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Republican Party in the state of North Carolina

Christopher Palmiter

For the purpose of this Discussion Board I am examining the Republican Party in the state of North Carolina. The party platform and basic party committee organization is made up of a committee chair with representatives from 13 state congressional districts, as well as chairpersons and a secretary (NCGOP). The party platform then goes on to include a preamble, ten articles that the party will focus on, and a conclusion (NCGOP).

            From the very beginning of the party platform, I do agree with the NC Republican Party. In the preamble it states, “We are the party that encourages equality for all citizens and embraces the inherent value of every single human being God creates—born and unborn. We are the party that defends the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and safeguards religious institutions against government control” (NCGOP). This statement sets the tone from the very beginning that the party is all about God, religious freedom, and making sure government doesn’t get too big and too controlling. The platform goes on to discuss the importance of parent’s having the control over their children’s future rather than the government, inherent God given liberties, and sanctity of life just to name a few key points (NCGOP).

            The NCGOP touches on principles that are absolutely supported biblically. The sanctity of life is supported by Genesis 1:27, “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”. Also, Exodus 20:13, “You shall not murder” (New Living Translation, 1973/2011). God literally created us all in His image, and commands us not to murder one another; this includes all life, born and unborn. Scripture supports the party’s ideas on God given liberties in 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit is there is freedom”, as well as the idea of parents being responsible for their children in Proverbs 22:6, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (New Living Translation, 1973/2011).

            The elected Representative in my congressional district is Richard Hudson. He stands firm on the Republican Party’s platform as far as keeping government small and participates in many committees and caucuses that include pro 2nd Amendment legislation, as well as Pro-Life, small business and farming, energy committees, and off-shore drilling committees (Richard Hudson).

            I would like to tell Representative Hudson to keep pushing hard to keep Critical Race Theory out of North Carolina schools. I would also tell him to vote to try and overturn some of our more radical abortion laws here in the state as Roe v. Wade has now been overturned by the SCOTUS.

            In order to change some of the more liberal policies in my state I need to get involved on the local level to help elect officials who can begin change on a small scale. This could include things like voting in local elections, not just the large-scale presidential elections. Local representatives’ matter; their voices are what is heard by the Governor, as well as by the federal government. Also, these local representatives are what help check the President when he is too liberal (like now). Richard Hudson has done a great job in this district as a Representative. To keep him I can help support him by donating financially to his campaigns or causes, as well as donating time to volunteer for the causes that he supports that are important to me


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