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Terrorist attack. The attack may be on American soil or against American interests in another country

For this case study, you will review some prior terrorist attacks and select one to discuss for this assignment. You will discuss the reactions to the attack as well as the perpetrators, and you will discuss how such an attack may be prevented in the future. Keep in mind that this assignment, along with the unit two and four assignments will be used for the final Capstone project.To complete this case study, the tasks below must be accomplished.

  1. Select and provide a summary of the terrorist attack. The attack may be on American soil or against American interests in another country.
  2. Identify and describe the perpetrators. Think about the questions below.
    1. What is their history?
    2. Do they attack only American interests?
    3. Where do they originate?
    4. Is it a group or a single individual?
    5. What are their goals?
    6. How do they finance their terror?
  3. Describe how the law enforcement community responded to the attacks to include the actions taken. Think about the questions below.
    1. Did the United States pass any new laws?
    2. Were the borders closed?
    3. Was travel suspended?
    4. Did a manhunt ensue?
    5. Was there a shootout?
    6. Was the community in danger?
    7. Was the perpetrator apprehended; how?
    8. What other strategies were used (e.g., technology, information sharing)?
  4. Explain how such an attack may be prevented in the future. Think about the questions below.
    1. What actions could the law enforcement community implement to thwart such attacks?
    2. Could the community become involved in prevention efforts; if yes, how?
    3. Could technology play a role?
    4. Would the use of American allies be applicable?
    5. Would knowledge of how they gain their weapons assist the counterterrorism efforts?
    6. Could this type of attack occur again in the future, and is it probable?
    7. Is this group still a threat; why, or why not?

This completed case study must be at least five pages in length, not counting the title page or references page. At least three academic sources must be used. More references may be used as needed. The articles used must be peer-reviewed and be published within the past 5 years in a scholarly journal. The paper should follow APA 7 guidelines to include citations, references, and appropriate headings and subheadings. Your report must be written at or above a master’s level quality




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post-mortem’ of an attack.

This assignment is what we call a ‘post-mortem’ of an attack. One of the best things that security professionals can do as they attempt to reduce their attack surface is to learn from the mistakes of others. This assignment will prepare you for the follow on assignment in Module 6, which will be more in-depth.For this module’s assignment, you will conduct a post-mortem of the 2017 Maersk ransomware attack utilizing the Lockheed Martin Corporation’s Cyber Kill Chain methodology. You should look at each part of the cyber kill chain and be able to articulate the actions of the attackers as they progress through each step of the kill chain. Focus on the following areas:

  1. How long did the attackers spend in each phase?
  2. What was the overlap between phases?
  3. Can you identify where Maersk should have been able to interdict the attackers?
  4. What were the attackers after?
  5. What kind of attackers were these? Hacktivists, Transnational Criminal Organization, Nation-State?

Prepare a one- to three-page report accompanied by a PowerPoint briefing presentation (no more than 5 slides) for your supervisor and his executive leadership team to help them better understand, discuss, and assess the attack and anticipate where you think your organization might be vulnerable to a similar type of attack. Your report and PowerPoint briefing slides should complement each other. The intent is to help focus the leadership team of your business/organization on the issues you feel they need to pay them most attention to, providing your rationale and methodology, as needed, with appropriate recommendations.This report (and the briefing slides) can be organized and formatted in any manner you think best conveys the information and best informs the senior leaders about the attack, keeping in mind that most senior leadership will not be able to understand in-depth technical jargon. You must keep this information accessible to leaders without the same technical acumen you possess. While relying on the reading and presentation materials available from this module will be essential, some amount of additional research may be necessary and desired. This report (and briefing presentation) will further inform and should be used for your final proposal due at the end of Module 7


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What type of attack was launched on OPM?

Please write an analysis report about the recent attack on the US Office of Personnel Management. In the report, please answer the following questions, in proper APA v6 essay format:

  1. What type of attack was launched on OPM?
  2. What was compromised or breached?
  3. How was the attack accomplished if known?
  4. Your own analysis and feedback about the attack?
  5. Who are the victims?  What are the implications for them?

The report must be at least 2 full pages, not including the cover and reference page(s), and must follow the APA v6 style. You must include at least 3 references.

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Cyber-attack can cause economic damage.

There are a variety of ways that a cyber-attack can cause economic damage. In many cases, attackers try to “penetrate” systems in order to steal technology or other sensitive information. When do you think an attack can be classified as cyber terrorism?

This should contain 250 – 300 words

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malware to attack systems
