Writers Solution

Challenges in the Global Business Enviornment: Ethical Code of Conducts of AT&T

 Article Challenges in the Global Business Enviornment: Ethical Code of Conducts of AT&T. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The research will focus on the AT&T code of ethics. The details will be retrieved from the company’s website. This code of ethics will be compared to other competing firms. The research will use Verizon and Sprint as the two competitors. The information will be retrieved from the two companies website. The competitiveness of each code of ethics will be used in establishing the merits and demerits of AT&T own code of ethical conduct. Information from the three firms will be examined, and recordings made based on the structures and natures of the code of ethical conduct. The information on the AT&T code of ethical conduct will be examined with respect to their efforts to adapt to changing technologies and innovative nature of the environment. The challenges associated with the code of ethics will be examined and the proposal made based on the efforts by the two competing firms. Global citizenship efforts by AT & T will be examined, and information recorded.

AT & T has its code of ethical conduct drafted and focused on honest, which entails observing rules set by different organizations under which the firm operates ( AT&T Inc, 2014). These entail maintaining a given standard that will enhance the company’s advantage while competing in a global environment. The code of ethical conduct at the firm entails defining personal interests and separating it from the company’s interest. The aim is to avoid conflict of interest associated that could arise from the employee’s interaction with the external environment. Other issues at the firms’ ethical conduct include compliance and disclosure, which are aimed at maintaining a specific standard and working based on international requirements.

Sprints code of ethical conduct entails a friendly working environment that promotes innovation and technology use among its internal and external environments (Sprint, 2013).&nbsp.

Writers Solution

Identify and describe a business problem with an IT solution from your work or personal experience

IT Business Application Case Study Identify and describe a business problem with an IT solution from your work or personal experience. Are there any specific artificial intelligence (AI) applications that can be considered as part of the solution? If you don’t have specific personal experience, select 1 management enterprise system (MIS) solution with a specific use case. Then, answer the following questions: What have you identified as the existing business problem? What is your expected deliverable of the business process? What specific IT application did you identify to provide an effective solution? What are the specific features and benefits of the new IT application? How does the new application provide long-term support to the business process by maintaining data integrity in cases of disaster recovery and continuity planning? Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following: Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals. Length: 5 pages minimum Abstract: This is a summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in the third person. Body: This begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The typeface should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type. Do not use color, bold type, or italics, except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged. Reference page: References that align with your in-body academic sources are listed on the final page of your paper. The references must be in APA format using appropriate spacing, hanging indent, italics, and uppercase and lowercase usage as appropriate for the type of resource used. Remember, the Reference page is not a bibliography but a further listing of the abbreviated in-body citations used in the paper. Every referenced item must have a corresponding in-body citation.

Writers Solution

Entrepreneur: develops a concept to solve the specific business challenge

 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSAssessment Coursework: The New Venture Business Pitch
Promotional video and accompanying boardroom business pitch to angel investors
Assessment code: 011
Academic Year: 2020
Semester: 1
Module Title: Strategic Marketing and the New Venture
Module Code: MOD 6894
Level: 7
Weighting: 100%
Word Limit: Equivalent to 3000 words
Assessed Learning Outcomes 1 – 4
Submission Deadline :
This assignment must be presented in week 11 or 12. ( Exact dates to be agreed with the student during this timeframe.)
• You must use the Harvard referencing system.
• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Do not exceed the maximum number of words specified above; all assignments which do so will be penalised. The penalty will be the deduction of marks at the Marker’s judgement.
• Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name on your work.
• Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document.
• You must number all pages.
In developing a new business venture, the process begins with recognising an opportunity stemming from a specific business problem and creating a business idea that articulates it.
For the first steps, the entrepreneur:
(1) develops a concept to solve the specific business challenge;
(2) fashions a narrative that conveys the meaning of the new venture, and
(3) prepares a presentation that tells the story and explains the concept of potential
stakeholders: investors, partners, employees and customers
After testing the business concept with stakeholders, the entrepreneur will develop a complete business plan.
Final Assessment: weighting 100%
Individual Assessment
Task: The New Venture Promotional Video and Boardroom Angel Investor Pitch
To help develop strategic new venture skills you are required to undertake the entrepreneurial process of environmental scanning; business opportunity recognition; ideation; concept development; together with, producing a strategic marketing audit, and a clear understanding of the requisite fundraising requirements.
Operating individually you are required to identify, outline and evaluate possible commercial opportunities for a specific new business venture and then articulate the opportunities in a six-minute new venture promotional video.
The new venture promotional video will be presented in front of academics and angel investors. This will take place in a boardroom scenario.
The breakdown of your presentation and pitch is as follows.
Introduction to your new venture concept. This will be a 5-minute verbal introduction.
A 10-minute video pitch to investors.
A 5-minute Question and Answer session with angel investors
Total 100%
Points to consider
In your angel Promotional Video and Investor Pitch you should:
• Identify the problem and outline the commercial opportunity to solve it
• Assess the business opportunity. (This is where you undertake a feasibility
• Identify and explain the commercial model/strategy, based on the assessment of the
business opportunity
Your angel investor pitch and promotional video may be structured around all three elements above, or you can devise an individual approach.
NB Never invest in a business you cannot understand. Warren Buffett
Suggested structure: NB This is a proposed structure – you should be aware that you will NOT have the time in your presentation to cover every element of each point ( 1-6) in-depth. However, you MUST refer to some parts of sections 1-6.
1. The new venture opportunity
Create or identify an opportunity
Discover the business idea
Outline the problem, the idea and the solution
Evaluate the ‘problem’ and discuss the new venture opportunity that may address it,
showing an understanding of the specific market and the potential customers
Outline and evaluate new venture typologies
Nurture creativity, ideation and innovation
10 marks
2. New venture opportunity assessment
Understand the sector and the market
This is your feasibility analysis. In this section, assess the feasibility of the business
idea in relation to the following: sector/market, product/service, and the organisation
and its management.
Identify the market/sector
Market/industry lifecycle, concentration, geographic extent
Estimate market size
Identify competitors
SWOT/TOWS analysis
Outline and evaluate key trends: technology, regulatory, societal, economic,
Outline and evaluate future scenarios
10 marks
3. Business model/strategy
Market segments and value proposition
Structure of the business model
Based on your assessment of the business opportunity, explain the business model/strategy that you will use to realise the opportunity.
What are the key factors in determining if your idea is a viable business opportunity? Is this just an idea, or a real business opportunity? Has the new product, or service commercial potential?
Characteristics of a good business model
The new venture creation model
The business model canvas
Support with appropriate business models: generic strategy, competitive advantage
critical success factors
Niche and internet models
10 marks
4. What would be the strategic marketing approach?
Include a detailed breakdown of the marketing strategy.
This should include:
Brand, USP, marketing mix
Include: market research, website, social media
Emphasis on creativity
5. Creating your value proposition and brand/ communicating your value proposition
Find the first customers/target customers
Develop sales skills
Communications media and social media.
Create awareness
Price and buyer decisions
Value proposition
Differentiation through branding
Branding your values
Building the brand
The customer journey
Developing a communication campaign
20 marks
6. Financial resources
What financial investment is required and where might these early-stage funds
be sourced? Selecting the right sort of finance.
What banks/investors/VCTs/business angels look for
The funding ladder
Angel and venture capital finance
What tax breaks are available for the start-up business?
20 marks
7. An effective introduction to a new venture concept
Pitch presentation – content, style, professionalism, creativity.
The ability of performance in Q and A follow session.
20 marks
Please make sure you follow the structure of this assessment as is clearly set out in this brief.
10 marks – Problem, Solution, Business idea
10 marks – Review of the industry you are going to operate in, key competitors, your Niche.
10 marks- Models , eg, Generic Strategy, Ansoff, SWOT, PESTLE
30 marks- Value proposition, brand, USP ,Marketing Mix, Advertising, differentiation, communi-cations campaign
20 marks- Finances – Where from, how much, what it will be spent on
20 marks- Creativity- You have 20 minutes to impress us!. Convince us!. Energy/ enthusiasm, presentation skills, digital recording, feasibility, screenshot of website, advert,
NB – You must include and apply models and theories taught on this module- NEW VENTURE CREATION MODEL. BUSINESS CANVAS MODEL, TYPOLOGIES, VALUE PROPOSITION.
Assessment Criteria
Verbal introduction 5 minutes
Digital Presentation 10 minutes
Q and A. 5 minutes
• You should undertake the Final Assessment as an individual new venture member
• The ten-minute promotional video must identify, describe and evaluate your chosen entrepreneurial new venture
• The new venture promotional video must demonstrate: clarity of expression, a well-written script/pitch deck, professional production values, flair, and creativity
• Identify and outline the potential new venture for a specific enterprise and analyse and critique the chosen new venture idea
• Identify and evaluate the feasibility, marketing, strategic, financial and operational issues
• Articulate with respect to a wide range of academic ideas, theories, and concepts
• Defend the promotional video to an angel investor and/or academic
• Provide a bibliography or reference list containing at least 12 sources that you have independently researched. This can be incorporated in your video presentation
Task Purpose Audience Tone Structure
Business Concept Report • Answer a question
• Present an argument based on facts
• Develop Cartesian logic • Peers
• Academic community
• Business angels • Factual
• Concise
• Logical flow
• Clear structure
• Active voice
• Intro
• Body
• Conclusion
• Headings and bullet points
• Bibliography
Assessment Marking Guide
A basic answer (40 – 49%) will identify main issues and demonstrate knowledge of strategic marketing and new venture innovation theories at a superficial level and discuss how this may be applied to sustain a business. It may demonstrate difficulties with structure. The expression may lack maturity. Answers in this category will often adopt a say-all-you-know-about-the-topic approach and may include little or no application.
A satisfactory answer (50-59%) will determine the majority of issues and demonstrate knowledge of strategic marketing and innovation theories and discuss how this is applied to sustain a new venture business. There are some omissions in content as well as some inconsistencies in application and inaccuracies in expression. The structure will be largely logical.
A good answer (60-69%) will adopt a logical structure and identify pertinent strategic marketing theories and discuss how this may be applied to sustain a business. Arguments will be supported by relevant contemporary innovation, marketing and strategy theories, concepts and paradigms. Omissions and inaccuracies will be minor.
An excellent answer (70%+) will adopt a logical structure and identify pertinent with depth, flair, and imagination and discuss how this may be applied to sustain a business. Arguments will be supported by relevant contemporary academic theories and pertinent business knowledge. The relevant new venture theory will be critiqued and applied before reaching a balanced conclusion(s).
Mark Bands Outcome Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) (Academic Regulations, Section 2)
Knowledge & Understanding Intellectual Practical, Affective and Transferable Skills
Characteristics of Student Achievement by Marking Band 90-100% Achieves module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level Exceptional analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics with very clear originality and autonomy. Exceptional development of conceptual structures and argument making an exceptional use of scholarly conventions. Demonstrates independence of thought and a very high level of intellectual rigour and consistency. Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline and may be considered for external publication Exceptional analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Exceptional development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions. Exceptional research skills, independence of thought, an extremely high level of intellectual rigour and consistency, exceptional expressive/professional skills, and substantial creativity and originality. Exceptional academic/intellectual skills. Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline and may be considered for external publication
80-89% Outstanding analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics with clear originality and autonomy. Outstanding development of conceptual structures and argument making an exemplary use of scholarly conventions. Demonstrates independence of thought and a very high level of intellectual rigour and consistency Outstanding analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Very high level development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions. Outstanding research skills, independence of thought, a high level of intellectual rigour and consistency, outstanding expressive/professional skills, and considerable creativity and originality. Exemplary academic/intellectual skills
70-79% Excellent analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Excellent development of conceptual structures and argument making excellent use of scholarly conventions. Demonstrates independence of thought and a high level of intellectual rigour and consistency Excellent analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. High level development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions. Excellent research skills, independence of thought, a high level of intellectual rigour and consistency, excellent expressive/ professional skills, and considerable creativity and originality. Excellent academic/intellectual skills, and considerable creativity and originality
60-69% Good analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Development of conceptual structures and argument making consistent use of scholarly conventions Good analysis of key issues/concepts/ethics. Development of conceptual structures and argument, making consistent use of scholarly conventions
50-59% Satisfactory knowledge of key issues/ concepts/ethics in discipline. Descriptive in parts but some ability to synthesise scholarship and argument. Minor lapses in use of scholarly conventions Satisfactory knowledge of key issues/ concepts/ethics in discipline. Descriptive in parts but some ability to synthesise scholarship and argument. Minor lapses in use of scholarly conventions
40-49% A marginal pass in module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level Basic knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Generally descriptive, with restricted synthesis of existing scholarship and little argument. Use of scholarly conventions inconsistent Basic knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Generally descriptive, with restricted synthesis of existing scholarship and little argument. Use of scholarly conventions inconsistent.
30-39% A marginal fail in module outcome(s) related to GLO at this level. Possible compensation. Sat-isfies qualifying mark Limited knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Largely descriptive, with restricted synthesis of existing scholarship and limited argument. Limited use of scholarly conventions. Limited research skills impede use of learning resources and problem solving. Significant problems with structure/accuracy in expression. Team/Practical/ Professional skills not yet secure. Weak academic/ intellectual skills. Limited use of scholarly conventions
20-29% Fails to achieve module outcome(s) related to this GLO. Qualifying mark not satisfied. No compensation available Little evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Largely descriptive, with little synthesis of existing scholarship and little evidence of argument. Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions. Little evidence of research skills, use of learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/ accuracy in expression. Team/Practical/Professional skills virtually absent. Very weak academic/intellectual skills. Little evidence of use of scholarly conventions
10-19% Inadequate knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Wholly descriptive, with inadequate synthesis of existing scholarship and inadequate argument. Inadequate use of scholarly conventions. Inadequate use of research skills, learning resources and problem solving. Major problems with structure/accuracy in expression. Team/Practical/Professional skills absent. Extremely weak academic/intellectual skills. Inadequate use of scholarly conventions
1-9% No evidence of knowledge of key issues/concepts/ethics in discipline. Incoherent and completely but poorly descriptive, with no evidence of synthesis of existing scholarship and no argument whatsoever. No evidence of use of scholarly conventions. No evidence of use of research skills, learning resources and problem solving. Incoherent structure/accuracy in expression. Team/Practical/Professional skills non-existent. No evidence of academic/intellectual skills. No evidence of use of scholarly conventions
0% Awarded for: (i) non-submission; (ii) dangerous practice and; (iii) in situations where the student fails to address the assignment brief (eg: answers the wrong question) and/or related learning outcomes

Writers Solution

The Ford Pinto example is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics.

 Case Analysis

The Ford Pinto example is a well-known case that is often discussed in the context of business ethics. To summarize, Ford’s design of the Pinto’s fuel tank was defective, causing fires if the Pinto was involved in even minor rear-end collisions. Ford came to learn of the defect, but the company failed to correct it; Ford then predicted, based on a cost-benefit analysis, that it would cost more to repair the defect ($11 per vehicle, or $137 million total) than it would to pay for damages resulting from burn deaths, burn injuries, and burned vehicles ($47.5 million). Consider the Ford Pinto case in light of the who-how (WH) framework for business ethics.

Would Ford’s decision to forego repairing the defective design comply with these ethical guidelines? If so, why? If not, then what actions should Ford have taken to satisfy them? Explain your reasoning. Explain the need for promoting business social responibility.

Your response to this question must be at least two pages in length. One source is required. Include an introduction in your paper. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessar

Writers Solution

What areas of the business are most at risk for fraud



Please read attached case and answer:


1. What areas of the business are most at risk for fraud?

2. Identify any symptoms of fraud that appear to exist at the doughnut shop.

3. What steps could be taken to reduce opportunities for fraud?


Writers Solution

Information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures

Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design
Assessment Written assessment
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2000 words
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.1
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
In response to the issues raised in the ‘online university enrolment system’ case study provided, identify the functional and non-functional requirement for an online enrolment system and build and document a set of use cases for that system.
Requirement analysis techniques and skills are of fundamental importance to a Business Analyst, who is often required to help business users in terms of identifying what they really need in their new systems. This assessment allows you to enhance your requirement analysis techniques and skills by capturing the business requirement of a system, identify “what” the proposed system will do, “how” the system will perform those tasks, and communicate the identified requirement through a set of use case diagrams and their associated documentations.
1. Please read the attached MIS605_ Assessment 1_Case Study. Note that every piece of information provided in the following case serves a purpose.
2. Once you have completed reading the case study. Please answer the following questions:
Question 1.
(a) Who are the stakeholders in this project? Please list at least four stakeholders. (2 marks)
(b) Who are the Actors in this System? Please list at least four actors (4 mark)
Question 2.
Identify and list at least TEN (10) major functional requirements for the System. (20 marks)
Question 3.
Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the information provided in the case study, identify and list at least FIVE (5) non-functional requirements for the
System. Explain and justify each non-functional requirement. (20 marks)
Question 4.
Using your own experience with similar online student enrolment systems and the information provided in the case study, build a comprehensive set of use case diagrams for the System using MS Visio. (30 marks)
Please note that the case study has not and does not intend to provide a comprehensive description of requirements for the System. This means that you are required to use your own experience with information systems in general and online student enrolment systems in particular to develop this set of use case diagrams. For example, would Student Enrolment Officers be required to log into the System before performing any tasks?
Question 5.
Based on the use case diagrams you built in Question 4, develop and document two elaborated use cases. For each of the two use cases, please document the following:
• Use Case Name (1 mark each)
• ID (1 mark each)
• Priority (1 mark each)
• Actor (1 mark each)
• Description (1 mark each)
• Trigger (1 mark each)
• Precondition (1 mark each)
• Normal Course (2 marks each)
• Alternative courses (1 mark each)
• Postconditions (1 mark each)
• Exceptions (1 mark each)
(24 marks)
3. Please note that your answers must relate to the case study provided.
Word Count and Layout
• The total word count for the written assessment should be no more than 2000 words.
• Please provide all your answers in a MS word document.
• Please note that you are NOT required to copy the questions over to the MS Word document.
Use the question number to indicate which question your answer relates to. • The recommended font size is 12 with 1.5 spacing.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Submission Instructions
Please submit the written assessment via the Assessment link within Assessment 1. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Marking Criteria F P C D HD
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
? Identify at least four stakeholders.
? Identify at least four actors including both human and non-human.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
Identify and list at least ten major functional requirements which demonstrate the following qualities:
? The requirements are functional requirements.
? The requirements are major functional requirements.
? Relevant to the case.
Satisfy the good requirement criteria.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
Identify at least five non-functional requirements for the System which demonstrate the following qualities:
? The requirements are non-fictional requirements.
? Relevant to the case.
? Satisfy the good requirement criteria.
Clearly justified.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Build a comprehensive set of use case diagrams for the System using MS Visio. The use case diagram has the following features:
? Drawn using a professional diagramming tool.
? The diagram is complete.
? No mistakes in the use case diagram notations.
? Relevant to the case.
? Include all the important actors.
Subject Learning Outcome:
a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques.
b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively communicate these requirements to the stakeholders.
c) Demonstrate the ability to effectively analyse, design and develop information systems using Unified Modelling Language (UML) models.
Develop and document two elaborated use cases.
? Each element of the use case has been clearly and correctly documented.
Fail (Unacceptable)
0-49% Fail grade will be awarded if a student is unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in the subject or has failed to complete required assessment points in accordance with the subject’s required assessment points.
50-64% Pass is awarded for work showing a satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and an adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
65-74% Credit is awarded for work showing a more than satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and a more than adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
75 -84%
Distinction is awarded for work of superior quality in achieving all learning outcomes and a superior integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis and evaluation is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
High Distinction
85-100% High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of in-depth research, reading, analysis, original and creative thought is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged

Writers Solution

Capstone Business Simulation Company

Business Capstone Assessment 4): Individual Presentation (20%)
Summary of Individual Presentation
The Individual Presentation will be a reflection piece on your personal experience within the Executive Team of your Company. It will revolve around two key areas: 1) Self-Reflection of Learning within the Capstone Business Simulation, and 2) Analysis of the Team Dynamics.
A short and engaging individual presentation of 3-4 minutes (4 minutes maximum) is required.
Students are encouraged to explore various ways of creating a professional online presentation. This may involve using media enhancements in the presentation, if appropriate.
The presentation is expected to be formal in nature, but please note: A formal presentation does not equal a boring presentation! Do not let the word ‘formal’ stifle your creativity when presenting; interaction and creativity in your presentation are encouraged. You are expected to use the skills you have learnt over the course of your degree to keep the audiences interest.
The presentation must be conducted in one of two different ways:
1) Live to your tutor in-class (for those still attending class) or using Blackboard
Collaborate (for those in an online class) during each students scheduled seminar 12 (the last seminar of the semester), or
2) Pre-recorded and uploaded to a free viewing platform (such as YouTube, TikTok etc.) where a login is NOT required and a link to view your presentation can be provided to the tutor.
Whichever presentation method is chosen by students, the due date and time remains as the beginning of each students scheduled seminar 12 (the week of 2-6 November, 2020).
Students who choose the pre-recorded option are expected to have a webcam, therefore it is strongly recommended students use their webcam whilst presenting. A webcam is not compulsory, but a look at the Individual Presentation Rubric will highlight its value.
Refer to the Individual Presentation Rubric (20%).pdf in Blackboard Assessments 4) Individual Presentation (20%) for details of the allocation of marks for the Individual Presentation.
Requirements for Individual Presentation
1) Introduction
• Introduce yourself.
• Specify your Capstone Business Simulation Company.
• Outline the purpose of the presentation.
2) Self-Reflection of learning within the Capstone Business Simulation
These are some SUGGESTED areas that can be covered (do NOT attempt to cover them all):
• Was I confident in my knowledge of running a business before starting the unit?
• What did I know about Finance/Marketing/Production and/or running a business before starting the unit?
• Did I under- or over-estimate the effect that changes in one area of a company has on other areas of a company?
• How did I approach learning new things?
• Did I go in with an open or closed mind? Was it beneficial or detrimental?
• What was my personal approach to the unit?
• Did the changes in structure of the unit (online learning) affect my engagement with the unit?
• What could/should I have done differently?
• Have I learnt anything that I can take with me to the workforce?
• Did I enjoy the unit?
3) Analysis of the Team Dynamics
These are some SUGGESTED areas that can be covered (do NOT attempt to cover them all):
• How many people were in my team?
• Was I aware of any research on group formation processes?
• Was there a leader within my team? Why/why not?
• Did the group become a team or remain a set of individuals?
• How were the roles within the team allocated?
• Were the group meetings effective? Why/why not?
• What was the biggest hurdle the team faced?
• What could/should I have done differently within my team?
• What could/should have been better within the team?
• How could/should I have made my team better?
• Did the group have any fun (at any time throughout the semester)?
4) Conclusion
• Summarise the key points of the presentation.
References are NOT required for the presentation.
Students are expected to be sensitive to other students’ feelings. At all times students should not personally criticise fellow students. Rather the focus should be on the company and team as a whole. The presentation must remain objective. Any personal criticism will not be tolerated, in the (online) classroom nor in the workplace. Refer to the Student Charter for information about Curtin’s Values of Integrity, Respect, Courage, Excellence and Impact.
EVERY student is required to upload an electronic copy (e.g. PowerPoint slides, Prezi link, etc.) of the presentation in Blackboard Assessments 4) Individual Presentation (20%) Company Presentation – Submission before the presentation in Seminar 12

Writers Solution

Self-Reflection of Learning within the Capstone Business Simulation

Business Capstone Assessment 4): Individual Presentation (20%)
Summary of Individual Presentation
The Individual Presentation will be a reflection piece on your personal experience within the Executive Team of your Company. It will revolve around two key areas: 1) Self-Reflection of Learning within the Capstone Business Simulation, and 2) Analysis of the Team Dynamics.
A short and engaging individual presentation of 3-4 minutes (4 minutes maximum) is required.
Students are encouraged to explore various ways of creating a professional online presentation. This may involve using media enhancements in the presentation, if appropriate.
The presentation is expected to be formal in nature, but please note: A formal presentation does not equal a boring presentation! Do not let the word ‘formal’ stifle your creativity when presenting; interaction and creativity in your presentation are encouraged. You are expected to use the skills you have learnt over the course of your degree to keep the audiences interest.
The presentation must be conducted in one of two different ways:
1) Live to your tutor in-class (for those still attending class) or using Blackboard
Collaborate (for those in an online class) during each students scheduled seminar 12 (the last seminar of the semester), or
2) Pre-recorded and uploaded to a free viewing platform (such as YouTube, TikTok etc.) where a login is NOT required and a link to view your presentation can be provided to the tutor.
Whichever presentation method is chosen by students, the due date and time remains as the beginning of each students scheduled seminar 12 (the week of 2-6 November, 2020).
Students who choose the pre-recorded option are expected to have a webcam, therefore it is strongly recommended students use their webcam whilst presenting. A webcam is not compulsory, but a look at the Individual Presentation Rubric will highlight its value.
Refer to the Individual Presentation Rubric (20%).pdf in Blackboard Assessments 4) Individual Presentation (20%) for details of the allocation of marks for the Individual Presentation.
Requirements for Individual Presentation
1) Introduction
• Introduce yourself.
• Specify your Capstone Business Simulation Company.
• Outline the purpose of the presentation.
2) Self-Reflection of learning within the Capstone Business Simulation
These are some SUGGESTED areas that can be covered (do NOT attempt to cover them all):
• Was I confident in my knowledge of running a business before starting the unit?
• What did I know about Finance/Marketing/Production and/or running a business before starting the unit?
• Did I under- or over-estimate the effect that changes in one area of a company has on other areas of a company?
• How did I approach learning new things?
• Did I go in with an open or closed mind? Was it beneficial or detrimental?
• What was my personal approach to the unit?
• Did the changes in structure of the unit (online learning) affect my engagement with the unit?
• What could/should I have done differently?
• Have I learnt anything that I can take with me to the workforce?
• Did I enjoy the unit?
3) Analysis of the Team Dynamics
These are some SUGGESTED areas that can be covered (do NOT attempt to cover them all):
• How many people were in my team?
• Was I aware of any research on group formation processes?
• Was there a leader within my team? Why/why not?
• Did the group become a team or remain a set of individuals?
• How were the roles within the team allocated?
• Were the group meetings effective? Why/why not?
• What was the biggest hurdle the team faced?
• What could/should I have done differently within my team?
• What could/should have been better within the team?
• How could/should I have made my team better?
• Did the group have any fun (at any time throughout the semester)?
4) Conclusion
• Summarise the key points of the presentation.
References are NOT required for the presentation.
Students are expected to be sensitive to other students’ feelings. At all times students should not personally criticise fellow students. Rather the focus should be on the company and team as a whole. The presentation must remain objective. Any personal criticism will not be tolerated, in the (online) classroom nor in the workplace. Refer to the Student Charter for information about Curtin’s Values of Integrity, Respect, Courage, Excellence and Impact.
EVERY student is required to upload an electronic copy (e.g. PowerPoint slides, Prezi link, etc.) of the presentation in Blackboard Assessments 4) Individual Presentation (20%) Company Presentation – Submission before the presentation in Seminar 12.

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Obtain and contextualise business information for business accounting to explain and apply different concepts of costs to business decisions

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Unit Code: HC1010
Unit Name: Accounting for Business
Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Due: 11:30pm, Friday 26th June, 2020
Weighting: 25%
Total Assignment Marks: 50 Marks
This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:
• Obtain and contextualise business information for business accounting to explain and apply different concepts of costs to business decisions;
• Apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information from multiple sources to make decisions about the financial performance of entities including assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue and expenses;
• Prepare, analyse, and interpret transaction data and financial statements for data-driven decision- making;
• Evaluate the complex concepts of accounting such as roles and purposes of accounting and preparation of worksheets; and
• Communicate accounting information in writing professionally.
Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 6 to 10 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document.
The questions to be answered are:
Week 6 – Question 1 (10 marks)
(Note this question is Q3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions)
The cash flows shown below were extracted from the accounts of Jason Taylor, a music shop owner.
Repayment of loan $390 000
Sale of property 390 000
Interest received 1 560
Payment to employees 78 000
Receipts from customers 273 000
Expenses paid 23 400
Computer equipment purchase 23 400
GST paid 780
Payments to suppliers 156 000
Income taxes paid 3 120
Beginning cash balance 7 800
A. Prepare a statement of cash flows using the direct method. (5 marks)
B. Outline some cash flow warning signals. (5 marks)
Week 7 – Question 2 (10 marks)
(Note this question is Q3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions)
Selected information for two companies competing in the catering industry is presented in the table below:
Account Name Lawson Dawson
Current assets $110500 $167900
Non-current assets $250000 $299000
Current Liabilities $58600 $23500
Non-current Liabilities $89700 $145000
Equity $212200 $298400
Profit $75000 $53000
A. Calculate the following ratios for Lawson and Dawson:
i. Current ratio. (2 marks)
ii. Return on Assets (ROA). (2 marks)
iii. Return on Equity (ROE). (2 marks)
B. From your calculations in part (A), explain which entity is in a more favourable position. (2 marks)
C. Discuss two limitations of ratio analysis as a fundamental analysis tool. (2 marks)
Week 8 – Question 3 (10 marks)
(Note this question is Q3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions)
King Sports owned by Tim Lane, sells sports equipment to schools and sporting clubs in Victoria.
The following balances were reported in the Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2019.
Account Name Balance ($)
Cash at bank 39 400
Accounts receivable 2 800
Accounts payable 1 200
Capital – Tim Lane 41 000
(Note this question continues over the page)
Week 8 – Question 3 (10 marks) (Cont’d)
Transactions for July 2019 were as follows:
July 2 Received $2800 from accounts receivable
3 Paid $1000 of accounts payable
4 Paid rent for July $700
5 Sent invoice to customer $5600
7 Purchased office equipment for cash $2000
9 Recorded cash sales $800
10 Recorded credit sales $1500
14 Purchased office supplies for cash $330
23 Recorded cash sales $2000
31 Cash drawing by Tim Lane $800
a. Prepare worksheet entries for the business transactions for the month ended 31 July 2019.
(7 marks)
b. Describe how an accounting worksheet assists in the preparation of the statement of profit or loss and the balance sheet. (3 marks)
Week 9 – Question 4 (10 marks)
(Note this question is Q3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions)
King Sports owned by Tim Lane, sells sports equipment to schools and sporting clubs in Victoria. The following balances were reported in the Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2019;
Account Name Balance ($)
Cash at bank 39 400
Accounts receivable 2 800
Accounts payable 1 200
Capital – Tim Lane 41 000
(Note this question continues over the page)
Week 9 – Question 4 (10 marks) (Cont’d)
(Note this question is Q3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions)
July transactions for 2019 were as follows:
July 2 Received $2800 from accounts receivable
3 Paid $1000 of accounts payable
4 Paid rent for July $700
5 Sent invoice to customer $5600
7 Purchased office equipment for cash $2000
9 Recorded cash sales $800
10 Recorded credit sales $1500
14 Purchased office supplies for cash $330
23 Recorded cash sales $2000
31 Cash drawing by Tim Lane $800
a. Record Journal entries for the business transactions for the month ended 31 July 2019.(4 marks)
b. Record the transactions in the following ledger accounts for King Sports for the month ended 31 July 2019.
(i) Cash account. (1/2 mark)
(ii) Accounts receivable. (1/2 mark)
(iii) Office equipment. (1/2 mark)
(iv) Rent expense. (1/2 mark)
(v) Office supplies expense. (1/2 mark)
(vi) Drawings account. (1/2 mark)
(vii) Tim Lane’s capital account. (1/2 mark)
(viii) Sales revenue account. (1/2 mark)
c. Prepare a trial balance at 31 July 2019. (2 marks)
Week 10 – Question 5 (10 marks)
(Note this question is Q3 in the Pre-recorded Tutorial Questions)
Mel Gibbeson has recently graduated from a business school and has joined the family business as an accountant. At the first management meeting with production, marketing and sales, a great deal of time was spent discussing the unit cost of products.
What kinds of decisions can managers make using the unit cost information?
Submission Directions
The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment. The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Safe-Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit.

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

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John is a sole trader working in his small business as a carpenter. His brother Paul is mentally disabled, who lives with John and is receiving disability support pension.

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Unit Code: HA3042
Unit Name: Taxation Law
Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 2
Weighting: 25%
Total Assignment Marks: 50 marks
This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit.
Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed:
1. Gain a broad understanding of tax law
2. Demonstrate ability to analyse and synthesise complex tax law issues
3. Demonstrate ability to apply principles of tax law to complex legal problems
Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty.
These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 6 to 10 inclusive and submit these answers in a single document.
The questions to be answered are:
Week 6 – Question 1 (10 Marks)
John is a sole trader working in his small business as a carpenter. His brother Paul is mentally disabled, who lives with John and is receiving disability support pension.
Work out John’s invalid tax offset for his brother Paul who is an invalid under the following three scenarios:
Scenario 1 – John has $120,000 taxable income in the 2018-2019 financial year from his small business. Paul has $4,000 as an adjusted taxable income.
Scenario 2 – John has adjusted taxable income of $63,000. Paul has adjusted taxable income of $900.
Scenario 3 – John has an adjusted taxable income of $41,000. Paul was severely sick this year and
had zero adjusted taxable income. (Maximum 200 words)
Week 7 – Question 2 (10 Marks)
Oliver wanted to repay his loan of $12,000, which he borrowed from National Australia Bank (NAB). He approached his employer on 4th October 2019 and received $12,000 from him at no interest. On 15th February 2019, Oliver had a performance review with his employer when they told him that he was only required to repay half of the loan as he is a good performing employee.
With reference to the relevant laws, advise Oliver and his employer of the tax consequences of this
transaction. (Maximum 300 words)
Week 8 – Question 3 (10 Marks)
David and Emma are married and have some investment properties jointly in Sydney. To structurally manage their investment properties, they signed a formal partnership agreement, and agreed that the net profits from their rental properties would be distributed 95% to Emma and 5% to David. They also agreed that David bear the total losses from the investments.
With reference to the relevant laws, critically discuss whether David and Emma are in a partnership as investors? Also, discuss whether they are required to lodge a partnership tax return?
(Maximum 200 words)
Week 9 – Question 4 (10 Marks)
Anna works for the Eastern Medical Centre as admin officer with a marginal tax rate of 47%. She has just turned 48 in June 2020. Eastern Medical Centre contributed $13,000 under the Superannuation Guarantee Charge. Anna entered into a salary sacrifice agreement with Eastern Medical Centre to sacrifice 10% of her salary into her Superannuation fund. This extra contribution has resulted in an additional contribution of $17,000 for the current income year.
With reference to the relevant laws, discuss the effect of these arrangements for both Anna and the Eastern Medical Centre. Determine the total tax levied on the contributions to Anna’s superannuation fund and the tax effect on Anna’s employer. (Maximum 200 words)
Week 10 – Question 5 (10 Marks)
Darryl Kerrigan is the director of DK Pty Ltd, which is a property investment company in Sydney and the company is registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST). Due to the COVID-19 impact, DK Pty Ltd has decided to rent out their twenty (20) existing office units that they finished in a building project in February 2020.
To negotiate rental contracts, DK Pty Ltd employs a property lawyer, Mr. Dennis Denuto. Dennis is a busy lawyer and his practice income is $300,000 per year. DK Pty Ltd offered Dennis a rent-free office in the city of Sydney in exchange for his service to DK Pty Ltd. The market rental value of the office provided to Dennis is $38,000 per year.
Advise of the GST obligations and the input tax credit of this arrangements to DK Pty Ltd and Mr.
Dennis Denuto. (Maximum 400 words)
Submission Directions
The assignment has to be submitted via Blackboard. Each student will be permitted one submission to Blackboard only. Each student needs to ensure that the document submitted is the correct one.
Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is highly valued at Holmes Institute. Students must always submit work that represents their original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or assignment submission do not represent the student’s original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Written assignments that include material similar to course reading materials or other sources should include a citation including source, author, and page number.
In addition, written assignments that are similar or identical to those of another student in the class is also a violation of the Holmes Institute’s Academic Conduct and Integrity Policy. The consequence for a violation of this policy can incur a range of penalties varying from a 50% penalty through to suspension of enrolment. The penalty would be dependent on the extent of academic misconduct and the student’s history of academic misconduct issues. All assessments will be automatically submitted to Safe-Assign to assess their originality.
Further Information
For further information and additional learning resources, students should refer to their Discussion Board for the unit

.Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at