Writers Solution

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy?

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. . Use proper citations and references in your post.

Writers Solution

Distinguish the pros and cons of social media in successful business strategy.

In this unit, you have learned about the role of social and news media on a business. Compose an essay examining this topic. In your essay, be sure to include the criteria below.

  • Distinguish the pros and cons of social media in successful business strategy.
  • Explain how business strategy is affected by the news media.
  • Discuss ways that businesses implement strategies to interact with the news media.

Your essay must be a minimum of two pages in length. It should include an introduction, a clear thesis statement, and a conclusion. In addition, a minimum of two academic sources (only one of which can be an assigned source, such as the textbook) must be used, cited, and referenced in APA format.

Writers Solution

A business plan for a start-up company of your choosing. This can be any company that you wish to pursue

1. A business plan for a start-up company of your choosing. This can be any company that you wish to pursue. Your business plan does not need to be overly-exhaustive. It should be 3-5 pages single spaced. You will be fabricating much of what’s in the business plan. I won’t be checking it for these particulars. Rather, I will simply make sure that your presenting information the proper way in terms of writing. — Also, you do not need to calculate any numbers for your business projections. You can fabricate these numbers as you see fit. I’ll be focused more on the writing and formatting.

2. An internal memorandum, business email and informal report in regards to the operations of your business. 

Writers Solution

business and applied


For this assignment, you will present three fundamentally different applied business topics that align with your specialization and personal expertise. These should be topics you would like to study.In Week 8, you will explore one in more detail. Provide justification that the topic is both business and applied. Explain why the topic is worth researching. Each topic and discussion should be about a page in length. Include an introduction and a conclusion.Length:  4 pagesReferences:  Include 6 peer-reviewed journals, 2 per topic.Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. Upload your document and click the Submit to Dropbox button.Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at CapitalEssayWriting.comCLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT CapitalEssayWriting.comGET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTSNO PLAGIARISM

Writers Solution

Analyze a difficult leadership situation in the business world that has impacted a company or companies.

  1. In your paper,• Analyze a difficult leadership situation in the business world that has impacted a company or companies.• Develop a plan for positively increasing the performance of the organization, the leadership, and the teams within the organization using the five practices of exemplary leadership as developed by Kouzes and Posner.
    The Leadership in Hard Times paper
    • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
    Must include a separate title page with the following: • Title of paper• Student’s name• Course name and number• Instructor’s name• Date submitted
    • Must utilize academic voice.• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.• Must use at least three scholarly sources• Must document any information used from sources in APA style• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style
  2. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
Writers Solution

practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program

Unit 2 [GM591]

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Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

The practice of project management has been with us for a long time. This discipline and its evolution as a profession are detailed throughout this course. Today, project management has reached a maturity that entitles it to a rightful place in the practice and the literature of the Management and Business Administration program. However, the ability of the project management profession to remain viable in an ever-changing world is dependent upon the members of the profession to recognize change, and to adjust to that change for the good of the organization.

Write a focus paper discussing the importance of aligning projects with the organization’s strategic goals. In your discussion, consider the advantages of having the leadership team support the project. Please be mindful that executives are interested in initiatives that promote the vision and mission of the organization.

Remember, a focus paper is an argumentative essay that attempts to persuade the reader of the truth or plausibility of a specific claim or position. A focus paper is NOT a summary, commentary, journal entry, personal reflection, analysis, compare and contrast essay, or an expository essay. The objective is NOT to convey information, show how much you know, or analyze a text. Rather, the primary goal is to persuade the reader that an important, interesting, and debatable thesis is true or plausible, and that the alternative position is untenable.

Criteria for the Assignment

● Select any project (your choice, a project you know about or one that you would like to join).

● Map organizational objectives, goals, and strategies to the project outcomes.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if the project organization reflects organizational strategies.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) if there has been a proper selection of project sponsor and project manager, and the advantages of their support for the project.

● Demonstrate the adequacy of project policies, procedures, and techniques.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) the uses of scope, risk, time, cost, and quality with associated planning and performance standards.

● Discuss (at the level of practical application) how to communicate the project to the organization and stakeholders.


● Title page formatted in APA 6th edition style with the following information: Title of the paper, your name, course number and section number, and date.

● A table of contents using the following headers: Executive Summary, Introduction (3–5 sentences including thesis statement), Project Overview, Analysis of Project (Assess the core project concept. Determine the costs and benefits of the project. Assess if the project scope, risk, and strategy was defined clearly.), Recommendation and Course of Action, Conclusion (4–8 sentences stating your recommended solutions in terms of project management techniques and tools), and References.

● A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to APA 6th edition formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations.

● The paper should be focused and to the point, containing between 600–800 words from the Executive Summary to the end of your Conclusion.

Unit 2 [GM591]

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Directions for Submitting Your Assignment

Submit your paper to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox. Make sure that you save a copy of the files you submit.

GM591 Unit 2 Assignment: Value of Projects Focus Paper

Points Possible

Points Earned

Content (50 pts)

Response successfully answers the assignment question(s); thoroughly uses the text and other literature. Includes a strong thesis statement, introduction and conclusion. The main points of the paper are developed clearly. All arguments are supported well (no errors in logic) using outside sources.


Sources are primarily academic journals, with thoughtful use Web sources. References are applied substantively to the paper topic. Skillfully addresses counter-arguments and does not ignore data contradicting its claim. Refers to sources both in-text and in the reference page.


Analysis (30 pts)

Response exhibits strong higher-order critical thinking and analysis (e.g., evaluation). Paper shows original thought.


Analysis includes proper classifications, explanations, comparisons and inferences.


Critical thinking includes appropriate judgments, conclusions, and assessment based on evaluation and synthesis of information.


Writing (20 pts)

Grammatical skills are strong with typically less than one error per page. Correct use of APA 6th edition formatting style.


Appropriate to the assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate, (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).


Project is in 12-point font. Narrative sections are double-spaced with a double space between. Project is free of serious errors; grammar, punctuation, and spelling help to clarify the meaning by following accepted conventions.

Writers Solution

Benchmarking: an international journal Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy Review

Task Description
This is a business case analysis of 1600 words +/­ 10%
This individual written assessment is designed to assist you to develop your knowledge of management and business
contexts. The secondary purpose of this assessment task is to give you the opportunity to enhance skills in research,
professional responsibility, and written communication.
Task details
Your task is to write a business case comparing two companies from the following web site: hhps://
Please make sure that you choose two companies from different countries.
It is suggested that you use articles from the following journals to support your theoretical arguments. You must include the doi for each journal article on your reference list. Please note that this is a suggested list of reference sources, and you may use other journals, but please make
sure that they are of a high academic quality
Asia Pacific Business Review
Benchmarking: an international journal
Business Strategy and the Environment
Business Strategy Review
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy
Contemporary Pacific
European Business Review
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
Global Governance
Human Resource Development Quarterly
IIMB Management Review
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Studies of Management and Organization
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of General Management
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Management Decision
Measuring Business Excellence
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Quality Management Journal
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The TQM Journal
In terms of analysing the organisation all of the companies listed on this web site have an extensive list of annual and business reports, as well as media reporting. It is suggested that you also use these sources of information when seeking to apply theory to practice. Again, you will need to provide a reference for each source used, as well as the doi, where possible, or the appropriate web address in accordance with APA
referencing conventions. You are required to:
· You must first select TWO companies from the following web site.
· Undertake a cross­case comparison, which correspond to week 2¬4 topics, with a focus on
critically analysing the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of your chosen organization:
(a). How are the business and governance structures of your chosen companies different/similar, and why might this be the case?
(b). What are the environmental factors that influence your chosen companies’ performance and/or decision­making?
(c). What are the top three risks your chosen companies face and how might this influence their decision making?
(d). Make 3 suggestions regarding how the companies might improve their business practices.
· Your business case analysis must include at least five (5) peer reviewed journal articles published after year 2009 from the list of journals provided.
Note: further support on writing, referencing, etc. is given on the Moodle site for this course. Assessment Due Date
Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
All submissions must be uploaded through the Assessment Item 1 link on the unit Moodle page. The essay can be
uploaded as a pdf or word document. Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.
Return Date to Students
Week 7 Monday (7Jan. 2020)
Every effort will be made to return your assignment by the date indicated. You will find your mark and feedback through
the Feedback Studio portal on Moodle.
Weighting 30%
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact
SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and
decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to
examine organisational environments Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills
Ethical and Professional Responsibility
Assessment Due Date Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
Business Case Analysis submission
Return Date to Students Week 7 Tuesday (7 Jan. 2020)
Business Case Analysis return date ­ Takes into account the university closure over the Christmas period
Weighting 30%
Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria
· Criteria 1. Introduction * 3 marks Clearly outlines the purpose, scope, structure of the essay.
· Criteria 2 Body—Theoretical knowledge * 8 marks Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilize the theories and concepts presented in Topics 1¬5.
· Criteria 3. Body—Research efforts and analysis * 12 marks Level of research effort demonstrated regarding the chosen companies and ability to critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of the chosen companies by addressing the four proposed questions.
· Criteria 4. Conclusion *3 marks All aspects drawn together in a brief, concise summary. Consistent with findings, no new material introduced but highlights implications or a comment on the future of the company.
· Criteria 5. Presentation *2 marks High quality of expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and proofreading.
· Criteria 6. Referencing * 2 marks Inclusion of an accurate reference list on a separate page listing only the sources that actually have been used. The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last names. At least 5 academic references post 2009 have been used, together with a numerous number of non¬academic references.
Referencing Style
American Psychological Association (APA)
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills Research
Ethical and Professional Responsibility


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Writers Solution

Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors

A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic Management Q1: Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors. This is evident when it paid millions of dollars to popular and successful sports icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Serena Williams to promote the sales of its products. The company focused on producing high quality shoes and other sports wear whose sales were promoted through “guerilla” marketing. This proactive approach resulted into increased 1998 revenues of $9.6 billion. Nike cements its business-level strategy with corporate strategy (diversification) to serve its customers better and increase its market share, thus higher revenue.

Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments.

Q2: How Nike’s business level strategies changed the nature of industry competition

Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the market.


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A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

You are to assume the role of marketing director for the new restaurant concept. You are required to produce a strategic marketing plan for Blossom. Your plan needs to contain the following elements:

1. Executive summary: what the brand is, how it will be positioned, who it will target, and the primary objectives (no more than two paragraphs)

2. Current market situation

a. Food trends (U.S.A.)

b. Full-service restaurants

c. Competition (direct/indirect)

d. Pricing

3. SWOT analysis (table format)

4. Objectives

a. Year 1

b. Year 2

5. Marketing strategy

a. Positioning (expand upon the value proposition in the opening paragraph above)

b. Targeting

c. Integrated marketing mix: four Ps (product, pricing, place, promotion)

6. Marketing controls: How will results be measured? How will marketing research be us


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Writers Solution

What’s are the risk involved leads to enhance your business?

What’s are the risk involved leads to enhance your business?

Writers Solution

Record financial data that accurately captures business transactions according to accepted accounting principles