Writers Solution

Business Law IBreach of Contract

Johnny, a neighbor who is not a merchant under the Uniform Commercial Code, offers to buy a car from Mark for $30,000.   Mark asks Johnny for some time to think about it. Johnny says sure. He writes on a piece of paper that he will keep the offer open for two weeks.  A week later Johnny sees another car he would rather buy. He purchases that, and then he tells Mark that he is revoking his offer. Two days after that Mark said: “I’m sorry Johnny you made an offer in writing to buy my car. I’m going to hold you to that.”   Johnny replied: “Sorry I cannot do that.  But I will promise to pay you $10,000 for the help you gave me last year around the house.”   Somewhat mollified Mark accepts. A week later and Johnny decided to renege on that promise as well. Fed up, Mark sued Johnny for breach of contract on both the promise to buy the car and the promise for the $10,000.
    Discuss whether the elements of a contract are satisfied in this case.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:  
    Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.    Attempt APA style, see example below.    Use font size 12 and 1” margins.    Include cover page and reference page.    At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.    No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.    Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.  Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.






Business Law: Breach of Contract

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


Business Contract: The Case of Johnny and Mark

            A contract can be defined as an agreement between two or more people, which must be enforceable legally (Renouf, 2008). When two or more parties enter into a contract, it must satisfy a number of elements if such a contract is to be valid and enforceable in the court of law. A valid contract must consist of an offer, consideration, legal capacity and unconditional acceptance (Stone & Richard, 2009). The following is an analysis of the elements of the contract between Johnny and Mark.

The Elements of a Contract in the Case A valid contract must consist of an offer being made and an unconditional acceptance of the same. This should be done with good faith and without any intimidation or deceit. An offer occurs when an individual makes a promise to provide a service or to sell/buy a service/product/property (Stone & Richard, 2009). In the Case of Johnny and Mark, an offer was made when Johnny offered to buy a car from Mark for $……………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Network technologies can be employed in various ways to meet business needs.

Network technologies can be employed in various ways to meet business needs. Developing a solution begins with a set of requirements that must be understood and met. Following is a scenario that requires the use of a variety of network components and technologies. When working on developing a solution, all requirements may not be explicitly stated. When in doubt, post targeted questions. When making assumptions, be sure to include them in your design document. 
The construction industry has struggled over the past years due to the economy. Nearly a dozen companies, including builders and subcontractors, banned together to develop a strategy to increase their business in the greater Washington, D.C. area. This consortium of builders and subcontractors called themselves BLDRS-DC. 
BLDRS-DC engaged a well-known marketing company that recommended that they use a Web site to exhibit their services, capabilities, and availability. Other social media sites would be represented in the final solution as well. This site would tie together their sales and scheduling information. They also identified the need for the project managers to have access to project details from the construction sites. This remote access would ensure tasks were completed correctly and decrease construction time considerably.
In addition to engaging a marketing firm, BLDRS-DC hired a company that develops and manages Web sites. The Web site management company would be responsible for developing the software to connect sales materials and scheduling information to the Web site. Fortunately, all the companies involved use the same scheduling software and database software for sales material. 
As the network specialist selected to plan and coordinate all of the activities, you need to develop a design document that outlines the technologies needed at each company to connect their unique information to the Web site. Specify the necessary network components that each company would need to enable customer access and scheduling. 
In addition, you need to identify a solution for allowing construction managers to securely access drawings and other pertinent construction details remotely. 
Prepare a Word document that is approximately 3–5 pages in APA format.
Be sure to include the following. •Title page •Introduction •Description of the network components needed to allow access to marketing materials and scheduling information •Specified technologies needed to allow construction foremen remote access to construction details •Explanation of any challenges or considerations uncovered from the research conducted 

IT Management: Network Design Document For BLDRS-DC






(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)


            Having coordinated activities in the construction industry is important in ensuring efficiency and effective construction process. However, having a set of technologies is important in ensuring effective coordination of the activities. Assuming I am a design specialist for BLDRS-DC, the following is an outline of the technologies that are needed in the individual companies to connect their information their website. The necessary network components needed by the individual construction company to enable customer access and scheduling are discussed. Finally, any challenges and considerations uncovered from the research that was conducted are discussed.

The Network Components Needed To Allow Access to Marketing Materials and Scheduling Information           The first network component that is essential for all the companies is the virtual private network. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private network that employs public network (the internet) (Cisco, 2008). Thus, this allows for an easy access to marketing materials and scheduling of information. The BLDRS-DC has a number of employees, who would wish to connect remotely to the company LAN remotely in their variou………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….






Writers Solution

Leadership And Social Responsibility In Business Ethics

Please select a peer-reviewed article from the library on the topics for the current week. Analyze the article and correlate to your personal ethics assessment results. You are encouraged to share some specific examples of your assessment results to support your opinion. However, if you would like to keep your results private, you can speak to your results in general terms.

Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the article to your assessment results and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please include alternatives, analysis, application, and action.

The assignment should be submitted as a Word document and APA format is required. The title page and reference page are not counted in the 1-2 page requirement.



Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Q1.Difference between personal and business ethics Personal ethics is an individual self-created code and values of behavior. These personal ethics are established in a person with a significant part been played by friends, parents, and family, for example, commitment, openness, unbiased behavior, and honesty. Therefore, personal ethics are exposed in a professional circumstance through one’s behavior. On the other hand, business……………………






Writers Solution

Explain sustainability – in the context of interaction between business organizations and the environment.

Assessment Task 1 – Project work
Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Assessment description
This assessment requires the learner to complete each activity with applicable solutions related to workplace policy and procedures for sustainability at a workplace.
Assessment Instructions
1. This is you are required to compete activities at the end of each training session. 2. Read through the activity very carefully after training is complete for a criterion.
3. When instructed to do so, provide solutions to the activity.
4. You can use workbook and any other sources of information during this formative assessment.
5. Address the activities and their terminologies in your solutions.
6. You are allowed an applicable time limits during training to complete the activity after completion of each criterion of the workbook.
7. The written solutions should be completed using clear English.
8. The assessment task is due on the time and date specified by your trainer/assessor.
9. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer/assessor.
10. See specifications below for details. Based on your handwriting, if you find the space is not enough, please write on a separate sheet and attach at the back of this paper and refer to the activity number.
Specifications to submit (details of items for submission)
You must provide written solutions to all the activities using a pen or word-processed document as instructed by your assessor.
Performance objective
To test your ability to perform ongoing basis after completion of each criterion of the workbook including foundation skills required to develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability for a workplace.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment/or real workplace situation. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to legislative and regulatory documents, office equipment and materials facilitated by your assessor.
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access to office equipment and resources.
Required resources
1. Assessment task, assessment instructions and case study.
2. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word/MS Excel/or relevant Mac software etc.).
3. Simulated workplace policies and procedures.
4. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to
a. relevant legislation
b. workplace documentation and resources
c. case studies and, where possible, real situations
Your assessor will be looking for:
Evidence of the ability to:
• scope and develop organisational policies and procedures that comply with legislative requirements and support the organisation’s sustainability goals covering at a minimum:
o minimising resource use o resource efficiency o reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use o employing life cycle management approaches o continuous improvement
• plan and implement sustainability policy and procedures including:
o agreed outcomes o performance indicators o activities to be undertaken o assigned responsibilities o record keeping, review and improvement processes
• consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement
• review and improve sustainability policies.
Project work
You are required to undertake this project work related to your own workplace or simulated workplace as specified by your assessor. If you choose to use your own workplace, you need to have access to workplace policies and procedures, key provisions of relevant legislation and office equipment and resources. If you choose to use the simulated workplace provided to you by the institution, you will have the access to office equipment and resources.
Your manager (either your own workplace or simulated workplace) has asked you to prepare a document which addresses the following activities. Provide written solutions to the following 11 activities using written word-process document.
Activity 1
1. Explain sustainability – in the context of interaction between business organizations and the environment. 100 words.
2. These days it is expected that business organizations will develop and implement sustainability policies. What things might be covered in the scope of a sustainability policy? 130 – 150 words.
3. A number of green or sustainability practices might be considered when developing policies. Suggest six practices that could be of value.
Activity 2
It will be necessary to gather sustainability information from a number of sources. List 12 useful sources.
Activity 3
Who are the stakeholders for an organization’s sustainability policies and practices and why should they be identified and consulted? 250 – 300 words.
Activity 4
1. In a short sentence explain what a strategy is.
2. Develop and list six strategies that might be implemented to support sustainability.
3. What strategies might you recommended for the industry sector in which you work, or intend to work? (These recommendations should be different from those listed in the answer to the previous question.) Explain why you would make these recommendations. Consider time frames, likely effectiveness and costs. 200 – 250 words.
4. What is a life cycle management approach?
Activity 5
1. These are three different aspects of sustainability. These need to be considered when developing policies and business plans. Explain what these aspects are and what they mean in terms of policy planning and business planning. 250 – 300 words.
2. In approximately 250 words explain how organizations can benefit if sustainability is an integral part of business planning, with agreement on appropriate methods of implementation, outcomes and performance indicators. Can sustainable business operation contribute to an organization’s competitive edge?
Activity 6
1. Explain how a business can promote its workplace sustainability policy, including the expected outcomes, to key external stakeholders. 100 words.
2. How can employees (internal stakeholders) be informed about their roles and responsibilities with regard to implementation, activities to be undertaken, and the expected outcomes? What information will they require? 200 words.
Activity 7
What are organizational procedures and how can they be communicated to employees? 200-250 words.
Activity 8
Explain continuous improvement and apply it to resource efficiency. 180-200 words.
Activity 9
Why is it important to establish and assign responsibility for recording systems that will track continuous improvements of sustainability approaches? 200-220 words.
Activity 10
1. Why is it necessary to document and record the outcomes of sustainability policy implementation? 100 – 120 words.
2. Explain to whom it might be necessary to five feedback, what feedback might be required and in what form might feedback be given. 150 – 200 words.
Activity 11
1. Recorded data and information might indicate trends that remedial action. What is a trend and what types of trend might be indicated be performance data that is collected within the organization? 100-120 words.
2. How can trend analysis be used to identify opportunities for remedial action and continuous improvement?
——End of Assessment Task 1——–
Assessment Task 2- Case study
Develop, communicate and implement workplace sustainability policy
Assessment description
Using the simulated workplace documents and the case study scenario on the Appendix 1, you are required to analyse information from a range of sources to plan and develop sustainability policy for the simulated workplace.
Assessment instructions
1. Review the simulated workplace (Australian Hardware) to develop workplace policy and procedure for sustainability.
2. Read the workplace scenario on the Appendix 1 to determine the current workplace policy and procedure for sustainability.
3. Review the “Australian Hardware Sustainability Policy” on the appendix 2.
4. Analyses information from a range of sources including workplace documentation including plans, policies, legislation and regulations to plan and develop sustainability policy.
5. This task requires you to meet with your manager (assessor) and other stakeholders. Form the individuals with specific roles to role-play as agreed by your assessor.
6. Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
7. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
8. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
9. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
10. See the specifications below for details of submission requirements. Time allowed for the assessment task is 3 hours.
Specifications to submit
You must complete and submit:
1. Solutions to nine (9) activities
2. Meet stakeholders in a role-play as the activity 10 requires and play-the role.
3. stakeholder consultation plan.
Performance objective
To test your ability to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to plan and develop sustainability policy for a workplace.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment/or real workplace situation. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to legislative and regulatory documents, office equipment and materials facilitated by your assessor.
Assessment will be conducted in a safe environment where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of typical activities experienced in the general administration field of work and include access to office equipment and resources. Review the documents of simulated workplace ‘Australian Hardware’ and the scenario on the Appendix 1 and provide solutions to plan and develop sustainability policy.
Your assessor will be looking for:
your ability to analyse information from a range of sources to develop workplace policy and procedure for sustainability including:
• scope and develop organisational policies and procedures that comply with legislative requirements and support the organisation’s sustainability goals covering at a minimum:
o minimising resource use o resource efficiency o reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use o employing life cycle management approaches o continuous improvement
• plan and implement sustainability policy and procedures including:
o agreed outcomes o performance indicators o activities to be undertaken o assigned responsibilities
o record keeping, review and improvement processes
• consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement
• review and improve sustainability policies.
Your task
Complete the following project activities
1. Read the following scenario and review simulated workplace information in Appendix 1 including the sustainability policy in Appendix 2 and legislative requirements therein and define the scope of sustainability policy for Australian Hardware.
2. Determine and write down what information and the sources of information you need to plan and develop sustainability policy.
3. Identify the relevant stakeholders that you need to consult as a key part of the policy development process and develop a stakeholder consultation plan (Use appendix 3 format).
4. Identify the areas of workplace operation and resource use for sustainable approach. Identify at least five areas to focus sustainability on.
5. Make your recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost of implementation.
6. Develop policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity.
7. Develop appropriate methods of implementation including, outcomes expected and performance indicators for implementation of sustainability policy and procedure.
8. Develop strategies to implement for continuous improvement in resource efficiency of the store.
9. Establish a good recording system to track continuous improvements in sustainability approaches and assign responsibility to managers.
10. Role-play activity
After you have developed and implemented above activities and using the solutions you have developed, you are required to meet with key stakeholders (other managers of the store). organise at least two of fellow trainees as assessor agrees) and the CEO (Your Assessor) to perform the following role-play activities:
a. Review the sustainability goals of your organisation and the policy scope and its implementation including documented outcomes.
b. Provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders about sustainability policy implementation.
c. Promote your sustainability policy to stakeholders discussing the expected outcomes.
d. Communicate procedures to help implement the workplace sustainability policy.
e. Discuss and find out the achievement of the policy outcome based on the successes and failures of implementation.
Case study Scenario
Your role
You are the Store Manager who is accountable for the performance of the whole Wollongong store. You have got five managers reporting to you. You have been assigned to design and develop sustainability practice of the store and promote it across the other stores. The CEO of Australian Hardware needs environmental sustainability policy to aim to integrate a philosophy of sustainable development into all the activities of the organization and to establish and promote sound environmental practice in all our operations. He asked you to develop workplace policy and procedure for sustainability taking the following actions:
1. Develop and communicate workplace sustainability policy
2. Implement workplace sustainability policy
3. Review workplace sustainability policy implementation
The CEO said that it is our policy to:
• Recycle as much waste material as possible
• Avoid the use of paper wherever possible. For example, sending invoices and quotes via email as PDF files.
• Recycling equipment that is no longer of use to the company. For example, giving away items such as computers and printers that we no longer use.
• Keep energy usage low. For example, making use of low energy light bulbs throughout and ensuring that computers are shut down after work.
• Reuse waste paper (from the printer) where possible, making use of the blank side for notes etc.
• Purchase products made with recycled paper. For example, paper towels, printer paper
• Purchase products with a lower environmental impact. For example, environmentally safe soaps and detergents.
• Use low impact transport for travel to and from work and travel for business. For example, we use public transport to attend meetings and offer a Cycle Scheme to encourage staff to cycle to work or to carpool.
• Avoid unnecessary travel by making use of instant messaging, video and audio conferencing, telephone and email.
So, get together with your employees today and write up your own Sustainability Policy. Make it viewable in your work area and find new ways to decrease your store’s carbon footprint. It’s good for the environment and good for business.
—End of Scenario—
Appendix 1- Simulated Workplace Australian Hardware
Australian Hardware was founded by Percy Greenwright in 1921 and was known as Percy’s Home Goods until 1952. In 1982, Australian Hardware became a public company and was floated on the Australian Stock Exchange.
The Greenwright family has retained a controlling interest in the company since its founding. At present, Percy Greenwright’s great grandson, Holden Greenwright, is chair of the board of directors and CEO.
Australian Hardware owns and operates 138 stores throughout Australia, with plans to continue expanding at the rate of 2–3 stores per year.
Products and service offerings
Australian Hardware supplies products in the following categories to general and trade customers:
? timber, hardware, tools, paint, housewares, outdoor and garden.
Business locations
Australian Hardware stores are located around Australia in the major cities and in the larger regional centers. In areas experiencing growth in population and significant growth in residential building, the demand for products sold by Australian Hardware is considered likely to grow.
Appendix 2
Australian Hardware Sustainability Policy
The purpose of this policy is to explain Australian Hardware’s approach to sustainability. Australian Hardware takes its commitment to the sustainable and socially responsible use of resources seriously.
The scope of this policy covers all employees and contractors of Australian Hardware in ensuring that sustainable practices are adopted and maintained at the Wollongong Store.
Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees and management of Australian Hardware.
The partners and business owners are responsible for:
• following and improving the implementation of the sustainability plan and sustainability principles
• the effective implementation and regular review of sustainability procedures, including yearly environmental audit
• consultation with employees regarding sustainability issues and changes to legislation and/or working practices which may affect the workplace
• providing and maintaining a sustainable system of working practices
• providing support, training, and supervision to employees to ensure sustainable practices are carried out, including relevant training where appropriate
• the provision of adequate resources for employees to meet the sustainability commitment.
Individual employees are responsible for:
• following all sustainability policies and procedures
• ensuring that they report all potential and actual risks to partners or managers/supervisors; risk management must consider triple bottom line related risk
• following the sustainability principles and alerting management to breaches of the principles or opportunities to improve performance
• encouraging others to follow sustainable working practices in the workplace
• Where relevant, purchasing from suppliers in accordance with sustainability principles
• Where relevant, auditing suppliers with respect to sustainability.
Relevant legislation and standards
• Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (the EPBC Act)
• National Environment Protection Council Act 1995 (NSW)
• AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use.
Updated/ authorised
09/2016 – Lynn Lee (Finance Manager Wollongong)
Sustainability principles
Australian Hardware adheres to the following six sustainability principles:
1. Acting now to reduce environmental risk
Consider the risk to the environment as part of risk management at Australian Hardware. Act immediately to reduce environmental risk as you would with any other risk such as health and safety or financial risk.
2. Inter-generational fairness
Consider whether the actions of Australian Hardware deplete or use up resources that could be used by later generations. Is your business or workplace activity fair to people who will live tomorrow as well as those who live today?
Ensure the next generation is fairly treated by Australian Hardware!
3. Sustainable use of natural resources
Consider whether Australian Hardware uses natural resources at the rate they are naturally replenished. If not, how will Australian Hardware compensate for unsustainable use?
Compare like businesses to Australian Hardware.
Does Australian Hardware use resources more sustainably than all other comparable businesses!
4. Maintenance of biological diversity
Consider how Australian Hardware contributes to or diminishes the variety of life on the planet. Biological diversity is important for maintaining ecosystems that contribute to the overall health of the planet.
What ecosystems are disturbed by the location of the hardware store and associated car park? How can this be prevented/offset?
What ecosystems are disturbed by production and distribution of purchased products? How can this be prevented/offset?
5. Enhanced economic and social well-being
Consider how Australian Hardware attributes value or cost to business activity. Is wastage considered (and calculated) as a cost to the environment (which has to be paid by someone), or only as a cost in relation to the narrower financial interests of the business (only the cost of disposal)?
Consider how Australian Hardware’s use of resources contributes to social wellbeing. Are people in your community better-off or happier as a result of Australian Hardware business activities?
Ensure the community is better off because of Australian Hardware!
6. Strengthened community
Consider how Australian Hardware’s use of resources contributes to community. Are people in your community more connected with their community as a result of Australian Hardware’s business activities?
Ensure the community is stronger and more cohesive because of Australian Hardware!
7. Waste management
The waste hierarchy is an effective approach to waste management which should be applied by all employees of Australian Hardware with direct or indirect responsibility for waste management. The diagram below demonstrates the stages.
8. Yearly environmental audit
An environmental audit should be performed yearly by each line manager at Wollongong
Australian Hardware. General operations and administration staff should use the Sustainable Office Checklist provided by the NSW Department of Environment Climate Change and Water:
Appendix 3 – Tables
Stakeholder Consultation Format
Stakeholder Internal/ external Role in process Sustainability issues/concerns

Assessment Task 3
Written Task
Assessment description
This assessment requires the candidate to complete a written task of 4 questions with answers related to workplace policy and procedures for sustainability.
Assessment Instructions
1. Read through the questions very carefully.
2. When instructed to do so, answer the attached test paper.
3. You are not allowed to refer to any sources of information during this test.
4. Address the questions and their terminologies in your answer solutions.
5. This test is to be completed without access to any other electronic gadgets, documents or learning materials.
6. You are allowed a maximum of 120 minutes to complete the test.
7. The test answers should be completed using clear English.
8. The assessment task is due on the time and date specified by your assessor.
9. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
10. See specifications below for details.
Specifications to submit (details of items for submission)
You must provide written answers to all the questions using a pen or word-processed document as instructed by your assessor.
Performance objective
To test your knowledge required to develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability in a workplace.
Required resources
1. Assessment task, assessment instructions and case study.
2. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word/MS Excel/or relevant Mac software etc.).
3. Simulated workplace policies and procedures.
4. Workspace, table, chair and stationery.
Your assessor will be looking for:
Your demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined below:
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
1. outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the organisation identify internal and external sources of information and explain how they can be used to plan and develop the organisation’s sustainability policy
2. explain policy development processes and practices
3. outline organisational systems and procedures that relate to sustainability
4. outline typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures in an organisation and possible strategies to address them.
Write answer solutions to the following 4 questions using the space provided
Question 1
Managers should be able to outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the organization for which they work. This will be dependent on the type of organization and the industry sector.
From what internal and external sources might information be gathered and why is it necessary for managers to be informed about sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice? 300 words.
Question 2
Explain what a sustainability policy is and how policies, processes and practices are developed. What might be covered by or included in an organization’s environmental policies and procedures. 300 words
Question 3
You will need to understand the organization systems and practices that relate to a support sustainability in the organization for which you work. What does this mean and why is it necessary? 200 words.
Question 4
What barriers might affect the implementation of sustainability policies and procedures in an organization? List at least 12. What strategies might be used to address them? List at least 10

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Writers Solution

Develop a business plan, ase study ‘Fast Track Couriers

Assessment Task 1 – Case study
Develop a business plan
Submission details
Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Assessment site
Assessment date/s
Assessment description
There are two parts to this assessment. Part A
Use the information provided in the case study ‘Fast Track Couriers’ (see Appendix 1) to develop a business plan to support the company’s strategic and operational goals. Develop a plan for communicating the business plan to relevant parties.
Part B
Review the completed business plan (see Appendix 2). Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the plan and prepare a written report of your findings.
Assessment instructions
1. Review the information in the case study ‘Fast Track Couriers’ (see Appendix 1)
2. Analyse and interpret the current business environment, goals and objectives embedded in the case study.
3. This task requires you to meet with your manager (assessor) and discuss and agree upon performance objectives and measures.
4. Form the individuals with specific roles to role-play as agreed by your assessor.
5. Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
6. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9. See the specifications above for details of submission requirements.
10. Time allowed for the assessment task is 4 hours.
Specifications to submit
You must:
? for Part A:
1. submit a completed business plan
2. consult with key stakeholder (assessor) and document the outcomes of the consultation
3. submit a communication plan ? for Part B:
? submit a completed report, analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to research, analyse and develop a business plan.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to materials and equipment facilitated by your assessor.
Required resources
1. Assessment task 1, assessment instructions and case scenario in Appendix 1 2. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word) 3. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to:
a. appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
b. strategic, business and operational plans
c. business information and data
d. interaction with others.
Your assessor will be looking for:
• analyse and research business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors, financial targets, management arrangements, marketing approaches and strategic, business and operational plans
• write a business plan which includes a description of the business, products and services, financial, physical and human resource requirements, permit and licence requirements, marketing activity, financial indicators, productivity and performance targets for key result areas
• provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business plan.
Your Task
Part A
1. Review the information in the case study ‘Fast Track Couriers’ (see Appendix 1)
2. Analyse and interpret the current business environment, goals and objectives embedded in the case study.
3. Consult with your assessor (assume the assessor is a key stakeholder) and discuss and agree upon performance objectives and measures and discuss.
a. market requirements for the product or service, profile customer needs and research pricing options
b. financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business
c. any permits or licences that may be required
d. whether skilled labour is available to implement plan
4. Document a business plan to assist the organisation to achieve its goals. Include the following in your business plan but not limited to:
a. a description of the business,
b. products and services,
c. financial, physical and human resource requirements,
d. permit and licence requirements,
e. marketing activity,
f. financial indicators,
g. productivity and performance targets for key result areas
5. Document a plan for communicating the business plan to all relevant parties.
6. Present the business plan to your assessor (assume the assessor is a key stakeholder).
Part B
Business Plan 1:
7. Read the business plan ‘Quality Training’ (see Appendix 2)
8. Compare and contrast the business plan against the criteria for effective business plans, as described in your workbook or other reference materials.
9. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.
10. Complete a written report, detailing a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.
Appendix 1: Fast Track Couriers
General Information
Fast Track Couriers is a courier company operating in New South Wales for the last 15 years. Their primary business function is delivering medium to large size packages across metropolitan Sydney. The business has a good reputation in the marketplace for reliability and value for money.
After a slow start entering the competitive delivery market, Fast Track Couriers has built a solid reputation over the past 12 years, and this has been reflected in their growth and profit margins.
Fast Track Couriers primarily targets small to medium-sized business which make up 80% of their customer base. They are limited by their geographic location, as they currently do not deliver outside of the Sydney metropolitan area.
The company has been marketed through direct sales, telephone, internet listings and mailouts. Through a program of telephone follow-up to ensure customers’ ongoing satisfaction with the business, Fast Track Couriers has an admirable 87% retention rate for existing customers.
Although sales and profits have increased each year by an average of 5%, the owners are looking to move forward by delivering to regional areas in NSW.
Organisational structure
The organisation is family owned, with three family members acting as a Management Board and responsible for approving all business decisions.
? Managing Director – responsible for daily operational management decisions.
? Logistics Manager – responsible for the scheduling of the trucks and drivers.
? 20 truck drivers.
? 5 office support employees – responsible for administration, accounts, human resources and sales.
Strategic plan goals
The organisation’s strategic goal is to grow the business and increase business profits over the next three years by expanding delivery routes to include regional NSW.
Operational plan goals
Fast Track Couriers will:
? commence deliveries to regional NSW within 12 months ? increase sales by 40% in the next three years.
The owners of the business are not risk takers. They are aware that their ongoing success is the result of a small, experienced team, close personal ties with clients and a reputation for reliable, low cost service. Moving forward, their vision for the company is to retain those strengths and core values through any expansion process.
The strategic and operational plans were developed as a result of external market research, indicating a shortage of delivery organisations providing services to regional NSW towns. Fast Track Couriers were looking for their next growth opportunity and saw that this was an ideal opportunity to be seized upon.
It was also felt that the company was now sufficiently stable and experienced, and in a financial position to expand the business without risk to their current financial stability or reputation.
Reports from the Sales Manager indicated that contracts have been lost because some clients want to engage a courier who can deliver to their regional offices, in particular Newcastle, Wollongong and the Central West. Fast Track is currently unable to meet this demand and therefore some potential clients have been lost. This became a motive to expand operations for both financial and customer service reasons.
Proposed strategy
Fast Track Couriers currently allocates two drivers per truck to ensure that drivers are able to load and unload heavy packages. The strategy going forward is to remove the need for two drivers per truck by installing an automatic lift gate on the back of each truck, at a cost of $10,000 per truck. This will mean that only one driver is needed per truck, as no heavy lifting will be required.
This will allow Fast Track to purchase 10 new trucks and use the existing drivers for regional routes.
Each new truck will cost $60,000 (including installation of an automatic lift gate). The money to purchase the trucks will be borrowed from the bank on a business loan.
Financial information
Annual sales
Current sales Estimated sales (Year 1)
$17 million $22 million
Annual net profit
Current net profit Estimated net profit
$1.9 million $3.2 million
Increased costs
Loan repayments Operating costs (fuel, servicing, etc.)
+$200,000 per annum +$2.2 million
Administrative costs Labour costs
+$100,000 Nil
General information
The company communicates with employees via email for head office employees, and a printed monthly newsletter for drivers. The company provides information regarding policies and procedures through employee manuals that are kept in each truck. Office-based staff can access copies of these manuals in the office.
All trucks are fitted with a GPS system to assist drivers in navigating to each pick-up and drop-off location. Trucks are also assigned a PDA that provides drivers with the details of each delivery, and records when a job starts and finishes. The data from this device is sent back to head office to complete productivity reporting. When this device was introduced, drivers were not happy as they felt it meant that the organisation did not trust them to manually record the time spent on each job. Many drivers also resented having to learn how to use the device and thought it was a waste of time.
Head office employees work very closely together as a coherent and motivated team. They are generally positive about the organisational direction and respond well to change.
Drivers are currently happy with the work environment, as they enjoy working as part of a two-man team. The Logistics Manager typically leaves the drivers alone to do their job as this is what seems to make them happy. In the past, supervisors and HR have tried to encourage drivers to participate in organisational activities, but this was not received well –the drivers complained and asked not to be involved. The drivers’ view is that their team is the two-man driver team, and they seem to like the comforts of that working environment.
Drivers are typically negative about change. They have, in the past, done their best to block any changes from being implemented, even going to the lengths of threatening strike action and getting the Union involved to assist in resolving the issue.
Summary of current employee populations
Head office employees
? covered under individual contracts
? salary range $32,000 – $75,000 annum
? small team of mainly male employees, with a wide range of ages
? many opportunities to participate in learning and development programs due to management support, however, have shown little interest
? high employee engagement scores, citing team work and opportunities have contributed to the company’s success as real motivators.
? covered by an award
? salary $45,000 per annum
? heavily unionised
? employee demographics are all male employees, aged 25–65.
? few opportunities to participate in learning and development programs due to being on the road, however, have shown very little to no interest
? large number of workplace injuries due to heavy lifting
? low employee engagement scores, citing pay as an issue
? currently experiencing low turnover
? history of industrial disputes regarding pay and other change initiatives.

Appendix 2: Business Plan – Quality Training
Business Plan
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive summary 10
1.1 Objectives 10
1.2 Mission 11
1.3 Keys to success 11
2.0 Company structure 12
2.1 Company ownership 12
2.3 Company locations and facilities 12
3.0 Services 13
3.1 National recognised qualifications 13
3.2 Stand-alone (Fee for Service training) 13
4.0 Competitive comparison 14
4.1 Analysis of competitors 14
4.2 Risks and opportunities 14
4.3 Strategies to overcome perceived threats and weaknesses 16
5.0 Market Analysis Summary 17
5.1 Market trends 17
5.2 Marketing strategy 18
5.3 Marketing materials 18
6.0 Pricing strategy 19
7.0 Review of business plan 20
1.0 Executive summary
Quality Training has been operating as a Registered Training Organisation for 12 months.
Following is a summary of the main points of this plan.
? The objectives of Quality Training are to generate a profit, grow at a challenging and manageable rate and to be a good corporate citizen.
? The mission of Quality Training is to exceed our customers’ expectations by providing them with effective training and development services, relevant to their needs and in line with national quality standards.
? The keys to success for Quality Training are marketing and networking, responsiveness and quality, and generating repeat customers and word -of-mouth business.
? The initial primary service offered will be nationally recognised qualifications
Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management) and Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and Training. We will also offer Fee for Service training, tailored to individual client needs.
? Quality Training will explore opportunities to extend its scope to maximize business opportunities and meet customer needs.
? The local market for this business is growing and is open to new service providers who can offer superior individualised services.
? An initial financial analysis of the viability of this venture shows that Quality Training is well positioned to maximise on profit opportunities, has few ongoing capital expenses and has sufficient funds to negate the need to go into debt. Operating costs are minimal due to the owner/operator style of operation.
? During 2006–2007, the intention will be to use opportunities gained through existing client networks and scope extension to grow the business and increase trainee numbers.
? In 2005 (for 2006), Quality Training will apply for New Employee government funding to remain competitive with other RTO’s.
In conclusion, as shown in the highlights chart below, this plan projects rapid growth and moderate net profits over the next three years. Implementing this plan will ensure that Quality Training quickly becomes a profitable venture for the owners.
1.1 Objectives
The objectives of this business plan are:
? To provide a written guide for the ongoing management of this training and development business; a strategic framework for developing a comprehensive tactical marketing plan.
? The intended audience includes the owners of this business and representatives from the State Training Authority.
? The scope of this plan is to provide detailed projections for the current plan year, and for the following two years.
The objectives of Quality Training are:
? Profit – To achieve a net profit of $100,000 in the next financial year and a 25% increase in profit each succeeding year.
? Growth – To grow the business at a rate that is both challenging and manageable, leading the market with innovation and adaptability. Growth from 16 trainees in year ending 2005 to 300 trainees in year ending 2007.
? Citizenship – To be an intellectual and social asset to the community by networking with community organisations such as the Chamber of Commerce, and offering services to charitable organisations when required.
1.2 Mission
? Purpose – Quality Training exists to provide high quality, relevant training and development solutions which make a discernable difference to the client’s business productivity and performance. It also provides students with nationally recognised qualifications (where applicable).
? Vision – By providing quality training and excellent customer service, Quality Training will satisfy and expand its customer base, allowing the business to maintain profitability.
? Mission – The short-term objective is to start this company quickly and inexpensively, with a minimum of debt. The long-term objective is to grow the company into a stable and profitable entity that the owners can easily and comfortably manage. ? Marketing slogan – ‘Quality Training – Training that makes a difference!’.
1.3 Keys to success
The keys to success for Quality Training are:
? Marketing and networking – identifying and following up potential clients.
? Quality – ensuring client satisfaction through superior training materials, training delivery and follow-up.
? Consultation – effective training needs analysis and client consultation, to ensure the right training is delivered to the right people to meet the client’s needs.
? Relationships – developing loyal repeat customers.
? Follow-up – monitoring student performance on the job, during and after training, to ensure effective transfer of skills and knowledge.
? Growth – assessing client needs and obtaining appropriate training solutions by extending the scope of registration, or by developing suitable stand-alone/Fee for Service training packages.
2.0 Company structure
Quality Training will be a start-up venture with the following characteristics:
? Quality Training is a Pty Ltd Company with the two directors who manage and own the company.
? Quality Training will initially operate from a home office to keep overhead costs low.
? Quality Training has no current debt.
2.1 Company ownership
? Quality Training is owned jointly by Michael Chapman and Elliot Berkley.
? Financial status
? Profit and Loss Statement for end of financial year 2005 is attached.
2.3 Company locations and facilities
This is a home office venture, located in the study area of the owners’ existing home.
? Computer facilities – stand-alone desktop computer installed.
? Telephone – one line currently serves the location.
? Mobile phones for each Director.
? Data projector.
? Laptop with internet access.
? Broadband installed for internet and email functions.
? Utilities provided for are to be charged to the business as a percentage of home usage.
3.0 Services
Quality Training will offer the following qualifications/training courses to its business clients:
3.1 National recognised qualifications
? Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management)
? Certificate II In Retail Operations
? Certificate III in Retail Supervision
? Certificate III in Business Administration
? Certificate III in Transport and Distribution (pending registration at 15/1/06) ? WorkCover OHS Committee Training (pending registration at 15/1/06).
3.2 Stand-alone (Fee for Service training)
? Manual Handling
? Time Management
? Presentation Skills
? Recruitment and Selection
? Customer Service
? Selling Skills
? Personal Effectiveness Program.
3.3 Training needs analysis
? Quality Training will conduct training needs analysis and develop specific training materials and packages at the request of clients.
4.0 Competitive comparison
Quality Training have identified three classes of competition in the training and development services area:
? In-house training departments/personnel – usually employed by larger companies that can afford the fixed costs of employees.
? Public training providers (TAFE) – well established and respected, offering public courses and qualifications in a broad range of subject areas.
? Private registered training organisations – offering similar training and qualifications to Quality Training, and targeting the same client base.
4.1 Analysis of competitors
? Quality Training does not intend to target large organisations, which tend to have their own in-house training departments.
? While TAFE offers the same qualifications and is a highly recognised training provider, it does not offer flexible work-based training and delivery, which will be the focus of Quality Training’s approach.
? Private RTO’s will provide the greatest threat to Quality Training. They are often national providers and, as such, can provide services to businesses with franchises or branches in other states.
? The local phone book lists seven training companies in the Penrith area. These are not large providers, with the exception of two community colleges. There is a large TAFE. Many of the training organisations in the area are quite specialised, e.g. Retail Skills Training and Computer Training. These are not perceived as a threat to the success of Quality Training entering the local market.
4.2 Risks and opportunities
Risks (Threats) Advantages (Opportunities)
New business
? unknown in the market place
? no references from former clients. New business
? provide an alternative to clients unhappy with their current provider ? clean record – no history.
Risks (Threats) Advantages (Opportunities)
Small business
? owner-operated
? limited resources (staff/equipment)
? only operating in NSW
? lack of funding for large marketing campaign
? targeting local area initially – limited client base. Small business
? flexible and adaptable to clients needs
? low start-up costs
? personalised service – training is conducted by the people who own the company and who meet with the clients. This is a level of commitment other training organisations may not have.
Target local area
? able to visit trainees and clients more regularly
? reduces costs to the business
? knowledge of the local area and ability to market our business as ‘local’
? understanding of the cultural influences
? knowledge of local political situation and potential areas of growth.
Competitive market place
? many RTO’s and training organisations competing for business. Competitive market place ? as above.
? reliance on government funding (which is attractive to clients). Funding
? market training as a business benefit not an opportunity to attract incentives
? offer a range of training services outside of traineeships.
4.3 Strategies to overcome perceived threats and weaknesses
? Network with friends and acquaintances to source business opportunities.
? Develop strong marketing materials, including a website so that we can ‘hit the ground running’ on receipt of registration.
? Look for opportunities to deliver non-accredited training prior to becoming established as an RTO. This will bring in some additional income to offset costs, and will assist in developing our client relationships.
? Timeframe expenses – purchase materials and equipment when we need them rather than upfront.
? Be flexible in our working policies and procedures. Think about contracting staff as required (rather than employing them to save costs) to eliminate the need for larger office space.
? Stay up-to-date with relevant legislation and industry requirements. Review websites regularly. Subscribe to industry publications and attend meetings or workshops when possible. Anticipate changes and act quickly to avoid issues with compliance to AQTF standards.
? Look for opportunities to develop mutually-beneficial partnerships with other RTO’s or businesses. By keeping the business diversified and offering a variety of training and development solutions, the risk of losing Government funding for traineeships will be minimised.
5.0 Market Analysis Summary
Quality Training has identified potential clients from a number of industries. Because the training offered is focused on management, people or supervisory skills, the nature of the client’s industry is not particularly relevant.
We have identified the following businesses/industries as our key focus in terms of marketing:
? A logical segmentation breaks the market down into the following:
? Industrial
? Manufacturing
? Retail
? Service providers.
? Because the larger retailers (i.e. Coles and Woolworths) have internal training departments, our focus will be on the independents, such as IGA supermarkets, who have the autonomy to select their own training providers.
? In the industrial and manufacturing industries, we will focus on medium-sized businesses employing between 20 and 200 employees. Within Penrith there are a number of ‘industrial parks’, and so targeting business in these areas will become a key focus.
? While there are a number of competitors in the local area, they seem to be widely specialised and sized, leaving ample opportunity for Quality Training to create and expand a niche in the chosen market segment.
5.1 Market trends
Worth noting is the growth trend for this market. With continuing low unemployment rates and competition for staff growing amongst businesses, many employers view training and development, and the offering of qualifications to their employees, as a way of attracting and keeping staff. This trend is likely to continue, as:
? population growth is decreasing
? people are looking to retire earlier than in previous decades
? the number of people joining the workforce each year is declining.
Schools are emphasising the importance of gaining recognised qualifications to their students. Many schools are now offering vocational subjects which will provide students with a nationally recognised qualification upon leaving (VET in schools). Employers are finding that, in order to attract high quality applicants, they need to offer them opportunities to continue with their education. Traineeships are an effective and inexpensive way to do this.
Another trend which Quality Training intends to take advantage of is the requirement for businesses to comply with State and Federal legislation in the areas of occupational health and safety, harassment, discrimination and unfair dismissal. Many small to medium businesses do not have in-house human resources facilities and, as such, need to train line management in understanding and complying with this legislation. Quality Training will offer this training in addition to other nationally recognised traineeships.
5.2 Marketing strategy
Quality Training will utilise a number of strategies in its marketing plan.
? Personal contacts – Quality Training will network with friends to identify potential business opportunities. This will be done informally through the mailing of brochures and information, with a follow-up by phone. This method has already proven successful, with a number of potential clients identified and interested in utilising the services of Quality Training once we are properly accredited.
? Cold calling – Quality Training will identify potential clients through the phone book, and by driving through the industrial estates to obtain business names and addresses. Quality Training will then call and forward information to these businesses in the hope of arranging a personal meeting.
? Internet – Quality Training will develop a website advertising its services to the general public.
? Yellow Pages – Quality Training will advertise in the Yellow Pages.
? Networking – Quality Training will join the local Chamber of Commerce, to promote its services and develop relationships with local businesses.
5.3 Marketing materials
? Quality Training will have a brochure professionally produced, outlining our mission, values and the training services we provide.
? Business cards will also be produced and handed to friends and business acquaintances.
? Quality Training will also maintain a professional website which will be updated regularly.
6.0 Pricing strategy
Quality Training holds a competitive advantage over a number of its larger rivals. Owner operated and with low overheads, we are able to charge less for our services, whilst maintaining the same quality of training and generating a profit.
Individual fee structures will be negotiated with each client, based on a number of factors including:
? requirement to conduct needs analysis and/or develop materials
? length of course and number of participants
? one-off course vs. ongoing contract
? Government funding available
? ability to train at the client’s site vs. the need to hire training facilities
? cost of printing training materials ? market rates.
7.0 Review of business plan
This business plan is formulated on assumptions, particularly with regard to financial forecasting.
Consequently, it is the intention of Quality Training to review this business plan on an annual basis.
The review will focus on:
? Effectiveness of marketing strategy:
? number of trainees registered
? number of courses scheduled
? number of client enquiries
? feedback on marketing materials/brochures.
? Financial management:
? expenses actual to projection
? income actual to projection ? adjustments to budget required.
? Strategy review:
? Are we targeting the correct market segment?
? Are we capitalising on networking opportunities?
? Are we under/over-resourced (staff, equipment, etc.)?
? Is the business financially viable?
? Do we need to make any changes to our scope of registration in order to meet customer needs?
? Are we meeting our goals/mission (client and student feedback on training effectiveness)?
? What adjustments need to be made to the business to ensure success?
Appendix 3
Basic Structure of a Business Plan
1. Cover page
Small but important, it should include the name of the business and your name and contact information.
2. Executive Summary
Brief and formal explanation of what your company is, how far is going to reach, and why it is going to be successful. In no more than one page, it should include the mission statement, the description of the industry and the market environment, an explanation of its uniqueness as well as competitive advantages. The financial potential and anticipation of risks, the core team and the stage of the business, especially for those ones that are not starting from scratch, are also vital. Finally, the capital that is requested should be concise and clear.
3. Table of Contents
It should allow readers to quickly skim or flip through to get to the included topic they are most interested in.
4. Business Description
An in-deep overview of the proposed venture. The final aim is to make potential investors quickly grasp the concept of the business and its value proposition.
5. Industry Background
Provide past and current data about the shape, size, trends, and critical features of the industry you are trying to get in. What is the industry? What is the industry outlook? Who is competing in this industry? What are the industry’s barriers to entry?
6. Competitive Analysis
Look at current and prospective rivals and competitors. Who are your competitors? Which are your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses? What distinguishes your business from theirs? What is the competitive outlook for the industry?
7. Market Analysis
Focus on your customers, their likes, needs, and demographics. The aim is to demonstrate that there is really an opportunity for your venture in the market.
Docum 21 of 34
ent Assessment Task 1-2 & 3 BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan Page
Date created: Sep 2018 Date implemented: Sep 2018 Date reviewed: April 2020 Responsible by: Coordinator
International College of Melbourne | CRICOS: 03416G | TOID: 41136 | |
8. Management Summary
Introduce your team and the description of how they are going to rock it together. Every business is a risk, especially when there are no precedents to evaluate. This is why the knowledge, skills, and ability of the team to work together as a capable unit, is one of the first elements that would be evaluated by possible investors. Friends and family, despite their love and trust in us, are not always the wisest choice.
9. Operations Plan
Focus on the daily business activities and the strategies that will support them. With the use of charts, graphs, or tables, you can show complex information such us your breakeven point, your sources of supplies or your manufacturing and distribution process.
10. Marketing plan
Or the detailed strategy of how you are going to sell your product or service. Focus on the opportunity that your business is bringing, and the costumer’s buying behavior are primary considerations of a successful marketing strategy. Closely followed by spotting the value that each customer is bringing to your business.
11. Financial Plan
The current and future projections of your business financial performance. In short, every financial plan should focus on the following key components. The capital requirements should reflect on how much money you need to raise, how are you going to use the money or how much you need from investors. Assumptions in terms of growth or internal components of your business should always be backed with strong evidence and experts’ opinions. The income statement as the forecast of your business for the coming three to five years and the balance sheet generally prepared by your accountant. And finally, the cash flow statement showing weather your company is successfully turning its profits into cash.
12. Attachments and milestones
And all those additional documents that can provide valuable, additional information to the business plan.
Assessment Task 2 – Report & Role-play
Implement business plan and monitor performance
Submission details
Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Assessment site
Assessment date/s
Assessment description
For this task, you will monitor the performance of a business plan, through testing and refining of the performance measurement system and erite a report
, and report on progress of the business plan in a timely and effective manner.
Assessment instructions
1. Review the completed business plan from Assessment Task 1.
2. Write a report capturing performance data for each performance measure and explaining how the performance measurement system will be implemented, tested and reported
3. This task requires you to meet with your manager (assessor) and discuss and agree upon performance objectives and measures.
4. Form the individuals with specific roles to role-play as agreed by your assessor.
5. Complete the following assessment task activities during the allowed assessment date/s and time/s.
6. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
7. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
8. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
9. See the specifications above for details of submission requirements.
10. Time allowed for the assessment task is 4 hours.
You must submit:
? a report on capturing performance data for each performance measure
? a written report explaining how the performance measurement system will be implemented and tested, and how system/product failures and variances to the business will be reported, to whom and when.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to monitor the performance of a business plan.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to materials and equipment facilitated by your assessor.
Required resources
4. Assessment task 2, assessment instructions
5. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word) 6. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to:
a. appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
b. strategic, business and operational plans
c. business information and data
d. interaction with others.
Your assessor will be looking for:
implement a business plan including ensuring skilled labour is available, and that training is provided where appropriate monitor and respond to business performance including evaluation of performance against key results indicators including profit and loss, community awareness or branding, environmental impact, governance, quality, sales, triple bottom line and the workforce
consult, communicate with and report to key stakeholders including business partners, financiers, customers, staff and technical advisers
Your Task
1. Write a report undertaking the following activities
2. Read, review and evaluate the completed business plan from Assessment Task
1 and analyse and interpret business vision, mission, values and objectives
3. Identify at least three key performance objectives.
4. For each key performance objective capture and test the performance measure.
5. Write an implementation plan
6. Include skilled labour that is available and required to implement plan
7. Explain in your report how you would test the performance measurement systems, including:
a. Acceptable levels of variance to planned objectives (where applicable).
b. The timeframe for each report – how frequently reports will be completed.
c. What benchmarking will be used.
d. Who the key stakeholder will be for each report?
8. Organize a meeting with key stakeholders including business partners, financiers, customers, staff and technical advisers (your assessor will play business partners role and your fellow trainees will play the other stakeholder roles).
9. Communicate business plan to all relevant parties and:
a. ensure understanding of performance requirements and timeframes
b. explain skilled labour that is available to implement plan
c. explain financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business
d. discuss performance measurement systems and refine, if necessary
e. describe any permits or licenses that may be required for new activity
10. Identify and report:
a. possible system failures,
b. product failures and
c. variances to the business plan as they occur
d. Ensure timely reports on all key aspects of the business are available, user-friendly and balanced in terms of financial and non-financial performance
Assessment Task 3 – Report
Respond to performance data
Submission details
Candidate’s name
Assessor’s name
Assessment site
Assessment date/s
Assessment description
In this assessment task, you will analyse performance data and reports against planned objectives, implement strategies to refine performance indicators, and address coaching and training needs. You are also required to develop and recommend processes for the review of systems, procedures and work methods.
Assessment instructions
11. Review the case study ‘B&A Toy Warehouse’.
12. Critically analyse the information and write a brief report, responding to each activity.
13. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
14. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
15. Submit your work with any required evidence attached.
16. See the specifications above for details of submission requirements.
17. The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
18. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
19. Time allowed for the assessment task is 4 hours.
Specifications to submit
You must submit a written report that addresses all questions in the case study.
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to analyse performance reports, review performance indicators and take appropriate action to address systems failures and variances to the business plan.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Assessment context
Simulated work environment. This assessment will be conducted within the training facility in the specific training room allocated for the trainee/s during the training sessions planned for assessment using simulated workplace scenario with the access to materials and equipment facilitated by your assessor.
Required resources
7. Assessment task 2, assessment instructions
8. Computer with Internet access and word-process software (MS Word) 9. Workspace, table, chair and stationery and access to:
a. appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
b. strategic, business and operational plans
c. business information and data
d. interaction with others.
Your assessor will be looking for:
monitor and respond to business performance including evaluation of performance against key results indicators including: profit and loss, community awareness or branding, environmental impact, governance, quality, sales, triple bottom line and the workforce
Your Task – Write a report
A. Read and review the case study ‘B&A Toy Warehouse’ provided in appendix.
B. Critically analyse the information and write a brief report, responding to each following question in the case study.
1. Compare the current performance against desired performance levels and:
a. identify the corrective actions required to achieve the business plan goal of improving warehouse productivity by 10%.
b. describe what type of corrective actions you recommend for each performance improvement (e.g. interim, adaptive, corrective, preventative or contingency)?
2. Critically analyse the performance against planned objectives and identify areas of non-performance.
3. Report on systems failures which contributed to these results. Consider failures in communication, planning, reporting and training.
4. Review performance indicators and refine if necessary. Comment on the suitability of performance indicators and what changes might be required to achieve organisational goals.
5. Recommend performance improvement strategies.
6. Identify and redefine performance measures, if necessary.
7. Document a training and development strategy to address the performance of underperforming individuals or teams.
a. Identify development needs of individuals and groups.
b. Identify training/coaching needs.
c. Present in a development plan.
8. Develop a strategy for reviewing systems processes and work methods at B&A Toy Warehouse.
9. Describe how the implementation of your strategy would lead to continuous improvement.
10. Answer the following three questions in general terms (not related to case study):
a. Outline processes for developing business plans
b. Describe performance objectives and measures including key performance indicators
c. Identify key stakeholders you are required to consult when developing business plan in an organisation.
Case study: B&A Toy Warehouse
You have been provided with the following information pertaining to the operation of B&A Toy Warehouse. Review and analyse the information provided, and answer each of the five questions in this case study.
Evaluating performance measures
After identifying the performance measures, Tony evaluated performance by comparing current performance against the desired level of performance. This allowed him to determine areas for improvement to assist the warehouse in achieving its productivity goal.
Area Current performance Performance target to achieve
10% productivity improvement
Average order processing time 80 minutes 72 minutes
Average cost to process an order $200.00 $180.00
Error rate 10% Less than 1%
Average number of orders processed per day 50 55
Format for the activity 3
Area Required corrective action
Average order processing time
Average cost to process an order
Error rate
Average number of orders processed per day
Analyse systems and processes
After implementing his strategy to monitor and evaluate performance, Tony has identified the areas that require corrective action. Tony knows that in order to do this, he must first complete a more detailed analysis of the warehouse systems and processes, and identify the specific steps required to improve productivity.
Two years ago, the warehouse implemented a custom-built electronic warehouse management system (WMS) which has had an enormous impact on productivity. When completing his review, Tony asks the following questions to ensure that the system effectively supports warehouse operations:
? Has the warehouse achieved the productivity goals that were to be delivered by this system?
? What is the occurrence rate of the system being out of order and impacting on the packing of orders?
? How long does it take to train new staff members to use the system?
? How do the employees who use the system rate its ability in assisting them to process customer orders efficiently?
Tony also uses the system to generate a series of reports that allow him to analyse warehouse systems and processes. The reports details:
? number of orders packed per hour, per day
? time required to pack each order
? number of packers per order ? number of boxes per order.
Tony also documents the process (from order receipt to dispatch) to assist with his analysis, and to help him to understand the exact process followed in packing an order (see the following page).
Tony also completes the following SWOT analysis to assist with his review.
Warehouse order processing systems and process
? Warehouse Management System automates administrative components of the process.
? Simple process for packing and distributing customer orders.
? Good orientation and induction programs for new staff, to ensure they get up to speed quickly. Weaknesses:
? Absenteeism.
? Warehouse layout – stock difficult to access.
? Warehouse supervisors are all junior and new to management roles; they require intensive coaching and support from Warehouse Manager.
? Warehouse extension to facilitate better layout.
? Preferred supplier arrangement to be established with temporary workforce supplier, to ensure provision of temporary labour. Threats:
? Forklift licence requirements mean that not all staff can drive a forklift.
? The above requirements also require staff to have time away from packing floor to attend training.
? Industrial action from Union members due to lack of licensed forklift drivers.
Performance measures and assessment tools and techniques
At the commencement of the performance year, Tony tasked his management team to complete balanced scorecards for all warehouse team members, and record the key result areas (KRAs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each role. This was done to ensure that all warehouse employees understood the performance measures for their role.
The scorecards were last accessed two months ago to complete annual performance reviews.
Tony contacted the Human Resource Manager to obtain a report detailing the KRA’s, KPI’s and performance ratings for all warehouse employees. He wants to evaluate the performance review process and the effectiveness of these measures in assisting the warehouse to achieve its operational plan goals.
Upon reviewing the report provided by Human Resources, Tony discovered:
? Only 80% of employees have documented KRA’s and KPI’s – 20% of employees do not know what performance level is expected of them.
? KPI’s are not aligned with warehouse goals – employees are not clear on what the warehouse is trying to achieve.
? Majority of KPI’s are not written using SMART format – they are not providing employees with clear expectations on what needs to be achieved and by when.
? Performance ratings indicate that 50% of employees exceeded performance expectations for the last performance year, which is inconsistent with warehouse end-of-year results (the warehouse did not achieve its operational plan goals last performance year).
Performance reports
As Warehouse Manager, Tony is tasked with the following human resource KRA’s:
Ware house
Human Resou rces Scorecard
Key Result Area Metric
Absenteeism 3%
Turnover 8%
Long service leave liability $2.0 million
Annual leave liability $1.5 million
Employee engagement 85%
Employee attended training sessions 45
Warehouse Human Resources Monthly Performance Report
Report name Human Resources Monthly Report
Department Warehouse
Period 201X Year to Date
Key Result Area Target Actual
Absenteeism 3% 3.9%
Turnover 8% 9.2%
Long service leave liability $2.0 million $1.8 million
Annual leave liability $1.5 million $1.2 million
Employee engagement 85% 83%
Employee attended training sessions 45 32
Identifying trends
To assist Tony in understanding the warehouse operations, and to identify where he can make improvements to achieve performance objectives and measures, Tony graphs the number of orders processed and absenteeism for each month over the last year

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Focusing on the analytics, decision support systems (DSS), and business intelligence (BI) frameworks and how BI and DDS support key issues of managerial decision making, assess aspects of decision making that are important to understand in order to develop effective computer support for decisions maker

 analytics and the Support of Decision MakingOverview

Focusing on the analytics, decision support systems (DSS), and business intelligence (BI) frameworks and how BI and DDS support key issues of managerial decision making, assess aspects of decision making that are important to understand in order to develop effective computer support for decisions makers.


Write a 3–5 page paper that summarizes your conclusions. Address the following questions in your paper:

  • What are the various aspects of decision making that are important to understand when developing effective decision support systems?
  • What are some examples of application areas for analytics that support decision-makers?
  • What are the challenges and considerations, both technological and organizational, that need to be addressed when adopting business intelligence initiatives?
  • How does the introduction of analytics and business intelligence initiatives affect users, and how does it influence decision making at different levels of an organization?

In your paper be sure to address the major frameworks of computerized decision support in analytics, decision support systems (DSS), and business intelligence and how those frameworks support key issues of managerial decision making with the use and applications of business analytics.

As you complete your assignment, be sure your paper meets the following guidelines:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Scholarship: Use at least 5 professionally reputable sources to support your main points and analysis. Be sure to include scholarly sources. Course readings may be included among the 5 required sources.
  • APA formatting: All resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Length: 4–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


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Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support text

Use your textbook and the Capella library to complete the following:

  • In your Business Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support text, read the following sections in Chapter 1, “An Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Decision Support.” These readings provide the key definitions for decision support systems (DSS) and business intelligence (BI) to prepare you for analyzing the connections between DSS and BI.
    • “The Concept of Decision Support Systems (DSS),” pages 13–14.
    • “A Framework for Business Intelligence (BI),” pages 14–19.
  • Read Hocevar and Jaklic’s 2010 article, “Assessing Benefits of Business Intelligence Systems – A Case Study,” in Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, volume 15, issue 1, pages 87–119.
    • You will use this reading for this week’s assignment.

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Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy?

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

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policies and procedures, in the document ‘Max Lionel Realty – Simulated Business

 Task 1: Portfolio of Project Planning documentsInstructions
This assessment task requires you, in response to a simulated business scenario, to answer define a project and develop a project plan. Using the workplace scenario information provided, you will determine the scope of a project and develop a portfolio of planning documentation, to discuss with your Operations General Manager (the Assessor) of the simulated business – Max Lionel Realty. You will negotiate aspects of the project with their assigned project team. Finally, you will submit planning documentation for approval.
During this assessment task you are required to participate in simulated project meeting/s with a project team of 2-4 members. Assessors will ensure you are assigned a project team for this Assessment Task, and members of the team should be drawn from other Students undertaking this unit of competency. Specific instructions for the project conditions, including budget and team roles are contained within the Scenario information below.
Where you are not able to access other participants to be team members, the Assessor may role-play the project team members. Either way, you will need to meet with the Operations General Manager (the Assessor) in person regularly to discuss project scope and portfolio of planning documents.
There are two parts to this assessment task. Part A requires you, using the workplace information provided for Max Lionel realty in Appendixes 1 and 2, will determine the scope of the project and develop a portfolio of draft planning documentation to discuss with Operations General Manager of Max Lionel Realty. The Assessor will simulate the Operations General Manager role. In part B you will then negotiate aspects of the project with your assigned project team members.
You will then work independently of the project team and submit your final planning documentation for approval to the Operations General Manager
To satisfactorily complete this assessment task, you are required to undertake each activity in the order listed below, to an acceptable industry standard:
1. Read the simulated business documentation, including policies and procedures, in the document ‘Max Lionel Realty – Simulated Business’, provided in Appendix 1 of this Assessment Task 1.
2. Review the templates contained in the document ‘IBSA – Project planning templates’ for possible use or adaptation in completing project requirements. These documents are provided in Appendix 2.
3. Students should then read the information supplied in the Max Lionel Realty Scenario below.
Max Lionel Realty
Max Lionel Realty (MLR), in order to build customer goodwill and satisfy its legal and ethical obligations, has decided to implement a program to:
• inform agents of legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) and any standards or codes of conduct followed by the organisatio
• promote high standards in professional conduct (see Real Estate Institute of Victoria (REIV) Code of Conduct and relevant legislation
• inform clients, tenants and potential tenants of MLR’s commitments
• achieve employee and client buy-in for initiative.
You are an external consultant (from Ace Consultants) contracted to project manage activities to achieve the objectives above.
Quality standards for deliverables:
• clearly communicate legal obligations and REIV obligations
• contain as content or support company strategic directions
• no grammar or spelling errors
• professional but friendly language
• fair and flexible delivery for intended audience
• meet audience requirements and sensitive to information needs, cultural diversity
Previous needs analysis for the project has uncovered characteristics and requirements of Residential and Commercial Agents and Clients:
Agents Clients Tenants
? under stress; time poor
? highly trained and competent in selling and managing real estate
? unaware of legal, ethical requirement. just want to please clients
? even if aware, have no idea how to apply to daily client practice ? cynical: e.g. ‘why do I have to pay attention to MLR’s internal business? I just want them to manage my property.’
? time poor
? not sure of MLR obligations and commitment to best-of-breed client service and ethical practice, REIV code of conduct ? sometimes feel discriminated against on basis of:
? lifestyle
? family status
? cultural background
? income, etc.
? unclear on overall strategic aims of MLR
? culturally diverse. ? feel it’s the agent’s obligation to fill rental/lease properties according to client wishes: e.g. ‘I choose who lives in/leases my property’
? culturally diverse. ? residential agents have been rude or insensitive on occasion: e.g. ‘you wouldn’t treat your rich clients or investment partners this way’
? do not feel they are adequately consulted
? residential/commercial agents/clients have let themselves in without consultation
? inspections are sometimes unannounced.
Project conditions are as follows:
• Six to eight team members (two to four students plus four virtual team members) who must be utilised and budgeted for. Operations General Manager (the Assessor) will determine composition of project team.
• The structure of the work should include roles for project sponsor, technical experts, quality assurance of deliverables, project manager (yourself initially and, after provisional approval, as negotiated with your team), and roles and responsibilities for each team member to achieve the deliverables according to standards, etc.
• All reasonable resources (e.g. access to a room, computers, software and templates) will be provided. Paper and telecommunications costs, for example, to be covered by students. All resources must be costed and included in your budget.
• Budget: $15,000.
• Your Operations General Manager (the assessor) will suggest project deliverables, for example, presentations, information sessions, posters, promotional materials, etc. You may determine your own specific deliverables so long as they are agreed to with stakeholders, meet project objectives, and adhere to budgetary constraints.
• Project timeframe to be determined by Operations General Manager (the assessor as project sponsor).
• Project should include design, development, implementation and evaluation stages (with periodic quality review).
• Project status reports are due at 25%, 50% and 75% of allotted timeframe.
• Project must be coordinated with other organisational projects, operations, etc.
4. Once reviewed all three documents, you should then arrange a suitable time and date for the project team to meet with and to receive additional details from the Operations General Manager (the Assessor) of the project team, about cost, skills, and suggested project deliverables and timeframes.
During this project team meeting and/or over a period of time at subsequent meetings, Students should work collaboratively with fellow team members and undertake the following activities:
5. Determine the project scope. The team should develop appropriate initiation and scope documents for discussion with Operations General Manager (the Assessor).
6. Determine additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables.
7. Define project stakeholders. Students are to determine how they will engage and manage stakeholders to achieve the project objectives.
8. Develop communication and stakeholder management plans for discussion. The team should consider all scenario information and the organisational structure of Max Lionel realty to determine stakeholders and stakeholder interests.
9. Simulating the business scenario, identify personal responsibilities and reporting requirements.
10. Determine relationship of project to other projects, systems, business operations, strategic aims of organisation, and external legislative requirements.
11. Determine resources and access to resources. Consult with Operations General Manager (the assessor) to clarify if necessary.
12. Determine the project management tools, such as software (e.g. Microsoft Word, MS Excel, and MS Project) and templates, etc that will be used in the project plan. Note: Students may source their own software tools or use or adapt the templates provided in Appendix 2 of this Assessment Task.
Then, working independently of also with the team, Students should:
13. Using an appropriate project management tool, develop the project plan, which will be Project Plan Version 1. Included in this initial plan should be:
a. A work breakdown structure: stages of development or of task completion (Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate); opportunities for (peer and stakeholder) review and feedback; coordination of roles and sharing of responsibility for deliverables; dependencies
b. Timelines
c. Roles and responsibilities for each team member
d. Resourcing requirements.
14. Develop a Risk Management Plan Version 1 for discussion. Included in this initial plan should be a consideration of WHS risk management. Students must:
a. Research and review all possible the legal and ethical obligations (particularly with respect to WHS and anti-discrimination legislation) in the context of the project plan.
b. Identify, assess and suggest treatment of at least three additional risks, including financial risk.
c. Record the risks on a risk register and complete a risk assessment document for each risk. Students may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided in Appendix 2.
15. Develop a Budget Version 1 for the project. Students may use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided in Appendix 2.
Once the teams Project Plan, Risk Management Plan and the Budget are developed, Students and their team members should:
16. Arrange to meet with the Operations General Manager (the Assessor) to consult and discuss:
a. Project scope
b. Additional documentation required to determine project and develop deliverables
c. Project stakeholders
d. Personal responsibilities
e. Relationship of project to other projects, systems, strategic aims of organisation
f. Resources and access to resources
g. Portfolio of documents:
i. project initiation and scope documents
ii. project plan (version 1)
iii. risk management plan (version 1)
iv. budget (version 1).
17. During the meeting Students and their fellow team members must solicit feedback from the Operations General Manager (the Assessor) on each of the three (3) Version 1 drafts and ensure understanding of any additional project issues or changes to project parameters.
18. After the meeting Students should meet with their project team to:
a. Negotiate roles and responsibilities
b. Agree on Version 2 of documents for approval by the Operations General Manager (the Assessor):
i. Project plan (version 2)
ii. Risk management plan (version 2)
iii. Budget (version 2).
c. The team must incorporate the Operations General Manager’s (the Assessor) feedback into planning project: Note: The meeting will be observed by the Assessor. Students should follow their communication plan or agree to a time and date. When meeting with the team Students should be:
i. Professional
ii. Accommodating and conscious of varying skill levels, interests, backgrounds of other members of the project team.
19. At the conclusion of the meeting, Students will then work independently of and with the team and develop and submit the project initiation and scope documents and the three (3) Versions 1 & 2 (six in total) of their final planning documentation for approval to the Operations General Manager.
Students must achieve approval of the project plan, by way of a satisfactory result for this assessment task before commencing Assessment Task 2.
Context of assessment conditions
• This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, workplace or independent learning environment.
• Students must complete the Assessment Cover Sheet.
• Submissions must be made in written form unless reasonable adjustments are approved by the RTO manager. Submissions must be hand written and/or word-processed.
Decision-making rules
To achieve a satisfactory result, you must:
• Meet with Operations General Manager to discuss project scope and portfolio of planning documents
• Participate in project meeting/s with project team
• Submit individual copies of:
a. Project initiation and scope documents, including: a project brief; a project scope; a stakeholder analysis; a communication plan; roles and responsibilities; project snapshot
b. A project plan (version 1 and version 2)
c. A risk management plan (risk register and risk assessment for each of four risks) (version 1 and version 2)
d. A budget (version 1 and version 2).
Task 1: Appendix 1
Max Lionel Realty – Simuated business – 20 pages.
Task 1: Appendix 2
IBSA Project Planning Templates – 26 page

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Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization

 Instructions: Students will write a 2500-3000 word (about 10 pages in the main body) properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract) that evaluates/assesses the overall effectiveness of the business model used by your organization. This is the third of three assignments that draws from your association with your organization. The previous two “canvas” assignments flow into this one. Identify one or more of the building blocks from the business model canvas where modification should be recommended. Be careful to avoid bias in determining the issue/problem identified by using the canvas. Do not merely critique, but contribute to your organization’s overall success. This paper should be the culmination of the overall work you have done with the business model canvas so that all the pieces go together. 

Your final paper should include:

  • Your business model canvas – Post-It notes discussion/observations (week 2)—summarize this area, but provide the initial canvas.
  • Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization (week 5)—summarize this, do not merely cut and paste.
  • Discussion of appropriate theory, metaphors, and frames with which to describe your business model in operation, as well as to identify areas needing improvement and how to get there.
  • Use of the Osterwalder/Pigneur text to evaluate and diagnose your organization’s business model, as well as an integration of the course materials into your writing and consideration.
  • Recommendations for improvements identified using the canvas, theories, and assessment tools used in this course. What are the expected outcomes.
  • Use eight scholarly sources besides our textbook (especially case studies) to undergird your assertions from peer-reviewed literature.
  • Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignment specs and ask questions if you are unsure of expectations.

The paper must have at least eight additional scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook. No abstract is necessary, but a title page and references page should be included. Write your paper in third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, first person should be avoided.