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Organization’s achievement of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Develop an “intake” briefing for a group of software engineers who have been tasked with developing a standard set of security review processes for virtual teams. The purpose of these processes is to ensure that compliance for software security requirements is verified resulting in software applications and software-based products where security is “built in.” The company also intends that these processes be used towards the organization’s achievement of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 — Defined.

Background: Software development is a complex task, especially as technology changes at the speed of light, environments evolve, and more expectations are placed upon vendors who want to be competitive within the software market. Many software development organizations also depend upon virtual teams whose members are geographically dispersed. This complexity also makes implementing and testing security features (for software applications) much more challenging.

Format: This week, the format for your deliverable (posting) will be “Talking Points.” Talking points are presented in outline format and contain the content that you would put on slides in a slide deck. Your outline should include 5 to 7 major points (“slide titles”) followed by 3 to 5 supporting points for each. Remember to put enough information into the talking points that your peer reviewers can understand what you intend to cover in each section of your briefing. Remember to introduce the topic at the beginning, present your analysis, and then close your briefing with an appropriate summary. Include a list of sources (3 or more) which attendees could refer to if they wish to fact check your work.

In your critiques for your peers (2 different students), focus on providing suggestions for strengthening the talking points (added content, refocused content, etc.) Grammar, punctuation, and other writing mechanics will be addressed by your instructor and should not be part of your critique




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Good modeling capability of advanced powertrain control systems within the Matlab/Simulink environment

 Coursework Assessment Brief: Report (80%)FileThe purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate a number of skills that have been developed within the Module, in particular:
• Good modeling capability of advanced powertrain control systems within the Matlab/Simulink environment
• An appreciation of advanced propulsion and emission control strategies available to the automotive engineer
• How best to specify and implement the chosen designs in order to optimize performance benefits.
This will be achieved by writing a structured report (around 4000 words). Unless specified, the manuscript will report individual work.
The report will contain three parts:
1. A review of advanced hybrid powertrains, their control strategies and how they may be implemented at particular speed and load points
2. The design and implementation of a realistic series or parallel hybrid powertrain.
3. The comparison of various idle speed control strategies
The part 2 (powertrain model) should:
• illustrate the mode based/rule based control of the power flow, in matlab/simulink
• use of an operating point optimizing fuel consumption or the efficiency of the ICE, using Ricardo Wave or justifications.
• follow the WLTP drive cycle
• reflective analysis of the results
The part 3 (Idle speed control) should:
• Discuss a ICE implementation using Ricardo Wave (group work)
• Illustrate the control via ignition timing (one member of the group work)
• Illustrate the control via the intake valve timing and regulation of the air mass rate flow (one member of the group work)

• Illustrate the control via the bypass valve and regulation of the air mass rate flow (one member of the group work)
• Illustrate the control via the throttle and regulation of the air mass rate flow (one member of the group work)
• Compare and discuss the control methods and a reflective analysis of the results
Note that it is required that the individual work (for each control strategy) has to be clearly identified in the report

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Writers Solution

Good modeling capability of advanced powertrain control systems within the Matlab/Simulink environment

Coursework Assessment Brief: Report (80%)File
The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate a number of skills that have been developed within the Module, in particular:
• Good modeling capability of advanced powertrain control systems within the Matlab/Simulink environment
• An appreciation of advanced propulsion and emission control strategies available to the automotive engineer
• How best to specify and implement the chosen designs in order to optimize performance benefits.
This will be achieved by writing a structured report (around 4000 words). Unless specified, the manuscript will report individual work.
The report will contain three parts:
1. A review of advanced hybrid powertrains, their control strategies and how they may be implemented at particular speed and load points
2. The design and implementation of a realistic series or parallel hybrid powertrain.
3. The comparison of various idle speed control strategies
The part 2 (powertrain model) should:
• illustrate the mode based/rule based control of the power flow, in matlab/simulink
• use of an operating point optimizing fuel consumption or the efficiency of the ICE, using Ricardo Wave or justifications.
• follow the WLTP drive cycle
• reflective analysis of the results
The part 3 (Idle speed control) should:
• Discuss a ICE implementation using Ricardo Wave (group work)
• Illustrate the control via ignition timing (one member of the group work)
• Illustrate the control via the intake valve timing and regulation of the air mass rate flow (one member of the group work)

• Illustrate the control via the bypass valve and regulation of the air mass rate flow (one member of the group work)
• Illustrate the control via the throttle and regulation of the air mass rate flow (one member of the group work)
• Compare and discuss the control methods and a reflective analysis of the results
Note that it is required that the individual work (for each control strategy) has to be clearly identified in the report


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Good modeling capability of advanced powertrain control systems within the Matlab/Simulink environment


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To evaluate your capability to use a systematic process

MNG03218 Managing Information Systems
Assignment 2 Preparation Session
Ass 2 Requirements
¦ Purpose: To evaluate your capability to use a systematic process (i.e., SDLC discussed in Topic 4 of the subject) to make a comprehensive proposal to a sponsor to get approval for selecting, developing, and implementing an information system (also loosely called implementing an information system in the UIG), which could help the chosen organization by :
¦ Improving an existing system
¦ Introducing a new system
¦ Creating a new business opportunity
¦ Improving organisational productivity
Assignment 2 Requirements(Cont…)
¦ Tor the purpose of better utilizing the content and knowledge discussed in the unit, Suggested Information Systems for Assignment 2 include:
¦ ERP systems, CRM systems, SCM Systems, Decision Support Systems, Executive Information Systems, Enterprise Portals, Data Warehouse & Data Mining Applications, Data Analytics/Business Intelligence/Business Analytics Applications, and Knowledge Management Systems, and Collaboration Systems.
¦ Alternatively an integrated information system with combined features of several systems mentioned above.
¦ The focus of A2 is NOT on an App or a RFID type applications, but a system directed above.
Assignment 2 Content-1
¦ Di!
_ iscussion of Organizational Context
¦ Good summary (concise but not over simplifying) and presentation of organizational context (including such information as industry, visions, missions, business processes).
¦ Discussion of External and Internal Environments
¦ Good discussion of internal and external environments; Could Apply (via a tailored approach) such tools as Porter’ Five Forces Model, SWOT Model
¦ Good discussion of market trend and international best practices of strategic uses of IS/IT in the market where the organization is competing in.
Assignment 2 Content-2
¦ Identification of the Problem and Opportunity for IS/IT
¦ Good discussion of identifying the problem and the opportunity for IS/IT
¦ Such discussion should link to your discussion of Internal and External Environments
¦ Justification of the Chosen System
¦ Good feasibilities studies; Good justification and communication of reasons for the selection proposed system; Good discussion of how the proposed system will fit the organization and support the strategic goals of the organization; Good discussion of advantages and disadvantages of alternative systems and decision making process of selecting the appropriate system.
Assignment 2 Content-3
em Analysis and System Design
¦ Good system analysis and functional specifications for the proposed system; Clear and well established deliverables of the proposed system; Clear description of how information needs were investigated and researched (e.g., in consultation with, talked to….); Good discussion of design of the proposed system.
¦ Development, Testing and Implementation
¦ Good discussion of development activities; Good discussion of how required hardware and software will be acquired (or developed); Good discussion of testing activities (e.g., including unit testing, system testing, integration testing and user acceptance testing); Good discussion of training approaches and activities; Good discussion of conversion approach and process; Good discussion integration and security & privacy issues.
Assignment 2 Content-4
JPost Implementation Activities
¦ Good discussion of post-implementation activities, e.g., conducting post-implementation review, performing changes, corrections, additions, and upgrades to ensure the system continues to meet the business goals, providing help to support the system users (e.g., building a help desk and support team), and providing an environment to support system changes.
¦ Project Management, Change Management, and Risk Management
¦ Good discussion of the sponsor of the project, project plan
& activities, project governance & organization, and ro es & responsibilities of project team members; Good discussion of risk management processes & activities; Good discussion of change management processes & activities. 7
Key Relevant Study Materials
¦¦UIG: For detailed Assignment 2 requirements and marking criteria.
¦ Topic 4 Lecture PPTs and Study Guide Topic 4 for key information on SDLC activities and other important concepts.
¦ PPTs and Recording for detailed discussion on Assignment 2 preparation.
¦ Reading 4.6 for an example (only) of a report discussing applying SDLC to inforamtion systems development – Please be aware you need to follow Topic 4 Lecture PPTs and Study Guide Topic 4 for Assignment 2.
Your sponsor should be impressed with your report!
Suggested Format for your report
¦ Covering letter to your sponsor
¦ Title Page (Title/Affiliation/Name/Position/Date)
¦ Executive summary (1 page)
¦ Table of contents
¦ Introduction
¦ Discussion of Assignment Questions (i.e., discussed in Slide 4 To Slide 7 of this session) one by one -Could use the questions as sub-headings.
¦ Conclusions
¦ References list
¦ Appendices
Wish A Very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to You and Your Family!

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Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points about how the Registered Nurse maintains the capability for practice

3806NRS Professional Nursing Practice
Trimester 1, 2020
Assessment 1 (A1)
Written Assignment (Individual):
Developing a Professional Practice Portfolio
1,500 words
Weighting 50%
Due Date: Monday 16th March 2020 at 17:00hrs
According to the Registered Nurses Standards for Practice (2016), to provide safe, effective nursing care, nurses must maintain capability for practice through lifelong learning and professional development.1
In this assessment task, you will develop the skills required to create a Professional Practice Portfolio (PPP) in which you can document the evidence of capability for practice as a Registered Nurse in the future and how the Standards for Practice are applied.
This assessment item will address course learning outcomes 1 and 3.
This assessment task has two components.
1. Professional practice portfolio use
· Describe a PPP and discuss the recommended components (approx. 100 words);
· Present an argument that supports the use of a PPP to demonstrate professional nursing practice. Your argument should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of why PPPs should be used and the benefits and challenges of using a PPP to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice (approx. 350 words);
· Discuss and differentiate between ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ concepts, and describe how development of leadership and management skills could be evidenced in a professional practice portfolio (approx. 400 words).
· Support your argument with at least seven scholarly sources from 2015 onwards.

2. Application of Professional Standards
Standard 3 “Maintains the capability for practice” (NMBA, 2016) includes seven points about how the Registered Nurse maintains the capability for practice. The fourth point states the Registered Nurse (RN) “accepts accountability for decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities inherent in their role” (NMBA, 2016).
· Choose an example from a previous or current clinical placement where you were delegated an action/responsibility by an RN/Clinical Facilitator and describe this example2. Your description should include: The context of nursing practice and health care delivery (i.e. where this occurred); who was involved; what you were delegated to do; how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility, and; the outcome of the delegated action/responsibility (approx. 200 words);
· Critically discuss how you demonstrated the application of a professional standard (within your student nurse scope of practice) and reflect upon the accountability for your decisions, actions, behaviours and responsibilities (approx. 450 words);
· Support your discussion with at least three scholarly sources from 2015 onwards.
· Always refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide
· You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion to this written assessment.
· Use a heading for each of the two components of the written assessment.
· Do not exceed the word limit – the word limit does not include the reference list BUT does include in-text references and quotations;
· Examine the Turnitin report for your draft assignment. If you have text-matching identified in the written section of the assignment, this may be used as the basis of reporting an academic integrity concern.
· Submit your FINAL assignment via Turnitin as per the instructions on your Learning@Griffith course site. [Submit in the ‘Assessment’ tab]. Keep your Turnitin receipt as evidence of successful submission. Check you have submitted the correct assignment file.
· Email yourself a copy of your final assignment file so you have a contemporaneous record of your submission.
2 Note: The Standards document describes how the seven standards are interconnected (see Figure one, page three). Your clinical example may incorporate a description of you applying one or more of the standards e.g. assessment (Standard 4), developing a plan (Standard 5), providing nursing care (Standard 6), or evaluating care outcomes (Standard 7).

A1 Developing a Professional Practice Portfolio MARKS
1. Professional Practice Portfolio
Describes a PPP and discusses the recommended components supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards; (100 words) 5
Presents an argument supporting the use of a PPP to demonstrate professional nursing practice. Argument demonstrates a critical thinking and analysis of why PPPs should be used and the benefits and challenges of using a PPP to demonstrate capability for professional nursing practice supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards; (350 words) 10
Discuss and differentiate between ‘management’ and ‘leadership’ concepts, and 10
describe how development of leadership and management skills could be evidenced in a PPP supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards. (400 words)
2. Application of Professional Standards
Describes an example of a delegated action/responsibility describing the context of nursing practice and health care delivery (where this occurred); who was involved; what you were delegated to do; how you enacted the delegated action/responsibility, and; the outcome of the delegated action/responsibility; (200 words) 5
Critically discusses how a professional nursing standard was applied and reflects upon the accountability for decisions made, actions, behaviours and responsibilities supported by relevant, high quality, evidence-based, scholarly sources from 2015 onwards. (450 words) 10
3. Academic Writing and Presentation
Assignment is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, well constructed sentences and appropriate paragraph structure.
Uses academic language throughout.
Conforms to the Assignment Presentation Formatting Guidelines. 7
Meets the 1,500-word length requirements (excluding reference list).
4. Referencing
Referencing (in-text citations and reference list entries) as per APA Style 7th Edition
Provides at least 10 references from scholarly literature, in alphabetical order, in one list which starts on a separate page.
Reference list starts on a separate page 3
Total marks / 50