Writers Solution

Discuss the benefits for the students in using Authentic Assessments

Based on the learning resources provided in this unit on Authentic Assessment:

  • Discuss the benefits for the students in using Authentic Assessments.
  • Analyze whether there are costs for the teacher in using Authentic Assessments.


1. Authentic assessment. (n.d.).  Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL).

  • ‘Authentic Assessment’ is a description of the assessment ass it is used in Indiana University.

2. Callison, Daniel. (1998). Authentic assessment.  School Library Media Activities Monthly 14(5).

  • ‘Authentic Assessment’ is a thorough explanation of this type of assessment as well as of its uses.

3. Chapman, V., & Inman, D. (2009). A conundrum: rubrics or creativity/metacognitive development? Educational Horizons.

  • ‘A conundrum: rubrics for creativity/metacognitive development’ is an interesting article because it addresses some limitations of rubrics and examines how these can be avoided.

4.  Frey, B., Schmitt, V., & Allen, J. (2012). Defining authentic classroom assessment. Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, 17(2).
  • ‘Defining authentic classroom assessment’ is an in-depth literature review of authentic assessment with a rich discussion and recommendations.

5. Henning, Melissa. (n.d.). Rubrics to the rescue. Teachers First, Thinking Teachers Teaching Thinkers. 

  • ‘Rubrics to the rescue’ in the Teachers First website offers a very complete guide for the use and purpose of rubrics for teachers.

6. Millis, B. (2016, December). Using metacognition to promote learning. IDEA Paper #63. or 

  • ‘Using metacognition to promote learning’ explores how teachers can promote metacognition in their classrooms.

7. Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind. (2006). Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education.

  • ‘Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind’ presents important facets of assessment; it will make you reflect on the assessment FOR, AS, and OF learning, and it suggests strategies to be applied in the classroom. In this Unit, you need to read Chapter 3, pp 29-39.

Optional Video

1. EDUTOPIA. (2011, June 23). Keeping assessment relevant and ‘authentic’ [Video]. YouTube.

  • In ‘Keeping assessment relevant and ‘authentic’’. Ben Mook, the teacher, shows how he introduces an activity in his class that is authentic and that he uses to assess his students


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  • Discuss the benefits for the students in using Authentic Assessments

    Writers Solution

    Relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange

    Assessment 2: Report
    Length: 1500 words (plus/minus 10 per cent)
    Conditions: Individual
    Weighting: 40%
    The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange, management support factors, and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.
    This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
    Facilitators will present students with a concept model from the journals you have listed in the reading list in the Unit Content section of Blackboard.
    This assignment is about using the model that your facilitator has given you and:
    1. Identify the journal article that the model comes from (make sure you include it in the reference list with SCU URL details).
    2. Explain the model. This involves critically reading and writing about the concepts discussed in the journal article. You are expected to use some of the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument (a minimum of 5 references to other articles from the course material – more for higher grades). What are the factors in the model that you are looking at? What are the outcomes that are being investigated? What is the relationship between the factors in the model? (600 words)
    3a. Application. If you are in a (paid or unpaid) work context, examine whether the way the factors interact in the model is similar to your understanding of how leadership behaviours affect employees’ outcomes in a workplace. Justify your response with reference to your own workplace and other journal articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words) Note: if you select this option you must get approval from your facilitator and you MUST demonstrate evidence that you are currently or recently employed by the organisation you are analysing.
    3b. If you are not in a workplace setting at the moment, think about the findings that are presented in the model (and the journal article). Use the model and journal article to explain the type of leadership, management practices that employees experience and consider how it affects employee outcomes. Justify your response with reference to the findings in the article and other articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words)
    • Do include a title page with a title that identifies the factors in the model
    • Do not include an Executive Summary or Table of Contents
    • Do structure your report with an Introduction, followed by the main body of the report where you explain the model and apply your understanding. Finish with a concluding paragraph.
    • Do use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double line spacing
    • Do number your pages
    • Do refer to the literature conforming to the SCU Harvard referencing style
    • You may use headings and sub-headings but they are not essential
    Marking criteria
    Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
    Identification of the model • The model has been correctly identified with reference to the journal article in which the model was first published. 5 marks
    Explanation of the model • The key factors/variables have been identified and explained (including the specific employee outcomes).
    • The relationship between the factors has been explained clearly with reference to supporting literature. 10 marks
    Applying the knowledge • There is clear evidence that the relationships in the theoretical model are understood
    • There is evidence that the principles in the model could be effectively applied to a practical situation
    • There is a demonstrated understanding of the impact of leadership on employee performance 15 mark
    Paragraphing, formatting and referencing • The introduction should have a topic sentence detailing the topic of the report, and an outline of the report. Avoid using references to the literature in your Introduction (except for a reference to the article in which your model was published).
    • Each paragraph that follows should be a well-constructed paragraph comprising approximately 150 words each. A paragraph should have a topic sentence. This should be followed by sentences that are referenced (i.e. intext citations using SCU Harvard style guide) and add depth to the argument development.
    • The final paragraph should provide a summary of the report. It requires no references and is usually shorter than other paragraphs.
    • Sources reviewed are acceptable and referenced correctly
    • The formatting conforms to the specified requirements
    • Include a Reference List in alphabetical order formatted in accordance with the SCU Harvard style guide 10 marks
    Total 40

    Writers Solution

    Authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap)?

    Assessment 2: Essay
    Length: 2000 words
    Conditions: Individual
    Weighting: 50%
    The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange and management support and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.
    Pick a topic below and write a well-referenced literature review in response. You are expected to use the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
    1. What is the relationship between authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap)? Critically review the literature that explains how to build the Psychological Capital of different types of employees? Why do emotions (of for example leaders, managers, employees) significantly impact employees’ performance?
    Analyse the leadership and/or employee performance (such as their engagement, turnover, commitment, wellbeing) at your workplace and compare it with the positive leadership and Psychological Capital literature. How similar or different is your workplace from what is potentially possible as per recent research studies? Please consider different types of employees (such as professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, blue collar versus white collar employees, different generational cohorts, and/or different ethnicities). Use the positive leadership and/or Psychological Capital literature to suggest how to move your workplace towards being more effective? Note: if you select this option you must get approval from your tutor and you MUST demonstrate evidence that you are currently or recently employed by the organisation you are analysing.
    Marking criteria
    Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
    Literature review • Literature reviewed is relevant to the chosen topic 5 marks
    Synthesis of the Literature Review • Critically analyse and synthesise the emerging themes from at least 6 journal arguments to support your argument
    • Sources reviewed are acceptable and referenced correctly 20 marks
    Applying the knowledge • Clearly address all aspects of the question:
    o Relationship between AL, LMX, and PsyCap
    o At least two different types of employees (such as professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, different generational cohorts, and/or different ethnicities)
    o Impact of emotions on employee performance 15 mark
    Paragraphing • The introduction should have a topic sentence detailing the topic of the essay, and an outline of the essay.
    • Each paragraph that follows should be a well-constructed paragraph comprising approximately 150 word each. A paragraph should have a topic sentence. This should be followed by sentences that are referenced and add depth to the argument development.
    • The final paragraph should provide a summary of the essay. It requires no references and is usually shorter than other paragraphs. 10 marks
    Total 50