Writers Solution

You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia

Project Assignment and Presentation
You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia. Utopia is known for internal governmental coups among religious factions, a restrictive and closed-minded culture regarding women and minorities, and problems with drug cartels that kidnap American citizens. Utopia is also known for its beautiful weather. Travel to Utopia is not restricted and the American Embassy remains open there.
The previous HR manager was fired for failing to properly assist this company’s expatriate employees with a prior expansion. To avoid future problems with this expansion, the Board of Directors has asked to see your plan for recruitment and selection of internal and external staff, identification and selection of management staff, development, and support of that staff both during expatriation to Utopia and repatriation to the US and all the challenges that may be faced. The Board of Directors specifically said they do not want any particular staff type excluded so your plan must include provisions for women, families with children and minorities.
Part One – Research Report – Your report shall be 10 to 15 full pages, excluding the cover and reference pages. The report shall reference at least four academic journals or management texts. Your plan shall also include support examples of countries or businesses where the tactics you are suggesting worked or failed.
Part Two – PowerPoint Presentation – The Board of Directors expects you to make a presentation with PowerPoint slides of your report. Your slides shall be creative, eye-catching and a realistic summary of your report. Your summary shall be 10-15 slides. You are strongly encouraged to use PowerPoint to record your presentation


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Business data model (specifying the business data model and the security-related data structures such as tables

For each of the assignments in the course, you will be grouped in 2-3 (depending on class size). Each member will have a specific role as follows:

  •  fact finding/data collection
  • analysis/collecting key points
  • write/presentation and /document the milestones

In the Module 4 assignment you created a logical architecture using SABSA framework as follows:

  1. Business Information Model (showing all functions of Information System)
  2. Security Policy statements (for example, policy statement about data exfiltration)
  3. Proposed Security Services (for example, SSO, MFA etc.)
  4. Entity schema and privilege profile (user classification, access type, groups etc.)
  5. Security domain definitions and associations (trusted domain, DMZ, front-ending web clients etc.)
  6. Security processing cycle (renew password, update firewall, update OS, – match security policy with security processing cycle)

Assignment Instructions:Now, you will create a Physical architecture (builder’s view) using the SABSA framework. In other words, it is the development of an enterprise security architecture that is business-driven which describes a structured inter-relationship between the technical and procedural solutions to support the long-term needs of the business. If the architecture is to be successful, then it must provide a rational framework within which decisions can be made upon the selection of security solutions. The decision criteria should be derived from a thorough understanding of the business requirements, including the following:

  • The need for cost reduction
  • Modularity Scalability
  • Ease of component re-use
  • Operability
  • Usability
  • Interoperability both internally and externally
  • Integration with the enterprise IT architecture and its legacy systems

Consider your business scenario as “Enabling Business.” There are usually several business-specific requirements that influence the security strategy. These include requirements where security has an important role in generating the appropriate level of confidence to enable new ways of doing business using the latest advances in information technology, such as:

  • Exploiting the global reach of the Internet;
  • Using global e-mail;
  • Outsourcing the operational management of networks and computer systems;
  • Providing remote access to third parties;
  • Developing on-line business services;
  • Delivery of digital entertainment products (video, music, etc.); Improving customer service through integration of information system;
  • Consistent presentation of a user interface;
  • Obtaining software upgrades and system support through remote access by vendors.
  • Tele-working, ‘mobile computing,’ ‘road warriors’ and the ‘virtual office.’

Deliverables Create the following components for the physical model:

  1. Business data model (specifying the business data model and the security-related data structures such as tables, messages, pointers, certificates, signatures, etc.).
  2. Security rules, practices, and procedures (specifying rules that drive logical decision-making within the system – conditions, practices, procedures, and actions).
  3. Security mechanisms (specifying security mechanisms – encryption/cryptography, access control, digital signatures, virus scanning, etc. and the physical applications, middleware, and servers upon which these mechanisms will be hosted).
  4. Users, applications, and user interface (specifying the people dependency in the form of the human interface – screen formats and user interactions – and the access control systems).
  5. Platform and network infrastructure (specifying security technology infrastructure in the form of the host platforms and the networks – physical layout of the hardware, software, and communications lines).
  6. Control structure execution (specifying the physical time management in terms of the timing and sequencing of processes and sessions – sequences, events, lifetimes, and time intervals).

Submit the assignment in a Word document including a cover/title page, and reference page, and review the rubric to ensure you are meeting all requirements. 

 Refer back to the slide presentation that was provided at the beginning of this module as well as Table 3: SABSA MATRIX, p.16 of the SABSA White Paper.


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Writers Solution

Business Tort of Negligence


Business Tort of Negligence

Dewayne, a driver for Speedy Delivery Company, leaves the truck’s motor running in neutral and carelessly forgets to set the parking brake while making a delivery. The truck rolls and crashes into a nearby gas station pump, igniting a fire that spreads quickly to a construction site a block away. A burned wall collapses onto a crane, which falls on Fazio, a bystander, and injures him.

What must Fazio show to recover damages from Speedy Delivery? If you are the attorney for Speedy Delivery what would be your best defense argument?

Your paper should be between 500-750 words, with at least two cited external resources.


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Writers Solution

Create the initial element of your Business Model Generation—your business Model Canvas

Assignment Instructions

GOAL: Create the initial element of your Business Model Generation—your business Model Canvas.

Introduction: Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur Business Model Canvas as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), create a business model canvas of the business organization where you work. Since every organization has unique features, do your best to work at the application of the various components of the building blocks of the canvas. Show as much detail as you can so that it is evident that you comprehend the general business model of your organization. There must be a demonstration of synthesis of the procedure on your part. You may need to interview some of the management team to verify the business model details of your organization. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works. There are many other YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas. You will also find several good sources in the Lessons area of the course under the Reading and Resources tab of weeks 1 and 2.

Instructions: Your submittal this week will be considered as a “draft” that should consist of:

1.  A Cover page that provides a general description of your organization/business:

            Name of the organization (preferably your present organization/business)

            Date of origination (or incorporation)

            Location (as appropriate; some entities require discretion)

            Brief overview of the purpose of the organization/business

            Description of your relationship and role in the organization/business

            Other details that enable fuller explanation (if applicable)

2. Business Model Canvas with Post-It notes (as seen in the examples). You have three options for the submission of your canvas:

1. You may download and use the blank PowerPoint canvas with electronic Post-Its to create your canvas (click here), or

1. You may create a Word.doc that lists the nine building blocks (clearly identify each one) and uses bulleted points in the same manner as Post-Its.

1. Creation of your post-its via the following web-help site, and then submission of the resulting URL for the finished canvas. See (click on link)

3. Create a memo (no particular format, but neatly presented) that describes what you learned about your organization/business as a result of creating the business model canvas.   

Week 4

Assignment Instructions

Goal: Create a case study analysis based on two scholarly studies that utilize metaphors (Morgan’s, or similar) to describe the functionality of organizations. After a concise, but thorough, analyses of the cases, summarize the benefits of using metaphorical devices in management practice.

Instructions: Students will write a 600-750 word case study analysis based on two case studies that involve the use of Morgan’s metaphors (or similar) as a tool to understand organizations. Review the Case Study Analysis procedure as presented in a document located in this week’s reading resources (see Lessons). Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals in the APUS online library. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years. After a concise, but thorough and clear delineation and analysis of the cases, complete the paper with a summary of what you gleaned from using metaphors to understand management practice within organizations.

Write using the APA style format, including a title page and references page (no abstract is required).  When you upload your paper, also upload pdfs of BOTH case studies, so the professor can check your analysis.

Use the following outline in your summary (in APA format with a Title page and References page):  

1. Identify the business problems of each of the cases; describe the metaphor(s) used.

1. Rank-order the critical issues stated in the cases

1. Evaluate the proposed solutions. Are the solutions valid? Why or why not? How/why did the use of metaphor(s) assist in the solution?

1. Submit recommendations you propose beyond what is already stated in the cases.

1. State how the solutions will be communicated in each case. Do you agree? Why or why not?

1. At the end of the paper, write a paragraph expressing the takeaways/benefits of using metaphors in management practice.

Week 5

Assignment Instructions

GOAL: Build on your work with your business model canvas by discussing the patterns, the design, and the overall business strategy that it illustrates.

Introduction: Using the week 5 Readings and Resources in the Lessons area (coupled with the other resources of the course), examine and discuss the observable patterns, designs, and strategies seen in your business model. You should also integrate metaphors (Morgan’s) and framing (Bolman  & Deal) into the discussion of your organization/business. This paper will serve as an investigative tool to inform you further about your business model so that you will be prepared to comprehensively diagnose/assess your model and propose recommendations in your final project for the course. You could say that this week’s work lays the groundwork for moving into the substantive diagnosis and assessment expected in your final paper. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works, particularly in the investigation of patterns, design, and strategy. There are also various YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas for this phase of your work with your canvas.

Instructions: Write a 600-750 word paper that presents your conclusions about the pattern(s), design(s), and overall business strategy depicted by your canvas. Metaphoric and framing applications should also be discussed. The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable).  A title page and references page with a minimum of three sources is required (no abstract needed).

Week 8

Assignment Instructions

Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential evaluation/assessment of the business model of your organization (or one with which you are closely familiar) using the business model canvas and related sources.

Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of their business model and organization, as well as to increase their own ability to manage, use diagnostics/assessments to determine the reality of business effectiveness in comparison to what they originally envisioned. Good feedback contributes to the development of plans to improve business/organizational effectiveness and management performance.

Instructions: Students will write a 2500-3000 word (about 10 pages in the main body) properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract) that evaluates/assesses the overall effectiveness of the business model used by your organization. This is the third of three assignments that draws from your association with your organization. The previous two “canvas” assignments flow into this one. Identify one or more of the building blocks from the business model canvas where modification should be recommended. Be careful to avoid bias in determining the issue/problem identified by using the canvas. Do not merely critique, but contribute to your organization’s overall success. This paper should be the culmination of the overall work you have done with the business model canvas so that all the pieces go together.

Your final paper should include:

1. Your business model canvas – Post-It notes discussion/observations (week 2)—summarize this area, but provide the initial canvas.

1. Identification of theoretical/behavioral trends that you observe in the business model and organization (week 5)—summarize this, do not merely cut and paste.

1. Discussion of appropriate theory, metaphors, and frames with which to describe your business model in operation, as well as to identify areas needing improvement and how to get there.

1. Use of the course resources to evaluate and diagnose your organization’s business model, as well as an integration of the course materials into your writing and consideration.

1. Recommendations for improvements identified using the canvas, theories, and assessment tools used in this course. What are the expected outcomes.

1. Use eight scholarly sources (especially case studies) to undergird your assertions from peer-reviewed literature.

1. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the assignment specs and ask questions if you are unsure of expectations.

The paper must have at least eight scholarly sources. No abstract is necessary, but a title page and references page should be included. Write your paper in third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, first person should be avoided.


Assignment 8

The final paper will be at least 10 pages with 10 scholarly articles. This does not include the title page, abstract or the reference page. This week you will submit your final paper in APA format and writing. Instructions

Each week you have assembled a different part of your research paper (except for week 6). Please make sure that you read the comments and corrections and institute them into your final paper as needed.

Remember that you will be using the same selected topic with all the assignments (except week 6) during the eight weeks of the course.


1. You must have 10 scholarly articles. Scholarly articles are peer reviewed and can be found via the APU/AMU library. You do not submit the annotated bibliography as part of the final paper. You do use properly formatted references for the reference page.

2. Follow the detailed outline that you submitted. Your detailed outline is to help you write the paper and to ensure all references are used. 

3. Make sure that your abstract is on a separate page immediately following the title page. The heading is Abstract not the title of the paper. Remember to update the abstract for any input from your instructor.  4. Utilize the APA Helps as necessary in the Resources area to help you present your research paper in APA format, which means that you need to write a Title Page, Abstract Page and References Page separate from the body of the text of the paper. Avoid unsupported statements whenever possible. In many cases, you will write a paragraph of text and insert a citation only once. When you use a direct quote, include the page number of the source, too. Some may ask why APA is so important. APA is the mode of communication of the written word in the business research field. It is the due diligence of graduate management students to excel at APA.

5. Make sure to check the Turnitin report and fix your paper for any issues with quotes and potential plagiarism. 


Read a contemporary crisis situation in the media. Evaluate from your perspective, what happened, how it happened, and what course of action you would recommend, from a manager’s perspective, to improve the current situation. Pay close attention to the crisis in relation to the readings you have had in class.

Submission Instructions: The assignment should at a minimum contain 2500-3000 words (about 10 pages in the main body) and be a properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract). The paper must have at least eight scholarly sources. Write your paper in the third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, the first person should be avoided. Upload your paper (.doc) in the assignment section for grading. This assignment uses Turnitin for originality verification. A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format. 


Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential case study of a leadership issue/problem/challenge from your current or past organization that utilizes the Kouzes and Posner Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model. The five practices include Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart, with these practices serving as key level headings in a written project paper. Instructions: The assignment threads the Kouzes and Posner model and other relevant literature to develop/conduct an experiential case study of a leadership issue/problem/challenge from a past or current organization. In other words, prepare a comprehensive work that uses material such as the five practices from Kouzes and Posner to examine a leadership issue/problem/challenge in your organization. Your forum and assignment work will provide excellent background material for a deeper investigative look using the model from the assigned readings and lessons; however, do not include these assignments in your paper. Your paper should focus on just one general topic that is viewed from the various elements of the model.Other than using the Kouzes and Posner practices as sections in your paper, there is no other set structure (except for the APA elements mentioned above). Submission Instructions: The assignment should at a minimum contain 2500-3000 words (about 10 pages in the main body) and be a properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract). The paper must have at least eight scholarly sources. Write your paper in the third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, the first person should be avoided. Upload your paper (.doc) in the assignment section for grading. This assignment uses Turnitin for originality verification. A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format. 

Please refer to the assignment rubric found in the Resources section.


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of cross-cultural management examined in this course (see list provided). First, you will choose a company that is involved in global cross-cultural management. This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of cross-cultural management, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. Examples could be: cultural training for expatriate employees; diversity training for employees; global leadership, etc. Conduct your academic research in the APUS Library, and you may also use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research. 

Submission Instructions: The assignment should at a minimum contain 2500-3000 words (about 10 pages in the main body) and be a properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract). The paper must have at least eight scholarly sources. Write your paper in the third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, the first person should be avoided. Upload your paper (.doc) in the assignment section for grading. This assignment uses Turnitin for originality verification. A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format. 


Assignment 8

Strategic Assessment Project (PowerPoint presentation plus References page)

Goal: Develop and present via PowerPoint a strategic plan for your organization, integrating various concepts, components and processes presented throughout this course.  Submit the presentation (ppt or pptx) along with a References page (.doc) that verifies sources used.

Introduction: Managers who want to improve the effectiveness of the future outcomes of their organization employ strategic planning. In a 20-25-slide PowerPoint presentation, present a strategic plan for your organization, accompanied by a References-only page as a Word.doc that contains the minimum 10 sources used in the development of the presentation. Your presentation may be a re-developed plan based on the plan your organization already uses. If you are in the military, you may elect to choose a company where you previously worked or select a company. In any case, you will need to begin by providing a brief history of the company, and then delve into the process detailed more fully below. Accompany your writing with a minimum five scholarly journal articles that support the assertions made in your strategic plan. You will also need to use at least five other sources—books, magazines, websites, and even interviews—to augment your data support for the presentation.

Your strategic plan should address [Suggested number of PPT slides in brackets]:

The Name of the Company/Firm  [1 PPT slide]

Brief History of the Company (or Organization), its Mission and Vision [2-3 PPT slides]

Organizational Analysis [5-6 PPT slides] : This section will present your identification of the firm’s strengths and weaknesses, which emanate from your value chain and functional analyses. There is a maximum of five strengths and five weaknesses and your presentation of them should be prioritized. Exhibits are effective tools to provide strong support for each strength and weakness. Please be as specific as possible and quantify your analysis where appropriate. This section will provide the first part of the foundation for your identification of strategic issues and related recommendations through your analysis of the organization’s core competencies, competitive advantages and organizational weaknesses.

Environmental Analysis [5-6 PPT slides]: This section will present your identification of the major external threats and opportunities currently facing the organization. These will be generated from your analysis of the industry and general environmental factors in light of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. A maximum of five threats and five opportunities should be identified and should be presented in a prioritized order. Use power point exhibits to support your analysis, be specific and quantify your analysis where possible. This section will provide the second part of the foundation for your identification of a strategic issue and the formulation of related recommendations through your analysis of driving forces, key success factors and industry attractiveness.

Strategic Issues And Recommendations [6-7 PPT slides]: Identify (with support) the most important strategic issue facing your organization. It is extremely important that you clearly integrate the strategic issue with your analysis to the organization’s SWOT. There may be interrelationships between particular weaknesses and threats or missed opportunities, which should be recognized. It may be possible that 2 different weaknesses, 1 threat and 1 opportunity could be combined, due to their relatedness, to form one strategic issue. Similarly, your recommendations should attempt to capitalize and build upon strengths, competitive advantages and opportunities that you identified. The point is to clearly ground your issue and recommendations with the internal and external analyses so that the presentation is clear.

Conclusion/Summary [1-2 PPT slides]

PowerPoint Suggestions:

· The slides need to be detailed, ready for presentation, and professional in appearance. View the example in the attachment provided (below). Note how the citations are placed directly on the slides. Be sure to provide a separate references page that links to the citations on the PowerPoint. An example of how a references page should look is not provided, since you already should be able to construct that document as you would any other references page in APA.

· The scholarship required for this project must be cited on the slides, i.e., 10 overall sources minimum, as specified in the Introduction above.

· The PowerPoint rubric will be used instead of the Writing Rubric for all PPTs.

· Upload your PPT and references (.doc) in the Assignment section, just as you would any other assignment.

· NOTE about the use of pictures—the website upload limit per PPT is 25MB.

· Always present in “third person”

· Do not forget to upload your separate references-only page to support the citations that appear on the PowerPoint.


Week 3


After reading the Lesson Three material, go the the following link and watch the TED Talk by Sam Harris entitled Science Can Answer Moral Questions: can answer moral questions | Sam Harris Questions of good and evil, right and wrong are commonly thought unanswerable by science. But Sam Harris argues that science can — and should …

Afterward, please write an essay addressing the following questions.

1. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of association are all values that we as Americans hold dear. Yet, we sometimes encounter ethical quandaries when individuals or groups who seek to proliferate ideas that the majority would consider nefarious demand statuses of recognition and privilege normally reserved for more widely-accepted perspectives. Consider this article on the implications of 501(c)(3) tax status awards for racist, white-nationalist propaganda organizations. Consider the arguments on both sides of this public debate. On one hand, you have the argument that all Americans (and organizations) should be afforded equal rights, notwithstanding different points of view (remember Evelyn Beatrice Hall: “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it”). On the other hand, you have the arguments that government tax incentives should not be subsidizing hate groups, and that the groups in question are unworthy of non-profit status because they operate in a deceptive manner (with misleadingly benign names) and are not really “educating” as the spirit of the law intended. What say you on this issue? Did the IRS err in these cases? To what rights are such groups entitled? What statuses would you—or would you not—confer upon such groups?

2. Suppose that someone who reads your answers to the first part of this assignment accuses you of bias. Another reader states that your answer is “just your opinion,” and that there is nothing that makes your opinion more valid than anyone else’s. Defend your position. How would you counter such charges? What makes your answer more than just opinion?

Submission Instructions:

This assignment should at a minimum contain 2,000 words of content (double spaced) and should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW references (“new” here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field. This assignment uses Turn It In for originality verification.

Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS Word attachment (.doc or .docx format). A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission.

Rubric for this assignment found in the Resources section.

Week 7


After reading the Lesson Seven material, go the the following link and read the essay by Carl Sagan entitled A New Way To Think About Rules To Live By:

Afterward, please write an essay addressing the following questions.

1.Which rule(s) do you live by personally? Give specific examples of how you apply the rules you identified in your life. Why do you choose these rules over others? Defend your personal position with sound reasoning.

2. Red Corp hires you to consult on an ethical issue they are facing. Red Corp recently discovered that its customer database has been hacked and published online, along with the customer database of its biggest competitor, Blue Corp. Red Corp had no prior knowledge of or involvement with the hacking until a Red Corp employee stumbled upon the files published on the internet and brought it to the attention of Red Corp management.

Red Corp has no idea how the files were hacked and published, or by whom. Obviously, since Blue Corp’s customer database is also published online, Red Corp doesn’t believe that Blue Corp had anything to do with the hacking (i.e. it appears Blue Corp was a victim to the same hacking as Red Corp).

Red Corp doesn’t know if Blue Corp knows about the databases online yet. Red Corp believes that if Blue Corp knew about it, Blue Corp would almost certainly use Red Corp’s customer information against Red Corp (i.e. try to steal Red Corp’s customers). Red Corp checked its account activity over the last quarter, and there doesn’t appear to be any unusual changes in business, so it is unlikely that Blue Corp knows about the databases (yet). Red Corp has begun the legal process of petitioning for its database to be removed from the internet, but the process is expected to take at least a few weeks because of the information rights issues involved.

What do you advise Red Corp to do? Tell Blue Corp about the databases online, and hope they will agree to a mutual good faith non-use of competitor information? Use Blue Corp’s database and go after Blue Corp’s customers, in anticipation that Blue Corp will likely do the same eventually? Ignore it and hope that Blue Corp doesn’t find it? Something else? On which of the rule(s) discussed in the Sagan essay do you base your recommendations, and why?

3. Suppose that Red Corp decides to use the database, and begins under-bidding Blue Corp and taking its customers. Witnessing this, Blue Corp investigates and discovers the customer databases (both Blue Corp’s and Red Corp’s) online. If Blue Corp does nothing, it believes that Red Corp will continue to steal customers. Blue Corp hires you to consult on a response. What do you advise Blue Corp to do? Retaliate? Ignore the information and the attack by Red Corp? Something else? On which of the rule(s) discussed in the Sagan essay do you base your recommendations, and why?

4. Did you rely on the same rules in your advice to question #1 and #2?

If you did, can you think of a different set of circumstances in which you would have given different advice (and relied on different rules)?

If you did not, why not? How were these situations different such that the difference caused you to change your basis of morality?

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the sake of these questions, you may assume that the published customer databases cannot be removed from the internet, and that law enforcement cannot help. While in reality, these options would be perfectly reasonable, they aren’t relevant to the purpose of the assignment.

Submission Instructions:

This assignment should at a minimum contain 2,000 words of content (double spaced) and should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW references (“new” here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrate your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field. This assignment uses Turn It In for originality verification.

Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS Word attachment (.doc or .docx format). A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission.

Rubric for this assignment found in the Resources section.


Week 3: Research Assignment 1

The subject of your research paper this week is to discuss the differences between diversity and multiculturalism as well as to discuss the pros and cons of diversity in the workplace. Remember, this is not an opinion piece but a scholarly work supported with credible references and sources from your research. Topics of discussion may include recruiting, selection, pay and benefits, retention, affirmative action, and any other areas that pertain to strategic HRM in the workplace.

     The research assignment this week is worth 20% of your final grade. The assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 PM EST and should be submitted as an MS Word attachment in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Your paper should be a minimum of eight (8) full pages of double spaced content in 12 point font. In addition, include an abstract, a properly formatted APA cover page, and a minimum of 5 references to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Your paper should analyze the readings from the text and from your research in the field of study. You are expected to conduct outside research aside from the text to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Discussions of key concepts, and a critical analysis of the research is required. Remember you are to critically analyze the data you find. Merely copying pasting and citing sources does not constitute scholarly writing. You must present ideas and positions and support or refute those arguments with credible references and sources.       While assigned readings are important; you must conduct independent research of the subject matter and critically analyze the materials presented. References and sources should support your ideas, arguments, and opinions; and not be the basis of your paper . The assignment should be a scholarly paper that is designed to analyze and academically discuss what you have learned and how you can integrate the learning into an organization now and in the future. Be sure to list references in proper APA format and ensure that all listed references are also cited in text. References and citations must be congruent, meaning all listed sources are cited in text and cited sources are listed in the references section at the end of your paper.

     Your paper should adhere to APA formatting requirements (APA style cover page, in-text citations for each listed reference, and a reference page are required). Please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors will affect the grading. It is very important that your critical analysis relates the course content to real-world applications from your work experiences or current events affecting HRM practices.

Week 6: Research Assignment 2

 Overview Pay for Performance in America’s public schools is an extremely controversial issue. Although the process has made inroads in business and is a means to help determine promotions, pay, and retention it has not been so well received in the Public school systems. However, there are some successful examples where teacher pay has been linked to student test scores. In Minnesota for example, some districts have stopped giving automatic raises for seniority and base 60% of all pay increases on employee performance. In Denver, unions and school districts designed an incentive program where teachers receive bonuses for student achievement and for earning national teaching certificates. However, some plans have not worked. For example, Cincinnati teachers voted against a merit pay proposal and Philadelphia teachers gave their bonus checks to charity rather than cashing them. It appears that having teachers involved in planning the incentive system is one key factor to success. The same can be said for all incentive plans – if employees don’t buy into them, they will not work. Questions to Research: 1. How could an organization measure the effectiveness of their pay-for-performance plans? 2. From an employee’s perspective, what are the disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan? 3. From an employer’s perspective, what are the disadvantages of using a pay-for-performance plan? Research Paper Instructions:    

     The research assignment this week is worth 20% of your final grade. The assignment is due Sunday, 11:59 PM EST and should be submitted as an MS Word attachment in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Your paper should be a minimum of eight (8) full pages of double written content work in 12 point font. In addition, you should include a minimum of five (5) references or sources properly formatted in APA writing style in a Reference section at the end of your paper, an abstract, and a properly formatted APA cover page with each written assignment. Your paper should analyze the readings from the text and from your research into the subject of study. You are expected to conduct outside research aside from the text to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions. Discussions of key concepts, and a critical analysis of the research is required. Remember you are to critically analyze the data you find. Merely copying pasting and citing sources does not constitute scholarly writing. You must present ideas and positions and support or refute those arguments with credible references and sources.       While assigned readings are important; you must conduct independent research of the subject matter and critically analyze the materials presented. References and sources should support your ideas, arguments, and opinions; and not be the basis of your paper . The assignment should be a scholarly paper that is designed to analyze and academically discuss what you have learned and how you can integrate the learning into an organization now and in the future. Be sure to list references in proper APA format and ensure that all listed references are also cited in text. References and citations must be congruent, meaning all listed sources are cited in text and cited sources are listed in the references section at the end of your paper.

     Your paper should adhere to APA formatting requirements (APA style cover page, in-text citations for each listed reference, and a reference page are required). Please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors will affect the grading. It is very important that your critical analysis relates the course content to real-world applications from your work experiences or current events affecting HRM practices.

Week 8: Final Research Assignment 3

Assignment Instructions

Guidelines for HR Plan Overview You have acquired a vast knowledge about multiple topics relevant to managers and HR employees. You will apply your learning by presenting an overall HR plan for an organization that you have chosen to work on throughout the course (fictitious or real). This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to consider and recommend actions to management on how the organization can be most competitive in the global environment by utilizing the organizations best asset; its human resources. Development of the Plan You will come up with a fictitious organization or you can use a real organization that is familiar throughout the course. The end product is a paper that presents a comprehensive HR plan for the organization that includes the concepts that you have learned from the text and outside resources. Parameters for the organization: 

You are free to describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization. Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this.

1. Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources. Analyze based on this premise.

1. Assume that a core group of managers and employees (approximately 250) are already in place.

1. Your organization can produce a product or perform a service.

1. Requirements for the Overview of the organization

Describe what the organization does and organizational structure. Be specific. You may include an organizational chart.

1. How does the organization operate? How are tasks/work projects accomplished?

1. Is the organization domestic or international? Locations?

1. Who are the competitors?

1. What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?

1. What is the culture like?

1. How is information communicated?

1. Why would people want to work for this organization?

HR Topics that MUST be addressed in the paper

1. Recruitment and Selection: Include the job description and interview questions. A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

1. Compensation and Benefits: Include the compensation package for each position. A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

1. Performance Management: Include a performance appraisal and management system. A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

1. Training Program: Include a training program overview. A discussion and analysis of why and how you developed these tools must be included in the paper. Best practices based on the research and your text should be discussed.

1. Other topics of interest for your plan: This is a free topic area. You can discuss union affiliation, diversity, succession planning, retention, or any topic that we have studied in the course that pertains to your plan.

 IMPORTANT!! Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least ten (10) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), format your work in proper APA format, include an abstract, cover page, and a minimum of ten (10) pages of written content (12 point font) double spaced. Cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.  

Signature Assignments for HR Track



Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a large business setting, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a Fortune 1,000 company for this project. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research. 

Prepare an outline with bullet points of the topics, subtopics, theories and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper.  A sample outline is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on research paper outlines. This assignment is worth 5 percent of your grade.

Research Paper Topics:

1. Organizational development

2. Organizational culture

3. Team development

4. Diagnostic models

5. Learning organizations

6. Lewin’s Change Model

7. Neuroscience in leadership

8. Organizational Change


Purdue Online Writing Lab (n.d.). Four main components for effective outlines. Retrieved from


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided below). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a Fortune 1000 company. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research.  In order to complete this task, you will need to go into the library databases to find other articles.  Prepare an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected.  A sample annotated bibliography is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on annotated bibliographies. This assignment is worth 10 percent of your grade.

Research Paper Topics:

1. Organizational development

2. Organizational culture

3. Team development

4. Diagnostic models

5. Learning organizations

6. Lewin’s Change Model

7. Neuroscience in leadership

8. Organizational Change

You will be required to prepare an annotated bibliography with some of the articles/books you plan to cite in your final project.  A sample has been placed in the Resources section.  This assignment is worth 10% of your grade.To be eligible for full credit, you are required to have 6-8 entries. In order to complete this task, you will need to access the APUS library databases to find other articles.  A sample annotated bibliography is listed in the Resources section. 

Annotated Bibliography –

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice.  You may use some of the readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic.  In order to complete this task, you will need to write the first half of your final paper. To be successful, a minimum of five (5) pages of substantive content toward your final paper must be submitted in APA format 

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of an assessment which directly quotes other sources, and should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. Writing Rubric – located in the Resources folder



PowerPoint Presentation Part I

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final research paper topic.  The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation.  There should be a minimum of 10 slides that cover content the content of your Research Paper in a presentation format.  Once you have completed this assignment, please post it in Week 7 – Assignment 4

PowerPoint Presentation Part II

In addition, post your PowerPoint Presentation in the Forums section under Week 8 PowerPoint Forum Discussion, not later than Thursday of the following week. You must make an initial posting of a minimum of 250 words to introduce your presentation to your fellow students.  Attach the PowerPoint to this entry.  In Week 8, you will be asked to provide a critique of the PowerPoint presentations for at least two of your peers (100 word minimum).  

You may use the readings assigned in the class to expand on a particular topic.

PowerPoint Presentation Rubric – located in the resource folder


Your final research paper will be based on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2.  You may use the readings assigned in this class to supplement your research.

Final Research Paper :

Write an 8-10 page research paper (excluding the title and reference pages) on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2. By this time, you should have submitted your first 5 pages for grading and feedback.  Once you receive feedback, make revisions accordingly and combine with the last five pages of your paper.  

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of the assessment of your research paper that directly quotes other sources. It should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. Assignment Writing Rubric – located in the resource folder.


Week 2

Assignment Instructions

Please write a 2-3 page paper outlining either an opportunity that you had implementing an organizational policy or being the recipient (client) of an organizational policy being implemented. Please consider the information in lesson two as you write this assignment. If you have not had this experience, please interview someone that you know in an organization who has had either of the two experiences. 

1. Identify the type of policy that was implemented. Explain the reasons supporting the implementation of the policy.

1. Explain the positives and negatives of the implementation process. This section could include feedback received from the clients using the policy.

1. Identify challenges or successes of the policy being implemented.

1. As a human resources consultant involved in the implementation process, what changes or different strategies would you recommend to the implementation process.

GUIDELINES: 1. Student should write a well-researched paper, approximately 2-3 pages and double-spaced (not counting a title page or references page). 2. Student should follow the APA Style Manual for referencing and citing sources in the paper. 3. Paper should be written in third person – not first person. 4. Paper should be error-free, so it may be wise to have another person proof your work. 5. All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style.  6. The paper must contain the following elements: a. Title Page   b. Introduction c. Body d. Summary/Conclusions e. References section f. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

Week 4

Assignment Instructions

Week 4 – Assignment 

Understanding and Managing People  

Find an article and company policy on one of the topics: OSHA, safety and health concerns, workplace violence, terrorism, or background checks. The article that you choose should identify a problem that currently exists in an organizational setting.  

From the topic that you choose, summarize the concerns identified in the article and compare to the organizational policy that you located. Provide your opinions regarding whether or not the policy addresses the concerns identified in the article. If so, please support your response. If not, please support this position as well. In any case, please provide any recommendations you may have regarding information that should be added to be effective in organizations.  


1. Student should write a well-researched paper, approximately 2-3 pages and double-spaced (not counting a title page or references page). 2. Student should follow the APA Style Manual for referencing and citing sources in the paper. 3. Paper should be written in third person – not first person. 4. Paper should be error-free, so it may be wise to have another person proof your work. 5. All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style.  6. The paper must contain the following elements: a. Title Page   b. Introduction c. Body d. Summary/Conclusions e. References section f. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

Week 6

Assignment Instructions

Lost Vacation Days (Case Scenario)

Gulf Port Ships, Inc. is a large shipbuilding company located in the Gulf Coast. One afternoon the firm made the decision to shut down operations due to an approaching hurricane and forecasted arrival of tropical storm force winds to the local area as early as Wednesday of that week. The decision was to shutdown beginning Wednesday AM. They were told that time lost would be excused with pay.

By Tuesday it was clear the hurricane would not hit until Thursday at the earliest. Nonetheless the shipyard decided to maintain the decision to shut down on Wednesday. Emergency hotline for the shipyard confirmed this information but also said that missed time for salaried personnel would be charged against each employee’s vacation bank. It was a liberal leave policy enacted.

Wednesday the message was updated to state that the shutdown would continue through first shift on Thursday with normal operations commencing on the second shift. The hurricane then hit the area on Thursday PM (during the second shift) leaving many roads littered with branches and debris.

Friday morning when all personnel reported for work (many were without power at home) they were informed that they had lost two days of vacation. Hourly personnel had the option of charging the two days off to vacation or taking time off without pay. Salaried personnel did not have a choice; they were required to charge the time to vacation. This action was in line with the company’s policy for complete shutdowns despite what some personnel were told prior to the shutdown.

Needless to say within a few days employees became very upset with the handling of this situation and based on the fact that they just lost two vacation days for no good reason. The company’s vacation policy states that salaried employees accrue vacation time based upon length of service. Employees with less than five years seniority receive one day per month, those with five to ten years experience earn one and one half days per month, and those with more than ten years earn two days per month. Employees have the right to carry over vacation time to the next year. The policy also states that, if the shipyard is shut down for any reasons, the time lost by salaried employees will be charged to each person’s vacation bank. Additionally, the policy states that in the event of a partial shutdown, salaried employees who report to work and are then sent home will be paid for any time missed and will not be required to charge lost time to their vacation funds. You will write a short paper in APA format addressing the following:

1.    Imagine you are an HR consultant to the organization involved in this situation. The organization wants to be responsive and fair. How would you handle the staff who is now upset and what would you recommend to senior leaders?

2.    Why is it important to have a policy outlining the organization’s procedures regarding time off?   

3.    Identify any laws, which regulate discrimination in the workplace or legal issues pertinent to the case.   

4.    Write a policy statement you would submit to the organization to be included in their employee handbook.   

5.    What are the risks and challenges the organization faces by implementing the policy you recommend?   

6.    Provide an example of ways in which it is effectively or ineffectively implemented. Elaborate upon and assess this situation.   

7.    There are many policies available online that are pertinent. If you use a policy from an online source or from your current organization, you must cite within the text and provide the reference.   

8.    Be certain to integrate the readings, personal experience, and research from the online library to support your opinions.   

9.    You must cite within the text and include multiple references in addition to the text.

Week 8

Assignment Instructions

Research Paper Guidelines:

A written research paper in APA format, 6 – 10 pages of content (NOT including the cover page or reference page) will be submitted during week 8.  Be certain in writing that you adhere to APA citation guidelines (in text and reference). Make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors will impact the grading.  

HR Policy and the implementation of policy vary based on organizational norms and adherence and interpretation of the relevant federal and state laws.  Throughout the course we have discussed important policy issues and the political, legal, social, ethical, and organizational ramifications.  Your readings have provided a basis for the trends of the future and current issues in HR Policy.  

With the knowledge gained, you are tasked to represent the Board of Directors of your organization in your selected industry. You are the top management team of the organization located (your choice of locations).  You believe that productivity, quality of product, innovativeness, profitability (and/or cost effectiveness), and morale are much lower than they should be to meet the competitive and social challenges of the year 2016 and beyond.  You will present a statement of management philosophy and a sketch of the basic human resources policies and procedures you believe will lead to the goals you seek. Members of the Board of Directors will be looking at (1) the soundness and innovativeness of your recommended program, (2) evidence of industry-study, interviews (if available), and library research, and (3) the quality of your presentation.

Students must have a minimum of three (3) refereed journals found in the online library included in the reference page about the policy and implementation.  The paper should include an assessment of the student’s current organizational demographics (If you are not working or do not have a frame of reference, you can research an organization through the online library or that is researched and potential impact using the following outline:

Parameters for the organization:

·      You are free to describe the organization with which you will be associated. You will need to provide some level of detail of your organization.  Use your general knowledge, coursework, and research to accomplish this.

·      Even though you are required to provide general organizational details, your primary function is human resources.  Analyze based on this premise.

·      Assume that a core group of managers and employees (approximately 250) are already in place.  

·      Your organization can produce a product or service.

Requirements for the Overview of the organization:

·      Description of what the organization does and organizational structure.  Be specific.  You may include an organizational chart.

·      How does the organization operate?  How are tasks/work projects accomplished?  

·      Is the organization domestic or international?  Locations?

·      Who are the competitors?

·      What are the factors that you believe are critical to success in this organization?

·      What is the culture like?

·      How is information communicated?

·      Why would people want to work for this organization?

Requirements for Policies

·      Present a statement of management philosophy.

·      Develop the rationale for policies and procedures that you feel are needed to achieve the organizational goals.  Minimally, policies on sexual harassment, promotion, and dismissal should be included.  Include relevant legal issues.  This rationale must be supported by relevant research; not just your opinion on what is needed.

·      Develop a minimum of 5 actual policies to be included in appendices.

·      Analyze implications and draw conclusions.

·      Provide recommendations to include the rationale for selecting the policies and the impact on the organization.

·      Provide a plan of communication for implications.  

Minimum of 3 scholarly peer reviewed journals must be included (I expect an extensive reference list of at least 10 references (books, journals, interviews, etc.) to be included).



Week 4 is an outline and annotated bib centered around the final paper. Week 7 is a 10 slide PowerPoint providing a high level overview of the final paper. Then in week 8….

PROBLEM: You have been directed by your corporate or organizational president to research one of the following situations/problems and prepare a formalized research paper. This paper should be addressed to the president, board of directors, and your professor. For this research, you should conduct a review of literature based on the current practices being used in today’s organizations (in terms of your selected research problem/situation). For your research project, please select one of the following problem or situational areas to research. As you conduct your secondary and/or primary research, you should also develop a well-developed strategy as to how to implement your strategy into this organization. One way to view the selected problem is to think of a current or previous organization, in which you might focus your research efforts towards. For example, you may be facing the same problem in your current organization – so you could write this paper, based on addressing this particular problem with your current organization. If you do not see the relevance of any of these problems with your current or past employers – just write your paper as if you were employed with a Fortune 500 company or an organization currently in the news. Here is the listing of potential problems or situations from you can select your research topic from: 1. Creation and implementation of an electronic usage (i.e., email, computer, or other computer technology) policy to be used in the organization. 2. Technological changeover from one computer system to a newer computer system (keep in mind the possible conversion problems). 3. Creation and implementation of a revised disciplinary policy to replace a current policy, which is not working (and lawsuits have resulted from the current, poorly written disciplinary policy). 4. Creation and implementation of a new compensation and benefits package (please remember that the president and board of directors may not be as accepting of this particular topic area… but it is worth the challenge of trying to convince them differently). 5. Creation and implementation of a new performance appraisal system or method of conducting performance appraisals. 6. Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

7. Rollout of a change management initiative.

8. Creation and implementation of a succession plan for mid level and C-Suite leaders. AUDIENCE: Please write your research paper as if your organizational or corporate president and/or board of directors would review and consider its findings and recommendations. However, your professor will be the final reviewer for this paper. GUIDELINES: 1. Student should write a well-researched paper, approximately 6-8 pages and double-spaced (not counting a title page, table of contents, references or appendices). 2. Student should follow the APA Style Manual for referencing and citing sources in the paper. 3. Paper should be written in third person – not first person. 4. Paper should be error-free, so it may be wise to have another person proof your work. 5. All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style. 6. The paper must contain the following elements: a. Title Page  b. Table of Contents  c. Introduction d. Problem Statement (5-8 sentence paragraph that clearly defines the problem and why it needs to be researched). e. Review of current practices (background of literature) in the area f. Strategic plan for change or creation of the anticipated change (use examples of where this approach has been successful in other organizations if pertinent). g. Strategic approach for implementation of the change(s) h. Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios) i. Summary/Conclusions j. References section k. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

Public Administration Track

Assignments for Courses in the Business Public Admin concentration


Assignment Week 1 – Theories

Compare and contrast the theories and work of Frederick Taylor, Max Weber, and Luther Gulick. Tell how these theories impact public administration as we know it today.

Include at least two references from the required readings along with two new ones.

You should have no less than four pages of double-spaced work not including the title page and the reference page.

Use in-text citations and an APA formatted reference.

Remember to use academic writing and proofread carefully for spelling and grammar errors.

Assignment Week 3 – Human Relations Era Theory

You have been chosen to represent APUS at an important Public Administration conference.  You are going to present on the impact of the Human Relations Era school of thought on Administrative Theory.

Create a presentation using PowerPoint, or similar presentation software (several freeware versions available such as Knovio) in which you explain the overall significance of this set of theories, and then in which you go into detail on the contributions of Follett, Mayo, Maslow, McGregor and Mosher.

Instead of using biographical information, include how each added to the theories of public administration. Be sure to draw connections to the real world, support with examples and cite your sources properly using APA. Multimedia tools encouraged!

Include at least five academic references in support of your presentation.  Use the online library to do this using APA format.

Use this venue to demonstrate your understanding of their theories and their contributions to the field.

Don’t just write paragraphs and put them on slides. Prepare a presentation using bullet points and either speakers’ notes or an audio inclusion.

USE YOUR OWN WORDS.  Don’t just copy and paste information from sources—it will show up in the Turnitin report.

Week Seven Final Paper

Where do you see administrative theory intersect with your daily life? Apply what you have learned in this class to your workplace, a current event, or a hypothetical situation. This paper will be a case study application of the theories you have learned toward a topic in which have an interest.  You must focus your paper on the connection between theories and theorists we have studied in this class to the scenario you select. You may also use this to preview your capstone ideas. After you have made your selection, please  forward your topic to me for approval by Week 6 . After the topic has been approved, you will prepare a written analysis, generally following the guidelines given below. Your analysis should be approximately 15 pages in length (double spaced exclusive of title page and reference list) and follow proper APA formatting.  Fifteen to twenty pages may be larger than what you have been used to in the past. This paper is intended to help you along in your graduate studies by applying a theory or set of theories to a practical policy or organizational situation and building a review of literature to back up your analysis. It will be useful for you to review the theoretical framework resources available for you in the APUS library graduate resources site and the particularly . The writing center is also an invaluable resource. It is located under resources on our APUS library site. 


A major component of this paper will be the review of literature based on the theorists we have studied.  Each research paper will, of course, be different. However, the central issue in your analysis should be to describe what the case tells us about the theory and practice of public administration. There is no one best way to address this. Thus, as you think about the answer to this primary question, you will need to develop your own framework for answering it. Some general questions that you may want to consider including the following:

1. What are the issues and why are they issues?

1. Who are the actors?

1. What leads the various actors to make the choices or take the positions that they do? What are the personal forces? What are the organizational forces? What are the external forces?

1. What theoretical perspectives or models help you understand what happened in the case? How?

What does the case tell us concerning;

1. The nature of the policy system and the policy making process?

1. The decision making process?

1. Leadership and management?

1. Administrative ethics?

In analyzing the case, you should draw upon class readings, peer-reviewed journal articles, legitimate online resources (do not rely on Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, or other non-academic sources) as well as personal experiences that may be relevant to your study.


Week Four assignment – Background Reading

Your boss has a meeting with some members of the public about (select a topic from below) and you need to make me look smart and knowledgeable about the issue at hand. Give me a one page reading list (with links). This can include media reports, government documents, court documents, and scholarly articles, preferably a mix. APA citation formats apply. One page single spaced with one line between each citation. Identify the “must reads” with some form of highlighting or ranking.


Veterans Administration

Student Loans and Financial Aid

Affordable Care Act

Agency personnel policies

Local education

Ethics in government

Funding infrastructure

Environmental policies

Parks and Recreation

Law enforcement

Fire services management

Emergency management

Military community relations

You can provide some limit and justification for your selection by framing these topics with more specifics and with an “members of the public” audience of your selection.

Assignment Week 2 – Briefing Memo

You are the chief of staff of your public organization. Every morning you provide a briefing memo on the top 3 issues that you think the director needs to know today. It is a single page memo, single spaced.

Select an organization, such as a school district, or an executive or local agency.  The only limitation is that it be a public or not-for-profit organization.

Select a context for the briefing.  You have a choice of three.

Daily operations – keeping the boss on track when nothing major is  going on.

Crisis situation – the three items center on the impact of a crisis or disaster.

SWOT Analysis – you describe strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and threats associated with the events framing that day.

In the briefing memo provide a title for each topic, a short paragraph summary of each topic and one media report citation and link on the topic and one scholarly article with a link related to the topic as background for your boss.  If the issue is internal such as a personnel problem the media example may be a comparable situation. For example a sexual  harassment issue brought to the boss’ attention. You may want to use a comparable media report.


Week Two Assignment – Current Event Analysis

Through this assignment, we will explore trends concerning an individually selected area of policy and provide context on the public policy theory/theories at play.  You will answer the following question: How has congressional agenda changed over time in regards to your selected policy topic? 

To start, visit Policy Agendas Project (UT at Austin).  Once on the UT Austin webpage, click on the “Explore Policy Trends” chart on the upper left side. Then, Click on Budgets on the upper left side. Next, select United States. For Topic, select US Budget.  Then, select the specific aspect of the US budget you want to analyze. Then, in the bottom right, select Line for Chart Type.

Next, for Dates, select Year. Now, this is when you actually create a chart.  You need to create two charts indicating two separate time periods (ie, not connected).  They can be 5 or 10 year increments.  Once you create two charts, then use export to integrate them into your paper. Then, analyze the two charts (ie, compare and contrast) in your paper.

 For the purposes of this project, you’ll need to pull data from at least two different time periods to show any shifts in trends/attention.

Next analyze your findings through a 3-5 page paper (excluding cover page and references).  You’ll want to cover the following questions:

1. What is the history of this policy?

1. What does the data say about the congressional focus of this issue?

1. How and why are the charts different?

1. What driving forces/actors would have had an impact on the congressional attention on this issue?

1. Were there other events taking place that would explain a low in congressional attention on this issue?

1. What theory/theories from our text could explain the history or trends of the issue?  What contexts are applicable here?

Please include your charts in your essay.  Note that the labels on the charts may be inaccurate, so focus on trends.  Be sure to draw from our course readings and to utilize at least 3 scholarly sources. A list of good online journals is available in our online library. Here is a sample paper with proper APA formatting and citations from Purdue OWL. 

Week Four Assignment – Policy Analysis

Based on the framework laid out in your text (chapters 4-6), you are to critically analyze a recently enacted state policy. This should be something you have seen show up in the news, an issue you are interested in, or a policy that could have direct impact on your life. It can be anything so long as it has been voted on by your state’s legislative branch, has been approved by the executive office, and has been signed into law. To make your work a little easier, you’ll likely want to choose something that has had media/public attention and is a broad enough issue that you can find scholarly sources to provide background information. Some examples of state issues include: fracking, legalization of medical marijuana, mental health services, state budget and spending, etc.

In this 5-7 page analysis you should:

Establish the history of the issue

Identify the major policy concepts/contexts

Identify the stakeholders

Review the development and implementation of the policy (what was the policymaking process?)

Evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and its ability to meet stated goals (if possible)

Provide an analysis with recommendations for improving or modifying the policy (be sure to include your recommendations for adjustments, expansion or alternatives)

Situate your analysis in the contemporary policy literature.

Week Seven Assignment – Final Project

Identify a new policy issue that impacts or interests you. This policy issue can be at the local, state, or federal level, but that you have not already submitted. Research the policy context, implementation, effectiveness, and evaluate it using the criteria laid out in your text (and practiced in the writing assignments). Analyze the policy, and then draw conclusions and make recommendations about the policy’s future and effectiveness. Present your findings to the class by uploading an entertaining PowerPoint briefing (minimum 10 slides with images on each slide) in Adobe Connect in the classroom. Arrange a time with your instructor to present (with other students) during Week 8.

Remember that this is a major research component of your course and worth 20% of your final grade. The presentation must be NO LONGER than 25-30 minutes. Your bibliography of sources (a minimum of 7) should be the final slide(s) of the presentation but can also be uploaded as a document within the assignment folder.

The instructor will take the presentations posted in the Assignment section for week 7 and load them into Adobe Connect for each of you to present during week 8 (visual portion). The instructor will provide the PADM conference line information to you in advance so that you can call in for the audio portion of the presentation. Please provide the instructor two or three good times for you to present during week 8. You will be grouped accordingly to have as many students as possible for each session. Special accommodations will be made for those students living overseas.


Week Two – Oral Argument

I would like to introduce you to the Supreme Court! I imagine you have all seen the headline Fisher v University of Texas ruling recently. Your assignment is to listen to the oral argument of the attorneys before the court then write a one page single-spaced opinion paper on your impression. Did the attorneys argue their point well? Did one do better than the other? Were they able to get their statement out without being interrupted? Which Justice was dominant? Was it clear from what direction they were asking – conservative? liberal? Did they seem to take sides? Next you are to read the short brief to see exactly what the holding was for the case and which Justices were in the majority or dissent. Was this how you thought they would rule? Finally, take a look at the background to see what implications this case might have.

​The oral argument and brief for Fisher v University of Texas, 579 US ____ (2016) can be found at . The background and details can be found at

Remember, I am looking for your impressions of the workings of the Court, not your opinion on the holding!

Week Six – Library Regulation Assignment

For this assignment please visit . Our librarian, Beth Cook, has compiled an excellent list of sources for human trafficking legislation and reporting. Please draft a literature review using any 8 of the sources provided. Obviously most of these sources are primary document or government reports but just treat those as a source. Basically, a literature review explains the current state of literature, or in this case law and legislation, in the field. Note the term current! If there is a source here that helps explain the historical context but is dated, please search the library for more current sources. There has been a lot done in the last 5 years! You will find a matrix attached that will help you organize your thoughts. The idea is to give an intro then leads the reader through the sources in a logical manner. You should not “stack” sources, by addressing one in one paragraph, and the next in the next paragraph but weave them together as in the example in the matrix. You should be looking at approximately six pages double-spaced with APA or Bluebook citation. You can access the rubric by clicking on the blue and white square rubric associated with the assignment. 

Week Eight – Research Paper – The Hopewell Culture National Historical Park is located in Chillicothe, Ohio along with other earthworks and mounds throughout the state. These sites contain earthworks and mounds that date from around 100 BC to AD 400. A short intro is available at . Just scroll down the presentation to see the pictures and text. More detail can be found on the National Park Service (NPS) website at and Background videos are at .

The situation is this:

The earthworks, and particularly the mounds at the Hopewell Mound Group are no longer the size that they were when surveyed originally in 1848. Over the years most of the Earthworks have been plowed under, built over or otherwise destroyed. The National Park Service now owns this property. Their mission is to preserve “unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world.” (NPS) Key to this is “To preserve unimpaired.” The site General Management Plan (GMP) went through a public environmental process and designated this area be set aside to preserve, protect and interpret the remnants of this group as well as other priorities on p. 4. You can find other regulations that govern the NPS at 36 CFR (pay close attention to Part 68 – The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and the difference between preservation/rehabilitation/restoration/reconstruction), Standards and Guidelines and other information on Title 54. This sets the stage for the laws that govern the NPS. Now, even though the NPS owns (with the Ohio Historical Society) the land and manages it, and the Hopewell Culture can not be traced directly back to any specific Native American Tribe, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act also comes into play as earlier excavations have unearthed burial material. In case this is not enough, the site is being considered for World Heritage site recognition and must meet the UNESCO criteria. They are also working with a variety of stakeholders on this nomination. See details at .

The problem is this:

With the consideration of the World Heritage application, the GMP has shifted in perspective. Just preserving and keeping grassland is not acceptable any more. However, the internal regulations for the NPS and the other regulatory guidance under which they fall has not changed. But if the property is under prairie showing small raises in the earth when there should be 30 foot mounds, and looks more like a pasture than an earthwork, how will they meet the UNESCO criteria? UNESCO is a proponent of rebuilding (think the rebuilt Great Wall of China – would you travel all the way there to see piles of rubble?). This flies in the face of the other regulations. Part of the purpose of the World Heritage Grant is to increase tourism so the experience a person has is as important as the preservation aspect. SO the problem is how do you represent the earthworks in question? One hundred years of history in the US is adamantly opposed to reconstruction. NPS says you should not reconstruct historic features except in extraordinary circumstances. Your job is to look at all the regulations and determine what the appropriate actions should be. Is this a legal issue? Moral/ethical because of the Native American component? Or purely economic? How do the regulations support each other? Contradict each other? How would you advise the NPS to proceed based on these criteria? Are there “work arounds” that would allow them to meet the intent of the regulations but satisfy the need to show a site worthy of World Heritage designation? As a public administrator you will not be as involved in case law as you will this type of decision. How will you proceed?

Please prepare a 15 – 18 page paper (text, not front or back matter) on your response. Be sure to cite your sources in APA format. You can find additional information on the APUS Library Guide at under the Special Topics Hopewell Resources. You need at least 15 sources to include the regulations. Part of the assignment is to read the regulations and familiarize yourself with them and how they are written so I am looking for a good number of the primary sources here as well as scholarly articles. The paper should be double-spaced with a header that contains your name, date, class and paper title.

Entrepreneur Track

Select assignments from the following classes ENTR 500, 615, 617, 620, 621, 623, 625, AND 630. The assignment(s) you select should demonstrate some or all of the following learning objectives:

Upon completion of this concentration, the student will be able to:

· Develop an idea for a new business venture.

· Use various methods to critically evaluate specific operational functions.

· Determine your target market and market segmentation.

· Create a marketing plan for your venture.

Organizational Leadership Track


Week 4 is an outline and annotated bib centered around the final paper. Week 7 is a 10 slide PowerPoint providing a high level overview of the final paper. Then in week 8….

PROBLEM: You have been directed by your corporate or organizational president to research one of the following situations/problems and prepare a formalized research paper. This paper should be addressed to the president, board of directors, and your professor. For this research, you should conduct a review of literature based on the current practices being used in today’s organizations (in terms of your selected research problem/situation). For your research project, please select one of the following problem or situational areas to research. As you conduct your secondary and/or primary research, you should also develop a well-developed strategy as to how to implement your strategy into this organization. One way to view the selected problem is to think of a current or previous organization, in which you might focus your research efforts towards. For example, you may be facing the same problem in your current organization – so you could write this paper, based on addressing this particular problem with your current organization. If you do not see the relevance of any of these problems with your current or past employers – just write your paper as if you were employed with a Fortune 500 company or an organization currently in the news. Here is the listing of potential problems or situations from you can select your research topic from: 1. Creation and implementation of an electronic usage (i.e., email, computer, or other computer technology) policy to be used in the organization. 2. Technological changeover from one computer system to a newer computer system (keep in mind the possible conversion problems). 3. Creation and implementation of a revised disciplinary policy to replace a current policy, which is not working (and lawsuits have resulted from the current, poorly written disciplinary policy). 4. Creation and implementation of a new compensation and benefits package (please remember that the president and board of directors may not be as accepting of this particular topic area… but it is worth the challenge of trying to convince them differently). 5. Creation and implementation of a new performance appraisal system or method of conducting performance appraisals. 6. Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

7. Rollout of a change management initiative.

8. Creation and implementation of a succession plan for mid level and C-Suite leaders. AUDIENCE: Please write your research paper as if your organizational or corporate president and/or board of directors would review and consider its findings and recommendations. However, your professor will be the final reviewer for this paper. GUIDELINES: 1. Student should write a well-researched paper, approximately 6-8 pages and double-spaced (not counting a title page, table of contents, references or appendices). 2. Student should follow the APA Style Manual for referencing and citing sources in the paper. 3. Paper should be written in third person – not first person. 4. Paper should be error-free, so it may be wise to have another person proof your work. 5. All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style. 6. The paper must contain the following elements: a. Title Page  b. Table of Contents  c. Introduction d. Problem Statement (5-8 sentence paragraph that clearly defines the problem and why it needs to be researched). e. Review of current practices (background of literature) in the area f. Strategic plan for change or creation of the anticipated change (use examples of where this approach has been successful in other organizations if pertinent). g. Strategic approach for implementation of the change(s) h. Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios) i. Summary/Conclusions j. References section k. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)



Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a large business setting, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a Fortune 1,000 company for this project. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research. 

Prepare an outline with bullet points of the topics, subtopics, theories and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper.  A sample outline is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on research paper outlines. This assignment is worth 5 percent of your grade.

Research Paper Topics:

9. Organizational development

10. Organizational culture

11. Team development

12. Diagnostic models

13. Learning organizations

14. Lewin’s Change Model

15. Neuroscience in leadership

16. Organizational Change


Purdue Online Writing Lab (n.d.). Four main components for effective outlines. Retrieved from


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided below). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a Fortune 1000 company. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research.  In order to complete this task, you will need to go into the library databases to find other articles.  Prepare an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected.  A sample annotated bibliography is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on annotated bibliographies. This assignment is worth 10 percent of your grade.

Research Paper Topics:

9. Organizational development

10. Organizational culture

11. Team development

12. Diagnostic models

13. Learning organizations

14. Lewin’s Change Model

15. Neuroscience in leadership

16. Organizational Change

You will be required to prepare an annotated bibliography with some of the articles/books you plan to cite in your final project.  A sample has been placed in the Resources section.  This assignment is worth 10% of your grade.To be eligible for full credit, you are required to have 6-8 entries. In order to complete this task, you will need to access the APUS library databases to find other articles.  A sample annotated bibliography is listed in the Resources section. 

Annotated Bibliography –

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice.  You may use some of the readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic.  In order to complete this task, you will need to write the first half of your final paper. To be successful, a minimum of five (5) pages of substantive content toward your final paper must be submitted in APA format 

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of an assessment which directly quotes other sources, and should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. Writing Rubric – located in the Resources folder



PowerPoint Presentation Part I

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final research paper topic.  The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation.  There should be a minimum of 10 slides that cover content the content of your Research Paper in a presentation format.  Once you have completed this assignment, please post it in Week 7 – Assignment 4

PowerPoint Presentation Part II

In addition, post your PowerPoint Presentation in the Forums section under Week 8 PowerPoint Forum Discussion, not later than Thursday of the following week. You must make an initial posting of a minimum of 250 words to introduce your presentation to your fellow students.  Attach the PowerPoint to this entry.  In Week 8, you will be asked to provide a critique of the PowerPoint presentations for at least two of your peers (100 word minimum).  

You may use the readings assigned in the class to expand on a particular topic.

PowerPoint Presentation Rubric – located in the resource folder


Your final research paper will be based on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2.  You may use the readings assigned in this class to supplement your research.

Final Research Paper :

Write an 8-10 page research paper (excluding the title and reference pages) on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2. By this time, you should have submitted your first 5 pages for grading and feedback.  Once you receive feedback, make revisions accordingly and combine with the last five pages of your paper.  

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of the assessment of your research paper that directly quotes other sources. It should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. Assignment Writing Rubric – located in the resource folder.


Read a contemporary crisis situation in the media. Evaluate from your perspective, what happened, how it happened, and what course of action you would recommend, from a manager’s perspective, to improve the current situation. Pay close attention to the crisis in relation to the readings you have had in class.

Submission Instructions: The assignment should at a minimum contain 2500-3000 words (about 10 pages in the main body) and be a properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract). The paper must have at least eight scholarly sources. Write your paper in the third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, the first person should be avoided. Upload your paper (.doc) in the assignment section for grading. This assignment uses Turnitin for originality verification. A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format. 


Goal: Conduct/construct an experiential case study of a leadership issue/problem/challenge from your current or past organization that utilizes the Kouzes and Posner Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model. The five practices include Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart, with these practices serving as key level headings in a written project paper. Instructions: The assignment threads the Kouzes and Posner model and other relevant literature to develop/conduct an experiential case study of a leadership issue/problem/challenge from a past or current organization. In other words, prepare a comprehensive work that uses material such as the five practices from Kouzes and Posner to examine a leadership issue/problem/challenge in your organization. Your forum and assignment work will provide excellent background material for a deeper investigative look using the model from the assigned readings and lessons; however, do not include these assignments in your paper. Your paper should focus on just one general topic that is viewed from the various elements of the model.Other than using the Kouzes and Posner practices as sections in your paper, there is no other set structure (except for the APA elements mentioned above). Submission Instructions: The assignment should at a minimum contain 2500-3000 words (about 10 pages in the main body) and be a properly formatted APA paper (including a title page and references page, but no abstract). The paper must have at least eight scholarly sources. Write your paper in the third person, even though you are writing about an organization that you are familiar with. To do this, write from the perspective of a scholar who observes and researches about the case. Therefore, the first person should be avoided. Upload your paper (.doc) in the assignment section for grading. This assignment uses Turnitin for originality verification. A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. Plus, part of the evaluation of this paper involves your acquisition of the essentials of the APA style format. 

Please refer to the assignment rubric found in the Resources section.

Strategic Consulting Track



Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a large business setting, and prepare a substantive outline detailing the program that you intend to design, develop, implement, and maintain for the benefit of the organization identified. For the purposes of this assignment, you must select a Fortune 1,000 company for this project. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research. 

Prepare an outline with bullet points of the topics, subtopics, theories and concepts that you plan to ultimately cover in your research paper.  A sample outline is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on research paper outlines. This assignment is worth 5 percent of your grade.

Research Paper Topics:

17. Organizational development

18. Organizational culture

19. Team development

20. Diagnostic models

21. Learning organizations

22. Lewin’s Change Model

23. Neuroscience in leadership

24. Organizational Change


Purdue Online Writing Lab (n.d.). Four main components for effective outlines. Retrieved from


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice related to an aspect of organizational development examined in this course (see list provided below). This assignment requires that you explore a key aspect of organizational development within a Fortune 1000 company. You may use the readings assigned in the class to supplement your research.  In order to complete this task, you will need to go into the library databases to find other articles.  Prepare an annotated bibliography of articles collected to date on the topic selected.  A sample annotated bibliography is provided in the Resources section. In addition, please refer to the reference below for more information on annotated bibliographies. This assignment is worth 10 percent of your grade.

Research Paper Topics:

17. Organizational development

18. Organizational culture

19. Team development

20. Diagnostic models

21. Learning organizations

22. Lewin’s Change Model

23. Neuroscience in leadership

24. Organizational Change

You will be required to prepare an annotated bibliography with some of the articles/books you plan to cite in your final project.  A sample has been placed in the Resources section.  This assignment is worth 10% of your grade.To be eligible for full credit, you are required to have 6-8 entries. In order to complete this task, you will need to access the APUS library databases to find other articles.  A sample annotated bibliography is listed in the Resources section. 

Annotated Bibliography –

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Your final research paper will be based on a topic of your choice.  You may use some of the readings assigned in the class and expand on a particular topic.  In order to complete this task, you will need to write the first half of your final paper. To be successful, a minimum of five (5) pages of substantive content toward your final paper must be submitted in APA format 

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of an assessment which directly quotes other sources, and should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. Writing Rubric – located in the Resources folder



PowerPoint Presentation Part I

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your final research paper topic.  The presentation should have an introduction slide, as well as a reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation.  There should be a minimum of 10 slides that cover content the content of your Research Paper in a presentation format.  Once you have completed this assignment, please post it in Week 7 – Assignment 4

PowerPoint Presentation Part II

In addition, post your PowerPoint Presentation in the Forums section under Week 8 PowerPoint Forum Discussion, not later than Thursday of the following week. You must make an initial posting of a minimum of 250 words to introduce your presentation to your fellow students.  Attach the PowerPoint to this entry.  In Week 8, you will be asked to provide a critique of the PowerPoint presentations for at least two of your peers (100 word minimum).  

You may use the readings assigned in the class to expand on a particular topic.

PowerPoint Presentation Rubric – located in the resource folder


Your final research paper will be based on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2.  You may use the readings assigned in this class to supplement your research.

Final Research Paper :

Write an 8-10 page research paper (excluding the title and reference pages) on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2. By this time, you should have submitted your first 5 pages for grading and feedback.  Once you receive feedback, make revisions accordingly and combine with the last five pages of your paper.  

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of the assessment of your research paper that directly quotes other sources. It should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected. Assignment Writing Rubric – located in the resource folder.

HRMT 605

Week 4 is an outline and annotated bib centered around the final paper. Week 7 is a 10 slide PowerPoint providing a high level overview of the final paper. Then in week 8….

PROBLEM: You have been directed by your corporate or organizational president to research one of the following situations/problems and prepare a formalized research paper. This paper should be addressed to the president, board of directors, and your professor. For this research, you should conduct a review of literature based on the current practices being used in today’s organizations (in terms of your selected research problem/situation). For your research project, please select one of the following problem or situational areas to research. As you conduct your secondary and/or primary research, you should also develop a well-developed strategy as to how to implement your strategy into this organization. One way to view the selected problem is to think of a current or previous organization, in which you might focus your research efforts towards. For example, you may be facing the same problem in your current organization – so you could write this paper, based on addressing this particular problem with your current organization. If you do not see the relevance of any of these problems with your current or past employers – just write your paper as if you were employed with a Fortune 500 company or an organization currently in the news. Here is the listing of potential problems or situations from you can select your research topic from: 1. Creation and implementation of an electronic usage (i.e., email, computer, or other computer technology) policy to be used in the organization. 2. Technological changeover from one computer system to a newer computer system (keep in mind the possible conversion problems). 3. Creation and implementation of a revised disciplinary policy to replace a current policy, which is not working (and lawsuits have resulted from the current, poorly written disciplinary policy). 4. Creation and implementation of a new compensation and benefits package (please remember that the president and board of directors may not be as accepting of this particular topic area… but it is worth the challenge of trying to convince them differently). 5. Creation and implementation of a new performance appraisal system or method of conducting performance appraisals. 6. Creation and implementation of an effective recruiting and retention program to enhance the quality of employees and management within the organization.

7. Rollout of a change management initiative.

8. Creation and implementation of a succession plan for mid level and C-Suite leaders. AUDIENCE: Please write your research paper as if your organizational or corporate president and/or board of directors would review and consider its findings and recommendations. However, your professor will be the final reviewer for this paper. GUIDELINES: 1. Student should write a well-researched paper, approximately 6-8 pages and double-spaced (not counting a title page, table of contents, references or appendices). 2. Student should follow the APA Style Manual for referencing and citing sources in the paper. 3. Paper should be written in third person – not first person. 4. Paper should be error-free, so it may be wise to have another person proof your work. 5. All sources must be properly cited, according to APA style. In essence, you need to use in-text citations (no footnotes or endnotes in this paper whatsoever). Full citations of all works should be included in the References section, formatted in APA Style. 6. The paper must contain the following elements: a. Title Page  b. Table of Contents  c. Introduction d. Problem Statement (5-8 sentence paragraph that clearly defines the problem and why it needs to be researched). e. Review of current practices (background of literature) in the area f. Strategic plan for change or creation of the anticipated change (use examples of where this approach has been successful in other organizations if pertinent). g. Strategic approach for implementation of the change(s) h. Final recommendations and possible outcomes (best and worst case scenarios) i. Summary/Conclusions j. References section k. Appendix (if tables or charts or necessary)

ITMG 624

Week 4 Risk Management Paper

Objective: Assess the systems and processes in an organization when addressing strategic, organizational and managerial challenges.

Write a paper discussing your work experience, observations, and/or outside reading on a topic involving practical risk management (e.g. disaster recovery, changes in project scope, technology risk, etc.). Be sure to relate your experiences to the course concepts. This will be a minimum of four pages. Academic writing normally includes more than 1 citation with the related reference. For this assignment, at least 3 references are expected.

Course ITMG624: Week 6 Communication Matrix

Objective: Present senior management with recommendations on how to improve an organization’s practices and processes.

Based on the project you chose in week 3, create a communication matrix using the template provided. Define 5 different types of communication that would be relevant to your project. Each row represents a type of communication and an example could be a weekly status report. Outline the communication, the frequency, the audience, the owner, how it will be distributed, etc. Consider technology in your approach to distribution. See attached template


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Writers Solution

It is essential to build a business plan that will enable room for growth and/or adjusting for necessary edits

Respond to the following in 200-word count content each.

Q1.    It is essential to build a business plan that will enable room for growth and/or adjusting for necessary edits. Implementing a plan that allows the company to foresee changes on several levels. Strategic management processing tells us that it is smart business to allow for contingencies and provide employees with the necessary tools to accomplish their work. It is important to collect data properly. It is important that those in charge of leadership not dictate but rather it can be helpful to include those who work for the organization to share in decision making.

A business must NOT rush through the process of putting together plans to bring about change.

How do we make sure we don’t?

Q2.    Change is neither good nor bad. It is inevitable. The outcome depends on how well you handle the situation when it occurs. One good method for managing change is to change your perspective about it. Think about differences in opinion about the change as an opportunity to grow and develop a deeper understanding of each other and the situation at hand.

How do we get around differences in opinion in management?


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on It is essential to build a business plan that will enable room for growth and/or adjusting for necessary edits

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What is finance? Briefly discuss how the study of finance is essential to business today.

What is finance? Briefly discuss how the study of finance is essential to business today. There are other areas of business, such as marketing, human resources, and management. How does finance impact them? In other words, can a business efficiently run without everyone having some knowledge of the field? Explain.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Assume you are starting a new business such as a restaurant, barber shop, or spa, for example, and discuss the types of information you would access and research to get the business started. For instance, would you look at the local Small Business Administration’s website for guidance on how to fund and setup a new firm? What financial tools would be useful, and how would they assist you in the startup process? Explain.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Discuss the 2007-2008 financial crisis and what impact it had on the financial markets. Who was impacted? What caused the crisis, and how can a future crisis be prevented? Explain.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Your boss has asked you to put together an informal outline/presentation on the risk-return tradeoff. In your own words, discuss the tradeoff. Does a risky investment always equal a big payoff and vice versa? What does it mean to be a risk-averse versus a risk-taker? What types of information must be considered when it comes to risk and return? Explain.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on What is finance? Briefly discuss how the study of finance is essential to business today.

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Head of Digital Business at Travel Industry Company

This is an individual assignment and we expect you to submit a max 10 pages ppt (or pdf) presentation. Keep it simple and follow the flow or instruction questions. You will be scored for answering each report out question that would be summed up in the final and total score. Report out questions and scoring rules are visible on this and the next page of this ppt.
Imagine you are Head of Digital Business at Travel Industry Company. Travel industry ideas could be connected with any sub-segment of the travel/hospitality industry like online booking platform, hotel, resort, and agency or like you are transporting customers to vacation.
Your task is to develop an innovative customer digital initiative using one or two of the customer network behaviors strategy in the travel industry, in other words, how to do you reach the digital customers today?
REMINDER: The five customer network strategies are:
1) Access – faster, easier, on demand
2) Engage – a source of valued content
3) Customize – adaptable to customer needs
4) Connect – valuable part of customers online & social conversations
5) Collaborate – invite customers to help build your business and your enterprise
a) What are your customer objectives
– Lead generation, customer acquisition, improve customer service, grow share or spend of existing customers
b) Who are your focus target customers?
c) Which customer behavior you used?
– Choose one or two
d) What is your digital innovation?
– How are you faster and what kind of content you would create, how you are personalized?
e) Who will you need to make this idea to happen?
– What are the skills, the resources (from within or outside the business) that you might need to bring this initiative to life?


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On how many continents and in how many countries does GE do business? Does GE offer different product lines in different countries?

This week, we learned about different types of leadership directives and leadership styles. As a reflection of these principles, visit the website of General Electric, a powerful MNC in energy and power systems, health care, finance, and appliances.

Discover GE’s international operations, learn about its product lines, review its new and existing members on the board of directors, and review its latest annual report. Then answer these questions with a focus on GE’s leadership:

  1. On how many continents and in how many countries does GE do business? Does GE offer different product lines in different countries? If so, why, and if not, why not?
  2. Using the Managerial Grid (Fig.13-2), in which country or countries could GE apply each of the 5 management styles? Give examples of each of the 5 styles.
  3. Using the Managerial Grid (Fig. 13-2), which leadership style do you think the GE corporate CEO could implement on a global basis, and why?
  4. Reflect on this Module and this course and explain whether the leadership style you chose in # 3 above matches your skills, abilities, and personality. Why or why not?


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on On how many continents and in how many countries does GE do business? Does GE offer different product lines in different countries?

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The eight key components of e-Commerce business models are value proportion

(Victoria)1. The eight key components of e-Commerce business models are value proportion, revenue model, competitive environment, management team, organizational development, market strategy, competitive advantage, and market opportunity. One example of the revenue model is the subscription revenue model, often used by B2C businesses to increase profit. Many services that offer subscription options offer a free version of their service but with many advertisements to generate profit. This model offers a benefit to consumers with a price. Subscription services typically offer a monthly or yearly price for access to the service (often removal of advertisements). Current business models have high sales and easy to see brand strategic advantages (Chai & Zhu, 2022).

2. One major B2C business model is e-tailer. An e-tailer is an online retail store. These online stores sell their goods or services from the internet to the consumer directly. Profits are made in keeping expenses low and learning the target audience to advertise to. This is further expanding the business process from wired network technology to wireless network business (Chai & Zhu, 2022). Another popular B2C business model is content provider. A content provider provides informative content often in the form of video, photo, music, art, or text. This model makes a profit through advertisements and charging subscriptions to view content. As we continue to grown into an increasingly more technology based society, online content becomes more important. A business providing valuable content can increase sales tremendously. 

3. One major B2B busines model is e-distribution. This is similar to an e-tailer except an e-distributer provides goods or services directly to individual businesses. This model makes a profit in selling many products to directly to businesses. A business would prefer to buy many products from one distributer rather than purchasing from various. Another B2B busines model is exchanges. Exchanges are independent online marketplaces where many suppliers can connect with commercial purchasers to conduct transactions. This benefits both the buyers and sellers with increase of opportunity and lower transaction costs. (Laudon & Traver, 2021)

Chai, B., & Zhu, Y. (2022). Cross-border e-commerce business model based on wireless communication network and blockchain. Security and Communication Networks, 2022 doi:

Laudon, K. C., & Traver, C. G. (2021). e-Commerce 2021: Business, technology, and society (16th ed.). Pearson


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on The eight key components of e-Commerce business models are value proportion

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Describe the global business environment that is likely to develop in the next ten years

During this course you have learned that the business environment is in a state of constant change and new circumstances will require new strategies and new approaches to implementing those strategies. Apply what you have learned as you discuss the following questions.

1. Describe the global business environment that is likely to develop in the next ten years.

2. Considering what you learned in the article, Sociocognitive Perspectives in Strategic Management in this week’s required reading, which of the three topics areas identified in the article do you think is most influential to strategic management in KSA and why?

Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories (which require supporting citations) in your initial response along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.


2 full pages

related references

appropriate headings

BE sure to answer each point in question


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Describe the global business environment that is likely to develop in the next ten years

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