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The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization.



– Use the notes section of PowerPoint to elaborate on key points.

– PowerPoint presentation should use some graphics to convey key concepts.



For your Presentation, using what you prepared for Assignments, create a presentation that summarizes and explains personalized marketing and sales tools.

Your presentation should address the following topics: 0. The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization. 0. Why managers need to ensure that resources are allocated in a way that both sales and marketing are able to achieve their objectives. 0. How managing the sales funnel requires sales, marketing, and senior managers to have an open dialogue. 0. Why sales and marketing need to work together not only to understand customers’ needs, but also to create an environment where the value proposition can be communicated. The presentation should be organized and well-prepared. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Note: This is the content which was submitted before and will include in the presentation. a. The most crucial aspect of every firm is its sales and customer relationships. Customer connections are vital since they raise sales, minimize customer attrition, provide priceless marketing, improve staff morale, and convert customers into the company’s R&D department. Positive customer relationships provide businesses with more insight into their customer concerns by creating an open line of communication for transmitting client feedback. Such results in more personalized consumer interactions, which develop trust over time and impact their purchasing choices. b. Amongst sales and marketing, there are two sources of functions. First, the necessity to split the entire budget supplied by sales management to support sales and marketing generates the economic function. In reality, the sales force will likely criticize marketing’s spending on three of the four Ps – pricing, product, and promotion, considering the price. The marketing department is under pressure to meet revenue targets and expects the sales force to “sell the price” rather than “sell via price.” Salespeople frequently prefer lower pricing since they can sell the goods more readily and because cheap prices offer them more space to bargain. Furthermore, there are organizational difficulties around price choices. Whereas marketing determines recommended retail or list prices and promotional pricing, sales have the last say on transactional pricing. As a result, managers must guarantee that resources are distributed so that both marketing and sales can meet their goals (Itani et al., 2019). c. It seems to me that there is some connection and that the groups establish procedures and regulations to minimize the possibility of conflict. The sales and marketing teams have a great fence, and make-good neighbors mentality, with each member, focused on their particular responsibilities. Each group is beginning to use the same vocabulary to discuss potentially divisive topics such as “How do we characterize a lead?” Questions like “What do we anticipate of one another?” are brought up in meetings, prompting a more reflective tone. Cooperation between the groups is essential for the success of significant events like consumer conferences and trade exhibits etc. d. The needs of customers are the first consideration when launching a firm. A business proprietor must learn what their clients want and work tirelessly to provide it (Terho et al., 2022). Clients are the lifeblood of every company; therefore, doing all possible to ensure their satisfaction is essential (Key et al., 2020). Successful communication of the value of the services sought by clients and the degree to which they have been satisfied requires close collaboration between sales and marketing (Wang, 2022).




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The most frequently used measures of central tendency for quantitative data are the mean and the median

Respond to the following in 300 words. 

The most frequently used measures of central tendency for quantitative data are the mean and the median. The following table shows civil service examination scores from 24 applicants to law enforcement jobs:

83        74        85        79

82        67        78        70

18        93        64        27

93        98        82        78

68        82        83        99

96        62        93        58

Using Excel, find the mean, standard deviation, and 5-number summary of this sample.

  • Construct and paste a box plot depicting the 5-number summary.
  • Does the dataset have outliers? If so, which one(s)?
  • Would you prefer to use the mean or the medianas this dataset’s measure of central tendency? Why?




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Central Parenteral Nutrition

Topic;  Central Parenteral Nutrition

1) give a 4-5 page (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.

2) For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

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NR341 Complex Adult Health

RUA Interdisciplinary Management of Healthcare Technology Guidelines


This purpose of this assignment is for the student to present a complete picture of interdisciplinary care using specific therapeutic modalities in the care of a complex adult health client. The student will demonstrate clinical reasoning skills and will discuss interdisciplinary care that had been incorporated and/or anticipated using a healthcare technology or therapeutic modality for the care of the complex health client.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Provide patient and family centered nursing care to adults with complex health needs using theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO 1)

2. Initiate the use of appropriate resources in direct care responsibilities within complex adult health situations. (PO 2)

3. Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication and relationship skills in family centered nursing care to adults with complex health needs. (PO 3)

4. Demonstrate effective clinical decision making based on critical thinking skills and legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles when caring for patients and families with complex adult health needs. (POs 4 and 6)

5. Implement a plan of care for continued personal, professional, and educational development related to nursing practice with complex adult health situations. (PO 5)

7. Use evidence including research findings from nursing and related disciplines to answer clinical questions related to nursing care of patients with complex adult health needs. (PO 8)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

1) Choose a therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

2) Examples of a therapeutic modality include Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Automatic rotating pronation beds, right and/or left ventricular assist devices, nontraditional ventilator modes.

3) Examples of healthcare technology can include regional O2 saturation monitoring (NIRS).

4) Refer to your faculty member if your selection requires prior approval.

5) Write a 4-5 page paper (not including the title page or reference page) using APA format.

6) For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

7) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):

a. Introduction – 5 points/5%

· The chosen therapeutic modality or healthcare technology meets one of the following criteria:

· Has been introduced recently at the bedside for care of the complex adult patient.

· Is a non-traditional modality for very ill patients in special circumstances.

· Is being used in a new way to treat a patient with complex needs.

· Requires specific training above and beyond general entry-level nursing education.

· Introduce the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

( NR341 -OL RUA Interdisciplinary Guidelines V 1 ) ( 1 )

NR341 Complex Adult Health

RUA Interdisciplinary Management of Healthcare Technology Guidelines

· Name the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· A brief fictional case is used to illustrate the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

b. Explanation and Background– 15 points/15%

· Include a clear description of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Discuss how the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology works.

· Describe the patient population it is used for.

· Include medication, safety, and cost considerations as applicable.

c. Risks and Benefits– 15 points/15%

· Describe how the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology can benefit the patient.

· Discuss ways to promote positive outcomes.

· Explain the complications that may arise.

· Discuss considerations for preventing complications.

d. Interdisciplinary team’s Roles and Responsibilities– 20 points/20%

· Identify all interdisciplinary team members caring for the patient, such as respiratory therapy, assistive personnel, providers, case managers, clinical nurse specialists, and researchers.

· Describe the roles and responsibilities of each member of the healthcare team that is involved in the use of the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team caring for the patient.

e. Nursing Scope of Practice – 15 points/15%

· Discuss the knowledge needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using the therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Describe skills needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

· Discuss attitudes needed for the Registered Nurse to provide care for the patient using therapeutic modality or healthcare technology.

f. Patient Education – 20 points/20%

· Describe the information to be taught to the patient and/or family.

· Discuss how information will be taught.

· Explain how the effectiveness of the teaching will be evaluated.

g. Conclusion – 5 points/5%

· Provide a summary of the paper.

· No new information is introduced.

· Include additional resources for further learning.

h. APA Style and Organization – 5 points/5%

· References are submitted with paper.

· Uses current APA format and is free of errors.

· Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.

· At least three (3), nursing, scholarly, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are provided.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned.

( NR341-OL RUA Interdisciplinary Guidelines V1 ) ( 2 )

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What is epistemology? What are the three central issues in epistemology?

INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY EPISTEMOLOGY EXAM STUDY GUIDE STRUCTURE The Exam consists of 30 questions, multiple -choice. Questions will be taken from the content of the course, including: power point presentations /audio lectures and readings . You are permitted to take the exam anytime while it is open. You are allowed two hours to complete the exam upon opening it. The exam must be completed in one sitting: you are NOT permitted to close it and return to it later. Your exam preparation should focus on the following: I. POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS /AUDIO LECTURES Prepare thorough answers to each of the following questions (organized by topic) Topic 6: Introduction to Epistemology 1. What is epistemology? 2. What are the three central issues in epistemology? 3. What is Socratic wisdom/Socratic ignorance? What were the three specific groups of people Socrates spoke to in his pursuit of knowledge? 4. What is the first definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture)? Whic h sophist is associated with this definition? What are problems associated with this definition? 5. What is the second definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture)? What are problems associated with this definition? 6. What is the last definition of knowledge offered in Plato’s Theaetetus (as explained in lecture), which is also recognized as the traditional definition of knowledge? What are problems associated with this definition? 7. What are the five sources of knowledge? 8. What i s skepticism? Who are famous skeptics, as discussed in lecture? How is skepticism different from ordinary doubt? Topic 7: Plato’s Cave 9. What is the central topic in Plato’s Republic? What are the three parts of the soul according to Plato? What is Plato’s definition of justice? 10. Know the allegory of the cave, including the full setting of the stage , the full narrative of the cave 11. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s metaphysics? What is the role of the sun? 12. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s epistemology? What is the role of the sun? 13. What are Plato’s two epistemic states? What are Plato’s four kinds of knowledge? What is the hierarchy and organization of th ese four kinds of knowledge? 14. How is the narrative of the cave an allegory for Plato’s theory of the education of the soul? Topic 8: Rationalism 15. What is a priori knowledge? What is a posteriori knowledge? 16. What is rationalism? 17. Who is Rene Descartes? Why does Descartes write his book, Meditations ? 18. What is the scientific revolution? 2 19. What is the Church’s response to the scientific revolution? 20. Who are the relevant natural philosophers in the scientific revolution? 21. What is methodological /systematic doubt? Why does Descartes use this method? 22. What are the three arguments (under methodological/systematic doubt) that Descartes presents in Meditation One ? 23. What is Descartes’ sense perception argument? What is his response to this argument? What does this argumen t lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? What remains indubitable? 24. What is Descartes’ Dream Argument? What is his response to this argument? What does this argument lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? What remains indubitable? 25. What is Descartes’ Evil Demon Argume nt? What are the characteristics assumed about this demon? What does this argument lead him to doubt /find dubitable ? 26. In Meditation Two, what is the one thing that Descartes claims he can know with absolute certainty , even through the Evil Demon Argument ? W hat is his reasoning for this certainty? 27. What is solipsism? 28. Which philosophers objected to Descartes’ reasoning for this absolutely certain claim? What are the specific objections? Topic 9: Empiricism 29. What is empiricism? Who are the famous empiricists in philosophy? Which field of inquiry serves as the paradigm of empiricism? 30. Who is John Locke? 31. What does Locke mean by ideas ? What is the theory of innate ideas? What are Locke’s objections against the theory of innate ideas? 32. What does Locke mean by tabula rasa ? 33. What are the three ways ideas are derived under Locke’s empiricism? What are the examples of ideas specifically mentioned in lecture (from Locke) that fall under each way of derivation? 34. What are simple ideas in Locke’s empiricism? What are complex ideas in Locke’s empiricism? 35. What are primary qualities? What are the specific examples of qualities identified in lecture (from Locke)? 36. What are secondary qualities? What are the specific examples of secondary qualities identi fied in lecture (from Locke)? 37. What are Locke’s three thought experiments to support his distinction between primary and secondary qualities? 38. What are Locke’s three kinds of knowledge? 39. What is Locke’s inference to the best explanation for the existence of t he external world? Topic 10 : Skepticism 40. What is David Hume’s methodology in his system of philosophy as discussed in lecture? 41. What are the two kinds of perceptions in Hume’s empiricism? What are the three principles of connection in Hume’s empiricism? 42. What are Hume’s two kinds of knowledge? What are the properties/attributes of each kind? What are the problems/ shortcomings of each that Hume identifies ? 43. What is analytic knowledge? What is synthetic knowledge? 44. Which traditional concepts/beliefs did Hume regard with skepticism? 45. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of God’s existence? 46. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of the existence of the Self. 3 47. What is Hume’s argument concerning knowledge of the existence of t he external world. 48. What are the four traditional components of causality? Which component(s) does Hume treat with skepticism? What is Hume’s argument concerning the knowledge of causality. What kind of knowledge does causality fall under? 49. What is Hume’s “ problem of induction”. What are two responses to the problem? Why does Hume reject each response? 50. What is Immanuel Kant’s response to Hume’s skepticism and theory of knowledge? II. READINGS Know the readings (be able to identify who is the author of each of the readings, the title of each work, the central ideas and arguments, famous passages and their meaning within them)


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solve for measures of central tendency and variability

Problems need to include all required steps and answer(s) for full credit. All answers need to be reduced to lowest terms where possible. If the answer is in %, show two decimal places.

Answer the following problems showing your work and explaining (or analyzing) your results. Submit your work in a typed Microsoft Word document.

Below are excel functions, which you can use to solve for measures of central tendency and variability. You can use the formulas too; but, they will be time consuming.


Measures of Central Tendency

Suppose data are in cells A1 to A10

Mean                                           =AVERAGE(A1:A10)

Median                                         =MEDIAN(A1:A10)

Mode                                            =MODE(A1:A10)

Measures of Variability

Suppose data are in cells A1 to A10

Range                                            =MAX(A1:A10)-MIN(A1:A10)

IQR                                                =QUARTILE.EXC(Array,3)-QUARTILE.EXC(Array,1)

Population Variance σ2                  =VAR.P(A1:A10)

Sample Variance s2                       =VAR(A1:A10) or VAR.S(A1:A10)

Population Standard Deviation σ   =STDEV.P(A1:A10)

Sample Standard Deviation s        =STDEV(A1:A10) or STDEV.S(A1:A10


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What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?      

Be certain to attach any handouts, activities, templates, PPT decks that will be utilized with this lesson.

Central Focus for the learning segment: What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?      
Content Standard(s):  State Standards (CCLS, NGSS, etc.) List the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).        
ITSE Technology Standard(s): Visit to determine the applicable standard(s) for this lesson. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).
Learning Objectives: Thinking Skill – What cognitive process(es) will students be engaged in during the lesson? Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy or Depth of Knowledge. Content – What content will students have access to during this lesson? Refer to the standards referenced above. Product –What will students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson?      
Language Development: Language Objectives – What will students be expected to utilize when illustrating or demonstrating understanding? Vocabulary – What key vocabulary is in the lesson?
Materials/Resources: Provide a list of the materials and resources you will use as sources of input for the students during this lesson.  At least one resource must be technology used for instructional purposes that is supported by the ITSE standard(s) referenced above.    
Context:  Knowledge of Students: Prior learning and Prerequisite Skills: What prior knowledge do students need to use and build upon to be successful? Misconceptions: Identify common misconceptions regarding the concepts that are addressed in the lesson.Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning.      
Plan Details: Write a detailed plan that describes the procedure of your class session including model of instruction, conceptual/skill development, activities, questions, and conclusion.      
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks:  How will you support diverse student needs? Include what you and students will be doing:      
Differentiation and planned universal supports: What will you use for the whole class, individuals, and/or students with specific learning needs? How will you address the needs of GATE, EL, or students with special needs during this lesson? Students with IEP or 504 must be included indicating necessary supports to achieve the learning objectives.      
Literacy Skills & Strategies :  A. Literacy Strategies: Identify at least one strategy used to help students comprehend and/or compose text within the lesson. B. Skills: Identify the requisite literacy skills students will develop and practice while learning the identified literacy strategy. C. Connection between Reading/Writing: Identify how your lesson helps student make the connection between reading and writing.      
Type of Student Assessments and what is being assessed: How will you know whether students are making progress towards the learning goal(s) and how will you assess the extent to which they have met the goal(s)? You must justify at least 2 formative or summative assessment strategies that occur in your plan. You must describe how the assessment is aligned with the stated objectives, which objective(s) it is assessing, how the strategy provides evidence of student understanding, and how you will provide feedback to the student on each of the 2 assessment strategies. Formative Assessment:      What objective(s) is this assessing? How will you know students have mastered the objective(s)? Summative Assessment:      What objective (s) is this assessing? How will you know students have mastered the objective(s)? Modifications to the Assessments for students with diverse needs:       
Evaluation Criteria and/or Rubric:        
Relevant theories and/or research best practices:       APA References:
Lesson Timeline:        
Explain multicultural communication and its origins
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Explain the actions of intravenous anesthetics on the central nervous system

Case Study


This case study has two parts. Answer both parts in one document, and clearly label parts one and two. References for both parts should be included in one reference page at the end of the case study.

Part 1: Explain the actions of intravenous anesthetics on the central nervous system. Include types of general anesthetics, adverse effects, and contraindications.

Part 2: A 26-year-old female comes to visit her primary care provider (PCP) with several complaints. Over the past three weeks, she has been experiencing difficulty concentrating, lack of energy, and feelings of being withdrawn from her peers. In addition, she has developed a skin rash. The rash is red and itching with small blisters. She informed her physician she has never felt this way before and is a bit worried. She is hoping to get some advice from her doctor. Include the following components in Part 2:

  • After a physical exam, the physician is trying to determine if the patient has eczema or psoriasis. What signs would show for each skin condition that would help the physician decide?
  • Discuss what indicators would lead to any additional diagnoses for this patient. Select a possible treatment intervention.
  • What specialist(s) could the PCP refer the patient to?

Each part of the case study must be at least one page in length. You must use at least your textbook to support your answer for each part. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary




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British and Russian Empires vied for control of central Asia

300+ Words

Question: During the 1800’s, the British and Russian Empires vied for control of central Asia. This often resulted in acts of outright conflict. While this ‘war’ was undeclared, it was referred to as the “Great Game.” Do you believe that we are already in a Cyber War? Whether you answer yes or no, please reflect upon what that means for intelligence efforts and national security




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According to Zheng et al., increased central motion distance in the open-field test suggests

 1) According to Zheng et al., increased central motion distance in the open-field test suggests

a. decreased anxiety-like behavior.b. increased anxiety-like behavior.c. decreased depressive-like behavior.d. increased depressive-like behavior.

2) In the Zheng et al. study, fecal microbiota transplantation took place froma. patients with major depressive disorder to SPF mice.b. patients with major depressive disorder to GF mice.c. healthy human controls to SPF mice.d. healthy human controls to GF mice.e. mice with major depressive disorder to SPF mice.f. mice with major depressive disorder to GF mice.

3) What does ‘normalization of gut microbiota’ mean at top of p. 788? Why were the authors concerned about this? And what did they do to prevent it?

4) What are the three types of tests conducted on the mice summarized in Fig. 1 c-f and how did the authors interpret their findings?

5) Why do authors make a point of ‘post-hoc’ testing 16S RNA testing of the fecal transplant samples? Define ‘post-hoc’, ‘a priori’, and ‘ad-hoc’.

6) Why did the authors conclude that the highly abundant bacterial OTUs (rather than rare OTUs) were likely most responsible for the observed depression-like behaviors in FMT mice?

7) What are the three types of tests conducted on the mice summarized in Fig. 5 a-d and how did the authors interpret their findings?


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explain the role of central service in the prevention of healthcare associated surgical infection

1. explain the role of central service in the prevention of healthcare associated surgical infection

2. explain the principles, practices and the importance of personal hygiene and attire, including PPE

3.identity the hazard of bloodborne pathogens and how the occupational safety and health administration requirements impact the safety





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