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California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations


CDEV 108 Foundations Assignment 50 points

For this assignment, you may work alone or with one classmate. Using the California Preschool Learning Foundations, students will complete an assignment which focuses on practical application of The Foundations.

What are the Foundations? “The California Preschool Learning Foundations outline key knowledge and skills that most children can achieve when provided with the kinds of interactions, instruction, and environments that research has shown to promote early learning and development. The foundations can provide early childhood educators, parents, and the public with a clear understanding of the wide range of knowledge and skills that preschool children typically attain when given the benefits of a high-quality preschool program. “

Description taken from the CA Dept. of Ed. website on August 25, 2015 from:

Focus of each volume: Each of the volumes focuses on a different domain or area of development: Where to find The Foundations: Access to The Foundations can be found online at You can google the wording California Preschool Learning Foundations to also get this information. Hardcopies will be on reserve in The Teacher Resource Room (ArtB 313) during their hours of operation. Assignment Directions: Students will locate (or design) a toy for a 4-5 year old preschooler that will help them develop age appropriate developmental skills (language, cognitive, physical, and/or social/emotional). You may receive up to 10 extra credit points if you make the toy. (5 points each if you have a partner). If you make the toy, please bring it to class when the assignment is due. Make a handout that includes the following information:

A. Take a picture of your toy (or provide a photo from the Internet or magazine) and

include this picture in your handout. NO computer/screen type of toys or

Volume 1: Social-Emotional Development Language and Literacy English-Language Development Mathematics

Volume 2: Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health

Volume 3: History-Social Science Science


commercialized toys (ie: Barbie, Mickey Mouse, etc.) will be accepted. Your activity

can be one that is explored indoors or outdoors.

B. State the toy’s name.

C. State the age for which you will focus on for this assignment. Your answer will

determine which column (in the books) you will use for this assignment.

D. Directions: State possible ways that a child might use or explore the toy.

E. Explain how this toy is developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. It should be

visually appealing, non-toxic, non-breakable, neutral, re-useable, non-biased

material. The toy should meet a child’s needs and purposes, consider their social

and cultural background, etc. Children should be able to manipulate or explore the

materials with their hands (not just look at them).

F. Which Preschool Learning Foundation(s) most closely match your toy?

In what area(s) of development (domains) will it help develop and how? Be sure to

include a minimum of four (4) foundations from at least three (3) domains (don’t

just list all physical development areas) and explain how the terms tie to your toy.

Define each foundation. (Refer to example on next page). Be sure to underline the

domains and bold the foundations. Add the volume and page number for each

foundation too.

 Physical Development (gross motor skills such as using legs/arms or fine

motor skills such as using fingers)

 Cognitive Development (includes memory skills, strategic and critical

thinking skills, science, and attention span. It includes math skills such as

counting, adding/subtracting, sorting, and matching. It also includes

Language skills such as speaking, writing, reading, and listening.)

 Social Development (taking turns, etc.)

 Emotional Development (self-esteem, self-confidence, feelings, etc.)


*Please include a title page which states the assignment title, your name, class, date, and

instructor. Be sure to write using complete/full sentences and use the word “children”

rather than “kids” (which is a slang term). A self-evaluation (on page 6) is also required for

this assignment.

*If you have a partner, only one (1) copy of the assignment is needed. I do not need a copy

from each partner.

*Have fun and be prepared to possibly share and discuss your toy with the class

FYI: California Preschool Curriculum Frameworks – They are companion volumes to the

California Preschool Learning Foundations. The frameworks provide strategies (how to work with

the foundations) for early childhood educators that enrich learning and development opportunities

for all California preschool children.



B. Ramps & Pathways (and Wooden Blocks)

C. Preschool children ages 60 months (5 years)

D. Directions:

Children will manipulate the ramps and blocks so the marbles will roll down

the ramps. While exploring this physical science activity, they will

investigate different ideas and actions, invent ways to build, and solve

problems when they encounter obstacles.

E. Developmental Appropriateness: This is a developmentally appropriate activity for preschoolers because children at this age are interested in cause and effect relationships. They like to explore and manipulate materials and make things happen. This activity

allows for children to have a hands-on experience of moving and manipulating the materials and seeing a cause and effect relationship between their actions and the actions of the marbles.

F. Learning Foundations: Domain: Language/Literacy Development -Vol 1, pg.56

a. Listening and Speaking- Children extend their understanding

and usage of language to communicate with others effectively.

1.1- Use language to communicate with others in both familiar and

unfamiliar social situations for a variety of basic and advanced purposed,

including reasoning, predicting, problem solving, and seeking new


Bold the


Include the


number (ie:

2.1) and


from the








List the volume and page

number of where you found

your information.


i. Children may express themselves by using words to communicate about the activity, ask questions, and problem solve.

Domain: Cognitive Development – Vol. 3, page 65

b. Science Inquiry: Observation and Investigation 1.5- Demonstrates an increased ability to make predictions and check them (e.g., may make more complex predictions, offer ways to test predictions, and discuss why predictions were correct or incorrect).

i. When playing with the ramps/block set, they will use observation skills as they analyze and predict how different strategies affect whether or not the various items (ie: marbles, spools, etc.) will successfully roll down the ramps.

Domain: Physical Development – Vol. 2, page 50

c. Fine Motor/Manipulative Skills 3.2- Show increasing fine motor manipulative skills using hands and arms such as in-hand manipulation, writing, cutting, and dressing.

i. Children will hold and manipulate the small marbles and other items

(in their hands and fingers. They will make slight adjustments in the ramps, repositioning them to ensure the marble will roll down.

Domain: Social/Emotional Development Vol. 1. Page 12

d. Interactions with Peers 2.1- More actively and intentionally cooperate with each other.

i. Because there are several ramps, blocks, and marbles to use,

children may engage with their peers as they play with the toy.

They will work together to achieve the shared goal of building a

ramp structure.

Explain how the foundation applies to the toy.


Name__________________________________________________ Name of Toy_____________________________

Your partner’s name (if applicable)_____________________________________________

I. Handout – 27 points

A. Picture of Toy ______/ 2 points

B. Name of Toy ______/ 1 point

C. Age for Toy ______/ 1 point

D. Directions ______/ 2 points

E. Developmental appropriateness (explanation) ______/ 2 points

F. Foundations

1. Lists volume and page number ______/ 4 points

2. Includes at least three (3)domains ______/ 3 points

(cognitive/language, social, emotional, physical, etc.)

3. Explains how the foundations applies to the toy. _______/12 points

States how it will enhance a variety (4+) of abilities. (4 foundations)

II. Structure of assignment -10 points

A. Well edited (no spelling or grammar errors; writes in complete sentences) Editing is worth 10% (5 points) of grade _____/ 5 points

B. Contains a cover or title page. _____ / 1 point C. Underlines domains & bolds Foundations _____ / 2 points

D. Layout (margins, font, typed, double spaced, etc.) _____ / 2 points

III. Toy -9 points

A. Toy is D.A.P. for a preschool aged child (4-5 years old). ______/ 2 points

B. Toy is creative, re-usable, non-biased, visually pleasing,

and not computer or commercially based. ______/ 5 points

C. Craftsmanship: non-breakable/durable and safe ______/ 2 point

IV. Self Evaluation – 4 points ______/ 4 points

A. Writes in complete sentences.

B. Provides detailed explanations.

IV. Bonus Points (if you made your own toy) up to 10 points ______/10points *It is possible to receive 60/50 on this assignment with the bonus points (5 points each if you have a partner) TOTAL POINTS ______/50 points

Preschool Toy/ Learning Foundations Grading Rubric


Name_______________________________________ Self-Evaluation What do you think was the purpose of this assignment? What did you learn through participating in this assignment? What was the most valuable achievement(s) through doing this assignment? What was your greatest strength(s) you brought to this assignment? (Was there anything that made the assignment easy to complete? i.e.: you have worked with the Foundations before, you have 4 years of experience as a preschool teacher, etc.)

What was your greatest challenge to complete this assignment? How could this assignment be designed to better support your learning? What, if anything would you change about the assignment? Your honest feedback is appreciated. Based on the Rubric, how would you grade your work? I feel that I earned ____________points on this assignment because….






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California State laws, settlement negotiations did not go very well, did they?

Read the attached file and gives answer according to California State laws

Page 3

Assignment 4

From: Boss Partner

To: Paralegal

Date: 02/28/YR01

Re: Smith v. Johnson

Well, those settlement negotiations did not go very well, did they? That was nasty. We are really earning our money on this representation. I think we can assume that we will have to answer the Complaint unless we can get it dismissed.

Just in case we can not get the case dismissed on jurisdictional grounds, we may still be able to get the various tort counts against Jane dismissed. If the case ever goes to a jury. I will not count on Jane and her business idea as coming across as very sympathetic. Since I will be drafting the part of the motion to dismiss the Complaint against Jane based on lack of jurisdiction, I would like you to take a stab at drafting the part of the memorandum in support of a motion to dismiss all of the tort causes of action.

By way of review, Douglas Smith has alleged the following tort causes of action against Jane:

  • Defamation – based on Jane’s allowing Brenda James’ review of him to reside on her website.
  • Invasion of privacy – based on Jane’s allowing Douglas’ name, address, and vehicle information to be published on her website.
  • Invasion of privacy – based on Jane’s allowing the video of the Smith’s profanity laced rant against Brenda to remain posted on Jane’s website.
  • Misappropriation of name and likeness -based on Jane allowing a video of Douglas to remain on her commercial site, thereby making money off his name and likeness.
  • Intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Based on all your prior research, you should have a really good feeling for the law involved and how it applied to Jane’s potential liability.

The discussion in your earlier memo about that federal statute was really helpful. However, make sure not to base the entire motion to dismiss on that statute. Although you may want to draft a separate section arguing that all of the tort causes of action should be dismissed based on the statute, we nevertheless want to also argue separately that those causes of action should be dismissed on traditional California state law grounds. I’ll review and edit it of course, but when writing it, pretend you’re writing to the court and that it would be submitted with no review.

Thanks for your assistance!

B. Partner

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Writers Solution

This War is for a Whole LIfe – The Cultrue of Resistance Among Southern California Indians, 1850-1966

Book Review: 12 font, double-spaced, come in at a minimum of 5 pages – 1250 words, scholarly, 3rd person book review of “This War is for a Whole LIfe – The Cultrue of Resistance Among Southern California Indians, 1850-1966,” utilizing the following form:

  1. A brief summary of the book.
  2. Discuss and analyze the content of each chapter in the order that they appear in the book.
  3. The student’s overall analysis of the major historical events discussed in the book.
    Outside sources are welcome; all essays must follow APA, MLA or Chicago/Turabaian style. Proper citations are required. No Quotes are allowed; the book review should only be in the student’s own words!





History: Book Review

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

This War is for a Whole Life – The Culture of Resistance among Southern California Indians, 1850-1966

A Brief Summary of the Book

            The book highlights the controversy that touched on the freedom of the American-Indian occurred because of the cold war involving the two races (Hanks, 2006). The main concern was the termination of the foreign land and values trust protections. The actual main concern was based on the idea of the ‘no middle ground is tenable’. The legal and contact procedures ought to be the limelight more so on the work possibilities and political temperatures that would result in tension between the Americans and Indians. The major element of unity was acceptance to work with the Indians and equality among the people. In addition, the risks and dangers that touched on the issues of the assimilation of the Indians to a civilized group created many tensions.           Furthermore, the book asserts that the most dominant………..







Writers Solution

ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case

Please review Chapter 5: ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case and provide response for following questions.1. Your medical group wants to expand by starting a new venture, owning and operating a pharmacy. In order to increase the chances for success, you have been asked to perform an enterprise risk assessment that includes reputational risk. Give three examples of how starting a new venture might have risk events that could lead to repercussions that would negatively impact the organization’s reputation and three examples where it might be enhanced, creating opportunity.2. Explain how improvement is measured with KPIs and give one example related to Human Capital and how this KPI might help you improve your organization.3. What do you think is the difference between traditional risk management and enterprise risk management?You are required to respond to the questions thoroughly, in 250 -to-300 words for each question. Be sure to include at least three reference sources. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

Writers Solution

ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case

Class – Please review Chapter 5: ERM in Practice at the University of California Health System Case and provide response for following questions.

1. Your medical group wants to expand by starting a new venture, owning and operating a pharmacy. In order to increase the chances for success, you have been asked to perform an enterprise risk assessment that includes reputational risk. Give three examples of how starting a new venture might have risk events that could lead to repercussions that would negatively impact the organization’s reputation and three examples where it might be enhanced, creating opportunity.

2. Explain how improvement is measured with KPIs and give one example related to Human Capital and how this KPI might help you improve your organization.

3. What do you think is the difference between traditional risk management and enterprise risk management?

You are required to respond to the questions thoroughly, in 500 -to-800 words for each question. Be sure to include at least 4 reference sources. APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.