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Among obese children in public school between the ages of 6-11 (P), will a Nurse Practitioner led nutrition and school-based physical activity program (I)

Students will submit a formal project proposal using APA format. The paper should include all topics below and while your paper will be in APA format an example to emulate is on page 257 of Melnyk, B. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare (4th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins-LWW. ISBN: 9781496384539.
Please use this PICOT Question: Among obese children in public school between the ages of 6-11 (P), will a Nurse Practitioner led nutrition and school-based physical activity program (I), compared to having no nutritional/physical activity program (C), achieve a weight loss of 5% (O), in one academic year (T)?
The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited
The PICOT Question Formulated : (PICOT Question: Among obese children in public school between the ages of 6-11 (P), will a Nurse Practitioner led nutrition and school-based physical activity program (I), compared to having no nutritional/physical activity program (C), achieve a weight loss of 5% (O), in one academic year (T)?
Search Strategy Conducted
Critical Appraisal of the Evidence Performed
Evidence Integrated with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences to Inform a Decision and Practice Change Implemented
Outcome Evaluated
Project Dissemination

Writers Solution

What is the difference between a virus and a worm?


What is the difference between a virus and a worm? Is one more harmful than the other? Is there a conflict in the text in the definition of a worm? What is the correct definition? 

Writers Solution

Relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange

Assessment 2: Report
Length: 1500 words (plus/minus 10 per cent)
Conditions: Individual
Weighting: 40%
The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange, management support factors, and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.
This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
Facilitators will present students with a concept model from the journals you have listed in the reading list in the Unit Content section of Blackboard.
This assignment is about using the model that your facilitator has given you and:
1. Identify the journal article that the model comes from (make sure you include it in the reference list with SCU URL details).
2. Explain the model. This involves critically reading and writing about the concepts discussed in the journal article. You are expected to use some of the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument (a minimum of 5 references to other articles from the course material – more for higher grades). What are the factors in the model that you are looking at? What are the outcomes that are being investigated? What is the relationship between the factors in the model? (600 words)
3a. Application. If you are in a (paid or unpaid) work context, examine whether the way the factors interact in the model is similar to your understanding of how leadership behaviours affect employees’ outcomes in a workplace. Justify your response with reference to your own workplace and other journal articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words) Note: if you select this option you must get approval from your facilitator and you MUST demonstrate evidence that you are currently or recently employed by the organisation you are analysing.
3b. If you are not in a workplace setting at the moment, think about the findings that are presented in the model (and the journal article). Use the model and journal article to explain the type of leadership, management practices that employees experience and consider how it affects employee outcomes. Justify your response with reference to the findings in the article and other articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words)
• Do include a title page with a title that identifies the factors in the model
• Do not include an Executive Summary or Table of Contents
• Do structure your report with an Introduction, followed by the main body of the report where you explain the model and apply your understanding. Finish with a concluding paragraph.
• Do use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double line spacing
• Do number your pages
• Do refer to the literature conforming to the SCU Harvard referencing style
• You may use headings and sub-headings but they are not essential
Marking criteria
Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
Identification of the model • The model has been correctly identified with reference to the journal article in which the model was first published. 5 marks
Explanation of the model • The key factors/variables have been identified and explained (including the specific employee outcomes).
• The relationship between the factors has been explained clearly with reference to supporting literature. 10 marks
Applying the knowledge • There is clear evidence that the relationships in the theoretical model are understood
• There is evidence that the principles in the model could be effectively applied to a practical situation
• There is a demonstrated understanding of the impact of leadership on employee performance 15 mark
Paragraphing, formatting and referencing • The introduction should have a topic sentence detailing the topic of the report, and an outline of the report. Avoid using references to the literature in your Introduction (except for a reference to the article in which your model was published).
• Each paragraph that follows should be a well-constructed paragraph comprising approximately 150 words each. A paragraph should have a topic sentence. This should be followed by sentences that are referenced (i.e. intext citations using SCU Harvard style guide) and add depth to the argument development.
• The final paragraph should provide a summary of the report. It requires no references and is usually shorter than other paragraphs.
• Sources reviewed are acceptable and referenced correctly
• The formatting conforms to the specified requirements
• Include a Reference List in alphabetical order formatted in accordance with the SCU Harvard style guide 10 marks
Total 40

Writers Solution

Connections between stakeholder claims and the product market

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on critically discuss the connections between stakeholder claims and the product market. Another group of stakeholders beyond these three categories form the secondary stakeholders which include the government, communities, etc.., The capital market stakeholders such as the investors, debt suppliers and banks would want to have a right to decide what the organization has to do in order to maximise the shareholder wealth. However, the organizational stakeholders such as the employees and the unions have a claim on how the company operates to achieve the objectives. On the contrary, the product market stakeholders are concerned with the way they will be affected by the firm (Haslam, Neale and Johal, 2000).

The product market stakeholders include the suppliers and the customers. These stakeholders have an important role to play in the organization and its value, and in turn, have a major effect on the other stakeholders of the firm. The customers of a firm expect high value from the firm in all their encounters. However, they will also have a lot of choices in the market for the product or service, and hence the prices have to be attractive to them. The customers choose a product or service, not only based on the quality but also on the costs involved. Hence their primary expectation or demand from the firm is a reliable and high quality product at the lowest cost (Sloman, Sutcliffe, 2004).

The suppliers on the other hand have a considerable power over the firm, as they control the basic products or services required by the firm in its value chain. The power of the suppliers and their claims in the firm differ based on the availability and the level of competition in their products and services. In case of a supplier having a monopoly in the market, the supplier will have a high level of claims in the firm’s activities and will not be affected profoundly due to other stakeholders (Sloman and Sutcliffe, 2004).

Assignment status
Solved by our Writing Team at 

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Explain the difference between oral auctions and second-price auctions, including how they work and their results.


Auctions can be an important tool for selling goods and gathering information. Auctions are used in multiple venues including agriculture, eBay, and distressed asset sales. The seller does not have to worry about estimating demand and setting a price because the demanders will do that through the auction process.

Write an essay examining the value of auctions in the economy by addressing the following items.

  • Explain the difference between oral auctions and second-price auctions, including how they work and their results.
  • Use the expected value information to illustrate how having more bidders in an oral auction will likely result in a higher winning bid.
  • Explain how the number of bidders in a common value auction affects the outcome of the auction. Relate this to the effect on price in different market structures based on the number of producers.
  • Auctions lead to outcomes where buyers reveal their value for the products being auctioned. To successfully price discriminate, firms often rely on buyers revealing their value for products. Explain the conditions necessary for firms to be able to price discriminate.

Your essay must be at least four pages in length (not counting the title and references pages) and include at least three peer-reviewed resources. Adhere to APA Style when writing your essay, including citations and references for sources used. Be sure to include an introduction. Please note that no abstract is needed.

If you need help identifying peer-reviewed publications, review the CSU Online Library resources Peer-Reviewed Resources and video How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources (Transcript for Peer-Reviewed Resources video).

Writers Solution

The difference between “communication” and “gendered communication.”

For this assessment, write a 3 4-page analysis in which you distinguish between communication and gendered communication. Your analysis should address the following:

  • The difference between “communication” and “gendered communication.”
  • How communication theories can impact the workplace and our personal and professional relationships.
  • The role gender plays in the communication process.
  • How gender played a role in two different communication issues in your own personal or professional experience. Be sure to describe in detail the situation and the role of gendered communication in both examples.

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

For the following questions, refer to the Resources for links to the Lieberman resource and the Parpart, Connelly, Barriteau, and Eudine resource:

Writers Solution

correlation between the use of fertility drugs and ovarian cancer

Medical researchers conducted a study on the correlation between the use of fertility drugs and ovarian cancer.  Their study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concludes that the use of the fertility drugs, Pergonal and Serophene, may increase the risk of ovarian cancer by three times.  The lead author of the studies, Professor Alice Whittemore, stated, “Our finding in regard to fertility drugs is by no means certain.  It is based on very small numbers and is really very tenuous.”

FDA Commissioner David Kessler would like the infertility drug manufacturers to disclose the study findings and offer a warning on the drug packages.  He notes, “Even though the epidemiology study is still preliminary, women have a right to know what is known.  We’re not looking to make more of this than there is.”

If you were a manufacturer of one of the drugs, would you voluntarily disclose the study information? In 700 Words

Writers Solution

One-Way Between-Subjects Design

Below are general types of ANOVA designs we will be reading about in this module. The differences in methodology are based on experimental design:

  1. One-Way Between-Subjects Design
  2. One-Way Within-Subjects (Repeated-Measures) Design

Debate the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of ANOVA designs with your classmates. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each from a statistical and practical perspective, and provide a real world example (one for each design) where each design might be used.

Pick one of your real-world examples and use your real world example to explain in detail, how the example you provided fits the design selected for that example. Make sure to discuss your:

Writers Solution

The major difference between a successful person and one that is not successful is that the successful person, over time, tends to make better decisions than the less successful person

respond to the following:

  • First – Give your opinion on whether being an effective critical thinker makes decision making easier or more challenging. Talk about concrete decisions you had to or will have to make. Justify your response
  • Second – Consider the following statement: “The major difference between a successful person and one that is not successful is that the successful person, over time, tends to make better decisions than the less successful person.” Discuss whether or not you believe this statement to be true. Explain the fundamental ways in which effectively applying critical thinking concepts has helped you to become more successful
Writers Solution

According to Gramsci, how can we differentiate between intellectuals and non-intellectuals?


1. Be straight forward

Answer the questions in a very straight forward way

Ex. 1. According to Gramsci, how can we differentiate between intellectuals and non-intellectuals? 

Answers: According to Gramsci, we can differentiate them by:……

2. Provide Real life example!

Most Of the questions are answered by notes and key points, and what you need to do is just:

1. Combine these notes and points into a short essay answer style  that no more than 250 words.

There are only 8 questions not answered and you need to write.