Writers Solution

Make the data look professional by using formatting options such as borders and table styles to place the data into a table.

  • Microsoft Excel

You will analyze the data you collected and provided in your assignment last week. As you are working on each of the steps below, think about the analysis that you will provide to the research team. Follow the steps below to complete this analysis.

  1. Copy the file you created in week 5 and rename the new one “YourName_COMP150_W6_Assignment”.
  2. Open the file and duplicate the sheet where the initial table and data were created
  3. Rename the new sheet as “sorting & filters” and move it to the right of the original sheet
    1. Make the data look professional by using formatting options such as borders and table styles to place the data into a table.
    2. Select one of the text-based data columns such as names, cities, or addresses and sort the data by Z to A.
    3. Create a custom filter to any part of the data except where you did the sort. For example, if you sorted by patient’s name, then filter another set of data.
  4. Duplicate the original sheet again and rename it as “conditional formatting”. Move it right after the “sorting & filters” sheet.
    1. Implement conditional formatting to any of the number-based data sets. For example, showing higher numbers in green, while showing lower numbers in red.
    2. Add an IF function and apply it to the entire set. For example, you could create a function that says if x number is higher than x number, then you are at risk. The purpose is to show how an IF function works so creativity it is permitted in how you use the function.
  5. Use the “conditional formatting” sheet to create a pivot table.
    1. The pivot table needs to be on its own sheet.
    2. The pivot table needs to be meaningful so make sure to select data that will make it clear for your analysis.
    3. The pivot table should have data selected on the columns, rows, and values fields. Make sure to consider the data when adding the values selection
  6. Create a minimum of two charts. Make sure to select the right chart that explains your analysis. Each chart should be on its own sheet and should have a title. Make sure the purpose of the chart is self-explanatory just by looking at it.
  7. Update the documentation sheet
    1. Update the date.
    2. Add all the new rows for the sheets created.
    3. Provide a brief written analysis for each of the new sheets. Explain what you want the research team to learn about each sheet.
  8. Review all the sheets to ensure it looks professional. Try to keep the same style, colors, and formatting, Make sure the file is named “YourName_COMP150_W6_Assignment” and submit the file




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Writers Solution

SACR-3390. Refugees, Borders, and Human Rights

Who are refugees, illegal migrants and asylum seekers? Where do asylum seekers come from and why? What do states do about them? Which agencies, actors and interest groups engage with refugees? What are the links between refugees and nationalism and racism, borders, immigration policies and attitudes, state sovereignty, diaspora and transnationalism, human rights and cultural identities? How do we understand borders, boundaries, and biopolitics in our contemporary world? This course provides the student with the analytical skills to interpret historical and contemporary claims, vested interests and local, regional and global complexities of these issues. (Prerequisites: one of SACR-2130, SACR-2200, SACR-2270 or SACR-2400, and semester 5 or higher standing).

Human trafficking is one of the most heinous crimes on Earth. Right now traffickers are
robbing a staggering 24.9 million people of their freedom and basic human dignity—that’s
roughly three times the population of New York City. We must band together and build
momentum to defeat human trafficking. We must hold the perpetrators of this heinous
crime accountable. We must achieve justice for survivors as they rebuild their lives. We
must reinvigorate our shared commitment to extinguish human trafficking wherever it
exists. There is no time to waste.
Achieving these objectives requires sound information and tried-and-true approaches.
Through the annual Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP Report), we assess comprehensively
what governments around the world are doing to combat this crime. The TIP Report is an
invaluable tool to arm ourselves with the latest information and guide our action at home and abroad. It helps us go
beyond preconceived notions of what we think human trafficking is and better understand the complexities of this crime.
Each one of us can be a champion for freedom and use our specific strengths to help eradicate human trafficking.
Individuals can learn the common indicators for human trafficking and call in suspicious activities to the local or national
hotline. Businesses can take meaningful steps to eliminate forced labor from their supply chains. First responders
can enhance training and put in place screening to help identify trafficking victims. Government leaders can prioritize
investigating and prosecuting labor and sex trafficking cases wherever they occur.
Alongside us in the battle are those who sadly know first-hand how depraved this assault on human dignity really is.
We salute the brave survivors who have already become instrumental partners in the global fight to combat human
trafficking. We encourage other governments to seek survivor input and apply trauma-informed approaches to hold
traffickers accountable and care for survivors. And we honor the courageous TIP Report Heroes who have dedicated
themselves to this most urgent cause of defending freedom.
The Department of State joins the Trump Administration, community leaders, global allies, and the survivors in our
shared fight to end human trafficking. We must be resolute—we cannot leave anyone behind. Rather, we must harness
innovation and ingenuity to prevent trafficking, identify and empower those who have survived it, and send the strongest
message possible to traffickers that we will not tolerate their despicable and criminal acts.
A child herder watches over a herd of cattle.
In some areas of Africa, traffickers force
children to work in agricultural sectors,
including herding.
“We take these stories to
heart. We use them as fuel to
motivate us to action as we
work together to end human
trafficking once and for all.”
– U.S. Secretary of State
Michael R. Pompeo
Dear Reader:
This is an important time for us to be engaged in the work of stopping traffickers, protecting
victims, and tackling the systems that allow the crime to thrive. Traffickers continue to
operate with impunity and only a small fraction of victims receive trauma-informed,
victim-centered support services. Yet, by working together, governments, civil society
organizations, survivor advocates, and faith communities can reverse this troubling pattern.
This year, the TIP Report introduction highlights human trafficking that takes place
exclusively within the borders of one country, absent any transnational elements. Although
acknowledging human trafficking in this form is not new or novel, it remains important.
The ILO reports that, globally, traffickers exploit 77 percent of victims in their countries
of residence. Far too often, individuals, organizations, and governments erroneously use
definitions of trafficking in persons that require the movement of victims. Both the Trafficking Victims Protection Act
and the United Nations’ Palermo Protocol focus on compelling a person to work or engage in a commercial sex act; they
do not require movement from one place to another. The Palermo Protocol requires each state party to establish in its
domestic law the crime of human trafficking both within and between countries.
As we in the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons worked to prepare the 187 country narratives for this year’s
TIP Report, it became apparent that in many countries, governments are reluctant to address human trafficking when it
happens at home. In effect, they are turning a blind eye to those traffickers who exploit their own citizens, neglecting to
apply their own domestic laws regarding human trafficking, and sometimes even allowing harmful cultural norms and
practices to thrive.
This year, the TIP Report serves as a call to action for governments around the world to embrace the full meaning of the
Palermo Protocol and implement their domestic laws in a manner that protects all victims and punishes all traffickers.
I am honored to serve as the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Promoting justice
and human rights around the world is essential because freedom and individual human dignity are core to American
values and the foundation of international law. These are the very principles that traffickers work against when they
commit these crimes. I am confident that we can make significant strides to hold accountable domestic, and transnational,
traffickers and effectively implement laws so that all may enjoy freedom.


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