Writers Solution

How has this semester gone? What were the main take-aways for you?

write a reflection letter.Reflection letter instructions: How has this semester gone? What were the main take-aways for you? What do you wish you would have realized early on in the semester? What were the most important, or hardest assignments? What worked? Was there anything you did that was particularly helpful when completing the assignments? What would you give as advice to a student in week 1, next semester, who is about to embark on the same course as you?  Your task: Write a letter to a student in week 1 of next semester. Your goal should be to help the person, as best you can, as if it is you reading the letter at the start of THIS semester. What do you wish you knew? What do you wish someone told you in week 1? These letters will be read by students in the next semester

Question 1:

Commedia art began as a result of combining literate performance and street performance. The main aim of commedia art was to represent every member of the society based on the allocated roles and responsibilities. During this type, actors were expected to be very sharp as they were the editors, authors and performers. It was a fair method of handling all actors as they were all paid.

The period also marked the first period when women were paid for acting various roles. The scenes were expected to highly connect with the audience but at the same time, they only rusted for a period of three minutes. Commedia dell’arte has influenced all aspects of acting in the past years. This is because of its ability to draw and differentiate characters based on their acting styles.

Question 2:

The first character is Margnifico who is like an eagle whereby he leads the entire city while looking down at everyone just the same way that the eagle does. Zanni takes the last character who acts as a pigeon as everything in the city seems new to Zanni. Margnifico is the master while Zanni is the servant. There are two masters under Margnifico one of them being Pantalone. He is a mean character as per the act. The Doctor is the second master who knows everything but understands nothing. There are two servants that is Brighella and Harlequino. Brighella has been presented as a canning servant while Harlequino is presented as a stupid servant.

Question 3: (About Aria)

He is singing about what he feels in heart after being heart broken by the wife. Emotions of sadness are expressed through the song. He does not show anger towards the wife but self-despair after what the wife made him go through. The wife is privy to the emotions as she is the one who has caused pain directly to him.

Question 4:

Arthur Fleck tends to believe that he is always right and his way is the only correct way. This means that no external factors has the ability to affect his stand. One the other hand, Canio tries to understand others which appears to his source of pain as he is hurt by the people he trusts. He attaches himself to the story others around him does not understand him. On the other hand, Canio tries to consider the reason what people decided to do specific actions and understands them which includes painful ones. His ability to understand others acts as a source of pain to him

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