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critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts


Behaviour Change Report

Assessment type;

Essay addressing behaviour change in a specific population

Word limit/length; 2000 words

Learning Outcomes

1. critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts

2. evaluate and critique, biological, psychological, social, neurophysiological and systematic factors that impact on behaviour and behaviour change in mental health contexts

3. formulate effective individual and systemic responses to facilitate behaviour change founded on theory, empirical research and recovery principles

4. apply motivational interviewing knowledge and strategies to facilitate coconstructed constructive consumer behaviour change


Select a behaviour that is relevant to a specific population of mental health service users / consumers and propose an evidenced based approach to successful behaviour change. Consider and include in your discussion:-

1. The rationale for focusing the behaviour change intervention with the specific population;

2. A critical review of theoretical perspectives that have been applied to supporting behaviour change in the population;

3. A discussion of potential barriers to behaviour change at the neurophysiological, individual, interpersonal, organisational levels and how these barriers could be overcome.

Specific details of the proposed intervention are not required within this assignment. The focus should be on the justification, the theoretical approach to addressing the behaviour and a sophisticated understanding of obstacles to behaviour change


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modifying a motivated behaviour

BEHV3014 Motivation and Emotion Assignment 2: Case study Word limit: 2000 (+/- 10%) Weighting: 48% 
After you have read this information, head over to the Assignment 2 Q&A discussion board to ask any questions and see what your peers are saying about this assignment.
Assignment overview This assignment is a mandatory submission, which means that in order to pass this subject of study, you must submit this assignment.
For this assignment, you will look at the basic structure and process through which a psychological problem, such as behaviour, emotion or thought, may be explored, understood and addressed in a clinical setting using Assignment 2: Case study – Template and tips (PDF 574 KB)   Download Assignment 2: Case study – Template and tips (PDF 574 KB) .
This assignment will:
encourage you to self-reflect upon the motivations behind your own behaviours allow you to research and explore evidence-based methods for modifying a motivated behaviour introduce you to the basic process clinicians work through when attempting to understand and alter a motivated behaviour. To meet the requirements of this assignment, you will:
demonstrate your understanding of the motivations behind a particular behaviour plan an intervention to change the behaviour describe your implementation of the plan provide an evaluation of the outcome.This assignment supports Subject Learning Outcomes 2, 4, 5 and 6.
Assignment details Work your way through the following steps in order to complete this assignment.
Step 1Identify a behaviour that you would like to change in your life.
It could be something you would like to do:
less than you currently do (for example, spend less time on your phone or watching television)more than you currently do (e.g. exercise more, socialise more or drink more water)differently than you currently do it (e.g. change sleep patterns, alter study or exercise routines).The behaviour should be something that causes you a small amount of distress or frustration, but not something that is very challenging or overwhelming for you. For example, you may be dealing with difficult issues or psychological problems in your life, and, while we support individual journeys and challenges, we would NOT want you to work on these issues for the assignment. 
To pick an appropriate behaviour for the assignment:
Make a list of behaviours you do (or don’t do) that currently cause you some distress or frustration.For each behaviour, rate how much distress it causes you on a scale from 1–5, where a rating of 1 or 2 would indicate a small amount of distress (e.g. a small problem you might publicly admit to on social media) and 4 or 5 indicate serious problems (e.g. that you might seek professional help for).Pick a behaviour that is easily measurable that you have rated as a 1 or 2.To help you with selecting a behaviour, refer to:
3.3 Activity 1: Exploring behavioural analysis and intervention3.4 Activity 2: Picking a behaviour to change3.5 Discussion: Exploring behavioural analysis and intervention.Step 2Once you have decided on your behaviour you will need to describe and measure the behaviour. To do this:
Collect background information exploring:frequency—how often does it occur?context—what situations, times, or people affect its occurrence?history—how long has this been an issue? Has it come and gone or been consistent?Collect baseline measurements of the behaviour over a designated period.Attempt to explain the behaviour—Why does this problem behaviour occur/not occur? What are the motivational factors that maintain the behaviour? To help you measure your behaviour and collect your data, refer to:
4.4 Activity: Data collection.
Step 3You will now need to plan out the intervention you are going to implement to try to change your chosen problem behaviour.
You will need to include a clear intervention goal, your evidence-based research on this intervention and your intervention design.
For further detail of what is expected, refer to the Assignment 2: Case study – Template and tips (PDF 574 KB)   Download Assignment 2: Case study – Template and tips (PDF 574 KB) .
To help you plan out your intervention, refer to:
5.4 Activity: Explore behavioural interventions.
Step 4You will now need to research and read widely on your chosen behaviour to inform your findings. This means using the WSU LibraryLinks to an external site. to search for peer-reviewed journal articles and literature, beyond the essential readings given to you within each module. This is especially important since part of how you will be assessed is determined by your research skills. In order to achieve top marks for this criteria, you will need to review and correctly reference and cite at least five sources, providing an excellent logical justification for selection. 
Once you have done some background research on your behaviour you will need to:
Analyse the factors motivating that behaviour using approaches we have explored in the subject.Develop a simple plan to change the behaviour.Implement you plan over one week.Reflect upon the success of your implementation.To help you with your research, refer to:
4.5 Discussion: Researching and reading widely.
Step 5Now it’s time to begin the write up of your case study. You should structure and section your work with the following headings and sub-headings.
Reason for ReferralAssessment Behaviour DescriptionBehaviour ExplanationInterventionIntervention goalEvidence-based researchIntervention designImplementation and EvaluationReferencesAppendixFor further detail of what is expected in each of these sections, refer to the Assignment 2: Case study – Template and tips (PDF 574 KB)   Download Assignment 2: Case study – Template and tips (PDF 574 KB) .
Note: It is not necessary for you to include a cover page. These instructions relate to on campus assignment submissions.
Step 6The key things your OLA will be looking for in your case study are:
demonstration of your understanding of the sections of a clinical case study by putting the right information into the right sectionsdemonstration of an appropriate breadth of assessment of the various factors that may influence the chosen behavioura clear, logical flow through the sectionsthat your intervention makes sense given your assessment of the behaviourthat you have implemented and evaluated the actual plan you describe in the intervention design sectionadequate research justification of the intervention you have chosen; you will need to provide at least five references.inclusion of a reference list, ensuring all citations and references are in APA 7th edition format (essential).inclusion of an appendix containing a graph or figure and the support material you have made use of, most importantly including the data collection or behaviour tracking sheets you used.Note: the reference list is not included in the word count.
Assignment tip
View the marking guide under ‘Assignment criteria’ to see a detailed breakdown of how your work will be assessed. This is an excellent place to start your preparations for this assignment.
Refer back to the marking guide frequently to make sure you are meeting the requirements.
Supporting resourcesCognitive behavioural therapy for paruresis or ‘shy bladder syndrome’: A case studyLinks to an external site. (Hambrook et al., 2017).Conditional beliefs of primary-care patients with treatment-resistant depressionLinks to an external site. (Burrage et al., 2016).American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style guide (PDF 725 KB)Links to an external site. (Western Sydney U Lib, 2020).Library Study SmartLinks to an external site.—a library resource that helps you complete assignments (Western Sydney University Library, 2021). Western Sydney University Library has further information about referencing on their Referencing and citation Links to an external Health and Wellbeing (Western Sydney University n.d)—this link contains resources and the contact details of a number of external mental health support services. Counselling Service (Western Sydney University n.d)—Western Sydney University offers its students access to a team of qualified social workers and psychologists who have developed a number of supporting resources, guides, videos and even relaxation recordings to support your mental health.Student Welfare Service (Western Sydney University n.d)—provides assistance with a number of student welfare related queries.Western Sydney University Library has further information about referencing on their Referencing and citation page.
Submission details overviewThis assignment will be submitted through Canvas. When you are ready to submit your assignment, select the ‘Start Assignment’ button at the top of this page. You will be taken to the ‘File Upload’ tab where you can choose your file or submit your URL.
Please note: When you submit your assignment through Canvas, you are also submitting the assignment through Turnitin, which is a text-matching service that compares your work with an international database of information sources. You will need to agree to using it.
Once you have submitted your assignment, select ‘Submission Details’ on the right of your screen to view your originality report if you haven’t already done so.
Please allow a 24-hour turnaround for an originality report to be generated.
Resubmissions after the due date without prior approval from your Subject Coordinator may not be marked.
Assignment supportDon’t forget that in addition to your OLAs who provide discipline-specific content advice, you can access the 24/7 draft writing service from Studiosity.
If you need assistance with academic feedback on a draft of your assignment, see Assignment support: Studiosity.
Assignment criteriaReferral: Reason for referralAssessment 1: Behaviour descriptionAssessment 2: Behaviour explanationIntervention 1: Intervention goalIntervention 2: Evidence-based researchIntervention 3: Intervention design-research designIntervention 4: Intervention design-procedureImplications and evaluation 1: Critical evaluation of degree of success of interventionImplications and evaluation 2: Critical analysis of ways to improve interventionReferences: In-text citations and reference listAppendix: Graph and raw dataYour work will be assessed using the following marking guide:
Assignment 2 marking guideCriteria
(0 marks)
(1 mark)
(2 marks)
(3 marks)
Referral: Reason for referral
(2 marks)
No introduction to client or the problem behaviour, or reason for referral is extremely poor.
Introduction to the client and problem behaviour are poorly written (e.g. too casual), or too long, or includes any incoherent writing.
Introduction  to client and problem behaviour are appropriate. May have some small issues (e.g. slight imbalance, wording could be improved, etc.)
Assessment 1: Behaviour description
(3 marks)
No description of the problem behaviour, or description is extremely poor.
Poor description of problem behaviour. Frequency/ magnitude, contextual information, or history/ time-course may be missing or unrelated to the behaviour, or mislabels behaviour (e.g. saying anxiety is a behaviour), or is written in point-form, or includes any incoherent writing.
Satisfactory description of the problem behaviour. Mentions frequency/ magnitude, contextual information, and history/time- course.  May be somewhat shallow/surface level with room for further depth.
Excellent description of problem behaviour. Deep, comprehensive self-reflective description of all relevant factors.
Assessment 2: Behaviour explanation
(3 marks)
No attempt to analyse factors motivating current behavioural issue, or explanation is extremely poor.
Poor explanatory analysis of problem behaviour. Inconsistent with behaviour description (e.g. discusses explanatory factors not relevant to the behaviour), or introduces new descriptive informoation not included in previous section, or lacks clear coherent testable theory, or includes any incoherent writing. Satisfactory explanatory analysis of problem behaviour. 100% consistent with behaviour description. Clear testable theory. Attempts to identify motivational factors hindering/ encouraging change. May contain some errors. May be somewhat shallow/ surface level with room for further depth or nuance. Excellent explanatory analysis of problem behaviour. 100% consistent with description. Includes accurate description of motivational factors hindering/ encouraging change. No errors. Deep, comprehensive self-reflective analysis.Intervention 1: Intervention goal
(2 marks)
No clear intervention goal, or intervention goal is extremely poor.
Intervention goal is present but is inconsistent with assessment of behaviour, or contains general rather than specific measurable outcome(s), or includes any incoherent writing.
Satisfactory intervention goal. Clearly related to assessment of behaviour, with specific measurable outcome(s).
Intervention 2: Evidence-based research 
(3 marks)
No research review, or research review does NOT mention specific interventions relevant to the problem behaviour, or research review is extremely poor.
Poor research review. Fewer than 5 sources cited, or interventions researched are not clearly tied to assessment or behavioural goal, or missing any attempt to select and justify selection of a given intervention, or majority of review/ background literature unrelated to interventions, or includes any incoherent writing.
Satisfactory research review citing at least 5 sources. Interventions researched mostly relate to assessment and behaviour goal. Good (but not excellent) selection and justification of intervention. May include some unnecessary background literature. May fail to consider practical or client- related factors in selection.
Excellent research review citing at least 5 sources. Explores interventions highly relevant to assessment and behaviour goal, selects one, and provides excellent logical justification of selection based on research review, assessment section, practical considerations (e.g. time or resources required), and any other client factors relevant to selection.
Intervention 3: Intervention design-research design
(2 marks)
No research design mentioned, or design is extremely poor.
Identifies a research design but the design contains clear errors, or is inconsistent with assessment, goal, or research review, or is poorly implemented, or baseline/ intervention time frames not specified, or includes any incoherent writing.
Satisfactory research design. Design is appropriate for the chosen intervention and consistent with assessment, goal, and research review. Specifies baseline/ intervention time frames.
Intervention 4: Intervention design-procedure
(2 marks)
No procedure mentioned, or procedure is extremely poor.
Poor procedure. Procedure is inconsistent with assessment, goal, research review, or design, or lacks detail (i.e. intervention could not be replicated from reading the procedure), or includes any incoherent writing.
Satisfactory procedure. Procedure is consistent with assessment, goal, research review, and design. Presented in enough detail (including materials) to allow replication.
Implications and evaluation 1: Critical evaluation of degree of success of intervention
(3 marks)
Description of implementation or evaluation of intervention success are missing, or implementation and evaluation are extremely poor.
Poor description of implementation and evaluation of intervention success. No data provided, or datatype does not match that described in the procedure, or stated success/ failure is inaccurate or inconsistent with the data provided, or includes any incoherent writing.,/p>
Satisfactory description of implementation and evaluation of intervention success. Data is provided, is consistent with the procedure, and informs an accurate evaluation of intervention success/failure. Evaluation may lack critical depth or contain other errors.
Excellent description of implementation and evaluation of intervention success. Data is provided, is in the form expected given the procedure, and informs an accurate evaluation of intervention success/failure. Evaluation demonstrates exceptional critical depth and self-reflective insight.
Implications and evaluation 2: Critical analysis of ways to improve intervention
(3 marks)
Critical analysis of problems and possible improvements is missing, or is extremely poor.
Poor analysis of problems/ improvements. Analysis of problems or possible improvements contains errors or does not make sense given the intervention goal, or suggested improvements would not logically improve the intervention, or includes any incoherent writing.
Satisfactory analysis of problems or possible improvements. Analysis of problems or possible improvements are logical (make sense) given the intervention. Analysis may lack critical depth.
Excellent analysis of problems or possible improvements. Analysis of problems or possible improvements are logical (make sense) given the intervention. Analysis demonstrates exceptional critical depth and creative suggestions for improvement.
References: In-text citations and reference list
(3 marks)
No in-text citations or no reference list.
More than 2 errors in APA formatting of in-text citations or reference list, or any mismatch between reference list and in-text citations (e.g. paper in reference list not cited in-text).
Near-perfect APA formatted in- text citations and reference list containing all cited references. May contain 1 or 2 small errors in citations or reference list.
Perfect APA formatted reference list containing all references cited in the paper. No errors.
Appendix: Graph and raw data
(2 marks)
No appendix, or no graph, or no raw measurement data included.
Poor data reporting. Graph and raw data are included but are missing labels (e.g. tables or graphs without headers or axis labels), or do not match (are not logically consistent with) the plan or evaluation of the intervention.
Satisfactory data reporting. Graph and raw data are included, are labelled appropriately, and match (are consistent with) the plan and evaluation of the implementation.
ReferencesBurrage, A., Green, S., Turner, K., Kuyken, W., Williams, C., Wiles, N., & Lewis, G. (2016). Conditional beliefs of primary-care patients with treatment-resistant depression. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 44(5), 513–526. doi:
Hambrook, D., Taylor, T., & Bream, V. (2017). Cognitive behavioural therapy for paruresis or “shy bladder syndrome”: A case study. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 45(1), 79–84.
Western Sydney University Library. (2020). American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style guide.
Western Sydney University Library. (2021). Library study smart.
Request for assignment extensionAssessment declaration and statement of authorshipBy submitting my assignments below I declare that:
this is an original piece of work and no part has been completed by any other person other than signed belowI have read and understood the guidelines on Academic honesty and plagiarism, and no part of this work has been copied or paraphrased from any other source except where this has been clearly acknowledged in the body of the assignment and included in the reference list


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Explain the significance of motivation in influencing organizational behaviour.


  • Explain the significance of motivation in influencing organizational behaviour.
  • Employ needs and process theories to stimulate employee performance.


Motivational theories seek to explain how employers can garner the most productivity from their workforce. Businesses will try to assess their corporate cultures, and attempt to develop strategies for motivation that will be meaningful. The strategies used may vary from extrinsic (financial, compensation, etc.) to intrinsic (promotion of feelings of self-worth, etc.). As a member of the workforce, it is important for you to understand what motivates you.


Complete the following exercises from the textbook and make notes of your key findings. In your self-reflection exercise, you should incorporate your key findings in your critical analysis.

  1. What do you value (page 80 of your textbook)?
  2. Is an enriched job for you (page 199 of your textbook)?
  3. Conduct some research on theories of motivation and how employers try to motivate their workforce.
  4. Write a research paper in which you answer the following:


  • Your paper should be a maximum of 4 pages double-spaced, 12 point font (not including cover page and references). For papers longer than 5 pages, the additional pages will not be considered in grading.
  • Your paper should have a well-defined introduction, body and conclusion.
  • Though a research paper, you are encouraged to include some personal or first person accounts in this exercise.
  • Your paper must follow APA style format.
  • Your paper must include a minimum of 4 external academic resources.

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  • Explain the significance of motivation in influencing organizational behaviour.

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Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as employees’ behaviours

Assessment Information
Subject Code: BUS 604
Subject Name: Business Research Methods
Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Research Ethics Proposal
Weighting: 40 %
Total Marks: Length: 40
3000 (+- 10%)
COURSE: Master of Business (Research)
Unit: Business Research Methods
Unit Code: BUS 604
Type of
Assessment: Assessment 3 – Research Ethics Proposal
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: (a) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the major steps involved in conducting research.
(b) Demonstrate an extended understanding of various business research designs and methods, and be able to evaluate and explain their strengths and weaknesses in research designs for particular projects.
(c) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of ethical issues in research and an advanced understanding of appropriate procedures and protocols applicable to these issues.
(d) Critically review and evaluate research literature.
(e) Design research for a particular project, explaining the limitations, advantages, and technical and ethical implications of the techniques employed.
(f) Select, justify and design questions suitable for a survey instrument and be able to analyse survey data in relation to a particular research question.
(g) Prepare a formal research proposal investigating an innovative and/or unresolved research question.
Criteria for
Assessment: • Knowledge and Understanding
• Content and exploration of theories and ideas
• Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
• Technical skills and referencing
Submission Date: Week 13
Total Mark &
Weighting: 40 marks | 40%
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or approved extenuating circumstances incur a 5% penalty per calendar day, calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 2- mark penalty per calendar day.
Assessment Task Description
Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as employees’ behaviours that are discretionary and -not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization- (Organ, 1988). That is, an employee’s favourable behaviour that is not specified in the person’s contract and is not an enforceable requirement of the employee’s role. Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB), leadership styles, and perceived justice are essential for organizational success. However, these constructs have not been adequately studied together within the small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) context. Thus, a research is being conducted to assess the effects of leadership styles and perceived justice on organizational citizenship behaviour of employee of SMEs in Sydney, Australia. This study will use the cross-sectional survey as the research design. The convenience sampling technique will be used to select a sample size of 305. Questionnaire will be used to collect the data. Data will be analysed using multiple regression.
Based on the scenario, develop a research ethics proposal to be submitted to the Excelsia College Ethics committee for approval. You must use the Research Ethics Proposal templates attached, for to this assessment.
You must;
1. identify a relevant title for the project
2. Identify and define the research problem
3. State 2 aims for the research
4. Explain the need for and value of the research.
5. List your research questions or hypotheses.
6. Outline the research design and methodology
7. Indicate whether the research is the first stage of a larger project.
8. Who will be approached or recruited to be research participants? How many participants will be involved in your study?
9. List the selection and, if appropriate to your study, the exclusion criteria for participants.
10. How will you recruit respondents for your research?
11. How will you provide detailed information about the study to potential participants?
12. Describe how you will obtain consent to participate from those volunteering as participants for the research.
13. Detail how will you ensure that participants do not feel under any obligation to assist you with your research as participants.
14. Describe how you will preserve participants’ confidentiality as you collect and analyse the data and when you report the results
15. If there are any potential risks (physical, emotional, social or legal) to individual participants’ wellbeing (beyond those normally encountered in everyday life) as a result of their involvement in the research, detail the steps that will be taken to address these risks including any support facilities such as counselling, debriefings or referrals.
16. If there are any potential safety implications for yourself as the researcher (beyond those normally encountered in everyday life) please indicate how these will be addressed.
17. If research participants will receive any payment, reimbursement, or other benefits from participation in the research, please detail this and provide a justification for the level of compensation.
18. Describe briefly how the research data will be recorded, for example, audiotape, videotape, or written notes.
19. Describe what you will do with the recorded data once it has been analysed.
20. Specify who apart from yourself (and your supervisors if applicable) will have access to the research data and results, and any conditions to be placed on that access.
21. Detail who will own the data and the results of your research.
22. Create Timelines of the research study
NB: You must use relevant sources to support your arguments where necessary.
Marking rubrics
Criteria HD (High
85%-100% DN (Distinction)
75%-84% CR (Credit) 74%-65% P (Pass) 50%-64% F (Fail)
Knowledge and understanding
5 marks Command of the topic,
creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum. Demonstrates
command of the topic by showing
perception and insight — a
serious contribution to the academic debate. Demonstrates
a well-
informed understanding of the topic by showing creativity and insight — a
serious contribution to the academic debate. Understanding
contemporary academic debate, with some creative input and insight, with a tendency
toward description. Limited/poor understanding demonstrated. Any creative input is somewhat off the point.
Content and exploration of theories and ideas
10 marks Outstanding selection that makes a
substantial contribution to academic debate. Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources. Selection from a wide and
range of
perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate. Relevant selection from a range of
perspectives and sources. Sources are
mostly integrated into the overall argument. Narrow selection, minimal use of sources, to support the argument.
Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
15 marks Outstanding use of source material. Excellent argument that is of the
highest academic
quality. Critical distance and
outstanding analysis of the question, to a high degree of excellence. Sources very well integrated into the overall argument. Clear well structured argument that is well crafted and cogent. Critical distance and
outstanding analysis of the question. Sources wellintegrated
into the
overall argument. Clear, cogent
and well-
structured argument.
distance and sound analysis of the question. Mostly clear, cogent and wellstructured argument. Demonstrates criticality and generally good analysis. Sources are not properly integrated into the argument. Absence of clear and cogent argument.
Incomplete analysis with a tendency to accept the source material at face value.
Technical skills and referencing
5marks Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
No errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing
clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Virtually no errors in
grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate
conventions. Good grammar and spelling. Referencing sufficiently clear and using an appropriate convention. Adequate
grammar and spelling. References limited/inappropriate.
Many errors in grammar and spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read

Writers Solution

Organizational Behaviour: Bias in the workplace, Contemporary work environments

The final assignment for the course will test your knowledge on one particular area of study in the field of Organizational Behaviour. The topics to choose from are:

  Working in teams

  Bias in the workplace

  Conflict resolution

  Performance feedback

  Organizational culture

  Facilitating creativity

  Decision making obstacles

  Communication in organizations

  Job and organizational design

  Contemporary work environments

If you would like to use a different topic, you must request approval from me first. You are expected to make an argument on the topic and back it up with strong sources. Make it convincing and make it stand up to scrutiny. The argument must not be something as simple as ethics in organizations are important. Make it more specific, answer a question you find interesting. And then convince me that your argument is true utilizing knowledge gained in the course.

Your paper must include:

1)  Introduction where you will introduce to topic, define any terms, and provide your thesis or

argument (for example: expending resources on conflict resolution tools in the workplace is not

a valuable use of money)

2)  Evidence and a strong argument to back up your thesis. I expect external academic sources to

be used, two or three sources should suffice. Further referencing from non-academic sources

may support your paper but will not count towards the peer-reviewed source expectation

3)  Asummary/conclusionofthepaper