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Differences between public clouds and private clouds.


WORD: 1500



Starbucks began in 1971. Starbucks is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. Today, it connects with millions of customers every day in 76 markets. Starbucks uses a combination of public clouds, private clouds, and traditional corporate IT systems. In its stores, Starbucks uses Office 365 for e‐mail and productivity application such as Microsoft Word. Office 365 is the public cloud version of the Microsoft Office Suite. For e‐mail and productivity applications at the corporate offices, Starbucks uses its own traditional IT systems on premises. For its customer relationship management software, Starbucks uses, a public cloud application. For other accounting and Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) applications, Starbucks uses a private cloud based on virtualized servers that they maintain. This demonstrates that using various IT approaches is quite common.


Write a report addressing to the following issues.

1. The latest development of some accounting information systems moves to cloud computing for advancing all members of society including the poor and valuable. The cloud technology was quite popular for the past few years globally. Explain the differences between public clouds and private clouds. Illustrate why companies use a combination of public and private clouds servers.

2. Apply the underlying technologies applied relating risks and controls when companies use cloud computing.

3. In your Assessment 1 and 2, Fitness Dance Studio which uses Xero for the accounting systems. This assessment further extends your work in Assessment 2. Analyse and evaluate the business processes of Fitness Dance Studio with respect to the accounting data.

 4. Starbucks uses various IT approaches. Suggest some IT approaches, e.g., artificial intelligence, cloud and edge computing, ERP for Fitness Dance Studio based on the business processes you have discussed above within the budget A$50,000.

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Tension between Individual and Societal Rights

Ethics In Practice: Tension between Individual and Societal Rights

Gail A. DeLuca Havens, PhD, RNCodes of ethics can be thought of as moral codes. Moral commitments “to adhere to the ideals and moral norms of the profession,” such as maintaining competency in practice, are expressed in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses (2001, p. 5) and are made by individuals when they become nurses. The fundamental concept underlying the Code of Ethics for Nurses is respect for persons. Certain principles growing out of this concept guide nurses’ decision making. These include fostering self-determination, doing good, avoiding harm, being truthful, respecting privileged information, keeping promises, and treating people fairly. In their moral decision-making hierarchy, Beauchamp and Childress (2001) refer to principles and rules as action guides. Principles are the more global and basic conceptions that justify the rules.When ethical principles are being considered, it is important to remember that individuals are interdependent members of a community. The nurse will encounter situations in which the tension between individual liberty and the need to preserve the health and well-being of the community creates an ethical dilemma in practice. For instance, the nurse promises, as expressed by the principle of fidelity in the ANA Code, to maintain client confidentiality. However, such a promise is not absolute when innocent parties are in direct jeopardy (e.g., threatened with being killed) (ANA, 2001). This particular kind of dilemma is made even more troublesome for the nurse who is attempting to deal with two opposing or contradictory promises. For example, the implicit promise of the nurse to maintain client confidentiality, as expressed in the ANA Code, may contradict the nurse’s obligation to obey a law that requires reporting a particular situation (ANA, 2001). The nurse also has an ethical responsibility to respect the client and promote self-determination. Consider the following situation.Kay is a community health nurse who has been employed by a home health agency for more than 10 years. Several of her clients live in a homeless shelter and have been referred to her agency for follow-up tuberculosis treatment after hospital discharge. Today she is making her first visit to Paolo, a 33-year-old Hispanic man discharged after treatment in the hospital for acute, infectious tuberculosis. Kay explains that her agency, along with the city’s health department, helps persons with tuberculosis continue to take their medication as prescribed until they are cured. Kay asks Paolo how he is feeling this morning. He replies that he is tired; he did not sleep well this first night in a place not familiar to him. After she completes Paolo’s admission history and physical examination, Kay tells him that she, or a nurse substituting for her, will be visiting Paolo daily for 2 weeks to observe him taking his medication and then twice weekly for at least 6 months. Paolo protests that he is not a child and that he can be depended on to take his medication as prescribed. Kay explains that the current standard of care is that everyone in the community being treated for tuberculosis receive directly observed medication therapy. It will help him remember to continue to take medication as prescribed, particularly when he begins to feel better. Stopping the medication makes the treatment he received in the hospital ineffective. When medication is stopped, often the tuberculosis becomes infectious again. In addition, not completing treatment increases the likelihood that he will develop a type of tuberculosis that is resistant to medication therapy (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2003a). He could be very ill again. The city has an obligation to protect its residents from becoming infected with tuberculosis. Kay tells Paolo that she will be communicating with health department personnel because they are the ones who referred him to her.Paolo agrees, reluctantly, to cooperate in therapy. He asks how long it will take to be cured. Kay knows that the response to therapy varies, but most persons can be cured within 9 months (CDC, 2003b). Kay explains that 6 months of medication has been prescribed to cure his tuberculosis. Before Kay leaves, Paolo takes his first dose of medication, and they establish a schedule for his observed daily self-administration. Paolo’s treatment continues as planned over the next several months. He gains strength and eventually finds a job. Returning to work requires that his medication regimen be modified. Paolo has no trouble adapting it to his more demanding schedule. Several weeks pass with this new arrangement until, one evening, Paolo does not appear. Kay leaves a message for him to call her, but does not hear from him. When Paolo fails to appear again the following evening, Kay returns to the shelter. Eventually, Kay learns that Paolo has not been complying with his prescribed medication regimen. He does not deny it and tells Kay that because he has been taking medication for more than 3 months and feels better, he believes that he is cured of his tuberculosis and no longer needs therapy.How should Kay respond? Should she respect Paolo’s right to self-determination by not interfering with the decisions he has made? What if Paolo were to be harmed by this noninterference? What if others were to be harmed? Does Kay’s obligation to Paolo to maintain confidentiality remain even when his behavior might compromise the health and well-being of others? Under what circumstances might a nurse place the health and well-being of members of a community before those of an individual client?In this situation, because Paolo is an adult who is responsible for his own health, Kay could simply disregard the fact that Paolo has not been adhering to his prescribed medication regimen. However, she would not be helping Paolo to protect himself or others. Another strategy that Kay might employ would be to engage Paolo in problem solving to further explore his reasons for not complying with the medication regimen. Uncovering reasons for noncompliance often results in identifying ways to avoid it. One of the strategies recommended for directly observed therapy is for the nurse to adopt a nonjudgmental attitude toward clients, acknowledging that individuals often will not be 100% compliant with medication regimens. Kay could acknowledge that, because Paolo is feeling better, it is understandable that he is not taking his medication as prescribed. However, she also ought to remind him that he places himself at great risk for getting very sick again and developing drug-resistant tuberculosis by not following his medication regimen. This course of action might also be an opportunity to foster Paolo’s self-determination, to maintain the confidential nature of his care, and to strengthen the client-nurse relationship.However, adopting this strategy does jeopardize Paolo’s health and the health of the people with whom Paolo comes in contact. Kay does not know whether Paolo’s tuberculosis is infectious. Kay initiates tuberculosis screening for the people with whom Paolo has been in contact and creates an opportunity for Paolo to have his tuberculosis reevaluated. This action ought to diminish the potential for harm from active tuberculosis to Paolo and to others with whom he has been in contact. Because Kay’s authority has been delegated to her by the health department, she can communicate with the health department without legally violating confidentiality. Kay is aware that many states require quarantine of individuals who do not successfully complete a medication regimen for tuberculosis. To protect the public, a community health nurse can recommend that formal action be taken to ensure that a person complies with treatment. In this instance, quarantine means that individuals can be hospitalized or incarcerated for treatment of tuberculosis against their will. 


Read Ethics in Practice page 203.

Instructions: Develop a position: should individual rights be compromised to control the spread of communicable diseases for the good of society? What are the role of boards of health in your community and state in preventing and controlling communicable diseases.  

Minimum 250 words. Reply to at least one student with no less than 100 words






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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2021
Unit Code HI6008
Unit Title Business Research Project
Assessment Type Individual
Assessment Title Assignment 4 – Reflective Journal
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to individually document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit.
Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Weight 20 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 20
Word limit At least 1200 words
Due Date 09 June
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, with a correctly and accurately-completed Assignment Cover Page, as one single document. [If no cover page -20% could apply. Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day]
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.
• Though it is NOT compulsory to cite other published work in this assignment, any reference sources that are used must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style.

Assignment 4 Specifications
This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project.
Assignment 4 – the Individual Reflective Journal – is to ensure each student is able to contribute to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. It will be best to build your journal progressively, by making notes each week, starting at week 1 and going through to week 12. Your notes will serve as a reminder of which sections you personally contributed to, what you learnt, and how you experienced the learning process.
A significant aspect of the learning journal will be your reflections on how well you co-operated with your team in the various phases of the Business Research Project, i.e. Topic Approval, Literature Review, and Methodology BUT your emphasis should be on what you experienced, what challenged you personally, how you dealt with that and what you gained as a result. It is NOT enough to objectively summarise what was done. This assignment must reflect and describe your own personal deep learning AND be convincing to the reader that you were integrally engaged throughout the learning process.
Assignment Structure should be as the following:

  1. Based on my personal contribution to the topic selection, problem definition, research question, writing of topic approval submission, and team charter, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
  2. Based on my personal contribution to the literature review report, i.e. search process, summarising of relevant articles, designing the outline/argument/structure of the literature review, writing up the literature review, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
  3. Based on my personal contribution to the research methodology report, i.e. my role in discussions about methods, sampling, questionnaire design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
  4. Based on my reflections of the total research process, the insights I gained and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies I experienced, both individually and in the teamwork, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.

HI6008 Assignment 4 – Individual Reflective Journal – Marking Rubric
Very Good
5 Good
4 Satisfactory
3 Poor
2 Unclear
0 / 1
Reflections about: topic identification, problem definition, research question, i.e. what you learnt whilst writing the topic approval submission and team charter
[Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Poor attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or not communicated
Reflections about: literature review, i.e. what you learnt while conducting the literature search process /summarising relevant articles/ designing the outline of the literature review/ writing up the literature review
[Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated
Reflections about: methodology, i.e. what you learnt through discussions about methods/ sampling/questionnaire design/ data analysis and interpretation
[Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated
Reflections about: the research experience, i.e. say what insights you gained, and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies experienced, individually and in the teamwork
[Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated
Total Marks (20)
Late penalty / Cover Sheet penalty
…………………. Days @ -5% per day = ………………….
No cover sheet / incorrect / inaccurate / not single document = – ……………..%






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Matter that is in dispute between two or more parties: A point of debate of controversy

An issue is defined by Webster as “a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties: A point of debate of controversy.” This assignment provides the opportunity for you to think critically about an issue that is currently affecting the professional and to present your position in writing.
This assignment provides the opportunity to:
Demonstrate research abilities by locating pertinent and timely resources that present more than one side of the issue.
Critically analyze various viewpoints.
Formulate personal position that can be defended.
A.    Topics: Students will select a topic from the following list:
Should Nurses Join a Union?
Should Nurses Join the American Nurses Association?
Should the Entry level for Registered Nurses be the BSN?
Should Families be Allowed to Attend a Code?
Should the Terminally Ill be Admitted to ICU?
Do some Advanced Directives Limit Patients’ Rights?
Or, you can submit another ethical issue for approval.  Students are expected to read broadly about the assigned topic. The primary resources should be nursing journals.
B.    Paper:
1.    This is a formal paper and must follow APA format. To avoid plagiarism use correct APA format to cite references, especially direct quotes.
2.    The order of the paper is:
Title page (separate page)
Abstract (separate page, approximately 100 words)
Introduction to the topic. (i.e. Why is it important for nurses? What are the implications for nurses? 3-4 paragraphs)
Discussion of the pro side of issue. (3-4 points, 3-4 pages).  Include references.
Discussion of the con side of issue. (3-4 points, 3-4 pages).  Include references.
Personal opinion section (3-4 paragraphs)
Reference list (separate page).
3.    Important APA Guidelines (6th ed)
Margins: left margin — right, top and bottom – 1 inch.
Page numbers should appear in the upper right corner of page, 1 inch from top and side.
Use double spacing for entire paper.
Use headings.






Due to the rise in popularity of nursing unionization, this paper looks at the phenomena and its implications on the nursing profession. The issue has been debated since the 1940s, through to the American Nurse Association’s (ANA) collective bargaining for better working conditions and the association’s consequent formation of United American Nurses (UAN) that was a precursor to National Nurses United (NNU), the biggest nursing union in the country. The paper lists down various advantages of unionization that include higher wages, job security and collective bargaining. It also lists down various disadvantages that include union dues, stifling working environment and deprofessionalization of nursing. Finally, the author offers an opinion on whether nurses should join unions or not.



Should Nurses Join A Union?

Unions are increasingly becoming relevant in the nursing profession, impacting on the financial, professional and personal welfare of nurses. Yet whilst some people view them as important to the profession, others view them as unnecessary impediments to the development of the profession (Dube, Kaplan and Thompson, 2016). Indeed since discussions about unionizing nursing emerged in the 1940s, there has been no agreement as to their importance.

Nursing union membership in the United States is estimated to be at 21% (Spetz, Ash, Konstatinidis and Herrera, 2011) with the largest union being the National Nurses United (NNU) that has 185,000 members. Other nursing unions are the National Federation of Nurses, Washington Nurses Association and Oregon Nurses Association. Some nurses are represented by non-nursing unions including the American Federation of Teachers, United Steelworkers and the Service Employees International Union (Koys, Martin, LaVan and Katz, 2015). There are also professional organizations that represent nurses, such as the American Nurse Association (ANA).

Often, the roles of nursing professional associations and those of unions overlap. ANA has in the past successfully lobbied for better working conditions for nurses (Staiger, Spetz and Phibbs, 2010) while present-day unions are advocating for more professionalism in the industry through funded training programs for nurses. Overall, nursing unionization should lead to better working conditions, more job satisfaction and better patient outcomes for unionized nurses. Whether A point of debate of controversy these goals are achieved is debatable.

Advantages of joining a union

The right to unionized membership is enshrined in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 that grants private sector workers the right to organize and form unions whilst reviewing and prosecuting unfair labor practices such as threat, unfair disciplining and refusal to bargain. NLRA further requires unions to represent employees and to bargain in good faith (Kany, 2007). Amendment to the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 allowed nurses in not-for-profit hospitals to unionize. Moreover unions are working towards laws that regulate hospitals and other healthcare institutions, especially with a view to requiring employers to protect nurses from harassment and violence in the nosocomial environments and creating government-funded programs for nursing education (Cherry, 2014).

Unions give workers a voice in collective bargaining with employers for better pay. They enable negotiation for fair wages for all unionized nurses, usually with a minimum wage and different rates for different shifts being agreed upon. It is noteworthy that nurses in unionized facilities generally earn 18.8% higher than…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. A point of debate of controversy


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Inverse relationship between bond prices and yields

There is an inverse relationship between bond prices and yields. This inverse relationship will be demonstrated by calculating bond prices to show that interest rates move inversely: if yields rise, then bond prices fall. Bonds will be sold either at a premium or a discount. With this in mind respond to the following question. You currently own a 30 year Treasury Bond at 4% interest, paid semiannually. The market interest rates for like securities rose to 5%. Would your bond sell for a premium or a discount? Why? What would the market value of your bond be? Prove your answer by showing your Inverse relationship between bond prices and yields work.





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Coupon rate = 4 %

Market interest rate = 5 %

Bond is providing lesser interest that market. So, bond will be sold at discount in order to attract investor and due to interest rate risk which is the market interest rate or yield to maturity(Warren, 2013). Otherwise the investor would shy away from purchasing.

Assume that face value of bond = $1000

Present value of semi-annual coupons = (40 / 0.05) * [1 – 1 / (1.025) ^ 60] = $618.17

Present value of $1000 principal = $1000 / (1.025) ^ 60 = $227.28

Therefore, market value of Bond = $618.17 + $227.28 = $845.45


Warren, S. C. (2013). Survey of Accounting. 6th Edition: Cengage Learning.

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Macroeconomic policymaker, how do you balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation rate and unemployment rate

a. If you were macroeconomic policymaker, how do you balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation rate and unemployment rate? Explain. b. What is the historical relationship between rates of unemployment and inflation in the U.S. economy? What are the most current figures for the unemployment rate and the inflation rate? What does this say about the U.S. economy today?






Finance: Discussion Questions

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

How to Balance the Short-Run Tradeoff between Inflation Rate and Unemployment Rate

            According to (McTaggart, Findlay & Parkin, 2012, p. 606) one of the methods that are employed in the study of inflation cycles involves the use of the relationship and the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In the short-run, there is a trade of between the unemployment and inflation in the economy.

 As a microeconomic policy maker, to balance the short-run tradeoff between inflation rate and unemployment rate, there is need to set the expected inflation rate and natural unemployment rate. In the short-run, any policy that leads to an increase in inflation increases the rate of unemployment, while a policy that leads to reduction in inflation leads to reduced unemployment rates. In setting the expected inflation rate and natural unemployment rate, a balance in the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment rate can be achieved.

Historical Relationship between Rates of Unemployment and Inflation in the U.S. Economy            

The historical relationship between the rates of unemployment and……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






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Organelles in a eukaryotic cell and the more simple structure of a prokaryotic cell as an analogy between the chief executive officer\’s (CEO\’s) corner office and a cubicle

When you look around at the world, you can see many examples that demonstrate how an object\’s or a system\’s structure relates to its function. The structure of a highway system, for example, can affect traffic flow. You can, no doubt, think of many other examples.
In this Discussion Board assignment, you will look at the structure of the most basic unit of life, the living cell. You will also investigate how the structures of cells are directly related to the functions that are important to life.
Part 1
Your text describes the difference between the organelles in a eukaryotic cell and the more simple structure of a prokaryotic cell as an analogy between the chief executive officer\’s (CEO\’s) corner office and a cubicle. Organelles are like appliances or pieces of furniture that perform specific functions. Choose 1 organelle, and use an analogy to explain its function. For example, explain how a chloroplast is like a solar panel, or how a mitochondrion is like a furnace. Try to think of original analogies for other organelles or cell structures such as golgi, lysosome, cell wall, cell membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, nucleus, and so on. Include how your analogy may be less than perfect. Compare your analogy with those of your classmates’.
Part 2
You will read that only plants, algae, and some bacteria are photosynthetic. There is an exception to this, though. One species of sea slug has found a way to steal chloroplasts, store them in cells lining its digestive tract, and live on the sugar that is produced (Milius, 2010). What benefit would there be for animal cells (including those of humans) to make their own food? Could cell, tissue, or genetic engineering allow humans to use chloroplasts this way? Describe 1 or 2 factors that would need to be considered for chloroplasts to function in an animal or a human.
Milius, S. (2010). Green sea slug is part animal, part plant. Retrieved from
Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used throughout the assignment.
In your own words, please post responses to the Discussion Board posts of at least two of your classmates. Responses must be substantive, i.e. say something of substance that advances the discussion about the concepts. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, the AIU Library, Web resources, and all course materials






Biology: Discussion Board Assignment

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

Part 1: Organelle Analogy


            The ribosomes constitute the sites for the manufacture (synthesis) of the proteins for the cell (Yablonski, 2005). They are mainly round structures that are composed of the proteins and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA). Ribosomes can be free and floating in the cell or may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The church could be used to represent the ribosomes of a cell. In the same way as the ribosomes are the sites for the synthesis of proteins (nourishment for the cell), the church is the site where spiritual knowledge is made.

Part 2: The Benefits of Animal Cells Making Their Own Food           Animals, unlike plants, have to grow, move, hunt and gather food for their biological processes, such as energy production (Yablonski, 2005). However, some animals like green sea slug manufacture their own food by harnessing energy from sun in a process referred to as photosynthesis (Milius, 2010). If all other animal could manufacture…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






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Differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools


Consider the following scenario:

Terrence is considering next steps for a client, Angela, who has come for therapy at the family counseling center where he works. When Angela scheduled her appointment on the telephone, she had described her concerns with marital difficulties, insomnia, and depression. During her first session, however, Terrence noticed that Angela had a very nervous demeanor, picked at her skin constantly, and had a rasping cough. When Terrence asked Angela about her employment, she admitted that she had lost her job and that her husband was angry about it. She said she was afraid her husband was on the brink of becoming abusive.

Terrence is not sure what to do first. He suspects Angela might have a substance addiction, but clearly she has several interlocking problems, and many are urgent. Should Terrence administer a screening for addiction or a more general clinical assessment? If he does decide to administer an addictions assessment, which of the many that are available should he choose and why?

This week, you differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools and review several assessment tools in order to evaluate one of them.


Students will:

  • Differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools  
  • Critique an addictions assessment tool

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


  • Gupta, R., Nower, L., Derevensky, J. L., Blaszczynski, A., Faregh, N., &Temcheff, C. (2013). Problem gambling in adolescents: An examination of the pathways model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 575–588.
    Problem Gambling in Adolescents: An Examination of the Pathways Model by Gupta, R.; Nower, L.; Derevensky, J.; Blaszczynski, A.; Faregh, N.; Temcheff, C., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the three Pathways (pp. 577–578).
  • Larimer, M. E., Cronce, J. M., Lee, C. M., & Kilmer, J. R. (2004/2005). Brief intervention in college settings. Alcohol Research & Health, 28(2), 94–104.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the section titled “Advantages and Efficacy of Screening and Brief Interventions in College Populations,” paying particular attention to the direct effect of assessment on substance use.
  • Muñoz, Y., Chebat, J-C.,& Borges, A. (2013). Graphic gambling warnings: How they affect emotions, cognitive responses and attitude change. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 507–524.
    Graphic Gambling Warnings: How they Affect Emotions, Cognitive Responses and Attitude Change by Muñoz, Y.; Chebat, J.; Borges, A., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the section titled “Use of Graphic Images” (p. 510).
  • Nagy, T. F. (2011). Ethics in psychological assessment. In Essential ethics for psychologists: A primer for understanding and mastering core issues (pp. 171–183). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the reasons behind selection of different types of assessments and why multiple assessments might be needed. This article also includes excellent information on ethics of assessment.
  • Samet, S., Waxman, R., Hatzenbuehler, M., &Hasin, D. S. (2007).  Assessing addiction: Concepts and instruments.Addiction Science & Clinical Practice,4(1), 19–31. Retrieved from

    Focus on the types of assessments used for addictions treatment and the characteristics of each that might elicit data relevant to addictions rather than some other type of psychiatric disorder. Table 1 on p. 25 provides a snapshot of many common addictions assessments.
  • Suissa, A. J. (2011). Vulnerability and gambling addiction: Psychosocial benchmarks and avenues for intervention. International Journal Of Mental Health & Addiction, 9(1), 12–23.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Focus on the section titled “A Hidden Area of Vulnerability: Internet Gambling.” It is suggested that the entire article be read, as it is important. In particular, it provides good information on gambling addiction.

Optional Resources

Week 4 Assignment:

Application: Evaluating an Addictions Assessment Tool

Addictions professionals can choose from many types of tools. Addictions assessments are divided into screening and assessment tools. Addictions screening tools are meant to determine if an addiction might be a possibility; they are not intended to diagnose. Addictions professionals use them to gain a basic idea of an individual’s orientation to an addiction. Addictions assessment tools are typically geared toward detecting dependence on or addiction to a specific, identified substance or behavior. These tools are broader in scope and often take special training and considerable time to administer.

The difficulty often is not in finding a tool to use with a client, but rather in choosing the most effective and appropriate tool from a wide variety. Though choices of screening and assessment tools is often made by the organization in which an addictions professional works, many considerations including cost, time to administer, training, and accuracy enter into the selection of the right test for each individual with a potential substance or process addiction. Thus, it is important that addictions professionals be familiar with the tools available to them and understands the effectiveness of these tools in assessing what they are intended to assess.

In this Assignment, you select one assessment tool from several well-known addictions assessment tools and research and provide an evaluation of its purpose, administration, and efficacy.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, including the following:

  • “Brief Intervention in College Settings”
  • “Ethics in Psychological Assessment”
  • “Assessing Addiction: Concepts and Instruments”

Assignment Directions:

Select one of the following assessment tools, found in this week’s Learning Resources:

  • Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3
  • The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
  • The Addiction Severity Index

Research and select two articles of your choice on your chosen addictions assessment tool.

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page critique of the addictions assessment tool you chose. Include the following:

  • Brief purpose of the assessment
  • Reliability of the assessment
  • Validity of the assessment
  • Type of normative data the assessment assesses
  • Time of administration
  • Cost
  • Reading level, if known
  • Any special administration considerations (e.g., need for a computer or special training)
  • Benefits and limitations
  • Overall utility of the test in an addictions assessment

McLellan, A. T., Luborsky, L., O’Brien, C. P., & Woody, G. E. (1980). An improved diagnostic instrument for substance abuse patients, The Addiction Severity Index.Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 168, 26–33.

Miller, G. A., Roberts, J., Brooks, M. K., &Lazowski, L. E. (1997). SASSI-3 user’s guide. Bloomington, IN: Baugh Enterprises.

Seltzer, M. L. (1971). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test: The quest for a new diagnostic instrument. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 1653–1658.






Psychology: Evaluating an Addiction Assessment Tool

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

January 30th 2016.

The Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

            The success of an addiction assessment process depends on the competency of the addiction professional and the choice of the assessment tool, among other factors. Owing to the availability of numerous addiction assessment tools, it is pertinent that an addiction professional to have appropriate knowledge regarding the tools (McLellan, Luborsky, O’Brien & Woody, 1980). Although the organizations often choose addiction assessment tools for specific disorders, having appropriate knowledge regarding the tools ensures that an effective assessment of a disorder is performed. The addiction severity index is a structured interview that is intended to assess several problem areas in substance abusing clients.

            The main purpose of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is to assess substance abuse, for example alcohol abuse (McLellan, Luborsky, O’Brien & Woody, 1980). The tool provides an assessment of other number of assessment areas, such as employment status, family relationships, legal problems, and psychiatric status (Carey, Cocco, & Correia, 1997). According to (Deady, 2009), the use of Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has yielded mixed results from different populations. However, (Carey, Cocco, & Correia, 1997) and (Deady, 2009) asserts that the tool has been found to have good inter-rater, split half, internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Moreover, the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has been found to have good construct, content and criterion validity. The tool has been shown to have a varying internal consistency scales such as 0.89 for medical problems and 0.65 for employment problems (Carey, Cocco, & Correia, 1997) and (Deady, 2009).           The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has been used in treatment planning and evaluation (Deady, 2009). The tool typically assesses normative data b………………………..







Writers Solution

Explain sustainability – in the context of interaction between business organizations and the environment.

Assessment Task 1 – Project work
Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Assessment description
This assessment requires the learner to complete each activity with applicable solutions related to workplace policy and procedures for sustainability at a workplace.
Assessment Instructions
1. This is you are required to compete activities at the end of each training session. 2. Read through the activity very carefully after training is complete for a criterion.
3. When instructed to do so, provide solutions to the activity.
4. You can use workbook and any other sources of information during this formative assessment.
5. Address the activities and their terminologies in your solutions.
6. You are allowed an applicable time limits during training to complete the activity after completion of each criterion of the workbook.
7. The written solutions should be completed using clear English.
8. The assessment task is due on the time and date specified by your trainer/assessor.
9. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer/assessor.
10. See specifications below for details. Based on your handwriting, if you find the space is not enough, please write on a separate sheet and attach at the back of this paper and refer to the activity number.
Specifications to submit (details of items for submission)
You must provide written solutions to all the activities using a pen or word-processed document as instructed by your assessor.
Performance objective
To test your ability to perform ongoing basis after completion of each criterion of the workbook including foundation skills required to develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability for a workplace.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment/or real workplace situation. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to legislative and regulatory documents, office equipment and materials facilitated by your assessor.
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access to office equipment and resources.
Required resources
1. Assessment task, assessment instructions and case study.
2. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word/MS Excel/or relevant Mac software etc.).
3. Simulated workplace policies and procedures.
4. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to
a. relevant legislation
b. workplace documentation and resources
c. case studies and, where possible, real situations
Your assessor will be looking for:
Evidence of the ability to:
• scope and develop organisational policies and procedures that comply with legislative requirements and support the organisation’s sustainability goals covering at a minimum:
o minimising resource use o resource efficiency o reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use o employing life cycle management approaches o continuous improvement
• plan and implement sustainability policy and procedures including:
o agreed outcomes o performance indicators o activities to be undertaken o assigned responsibilities o record keeping, review and improvement processes
• consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement
• review and improve sustainability policies.
Project work
You are required to undertake this project work related to your own workplace or simulated workplace as specified by your assessor. If you choose to use your own workplace, you need to have access to workplace policies and procedures, key provisions of relevant legislation and office equipment and resources. If you choose to use the simulated workplace provided to you by the institution, you will have the access to office equipment and resources.
Your manager (either your own workplace or simulated workplace) has asked you to prepare a document which addresses the following activities. Provide written solutions to the following 11 activities using written word-process document.
Activity 1
1. Explain sustainability – in the context of interaction between business organizations and the environment. 100 words.
2. These days it is expected that business organizations will develop and implement sustainability policies. What things might be covered in the scope of a sustainability policy? 130 – 150 words.
3. A number of green or sustainability practices might be considered when developing policies. Suggest six practices that could be of value.
Activity 2
It will be necessary to gather sustainability information from a number of sources. List 12 useful sources.
Activity 3
Who are the stakeholders for an organization’s sustainability policies and practices and why should they be identified and consulted? 250 – 300 words.
Activity 4
1. In a short sentence explain what a strategy is.
2. Develop and list six strategies that might be implemented to support sustainability.
3. What strategies might you recommended for the industry sector in which you work, or intend to work? (These recommendations should be different from those listed in the answer to the previous question.) Explain why you would make these recommendations. Consider time frames, likely effectiveness and costs. 200 – 250 words.
4. What is a life cycle management approach?
Activity 5
1. These are three different aspects of sustainability. These need to be considered when developing policies and business plans. Explain what these aspects are and what they mean in terms of policy planning and business planning. 250 – 300 words.
2. In approximately 250 words explain how organizations can benefit if sustainability is an integral part of business planning, with agreement on appropriate methods of implementation, outcomes and performance indicators. Can sustainable business operation contribute to an organization’s competitive edge?
Activity 6
1. Explain how a business can promote its workplace sustainability policy, including the expected outcomes, to key external stakeholders. 100 words.
2. How can employees (internal stakeholders) be informed about their roles and responsibilities with regard to implementation, activities to be undertaken, and the expected outcomes? What information will they require? 200 words.
Activity 7
What are organizational procedures and how can they be communicated to employees? 200-250 words.
Activity 8
Explain continuous improvement and apply it to resource efficiency. 180-200 words.
Activity 9
Why is it important to establish and assign responsibility for recording systems that will track continuous improvements of sustainability approaches? 200-220 words.
Activity 10
1. Why is it necessary to document and record the outcomes of sustainability policy implementation? 100 – 120 words.
2. Explain to whom it might be necessary to five feedback, what feedback might be required and in what form might feedback be given. 150 – 200 words.
Activity 11
1. Recorded data and information might indicate trends that remedial action. What is a trend and what types of trend might be indicated be performance data that is collected within the organization? 100-120 words.
2. How can trend analysis be used to identify opportunities for remedial action and continuous improvement?
——End of Assessment Task 1——–
Assessment Task 2- Case study
Develop, communicate and implement workplace sustainability policy
Assessment description
Using the simulated workplace documents and the case study scenario on the Appendix 1, you are required to analyse information from a range of sources to plan and develop sustainability policy for the simulated workplace.
Assessment instructions
1. Review the simulated workplace (Australian Hardware) to develop workplace policy and procedure for sustainability.
2. Read the workplace scenario on the Appendix 1 to determine the current workplace policy and procedure for sustainability.
3. Review the “Australian Hardware Sustainability Policy” on the appendix 2.
4. Analyses information from a range of sources including workplace documentation including plans, policies, legislation and regulations to plan and develop sustainability policy.
5. This task requires you to meet with your manager (assessor) and other stakeholders. Form the individuals with specific roles to role-play as agreed by your assessor.
6. Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
7. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
8. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
9. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
10. See the specifications below for details of submission requirements. Time allowed for the assessment task is 3 hours.
Specifications to submit
You must complete and submit:
1. Solutions to nine (9) activities
2. Meet stakeholders in a role-play as the activity 10 requires and play-the role.
3. stakeholder consultation plan.
Performance objective
To test your ability to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to plan and develop sustainability policy for a workplace.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment/or real workplace situation. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to legislative and regulatory documents, office equipment and materials facilitated by your assessor.
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access to office equipment and resources. Review the documents of simulated workplace ‘Australian Hardware’ and the scenario on the Appendix 1 and provide solutions to plan and develop sustainability policy.
Your assessor will be looking for:
your ability to analyse information from a range of sources to develop workplace policy and procedure for sustainability including:
• scope and develop organisational policies and procedures that comply with legislative requirements and support the organisation’s sustainability goals covering at a minimum:
o minimising resource use o resource efficiency o reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use o employing life cycle management approaches o continuous improvement
• plan and implement sustainability policy and procedures including:
o agreed outcomes o performance indicators o activities to be undertaken o assigned responsibilities
o record keeping, review and improvement processes
• consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement
• review and improve sustainability policies.
Your task
Complete the following project activities
1. Read the following scenario and review simulated workplace information in Appendix 1 including the sustainability policy in Appendix 2 and legislative requirements therein and define the scope of sustainability policy for Australian Hardware.
2. Determine and write down what information and the sources of information you need to plan and develop sustainability policy.
3. Identify the relevant stakeholders that you need to consult as a key part of the policy development process and develop a stakeholder consultation plan (Use appendix 3 format).
4. Identify the areas of workplace operation and resource use for sustainable approach. Identify at least five areas to focus sustainability on.
5. Make your recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost of implementation.
6. Develop policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity.
7. Develop appropriate methods of implementation including, outcomes expected and performance indicators for implementation of sustainability policy and procedure.
8. Develop strategies to implement for continuous improvement in resource efficiency of the store.
9. Establish a good recording system to track continuous improvements in sustainability approaches and assign responsibility to managers.
10. Role-play activity
After you have developed and implemented above activities and using the solutions you have developed, you are required to meet with key stakeholders (other managers of the store). organise at least two of fellow trainees as assessor agrees) and the CEO (Your Assessor) to perform the following role-play activities:
a. Review the sustainability goals of your organisation and the policy scope and its implementation including documented outcomes.
b. Provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders about sustainability policy implementation.
c. Promote your sustainability policy to stakeholders discussing the expected outcomes.
d. Communicate procedures to help implement the workplace sustainability policy.
e. Discuss and find out the achievement of the policy outcome based on the successes and failures of implementation.
Case study Scenario
Your role
You are the Store Manager who is accountable for the performance of the whole Wollongong store. You have got five managers reporting to you. You have been assigned to design and develop sustainability practice of the store and promote it across the other stores. The CEO of Australian Hardware needs environmental sustainability policy to aim to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the activities of the organization and to establish and promote sound environmental practice in all our operations. He asked you to develop workplace policy and procedure for sustainability taking the following actions:
1. Develop and communicate workplace sustainability policy
2. Implement workplace sustainability policy
3. Review workplace sustainability policy implementation
The CEO said that it is our policy to:
• Recycle as much waste material as possible
• Avoid the use of paper wherever possible. For example, sending invoices and quotes via email as PDF files.
• Recycling equipment that is no longer of use to the company. For example, giving away items such as computers and printers that we no longer use.
• Keep energy usage low. For example, making use of low energy light bulbs throughout and ensuring that computers are shut down after work.
• Reuse waste paper (from the printer) where possible, making use of the blank side for notes etc.
• Purchase products made with recycled paper. For example, paper towels, printer paper
• Purchase products with a lower environmental impact. For example, environmentally safe soaps and detergents.
• Use low impact transport for travel to and from work and travel for business. For example, we use public transport to attend meetings and offer a Cycle Scheme to encourage staff to cycle to work or to carpool.
• Avoid unnecessary travel by making use of instant messaging, video and audio conferencing, telephone and email.
So, get together with your employees today and write up your own Sustainability Policy. Make it viewable in your work area and find new ways to decrease your store’s carbon footprint. It’s good for the environment and good for business.
—End of Scenario—
Appendix 1- Simulated Workplace Australian Hardware
Australian Hardware was founded by Percy Greenwright in 1921 and was known as Percy’s Home Goods until 1952. In 1982, Australian Hardware became a public company and was floated on the Australian Stock Exchange.
The Greenwright family has retained a controlling interest in the company since its founding. At present, Percy Greenwright’s great grandson, Holden Greenwright, is chair of the board of directors and CEO.
Australian Hardware owns and operates 138 stores throughout Australia, with plans to continue expanding at the rate of 2–3 stores per year.
Products and service offerings
Australian Hardware supplies products in the following categories to general and trade customers:
? timber, hardware, tools, paint, housewares, outdoor and garden.
Business locations
Australian Hardware stores are located around Australia in the major cities and in the larger regional centers. In areas experiencing growth in population and significant growth in residential building, the demand for products sold by Australian Hardware is considered likely to grow.
Appendix 2
Australian Hardware Sustainability Policy
The purpose of this policy is to explain Australian Hardware’s approach to sustainability. Australian Hardware takes its commitment to the sustainable and socially responsible use of resources seriously.
The scope of this policy covers all employees and contractors of Australian Hardware in ensuring that sustainable practices are adopted and maintained at the Wollongong Store.
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees and management of Australian Hardware.
The partners and business owners are responsible for:
• following and improving the implementation of the sustainability plan and sustainability principles
• the effective implementation and regular review of sustainability procedures, including yearly environmental audit
• consultation with employees regarding sustainability issues and changes to legislation and/or working practices which may affect the workplace
• providing and maintaining a sustainable system of working practices
• providing support, training, and supervision to employees to ensure sustainable practices are carried out, including relevant training where appropriate
• the provision of adequate resources for employees to meet the sustainability commitment.
Individual employees are responsible for:
• following all sustainability policies and procedures
• ensuring that they report all potential and actual risks to partners or managers/supervisors; risk management must consider triple bottom line related risk
• following the sustainability principles and alerting management to breaches of the principles or opportunities to improve performance
• encouraging others to follow sustainable working practices in the workplace
• Where relevant, purchasing from suppliers in accordance with sustainability principles
• Where relevant, auditing suppliers with respect to sustainability.
Relevant legislation and standards
• Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act)
• National Environment Protection Council Act 1995 (NSW)
• AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.
Updated/ authorised
09/2016 – Lynn Lee (Finance Manager Wollongong)
Sustainability principles
Australian Hardware adheres to the following six sustainability principles:
1. Acting now to reduce environmental risk
Consider the risk to the environment as part of risk management at Australian Hardware. Act immediately to reduce environmental risk as you would with any other risk such as health and safety or financial risk.
2. Inter-generational fairness
Consider whether the actions of Australian Hardware deplete or use up resources that could be used by later generations. Is your business or workplace activity fair to people who will live tomorrow as well as those who live today?
Ensure the next generation is fairly treated by Australian Hardware!
3. Sustainable use of natural resources
Consider whether Australian Hardware uses natural resources at the rate they are naturally replenished. If not, how will Australian Hardware compensate for unsustainable use?
Compare like businesses to Australian Hardware.
Does Australian Hardware use resources more sustainably than all other comparable businesses!
4. Maintenance of biological diversity
Consider how Australian Hardware contributes to or diminishes the variety of life on the planet. Biological diversity is important for maintaining ecosystems that contribute to the overall health of the planet.
What ecosystems are disturbed by the location of the hardware store and associated car park? How can this be prevented/offset?
What ecosystems are disturbed by production and distribution of purchased products? How can this be prevented/offset?
5. Enhanced economic and social well-being
Consider how Australian Hardware attributes value or cost to business activity. Is wastage considered (and calculated) as a cost to the environment (which has to be paid by someone), or only as a cost in relation to the narrower financial interests of the business (only the cost of disposal)?
Consider how Australian Hardware’s use of resources contributes to social wellbeing. Are people in your community better-off or happier as a result of Australian Hardware business activities?
Ensure the community is better off because of Australian Hardware!
6. Strengthened community
Consider how Australian Hardware’s use of resources contributes to community. Are people in your community more connected with their community as a result of Australian Hardware’s business activities?
Ensure the community is stronger and more cohesive because of Australian Hardware!
7. Waste management
The waste hierarchy is an effective approach to waste management which should be applied by all employees of Australian Hardware with direct or indirect responsibility for waste management. The diagram below demonstrates the stages.
8. Yearly environmental audit
An environmental audit should be performed yearly by each line manager at Wollongong
Australian Hardware. General operations and administration staff should use the Sustainable Office Checklist provided by the NSW Department of Environment Climate Change and Water:
Appendix 3 – Tables
Stakeholder Consultation Format
Stakeholder Internal/ external Role in process Sustainability issues/concerns

Assessment Task 3
Written Task
Assessment description
This assessment requires the candidate to complete a written task of 4 questions with answers related to workplace policy and procedures for sustainability.
Assessment Instructions
1. Read through the questions very carefully.
2. When instructed to do so, answer the attached test paper.
3. You are not allowed to refer to any sources of information during this test.
4. Address the questions and their terminologies in your answer solutions.
5. This test is to be completed without access to any other electronic gadgets, documents or learning materials.
6. You are allowed a maximum of 120 minutes to complete the test.
7. The test answers should be completed using clear English.
8. The assessment task is due on the time and date specified by your assessor.
9. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
10. See specifications below for details.
Specifications to submit (details of items for submission)
You must provide written answers to all the questions using a pen or word-processed document as instructed by your assessor.
Performance objective
To test your knowledge required to develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability in a workplace.
Required resources
1. Assessment task, assessment instructions and case study.
2. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word/MS Excel/or relevant Mac software etc.).
3. Simulated workplace policies and procedures.
4. Workspace, table, chair and stationery.
Your assessor will be looking for:
Your demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined below:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
1. outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the organisation identify internal and external sources of information and explain how they can be used to plan and develop the organisation’s sustainability policy
2. explain policy development processes and practices
3. outline organisational systems and procedures that relate to sustainability
4. outline typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures in an organisation and possible strategies to address them.
Write answer solutions to the following 4 questions using the space provided
Question 1
Managers should be able to outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the organization for which they work. This will be dependent on the type of organization and the industry sector.
From what internal and external sources might information be gathered and why is it necessary for managers to be informed about sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice? 300 words.
Question 2
Explain what a sustainability policy is and how policies, processes and practices are developed. What might be covered by or included in an organization’s environmental policies and procedures. 300 words
Question 3
You will need to understand the organization systems and practices that relate to a support sustainability in the organization for which you work. What does this mean and why is it necessary? 200 words.
Question 4
What barriers might affect the implementation of sustainability policies and procedures in an organization? List at least 12. What strategies might be used to address them? List at least 10

Assignment status
Solved by our Writing Team at 

Writers Solution

What is the difference between orchestra and symphony music? Are they related in any way?

 The work is to be 2 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Lecturer Practicing Curiosity Charlie Rose Interviews Daniel Barenboim On 15th, January, Charlie Rose interviewed the piano maestro Daniel Barenboim. The interview was centered on the artist’s s long spanning career in music. Indeed, this was one of the most insightful and inspiring interviews I have ever watched in my life. The most interesting lesson I learnt from it is about the dedications and commitments put by Daniel in his music career. Having begun at the age of five years, he eventually emerged from playing piano to working as a conductor with some of the most reputable bands before bagging several international awards and prizes such as Granny Awards. Prince of Asturias Concord Award. Willy Brandt Award. and Order of the British Empire Award. In fact, he says that he successfully made his first public performance when he was only seven. This shows that he was always having the passion and desire to be a great musician (Eisen and Stanley 43).

The other important thing which arouses my curiosity is Daniel’s musical style. As a pianist, he acknowledges his disapproval for the band wagon and instead, adopting and subscribing to his own school of thought. Instead of borrowing from his mentors, he opted to adopt his own peculiar style for playing his piano. He became so conventional and used to find his tempo from within his music particularly harmonic rhythm and harmony. by opting to act in such a manner, he was trying to prove to his colleagues of fans that music is a very dynamic field which does not necessarily need to be done in a similar manner. since each musician is free, they can choose their own style to adopt as they refine and make it better to appeal to their respective audience.

Because of this, I would like to point out that I have really learnt a lot from this artist. Through his interview with Rose, I have known that music is a good and rewarding career if taken seriously. The interview has changed my attitude towards music. Unlike before, I now regard music as a very interesting and fulfilling career. However, for anyone to excel to the level of Daniel, they must have the required passion for it (Eisen and Stanley 27). Besides, they should be dedicated and committed to be novel and perfect in the playing of their various instruments. Lastly, it needs a high level of flexibility. Just like Daniel himself who participated in the orchestra, symphony and jazz, any artist should not be restricted to only one area. This is the only way through which they can build a reputation for themselves.


1. What is the difference between orchestra and symphony music? Are they related in any way? Explain.

2. During the interviews, Rose introduced Daniel as a conductor. Explain how a person can qualify to be a music conductor. A part from experience, what other factors are considered before employment?

3. Daniel is a pianist. Who invented piano?

Works Cited

Eisen, Cliff, and Stanley Sadie. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition. London: Macmillan.