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Business plan for IT consulting company

If done properly, launching an IT consulting business may be a profitable endeavor. However, in order to direct your activities and guarantee your success, you must have a sound business strategy. The essential elements of a Business plan for IT consulting company will be outlined in this article.

The executive summary, which is the first part of your business plan, provides a description of the aims and objectives of your organization. It should include a succinct overview of your business, the goods and services you provide, your target clientele, and your competitive edge.

Business Description

A thorough description of your IT consulting business is provided in the section titled “Company Description.” It should include details about your company’s history, location, goal statement, and legal structure. A description of your team, including each member’s credentials and experience, should also be included.

Market Research

You must do a detailed investigation of the IT consulting sector for the market analysis portion. An examination of your target market’s size, potential for expansion, and trends should be part of this. Additionally, you should assess your rivals’ strengths and flaws and look for ways to set yourself apart.

Product or Service Line

You must explain the items or services your IT consulting firm provides in this area. This should have a thorough explanation of each service or item, together with information on its features, advantages, and cost.

Strategies for sales and marketing

You must describe your strategy for acquiring and keeping consumers in the section on marketing and sales techniques. Your target market, your marketing strategies, and your sales plan should all be included. Your price strategy and any planned promotional efforts should also be included.

Management and Operations

You must define your IT consulting firm’s organizational and managerial structure in this area. Information about your workforce needs, supply chain, and IT infrastructure should all be included in this. Include details about your management group as well when creating a Business plan for IT consulting company, such as their tasks and functions.

monetary projections

Perhaps the most important component of your business plan is the section on financial estimates. You must include your income, costs, and cash flow estimates for your IT consulting business in this area. A break-even analysis and a five-year financial prognosis should also be included.

Starting an IT consulting business may be a difficult but worthwhile venture. You may overcome obstacles and accomplish your objectives with the aid of an effective business strategy. You’ll be well on your way to writing a successful business plan for your IT consulting firm if you stick to the format outlined in this article.

If done properly, starting an IT consulting business can be a successful and gratifying endeavor. However, in order to direct your activities and guarantee your success, you must have a sound business strategy. In this post, we’ll go over some important ideas to bear in mind as well as the essential elements of a business plan for an IT consulting firm.

The executive summary, which is the first part of your business plan, provides a description of the aims and objectives of your organization. It should include a succinct overview of your business, the goods and services you provide, your target clientele, and your competitive edge. Remember that your executive summary should be succinct yet effective and should leave readers with a lasting impression.

Business Description

A thorough description of your IT consulting business is provided in the section titled “Company Description.” It should include details about your company’s history, location, goal statement, and legal structure. A description of your team, including each member’s credentials and experience, should also be included. It’s critical to highlight your business’s USP, or what makes you different from your rivals.

Market Research

You must do a detailed investigation of the IT consulting sector for the market analysis portion. An examination of your target market’s size, potential for expansion, and trends should be part of this. Additionally, you should assess your rivals’ strengths and flaws and look for ways to set yourself apart. Remember that your market analysis should be based on facts and supported by market research.

Product or Service Line

You must explain the items or services your IT consulting firm provides in this area. This should have a thorough explanation of each service or item, together with information on its features, advantages, and cost. It’s crucial to emphasize the key capabilities and expertise of your business, as well as any extra services or goods that can be appealing to your target market.

Strategies for sales and marketing

You must describe your strategy for acquiring and keeping consumers in the section on marketing and sales techniques. Your target market, your marketing strategies, and your sales plan should all be included. Your price strategy and any planned promotional efforts should also be included. Remember that your marketing and sales strategy should be adapted to your target audience and coordinated with the objectives of your business.

Management and Operations

You must define your IT consulting firm’s organizational and managerial structure in this area. Information about your workforce needs, supply chain, and IT infrastructure should all be included in this. Include details about your management group as well, such as their tasks and functions. Remember that your operations and management strategy should be scalable and adaptable, ready to take into account changes in the sector and the expansion of your business.

monetary projections

Perhaps the most important component of your business plan is the section on financial estimates. You must include your income, costs, and cash flow estimates for your IT consulting business in this area. A break-even analysis and a five-year financial prognosis should also be included. Remember that your financial estimates should be reasonable and based on statistics and standards from the industry.

Useful Things to Think About

When writing a business plan for your IT consulting firm, keep the following things in mind as well:

    Establish your specialization: While having a wide variety of services or products is necessary, it’s also crucial to establish your niche and focus on a certain area of IT consulting.

    Keep up of industry trends: Because the IT consulting sector is always changing, it’s crucial to keep abreast of the most recent trends and innovations.

    Create a strong network: Maintaining and growing your company requires having a strong network of customers, partners, and business associates.

    Invest in sales and marketing: Increasing sales and marketing may

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specific information technology and a specific business application

Assignment 1 Research Proposal on a specific information technology and a specific business application


This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to improve student learning skills and to give students experience in researching the literature on a topic relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter, critically analysing current academic papers then presenting idea or question and expected outcomes with clarity and definition in a referenced written report.


For this component you will write a research proposal on a particular topic. The topic you select must be directly relevant to IT in Business. Your topic must include a specific information technology and a specific business application, e.g., AI For fraud detection.

All students must have a different topic. Students can choose to write about the same technology, but the approach and the thrust of each paper must be different. For instance, you could look at cloud computing from a security viewpoint, or from an environment impact viewpoint, or from the perspective of a manager trying to reduce their hardware costs. There will be many perspectives to look at each technology and its relation to Business IT.

To ensure this uniqueness, each student must email their topic and title to their tutor within the first two weeks. Your tutor will respond with an approval or with a message that you will either need to choose a different technology or to change the thrust of your paper. Once it has been approved you should begin by working towards the first deliverable.

Note: specific information technology and a specific business application, It is important to realize, that you must have prior approval for a topic before you can submit. If you submit something for assessment without approval for the specific topic, it will not be graded. Once you have a topic approved, you cannot change it without consent from your subject lecturer.

The Key elements of the research proposal

Your research proposal must include the following components:

1. An introduction or context to the study problem or subject, identifying the research gap in the existing literature

2. A thesis statement that answers the research question and, if possible, the research question

3. The need for the research, as demonstrated by the research’s justification

4. A preliminary literature study detailing prior work in the field.

5. The theoretical foundation that would guide the planned study

6. A statement of the research’s contribution to the field as a whole

7. The suggested research approach

8. A research strategy and plan

9. The anticipated research’s timetable

10. References listed for the proposal’s preparation


The outline will include the title and a description of the sections in your paper and the key topics in each, along with at least five preliminary references and a note as to in which section they will be included.

• You are required to address Elements 1,2,3,4,10 in your outline (200 words).

The draft version is just that, a draft. The first draft can be messy, rough and amenable to change, allowing you to re-mould your structure with successive drafts. You can avoid trying to write perfect sentences and paragraphs (polishing). Additionally, you can include bullet points, sentence fragments, and temporary section headings, but I would expect approximately half of the paper to be near complete at this stage. Don’t worry about being repetitive or boring. Avoid making your writing eloquent, stylistic or succinct in the first draft: you can revise and improve your writing as your rework later drafts. The idea of the draft is to get down initial ideas and develop an overall structure of the paper.

• You are required to address Elements 1-10 in your draft (≥ 1250 words).

The final version of your paper is the polished version, the approach should follow the same plan as your draft, but obviously some change may have occurred from the draft. You should not use a lot of small sections and bullet points in the final version. Your research proposal should be presenting the state of current knowledge in a specific area and as such, should have a narrative that flows from one paragraph to another. You cannot achieve this with bullet points and small disjoint sections. All references included with your paper must be cited within the paper and be appropriate to the context of the citation.

• You are required to address Elements 1-10 in your final proposal (2500 words).

Some Notes:

  • All references must use the Harvard referencing style.
  • The length of the paper is to be 2500 words (excluding the references, contents etc.)
  • The font of the body text should be 12pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spaced
  • Section Heading should be in Arial Bold 12-point font
  • At NO time should you use Wikipedia as a reference




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develop a business plan for a quality improvement project

Business Plan Assignment

Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to develop a business plan for a quality improvement project, program, or service related to an area of student interest within the selected healthcare organization.

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7

Total Points Possible:  200

I.                  Requirements:

  1. Address all components of the business plan as outlined in Preparing the Paper.
  2. You will be required to submit this completed document with your assignment.
  • This paper will be graded on quality and completeness of information, accuracy of any required calculations, use of citations, use of standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required components.
  • Create this assignment using Microsoft Word, which is the required format for all Chamberlain documents. You can tell that the document is saved as an MS Word document because it will end in .docx.

II.               Preparing the paper

A business plan is a detailed plan for a proposed program, project, or service.

The following outline should be used with level I and II headings as required.A template for the cover letter is provided below. Remember, there is no heading used for the introduction section.

Cover Letter

Your name

Your address


Name of receiver

Address of receiver

Dear Mr/Ms/Dr. name

In the business letter one paragraph would be an overview the issue, its impact, and solution. Give enough information so they know what you are doing. Do not need references in letter.

Another paragraph would engage the reader to take action such as leaving your phone number and letting the person know that if they have questions to please each out to you.

Or thanking them for reading and tell them you look forward to hearing from them.


Your name

  • Present a captivating executive summary that is interesting and captures the interest of leadership and draws them in to read further. Content includes (1) a description of the proposed project, program, or service, (2) why it is being proposed, and (3) what outcomes are most likely to occur as a result.
  • Detailed Abstract expands the executive summary. Use detailed outline above to ensure adequate inclusion of all elements.
  • Appendices should include any financial tables, charts, or graphs, or other supporting documents referred to in the detailed abstract. The business plan worksheet should be included in the appendices.
  • Conclusionfor the paper includes an overview of what was covered in the paper, strengths and weaknesses of the plan, and plan for seeking proposal approval.
  • After submitting your assignment, please upload your completed executive summary into the Week 8 designatedDiscussion to share with your peers.
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Introduction20Purpose of assignment; purpose of business plan; PICOT clearly stated; what will be included in the paper
Proposal40Cover letter in business letter format engages reader with brief overview of issue and solution and engages reader to take action. Executive summary describes project, its purpose, outcomes, marketing, and financial summary.
Detailed Abstract75Expand description of project purpose, issue/problem defined; supportive evidence for project;expected outcomes and timeline; marketing/needs analyses and plans; fit with mission of organization; fit with current services; financial plan including budgetary needs;  financial impact on stakeholders; break-even analysis and cost/benefit analysis results
Appendices15Business plan worksheet; budget; break-even analysis; other charts, tables, referred to in plan
Conclusion25Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignment; strengths and weaknesses of the plan; and strategies for seeking approval
Paper formatting requirements15Text, title page, headings, and references are consistent with APA format;heading labels consistent with paper requirements;Ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly; page length within seven-page limit
Writing conventions10Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed
Total 200A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaExceptional Outstanding or highest level of performance (100%)Above Average Very good or high level of performance (88%)Average Minimum level of performance (80%)Below Average Needs improvement   (50%)    Failing Poor performance     (0%)  
Content Possible Points = 200 Points     
Introduction  20 Points18 Points16 Points10 Points0
All components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperThree of four components of   introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperTwo of four components of introduction are clearly and specifically articulated.   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paper  Only one component of introduction is clearly and specifically articulated.     Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOT clearly statedWhat will be included in the paperNo component specifically addressed, or section is missing   Purpose of assignmentPurpose of business planPICOTclearly statedWhatwill be included in the paper
Proposal Cover Letter and Executive Summary          15 Points13 Points12 Points8 Points0 Points
Cover Letter:   All components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to actCover Letter:   Two of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter:   One of three components of cover letter are clearly and accurately presented.   Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter: All components of cover letter are generally presented Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  Cover Letter: No components of cover letter are present Cover letter in business letter formatBrief overview of issue and solutionEngages reader to act  
25 Points22Points20 Points12 Points0 Points
Executive Summary:   All components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Three of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Two of four components of executive summary are clearly and accurately presented. Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   Only one component of executive summary is clearly and accurately presented Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing and financial summaries.Executive Summary:   All components are generally addressed, or section is missing Executive summary engages reader’s interest in project.Provides summary of projectpurposeoutcomesmarketing andfinancial summaries.
Detailed Abstract Full description of project proposal75 Points66 Points60 Points38 Points0 Points
All components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results8 to 9 components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results6 to 7 components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results5 or less components are clearly and completely articulated. Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results  All components are generally addressed, or section is missing Expand description of project purposeIssue/problem definedSupportive evidence for projectExpected outcomes from project and timelineMarketing/needs analyses and plans includedFit with mission of organizationFit with current servicesFinancial plan including budgetary needsFinancial impact on stakeholdersBreak-even and Cost/benefit analysis results  
Appendices15 Points13 Points12 Points8 Points0 Points
All required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Required: Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planThree of four required supporting documents are included and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planTwo of fourrequired supporting documents are present and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planOnly oneof four required supporting documents is present and accurately presented. Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysisOther charts, tables, referred to in planNo supporting documents are presented, or section is missing Business plan worksheetBudgetBreak-even analysis Other charts, tables, referred to in plan
Conclusion25 Points22 Points20 Points12 Points0 Points
All required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalTwo of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalOne of three required components for conclusion are clearly and accurately presented. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalAll required components for conclusion are generally addressed. Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are describedStrategy for obtaining project approvalNo required components are addressed, or section is missing Concluding statements that include what was covered in the assignmentTwo strengths and two weaknesses of the plan are described Strategy for obtaining project approval
Paper Format15 Points13 Points12 Points8Points0 Points
All formatting elements are present with two or less errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3. All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitFormatting elements are mostly correct with three errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitFormatting elements are mostly correct with four errors.   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitAll formatting elements are present with five errors   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limitAll formatting elements are present with six or more errors   1. Text, title page, headings, and references 2. Headings label follow required outline 3.All ideas and information from other sources are cited correctly 4. Page length within seven-page limit
Writing Conventions10 Points9 Points8 Points5 Points0 points
Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain two or fewer errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contains three errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain four errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain five errors.Rules of grammar, word usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed and contain six or more errors.
Total Points  _____/200 points
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Discuss functional business systems

Information Systems Organization IT and the Digital Organization

Learning Objectives

• Discuss functional business systems

• Discuss IT System Extent and Visibility

• Discuss the organizational and operational impact of IT

• Discuss the business value of emerging technologies


IT Systems in the Digital Organization

• The information systems of the digital organization can be divided into the following categories: • Functional Business Systems • Enterprise Business Systems

• Enterprise Communication and Collaboration Systems • Business Intelligence and Decision Support Systems • E-Commerce Systems • M-Business Systems


Functional Business Systems

• Functional business systems are information systems that support the primary business functions of traditional businesses.

• In smaller organizations, these are still often standalone systems, but increasingly, especially in larger organizations, these are being integrated into cross-enterprise business systems.


Functional Business System Types


System Extent and Visibility

•System Extent • The system affects on business units across the

organization. We distinguish two kinds of extents below, although in fact, extent is really a continuum.

•System Visibility • The systems degree to which the operations and

processes of the system can be directly experienced from outside of the organization.


Organizational Agility • IT has supported organizational agility and has itself been a

major driver of agility. In particular, IT has affected: • Structural Agility—through distributed teams and

outsourcing, largely driven by the increasing capabilities of internet-based communication and collaboration • Business Process Agility—through rapid changes in

business processes, largely driven by workflow and business process management systems • Management Agility—through better decision making,

largely driven by the growth of business intelligence systems, including data mining and decision support systems

• Agility characterizes both internal operations as well as external relationships with customers, partners, suppliers, and others.


Business Value of Emerging Technologies

• Now more than ever organizations need to be agile—they need to have the ability to expand easily or to introduce products, services or other offerings quickly. Organizations need to be able to expand globally and literally overnight.

• The introduction of cloud computing, utility computing, microservices or distributed computing, and Software as a Service now help to facilitate organizations’ ability to operate anywhere, anytime, and expand technology assets simply and easily.


Cloud Computing • There are several key features which define cloud computing, listed

below: • Agility – Cloud computing provides the ability to rapidly provision

infrastructure and services.

• Cost – Cloud computing can lower entry costs for organizations, and also facilitates a “pay as you go” model.

• Device and Location Independence – Because cloud computing is browser- based and available through the internet, the cloud is available through any client.

• Multi-tenancy – Cloud computing provides the ability to share multiple resources across consumers, typically through virtualization.

• Reliability – Typically cloud vendors must provide critical service features and functionality to their consumers, much like a utility company. Therefore, backup, recovery, disaster recovery and business continuity are of critical importance to cloud computing vendors.


Cloud Computing Features Cont.

• Scalability – Since infrastructure within the cloud can be easily provisioned, on-demand scalability is an extremely important asset of cloud computing.

• Security – With cloud computing, there is a centralization of security. Still, there are concerns with this model, such as loss of control of sensitive data and the lack of security for stored kernels.

• Maintenance – Cloud computing applications can be easier to maintain since the applications do not need to be installed on a client directly.

• Metering – Cloud computing usage and application usage can be monitored; therefore, consumers only pay for resources they use.


Cloud Computing Service Models

• There are several different types of cloud models: • Infrastructure As A Service

• Platform As A Service

• Software As A Service


Software as a Service

• Provides consumers with a “pay as you go” or on-demand software model.

• This removes the need for organizations to distribute software internally and instead provides them with a simple mechanism to license and leverage software on an as-needed basis.


Benefits of SaaS

• There are some major benefits for organizations that move towards a SaaS model, including: • Saving money by not having to purchase servers or other software to support


• Focusing budgets on competitive advantage rather than infrastructure

• Incurring only a monthly obligation rather than an up-front capital cost

• Reducing the need to predict scale of demand and reducing infrastructure investment up-front, as available capacity matches demand

• Enhancing flexibility and scalability



• Takes advantages of the benefits of cloud computing

• Focused on a system’s cohesion and reduces the system’s coupling.

• Each service can run within an isolated instance within a virtualized space commonly referred to as a container.


Microservices ~ containers

• Containers are encapsulated services which allow for characteristics such as: • Load balancing

• Auto-scaling

• Multiple containers can be spun up and torn down on demand with no service interruption


Managing Containers

• Having containers means having potentially thousands of services available at any point in time

• Managing those containers and versions of them can be challenging

• Technologies like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes allow for management and deployment of those containers



• Discussed functional business systems, described and provided examples

• Discussed IT System Extent and Visibility discussed the importance of it

• Discussed the organizational and operational impact of IT

• Discussed the business value of emerging technologies










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Role of production management in a successful business

Bunny Frank’s pastry business has been doing well since you helped her understand the role of production management in a successful business. Her output and sales have grown, and she has hired several employees.
Recently, though, several of her longtime customers have mentioned that, from time to time, her pastries are not as good as they used to be. Bunny’s business is based on delivering quality products and service. She wants to nip any problems in the bud. Once again, she has asked for your help.

Bunny would like to have a PowerPoint presentation on hand to show current staff and future hires.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that contains at least eight content slides as well as a title slide and reference slide. Your presentation should address the following elements:
the importance of quality to Bunny’s customers,
the importance of quality to Bunny’s operations,
at least two quality tools Yummy Bunny Pastries can use to determine if it has quality problems and how to use the tools, and
how to assure customer service quality.

Use the notes section (speaker notes) on each slide to write what you would say about the content of that slide if you were giving the presentation. That will help Bunny use the presentation in the future.

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We’re ready to invest in a new generation of business leaders

3-5 pgs

After the meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chairwoman of the Board calls you into her office. She offers you a cup of coffee and is impressed with the information that you presented in the meeting and your understanding of new ventures. She says:

“We’re ready to invest in a new generation of business leaders. There is so much talent arising from business schools, and the passion for entrepreneurism, innovation, and business excellence helps to build a strong economy. I’d like you to work with a multicultural team of entrepreneurs to develop a global small business.

You will need to prepare an executive business plan overview for the global small business for the Board of Directors, a brand logo, and a prospective commercial that could be used to advertise the global small business’s product or service. If the global small business idea is successful, the Board of Directors may approve startup funding of up to $1 million.”

Using the resources in the CTU Library, research entrepreneurism and small businesses, and create an executive business plan using this template (I’ve attached the template file) that includes the following:

  • Company Information: The name and background of your global small business including founders, history, current number of employees, and location.
  • Mission Statement: The purpose of your global small business.
  • Product or Service: A description of the products or services that your global small business will offer.
  • Company Logo: An original creative graphic that identifies your company or brand.
  • Market: The market for your global small business, including regions served and competitors.
  • Advertising: Prepare a description of an original, creative commercial for the products or services offered; Include what advertising medium you would use (Social Media, TV, Radio, for example) and include the identified target audience
  • Financials: The projected operational financial needs for your organization and the potential investments needed.
  • Growth Potential: The projected financial and market growth of the company for the next 5 years.

Provide a reference list of up to 3 resources at the end of your project of the resources you have found in the CTU Library, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format

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IoT might provide a business with a competitive advantage

Write 1 paragraphs per question.

1- Do some research, and write up an example of how IoT might provide a business with a competitive advantage  and why you think this.

2- Provide one example of how information technology has created an ethical dilemma that would not have existed before the advent of Information Technology (IT). Consider things such as: How has this created a dilemma? Is the negative impact worth the positive impact? For who?


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How implementing the business plan would be beneficial for the organization

You want to propose a new way to solve a problem at your workplace. To describe your implementation for this change, use the following information to submit a business plan detailing the need for this change to the head of your department.

For this assignment, complete the “Business Plan” template. Write a 500-750 word summary detailing how implementing the business plan would be beneficial for the organization. Explain how the plan would be a good return on investment for the organization.

Provide two to four scholarly resources, in addition to information from your textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.


Business Plan Template

Business plan is clear and concise

Summary of how business plan is beneficial for the organization is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research.

Explanation of how the plan is a good return on investment for the organization is clear, concise, and makes connections to current research


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Newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia

Project Assignment and Presentation
You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia. Utopia is known for internal governmental coups among religious factions, a restrictive and closed-minded culture regarding women and minorities, and problems with drug cartels that kidnap American citizens. Utopia is also known for its beautiful weather. Travel to Utopia is not restricted and the American Embassy remains open there.
The previous HR manager was fired for failing to properly assist this company’s expatriate employees with a prior expansion. To avoid future problems with this expansion, the Board of Directors has asked to see your plan for recruitment and selection of internal and external staff, identification and selection of management staff, development, and support of that staff both during expatriation to Utopia and repatriation to the US and all the challenges that may be faced. The Board of Directors specifically said they do not want any particular staff type excluded so your plan must include provisions for women, families with children and minorities.
Part One – Research Report – Your report shall be 10 to 15 full pages, excluding the cover and reference pages. The report shall reference at least four academic journals or management texts. Your plan shall also include support examples of countries or businesses where the tactics you are suggesting worked or failed.
Part Two – PowerPoint Presentation – The Board of Directors expects you to make a presentation with PowerPoint slides of your report. Your slides shall be creative, eye-catching and a realistic summary of your report. Your summary shall be 10-15 slides. You are strongly encouraged to use PowerPoint to record your presentation


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Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG)

Cisco is one of the key network solution companies driving the infrastructure upon which the cloud resides. Within Cisco, the Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) studied virtualization solutions and their use of the cloud. The group created a variety of best practices and predictions. Discuss whether you believe Cisco is driving the cloud or is the cloud driving Cisco. 

275 words 

No APA Format 

Citations and references required 


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