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Brand Strategy and Super Bowl Twitter Analytics Lab

Details: Brand Strategy and Super Bowl Twitter Analytics Lab

Image Source:



Twitter popularity as 2nd screen

Infographic Source: Fortune, 2015

About Twitter


Twitter Stats (cont’d)


About Super Bowl Ads


Motivation • Cost per 30 seconds slot – 5 mil (CNNMoney, 2017). • Brand strategy in Super Bowl ads? Enhance &

reach. • The role of IS tools in this strategy?

– Analytics of audience (demographics, locations etc.). – Supplementary info for future decision making.

• What is the relationship between Social Media buzz around Super Bowl ads with ad ratings? – Twitter activities surrounding SB ads with USA Today

Index ratings (USA Today)?

3 Tweet Examples Those Budweiser commercials had me balling my eyes out!! #Budweiser #SuperBowl #horsepuppy #tearjerker

Thanks #CocaCola & #Cheerios for showing U.S. multicultural families and successfully including diverse markets #adbowl #AmericaIsBeautiful

Scarlett Johansson should realize that the only real flavor of #SodaStream is oppression #superbowl

Objective • Learn to extract valuable metrics from social

media data using MS Excel. • Know what insights are valuable to brands. • Simple introduction to (review on) descriptive

statistics, correlation, charts, regressions, and word clouds.

• Lab instructions become more vague as lab progresses to encourage student self learning.


Lab Setup • Download this presentation and watch VIDEO. • Download the SB 2014 spreadsheet — This is a

summary of actual tweets *downloaded using PHP and MySQL scripts (done prior).

• Download the doritos.txt tweet text file*. • You will need MS Excel with Data Analysis

ToolPak available. • Prepare a Word doc for submission.

Research Question • Start with research question:

– Is social media (Twitter) an effective tool for measuring brand performance (SB ads)?

• How? – Find a relationship between Twitter metrics and SB

performance. – If a relationship exists then social media may be a

valuable (real time, low cost) monitoring mechanism in addition to existing tools.

– In addition, social media provides rich feedback (WOM, influencer, competitors, etc.).



Analysis 1. Descriptive Statistics 2. Correlation Analysis 3. Charts (Bar chart and scatter plot) 4. OLS Regression 5. Word Cloud

SB 2014* Dataset

• Super Bowl 2014 Ads • 51 Ads • Contains social media measures and USA

Today index for each ad. • Measures extracted from downloading and

analyzing tweets for each ad.

*Seattle Seahawks beat Denver Broncos (43-8) 14



Variables • USA Index – Super Bowl ad performance index from

USA Today. This is the outcome variable. • RT –retweets for each ad. • Tweet Count – tweets for each ad. • Unique sender – count of people talking about the

ad. • Pre-release – (1/0) whether this ad was release

before the Super Bowl game. • Celebrity – (1/0) whether a celebrity(s) is in the ad.


Descriptive Statistics 1. Open SB 2014 spreadsheet in Excel 2. Go to Data > Data Analysis > Descriptive Analysis 3. For the Input Range, highlight all the number cells

(including labels) but excluding Ad Name and brand columns.

Descriptive Statistics 4. Select ‘labels in first row’ and ‘summary


Descriptive Statistics 5. Results appear in next Sheet. 6. Copy Result to Word doc.

Descriptive Statistics 7. Discuss result. Focus on average, min, max

for: – USA Index – Tweet count – Unique sender – RT

Correlation Analysis 1. Select Correlation then OK.

2. In the Correlation window, make sure all number cells are selected then click OK.

Correlation Analysis 3. Results will appear in next Sheet. 4. Discuss which variables are highly correlated. Why? 5. Copy Result to Word doc.

Bar Chart • Select the tweet count column and sort by largest to


Bar Chart • Insert a Bar chart of ‘tweet count’ and ‘ad names’.

Discuss what you found. • Add to Word doc.

Scatter Plot • Do a Scatter Plot of ‘Tweet count with USA Index’

and discuss. Add the trend line. What does the trend imply? Add to Word doc.

What is OLS linear regression? • OLS Linear regression is the most basic and

commonly used predictive analysis. Regression estimates are used to describe data and to explain the relationship between one dependent variable (y) and one or more independent variables (x).

• At the center of the regression analysis is the task of fitting a single line through a scatter plot. The simplest form with one dependent and one independent variable is defined by the formula y = a + b*x. 26

1. Select Data Analysis and run regression. 2. Select USA Index for Y Range and all others (except

ad name, brand, and USA Index) for X Range. Select labels and confidence level at 95%. Then click OK.

OLS Regression (USA Index)

3. Copy to Word doc. OLS Regression (USA Index)

4. What to report? – Adjusted R-squared – Variables with p value < .10 (only unique senders)

5. Discuss Results. What variables can explain Y? You are expected to use your knowledge from your stats class here. What can you imply from this result?

OLS Regression (USA Index)

Word Cloud 1. Go to 2. Click File->Open text file 3. Upload the ‘doritos’ tweet text file.

Word Cloud 1. The word cloud for ‘doritos’ should appear

(see pic to the right). 2. Discuss word cloud. 3. Why are certain terms

more frequently used? 4. How can doritos use this


Summary Paragraph • Write a summary paragraph for lab. • Describe what you have learned. • What IS tools are used? • How does this lab help you to understand the

relationship between organizational strategy and IS tools?

• How can these tools/techniques help with decision making?

• Can this be applied in your future career? 32



Lab Submission • In a Word doc, insert the following:

1. Descriptive Statistics 2. Correlation 3. 2 Charts (Bar Chart and Scatter Plot) 4. Regression Result 5. Word Cloud 6. Summary paragraph

• Organize well to help easier grading == higher scores. • Submit on canvas


  • Brand Strategy and Super Bowl Twitter Analytics Lab
  • introduction
  • Twitter popularity as 2nd screen
  • About Twitter
  • Twitter Stats (cont’d)
  • About Super Bowl Ads
  • Motivation
  • 3 Tweet Examples
  • Objective
  • Lab Setup
  • Research Question
  • analysis
  • Analysis
  • SB 2014* Dataset
  • Dataset
  • Variables
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Correlation Analysis
  • Correlation Analysis
  • Bar Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Scatter Plot
  • What is OLS linear regression?
  • OLS Regression (USA Index)
  • OLS Regression (USA Index)
  • OLS Regression (USA Index)
  • Word Cloud
  • Word Cloud
  • Summary Paragraph
  • submission
  • Lab Submission
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Integrate considerations in supply chain management that can impact your brand

  1. You synthesize the knowledge of health care costs, revenue, and expenses, along with the underlying economic drivers of these considerations to evaluate ways to improve quality of care and to lower costs for patients. You also integrate considerations in supply chain management that can impact your brand and, in turn, affect demand for your services, whether positively or negatively.
    Write a 1,225- to 1,550-word report of your organization’s supply chain management and how it impacts your organization’s brand. Include the following points:
    • Based on the assignment in Week 2, analyze how the economics in your market impact your organization’s management of its supply chain.Based on the assignment in Week 4, analyze if the expenses in your organization are impacted positively or negatively by how the supply chain is managed.

    Summarize the state of supply chain management and operations at your organization. Make any recommendations based on supply chain best practices to enhance its performance within the context of the health care sector.
    Many suppliers and their customers co-brand now (think of Coca-Cola and McDonald’s). Are there opportunities for your organization to co-brand with any of its supply chain partners? If so, what are the advantages?
    Cite any references to support your assignment.
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
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Creating a brand identity for a brand new clothing brand that focus on sustainable and fashionable and design three deliverables for the brand

Project case study content
The purpose of this project is creating a brand identity for a brand new clothing brand that focus on sustainable and fashionable and design three deliverables for the brand.
The three deliverable had been designed and done.
1. Project Outline (Design Problem, Project Objectives, Research, Stakeholders, Process, etc)
2. Project Design Process (what was your design processes and whether there were any issues during these
3. Project Timeline (critical stages and deadlines and whether they were met, issues meeting them?)
4. Project deliverables (what was achieved? Can you validate the success of your deliverables)
5. Reflections and Evaluations (what could have been done better, what needs to be addressed in the future and
how will these outputs affect the project outcomes, how will they affect, influence, change the world we live in?)
I have a design proposal and I need to proceed my design proposal to a case study. Will be attach my design proposal and case study example.
I will be putting points for the case study needed an expert to detail it and make it more professional content. I will be putting all the contents together so don’t have to do the layout I will do that myself.
Here is one of the case study example.


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Brand Performance and Opportunities for Growth

Overview: You have recently joined a branding team where the objective is to increase brand sales.

Part One: Brand Performance and Opportunities for Growth (estimate 400 words):

Your first task is to provide a brief introduction of your brand that outlines key brand milestones, such as how long it has existed, its current owner and markets it operates within both inside and outside of Australia.  

Identify key competitors for the brand and present in a table that shows their brand share. Justify your choice of two to compare and contrast with your brand.

Identify the current challenges to growing brands in the allocated market and the performance of your brand based on industry data available via the library’s marketing guide.

Briefly explain how to build Mental Availability for the brand.  

Draw on the text, course references and library sources (use the Marketing guide Company and Industry information to search for relevant information to support your discussion.

Part Two: Brand Audit (estimate 800 words):

Draw on industry publications and conduct an online brand audit of campaigns and other activities that could build Mental Availability for your brand and the two chosen competitors. Industry publications can help with your critique of marketing campaigns or branding efforts, e.g. B&T, Advertising Age or articles from the WARC database. The brand’s website, YouTube and social media sites should also be examined as part of the brand audit for Part Two. Please note that social media is only one aspect of a brand’s integrated marketing campaigns, so it is important to consider activities in all media channels for a review of Mental Availability. Add examples into an Appendix (not included in word count) and in the report consolidate details into a summary that covers the following points:

Begin the audit with a brief overview of marketing efforts of the brand to grow Mental Availability, critique efforts against evidence on how to grow brands (refer to examples in your appendix of all three brands reviewed – at least five examples of marketing activities for each brand to give a minimum of 15 examples across all brands).

Next, focus specifically on the messaging and branding execution in relation to building Mental Availability. Examine brand messaging across the market for three brands (your brand and two others).  Clearly label examples in your appendix to indicate timing of use and media used for campaigns.

Discuss the type of links being built in the minds of category buyers? Are these being built only with your brand? Write from the perspective of your allocated brand and discuss how successful they are likely to be based on your knowledge of what is needed to build Mental Availability.

Provide a summary table that visually shows potential Distinctive Assets. In the table use rows to group different potential types of DA’s. In columns add in visual examples of their use. The first column shows potential DA’s for your brand, then repeat the same information for the two chosen competitors. Add in examples from any other brands from the category that look similar to DAs being used by your brand.

Reference the DA table in a discussion of the uniqueness of DAs. Explain what research is required before making changes to the brand’s identity and why having consistent execution of branding is important.

Conclude with a recommended DA Palette that identifies existing DAs to test.  Identify if there are any DA types missing that would be useful to build and explain why.

Part Three: Recommendations (estimate 400 words):

Conclude with recommendations on how the brand can improve its Mental Availability.  Explain how strategies suggested can help the brand to grow.

Highlight anything considered essential for successful execution and include specific metrics suggested to evaluate if Mental Availability has changed following execution of your recommendations.

Length: 1600 words, plus a minimum of 15 references and 15 brand examples (across all brands in the sector critiqued). There is no ‘magic number’ of articles or references to use but any claims you make require sources to strengthen your argument. Use the submission template and add headings, because this will provide clarity in the assignment


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Word limit: 3000 words (EXCLUDING the reference list)

Assignment description

Business managers do not perform the actual primary data collection, but they do frequently commission and oversee business research projects, as well as interpret data and make decisions based on research findings.

The assignment requires you to consider the research process and decision making associated with brand evaluation that we have covered in the unit. This is a very relevant topic since branding is one of the most important aspects of contemporary business. The assignment is to be written from the perspective of one of the providers in the AUSTRALIAN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY.

NB – Please do not conduct any primary data collection, rather just consider the research design and process involved in branding research from the business manager’s perspective. For this assignment you need to read around the subject of branding and branding research – guided reading lesson 6 is a good starting point.


This assignment will get you thinking about and develop your appreciation of the application of research in brand building. This assignment asks you to perform the same tasks undertaken by business managers and requires you to set clear research objectives; consider the strategic role of the research and the type of information expected, as well as outline the key methodological considerations relating to the BHT (Brand Health Tracking).

The assignment will also help develop skills in desk research (library and Internet search), collating, presenting and interpreting information in a concise manner, as well as accurate referencing.

How to structure your writing

·         Cover page – Please include a cover page containing the title; student name(s) and ID number (s); date & total word count (excluding title and reference list).

·         Introduction – Write about 150 words. In your introduction specify your chosen research area and discuss the significance of branding and the BHT in business. Outline the structure of your essay.

·         Business & research objective(s) – In 200 words discuss the business objectives and the specific research objectives of the BHT.

·         Information required to fulfil the research objectives – (approx. 1000 words) In this section you need to clearly show the type of output you would expect and explain its potential role for informing brand decision making. (NB you are not required to conduct any primary research). To do this effectively you should include description of the information to be collected and provide examples of expected research output – clearly describing how it can be interpreted to assist the company decision making.

·         Describe the research design in relation to your chosen approach – (approx. 1000 words) Include a brief description of the preferred data collection approach with rationale and relate the key methodological considerations specific to the BHT and your recommended method.

·         Conclusion – About 150 words summing up the topic and the importance the approach.

·         Word limit – There is a considerable amount to cover, so it is important that you clearly introduce the focus of your assignment and then write clearly and concisely within the specified word limit. at the end of each section please state the number of words you have used. Word limit – at the end of each section state the number of words you have used. At the start of the assignment please also indicate the total number of words, which should not exceed 3000 words.

·         Finally insert your ‘References’ list using a recognized referencing format such as APA or Harvard – (For example, the ‘Harvard quick guide’ provides a useful summary

·         For this assignment it is anticipated that you will use a minimum of ten different references that include relevant journal articles.

·         Please write in a professional manner with a clear structure and appropriate headings, properly spell checked, and proof read.


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Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal?

Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal? When successfully building loyalty and community, trust seems to be the biggest factor. How can a company build trust and what is the best approach to do so (incorporating concepts from both the field of marketing and psychology)? What are the ethical issues and obligations that come with trust once it is built? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are just more prone to be loyal to companies and other consumers are not? Why or why not?

Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 body pages





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Case 6: Fixer Upper: Expanding the Magnolia Brand

Assignment Content

  1. Read “Case 6: Fixer Upper: Expanding the Magnolia Brand” in your Connect textbook.

    Evaluate Magnolia Brands’ sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing the case study and answering the following questions in 350 words
    • How will the components of the external environment impact Magnolia Brands’ ability to realize their vision?
    • Who are Magnolia Brands’ major competitors?
    • What other factors are affecting the growth of Magnolia Brands?
    • What internal factors must be considered for Magnolia Brands to achieve its vision and mission?
    • What are some of Magnolia Brands’ strengths and weaknesses?
    • How does the new show represent an opportunity in the home remodeling industry?
    • What challenges or threats might Magnolia Brand face?
    • What measurements can be used to determine if the new show is successful?
    • What is the feasibility of the ability of Magnolia Brands to continue to be successful? Why?

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An introduction to your brand or company

Consider your social media choices. The most popular are sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Yelp. But you should think about your brand and what would work best: where would people look for your brand? What would be helpful to people considering and/or using it? Choose 4 different social media sites to work with for this project.


You are submitting your final social media plan. Your plan should contain all of the elements needed:

·        An introduction to your brand or company

·        An analysis of the market comparables

·        An outline of the audience you intend to reach and how to reach them

·        Your social media goals and general goals for the brand

·        A plan for each of 4 social media sites including profile information and posting ideas

Be sure that you have revised and refined the rough draft you turned in Module 04 based on your instructor’s feedback.

Your social media plan should be at least 10 pages long and can include screenshots if you have them

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plan for building your personal brand

Create a 700- to 1,050-word plan for building your personal brand. In your plan, include:

What skills you will need for your future career.

What strategies you will employ to gain the required skills needed for your career choice.

How you will project a professional image to potential employers.

What strategies you will employ to search for, find, and get a job.

How you will know your brand and strategies are effective.

Format any references according to APA guidelines.

Research professional organizations that may help support you in your current career or future career in the field you wish to enter – (Clinical research P

roject Manager). Some examples of professional organizations include: American Public Health Association (APHA), National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), American Medical Association (AMA), etc.

Explore the resources and benefits the organization has to offer. Look for options to join as a student.

Choose one of the organizations you believe would be most beneficial for you.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Summarize the professional organization.
  • How do you believe membership in the organizations could benefit your career?
  • Read plan for building your personal brand for the assignment





Fundamentals of Electronic Health Records


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:


            Personal branding can be described as an undertaking whereby an individual creates an image with the objective of making a specific impression in the minds of others through acquiring the desired techniques and skills. In other words, personal branding involves shaping personal image to meet market demands and gain competitive advantage over the competitors in the same field(Montoya, et al., 2002). Therefore, good planning of personal branding is key in excelling in professional growth and development and analysis have showed that many employees are keen personal branding.

Skills needed for future career as healthcare administrator

            There are various skills that healthcare administrator needs to acquire to effectively deliver his/her duties in the future career. One of the skills that healthcare administrator needs to have include communication and relationship management. As an administrator in healthcare setting, effective communication is crucial since there is an interaction with healthcare professionals from different departments including the clients seeking healthcare services(Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). It is important to note that clients visit healthcare facility have varied educational background and social status in the society. Therefore, effective communication skills are needed to ensure that there is proper understand and smooth running of operations within the healthcare facility.             As a healthcare administrator, you have a responsibility to provide leadership in healthcare facility. Therefore, leadership skills are needed since you will be guiding diverse people in terms of culture and professionalism as well as level of education(Noon, et al., 2013). Only good leader will be able to effectively provide le…………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Brand of dualism referred to as interactionism


According to the doctrine of dualism, the mind is a nonphysical substance. In this way, dualism asserts that the mind is quite different from the physical brain. Moreover, according to a particular brand of dualism referred to as interactionism, the nonphysical mind interacts with the physical body/brain. Thus, for example, when one is thinking about writing this essay, the interactionist holds that our thought processes are in some sense nonphysical in character while still being tied to the brain in necessary ways.

Physicalism, on the other hand, asserts just the opposite of dualism. According to physicalism, the mind is purely a physical substance. Said differently, the mind is the brain. Under this account of the mind-body problem, of which there are different types, all processes that we would typically refer to as mental in character (thinking, doubting, questioning, dreaming, consciousness, unconsciousness) are merely underlying brain processes in action, i.e., particular configurations of neurons firing in a manner that is governed by natural law.

Essay Question: Critically evaluate either the doctrine of interactionism or physicalism. In other words, which view gives a more plausible answer to the fundamental question raised by the mind- body problem? Note that one can examine physicalism as a whole or restrict the scope of your essay to a particular type of physicalism.


View the “Essay Writing Guide” attached to this dropbox.

Write and submit a thoughtful, clear and succinct thesis writing assignment of 1000-1500 words, in direct response to the Module 2 assignment above.

Draw directly upon our assigned textbook readings for this Module in carefully crafting your detailed response.

In answering the essay question provided, carefully review, reflect upon, and attempt to integrate the textbook material covered in Chapter 2: Section 2.0-2.4.

Please double-space your submission, include your name at the top of its first page, and be sure to cite all sources quoted or paraphrased from (even if it’s only our textbook). Please take careful note of the above formatting instructions.

Don’t forget to include a bibliography or “works cited” page at the end!

Note***************************  the text book we are using for this class is
(((THE PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNEY,  An Interactive Approach, Sixth Edition))
William F. Lawhead
University of Mississippi
 If you have access to this book, please use some quotes from it.                        






Doctrine of Interactionism

 (Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)



            What really is the mind-body problem? Though the doctrine of mind-body problem has boggled the minds of sophists for a while, a number of prepositions have been advanced to explain the problem. The most common alternatives that have been widely accepted are the mind-body dualism and the physicalism. Physicalism asserts that there is no nonphysical aspect of a person, where self is the product of the activities of the body. The mind-body dualism points that though the body and mind are different, they casually interact with each other. The commonly referred version of dualism is the interactionism, which was advanced by Descartes in the 17th century. Although the concept of physicalism and interactionism explain the mind-body problem, interactionism offers more plausible reasons than the concept of physicalism. The doctrine of Interactionism may have gaps and may not be the only doctrine that explains the nature of mind-body problem, however, it offers more powerful and relatable ways I which one can understand the world around them.

Evaluation of the Doctrine of Interactionism

            The interactionism doctrine of thinking offers a powerful way in which one can connect the physical body events and the events of the mind. According to (Lawhead, 2014) the body is a physical substance, whereas the mind is a nonphysical thing. As rightly put by Descartes in his preposition about dualism, thinking is dualistic in nature. Human beings possess the body and the soul or mind, which does the thinking. In order for one to make a decision, the mind must generate some form of energy that directs specific organs of the body to perform certain functions. The event provides the dualist with a mindset that they can bring fourth change in the world. The mind is distinctively separate from the body, though it may not be physical in nature. It is from the events of the mind that one can make decisions or one can act on certain stimuli.

            A case in example is where a dog backs when one approaches a restricted place. In such an event, when the dog backs, the sound of backing is captured by the ears and relayed to the brain. The mind through electrical energy exchanges triggers some response, which will allow the individual to make a decision, whether to approach the place or retreat. Such is the relationship between the mind and the body that allows humans to make decisions in life. The doctrine does not make the thinker helpless neither does it make them to be vulnerable to the nature’s will, but rather places them on the “steering will”.             The doctrine of interactionism also offers more plausible explanation with regard to the mind-body problem over the physicalism in that even the doctrine of physicalism acknowledges the presence of human soul though it disagrees on the presence of physical interaction between the two. The question then would be, if the doctrine………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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