Writers Solution

Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography.


Based on the topic and theoretical lens you have chosen in Unit Four, carry out a review of the literature around the topic selected and generate an annotated bibliography.

  1. Gather and assess five scholarly research articles relevant to your topic, compiling these articles into an annotated bibliography.
    • Annotated bibliographies are comprised of a brief summary of the article and a discussion and assessment of how the article will contribute to the research project.
    • These five sources must be scholarly sources of original research, such as journal articles and books.
    • Although students may use relevant course readings for their research projects, the annotated bibliographies must not include course readings.
    • Each annotated bibliography should be approximately 150 – 200 words per entry (total 750 – 1000 words).
    • Annotated bibliographies must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA.
  2. There are many helpful university-based websites, including the following, to help students prepare their annotated bibliographies: 
  • OWL. (n.d.). Purdue online writing lab. 
  • Cornell Unversity. (n.d.). How to prepare an annotated bibliography: The annotated bibliography.
Writers Solution

Darwin believed that men and women picked mates based on certain attraction cues that ensure the successful reproduction of the human species

 Write down the first 5 things that come to mind when you think of being attracted to someone.

Darwin believed that men and women picked mates based on certain attraction cues that ensure the successful reproduction of the human species. Based on what you’ve learned and your dating experiences, please answer the following questions: Is there anything from your list that corresponds with Darwin’s Evolutionary theory? Please share your results. Did anything surprise you?

This week you read about the different stages and types of relationships (dating, hooking up, cohabitating, and marriage). Wrap up this week by sharing your thoughts on the future of “relationships”? For example, do you think people will continue to search for their soulmate or will marriage become a thing of the past? Is technology making it easier or more difficult for people to maintain healthy relationships? What theory made the most sense to you and why? (Those are just some ideas to get you started. Please feel free to answer those questions and/or share your own take-away.)

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team. 



Writers Solution

Theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject

 Assessment 1Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment
Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.
Value: 20% Due Date: Students are to upload their submission to the Turnitin link on the KOI
Moodle subject home page by 5:00pm Friday of Week 6.
Topic: This assignment covers contemporary theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject.
Task Details: This assignment requires students to access the Conceptual Framework of Accounting and select the conceptual framework tab. Students are then required to access paragraph 2.4 fundamental qualitative characteristics.
Students should:
1- Prepare a summary of the requirements for general-purpose financial reports with respect to these fundamental qualitative characteristics.
2- Select an ASX corporation ( and review general purpose financial report material with respect to the reporting of risk by the corporation
3- Review the general-purpose financial reports, additional company media releases, internet, and other sources in relation to the reporting of risk by the corporation.
4- Prepare a comprehensive report directed to this research. The report extracted from the general-purpose financial report and additional material relevant to the analysis.
Presentation: Report – 1,500 word report. The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables). Students need to stay within
the assigned word limits, and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment. The report should be typed double spaced, using Times New Roman font size of either 10 point or 12 point. Every page should be clearly numbered.
The assignment should include the following parts:
o A title / cover page, which indicates basic information such as Subject title, Subject code, Trimester number, Assignment title, group members’ full names and KOI student numbers, word count and name of the tutor;
o Executive Summary;
o Table of Contents;
o Main contents – Introduction, analysis using suitable headings and subheadings, Conclusions and Recommendations, Appendices (if any); References (using Harvard – Anglia style); and/or o Attachments.
Marking Guide:
Research – extent and application 30%
Analysis 30%
Recommendations/conclusions 30%
Presentation 10%
This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20 subject marks.

Writers Solution

$100,000 DOJ grant for a community-based violence prevention initiative involving at-risk youth

 In your position as a law enforcement manager, you have been tasked with applying for a 1-year, $100,000 DOJ grant for a community-based violence prevention initiative involving at-risk youth. The purpose of the grant is to provide an opportunity for strategic transformation in a police department. The DOJ has many grant opportunities for justice and police agencies.

Review strategic transformation in Chapter 15 of your textbook.

Review all the components of the “How to Develop a Program Logic Model” from the Corporation for National &Community Service.

Complete the attached Logic Model worksheet and submit it with your Executive Summary.

Part 2- Draft Executive Summary

Write a 250-500-word draft executive summary of your proposed program. The executive summary tells the story in a very succinct way of why your grant should be the one funded. Include the information gathered from your logic model. Explain how the grant will improve organizational outcomes that align with organizational needs. Grant reviewers have hundreds of applications to review, so your executive summary cannot be longer than two pages.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. 

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. 

This Benchmark assesses competency 1.2: Apply creative management practices to improve organizational outcomes aligned with organizational needs, and competency 4.5: Write a grant proposal for a specific agency need.

Writers Solution

Ethical decision-making framework of the Moral-Based Reasoning Model

 Using the ethical decision-making framework of the Moral-Based Reasoning Model for the case study provided. How does each component of the framework was put into action to resolve the dilemma in the case study. What is the resolution in the case study?

The components of the Moral-Based Reasoning Model is consist of:

1. Recognize the moral issue and determine that action is needed.

2. Determine the level of involvement.

3. What is the effect of the decision on others?

4. Act (what is the resolution)

Writers Solution

prepare a grocery list based on the meals the family plans to make.

Read about the family listed below and prepare a grocery list based on the meals the family plans to make. Perform online research and gather data on recipes and the cost of grocery store items. Look at the foods and compare prices. Calculate the cost of food based on the grocery list. Do not go over budget. You will need to show the prices of each item found. 

The family includes a mother, father, 11-year-old daughter, and a 7-year-old son. The weekly grocery budget is $100.00.The family plans to make spaghetti with ground meat, tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, and pancakes with fresh fruit, and to buy the necessary ingredients for these foods in large enough amounts to use them in other meals as well.

Assignment status
Solved by our Writing Team at 

Writers Solution

Based on what you have learned about tools and current trends in the healthcare field, describe a few trends you anticipate seeing in the future of healthcare informatics and explain how this impacts HIM.

In your initial prompt, discuss the following:

Based on what you have learned about tools and current trends in the healthcare field, describe a few trends you anticipate seeing in the future of healthcare informatics and explain how this impacts HIM.


Finally, explain why HIM professionals are qualified to fill these types of roles.


When responding to your peers, discuss how the future trends identified by your peers and EHR use both impact the roles of healthcare professionals.

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

Writers Solution

Rule-Based Classifiers vs. Decision Tree Models

Topic:  Rule-Based Classifiers vs. Decision Tree Models

Overview:  The purpose of this assignment is to determine which method is more appropriate in certain scenarios for building classification models relative to data mining practices.

Classification is a pervasive data mining problem which has many applications, such as medical analysis, fraud detection, and network security. Various types of classification approaches have been proposed to address research problems. Classification is generally divided into two steps. First, construct a classification model based on the training dataset. Second, use the model to predict new instances for which the class labels are unknown. Hence, classification divides data samples into target classes. The classification technique predicts the target class for each data point. For example in the medical industry, patients can be classified as “high risk” or “low risk” patient based on their disease pattern using data classification approach. It is a supervised learning approach having known class categories.

  • Compare and contrast Rule-Based Classifiers vs. Decision Tree Models. For example, a training dataset is not required with rule-based classifiers, but this method is difficult to work with due to all the rules that must be listed.
  • In what situations is it better to use Rule-Based Classifiers rather than a Decision Tree model? Are they mutually exclusive techniques?
  • Please provide a real-world example to support your inferences.

Please ensure you refer to the rubric for specific details on the requirements for this assignment!

Writers Solution

A plan for the conversation you would have with the employee, based on the concepts found in your textbook.

Imagine you are the HR manager at a company. A female employee came to you upset because she felt a male coworker was creating a hostile work environment by repeatedly asking her out on dates even after she said “no”. What would you do? (If you haven’t been exposed to having these types of conversations speak to your manager or someone who is familiar in addressing tough conversations.)

Write a plan for how you would approach your conversation with each employee, including the most essential topics to cover. As you write your plan, think about what your goals are for this situation, and how each conversation will help you achieve those goals.

You will create and submit your assignment by using the ecree link. Just click on the link and start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

Click the assignment link to start your assignment in ecree. Please note that ecree works best in Firefox and Chrome.

Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you:

  • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
  • Write a plan for the conversation you would have with the employee’s male co-worker, based on the concepts found in your textbook. What are the most important points you would need to cover in this conversation, and why?
  • Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    • Include at least 1 reference to support your paper.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Writers Solution

Hulu is one of the famous US based TV streaming service provider.

Hulu is one of the famous US based TV streaming service provider. There are many different plans to access Hulu video streaming services. You can activate Hulu plan by visiting from your mobile app and PC. You can watch movies, news, sports, TV series and many other entertaining episodes. You can also contact experts if you are getting any problem in activating the plan.