unit 1 assignment: Tools and Techniques for School Budgets
For this assignment, you have been directed by the superintendent to compare the tools and techniques that could be used in administering a school’s budget and report based on what you believe to be the best choice for your district. There are many different types of tools a school system can use. For example, a district can use a simple Excel document or even use a contracted company to have a more complex budget. The choice is theirs.
In your chapter readings, the provided websites, and with your own research, identify and describe three different tools and techniques that can be used in administering a K–12 budget.
Write a 3- to 4-page paper that describes and compares three different tools for administering a K–12 budget of your choice. As you compare the different tools, be sure to address the cost, technology requirements, the skill level of the user needed, as well as the products produced by the tools/programs that you have chosen.
Your completed paper will follow these guidelines:
Use APA Style for formatting, citations, and references.
Includes an introduction with a clearly identified thesis.
Relates content of the paper to the central theme or thesis.
Includes a concluding paragraph that links the content of the essay and synthesizes the intended thesis statement.
Web Resources
Chen, G. (2020, February 14). An overview of the funding of public schools. Public School Review. https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/an-overview-of-the-funding-of-public-schools
National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). Chapter IV education equity in the states. https://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/inequalities/chapter4.asp
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. (n.d.). Special education funding in Washington state.
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. (n.d.). School finance tools. https://dese.mo.gov/financial-admin-services/school-finance/calculation-tools
Renee Center for Education Research & Policy. (2012). Smart school budgeting: Resources for districts. ttps://www.renniecenter.org/sites/default/files/2017-01/SmartSchoolBudgeting.pdf
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