases. Despite evidence to the contrary, many in the human service field tend to think that they have few, if any, biases. Go to the website and take three of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT)Choose topics that you can use to help you identify a bias to use in your Social and Cultural Diversity Paper.

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Thoughtful of the Memorandum of Association objectives, is an Ultra Vires act considered illegal?

 Principle of Business Law
Course Location : Freetown – Sierra Leone
This document comprises the following:
? Assignment or Project Overview
? Assignment or Project Requirement
? Expected Outcome
? Assessment Criteria
Assignment Overview
Memorandum of association is well-thought-out to be the constitution of any company. It sets out the internal and external scope and area of company’s operation along with its objectives, powers, scope. Companies are sanctioned to do only that much which is within the scope of the powers provided by the memorandum even though we know a company can also do anything which is incidental to the main objects provided by the memorandum.
Assignment Title
a. Thoughtful of the Memorandum of Association objectives, is an Ultra Vires act considered illegal?
b. What are the securities provided for in the doctrine of Ultra Vires? Substantiate.
Assignment Requirement
Every student is required to select either public or private institutions of their choice and position themselves to act in the capacity as either directors or shareholders.
Page 1 of 2
No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval fAll Rights Reserved rom Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Expected Outcome
The student is required to write in not more than 1,000 words. The report must be double space, typed, written with special emphasis on spelling and grammar. Reference your source (s) from which the research work is obtained
Expected Report Content
1. Table of Content
2. Abstract
3. Findings
4. Conclusion
Report Book Format
Spacing : 2
Font & size : Tahoma, 12pts
Documentation : The submission must carry pagination, and to be submitted with
Limkokwing Official Assignment Cover Page
Assessment Criteria
This assignment carries 50 marks, which contributes 10% to the total marks of the final assessment of this module.
Marking Scheme
Tabulate how marks are to be distributed across the submission.
1. Abstract of Assignment 10marks
2. Case law and Findings 30 marks
3. Conclusion 5 marks
4. Bibliography 5 marks
Page 2 of 2
No part of this document may be reproduced without written approval fAll Rights Reserved rom Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

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Association of Computer Engineers and the Association of Computer Engineers and Technicians

To successfully complete this week’s discussion, you will need to browse through this list of top professional organizations related to the IT industry which grant specific certifications:

Please respond to the following in a substantive post (3/4–1-page):

  • Select three of these organizations that are most relevant to your career goals.
  • Explain the purpose and focus of your three selected organizations.
  • Describe how joining and participating in these three organizations could help you begin or advance your IT career.

Be sure to provide full citations and references, formatted according to Writing Standards





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American Nurses Association

APA Scholarly Paper on the American Nurses Association

TopicCommentsPoints AssignedPoints Awarded
Document the name and website of the professional organization (ANA) American Nurses Association15
What is the mission and vision of the organization? Document the membership fee and how to become a member. Document if the organization accepts students?20
Document the benefits of the organization? What resources does it provide?15
What legislative involvement does the organization have?15
Proper APA format, must be peer reviewed articles within 5 years, citations, references, spelling, grammar.15

*APA references must be PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES within 5 years*





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. American Nurses Association

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perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file

Python using Juypter Notebook

You are required to perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file.

  1. Plot the 20 most frequent items in the dataset
  2. Get frequent itemsets that have a minimum support of 0.001
  3. Obtain the rules for the itemsets obtained in step 2 and display them in descending order by lift.





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. perform market basket analysis (apriori and association rules) on the groceries – groceries.csv file

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1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes (American Diabetes Association

Diabetes and Drug Treatments

Photo Credit: [Mark Hatfield]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

Each year, 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2019). If left untreated, diabetic patients are at risk for several alterations, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type of diabetes as well as the patient’s behavior factors will impact treatment recommendations.

For this Discussion, you compare types of diabetes, including drug treatments for type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.

Reference: American Diabetes Association. (2019). Statistics about diabetes. Retrieved from

To Prepare
  • Review the Resources for this module and reflect on differences between types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.
  • Select one type of diabetes to focus on for this Discussion.
  • Consider one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Then, reflect on dietary considerations related to treatment.
  • Think about the short-term and long-term impact of the diabetes you selected on patients, including effects of drug treatments.
By Day 3 of Week 5

Post a brief explanation of the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes. Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected, including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Be sure to include dietary considerations related to treatment. Then, explain the short-term and long-term impact of this type of diabetes on patients. including effects of drug treatments. Be specific and provide examples. Atleast 4 reffereneces needed





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Web Analytics Association and a key sponsor of this year’s Web2.0 Tech Conference


Your company, Datalytic, is a member of the Web Analytics Association and a key sponsor of this year’s Web2.0 Tech Conference. As the resident web analytics expert at your company, you have been asked to present a topic at this year’s conference. You will be speaking to a diverse audience of business and technology professionals. The topic that you have been asked to speak on is “Making Web Analytics Actionable.” Your presentation should cover topics related to Web Analytics such that both business and technology professionals can take away specific items to implement at their companies.

The Web2.0 Tech Conference is the industry’s marquee event and will be held in Las Vegas this year. These types of events are ideal for companies to showcase their capabilities. A pre-event survey has revealed that attendees believe that basic web analytics is only about shopping basket analysis and ad placement. In your presentation, you will need to demonstrate that web analytics can serve many other purposes. In addition to the core web analytics concepts, you will describe the full range of web analytics capabilities using current technology. You will also introduce forward-thinking ideas that bring web analytics together with Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT). You are free to be creative with your presentation.


Prepare a comprehensive website analytics presentation for a diverse audience of business and technology professionals. Include the following:

  • Introduce the concept of web analytics for a diverse audience.
  • Describe Big Data pain points that companies face, and how they are addressed in a web-based environment. At a minimum, you must address data collection, storage, data modeling, and generating actionable insights. Be sure to address how different formats of data are handled in a web-based environment. Provide an example of the insight that can be gained by joining data sources.
  • Create a rating chart of popular web analytics tools and rate them based on key features. Include a color-coded key of your rating system so that the audience can easily compare tools.
  • Storyboard three in-depth case studies on web analytics using real-life companies. The companies that you select should come from different industries. Suggestions for topics are: ad placement, return on investment, cost savings, increased revenue, improved service, etc. Be sure to specifically highlight how the company took website data and made it actionable. Each case study in the storyboard should be supported with data visualizations.
  • Predict how the Internet of Things and Machine Learning will change web analytics. For this requirement, profile either Amazon Alexa or Google Home.
  • Suggest a list of data use policies that should be included for all companies. Your policy suggestions should cover, “Ethics in Web Analytics.” You will want to provide knowledge of the use of personal data, aggregated data, and who really owns data on websites.
  • Prepare a list of anticipated questions from the audience along with appropriate answers (commonly asked questions). Write them out in a Q&A format and include them at the end of each section of your presentation. If using PowerPoint, the Q&A should be on a separate slide. Q&A can also be implemented in the form of a knowledge checkpoint or graphic within your presentation.





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