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a difficult decision and be complex enough to build a case and generate a lively discussion

Your paper should include: 

• Minimum 1 page

Topic: Your topic should represent a unique situation or a difficult decision and be complex enough to build a case and generate a lively discussion.

Briefly discuss an area of diversity covered in this course.

Points of Law: Identify key diversity legislation pertaining to this topic.

Best Practices: Briefly describe an example that demonstrates managing diversity in this area.

What questions do you have about this topic?

Write two (2) questions you would like to have answered in a discussion forum.

Provide two (2) references to support your research.

For more information on APA formatting, visit www.




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It is essential to build a business plan that will enable room for growth and/or adjusting for necessary edits

Respond to the following in 200-word count content each.

Q1.    It is essential to build a business plan that will enable room for growth and/or adjusting for necessary edits. Implementing a plan that allows the company to foresee changes on several levels. Strategic management processing tells us that it is smart business to allow for contingencies and provide employees with the necessary tools to accomplish their work. It is important to collect data properly. It is important that those in charge of leadership not dictate but rather it can be helpful to include those who work for the organization to share in decision making.

A business must NOT rush through the process of putting together plans to bring about change.

How do we make sure we don’t?

Q2.    Change is neither good nor bad. It is inevitable. The outcome depends on how well you handle the situation when it occurs. One good method for managing change is to change your perspective about it. Think about differences in opinion about the change as an opportunity to grow and develop a deeper understanding of each other and the situation at hand.

How do we get around differences in opinion in management?


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Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness

Subject Code and Title MGT 601 Dynamic Leadership
Assessment Assessment 1, Part B: Reflexive Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to 2,000 words
Learning Outcomes a) Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness
b) Through critical reflection on key leadership theories develop a personal leadership development strategy.
c) Analyse and develop the capacity to influence, motivate and inspire others in your workplace and/or community organisations.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Friday at end of Module 3.2 (Week 6)
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
The learning design of this subject is to focus on your own leadership journey and not to study leadership as some remote, theoretical concept that applies to other people. This assessment enables you to build self-awareness and a clear sense of how you came to be the person and emerging leader that you are today. It encourages deep reflection on your life and leadership journey to your present position. It helps you to increase your understanding of your current leadership capabilities and potential. The assessment requires you to establish a mentoring relationship with another student in the class so that you can provide mutual learning support and exchange constructive feedback with each other.
Your Task:
Your task in Assessment 1 Part B is to reflect on you own leadership journey up until now, your current role or position, how you influence others, how you lead, contribute to or react to organisational and cultural changes and your current level of self-awareness and selfconfidence to lead others in your organisation and/or community.
Assessment 2, which is due at the end of the subject, builds on the first and asks you to prepare a plan for the next stage of your leadership journey. The assessments are integrated pieces of work and you should bear in mind the final part as you work on this part. All assessments need to be strongly based on the established theories and models of leadership to help you interpret and explain your leadership challenges.
Working with Your Partner:
Partners will be allocated by your Learning Facilitator after you post your personal introduction on the “Welcome and Introductions” Discussion Forum. Partners will be allocated on the basis of maximum diversity of backgrounds to enrich your learning experience. Where possible, partners will be in similar time zones. More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are provided at the end of this section.
• You should include a summary of the feedback you receive from your partner and others, combined with your reflection and interpretation of this feedback in the context of your leadership journey.
• You may wish to also include a summary of the feedback that you gave your partner and reflect on it. Feedback often says as much about the person who gives as the person who receives it. The feedback summaries can be included as appendices, where they will not be included in the word count.
While the assessment includes feedback from the interaction with your partner, each person is to submit his or her own, individual report.
More detailed guidelines for working with your partner are shown at the end of this brief.
Possible Structure:
A possible structure for your report is shown below. This is a suggestion only and is not mandatory. Other structures would be appropriate, provided that they enable you to demonstrate your learning according to the rubric shown in the brief for the first assessment.

  1. A clear logic flow, using a “Contents” page and section headings, will help your readers to follow your thinking.
  2. The use of an “Executive Summary” as a précis or abstract of your report.
  3. An “Introduction” to set the context
  4. The body of your report should address the following issues. The percentages in brackets indicate a suggested proportional length of each section.
    • Who has recognised your leadership in the past? This is not about jobs you have held, this is about recognising the people you have influenced. (10%)
    • Key “moments of truth” in your background to date. This should not be a chronology or a CV. It is a reflection on a small number of the most influential aspects or turning points in the establishment of your natural leadership behaviours. This is not to be fictional or invented – please reflect deeply on the nature of your interactions with others around you over time and consider the moments when you felt empowered or aligned with the moment. (15%)
    • Summarise the results of two other personality or leadership style inventories that you have completed, and your interpretation of the results. Are they basically aligned with the results from Gallup? Identify and explain any variances you identify. (15%)
    • Explain the process of giving and receiving constructive feedback with a peer, and the outcomes and the of that activity. (15%)
    • The implications of the feedback and your reflection on its significance. It could include your preliminary thinking on how you might use these insights in future, to be expanded in your second submission. (25%)
    • Links to theory and conceptual frameworks discussed specifically in the topics in this subject that relate to your experiences and feedback. This is to happen throughout the report and be consistent with the topic areas of this subject. The important point is that you anchor your submission with appropriate models or theories that have been presented in this subject as a minimum. (20%)
  5. A “Conclusion” to capture your key learnings is desirable in a business subject. Detailed, supporting information such as psychometric results and planning templates should be placed in an appendix, where they will not be included in the word count.
    Reflexive Writing – First Person:
    You should write in the first person, because this is about YOU, your reflections and your interpretations. (eg “I considered this advice to be….. because it had a big impact on my……..and it helped me to understand my………..”).
    Try to be as specific as possible, use brief examples to illustrate your points and try to select examples that enable you to demonstrate learning against the attributes in the rubric.
    All other principles of academic writing apply, including strict referencing, acknowledgement of the work of others and avoidance of plagiarism.
    You should include a list of specific references that you have actually used in your report. For this assessment, a minimum of three journal articles, academic papers or textbooks is expected. References to any secondary sources or web sites are additional. The reference list and Executive Summary (if you choose to use one) and any appendices will not be included in the word count.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions:
    Submit your Self-Reflective Analysis in Assessment 1 Part B submission link in the Assessment section found in the main navigation menu of the subject Blackboard site. A rubric will be attached to the assessment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Marking Rubric:
    Your reports will be marked against the rubric which is show on the next pages. Please ensure that your submission addresses all five of the Assessment Attributes in the rubric.
    Guidelines for Working with Your Partner
    The following information should help you to start to build a mentoring relationship with your partner.
    In commencing the relationship, it will be helpful to work through the following steps:
  6. Make initial contact through the “Group” facility on the home screen. Your Learning Facilitator will advise you of your Group number after you have posted a personal introduction on the “Welcome and Introductions” Discussion Forum.
  7. Establish an oral confidentiality agreement with each other so that you are both clear that you will not disclose personal information to others. It is appropriate to describe concepts, learnings and insights about the leadership journey of yourself and your partner in your assessment submission but not personal details that can be identified with an individual.
  8. Agree on how you will communicate with each other. You can use a range of tools within the “Group” facility on Blackboard, including emails, blogs, wikis, file exchange etc. Only you and your partner will have access to your group tools. You may prefer to establish a separate text or voice channel, such as Skype, if you prefer.
  9. Provide your partner with brief background details on your role, employment and current leadership challenge to set the context.
  10. Provide more detailed information on your personal leadership journey and current challenges. The questions in the paper by George et al on Authentic Leadership are a good starting point for you and also to ask your partner about. You can also share the contents of your reflexive journal.
  11. Listen carefully to your partner’s story and current challenges, probe respectfully to encourage deeper reflection and understanding and suggest alternative approaches where appropriate. Please respect each other’s boundaries and do not go beyond what each is comfortable to disclose. This is intended to be mentoring and not psychotherapy!
  12. As you progress through the modules, record any insights about your leadership journey in your reflexive journal. You may wish to exchange journals or a summary of key points with your partner.
  13. In asking and learning about your partner’s leadership journey, it is likely that you will develop deeper insights into your own journey.

Learning Rubric: Assessment 1B Reflexive Report
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
(Functional) 50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
(Exceptional) 85-100%
30% Little or no reference to own experiences or observations on leadership. Occasional references to own experiences and learnings about leadership. Frequent references to own leadership experiences or observations, with reflection on outcomes and learning. Frequent and deep reflection on own leadership experiences, clear reflection and new insights. Multiple, deep reflections, significant new insights on own leadership and evidence of changing behaviours.
20% Little or no evidence of feedback either received or given. Basic description of feedback received and given but with little or no interpretation. Clear description of feedback received and given with useful interpretation and reflection in implications Comprehensive description and analysis of feedback received and given with clearly expressed interpretation of implications and impact. Very insightful presentation of feedback received and given with explicit interpretation of implications and indicators of changing behaviours.
20% Little or no reference to the conceptual frameworks or theoretical models of leadership. Basic coverage of at least one relevant conceptual framework for leadership development. Clear coverage and comparison of at least two models or frameworks for development, including some evaluation. Coverage of multiple models of development with clear evaluation and selection of most appropriate for own development. Clear understanding and brief evaluation of multiple modes and justification of selection of most appropriate.
20% Reference to nominated or supplied readings only.
Inadequate referencing. Evidence of some relevant reading and research beyond the core readings.
Adequate referencing. Evidence of substantial, relevant, additional reading and research.
Full referencing. Evidence of substantial, additional reading and research with application to own development plan.
Full referencing. Evidence of comprehensive additional reading & research with insightful application to own development plan.
Full and extensive referencing.
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 6 of 7
10% No clear logic flow or structure.
Difficult to understand. Basic logic flow and structure.
Clear expression of concepts. Mainly correct grammar and spelling.
. Clear logic flow and structure, with table of contents, Introduction, Conclusion, etc
Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling. Excellent logic and structure. Accurate Executive Summary. Conclusion accurately captures key leanings.
Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling Excellent logic and structure. Concise, accurate Executive Summary.
Conclusion accurately captures deep learning’s and insights.
Clear expression of concepts. Correct grammar and spelling
MGT601_Dynamic Leadership_ Assessment 1 Part B Page 7 of 7

Explore and reflect on self- development as a leader to build self-awareness

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assessment item is designed to build planning, organising, cognitive, research and creative problem-solving skills and the ability to formulate innovative global and/or international market entry strategies and solutions

Assessment 2 – Semester 2 2021
Title: International Strategic Plan
Weight: 60% (total)
Assessment Type: (a) Individual video Presentation (10% of overall mark)
(b) Written Report (50% of overall mark)
Purpose: This assessment item is designed to build planning, organising, cognitive, research and creative problem-solving skills and the ability to formulate innovative global and/or international market entry strategies and solutions.
Due Date (presentation): Week 13, Wednesday @ 23.59 PM (YouTube or PowerPoint with voice-over)
Due Date (paper): Week 13, Thursday @ 23.59 PM (TurnitIn)
Presentation Duration: 8-minutes uploaded to YouTube (face must be visible; submit the link to BB), or,
create and upload a voice-over PowerPoint to TurnitIn.
Report Length: 2500 words (+/- 100 words) excluding a 1-page mandatory Executive summary, table of contents and supportive appendices ( 20-pages). Pictures and graphs etc. in the body of text (professional business format report). These are not included in the word count.
Format: Written report using size 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch margins. APA Referencing required.
Group or Individual: Individual
Optional or Compulsory: Compulsory
Learning outcomes: AoL: KS (1.1, 1.2), HO (2.1, 2.2), PC (3.1, 3.2)
Assessment Description:
Most strategies fail due to poor analysis and implementation. To further build your analytical and adaptive skills, we will provide you with two well-known MNC’s to choose from, and two potential countries for your market entry. You need to investigate their current strategy and recommend an expansion strategy. I.e., what product category/categories is missing in their current portfolio (investment); does their current strategy make sense; should they cease operations (divestment) of one/more product category to better enable your recommendation(s)? You will prepare an International Strategic Plan (presentation and report). You will research and compare the two countries and select one of them to be the trial market of your expansion strategy prior to a global roll-out. You will outline the ‘fit’ of the above recommendation(s) to the chosen countrys political, legal, and economic systems. You will examine factors of operations and performance and assess any impact of current issues regarding international market entry. You will provide a solid rationale in support of your recommendations.
At minimum, your report will cover your selected company’s current strategy, what you recommend changing (and reasons why), what you recommend instead, which country you recommend for your company to enter (and why), all aspects of international business and strategy (and why), including one ‘new’ industry to enter (target), selected entry mode (how to enter the selected market), and a solid rationale for each component.
• From week 7-12 you are welcome to present your choices (client, industry, country, entry mode) and an overview of your IB Strategic Plan to your peers. This provides a valuable opportunity to seek feedback.
• The report must be well researched, reflect considerable thought and be well-organised, both in terms of a central argument and in practical terms. The marking guide should be referred to while preparing your assignment as it provides a statement of the criteria by which it will be assessed.
• Remember to write in a professional manner following the QUT Cite/Write guidelines:
• Additional information might be provided during the lectures, tutorials and via BLACKBOARD.
Ensure that you keep save digital backup copies of your assignment in case the original file is lost.





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How Tacoma, WA used the concepts of CPTED to build a sense of community using lighting, natural access control, and natural surveillance.

Research how Tacoma, WA used the concepts of CPTED to build a sense of community using lighting, natural access control, and natural surveillance. Determine if the strategies used could work in your area.

Basic CPTED strategies for building a safer Tacoma

Fully address the question(s) in this discussion; provide a valid rationale or a citation for your choices; Your initial post is due by Thursday and you must respond to at least two other students’ views.

The initial post should be at least 350 words in length. Each reply post should be at least 150 words in length.

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WA used the concepts of CPTED to build a sense of community using lighting

Research how Tacoma, WA used the concepts of CPTED to build a sense of community using lighting, natural access control, and natural surveillance. Determine if the strategies used could work in your area.

Basic CPTED strategies for building a safer Tacoma

Fully address the question(s) in this discussion; provide a valid rationale or a citation for your choices; Your initial post is due by Thursday and you must respond to at least two other students’ views.

The initial post should be at least 350 words in length. Each reply post should be at least 150 words in length.

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Theories” identify the 1-4 moral theories you will use to build your compass


Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 500 words that accomplishes the following:

  • In a section titled “Theories” identify the 1-4 moral theories you will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common good, virtue, etc.) along with a short documented definition for each theory. [“documented” in the sense of citing and referencing your source.]
  • In a section titled “Explanation” explain for each theory how it would help you make what you feel would be the right decision and in what situations (ex. Using deontology at work to ensure the company’s policies are kept and its reputation is upheld; Using care ethics at home as a way to be equitable with the kids, etc.).
  • Chose one topic from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (under “Ethics Spotlight” ) or another pressing ethical situation you or others you know are facing at the moment and using ether Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Markkula or Brown), walk through the steps to make an ethical decision and justify what you decide is the moral action to take in this situation. Be sure to be clear on which of the two frameworks you are using





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design and build a database for a company, Oopsy Cell repair.

For this individual project you will design and build a database for a company, Oopsy Cell repair. The write up for the company is provided in the paragraph below. To complete this project, you will bring to bear all that you have learnt in this class. First, you will need to design a database by constructing an ERD. Next, you need to identify all relevant attributes and normalize to complete your database design. Next, you will construct a SQL database with relevant tables, based on your design, and populate it with data (4-5 rows data for each table will be enough). You will then come up with 5 complex query questions (defined as ones involving joins or subqueries) and the sql query code solutions. Your project submission must contain your ERD, a copy of your database diagram, and the five query questions and a snapshot of the output of the five queries. Limit your project document to no more than 4-5 pages, single spaced 12-point font. You are welcome to make reasonable assumptions, but make sure you note them in your project report. Limit your project to no more than 10-12 entities.

 Oopsy Cell Repair (OCR) is a Chicago based company with 9 locations in and around Chicago and its suburbs. Founded in 2012, OCR offers repair services to customers who are facing problems with their cell phones. Reflecting the slogan, “All will be well, with us working on your Cell”, OCR offers various services at a fixed price including screen replacement, battery replacement, data retrieval, data removal, etc. OCR can repair multiple brands of cell phones including Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Google, etc. OCR prides itself in providing upfront and transparent pricing for its services. Each of the nine locations is headed by a location manager along with 4-6 service employees. All service employees are trained to do all repairs, so there is no employee specialization or departmentalization. Further, to create a single contact point for the customer, one employee is in charge of all the repairs to a customer’s phone. OCR is seeking your help to create a database that can capture all relevant information for their business





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Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base

Create a 7 slide minimum Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with speaker’s notes about your selected website (eBay) in which you complete the following: 

  • Assess the pros and cons of using an e-mail or newsletter strategy to help build and maintain a core customer base.
  • Describe any content and/or strategies you believe will help improve customer e-mail open rates and interaction.
  • Explain how this e-mail/newsletter strategy can be integrated with other social media marketing efforts and online communities to improve brand recognition and website performance.
  • Evaluate the metrics that should be used to measure the success of the new strategy and processes (i.e., how will you know if your proposed marketing efforts are making an impact?).
  • Recommend a plan for moving from the current marketing strategy to your proposed strategy.
  • Assess whether new target customers, products, or services should be included in this updated marketing plan.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines, and cite any resources used.

Submit your assignment





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Build-A-Bear Workshop (BBW): how to manage the global comeback?

CHAPTER 1 GLOBAL MARKETING IN THE FIRM. CASE STUDY 1.1 Build-A-Bear Workshop (BBW): how to manage the global comeback?
In spring 2010 the founder of BBW, Maxine Clark, is enjoying one of the beautiful May days before she will have to pack her luggage for her next trip to Europe, where she will have some further negotiations with some potential master franchisees. The last two years have been difficult for BBW after a financial crisis that hit the whole world in 2008. Maxine still believes 100 per cent in the BBW concept, which takes advantage of the new trend in our experience economy – to let consumers participate in the creation of customer value. However, it seems that the global wave of enthusiasm has been sated, and how can BBW get it back on track again with new international growth as the result?
Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (BBW) – www. – is the leading and only global company that offers a create-your-own animal service in the retailing experience sector.
Founded in 1997, the company currently operates more than 400 Build-A-Bear Workshop stores worldwide, including company-owned stores in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France, and franchise stores in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa.
Build-A-Bear Workshop posted total revenue of $468 million in the fiscal year 2008.
Since opening the first store in St. Louis, Missouri in October 1997, BBW have sold over 70 million stuffed animals. BBW have grown their store base from 200 stores at the end of the fiscal year 2005 to 346 as of 3 January 2009 and increased revenue from $362 million in 2005 to $468 million in the fiscal year 2008.
As of January, 2009, BBW employed approximately 1,200 full-time and 4,800 part-time employees.
BBW does not own or operate any manufacturing facilities. Their animal skins, stuffing, clothing and accessories are produced by factories located primarily in China.
The company’s motto is Where Best Friends Are Made. It is headquartered in Overland, Missouri.
How it started
Maxine Clark left Payless ShoeSource in 1996. At that time she was 47 years old and her financial rewards in retailing had been very high. When she left Payless, she could have left retailing or even retired. She had earned enough money to do anything she wanted, even if pay or responsibilities were not comparable. She had the luxury to learn and start up something totally new.
Generally, she was bored by shopping, and she was looking to recreate the excitement and magic that she felt as a child when she visited certain stores. Going shopping was an event. Customers became part of the store, and it was special.
Maxine Clark remembers:
/ like to say the lightbulb went off for Build-A-Bear Workshop one day in the summer of 1996. I was out shopping with my friend Katie, who was 10 years old at the time. We were on a mission to find Beanie Babies, but the store that had promised a new shipment had none left. Katie looked at me and said, ‘These are so easy – we could make them.’ She meant go to my basement and do a craft project, but what I heard was so much bigger and the idea for Build-A-Bear Workshop was born. Source’, 2007/sb20070912_785676.htm?Chan=search.
In the process of developing a retail entertainment concept for children, Clark visited toy factories and children’s retail stores, put together a list of ideas, then consulted the experts: children. Clark consulted first with the children of a friend, then formed an advisory board of 20 children, ages 6 to 14, and showed them three of her ideas. The decision to pursue the Build-A-Bear concept emerged from the board’s enthusiasm, combined with Clark’s personal preference for teddy bears and the high profit margin for stuffed animals.
Clark then hired design consultant Adrienne Weiss Co. of Los Angeles, using 80 per cent of her $750,000 personal savings investment, to develop the Build-A-Bear concept. Clark collaborated with consultants in developing every detail, including
artwork, employee costumes, store design and company logo. The logo features a teddy bear being measured, stitched, stuffed and groomed. All lettering is similar to children’s printing.
Maxine Clark opened her first Build-A-Bear Workshop concept store in a St. Louis shopping mall (in the USA) in 1997. Sales were near $400,000 in the store in less than four months.
In 1999 the success of the retail concept attracts venture capital for expansion; Build-A-Bear opens ten new stores in United States. The sales in these stores averaged $700 per square foot of retail space, an enormous success in contrast to national mall averages of $350 per square foot. The cost of opening a new store ranged from $500,000 to $700,000, but with annual sales estimated at $2 million per store, Clark easily found capital investment for expansion.
In 2003 BBW’s international expansion begins with new locations in Canada and England. Although Clark intended to take the company global from its inception, concrete plans did not begin to take shape until late 2002. In November 2002 Build-A-Bear signed a franchise agreement with Japan, held by Tech R&DS Co. Ltd. The company also began a search for locations in the United Kingdom. These new countries for BBW were chosen in response to requests from customers who had visited stores while in the United States or had visited the company’s website. A high number of addresses in the Find-A-Bear ID database for these countries indicated strong interest in the Build-A-Bear concept.
Customers’ retailing experience
A Build-A-Bear Workshop store is an average of 3,000 square feet. Every element of the store design was intended to delight children under the age of 12.
Guests who visit Build-A-Bear Workshop stores enter a teddy bear-themed environment. They will be met by store associates, known as master Bear Builder associates, who share the experience with guests at each of the phases of the bear-making process, which consists of eight stuffed animalmaking stations: Choose Me, Hear Me, Stuff Me, Stitch Me, Fluff Me, Dress Me, Name Me and Take Me Home. To attract their target guests, BBW has designed their stores to provide a ‘theme park’
destination in the mall that is open and inviting with an entryway that spans the majority of their storefront and highly visual and colourful teddy bear themes and displays.
At Choose Me, guests are introduced to all the furry characters in the store and then select one, which soon becomes their new friend. There are more than 30 varieties of stuffed animals including teddy bears, bunnies, dogs, kitties and more. Build-A-Bear Workshop stuffed animals are very affordable, ranging in price from $10-25.
At Hear Me, guests may select from several sound choices to place inside their stuffed animal to further personalize their new friend. The sound chip is inserted safely inside the new friend during the stuffing process. Guests can record their own 10-second Build-A-Sound message. Pre-recorded sounds include giggles, growls, barks, meows and other animal sounds, as well as messages such as ‘I Love You’ or songs like ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame. At Stuff Me, with the help of master Bear Builder associates, guests fill their new friend with stuffing for just the right amount of huggability. A very special step that is unique to Build-A-Bear Workshop also happens at this station. Each guest selects a small satin heart – a Build-A-Bear Workshop trademark, adds to it his or her own love and wishes, and carefully places it inside their new furry friend. This process brings the furry friendship to life (see picture below). At Stitch Me, the last seam is neatly pulled shut, nearly completing each new best friend. Before CHAPTER 1 GLOBAL MARKETING IN THE FIRM 41 Build-A-Bear stitching the furry friend, the master Bear Builder associate inserts a barcode, allowing it to hopefully be reunited with its owner if ever lost and returned to Build-A-Bear Workshop. Thousands of furry friends have been reunited through our exclusive Find-A-Bear® ID programme. The barcode also generates a unique code on the birth certificate so guests can bring their new friend to life online for free at to continue their friendship adventure when they get home. At Fluff Me, the guest brushes the animal to make sure their new friend is well groomed and huggablel At Dress Me, guests may dress their new friend in the beary latest furry fashions. The bear apparel boutique features clothes and accessories for all occasions. Build-A-Bear Workshop® even has its own fashion expert mascot, ‘Pawlette Coufur’, Fashion Advisor to the Furry Famous. Build-A-Bear Workshop works with a variety of partners, including Hello Kitty, Disney and Harley-Davidson. At the Name Me the guests answer several questions about their new bear friend, including the birth date and of course, its name. The furry friend is then entered into the Find-A-Bear ID programme and this information is used to create a personalized birth certificate for the furry friend. Finally, at the Take Me Home station, the guests receive their customized birth certificate and a special Stuff Fur Stuff® club membership, a rewards programme for our guests. Instead of a traditional shopping bag, each new furry friend is then placed in their very own ‘Cub Condo carrying case, which is designed as a handy travel carrier and new home.
The duration of a guest’s experience can vary greatly depending on their preferences. Most guests choose to participate in the full animal-making process and all eight stations, a process which BBW believe averages 45 minutes to complete. Because customers are involved with creating their purchase, they remember it vividly and tell lots of other people about it. Almost half of our new customers heard about the store from a friend or family member.
Guests can continue the fun with their bear friends when they get home and sit at their computer. At, guests can bring their new furry friend to life online for free by using the code found on their birth certificate. They create a unique online character and play games to earn Bear Bills, which can be used to purchase more clothes, furniture for their Cub Condo houses and other items. Guests can also trade items with other citizens in the world. Membership to the site is free and does not expire.
Beyond bringing their new friend to life online for free, guests are rewarded for in-store purchases. When they make a clothing or accessory purchase in store or at, they receive a receipt code. The code gives them virtual store credit to use at the Bear Boutique in Build-A-Bearville, which is the only place to find exclusive virtual fashions and furniture items for their virtual furry friends.
To provide the fun of making a furry friend to groups – birthday parties, scout troops, company outings and family reunions – Build-A-Bear Workshop offers a Build-A-Party® programme. This exclusive service allows guests to plan and customize their own party with preselected animals, clothes and accessories.
Overall, BBW believe they are strongly positioned to lead in this retail space with over 70 million stuffed animals sold and over 24 million households in their online database.
On average each customer spends approximately $50 in the BBW store (including web-sales afterwards).
Customer feedback drives the business
BBW’s primary audience is e-mail-savvy; the company relies heavily on electronic communications. So, Maxine Clark’s e-mail inbox fills up with 4,000 notes per month, most of them from customers.
Those voices have created most of the company’s new products. Some customer suggestions: add a black Labrador as a product. The company did. In its first six months, it sold 100,000 units. The company had already been offering shoes to go with each animal. Why not add socks, a customer suggested. Shortly thereafter, the company did. Another customer suggested party rooms for birthdays and get-togethers, which the company began to offer in selected stores in 2002.
Every e-mail writer receives a personal response from Maxine Clark or one of the company’s executive team. Maxine Clark stays close to customers with a ‘Cub Advisory Board’, a group of 20 boys and girls 8-17 years old who review new products and suggest additional ones. It meets with Clark and her team three or four times per year.
BBW involvement in cause marketing
BBW believes in the teddy bear philosophy of being good people and good bears. Throughout its 11 -year history the company has given guests a voice to support causes that are important to them, helping children, families, animals and the environment. Since the company’s inception, BBW has donated over $20 million to these causes.
One of these partnership is with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), offering a series of WWF co-branded plush animals in stores. In 2000 Build-A-Bear Workshop introduced the giant panda, the first in a series of co-branded stuffed animals. Since then, a new furry friend has been launched each year, many representing animals in danger around the world. In addition to the giant panda, Build-A-Bear Workshop has sold the Bengal tiger, leopard, lion, polar bear and the giraffe. Each WWF bear animal comes with a collector’s medallion featuring the WWF official panda logo and a numbered Certificate of Authenticity, further enhancing its value to the collector.
In 2006 BBW announced that it had given $1 million to the WWF through the sales of its WWF Collectibear stuffed animal series. For each plush animal sold one dollar goes to WWF to protect and conserve wildlife around the world.
In 2009 Build-A-Bear Workshop® continued its partnership with the WWF by introducing the newest member of the WWF Collectibear® series.
Starting 28 August, make your own WWF Gray Wolf ($25) at Build-A-Bear Workshop stores or®. In the United States and Canada $1 from the sale will be donated to WWF to help protect endangered animals and their habitats.
BBW retail store base, international expansion and franchise strategy
The BBW retail segment includes the operating activities of company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France.
The table lists of BBW’s 346 company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland and France as of 3 January 2009.
Company-owned stores Number of stores (January 2009)
United States 271
Canada 21
United Kingdom:
England 42
Scotland 6
Wales 1
Northern Ireland 1
Ireland 1
France 3

In 2003, BBW began to expand the Build-A-Bear Workshop brand outside of the United States, opening company-owned stores in Canada and our first franchised location in the United Kingdom. As of 3 January 2009, there were 62 Build-A-Bear Workshop franchised stores located in the following countries:
No. stores
Japan 10
South Africa 9
Denmark 8
Australia 6
Thailand 6
Singapore 5
Germany 4
Russia 4
Norway + Sweden 3
Benelux* 3
Other 4
Total 62





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