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facts as to if you believe fraud (travel, tax


You will be presenting as if you were an expert witness in this case related to your project. Remember, state only the facts as to if you believe fraud (travel, tax, etc.) has or has not occurred and why you believe this based on the evidence and research you have done on this project. – Please write 4 or 5 pages with authorizes sources


Civil Action Nos. 05–cv–01563–EWN–BNB, 05–cv–01903, 05–cv–01707. – Jan. 2, 2007.

Plaintiff: André Andropolis (On Behalf of Himself and All Others Similarly Situated)

Defendants: RED ROBIN GOURMET BURGERS, INC. (Michael J. Snyder, James P. McCloskey, Lisa A. Dahl, Katherine L. Scherping, and Dennis B. Mullen)

Discuss and provide specific examples of the legal and ethical standards relating to this type of fraud

There are many legal and ethical standards that govern the conduct of legal practices as well as the judicial framework. Federal Standard of Civil Procedure Rule mandates that in all averments of fraud or error, the grounds establishing fraud or error shall be specified with specificity in all pleadings of deceitful activity. A compelling case should be made for scienter by detailing the purported fraud’s circumstances, along with the precise misrepresentations or omissions and the grounds for those comments or omissions’ deceptive nature.

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure provides a legal standard allowing the defense (Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC.) to petition to dismiss the claim if a plaintiff (André Andropolis) fails to articulate a claim upon which remedies can be awarded. Dismissal of a claim is allowed when it seems that the complainant (André Andropolis) cannot prove any set of information to back up the claims which entitles him to remedies, acknowledging the well-pleaded accusations of the dispute as genuine. In the case, scenario, the plaintiffs (André Andropolis and all others similarly situated) claim was dismissed on grounds that he was not able to fully back up his claims. When considering a Rule petition, the court is not looking at proof that the parties might submit at trials, but rather at whether the plaintiff complaint is adequate to articulate a claim for which remedies can be awarded.

The legal standard to keep clients’ information and counsel confidential is crucial to people’s confidence in the judicial process. It builds the parties confidence in the court system and promotes open and honest dialogue between the parties (Duff, 2020). In many nations, unless the parties consents, a lawyer cannot comment about secret discussions between himself and his client. In the travel fraud case, the defendant’s counsel is mandated to keep management team information discreet.

Using the Fraud Theory Approach outlined in your Fraud Examiners Manual, analyze how you would have used this approach in this case and why

The fraud theory should be used by investigators of fraudulent activities due to its significance in assisting investigators to organize and direct investigations based on the data that is available at the moment. It also generates quality outcomes when strictly adhered. This approach requires the investigators to first evaluate the evidence at their disposal, formulate a hypothesis, put the hypothesis to the trial, and, finally, describe and modify the hypothesis.

Based on the case scenario given, I would commence by analyzing data gathered from various sources such as articles and press statements, expert reports, and evidence given by the company’s workers. I would then develop preliminary hypotheses based on the data that has been analyzed. The hypothesis ought to be based on the absolute worst possible outcome. In other words, I would assess the worst-case scenario based on the caller’s comments. In the given case scenario, the worst-case scenario would be that the management misused company and investor funds to pay for personal travel and other expenditures that were unrelated to business. After I have developed a hypothesis, I will need to validate it through the collection of fresh evidence or by the modification and combination of material already at my disposal. If, after putting a hypothesis to the trial, I conclude that the hypothesis cannot be proven, I would then continue to update the hypothesis and put it to the test basing on the evidence available until a conclusion that is reasonable is produced.

Discuss and provide specific examples of how evidence was collected in this case and discuss if you think this was appropriate, why or why not. If you would have collected the evidence in a different manner or from a different source explain what you would have done and why as it specifically relates to this case.

Evidence collection in a case as similar to the André Andropolis vs. Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC. is much important and require a careful consideration in making sure that there is no accusation without solid supporting information that confirms the securities fraud. The plaintiff (André Andropolis) filed a case against the Red Robins Gourmet Burgers INC. claiming that the company omitted the proxy statement and the editing of the financial information within the organization. The omission of the information as claimed by the plaintiff became difficult to prove because the evidence collection process was improper since more focus was directed to the files and records of omitted data but not focusing on the root cause of the replacement of the staff that were present during the period of the fraud. Failure to involve the individuals that participated in the fraud cases that is supported by the organization management makes the evidence less significant to prove the claims because the mismanagement within an organization might be an internal issue, but the key is to understand the motive. If given the opportunity to collect the evidence, I would make sure that there are the witnesses that are ready to share the information about the fraud that they were part of and in this case are the replaced staff of Red Robins Gourmet Burgers INC. (Michael J. Snyder, James P. McCloskey, Lisa A. Dahl, Katherine L. Scherping, and Dennis B. Mullen). I consider the approach due to its significance in providing the necessary support to the omitted and edited security information that is unethical. However, having the witness confession and testimonies as a source of evidence makes the case stronger and the plaintiff would argue the issue more clearly and have a successful win over the case.

Identify and provide specific examples of the application of the laws that preserve the rights of individuals suspected of committing the fraud, the laws that govern civil and criminal prosecutions and admittance of evidence.

The examples of the laws application in preserving the rights of the suspect that committed crime include the opportunity that was given in defending the case against them and having the right to be heard. The suspect also enjoyed the right to have an attorney that act as the representative in the case and assist in the legal work and procedures. In this case, there was the aspect that the defendant enjoyed the two rights of representation and being heard, and this is important in making sure that the plaintiff (André Andropolis) has the enough evidence that is possible to showcase the defendant as a criminal. There is always the need to provide proof about the accusation of fraud and the defendant used the right to defend the issue in a more and better way that made the case more significant in bringing important evidence and not just a more accusation. In addition, there was the issue of the defendant having the right in cross-examining the witnesses that testified against the defendant and use the chance to dispute their testimony and this right is closer to the fair hearing. All defendants in the court of law enjoy the chance of being heard through a fair hearing where both sides of the defendant (Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC.) and the plaintiff (André Andropolis) are given the opportunity to offer their evidence about the case that gives the jury the information necessary of making the decisions on the case (Fisch & Gelbach, 2020). The evidence that are used has to be genuine and correct where it should be accurate and not misleading to give a fair justice to the defendant and victim.

Compare and contrast the laws, providing specific examples, that govern civil and criminal prosecutions of fraud suspects in these types of cases.

In civil case, defendants who have been found guilty of wrongdoing may be required to pay damages by the jury. In the case scenario given, the investors wanted to be reimbursed for the losses the business had sustained as a result of the management actions. Losses that may be quantified, such as economic losses, are eligible for compensation (Duff, 2020). Punitive damages may be awarded in some cases. In criminal cases however, judges convicts defendants who has been proven guilty by a jury in a criminal case. Sentencing laws established by the criminal legislation must be followed by the court. Confinement, parole, and/or monetary fines are all possible outcomes in a criminal prosecution.

Cases involving civil laws, such as those involving securities fraud, may on occasion be resolved outside of a court of law, through means such as mediation with a neutral third party. Alternative dispute resolution methods include civil trials and administrative processes. On the other hand, cases involving criminal law can only be heard within the context of the criminal justice system.

Various guidelines are applicable to criminal and civil cases prosecution. In a civil court, a plaintiff (André Andropolis) files a complaint against a defendant (Red Robin Gourmet Burgers INC). The complainant (André Andropolis) bears the burden of proof and must show that the accused is to be blamed for the issue (Duff, 2020). In the case scenario presented, the plaintiffs (investors) were unable to establish that the defendants (management) were to blame for the problem, resulting in the lawsuit being dismissed. The accused is considered to be liable instead of guilty if a jury finds him or her to be accountable. In a criminal court, on the other hand, a person is either freed or proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The federal government must demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant executed the offense.


Nearly every civilization, economic system, business sector, and industry, as well as field of work, have experienced some form of employee travel fraud. There are three reasons that always exist for employee fraud to take place: pressure, opportunities, and rationalization (Sumrell-Benitez, 2017).

For that reason, I will analyze some travel expenses by IDEA software to achieve to know if travel expenses are submitted only once, expenses are for business travel and airfares charged are reasonable, and tickets purchased are used by the employee (not cashed in).

The audit date will be 1/1/2023 to 12/31/2023.

In the following reports, I will determine if the expense reports are submitted once and are properly authorized. Also, I will detect duplicate expenses, unmatched expenses, nonbusiness transactions, and suspicious payees.

Answers: Travel Section

2.a. Perform a Duplicate Key Detection test (under Analysis) using the keys DATE, EXPTYPE, AMOUNT. Output duplicate records. Index the resulting databases on “AMOUNT” in descending order. Name the result “Duplicate Expenses”. Discuss the items you would conduct further tests on and why they appear suspicious.

These are the expenses we have a duplicate in the database for more than 500 expenses. Just 50 are duplicated under different categories, for example:

• Airfare for $584.40 on 05/23/2022 with destination Washington

• Hotel for $215.57 in May and July in San Francisco City, and the vendor Argent

• Dinner for $35 and $28 in May in local and hotel restaurants

• Internet for $14.95 in May in San Francisco

• Mileage for $14.18 in May in TVR

– Important Note: Most of the duplicate expenses were in May 2023 in different categories. As a professional, I consider it necessary to do a review in this moth.

2.b. Make sure the Expense Reports April 25 23 through Dec 31 23 is the active file. Perform a summarization on EXPTYPE and include the AMOUNT, statistics: Sum, Average. Call your file “Exp Report Sum by Type with Average”. Discuss any examples of car rentals and mileage that took place on the same day (which might be an indicator of double-billing).

The first picture is the summary of the database of the amounts, and the second picture show which billings are duplicate for Milage, on May 23rd and May 26th, for $14.18.

2.c. Make sure the Expense Reports file is the active file. Perform an extraction EXPTYPE = “Airfare” (note that airfare is generally the highest avg dollar). Name the resulting file “Expenses Airfare”.

The following picture shows airfare expenses by vendor, city, dates, and amount.

– Important Note: We can see some expenses duplicate for example, 06/27/2023 and 11/07/2023 for $ 218.40


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describe what you believe the difference is between leadership and authority

Answer each question completely with at least one paragraph (150-200 words per paragraph, at least 5 sentences). Be sure to carefully review the grading rubric included below.

After reviewing Simon Sinek’s video “Leadership vs. Authority,” please reflect and answer the following questions.

YouTube. (2021). Leadership vs. authority | Simon Sinek. Available at:

Closed caption included in video.

1. In your own words, describe what you believe the difference is between leadership and authority.

2. What do you believe are the most important traits that make a great leader? Why do you believe these are the most important?

3. Reflect on a time that you saw a great leader in action. Describe what made this leader effective. What traits did they display that contributed to their leadership?

4. Describe a time that you had to use your leadership skills (at work, home, school, etc.). What traits did you display? Were you effective in your leadership? If yes, what made you effective? If not, what would you do differently next time?


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Standardized rapid assessment instruments that you believe would effectively supplement a biopsychosocial assessment


Identify a behavioral health issue that is related to the topic you are focusing on throughout your MSW program. Then, identify at least three standardized rapid assessment instruments that you believe would effectively supplement a biopsychosocial assessment. Prepare a proposal for these instruments and be sure to address the following:

  • Identify your focus topic and the behavioral health issue you are choosing for this assignment.
  • Describe each standardized rapid assessment instrument, and then indicate who created each one. Offer proof that each one is evidence-based. 
  • Determine how each tool would be applied in a clinical setting. Justify the use of each tool, in addition to the standard biopsychosocial assessment. 
  • Provide a PDF copy of each assessment instrument.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages


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Describe what you believe are the important differences between IP version 4 and IP version 6.

Library Research Assignment

The Internet Protocol version 4 has been a tremendous factor contributing to the growth of the Internet.

Using the Online Library, the Internet, and all course materials, research the Internet Protocol version 4 and version 6.

  • Describe what you believe are the important differences between IP version 4 and IP version 6.
  • What do you envision are the specific challenges for an organization associated with migrating from IPv4 to IPv6 and why?
  • What would be your criteria if you worked for a large organization and needed to make the decision to migrate to IPv6 and why?
  • Would dynamic addressing and private IP addresses be a factor in your decision to implement IPv6? Why or why not?
  • IPv6 has been out for some time now. What is your assessment of how is its deployment and use are proceeding for the industry thus far?


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Why do you believe schedule issues often cause the most conflicts on projects?

Using your study throughout the course, the textbook and any Internet resources, review and analyze the following questions. Write a 4-6-page, APA-formatted report with details and clear answers. 

Why do you believe schedule issues often cause the most conflicts on projects? 

Why is it difficult to use project management software well? 

How do the “3 legs” of project management impact scheduling?

Discuss three suggestions for improving IT project quality that were not made in Chapter 8 in your textbook.?

Schwalbe, K. (2016). Information technology project management (9th ed.). Cengage Learning

Print ISBN: 978-1337101356 

eText ISBN: 978-1337515856

Supplemental text: assignment research

AXELOS. (2020). ITIL 4 Managing professional: Direct, plan and improve (1st ed.). TSO, Ltd.

ISBN: 978-0113316441


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organizational structure that you, as the nurse administrator for SLMC, believe would be most appropriate

Discuss the organizational structure that you, as the nurse administrator for SLMC, believe would be most appropriate. Use a specific organizational theory to support your decision and discuss how this structure may impact the organization’s outcomes. There is no word count for threaded discussions and there is only one discussion per week. This is different from what you are used to in your core courses. Please see discussion guidelines and rubric below

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companies you believe would require somewhat unique types of management accounting information because of their unique competitive strategy and explain why

Give two examples of companies you believe would require somewhat unique types of management accounting information because of their unique competitive strategy and explain why. (No less than 200 words.)

This is a formal assignment with a minimum of 200-250 words.

·        It should include at least one reference from relevant peer-reviewed journal articles and/or books found within the online LIRN library or other reputable sources (peer-reviewed journal articles and/or published books).  Remember, you are always encouraged to use your textbook as a reference as well.

·        These must be properly cited in APA 7th Edition format.  Please be sure to avoid plagiarism by citing within your text and in a reference section at the bottom of your post (these should match).  Paraphrase or use quote marks if sharing exact words





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What is your perception of researchers and the role you believe they serve in the academic community?

For each DQ elaborate within 260-300 words. Use in text citations accordingly. Use scholarly reference(s) along with the one(s) attached as well. Use and cite references accordingly.

DQ 1) What is your perception of researchers and the role you believe they serve in the academic community? What kinds of mental and behavioral changes do you think you will need to make in order to become a successful researcher?

DQ 2) Many learners approach a doctoral program with great enthusiasm. However, enthusiasm and passion alone do not guarantee success. Often, learners want to begin the research process immediately without the proper skills in place to be successful. Although, passion is necessary, it is important that all learners develop a plan of action to be successful. All learners must make a transition from being a student completing assignments to being a self-directed researcher. This requires students to be self-motivated, to engage in reflective scholarly practice, and to be receptive to feedback and critique from peers and faculty.

How might these three practices support your development of a doctoral identity and help you meet the academic expectations for doctoral learners? What potential challenges to do you foresee with incorporating these practices into your routine? What adjustments will you need to make to overcome these challenges? *(This response does not require research support.)


GCU Doctoral Research: The Purposeful Path to a Successful Dissertation

Ames, C., Berman, R., & Casteel, A. (2018). A preliminary examination of doctoral student retention factors in private online workspaces. International Journal of Doctoral Studies13, 79-106. doi:10.28945/3958

Grit, Growth Mindset, and Deliberate Practice in Online Learning


McClendon, C., Neugebauer, R. M., & King, A. (2017). Grit, growth mindset, and deliberate practice in online learning. Journal of Instructional Research6, 8-17. doi:10.9743/jir.2017.2

A Preliminary Examination of Doctoral Student Retention Factors in Private Online Workspaces


Ames, C., Berman, R., & Casteel, A. (2018). A preliminary examination of doctoral student retention factors in private online workspaces. International Journal of Doctoral Studies13, 79-106. doi:10.28945/3958





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services What is your perception of researchers and the role you believe they serve in the academic community?

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Why does Stiglitz believe that measuring a nation’s well-being should go beyond GDP?

Respond to each classmate 100 words or more. 

These are the questions they had to answer.

  • Why does Stiglitz believe that measuring a nation’s well-being should go beyond GDP?
  • What specific policies and societal norms highlight our nation’s emphasis on the factors of production and/or consumption?
  • What steps can be taken at the local and national levels to put greater emphasis on outcomes, like health, education, and the environment?
  • What does scripture have to say about this topic? Find at least one biblical verse to support your comments.

Classmate 1 

GDP: Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance. Stiglitz believes that measuring a nation’s well-being should go beyond GDP because it focuses on materialistic things rather than people’s health and overall well-being. He discusses how some people are more privileged than others and how some people start at the bottom and don’t have a chance to put themselves in a better situation. Policies and societal norms that highlight our nation’s emphasis on factors of production or consumption consist of labor market reforms in which companies force workers to work and work hard for minimum so that they will be able to receive their pension. Most states and jobs are at will and can fire an employee at any time, which causes insecurities, makes workers conform to their jobs, and gives employers the chance to toy with workers. The article states, “If we want to put people first, we have to know what matters to them, what improves their wellbeing, and how we can supply more of whatever that is.” Steps that can be taken at the local and national levels to emphasize outcomes would be to offer free health insurance to everyone, lower healthcare costs, lower prices of healthy foods, and raise the cost of fast foods. Another thing that can be done education-wise is monitoring school systems to ensure that they are using state and federal money for learning purposes. Encourage parents to start at home with their kids so that they know that education is important. Companies should become greener; we should recycle more and try to become minimalist instead of buying and using unnecessary things and throwing them away in waste and destroying the environment.

Hebrews 12:14 (King James Version) states, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” A life of peace is better than being in the storm fighting with others. God loves us all. God wants us always to do what is right and help one another out. No one should consider themselves better than the next person or always in competition. That isn’t peace; the way to God’s heart is polite, generous, and willing to help others.

Classmate 2

In this article, we learned about the gross domestic product, which is known as GDP. GDP can be described as monetary value of all finished and services made within a place during a specific time. GDP is not a good measure of well being as mentioned in the article. It is believed that if we measure the wrong things then we will do the wrong thing. This is the reason Stiglitz believed that the nation’s well being should be measured beyond GDP. The information received from GDP was not very accurate. The information did help provide ways to help the well-being of the population. Production and consumption would not exist without one another.  People believed that the GDP did not have data that would benefit economic production such as health, environment, and education. These areas needed to be focused on in order for the economy to thrive. 

There are various steps that can be taken at the local and national levels to put emphasis on outcomes such as health, education, and the environment. A step that can be made in the health category is create more resources for mental health. There are more people being reported who are suffering from mental health issues. There are people who are seeking assistance, but some people cannot receive assistance. The reason is people do not always have the resources. If more resources are provided to people who have not been able to receive them, this would benefit the population more. For education, there could be more resources created such as more places that provide after school assistance to help with homework or other school related activities. There are different places that are available, but many parents do not have the funds that would allow their children to attend. Some places are not available in the area closes to the child. In order to help the environment, we can have community clean ups on a regular basis. There is so much trash that is polluting the environment that is harming the planet, people, animals etc. 

A scripture that is related to the topic is Proverbs 19:17 which states.” Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” This article informed us on how the GDP was not focused on the well being of others. This scripture explains how if someone is helps the poor or anyone that they will be blessed in return. Just as Stiglitz wanted to focus more on creating ways to assist with putting people first. In return, God will bless him for his great deed





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ndustry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.





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