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calculate the fractional amounts of the equilibrated phases formed within a plate

2) For a 0.46 wt%C Ni-Cr steel plate, show any calculations to support your responses to the following queries: 

  1. After pouring the melt into a refractory container and allowed to furnace cool to 728°C,
    calculate the fractional amounts of the equilibrated phases formed within a plate.
  2. For a steel with the attached time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram, give the processing of three steel items – one plate with a microstructure of 25% upper bainite, another plate of 100% martensite minimized for cracking, and the third plate with 75%
    lower bainite.
  3. For 2B and 2C, sketch carefully each microstructure expected for the four plates with
    all the phases identified with their corresponding temperatures.

3)  For high technological industries, you evaluate metals and ceramics beyond the Fe-C alloys to more costly applications.
A. For one process, elect three alloying components for Ti alloys to give alpha-gamma 

phase from an eutectoid reaction and another process, give three alloying components added to Ti to give alpha-gamma phases near a peritectoid reaction. Be sure to describe each process in not more than three sentences. 

B. What alloying elements should you seek for stainless steel to have a bar or plate with martensitic phase, as well as explain why? 

C. For a material of the hypersonic plane, liquid Hf-Nb-Ta alloy infuses into a B4C packed bed and reacts to form a HfB2-HfC-Nb3B4-Nb4C3-TaC-Ta3B2 composite or the same boride-carbide precipitates embedded in a Hf-Nb-Ta alloy matrix. Determine the mass of Hf, Nb, and Ta needed to give you 1 kg of Nb3B4 in metal matrix having 50at%Hf- 45at%Nb-5at%T a. 

D. What two refractories or ceramics (no metals) must you consider to hold a Hf-Nb melt at 2500°C in preparation for a proper Hf/Nb ratio and a refractory to eventually add Ta to the Hf-Nb alloy in a subsequent melting of the Hf-Nb-Ta alloy at 3500°C? 

E. A hafnium-niobium melt contained in a graphite or carbon crucible (1 cm thick and 5 cm inner diameter) reacts to form an internal layer composed of HfC and NbC between the Hf-Nb liquid and the internal, graphite crucible. The figure below gives the diffusion coefficients of carbon in cm2/s for HfC, TaC, NbC and ZrC. 

  1. Determine the carbon diffusion in HfC at 3600°C.
  2. Estimate the carbide having the larger thickness in twelve hours between the
    Hf-Nb liquid and the internal crucible wall?

F. From the Ta-C phase diagram, below, give the three-phase reactions for a eutectic, 

peritectic, peritectoid, congruent, and euctectoid reactions along with their respective temperatures at which they occur. 

4) . A Ta2O5 semiconductor at temperatures greater than 1000°C exists with doubly- charged, oxygen vacancies. Your engineering colleague argues strongly that these oxygen ionic defects convert the tantalate lattice into a p-type semiconductor – is he correct and give reasoning? 

B. Is the semiconductor n-type or p-type, if Al2O3 is added, instead of Ta2O5, to the NbO lattice and give your reasoning? 

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Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 2 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition

  1. Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 2 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition while considering the constraints and operating conditions laid out in the case as well as in the ‘Helpful Hints’ section of this document.  Interpret the drivers of the NPV and the implications to the broader business decision. (40 points)

                                                              i.      For example, the variable costs for Amber Ale is $122.063 per unit

  1. Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 3 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition while considering the constraints and operating conditions laid out in the case as well as in the ‘Helpful Hints’ section of this document.  Interpret the drivers of the NPV and the implications to the broader business decision. (40 points)

                                                              i.      For example, the variable costs for Amber Ale is $122.063 per unit

  1. Add a summary table that compares all three plans and shows all major cost categories. (20 points)
  2. Let us consider a form of sensitivity analysis for this problem. Chose a variable (interest rate and time period cannot be used) and explore the impact on your plans. This question has two parts: (20 points)
  6. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT on Develop and calculate the NPV on an Excel Spreadsheet for the “Option 2 Plan” for the Corkford Brewery acquisition
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Calculate returns and riskiness of returns for various assets

Paper instructions

Objective: Calculate returns and riskiness of returns for various assets Introduction: Standard deviation is a proven mathematical methodology to measure the level of volatility for return on investments. When financial managers compare two funds with identical annualized returns, the fund with a lower standard deviation is typically the most attractive. The most common measure used for fund evaluation is standard deviation. Activity Details: Step 1: Introduction about Standard Deviation and Risk Provide a definition and introduction about “standard deviation” and explain how it is used to quantify risk. The overall written analysis essay should include a minimum of three references cited within the content of the paper and the reference page according to APA guidelines. Step 2: Standard Deviation 5 Step Procedure Examine, in order, the five-step procedure for finding the standard deviation. Provide a brief description of each step and its purpose when possible. Review internal course readings and external sites about the standard deviation five-step procedure. Note: you may find external sites that use more than five steps. It is okay to include and write about more than five standard deviation steps. Optional: Insertion of an Excel example Describe and address: • How to calculate the expected rate of return of the investment • Why it is best practice to subtract the expected rate of return of 15% from each of the possible rates of return and square the difference? • Explain the purpose for multiplying the squared differences calculated in step 2 by the probability that those outcomes will occur • Why it is necessary to sum all the values calculated in step 3 together? • What does the square root of the variance calculated in step 4 describe? Step 3: Asses and Conclude • Assess whether it is possible to diversify away the risk inherent in investments • Assess whether the standard deviation of a portfolio is, or is not, a weighted average of the standard deviations of the assets in the portfolio • Write a brief summary conclusion of what you have learned about “standard deviation” and how it is used quantify risk

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Calculate the percentage of the Sticker Price


 Exp19 Excel Ch04 CapAssessment Rockville Auto Sales 

Project Description:

You work for Rockville Auto Sales and have been asked to aid in the development of a spreadsheet to manage sales and inventory information. You will start the task with a prior worksheet that contains vehicle information and sales data for 2018. You need to convert the data to a table. You will manage the large worksheet, prepare the worksheet for printing, sort and filter the table, include calculations, and then format the table.

Steps to Perform:

Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch04_Cap_AutoSales.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.

Freeze the first row on the   Fleet Information worksheet.

Convert the data to a table,   name the table Inventory, and apply the Gold, Table Style Medium 19.

Remove duplicate records.

Sort the table by Make in   alphabetical order, add a second level to sort by Year Smallest to Largest,   and a third level to sort by Sticker Price Smallest to Largest.

Repeat the field names on all   pages.

Change page breaks so each   vehicle make is printed on a separate page.

Add a footer with your name on   the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on   the right side.

Click the Sales Information   worksheet and convert the data to a table, name the table Sales, and apply the Green, Table   Style Dark 11.

Type % of sticker in cell E1.

Create a formula with structured   references to calculate the percentage of the Sticker Price in column E.

Format the range E2:E30 with   Percent Style Number Format.

Add a table Total Row and then   display the Average of % of sticker and Sum of Sticker Price and Sale Price.

AutoFit the width of columns B:E   to show the total values.

Select the range E2:E30. Apply   Solid Fill Blue Data Bars conditional formatting to the % of sticker data.

With the range E2:E30 selected,   create a new conditional formatting rule that uses a formula to apply yellow   fill and bold font to values that sold for less than or equal to 70% of the   sticker price.

On the First Quarter Sales   worksheet, rename the table FirstQuarter.

Filter the data to display   January, February, and March sales.

Add a footer with your name on   the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on   the right side.

Select Landscape orientation for   all sheets.

Save and close EXP19_Excel_CH04_Cap_AutoSales.xlsx.   Exit Excel.




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Calculate the price-weighted percentage average return

Please note carefully the following important corrections in the assignment questions:
1. Question 2b: Missing information: Standard
Deviation of risky portfolio is 24.5%
2. Question 2c: You do not need to complete this part.
3. Question 5b: Calculate -Duration- only, you do not need to calculate ‘Convexity’
4. Question 5cii: Missing information: Convexity of the bond is 10.2977765
Please Note::
i. This Assessment consists of five questions (all problems), some with multiple parts.
ii. All questions must be attempted.
iii. Solve each problem using the appropriate formula/e, which must be shown at the start of each problem.
iv. EXCEL formulae or workings using EXCEL will NOT be accepted.
v. Show all calculations
Submission requirements details:
A. Presentation.
– Answers to be typed. Handwritten answers will not be accepted and will not be marked.
– Please type each answer after each part question. The Assignment (below) is reproduced on Moodle, with space provided for each answer. If more space is required, then scroll down the page, and extra page(s) automatically will be produced.
– Typing should use Arial or Times New Roman or Calibri font (10, 11 or 12 pitch), 1.5 line spacing; and
– Left and right margins to be at least 2.5 cms from the edge of the page.
B. Research and referencing.
– All references sourced should be quoted at the end of the Assignment in a List of References.
– Use Harvard referencing. See http://en.wikipedia.orQ/wiki/Harvard referencing
– As the questions are calculation problems, there is no need to submit via Turnitin.
C. Submission
Every page should be clearly numbered. The lodged Assignment must include the following, in order:
(a) A KOI Cover Sheet for an Individual Assignment.
(b) A title page, which indicates Subject Title, Trimester Number, Assignment Title, Student’s Full Name; KOI Student Number; and Tutor’s name.
(c) Assignment Questions and Answers.
(d) List of references (using Harvard – Anglia style).
(e) A copy of the Assignment Marking rubric (see page XX below).
A copy of your Assignment, containing the requirements specified in Items (a) to (e) above, needs to be emailed to your Tutor at by the start of the week 10 tutorial. Late lodgments will be penalised – see Section 3.2 a) below.
QUESTION 1. [(CALC’NS a. + b. + c. + d. = 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 Marks) + (REC’NS e. = 4 Marks)]
a. At 15 October, 2020, the share prices of Coal Ltd and Wood Ltd were $30 and $105 respectively. One year later, the respective share prices were $35 and $110.
i. Calculate the price-weighted percentage average return for these two stocks over the year to 15 October, 2021.
ii. Suppose instead, at 15 October, 2021, the final price of Coal Ltd was $35 (as above), but the price of Wood Ltd had fallen to $95. Calculate the revised price-weighted percentage average return for these two stocks over the year to 15 October, 2021.
b. What are both the payoff and the profit or loss per share for an investor in the following two situations?
i. Jean buys the June, 2022 expiration Paypal call option for $6.40 with an exercise price of $120, if the Paypal stock price at the expiration date is $132?
ii. Joan buys a Paypal put option for $4.50 with the same expiration date and exercise price as Jean’s call option, and the Paypal stock price is also $132 at the expiration date?
c. A large investor resident in your country seeks your advice on global investments.
i. State briefly two reasons why he/she should include international equities in his or her investment portfolio.
ii. Identify two risks which apply to the investor if he/she invests in international equities.
d. Two corporate bonds, issued respectively by F Ltd and G Ltd, have the same face value of $10,000 and the same term to maturity of 7 years. F Ltd’s bonds have a coupon rate of 8% per annum, payable half-yearly, and G Ltd’s bonds have a coupon rate of 7.8% per annum, payable bi-monthly (that is, every 2 months). Calculate the effective annual return (EAR) on each bond. [Show each answer as a percentage, correct to 2 decimal places.]
e. Asif is a fund manager with a share portfolio currently valued at $1 billion under management. He considers that the share market is much over-priced and fears a sharp downturn of 20% in the market by June, 2022, which will badly affect his share portfolio’s value and performance, which he wishes to protect. He seeks your advice as to whether he should take a short position in futures or buy a put option, each with an exercise price of $1 billion (the current value of his share portfolio). Explain each of the two strategies, and state your recommendation which Asif should follow, with reasons.
QUESTION 2. [{CALC’NS a. + b. = (3 + 3) + (2 + 2 + 2+ 2 + 2) = 16 Marks} + {REC’NS c. = 2 Marks}]
a. The expected return of the market index over 2022 is 10%. The standard deviation of returns of the market index is expected to remain at its long-term average of 18%. The risk-free rate is 4%. Calculate:
i. the degree of risk aversion (commonly denoted by ‘A’) for an investor in the market index.
ii. the Sharpe ratio of the market index portfolio.
b. The expected return of a risky portfolio in New Zealand over 2022 is 15%, while the risk-free rate is 7%. Terry wishes to set up a complete portfolio, with y (the proportion invested in the risky portfolio) = 0.75.
i. Define a “complete portfolio”.
ii. Describe the mix (or asset allocation) of Terry’s complete portfolio, including the percentages of each asset held.
iii. What is the expected return of Terry’s complete portfolio?
iv. What is the standard deviation of returns for Terry’s complete portfolio?
v. What is the Sharpe ratio for Terry’s complete portfolio?
c. Mabel is more risk averse than Terry, and her degree of risk aversion, A, is 4.0. Using the data supplied at the beginning of part b. above, calculate the percentages of each asset class you would recommend she should hold in her optimal complete portfolio. [Show percentages correct to 2 decimal places.]
QUESTION 3. [{CALC’NS a. + b. + c. = (3 + 3) + (2 + 2 + 4) + 2 = 16 marks} + {REC’NS d. = 2 marks}]
a. Historical data for the All Ordinaries Index indicates that:
– the standard deviation of returns from the Index has been 17%; and
– the degree of risk aversion (A) of an investor in the Index is 3.6.
i. What market risk premium is consistent with the above historical standard deviation?
ii. If the market risk premium is 12%, what would be the historical standard deviation?
b. The expected return of the market in Iceland is 15%. Stock H has a beta of 1.3 and the risk-free rate is 5%.
i. What is the expected return of Stock H, according to the CAPM?
ii. What is the alpha of a stock? (Definition or explanation required.)
iii. What is the alpha of Stock H, if Iceland Stockbrokers, investors in – and researchers of –
the stock, believe that Stock H will provide a return this year of:
I. 20%; or alternatively, if they consider the return this year will be:
II. 14%?
c. Based on your answers to part b. iii. above, is Stock H over-priced, underpriced or fairly priced in each of the situations I. and IL? Would you recommend that Iceland Brokers buy more of – or sell – or just hold Stock H in each of these situations?
d. Jackie, an analyst with Betta Brokers, uses a two-factor (F1 and F2) CAPM index method to evaluate the expected return of stock in Z Ltd. The model uses the following data:
E(R) of F1 = 12%; E(R) of F2 = 8%; p (beta) of F1 = 1.3; p (beta) of F2 = 0.4; and Rf (risk-free rate) = 5%.
What is the expected return of a share in Z Ltd?
QUESTION 4. [{CALC’NS (3 + 2 + 3) + (2 + 2) + (2 + 2) = 16 Marks}]
A. The yield curve for Government-guaranteed zero-coupon bonds is based as follows:
Term to maturity (years) Yield to maturity (% per annum)
1 8%
2 9%
3 10%
i. What are the implied one-year forward rates for years 1,2 and 3 respectively?
ii. If the expectations hypothesis of the term structure of interest rates is correct, in one
year’s time, what will be the yield to maturity on a one-year zero-coupon bond?
iii. Based on the same hypothesis as in ii. above, in one year’s time, what will be the yield to maturity on a two-year zero-coupon bond?
B. On 15 January, 2021, you bought a Government bond, with a face value of $1,000; a term to maturity of 5 years; a coupon rate of 6% per annum payable yearly, and a yield to maturity of 5% per annum. You paid the market price of $1,043.76 for the bond.
On 15 January, 2022, you sold the bond to Jill, providing her with a yield to maturity of 4% per annum.
[NOTE: You bought and sold the bond immediately after payment of the interest coupon due on 15 January each year- that is, the interest payments due on 15 January in 2021 and 2022 are not included in the bond prices.]
i. What price would Jill have paid for the bond? [Show answer correct to the nearer cent.]
ii. What is your holding period return for holding the bond for one year, receiving the
January, 2022 interest coupon, then selling the bond? [Show answer as a percentage, correct to 2 decimal places.]
C. With the aid of hypothetical illustrative examples, briefly explain each of the Expectations and the Liquidity preference hypotheses relating to the term structure of interest rates. Which of the two hypotheses do you consider to be the more relevant? Why?
QUESTION 5. [{CALC’NS a. + b. + c. + d. = (1 + 1 + 1) + (3 + 3) + (2 + 2 + 2) + 1 = 16 Marks} + { REC’NS e. = 2 Marks}]
A. Briefly explain the following concepts relating to bond portfolio management.
i. Duration.
ii. Convexity.
iii. Immunisation.
B. Illustrate your answer to A. above with the calculation of the duration and convexity of a bond with a face value of $1,000, term to maturity of 3 years, a coupon rate of 6% per annum, payable yearly, and a yield to maturity of 4% per annum.
[NOTE: As a by-product of these calculations, you should calculate the current market price of the bond, which price should be used as a base or starting point to your answers required in C. i. and C. ii. below.]
C. Calculate the expected price of the bond described in B. above, if the yield to maturity fell immediately to 3% per annum, by each of the following 3 methods.
i. The duration adjustment method.
ii. The duration-with-convexity adjustment method.
iii. The present value of future cash flows method.
D. Which of the methods listed in C. above is most accurate? Why?
E. Explain how a pension fund can use zero-coupon bonds to immunize its obligation to pay out $10 million a year in pensions in perpetuity, if the forecast long-term interest / discount rate is 5% a year forever.
LIST OF REFERENCES USED (Student to complete)
IMPORTANT DECLARATION: “By uploading / submitting this Assignment, I declare that the Assignment answers are my own work and I have not sought or obtained help.”
MARKING GUIDE: Marks will be awarded as follows:
Element Marks
Calculations, including research and analysis (as above) 80
Recommendations and Conclusions (REC’NS above) 10
Presentation 10
The TOTAL will be converted to a mark (correct to the nearer whole number) out of 30%




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Calculate the area of Carpark

Calculate the area of Carpark (Hatched area in a drawing), dimensions are given to inside of kerb, calculate inside area and outside area of asphalt, and area of concrete kerb. Calculate perimeter and centerline, need all step by step calculations, with proper explanation, not just an answer. 

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Calculate the accumulated depreciation balance at the end of the second year using each of the following depreciation bases: (a) straight-line

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Question 1 (7 marks)
Miss Nancy started a lawn moving business in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. For this purpose, she purchased a group of new lawn mowers for $20 000. The accountant of Miss Nancy told her that she must have to decide the useful life and residual value of these new lawn mowers. After an initial consultation with the stakeholders, she decided that the mowers to last five years and have negligible resale value at that point. The business plan projects cutting 5000 lawns over five years. The yearly projection is as follows:
• 1st Year: 500 lawns,
• 2nd Year: 1 000 lawns,
• 3rd Year: 1 200 lawns,
• 4th Year: 1 800 lawns, and
• 5th Year: 500 lawns.

  1. Calculate the accumulated depreciation balance at the end of the second year using each of the following depreciation bases: (a) straight-line [1.5 Marks]; (b) reducing balance (25 per cent rate) [2 Marks]; and (c) units-of-production [1.5 Marks].
  2. Based on your calculations, which depreciation basis would produce the highest retained profits at the end of the second year? (2 Marks)
    ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
    Question 2 (7 marks)
    We have discussed the accounting for liabilities in Week 10 and 11. Based on this discussion, please explain the relationship between liabilities and expenses. Provide five examples where they both increase at the same time (4 Marks). Why are some liabilities interest-bearing and others are not (3 Marks). [Words Limit: Up to 100 Words]
    Question 3 (11 marks)
    The accountant of ABC Limited has prepared the following unadjusted trial balance of ABC Limited on 30th June 2021.
    Yellow Limited
    AS AT 30th JUNE 2021
    Accounts Debit ($) Credit ($)
    Cash at bank 13 985
    Account receivables 26 200
    Prepaid insurance 3 900
    Office Supplies 4 680
    Office equipment 14 100
    Accumulated depreciation – equipment 2 850
    Accounts payable 315
    Salary payable
    Unearned service revenue 1 230
    Loan payable 10 500
    Capital 33 300
    Drawings 60 000
    Service revenue 159 270
    Salary expenses 66 000
    Depreciation expenses – equipment
    Miscellaneous expenses 18 600
    TOTAL 207 465 207 465
    The following additional information is available at the end of June for adjustments:
    • Mr Emmanuel is working as the inventory clerk. He performs the physical count of the office supplies on 30th June 2021. This physical count reveals that the unused office supplies of $550 are on hand.
    • The rate of depreciation for the office equipment is 15% per annum and ABC Limited used the straight-line method of depreciation.
    • Of the $1230 unearned service revenue, $300 is still unearned
    • 60% of prepaid insurance is expired during this period.
    • Salaries owed but not yet paid $1920.
    • Provided consultancy service of $2000 on credit. This was not recorded for the month.
    a) Prepare adjusting entries at the end of 30 June, 2019. (6 marks)
    b) Calculate the balance of the total revenue of the company after adjustment. (2 marks)
    c) Explain why accrual accounting adjustments are required? (3 marks)
    Question 4 (11 marks)
    HARDA Limited is a retailer of office stationery and art supplies. The internal auditor of the business is concerned about the inventory management of the speciality pen (a product with the highest level of sale). The following information is extracted from the records of HARDA Limited. The company uses the perpetual inventory system to record the inventory of its products. Its monthly reporting date is 30 October.
    Date Purchased Sold Balance
    1/10 600 @ 5.00
    6/10 400 @ 5.20
    15/10 800 @ 10
    20/10 600@4.75
    25/10 400@12
    30/10 100 (Sales Return from 25/10 Sales)
    Total 1000 1100
    a) Complete the inventory stock record below for the speciality pen of HARDA Limited. All transactions occurred in the month of October. Ignore GST. (7 marks)
    b) Calculate the Cost of Sales (COS) for 30 October, assuming the FIFO Method. (2 mark)
    c) Calculate the Ending Inventory on 30 October, assuming the FIFO Method. (2 mark)
    (Note: please write your answers in by completing the table, as provided below.)
    Date Purchases Cost of Goods Sold Balance
    Units Unit
    cost Total
    $ Units Unit cost Total
    $ Units Unit cost Total

Question 5 (7 marks)
The accountant of Paul Shop Fitter Private Limited has provided the following data on the Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Expense amounts as at 30th June 2021.
$ $
Equipment 221,800 Supplies 84,200
Prepaid Insurance 24,000 Cash in Bank 88,400
Accounts receivable 182,800 Accounts payable 101,100
Capital ? Bank loan 30,000
Service income 1,158,000 Salary expense 483,000
Advertising expense 15,000 Supplies expense 142,500
a) Prepare a Balance Sheet in the narrative (vertical) format as at 30th June 2021. (5 marks)
b) Explain what key information the Balance Sheet provides to users of the financial statements. (2 marks)
Question 6 (7 marks)
The bank statement balance and cash account balance do not agree. The owner of E-Bite Limited has requested to prepare a bank reconciliation to reconcile these balances. For this purpose, the following information is given.
a) Deposits in transit are $9,800.
b) Outstanding cheques totalled are $3200.
c) The bank service charge is $24.
d) The collection of note by the bank is $800.
e) The bank statement balance is $9,000.
f) The cash account balance is $14,824.
Submission Instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HA1020
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Calculate the accumulated depreciation balance at the end of the second year using each of the following depreciation bases: (a) straight-line

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calculate how many moles of NO2 forms when 0.356 moles of the reactant completely reacts

Chemical Equations

Instructions: Solve the following chemical equations.

1. For the following reaction, calculate how many moles of NO2 forms when 0.356 moles of the reactant completely reacts.

2. For the following reaction, calculate how many moles of each product are formed when 0.326 moles of PbS completely react. Assume there is an excess of oxygen.

3. For the following reaction, calculate how many moles of each product are formed when 4.05 g of water is used.

4. Determine the theoretical yield of P2O5, when 3.07 g of P reacts with 6.09 g of oxygen in the following chemical equation

5. Determine the percent yield of the following reaction when 2.30 g of P reacts with excess oxygen. The actual yield of this reaction is determined to by 4.89 g of P2O5.

Properties of Liquids and Solids

Instructions: Answer the following questions using the following information: ∆Hfus=6.02 kJ/mol; ∆Hvap= 40.7 kJ/mol; specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g∙˚C; specific heat of ice is 2.06 J/g∙˚C; specific heat of water vapor is 2.03 J/g∙˚C.

1. How much heat is required to vaporize 30 g of water at 100˚C?

2. How much heat is required to convert 29 g of ice at -4.0 ˚C to water vapor at 105 ˚C (report your answer to three significant figures)? Answer all five parts, showing your detailed calculations:

i) Heat to warm ice from -4.0 to 0 oC:

ii) Heat to convert ice to liquid:

iii) Heat to warm liquid to boiling:

iv) Heat to convert liquid to gas:

v) Heat to warm gas from 100 to 105 oC:

3. An ice cube at 0.00 ˚C with a mass of 8.32 g is placed into 55 g of water, initially at 25 ˚C. If no heat is lost to the surroundings, what is the final temperature of the entire water sample after all the ice is melted (report your answer to three significant figures)?

Mixtures and Solutions

Instructions: Use the following image to answer the following questions. Circle your answers and/or show your calculations.

1. A solution contains 40 g of NaCl per 100 g of water at 20˚C. Is the solution unsaturated, saturated or supersaturated?

unsaturated, saturated or supersaturated?

2. A solution contains 50 g of KCl per 100 g of water at 90˚C. Is the solution unsaturated, saturated or supersaturated?

unsaturated, saturated or supersaturated?

3. A solution contains 30 g of KNO3 per 100 g of water at 20˚C. Is the solution unsaturated, saturated or supersaturated?

Solubility Graph [Online Image]. Retrieved November 12, 2018 from

unsaturated, saturated or supersaturated?

4. An 8 oz bottle of Dr. Pepper made with imperial cane sugar (C12H22O11) contains 27 g of sugar in 266.6 mL of water. What is the molarity of the solution with respect to cane sugar?

5. Calculate the mass of NaCl in a 55 mL sample of a 3.5 M saline solution.

6. What volume of water should be added to 4.6 g of KCl to make a 4 M solution?

Acid/Base: The Water Constant and pH

Instructions: Determine if each solution is acidic, basic, or neutral. Circle your answers.

Acidic Basic Neutral

1. [H3O+] = 1 x 10-10 M; [OH-] = 1 x 10-4 M

Acidic Basic Neutral

2. [H3O+] = 1 x 10-7 M; [OH-] = 1 x 10-7 M

Acidic Basic Neutral

3. [H3O+] = 1 x 10-1 M; [OH-] = 1 x 10-13 M

Acidic Basic Neutral

4. [H3O+] = 1 x 10-13 M; [OH-] = 1 x 10-1 M

Instructions: Calculate [OH-] given [H3O+] in each aqueous solution and classify the solution as acidic or basic.

[OH-] = Acidic Basic Neutral

5. [H3O+] = 2.6 x 10-3 M

[OH-] = Acidic Basic Neutral

6. [H3O+] = 3.6 x 10-8 M

[OH-] = Acidic Basic Neutral

7. [H3O+] = 3.6 x 10-2 M

[OH-] = Acidic Basic Neutral

8. [H3O+] = 4.3 x 10-3 M

Instructions: Calculate the [H3O+] of solutions a and b; calculate the [OH-] solutions c and d.


Chemistry, Assignment 5, Fall 2020, Page 1 of 5

10. pH = 2.76

11. pH = 3.95

12. pOH = 3.65

13. pOH = 5.07

Equilibrium and Le Chateleir’s Principal

Instructions: Write the equilibrium expression for each chemical equation.



Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

Instructions: Assign an oxidation state to each element, ion, or molecule.

1. Cl-

2. Br2

3. S-2

4. Fe3+

Instructions: Assign an oxidation state to each atom in each compound.





Instructions: Assign an oxidation state to each atom in each polyatomic ion.





Instructions: Identify the oxidation state of P or Si in each ion.





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Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s.

Mathematical Assignment

1. Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. 

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Sanity Check

2. A rubber ball (1 kg) falls from a height of 10 m and collides elastically with the floor.  What is the velocity of the ball as it rebounds from the floor?  

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Sanity Check

3. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 10 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea  Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

4. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

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Sanity Check

5. Two rubber balls undergo an elastic collision. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 10 kg and is stationary.   What is the final velocity of the two balls, v1f, and v2f?

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Sanity Check

6. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM what is its speed in radians per second, and the speed of a tip of a 50 cm fan blade in m/s?   

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Sanity Check

7. Calculate the angular momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. traveling around a circular curve 500 m in radius 

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Sanity Check

8. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM.  A 1 gram bug hangs on to the end of a 50 cm fan blade.  What is the magnitude of the frictional force between the bug’s feet and the blade?   

Key Idea  Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

9. A wrench 30 cm long is attached to a nut and bolt.  You exert a 15 N force on the wrench.  What is the maximum torque you can exert under these conditions?   

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Sanity Check

10. A uniform beam of length 10 m and mass 100 kg is supported by pylons on either end.  A 200 kg box is centered at 5 m from the left end of the beam.  What is the downward force on the left most pylon?  

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Sanity Check





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s.

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Writers Solution

Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s

Mathematical Assignment

1. Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

2. A rubber ball (1 kg) falls from a height of 10 m and collides elastically with the floor.  What is the velocity of the ball as it rebounds from the floor?  

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

3. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 10 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

4. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

5. Two rubber balls undergo an elastic collision. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 10 kg and is stationary.   What is the final velocity of the two balls, v1f, and v2f?

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

6. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM what is its speed in radians per second, and the speed of a tip of a 50 cm fan blade in m/s?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

7. Calculate the angular momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. traveling around a circular curve 500 m in radius 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

8. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM.  A 1 gram bug hangs on to the end of a 50 cm fan blade.  What is the magnitude of the frictional force between the bug’s feet and the blade?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

9. A wrench 30 cm long is attached to a nut and bolt.  You exert a 15 N force on the wrench.  What is the maximum torque you can exert under these conditions?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

10. A uniform beam of length 10 m and mass 100 kg is supported by pylons on either end.  A 200 kg box is centered at 5 m from the left end of the beam.  What is the downward force on the left most pylon?  

Key Idea    Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

Mathematical Assignment

1. Calculate the momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

2. A rubber ball (1 kg) falls from a height of 10 m and collides elastically with the floor.  What is the velocity of the ball as it rebounds from the floor?  

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

3. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 10 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

4. Two clay balls collide and stick. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 20 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the negative x direction.   What is the final velocity of the combined mass? 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

5. Two rubber balls undergo an elastic collision. Ball 1 has a mass of 10 kg and an initial velocity of 5 m/s in the positive x direction. Ball 2 has a mass of 10 kg and is stationary.   What is the final velocity of the two balls, v1f, and v2f?

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

6. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM what is its speed in radians per second, and the speed of a tip of a 50 cm fan blade in m/s?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

7. Calculate the angular momentum of a 265 kg motorcycle traveling at 25 m/s. traveling around a circular curve 500 m in radius 

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

8. A ceiling fan turns at a rate of 20 RPM.  A 1 gram bug hangs on to the end of a 50 cm fan blade.  What is the magnitude of the frictional force between the bug’s feet and the blade?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

9. A wrench 30 cm long is attached to a nut and bolt.  You exert a 15 N force on the wrench.  What is the maximum torque you can exert under these conditions?   

Key Idea   Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check

10. A uniform beam of length 10 m and mass 100 kg is supported by pylons on either end.  A 200 kg box is centered at 5 m from the left end of the beam.  What is the downward force on the left most pylon?  

Key Idea    Stock of Data and 


Sanity Check





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