Writers Solution

The 1931 Davis-Bacon Act contractors and subcontractors must pay their laborers and mechanics employed under the contract no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits for corresponding work on similar projects in the area.

There are many legally required benefits throughout the public and private sector. 

The 1931 Davis-Bacon Act contractors and subcontractors must pay their laborers and mechanics employed under the contract no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits for corresponding work on similar projects in the area. Furthermore, a similar Act, the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, requires payment to laborers and mechanics for at least one and one-half times their regular pay for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek.

The 1936 Walsh Healy Public Contract Act establishes minimum wage, maximum hours, and safety and health standards for manufacturing contracts in excess of $15,000. These workers must be paid not less that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) federal minimum wage and designated overtime pay. This FLSA establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and other employment standards affecting employees in both the public and private sectors. Within the FLSA is the widely known Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963, administered and enforced by the U.S. Equal employment Opportunity Commission (2021), to prohibits sex-based wage discrimination for individuals who perform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort and responsibility. 

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (CRA) is another major safeguard in compensation protections, by prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2021). Advancements, promotions, special programs, and other opportunities rely upon fair and nondiscriminatory actions. This CRA was further amended by the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 to protect against compensation discrimination. 

Government civilians are common among armed service branches, and are eligible for overtime compensation under the FLSA. However, one example of a related benefit that can be waived is the issued leave days in lieu of overtime pay, since not all departments have extra funds for overtime pay, and many government civilians I have witnessed would prefer to use a gained leave day since overtime pay is heavily taxed.

One example of a financial benefit that I believe should be made into a legally required benefit is that of paid leave for all employees who have a qualifying birth or placement, for as of now, the Federal Employee Paid Leave Act (FEPLA) makes paid parental leave available to only certain categories of government civilian employees (e.g., those who have completed at least 12 months of service or by changing to a qualifying work schedule or appointment).

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2021). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


Shaun – This is an interesting perspective, and one aspect that I wanted to highlight is what Sloane & Witney (2010) stated, which is the high benefit cost today. They stated that “benefits make up a significant part of an employee’s total compensation package – 38 percent of compensation goes towards benefits for unionized employees, while 27.8 percent of compensation goes towards benefits for non-unionized employees.” That is a tremendous amount for corporations to pay, and a dramatic increase from the 5 percent total additional cost to employ a person right after World War II.

Organizations are moving to the forefront of reducing benefits cost, and employees are doing the same as dramatic increase in benefit costs has impact employee salaries (organizations must divert more monies from salaries to benefits). Lynch (2012) offered several suggestions to better control these costs, including providing a wellness program which requires employees to participate – if you pay for their health insurance, you have a right to manage those costs as well (require employees to pay more for their health insurance if they do not participate); and second, cost sharing with employees, including higher copays, higher deductibles, etc.

Lynch, R. (2012, January 5). Ten Ways Small Businesses Can Lower Healthcare Costs (And Hire More People) in 2012 – Forbes. Retrieved from

Sloane, Arthur., Witney, Fred. (2010). Labor Relations. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall





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Writers Solution

Francis Bacon, Painting, 1946. Oil and pastel on linen

Answer all three of the following questions per work of art shown below. Francis Bacon, You should reference your book to aid you in answering these questions. Answers should be in essay format, be a minimum of three-five sentences each, and include at least three terms from the glossary for each work.


\”Francis Bacon, Painting, 1946. Oil and pastel on linen\”

        Who is the artist?
        Which event does this respond to and what statement does it make?
        What may have inspired the image of the male figure?

    “Flowers on Body”

\”Ana Mendieta, Flowers on Body, 1973\”,+Flowers+on+Body,+1973&biw=1366&bih=696&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CDAQ7AlqFQoTCOu416CPk8cCFYERkgodNhUB3g&dpr=1#imgrc=QAMJuPnb26NqwM%3A

        What issues did this artist address in her work?
        What series does this particular image belong to?
        What themes does this image address?


Magdalena Abakanowicz, 80 Backs, 1976-1980

    What materials did the artist use in her works?
    How is this representative of her work?
    What do the forms suggest in this work?

Textbook Kleiner, F. S. (2016). Gardner\’s art through the age: A global history. (15th ed.) Boston, MA: Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning.
ISBN: 9781285754994

Glossary Terms

    Abstract Expressionism
        Also known as the New York School. The first major American avant-garde movement, Abstract Expressionism emerged in New York City in the 1940s. The artists produced abstract paintings that expressed their state of mind and that they hoped would strike emotional chords in viewers. The movement developed along two lines: gestural abstraction and chromatic abstraction.

    Action painting
        Also called gestural abstraction. The kind of Abstract Expressionism practiced by Jackson Pollock, in which the emphasis was on the creation process, the artist\’s gesture in making art. Pollock poured liquid paint in linear webs on his canvases, which he laid out on the floor, thereby physically surrounding himself in the painting during its creation.

        An artwork constructed from already existing objects.

    Chromatic abstraction
        A kind of Abstract Expressionism that focused on the emotional resonance of color, as exemplified by the work of Barnett Newman and Mark Rothko.

    Color field painting
        A variant of Post-Painterly Abstraction in which artists sought to reduce painting to its physical essence by pouring diluted paint onto unprimed canvas, allowing these pigments to soak into the fabric, as exemplified by the work of Helen Frankenthaler and Morris Louis.

    Conceptual art
        An American avant-garde art movement of the 1960s that asserted that the \”artfulness\” of art lay in the artist\’s idea rather than its final expression.

        An analytical strategy developed in the late 20th century according to which all cultural \”constructs\” (art, architecture, and literature) are \”texts.\” People can read these texts in a variety of ways, but they cannot arrive at fixed or uniform meanings. Any interpretation can be valid, and readings differ from time to time, place to place, and person to person. For those employing this approach, deconstruction means destabilizing established meanings and interpretations while encouraging subjectivity and individual differences.

        An American art form that emerged in the 1960s. Often using the land itself as their material, Environmental artists construct monuments of great scale and minimal form. Permanent or impermanent, these works transform some section of the environment, calling attention both to the land itself and to the hand of the artist. Sometimes referred to as earthworks.

    Environmental art
        An American art form that emerged in the 1960s. Often using the land itself as their material, Environmental artists construct monuments of great scale and minimal form. Permanent or impermanent, these works transform some section of the environment, calling attention both to the land itself and to the hand of the artist. Sometimes referred to as earthworks.

    Gestural abstraction
        Also known as action painting. A kind of abstract painting in which the gesture, or act of painting, is seen as the subject of art. Its most renowned proponent was Jackson Pollock. See also Abstract Expressionism.

    Hard-edge painting
        A variant of Post-Painterly Abstraction that rigidly excluded all reference to gesture, and incorporated smooth knife-edge geometric forms to express the notion that painting should be reduced to its visual components.

        A layer of thickly applied pigment.

        An artwork that creates an artistic environment in a room or gallery.

        A predominantly sculptural American trend of the 1960s characterized by works featuring a severe reduction of form, often to single, homogeneous units.

        An art movement that emerged in the 1970s and that reflects the artists\’ interest in the expressive capability of art, seen earlier in German Expressionism and Abstract Expressionism.

    Performance art
        An American avant-garde art trend of the 1960s that made time an integral element of art. It produced works in which movements, gestures, and sounds of persons communicating with an audience replace physical objects. Documentary photographs are generally the only evidence remaining after these events. See also Happenings.

        A school of painting and sculpture of the 1960s and 1970s that emphasized producing artworks based on scrupulous fidelity to optical fact. The Superrealist painters were also called Photorealists because many used photographs as sources for their imagery.

        See Superrealism.

        Shortened form of \”picture elements.\” The tiny boxes that make up digital images displayed on a computer monitor.

    Pop art
        A term coined by British art critic Lawrence Alloway to refer to art, first appearing in the 1950s, that incorporated elements from consumer culture, the mass media, and popular culture, such as images from motion pictures and advertising.

    Post-Painterly Abstraction
        An American art movement that emerged in the 1960s and was characterized by a cool, detached rationality emphasizing tighter pictorial control. See also color field painting and hard-edge painting.

        A reaction against modernist formalism, seen as elitist. Far more encompassing and accepting than the more rigid confines of modernist practice, postmodernism offers something for everyone by accommodating a wide range of styles, subjects, and formats, from traditional easel painting to installation and from abstraction to illusionistic scenes. Postmodern art often includes irony or reveals a self-conscious awareness on the part of the artist of the processes of art making or the workings of the art world.

    Site-specific art
        Art created for a specific location. See also Environmental art.

……………………………………………………Francis Bacon………………………………………………




Art: Art Review

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(Student’s Name)

Qs. #1: Francis Bacon, Painting, 1946: Oil and pastel on linen

            The Painting (1946) was an art that was done by Francis Bacon, an Irish born British artist. The painting was done using oil and pastel on linen (New York Art, 2015). The painting employed some layered images giving a frightening picture of a butcher. Having been brought up in a society where masters exercised brutal treatment of their subjects, the painting was perhaps a response to the actions of the masters. In addition, the painting was created after the Second World War and Bacon perhaps used his painting as a way of showing the brutality of the war. The painting shows a butcher in a traditional black suit of the British politicians, showing the subject to which the painting was directed.

            The male figure is half-obscured by an umbrella and is dressed in a dark suit with a toothy grimace and dark complexion. The cow carcasses and the glaring colors accentuate the glaring menace and brutality seen in the male figure. The artist’s childhood experience with the butcher shops, the impact and extend of the menace caused by the second world war perhaps are the inspiration behind Bacon’s work (Hammer, 2012). The fact that the art was done in 1946, just after the second world war is an indicator this it must have been painted by Bacon in order to show the world the brutality of war. In addition, the work of Bacon represented the Expressionism movement.

Qz. #2: Ana Mendieta, Flowers on Body, 1973          Born to a prominent political family in Cuba and exiled in United Sates, Ana Mendieta was a renowned female artist who played a part in the feminist movement (Romero, 2012). The artist produced numerous work and “Flowers on Body” was produced in 1973. Most of her work centered on the connection between earth and the physical……………………………………………………..
