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2017 IEB Regional Cases

Write your own all-things-considered response to the case utilizing an ethical-decision making framework/orientation (see below) as well as evidence from the case study “A Wage with Gravity” (from the 2017 IEB Regional Cases).  Write at least 500 words.

Follow the outline below, which I introduced in class prior to Assignment 6 (our first Case Study Response):

  1. Intro paragraph that briefly summarizes the case and identifies a central ethical question or issue in it.
  2. Body paragraph(s) that draw from at least one ethical orientation (egoism, consequentialism, duty, virtue, ethical relativism) — I’d recommend two to show how different views converge or contrast — to analyze the ethical issue/question in the case.
  3. Conclusion paragraph that offers a final (even if tentative or unsure) assessment in light of the body paragraphs — if you were a owner/manager/policy-maker/etc. looking at the case from an impartial perspective, what response would you recommend?

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The case file isn’t posting so I’ll paste it below:

Case #14: A Wage with Gravity  

As co-founder, majority shareholder, and CEO of Gravity Payments, a credit card processing  

company, Dan Price was disturbed when one of his employees accused him of underpaying  

workers. It was 2011, and the employee was making $35,000 a year at the time. But the  

employee felt exploited. Price had just shepherded his company through the 2008 recession,  

where revenue fell by 20%. Gravity Payments had made a turn-around and was registering  

double digit growth each year, yet employee pay had remained relatively stagnant. In 2012, Price  

decided to do something about the disparity and implemented an across-the-board 20% pay  


The following year, productivity increased by 30-40%, and Gravity Payments’ profitability  

increased. Price’s yearly pay at the time was $1.1 million or “about 23 times the $48,000 average  

at Gravity.” On April 13th, 2015, still disappointed with the quality of life of his employees,  

Price announced that starting pay for all positions at Gravity would begin at $70,000. The plan to  

increase minimum wages would roll out over three years and would be funded in large part by  

reducing CEO pay to the new firm minimum.  

The move to increase Gravity’s minimum wage upset several executives, who felt undervalued  

since they now earned the same amount as entry level sales clerks. Similarly, when Walmart  

increased minimum wages, one employee wrote, “It took me four years to get to $10.80. When  

minimum wage goes up we don’t receive a pay increase unless we are under the minimum. Now  

our 2 newest associates are making $10.75 and my annual raise is going from 40 cents down to  

26 cents. Apparently experience doesn’t get rewarded.”  

Although there were some initial worries that Gravity would lose midlevel employees over the  

pay increase, only two workers have left since the new minimum wage was announced. A  

greater concern for the financial services company is the growing rift and legal battle between  

Dan Price and his brother Lucas. Lucas Price is a partner in the company, and has sued his  

brother over excessive CEO compensation and reduced value of the company. According to  

Lucas, the dispute is unrelated to Gravity’s new minimum wage, but, as a shareholder, he may  

have a legitimate concern that Dan is not meeting his fiduciary duties. For his part, Dan says,  

“My 40-year goal is to create a world where values-based companies suck up all the oxygen and  

take over the economy.” 


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points at 1000 psia and 500 psia with the following data in both vertical and horizontal cases

Using the Beggs and Brill model, find the length of pipe between the points at 1000 psia and 500 psia with the following data in both vertical and horizontal cases. Compare the results for the flow pattern, liquid hold up and the pipe length in both cases. The flow and PVT data at average T and P conditions are given as:


GLR=500 scf/STB Qw=600 bbl/D (STB/D) API=22

Gas gravity= 0.65

D= 1.995 in Bo=1.063 Rs= 92 scf/STB Z=0.91

μL= 17 cp

μw= 0.63 cp μg= 0.013 cp σL= 30 dyns/cm σw= 70 dyns/cm




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  points at 1000 psia and 500 psia with the following data in both vertical and horizontal cases

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What are the “business cases” for implementing sustainability practices at Amazon?

ACCT 356v9: Assignment 2

Credit Weight:15% of your final grade

Due Date: After completing Lesson 11

Scope:Covers Lessons 6–11

·         Part 1: Case: Sustainability (30 marks)

·         Part 2: Performance Evaluation(20 marks)

·         Part 3: Customer Profitability Analysis (20 marks)

·         Part 4: Probabilities(20 marks)

·         Part 5: Nonprofits(10 marks)

Part 1: Case: Sustainability                                                       (30 marks)

Amazon is the largest internet-based retailer in North America. Amazon started as a book seller but quickly expanded into other household items such as electronics, entertainment, furniture, home décor, beauty, and other retail items. Amazon sells goods directly to consumers and, in Canada, ships itsproducts from warehouses across the country. In addition to direct sales, however, Amazon also offers its platform as a place where third-party retailers can list and sell their products. Shipping for these third-party sales may be handled by the external retailer, not Amazon. This means that items in a consumer’s shopping cart may be shipped by multiple shippers. It is not uncommon for an order of five items ordered throughAmazon at one time, for example, to arrive as five separate packages from five different locations.

Amazon Prime is a subscription service offered through Amazon that covers all shipping fees. Customers pay an annual fee that includes shipping and other customer perks like media streaming.


1.       What are the “business cases” for implementing sustainability practices at Amazon? Your Lesson 6 reading (Whelan, T., & Fink, C. The comprehensive business case for sustainability) discusses the business cases for implementing sustainability practices. Describe at least five reasons why sustainability would be advantageous to Amazon’s business. Discuss why each reason would be beneficial for Amazon specifically.                                                                                                              (10 marks)

2.       Discuss five challenges that Amazon might encounter with implementing sustainability practices.       (10 marks)

3.       Looking at Amazon’s sustainability report for the most current year, answer the following:

a.            Discuss three areas of sustainability that Amazon does well.           (6 marks)

b.            Discusstwo areas that Amazon could improve on in terms of itstriple bottom line.       (4 marks)

*Do not forget to provide references and citations (using APA) if you cite external information.

Part 2: Performance Evaluation                                               (20 marks)

Hightech Industries specializes in manufacturing medical equipment, a field that has become increasingly competitive. Last year, Pedro Rodriguez, president of Hightech, decided to revise the bonus plan (based entirely on operating income at the time) to encourage division managers to focus on areas that were important to customers and that added value without increasing cost. In addition to introducing a profitability incentive, the revised plan includes incentives for reduced rework costs, reduced sales returns, and on-time deliveries. The company’s new plan calculates and awards bonuses semi-annually on the following basis: a base bonus is calculated at 2% of operating income; this amount is then adjusted by the following factors related to rework, deliveries, and sales returns:


·         The bonus is reduced by excess of rework costs above 2% of operating income

·         No adjustment is made if rework costs are less than or equal to 2% of operating income.


·         The bonus is increased by $4,000 if more than 98% of deliveries are on time and by $1,500 if 96–98% of deliveries are on time.

·         No adjustment is made if on-time deliveries are below 96%.

Sales Returns

·         The bonus is increased by $2,500 if sales returns are less than or equal to 1.5% of sales.

·         The bonus is decreased by 50% if sales returns are over 1.5% of sales.

Note: If the calculation of the bonus results in a negative amount for a period, the manager simply receives no bonus, and the negative amount doesnot carry forward to the next period.

Results for Hightech’sWestand East divisions for 2021, the first year under the new bonus plan, follow. In 2020, under the old bonus plan, the WestDivision manager earned a bonus of $20,295 and the East division manager a bonus of $15,830 based on 2% of revenues.  The old bonus plan did not adjust for rework, on-time deliveries, or sales returns.

 West DivisionEast Division
Jan-Jun 2021Jul-Dec 2021Jan-Jun 2021Jul-Dec 2021
Operating income$346,500$330,000$256,500$304,500
On-time delivery95.4%97.3%98.2%94.6%
Rework costs$8,625$8,250$4,500$6,000
Sales returns$63,000$52,500$33,560$31,875


1.       Why is revenue alone not an ideal measure of performance? What specifically about the revised performance measures compels the managers of the East and West divisions to pursue the company’s goals?                                                                                            (6 marks)

2.       Calculate the semi-annual bonuses earned by each manager for eachsix-month period and in total for the 2021 year.                                                                               (10 marks)

3.       The managers were not advised of the new plan until after their first bonus in June 2021. What effect did the change in the bonus plan have on each manager’s actual behaviour in the second half of 2021? What changes, if any, would you make to the new bonus plan?                 (4 marks)

Part 3: Customer Profitability Analysis                                  (20 marks)

Mark’s Comedy Emporium provides entertainment for birthday parties. Over the last year Mark’s has entertained at over 150 birthday parties and it seems the Mark’s business is booming! Customers generally must book six to eight months in advance to secure a spot, and the company has parties booked solid for the next six months. Business is busy, customers are extremely happy, and employees are happy, but Mark is barely breaking even. He cannot understand, with his business being so successful, why he is barely able to pay himself a wage. Mark has asked you to help him figure out what he is doing wrong. 

The services provided at each party vary. Some customers only want a clown to perform, and they handle the other party details themselves. Other customers want a full package—clown, food, cake, entertainment, cleanup, party favours, decorations, and costumes for the kids. Mark’s can provide the following services at a party:

·         Clown: Most parties include a clown who performs for one hour at the party. Mark pays a clown $40 per party.  

·         Food (excluding cake): When customers order food for their party through Mark’s, he outsources this service to Carl’s Catering. Carl charges an average of $12 per child for food.  

·         Cake: Mark sources birthday cakes through his sister, Sarah, who runs a small bakery and makes custom cakes for Mark’s. Her smallest cake is 8” in diameter (serves up to 10 kids) and costs $40. She also makes a 10” cake for $60 (serves up to 20 kids). 

·         Cleanup: Mark’s provides cleanup service. Cleaning staff are paid $15 per hour, and cleanup averages two hours per 20 kids. Cleanup is a variable cost based on number of kids attending the party.

·         Party favours: Party favour bags can also be ordered through Mark’s. These cost $5 per bag to assemble.

·         Decorations: Mark’s will also fully decorate a party. Decorating staff are paid $15 per hour, and it takesone hour to decorate a party for 20 kids. Decorations cost an average of $50 for party of 20 kids. Decorating staff and decorations are fully variable based on the number of kids.

·         Costumes. Mark’s also provides costumes for parties so that kids can dress up based ona theme. On average, costumes cost $40 each and can be worn 25 times before they need to be replaced. Costumes are cleaned after eachuse at a cost of $5 each.   

Mark has set up a fee schedule for each service as follows:

ServiceFee charged to customer
Clown$60 per party
Food$15 per child
Cake$2 per child
Cleanup$2 per child
Party favours$6 per child
Decorations$2 per child
Costumes$6 per child

In atwo-week period, Mark catered six parties with the following services:

# of kids attended20254515512
Food servicesYYNNYN
Party favoursYYNNYN


1.       Calculate the customer-level operating income for each customer by preparing a customer profitability analysis. Rank the customers according to profitability.                                                    (10 marks)

2.       Mark would like to earn a return of 50% on costs. What price should he have charged per child for each customer to earn a 50% return on costs? How does this compare the original fee he charged per child? What are the main reasons for this variance?   Create a new fee schedule for Mark’s based on your analysis.                                                                                       (10 marks)

Part 4: Probabilities                                                                    (20 marks)

Jack Elementary has plans to build a new playground in 2021.The school received a $120,000 government grant to be used for building the playground. They hope to break ground in May 2021 and complete the project by the start of school in September. Before they can start the project, however, they must dismantle the existing playground that no longer meets current safety standards. They also plan to complete soil testing once the existing playground is dismantled, as several residential properties in the community have tested positive for soil contamination. Due to recent news articles, parents are concerned about the potential for soil contamination and are demanding a full test to ensure their kids are not playing on a contaminated playground. 

Rayna May, the principal, has compiled the following estimates for the new playground:

Cost for dismantling existing equipment$22,000
Salvage value from selling the metal from existing equipment$7,000
Soil testing$18,000
New playground equipment$45,000
Cost of installation$16,000
Cost of resurfacing play area in rubber$55,000
Cost of landscaping (including $5,000 for gravel)$22,000
Cost of removing and replacing soil$73,000

The costs for installation, resurfacing, landscaping, and soil removal are the costs quoted by professional contractors. Ms. May was approached by the president of the student council, JayWong, who has volunteered the council’s time for installing and landscaping the new playground. This will save the school approximately $25,000 in costs and Mayhas decided to accept this offer, as two of the council members who will be helping are journeymen carpenters. 

The school has two options for dealing with the potentially contaminated soil. The first option is to forgo the soil testing and simply resurface the play area with a poured-rubber matting that can cover the entire play surface. This will cost approximately $55,000—a significant portionof the playground budget. The other option is to perform the soil testing and address the outcome if needed. A municipal worker has estimated that there is a 40% chance that the soil is contaminated. If the soil proves to be contaminated, the school will either need to resurface the area with rubber matting for $55,000, or it can have the contaminated soil removed and replaced for $73,000 plus the cost of gravel. Rayna is wondering what they should do and has asked for your help.  


Prepare an analysis of the potential project costs for the following scenarios. Note: There is noneedfor gravelif the play area isresurfaced. However, if the soil is not contaminated or if they need to remove and replace the soil, the gravel will be needed.

1.       Resurface the ground without testing the soil.                                        (5 marks)

2.       Complete the soil testing. In this case there are two options:

a.       Complete the soil testing and remove/replace the soil if contaminated.

b.       Complete the soil testing and resurface if contaminated.

         Use the probabilities provided by the municipal worker to determine a weighted cost for each of these outcomes.                                                                                     (10 marks)

3.       What option would you recommend for the school? Why? What other non-financial considerations mightyou need to include in your decision?                                            (5 marks)

Part 5: Nonprofits                                                                        (10 marks)

The Peachland Research Centre is an agricultural research facility that is funded through provincial and federal grants. Most of the centre’s work is focused on developing new innovations that help produce higher yields in crops and better quality of food products.  Recently the centre has becomeinterested in biofuels. It plans to implement a new project that has the objective of growing switch grass, a crop that has potential to replace fossils and decrease dependence on them. 

In January 2020, the government has committed a one-time grant of $800,000 to the centre that will be restricted to purchasing land that will be used to produce biofuels. With this grant, the centre is planning to purchase a 200-acre plot of land for growing switch grass. They have estimated that they will require three workers to clear, plant, maintain, and harvest the crop. They anticipate that they will need these additional staff for eight months of the year. The staffing costs will be approximately $15 per hour for approximately eight hours per day, 20 days per month. Other costs will include seeds, water, and utilities at $3 per tonne, while accumulated depreciation on the equipment will total $10,000.

Once the crop has been harvested, they will send the grass to a facility that will manufacture fuel pellets. This will cost the centre approximately $10 per tonne of grass.  Each acre that is planted is expected to return two tonnes of switch grass. Once the fuel pellets are produced, the organization is planning to sell the pellets to local homeowners who have converted their standard gas furnaces to pellet furnaces. It is estimated that approximately two acres of switch grass will be required to heat an average-sized home for the winter. The cost to the homeowners will be $100 per tonne of grass.

Marty McGuire, the director of the Peachland Research Centre, has asked you to provide an overall budget for this venture. He is hoping that your report will support his belief that this project is viable and will be self-sustaining. He tells you that it is very important for the project to support itself through the sale of pellets.  


1.       Prepare a budget for the project. Does this appear to be a viable venture for the Peachland Research Centre? What changes, if any, need to be made to improve the project’s viability?  (7 marks)

2.       Every project comes with a degree of risk. What are the specific risks associated with this venture, and how can the centre mitigate these risks?                                               (3 marks)

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Imagine this scenario: HWE Accessories produces cell phone accessories, such as cases and screen covers.

Imagine this scenario: HWE Accessories produces cell phone accessories, such as cases and screen covers. Most of the current sales occur in retail stores. The existing website for HWE Accessories is informational only, and they would like to implement an entirely new website which will allow customers to browse inventory, compare items, and make purchases. HWE Accessories is a relatively small company without an internal IT department. As IT manager, you will develop a business plan for the new HWE Accessories website throughout this course. The first step is preparing the business case.

Write a 3- to 4-page business case for the new HWE Accessories website that includes:

  • The problem statement
  • Analysis of the situation
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Preliminary feasibility study
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Solution options
  • Recommendations for proposed solution

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format any citations according to APA guidelines. 

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HWE Accessories produces cell phone accessories, such as cases and screen covers.

Imagine this scenario: HWE Accessories produces cell phone accessories, such as cases and screen covers. Most of the current sales occur in retail stores. The existing website for HWE Accessories is informational only, and they would like to implement an entirely new website which will allow customers to browse inventory, compare items, and make purchases. HWE Accessories is a relatively small company without an internal IT department. As IT manager, you will develop a business plan for the new HWE Accessories website throughout this course. The first step is preparing the business case.

Write a 3- to 4-page business case for the new HWE Accessories website that includes:

  • The problem statement
  • Analysis of the situation
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Preliminary feasibility study
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Solution options
  • Recommendations for proposed solution

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format any citations according to APA guidelines. 

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. A former company I worked for in Nashville was a medical transport company called Caliber Patient Transport.

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An ethical dilemma for US managers, as you are expected (although in most cases not legally required) to follow to rules of BOTH countries.

Aside from the noted flaws of the index, it has been shown to be useful to give managers an idea of the amount of corruption they will face when doing business with a foreign country.  Reportedly bribery is not only rampant but expected from foreign companies who deal with countries at the bottom of the list.  However, this creates an ethical dilemma for US managers, as you are expected (although in most cases not legally required) to follow to rules of BOTH countries.  Hence, just because bribery of government officials is ok in countries like North Korea, does not mean you can ethically do so since it is not acceptable in the US.  Do you believe that this ethical code is effective in preventing US firms from engaging in these activities in corrupt countries?  Why?  Honestly speaking, would you forgo a profitable venture in another country if you would be forced to bribe a government official there, even if bribery is expected and accepted there?  Explain your rationale. 

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. An ethical dilemma for US managers, as you are expected (although in most cases not legally required) to follow to rules of BOTH countries.

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Strategic Management-8 Most Popular Cases in Connect

Assignment Content

  1. Using the organization you selected in Week 1, review its corporate website and at least 2 other sources of information on the organization, including information on market trends.

    Note: Review Strategic Management-8 Most Popular Cases in Connect. Access the case studies from the folder on the main course page in Blackboard.

    Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the provided SWOT Analysis Template.

    Write a 525- to 700-word summary of your findings on the SWOT Analysis template. Use information from the SWOT analysis as well as what you have learned about your business’s structure, culture, and interrelationships to write the summary. Your summary should:

    • Explain how you would match the business’s strengths to its opportunities.
    • Analyze how you would convert the business’s weaknesses into strengths.
    • Explain the actions the business needs to take to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage.
    • Analyze interrelationships among distinct functional areas of the organization and how it may affect your SWOT analysis.
    • Cite any sources according to APA guidelines.  

      Submit your assignment.

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Hire Purchase Act 1967 and decided cases

Advise Atiya on the following situations. Support your answer with relevant provisions in the Hire Purchase Act 1967 and decided cases.Atiya had entered into a hire purchase agreement with Adeeb Co. Ltd (ACL) for a second-hand car. Atiya agreed to settle the instalment within 3 years. After she paid the deposit, ACL handed the car to her. After a month, Atiya just realized that the car tax was not settled by ACL. She paid the car tax and claimed reimbursement from ACL. However, ACL refused to refund, as the car did not belong to them anymore.In the meantime, Atiya also claimed that the car was having an engine problem. However, Atiya was given the opportunity to test-drive the car a few times before she agreed to purchase it. Atiya dissatisfied with the explanation given by ACL.





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Texas has an unusual appeals process for judicial cases.

Texas Judiciary Assignment

Texas has an unusual appeals process for judicial cases. District courts, where trials on matters of fact are held, are separated into different types according to the kind of cases they hear. You may notice when you vote in county elections, there are civil courts, criminal courts, probate courts, family courts, etc.

All these cases are appealed to a court that has jurisdiction in all of those areas. The First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals, which meet in Houston, hear all kinds of criminal and civil cases.

After that, however, the process splits again. Criminal cases go to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Civil cases go to the Texas Supreme Court.

Go the the Texas Supreme Court website: (Links to an external site.)

Use the “case search” feature to find a case called “Mosley v. Texas Health and Human Services Commission and Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (17-0345),” decided on May 3, 2019.

In this case, a state agency investigated a nurse, Patricia Mosley, for allegedly neglecting a disabled patient, and recommended she be added to the department’s “Employee Misconduct Registry,” a blacklist that would have effectively ended her career. She requested an appeal of the department’s decision, following  the process the agency told her to follow in a letter it sent her. As it turned out, however, the department’s letter gave her the wrong procedure to follow, and – following the department’s instructions – she didn’t file the required motion for rehearing and her appeal was dismissed. The state’s position was, basically, that she should have known better than to follow the department’s own instructions.

The question before the Texas Supreme Court: Did the government’s actions violate Mosley’s right to “due course of the law of the land” under the Texas Constitution?

Write a 2 – 5 page essay explaining the facts of the case and how the court ruled. What did Justice Brown say about the court’s reasoning in his majority opinion? What is a concurring opinion, and what did Justice Blacklock say in his? [Note: How cool is it that the Supreme Court cited the movie Animal House as a scholarly source of judicial reasoning (“Come on, Flounder. You can’t spend your whole life worrying about
your mistakes. You [messed] up. You trusted us.”)?]

Submit in Word. Cite your sources.

Other Resources

Forbes Magazine take a look at the case: (Links to an external site.)

Texas Appellate Watch has a summary: (Links to an external site.)

The Institute for Justice has a summary: (Links to an external site.)

Legendary Houston law firm Baker Botts handled the case for the petitioner: (Links to an external site.)

Note on state court websites

The Texas Supreme Court seems to take its website down for maintenance a lot, usually around time time you’re supposed to be working on my Texas courts assignment. If the website is down, there are some alternative ways to get the information you need.

Here’s another way to get to the majority opinion: (Links to an external site.)

Here’s another way to get to the concurring opinion: