Writers Solution

Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice?

Students must read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

To read click on the words “Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice” or copy to your browser.


Questions must be answered fully and completely to receive full points (2 page minimum). Do not include the questions in your response, your response must be structured as an essay.

Research must be used to substantiate your response an APA reference list must be included.

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impact the future in a significant way and, when you post your article, also post a profitable business you think could be made out of that future event.

Find an article about events that you think will impact the future in a significant way and, when you post your article, also post a profitable business you think could be made out of that future event. Additionally, when you post, include the following information:

The number of people impacted by the event you are describing

The size of the impact on each person from that Event

The amount of time involved (e.g. will this happen in 1 year? 100?)

The probability (i.e.) how likely you think it is the event will occur

Give the TAM/SAM/SOM for your business

Identify barriers to entry you may utilize to keep out competition.

Writers Solution

Assume that your boss (real or imagined) has asked you to prepare a business report on Neuroleadership which will be shared at the next executive meeting

Assume that your boss (real or imagined) has asked you to prepare a business report on Neuroleadership which will be shared at the next executive meeting. In this report s/he wants well documented information on the ways that Neuroleadership affects Leadership in the 21st century: including the challenges, the benefits and other pertinent information. Remember to get to the “why” and “how” of its use.
Write the paper using APA 7th edition style including in APA IN-TEXT REFERENCES AND FULL REFERENCES. with between 8 and 10 citations and references, in addition to the textbook ( text book in-text citation reference with page number), including several peer reviewed references. All sources MUST HAVE: authors, publication dates, and publishers. “Anonymous” authors, undated sources will not be accepted as valid sources and marks will be deducted.
The paper should be at least 2000-2250 words (9-10 pages), should follow a standard format including an Abstract, introduction and conclusions, and recommendations, and should exhibit good writing and analytical skills – review the marking rubric. It holds a value of 10% of your final mark.
Business Report Outline
1. Abstract ( give heading below subtopic for abstract)
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Approach
1.4 Result
1.5 Conclusion
2. Introduction
2.1 good hook that impress reader
2.2 background information
2.3 thesis statement that impress reader
3. Body paragraph (use transition words such as Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Furthermore, moreover, for example, for instance, therefore etc.)
3.1 topic sentence
3.2 main point
3.3 main point explanation
3.4 example
4. Conclusion (use transition word such as in conclusion)
4.1 restate thesis statement
4.2 main point of business report
4.3 prediction or suggestion or recommendation
5. References (8 to 10 references including textbook references)

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ABC Learning Center is a child care center the uses a local area network to run its business.

 ABC Learning Center is a child care center the uses a local area network to run its business. Employees use a computer in the main room to check children in and out and complete of other necessary paperwork for the center. Records and financial information are kept on another computer located in a back room restricted to employees only. A Web server is also hosted in the back room; a router provides access to the Internet via a broadband DSL connection. The center does not use antivirus software, as the Internet access was primarily implemented to broadcast images from a webcam in the main room so that parents can check on the children via the Internet. Since you are enrolled in a Security Assessment and Auditing class at Tarrant County College, you have been recommended to assist ABC Company with a risk assessment. Complete the following questions based on information provided 

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A business model canvas for FutureProfit Pty Ltd. A good video to understand and present the business model canvas, watch

Assessment Title: Business Plan
Word Limit: /1500 words

Analyse small business management decision making and strategies for success
Create a three-year financial plan given a business scenario
LO5: Create a proposal for strategies to improve business performance

Assessment Description
You are required to read the scenario provided.
Jane has asked you to provide her a business / strategy plan for her business in moving forward. She knows she needs to expand her business into another capital city as well as automate her business better to be financially sustainable.
After reading the scenario, you will be required to submit a business plan she can take to her board to justify the expansion including raising $350k. The plan will include the following:
• Identify capital city to expand into which will provide the more profitable return-on- investment. This will include conducting market research to determine which capital city is suitable based on FutureProfit’s current target market.
• The advantages and disadvantages of leasing a commercial property or renting a co- working in the new city including the financial requirements.
• A business model canvas for FutureProfit Pty Ltd. A good video to understand and present the business model canvas, watch (The Business Model Canvas – 9 Steps to Creating a Successful Business Model – Startup Tips).
• Staff training needed to be future-ready.
• Two strategies / solutions you think will improve business performance and sustainability (e.g., how and what to automate). This information will also provide the basis for capital injection (e.g., technological requirements).
• Financial projections for the next three years
• Operational plan

Jane has been operating her business consulting and accountancy practice, FutureProfit Pty Ltd, for five years. She has done quite well for herself being in accounting for over 20 years and being recognised in her field locally, nationally and internationally. Though she has a few clients overseas, the majority of her client base is in Canberra, where she has resided pretty much all her life.
Despite her success, she is concerned about the sustainability of her practice over the next 5-10 years due to the changing nature and threat of automation to the accounting / bookkeeping industry. She has read that artificial intelligence, cloud computing and blockchain will continue to affect the industry. Additionally, she is concerned that her staff does not have the technical, analytical, leadership and consulting skills needed to continue their success in the future. She currently has four full-time employees: two accountants, one bookkeeper, and one office manager. She also has two part-time bookkeepers and a marketing/social media coordinator who all work off-site.
Her target market is SMEs who are in a growth phase and have a minimum turnover of $1 million per annum. Though she doesn’t target a specific industry, she tends to attract those companies that are in either health, education or the STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) fields – just due to the nature of Canberra.
She currently promotes her business mainly via word-of-mouth and networking at local professional associations such at the Canberra Business Chamber, the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and the Canberra Women in Business.
Last year’s sales revenue was $550,000.
Her key expenses are her own wage ($150k),
Salaries/wages ($320k),
Marketing/advertising ($50k),
and general operations ($100k).
She has two directors which she pays a token $25k each per year. She currently operates her business out of a detached building on her property and allocated $24,000 towards rent. Jane believes that the expansion will increase their sales revenue by 20% the first year, 30% the second year, and 40% the third year.
Her company currently uses XERO, a cloud-based accounting software platform for small and medium-sized businesses. Other than that, no other automation has been implemented.
Capital Raise
It is anticipated that the breakdown of the capital raise will be as follows:
(a) One full-time technical programmer @$100k;
(b) one full-time accountant @$80k;
(c) $100k towards interstate expansion (including operational and occupancy costs), and
(d) $70k for marketing.
A template business plan is provided on the portal to you to use if you wish. You are not required to use the template business plan. You are required to have a minimum of 10 references which can include journal articles, market research documents, government publications, industry reports, etc.

Criteria CR (Credit) 65%-74% D (Distinction) 75% – 84% HD (High Distinction) 85%-100%
Executive Summary One-page Executive Summary included. One-page Executive Summary included. One-page Executive Summary included. /2
Introduction Introduction is good with an overview of the company and the industry it services. SWOT analysis including trends affecting the industry needs more detail. Purpose of the plan identified. Solid Business Model Canvas included. Very thorough introduction with an overview of the company and the industry it services. SWOT analysis including trends affecting the industry discussed. Purpose of the plan identified.
Thorough Business Model Canvas included. Introduction is comprehensive with an overview of the company and the industry it services.
SWOT analysis including trends affecting the industry discussed. Purpose of the plan identified. Comprehensive Business Model Canvas included. /8
Marketing Plan Expansion city identified with solid market research included to justify choice of city. More depth needed of market details. Good customer and competitor details. Good marketing strategies identified for new market. Expansion city identified with thorough market research included to justify choice of city. Very good depth of market details including customer and competitor details. Thorough marketing strategies identified for new market. Expansion city identified with thorough market research included to justify choice of city. Comprehensive market details including customer and competitor details, and marketing strategies identified for new market. /8
Operations Plan Solid details of specific
operations identified and described. Training requirements highlighted and explained. Sound business performance strategies explained. Tenancy options discussed. Thorough details of specific
operations identified and described. Training requirements highlighted and explained very well. Business performance strategies and tenancy options discussed in detail. Comprehensive details of
specific operations identified and described. Training requirements, business performance strategies and tenancy options extremely thorough. /8
Financial Plan Financial details broadly identified and described. Demonstration of intermediate level understanding of financial plan purpose. Financial details well identified and described. Demonstration of high-level understanding of financial plan purpose. Financial details comprehensively identified and described. Demonstration of advanced level understanding of financial plan purpose. /6
Answer clearly and logically presented Paragraphs are generally well
organized. Better transitions needed. The progression of ideas could be more thoughtful. Paragraphs relate back to main arguments to prove argument. Ideas & arguments are well
structured. Thoughtful progression of ideas and details. Sound transitions between paragraphs. Major arguments are effectively made. Ideas & arguments are
effectively structured. Thoughtful progression of ideas and details. Excellent transitions between paragraphs. Concluding comments leave the reader thinking. Major arguments are effectively woven throughout everybody paragraph, with ideas
always related back to main argument. /2
Appropriate theory and research used to answer question posed Good critique examines the relevant issues and makes good observations from appropriate theory and research. Has between 5-7 references. A very good critique considered all the relevant issues and made important observations made from appropriate theory and research. Has between 8-9
references. Fully considered all the relevant issues and made significant observations made from appropriate theory and research. Has 10+ references from a wide variety of appropriate sources. /2

Correct academic writing style used, including correct spelling, grammar and punctuation Sentence variety is adequate. Tone is appropriate. Diction is clear but could be more effective. Language is academic, and writing is clear and effective.
Very little or no unclear or awkward phrasing Sentence variety is effective and good. Tone is appropriate and consistent. Diction/ vocabulary is appropriate and effective. Language is academic. Writing is clear, and concise. Sentence variety is effective and sophisticated. Tone is appropriate and consistent.
Diction/ vocabulary is sophisticated and effective. Language is academic. Writing is clear, concise, and strong. /2
Format of answer consistent with question requirements Meets editing, spacing, fonts, and other editing requirements. Meets almost all editing, spacing, fonts, and other editing requirements. Meets all editing, spacing, fonts, and other editing requirements. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at EssayCabinet.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT

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business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy?

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

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Internet business that has disrupted a conventional business model. Examples and Uber, Lyft, Netflix, Airbnb,

The impact of disruptive business models

Purpose: To demonstrate knowledge and analysis of business models through analysis, research and critical thinking skills.

Value:            Weight: 15%

See Calendar for due date

Support all statements and opinions with facts and evidence

Answer the questions being asked to the best of your ability

Late assignments will be penalized 1.5 marks/day

Cite all sources with APA formatting Failure or neglect to cite sources by providing the name of the author,  

article and date will result in a diminished grade

Expected word count: 500-700 words


Choose 1 Internet business that has disrupted a conventional business model. Examples and Uber, Lyft, Netflix, Airbnb,  

Amazon or refer to the course textbook for further examples.

a) Describe the business model in detail. Ensure that you use resources from the course textbook or the business model canvas. (5 marks)

b) Compare and explain how the conventional business model has been disrupted. Consider revenue models, resources, key partners,  

value created etc. (9 marks)

Provide an introduction and a conclusion (1 marks)

Provide support for your thoughts and opinions through research. Cite your sources.

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Business Impact Analysis

Need a Paper with 400 – 500 words in APA format describing the following :- – What is the purpose of Business Impact Analysis?- Explain the concepts of Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO).- In your school or organization, identify two business functions (or systems) that require high-availability and determine the RTO and RPO of each system.

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How can a business or organization benefit from using a consultant?

Answer the following questions, in your opinion and from your knowledge gained through course readings. 

1. How can a business or organization benefit from using a consultant?

2. Have you or your organization used consultants in the past? If so, give a brief description of how the consultant interacted within your organization. If not, why do you feel they have not used a consultant service in the past? 

3. Do you have an interest in becoming a consultant in the future? Why or why not? 

Writers Solution

Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice?

 Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.

1. Your assignment should be written in APA style format.
2. Double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font and make sure to use headings.
3. Please answer all the questions at the end of Case Study in not less than 2 pages.
4. Separate title and reference page.