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Mills and Treagust (2003) titled: Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer to “chalk and talk”?

Read the article written by Mills and Treagust (2003) titled: Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer to “chalk and talk”?

Conduct desk research, also known as secondary research, and compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of problem-based learning. Defend problem-based and project-based learning as interactive pedagogy. Provide details and examples of learning resources as well as your personal experience. Be sure to cite sources using APA format.

Your paper must include: 

  • An introduction
  • Relevance (sources and information)
  • Understanding of Problem/Project-based learning.
  • Implications for Problem/Project-based learning.
  • Conclusion

Submit a written paper that is 3 pages in length, exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced in Times New Roman font which is no greater than 12 points in size. The paper should cite at least 2 sources independent of the article provided here in the reference section. ensure that your work is real with practical experience.


1. Bybee, R. (2009). The BSCS 5E instructional model and 21st century skills. The National Academies Board on Science Education.

  • This paper addresses potential connections between the development of 21st century skills and an instructional model used by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS). That model is referred to as the BSCS 5E instructional model. This paper draws upon a report for the National Institutes of Health, Office of Science Education (Bybee, 2009).

2.  Empowering students: The 5e model explained. (n.d.) Lesley University.

  • Lesley University explains what the 5e Model is and how teachers can integrate it into their classroom instruction. In addition to applying the model to classroom practice, the effectiveness of using this model is also explained and explored.

3. Longfield, J. (2009). Discrepant teaching events: Using an inquiry stance to address students’ misconceptions. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21(2), 266.

  • This article defines what a discrepant teaching event is and compares and contrasts discrepant science events and discrepant teaching events (Longfield, 2009). Examples of discrepant teaching events useful in mathematics and social studies are also provided. The article concludes with a discussion of the utilization of an “inquiry stance” to teaching as a way to address students’ misconceptions of discipline-specific concepts.

4. Mills, J. E., & Treagust, D. F. (2003). Engineering education—Is problem-based or project-based learning the answer? Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 3(2), 2-16.

  • This paper discusses the application of problem-based and project-based learning to engineering education and examines the difference between them. It reviews some examples of where they have been used to date and discusses the effectiveness and relevance of each method for engineering education.

5. Wang, H.-H., Moore, T. J., Roehrig, G. H., & Park, M. S. (2011). STEM integration: Teacher perceptions and practice. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 1(2), 2.

  • This article reports research findings showing that problem-solving process is a key component to integrate STEM disciplines; teachers in different STEM disciplines have different perceptions about STEM integration and that leads to different classroom practices; technology is the hardest discipline to integrate in these cases; and teachers are aware of the need to add more content knowledge in their STEM integration (Wang et al., 2011).

Optional Videos

1. Heavy Newspaper – SICK science. (2011). Steve Spangier Science.

  • This discrepant event can be used as a demonstration by the teacher or as a class activity. On the other hand, students can watch the video followed by class discussion.

2. SanBdoCitySchools. (2014, June 17). The 5E model: A strategy for the high school chemistry classroom [Video]. YouTube.(9:09)

  • This video explains using the 5E Model of teaching to develop a lesson where students figure out how to propel a model car by a chemical reaction


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The scenario-based case study used in this course provides descriptive information and data to help you make decisions as if you were actively participating in a real-life investigation of a warehouse fire

Part 1: Scenario-Based Case Study 

The course project is a scenario-based case study, which will be due in Unit VIII. A scenario-based case study is similar to other case studies you may have experienced. The scenario-based case study used in this course provides descriptive information and data to help you make decisions as if you were actively participating in a real-life investigation of a warehouse fire. There are eight assignments for the scenario-based case study (one per unit). You will complete and submit Part 1, Sections I and II of the course project in this unit. Use APA level one headings for each section. The heading should be indicative of the major section to follow. Here is a tutorial on level headings.For the course project, you will utilize what you learn throughout the course to solve a real-world problem of what fire protection is needed to create plausible actions, concepts, or inventions to solve fire protection deficiencies that resulted in a large-scale fire in a warehouse distribution center.From Unit I through Unit VII, you will complete one part of your recommendation in each unit, and in Unit VIII, you will write an executive summary and conclusion. You will then compile all parts into one document as your final project. You can arrange each part in any order you would like before submitting the final project. For instance, this assignment about fire pumps is covered in Chapter 6 of the textbook; however, you may choose to cover fire protection, detection, and suppression systems (completed in Unit II) as the first part of your final project and to place fire pumps after another topic of your choice. You are able to organize the final report sections in any order that makes logical sense to you.During each part, you will prepare a well-organized narrative consisting of two sections. Only submit the assignment for that unit until the final case study is compiled from all units and submitted as a single document in Unit VIII. However, you should evaluate and revise the recommendations as needed during the process for each previous unit as you learn more during the progression of this course.This scenario-based case study is designed to draw upon your imagination to think creatively on potential concerns with fire and explosive hazards, fire controls, and fire and emergency management. You should look at fire protection technology in a holistic way. This way of design thinking is significantly different from what was previously designed by thinking in isolation. You will evaluate and develop recommendations to resolve potential fires in the future.Please click  here to view the background information of the scenario.Through the scenario-based case study process, you will begin developing a tool that will synchronize suggestions to improve life safety. You will accomplish this by utilizing recommendations to improve fire protection after a warehouse distribution center fire.Section ISection I will address the foreign-made fire pump and your recommendations after reviewing the background information.Your narrative will consist of your evaluation of the foreign-made fire pump and your choice of fire pump that you would recommend for the rebuild of the warehouse. The background information will provide you the needed material to identify the basic components common to fire protection for the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse. As you review the material, make sure you do the following actions: 

  1. examine what contributed to the fire,
  2. analyze building components and existing fire suppression systems, and
  3. prepare and disseminate recommendations.

Fire protection design involves an integrated approach where designers need to analyze the building’s use, occupancy, footprint, and existing fire protection systems or components. This assignment is not looking for compliance with building codes nor expecting you to be a fire protection system designer. However, the purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and knowledge you learned in this unit as you begin writing your final project covering protection systems that will detect, contain, control, and extinguish a fire. In addition, this assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your skills, expertise, and experience to enrich your response.Section IISection II will address the ethical dilemma of using the foreign-made fire pump, as described in the Points to Ponder Scenario within this unit, as a right versus right action or a right versus wrong action.As we saw in the unit lesson, Kidder (1995) described four basic paradigms that deal with most ethical dilemmas of right versus right choices. He believed ethical decisions often involve choices of the individual versus community, truth versus loyalty, short-term versus long-term, and justice versus mercy. Pick one of the paradigms below, and answer the question.

  • Is it right to use the foreign-made fire pump because others were not available in order to provide fire protection so the warehouse could re-open and the workers could go back to work?  -OR-
  • Do you believe using the fire pump dilemma was a right versus wrong action based on your own values, professional ethics, and institutional values?

For this assignment, you will write a two-page narrative (one page per section) supporting your positions. You must have a title page and references page. An abstract is not required. You may use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. You should use at least three sources, one of which must be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following proper APA style


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER The scenario-based case study used in this course provides descriptive information and data to help you make decisions as if you were actively participating in a real-life investigation of a warehouse fire


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Based on what you have read and your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate?

Topic: Learning Style Characteristics

Using this week’s readings, complete the following:

Based on what you have read and your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate? Why?
Now, take what you have learned through the readings and any personal experiences you may have had to respond to the following scenario:

Three new students have been assigned to your fourth-grade math class. Each student has a particular learning style. How do you ensure you are providing them with effective instructional strategies based on their learning styles?

-Peggy requires structure and has visual preferences.
-George requires a quiet learning environment, is teacher-motivated, prefers learning alone, is a factual and kinesthetic learner, and requires mobility.
-Moses lacks persistence, is a peer-oriented learner, has auditory preferences, requires food while he is working, and learns best in the morning.

For each of the students, complete a description under each of the following headings:

Teaching Strategy
Evaluation/Assessment Strategy
Part 2

Finally, review the responses from at least two peers’ posts and respond to the following:

You are a kinesthetic and tactile learner; however, you are taking an online course with no real tactile component. How do you deal with the fact that almost everything in your online course is visual? What modifications would you make to your learning style to be successful in class?




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Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing

  1. Click and read the Case Study below and post answers.
  2. Answers must: 
    • Be 100 words or more
    • References are cited (if necessary)

Case Study

Chapter 4

Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing

The student nurse starts the day with the community health nurse with a discussion about the implementation of evidence-based practice. The nurse reviews with the student the importance of including appropriate research and evidence-based practice principles each day during the daily visits. The community health nurse emphasizes the importance of looking at one’s own values since the student nurse will encounter various individuals in the community health setting. The community health nurse asks the student nurse to review the key human values that influence a client’s health.

  1. The community health nurse asks the student nurse to explain what is involved in evidence-based practice. What are the necessary steps in the process of evidence-based practice that the nurse should include in the discussion with the community health nurse?
  2. What does implementation of evidence-based practice enable the community health nurse to do in the community?
  3. Research has what significant impact on community health and nursing practice?
  4. Values and ethical principles strongly influence community health nursing practice and ethical decision-making. What function do values hold in clinical practice in the community health setting?
  5. What three human values influence client health that the community health nurse must consider?




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The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks

ACCT6004 Finance Session 3, 2021
Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2
This assignment has a 25% weighting in your overall mark for this unit and focuses on content from Topics 6, 7 and 8. The assignment will be marked out of 25 and marks will be allocated as indicated in the rubric on page 4. Your total assignment submission will consist of a word document and a spreadsheet.
Case information
The assignment is based on the case information below. While the company Lego, does exist, the financial data as well as the scenario in this case study are fictitious1, however the context is not. Many businesses and government departments face similar investment decisions in order to remain competitive as well as being more environmentally and socially responsible.
The Lego Group is a privately owned company based in Denmark and produces toys for both children and adults that are based on building structures from interlocking plastic bricks.
The company is in the process of becoming more environmentally conscious and moving away from the issue of traditional style plastic bricks that take many years to breakdown and using plant based materials from sustainable sources to manufacture their toys. This strategy aligns with their goal of tackling climate change issues.
This product (BIOLego) is totally new to the market and no other competitor has yet to initiate a ‘lego’ style product like it. The benefits of this product are that they are made from sustainable plant products and recycled plastics that are protecting the soils, waterways and oceans. For this reason, The Lego Group believes that this product will cost more to produce and install than its existing manufacturing capability and has more risk involved with its rollout into the current market than that of its existing products.
This new product will require an upfront expenditure on a new piece of machinery to manufacture the product. There is currently not one in the marketplace and will need to be custom built. The company has received quotes from certain manufacturers of machines to build this machinery and is satisfied that these quotes are realistic in terms of cost. The estimated cost of the new machinery totals $450 million. The company plans on financing this amount from their bank at quoted interest rate of 2.57% per annum.
The engineers of the company believe that this machine has a useful life of 6 years before needing to be updated with new technology as it comes available in future years. The machine will be depreciated using the prime cost method to zero over the life of the asset. At the end of the project, some of the machine can be sold off in parts for scrap at a total of $10 million. The machine will need to be dismantled and removed and at a cost of $3 million.
1. The Lego company and its proposed revenue growth strategies and sustainability strategies provide the inspiration for this case but all of the facts and financial information used are fictitious.
The company has spent several years researching and developing this product at a combined cost of $4 million. The CEO of The Lego Group has asked you to prepare a financial analysis of this initiative. They have asked you to provide a summary of your analysis, as well as providing your recommendations in the form of a short memo.
The sales and marketing department have conducted several focus groups with customers and are satisfied that BIOLego will be successful. It is estimated that revenues in the first year of the product’s introduction will total $170 million, however this is not certain. These sales are forecasted to increase by 30% each year in years 2, 3, 4 and 5 as an increase in awareness of the product becomes evident. By year 6, it is expected that sales will increase by 70% as this product now takes over from their existing plastic-based products. However, due to the focus groups only targeting a small group of customers, the team are concerned that this product may not be as successful as forecasted so in their recommendations they have estimated a 30% standard deviation in the estimated revenues.
The sales and marketing team have also highlighted that the existing products sold by the company (based on plastic products) is likely to see a fall in sales due to the introduction of the new product. The product currently generates $120 million profit before tax for the company each year and it is estimated that this will fall by 50% with the introduction of BIOLego.
The production department have estimated that production costs will be equal to 45% of the forecasted revenues each year. There will also be a requirement for the company to have additional working capital on hand for this project equal to 15% of each upcoming year’s sales forecast. This working capital forecast is relatively certain and based on previous production requirements of the company. The investment in this additional working capital will be made at the beginning of the project and will be fully recovered at the end of year 6, the last year of the project.
Other additional costs related to the project are as follows, (1) marketing costs $7 million (this is a best guess forecast) in the first year only; (2) maintenance costs of $4 million per year (certain forecast) and administration costs of $3 million per year increased by 2% each year after year 1 (certain forecast). The Lego Group have spent $1.5 million on feasibility studies for the project.
The Lego Groups financiers have advised them that the company’s weighted average cost of capital is 8% and is subject to a 30% income tax rate. It is assumed that all taxes are paid in the year of income to which they relate.
Prepare (1) a spreadsheet financial analysis of the proposed project and (2) a memo (maximum 1,000 words) to the CEO of The Lego Group that summarises your key results and provides recommendations on the project. Note carefully the following points:
• Analyse base case (expected) cash flows and potential uncertainty.
• For your base case analysis, calculate the five investment decision criteria listed in the relevant topic’s Overview document.
• If you make any assumptions beyond those given in the case information, explain them.
• Recommendations should address the decision suggested by the base case, along with further follow up or other matters the company should consider prior to making a final decision.
• Include an appendix to the memo that provides a readable screenshot(s) of your base case cash flows, the purpose of which is to allow the CEO to see line item detail without needing to spend time going to the spreadsheet itself.
• Within the memo body, you are advised to use tables and/or figures to assist decision makers quickly see main points and to visualise your analysis results but ensure the tables and figures are discussed or explained.
Submit your spreadsheet separately in the provided spreadsheet link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. By submitting the spreadsheet, you are confirming that it is entirely your own work. Save the spreadsheet with your details in the file name using the following format (failure to do so could result in your spreadsheet not being considered in marking):
Student ID_Full_name_ACCT6004A3
For example: 13579246_John_Smith_ACCT6004A3
The spreadsheet submission allows only one submission attempt so do not upload your spreadsheet until you are sure it is complete.
The memo will be submitted as a word document via a Turnitin assignment link in the BCS2 section of the unit site. Do not include a coversheet; commence with the memo. You can resubmit your document as many times as you like prior to the due time. You are therefore advised to examine your Turnitin Originality Report for this assessment to make sure your similarity score is low with very little highlighted text aside from technical phrases and quoted passages that are appropriately referenced.
This assessment will be marked using the rubric below. You are advised to read the rubric carefully so you know the criteria and performance levels upon which you work will be assessed. This is an individual assessment exercise. The unit teaching team is very experienced at marking such assessments and recognising the differences between individual and “group” work, as well as data, facts, statements and ideas of others that have not been appropriately acknowledged. To avoid any potential for academic misconduct investigation, ensure that every aspect of your work is your own and that you acknowledge all sources you have directly drawn upon in your submitted work. Quotations should be shown as such. We are not fussy about referencing style, just that you reference when needed.
Assessment 3: Business Case Studies 2 ACCT6004 S3 2021
MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor
Accurate estimation of
relevant base case cash flows and
decision criteria
(12 marks) All relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
incorporated into the analysis
and net cash flows and decision criteria are correct. (12 marks) Nearly all relevant base case cash flows have been
accurately incorporated into the analysis and decision
criteria are correct based on your net cash flows (10
marks) Most relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
incorporated into the analysis and decision criteria are
mostly correct based on your net cash flows. (8 marks) About half the relevant base case cash flows have been accurately
incorporated into the
analysis and decision
criteria are mostly correct
based on your net cash flows. (6 marks) Less than half the relevant base case cash flows have
been accurately incorporated into the analysis and decision criteria may be mostly
incorrect based on your net cash flows. (0 to 4 marks)
Accurate and appropriate analysis of
(5 marks) You have accurately analysed project uncertainty using
appropriate techniques. You have shown insight by judicious input
choices that are well-articulated and linked to case facts. The
analysis is easy to follow. (5
marks) You have accurately analysed project uncertainty using
appropriate techniques and judicious input choices that are mostly well-articulated
and linked to case facts. The
analysis is easy to follow. (4
marks) You have analysed project uncertainty using appropriate techniques and mostly
judicious input choices that are mostly well-articulated
and linked to case facts. The analysis is easy to follow. (3.5
marks) You have analysed project uncertainty using at least
one appropriate technique.
Input choices lack justification, are
unreasonable or the
analysis is not easy to follow. (2.5 marks) You have not analysed project uncertainty using appropriate techniques or have
attempted to use at least one
appropriate technique but with no demonstrated
consideration of input choices in a hard to follow analysis or
there are major inaccuracies. (0 to 2 marks)
Appropriate interpretation and
recommendations based on the
project analysis
(8 marks) You have accurately interpreted the results of your financial
analysis and made appropriate
and insightful recommendations with the basis of those
recommendations clearly and concisely explained.
Recommendations go further than simply accepting or rejecting the project by recognising the subtleties of project decision
making and needed additional
analysis or considerations. Use of language makes meaning
consistently clear; no or very few grammar, syntax and spelling
errors. (8 marks) You have accurately interpreted the results of your
financial analysis and made appropriate
Recommendations go further than simply accepting or
rejecting the project by
recognising some subtleties of project decision making
and/or needed additional
analysis or considerations.
Use of language mostly makes meaning clear; no or very few
grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (6.5 marks) You have accurately interpreted most of the results of your financial
analysis and made some appropriate
recommendations. Subtleties of project analysis and
decision making have
generally not been
recognised. Use of language
mostly makes meaning clear; several grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (5.5 marks) You have accurately interpreted some of the results of your financial
analysis and made at least one appropriate
recommendation. Use of language mostly makes meaning clear; several grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (4 marks) You have not correctly interpreted most results from your financial analysis or no
recommendations have been made or recommendations
do not follow from the results or interpretation. Use of language mostly makes meaning unclear; many
grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (0 to 3 marks)




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Resource-based view of international business strategy (IBS)

Review the Financial Times video and use the resource-based view of international business strategy (IBS) by addressing the following:

  1. Evaluate Sony’s five-year performance versus major global rivals, both financial and strategic positioning.
  2. Characterize the salient aspects of the global audio and video equipment and consumer electronics industry value chain.
  3. Conduct a VRIO analysis of Sony’s major resources and competencies within its value chain.
  4. Do any competencies reach the “core” or “distinctive” level over rivals? How do these relate to their chosen generic strategy and value chain activities?
  5. Summarize Sony’s strengths and weaknesses. What are the strategic implications for Sony’s future IBS?

Suggested Resources: 

Sony 2012 Annual Report and company website 

Library Databases:

  • Company information: OneSource and Value Line
  • Industry information: Net Advantage and MarketLine

Commentary may include Reuters, WSJ, Financial Times, or industry-related publications


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Resource-based view of international business strategy (IBS)


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Provide three crime reduction strategies or policies that are based on the theory that you selected.

  • Provide an overview of the criminological theory you selected. Include the main tenets and propositions in your overview.
  • Describe how this theory explains the occurrence of crime.
  • Include biological, psychological, social, and structural variables.
  • Provide three crime reduction strategies or policies that are based on the theory that you selected. These may be existing strategies or policies, or ones that you create.
  • Analyze how each crime reduction strategy or policy is based on the theory that you selected. Identify which theoretical tenet each crime reduction strategy or policy is based on.
  • Summarize your presentation by explaining which types of crimes each of your strategies or policies will most likely impact and how they might contribute to social change.
  •  three scholarly resources that focus on a criminological theory. Select one criminological theory to use in your presentation
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cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas

Which resource discussed in your textbook did you decide to use for your assignment in this unit? Explain why you chose that resource.

                                                              CLASSMATE’S POST

The resource I chose from the textbook information is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas. One of the tools I used was the screen capture video in Canvas Studio. The screen capture tool records media for any time, depending on the computer’s memory. For example, I used it to present my lesson on a few PowerPoint slides and a link to a YouTube video about a child on strike during the Industrial Revolution in America. In addition, I used Microsoft’s Office, a productivity software, to create a PowerPoint and add a link to the video. 

I selected each resource as a hook for the beginning of my unit on the Industrial Revolution. The presentation, video, and questions help students with different learning modalities because the lesson includes auditory, visual, and inquiry for comprehension


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cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas


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Activity Based Costing (ABC) differ from traditional costing

How does Activity Based Costing (ABC) differ from traditional costing?  Which is better to allocate the cost of hospital X-ray equipment?  Why?

  Indirect costs must be allocated to assign them to activities that caused them to be incurred.  A significant indirect cost in Health Services organizations is the cost of Financial Services.  To allocate these costs would it be better to use patient revenues or the number of bills generated?  

Read the article from the link below.  This Week’s chapter is on cost allocation.  The article was written in 2011, just before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act.  With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, is the method of cost allocation more important or less important?  Why?  


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health issue and pathophysiology, explanation of major concepts based on findings from contemporary literature,

The written assignment for this unit is based on students choosing a topic from the list of topics provided and undertake a literature search relevant to the chosen topic (10 references, including at least 8 peer-reviewed journal articles). Students will then provide critical analysis of the chosen topic with the support of the literature reviewed including a description of the health issue and pathophysiology, explanation of major concepts based on findings from contemporary literature, presentation of a nursing management plan from the literature and a discussion on how the knowledge gained will assist in advancing their role in the workplace.
Please note the discussion is based on ONE condition (health disorder) selected from the list below.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with a condition relevant to the respiratory system.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with a condition relevant to the cardiac system.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients a condition relevant to the gastrointestinal system.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients a condition relevant to the hematological/vascular system.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with a condition relevant to the cerebral/ neurological system.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with a condition relevant to the endocrine system.
Principles of nursing management of patients/clients with a condition relevant to the renal system


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