Writers Solution

What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce?

.   What are three distinct challenges young adults face as they become independent and enter the workforce? Incorporate at least one theorist’s (e.g., Levinson, Erikson) work into your response.

2.   What factors help or hinder young adults in terms of forming a “work identity?” What role can social networking sites play in these transitions?

3.   What are some of the “pros” of entering middle adulthood in terms of physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development? What are some of the “cons?”

4.   Compare and contrast two types of marriages as per Cuber and Haroff’s research. What are the pros and cons of each type?

5.   What effects can extended deployments have on military members’ romantic relationships/marriages and on their relationships with their minor children? Personal examples are acceptable if applicable, but give specific examples from the research literature to support your personal observations.




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Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare

Assignment Content

  1. Competency
    Analyze the challenges of economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare.

    Reforming healthcare delivery to improve the quality and value of care is essential to address escalating costs, poor quality, and increasing numbers of Americans without health insurance coverage. Reforms should improve access to the right care at the right time in the right setting.
    You have been hired as an expert consultant for the American Medical Association (AMA) to deliver a presentation to a physicians group regarding various barriers to improving, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare. The AMA’s meeting is entitled “Healthcare Reform: Understanding the Obstacles that Hinder Us.”

    Research the following:
    • Three economic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to improving quality in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to reducing costs in healthcare
    • Three economic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Three noneconomic barriers to increasing access to healthcare
    • Create a voiceover PowerPoint presentation, providing the physicians group with the information you’ve gathered on the economic and noneconomic barriers to improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing access to healthcare in the United States.

    • APA formatting for the reference list, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required. APA help is available here.
    • Click this link for help on creating a PowerPoint presentation.
    • Click this link for help on creating an audio recording for a PowerPoint presentation


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I Learned It From YouTube!” (And Other Challenges of Teaching Voice) by Robert Marks.

1) Read the article “I Learned It From YouTube!” (And Other Challenges of Teaching Voice) by Robert Marks. Then, Identify and wr/ite down the author’s main point and/or argument.

  1. Formulate your position as you wr/ite your out/line and summ/ary (do not wr/ite your position on the article at this time; however, please summ/arise carefully and identify various weak points and/or strengths in the article).
  2. Outl/ine your selected article with the information above in mind.
  3. Save your annotations, outline, and additional notes.
  4. Post photos of your article annotations and provide a writt/en summ/ary of the article.


2)  View the following videos and provide a brief writt/en respon/se.

Link:  Venezuela’s Youth Orchestra Bernstein’s West Side Story


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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality

Read each thread and apply with 250 words minimum.

Thread 1

“The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.” (Jung, Aion, 1951)

Carl Jung wrote the above statement among many other perspectives on human “darkness” or “shadow”. For the Western-Christian perspective, this darkness could be called the sin-nature. For the non-religious, perhaps simply recognized as immoral or unethical. Regardless of one’s particular positioning of morality within an ethical framework of thought; Jung’s “shadow” is a concept well understood by anyone with a sense of conscience and who has considered themselves and their fundamental (often unspoken) motivations. 

While internal, psychological self-work certainly doesn’t have anything to do with an aviation or an airplane, it remains obvious that ethical actions as aviators operate as markers of quality in decision making and the results proceeding such decisions can be monumental in result. This is why ethics are constitutional in forming consistent, positive outputs into the world. In a sense, the ethical boundaries an individual, company or society maintains is the functional basic code for one’s life.

That said, the positive effects of shared-ethics within a culture are clearly beneficial. This is why I believe it is important for virtually any institutional education to be completed, a sense of ethics must be introduced. In fact, it is known that even teaching ethics increases the likelihood that individuals will act ethically. Consider our courseworks material: “Disagreements between Greek philosophers on some aspects of knowledge of ethics and behavior were indicated by Irwin (1995); however, general agreement that the individual who is more knowledgeable on the subject of ethics tends to demonstrate more virtuous behavior…”

Ethics, as a psychological function in the mind and heart, obviously remains something belief based, often tied to circumstance, the individual, and the strength of the general social contract that the individual feels they are in contingency with. Ethics, or the lack thereof, could even be seen as a form of individual identity and values expressed in actions. It is fundamental to who people are, and the cornerstone point of judgment for an aviator or anyone forced to trade in high-stakes work where the realities of life or death are at a singular decision’s manifestation. These concepts tie into the given course work details concerning Behaviorism Ethics Systems and Evolutionary Ethics System. 

For reference, evolutionary ethics systems seek to correlate ethics as adjacent or stemming from evolutionary systems like natural selection. Behaviorism on the other hand traditionally refers to the study of human behavior and why humans make decisions, in this case the context is ethics. Our course work takes the concept a step further in the following.

“Behaviorism rejects the idea of a mind or soul at the outset, because it seeks to adopt a strictly scientific approach to human existence. This approach considers only what we can confirm with our senses.” (Wilkens, 2011)

While arguments can be made for the connections and motivations of natural selection at play for aviation students (desire for survival while flying, avoidance of pain and injury, etc). A more nuanced reality presents itself in the practice of education. Considering that possible death, pain and loss are not the natural occurrences of foolish or unethical decision making when attending to ones education (unlike the natural selection of flying), punishment and reward must be manufactured so that motivation remains intact. In this sense the aviator experiences some degree of the theory of evolutionary ethical systems and behavior. 

Consider the biblical story of Ananias and Sapphira. Their death was not a natural result of their actions, but rather a decision and judgment by a higher power for their actions. This decision to end their lives struck fear in those around them and clearly manufactured a reward and punishment boolean. It is for similar reasons children are punished and rewarded for their actions. At some point in their lives they will be faced with higher-stakes natural ethical issues, or social-ethical elements that will deeply inform their behavior. Adherence to an ethical code generally positions individuals and societies for positive outcomes in all walks of life making reward and punishment systems necessary.

Thread 2

Although I find the variation of ethical theories to be somewhat confusing and often contradictory to their own core claim, I think the efficacy of each ethical approach hinges on the theory’s determination of morality; what and who determines right from wrong. For behavioral ethics, the moral standard is defined by the “processes of environmental influence” (Wilkins, 2011) dictating acceptable behaviors within society, not from God. Evolutionary ethics suggests morality hangs on the idea that instinctual choices are aimed specifically for survival derived from genetic encoding in every living thing (Wilkins, 2011). When considering these two ethical systems as applied to aviation students’ attitudes and practices, studies show students are not immune to the problematic aspects of both moral views (R.Cole, 1988).

As an aviation student, I can testify to the level of dedication and discipline that it takes to become a well-rounded and respectable pilot. Although there are many study guides and tools for guaranteed success in testing available to student pilots, I can understand the temptation to cheat because it was incredibly difficult to become a professional pilot. However, falling into the trap of temptation, cheating, is likely to cost the individual their license, career, and possibly their lifelong dream (R.Cole, 1988). This example is why higher levels of academic programs have begun integrating ethical training (a form of expressed behavioral ethics) into the school’s curriculum, setting a moral standard of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Since behavior ethics has been adopted into aviation academics, aviation students are fully aware of what is determined to be right and wrong and understand that their peers are likely to exercise and exhibit compliance to the prescribed acceptable behavior. Knowing so, other students are willing to follow suit, ultimately reducing unethical behaviors like cheating (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011). Academic programs without the adoption of behavioral ethics applied to their curriculum experience a higher level of cheating among their students; the lack of thereof fails to enforce honesty and integrity among its students (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011), along with other factors that influence the student’s behavior such as age, sex, socioeconomic status, and financial support (Ramón-Osvaldo, 2011).

What can be learned from the example found in the life and biblical account of Ananias and Sapphira is that leaders do not cheat and do not follow to gain success or advancements. Leaders act in ethical ways that would support the evolutionary ethics system; they are often self-sacrificing for the benefit (or survival) of others so that those followers can carry on. Ananias made a mistake that cost him and his wife their lives; as stewards of property sales, they knew and willingly mismanaged the profits, which were not theirs to reap. This behavior is unacceptable in the moral environment of its time and now. This behavior is also inappropriate from the perspective of evolutionary ethics because Ananias and Sapphira’s actions did not promote survival, at least not for themselves. However, their actions influenced others in their community to fear repeating such behavior (


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What are the issues and challenges that independent commercial organizers might have to face in the development of sport events at three different levels

Assessment Title Poster Presentation
Graduate Capabilities
1) Professional Expertise
2) Innovative Problem Solving
3) Technology and Information Literacy
4) Global Citizenship
5) Skilled Collaboration
6) Agile Leadership
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Analyse the relationship between sports, event and tourism
b) Critique issues and initiatives related to sports tourism in Australia and internationally
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 30%
Word count 500-1000 words as a poster/e-poster (not counting the title & references) and a 5-minute oral presentation.
Please ensure you save/convert your files (poster) into PDF before uploading your assessment.
Format / Layout of Assessment
Research aims
Reference List
? ?
? ?
? ?
Oral Presentation:
PDF submission of poster
Reference List
Assessment instructions
Assessment overview
Posters are often designed to appeal to peers and colleagues at conferences and/or public displays, and to meet the organisational and informational requirements. An effective poster balances the content (information) and the layout (how the information is presented). A poster presentation is a way to communicate your research or your understanding of a topic in a short and concise format. It usually includes two elements – a poster and a brief explanation.
The purpose of poster presentations is to encourage students to investigate a topic thoroughly and develop your ability to communicate perceptively (matching your explanation to your audience) and concisely – an important workplace skill.
Task description
Students are to present their research project via a live zoom presentation in class. You can use any digital format you feel is appropriate to display your poster as long as it is compatible with the zoom presentation.
You will need to analyse and evaluate information, synthesise ideas and creatively demonstrate your understanding of a topic or the findings of your research. Students will choose one of the assigned research questions:
1) What are the issues and challenges that independent commercial organisers might have to face in the development of sport events at three different levels: local, national and international?
2) What differences for sport event tourism marketing and destination branding are engendered by one-off events versus repeat events?
3) How one city of your choice has used international sports event-led strategies to achieve wider municipal objectives?
Posters should include the following contents:
• Project title and author: your poster will need a title. It should capture the main idea of what you are presenting. Be creative! The title needs to sound interesting to encourage your audience to have a closer look.
• Introduction or Background: the background provides information necessary for your audience to understand your research. It may also include the reason why you are conducting the research.
• Research aim: this is what your research sets out to do, including the research questions you intend to answer. Again, it should be brief, and could be presented as a simple list.
• Findings: are usually the focus of the poster and can include the findings/outcomes of your research. Figures and tables are used appropriately to relay information.
• Conclusion and discussion • Recommendations
• Each student will make a 5-minute oral presentation.
• You will present your poster in an electronic format for online class.
• On your assigned presentation day, you will have prepared a 5-minute oral presentation of your ideas.
• You need not use complete sentences throughout your poster. Remember that you will be there to summarise your work and answer questions. A mixture of full sentences and bullet point phrases will allow viewers to quickly read your content.
• If you are having difficulty devising an approach to the assignment or you want feedback on your ideas-in-progress, please contact your lecturer via email to arrange an appointment.
• Review your subject readings, particularly the theories and models of sports, events and tourism, for poster presentation ideas.
• Utilise resources including the ICMS library, websites, media articles, sports organisation homepage and websites.
• Marks will be deducted for poor spelling and grammar.
• Use at least FIVE (5) pieces of academic evidence. Academic evidences are defined as peer reviewed journal articles, governmental publications, and academic textbooks.
• You must reference your essay in accordance with the ICMS Style Guide (APA 7th referencing style).
Assessment criteria
• Knowledge and organisation (30%): The poster includes all required elements. The poster has a logical structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has an obvious relation to the other elements.
• Development and analysis (20%): The poster incorporates all required information. The discussion of observations and applicable course readings support the presenter’s claim.
• Poster design (30%): All aspects of the poster are readable; the poster is not cluttered, and all visuals serve a specific purpose.
• Delivery (20%): The presenter gives a clear, organised, succinct summary of his/her project’s contents and adequately answer viewer questions.
Submission process
• Date: A PDF of the poster must be submitted via Moodle by Sunday of Week 4 by 11.55 pm Sydney time.
• Submission in the LMS is performed via Turnitin, the similarity detection software used by ICMS students and teaching staff to prevent plagiarism by ensuring referencing is correct and that work has not been inadvertently copied from elsewhere. You can access Turnitin under the ‘Assessments’ section in your Moodle course site.
• Please note that draft reports submitted in this way will be regarded as the final version at the due date if you have not uploaded a subsequent, finalised version (each file uploaded overwrites the previous version).
• A penalty of 5% will be deducted for each day late with a zeromark notated for any submission seven or more days late as per ICMS policy. If for any reason you are unable to submit a late submission via Turnitin please contact your Lecturer.
• Extensions to due dates will be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and where adequate supporting documentation can be provided. Please note that work commitments do not constitute grounds for an extension. Requests must be made via the special consideration process. Decisions and recommendations are only made by lecturers-in-charge/course coordinators.
• You will be advised of your mark by your Lecturer within 2 weeks of submission.
• Please keep a copy of your assignments.
Readings for the assessment

Bramwell, B. (1997). A sport mega-event as a sustainable tourism development strategy. Tourism Recreation Research, 22(2), 13-19. doi: 10.1080/17430437.2018.1555218
• Higham, J., & Hinch, T. (2018). Sport tourism development (3rd ed.). Multilingual Matters.
• Hudson, I. (2007). The use and misuse of economic impact analysis: The case of professional sports. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 328-345). Routledge.
• Jaeger, K. (2020). Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation. Sport in Society, 23(1), 40-45.

Kim, W., Jun, H. M., Walker, M., & Drane, D. (2015).
Evaluating the perceived social impacts of hosting large-scale sport tourism events: Scale development and validation.
Tourism Management, 48, 21-32. doi:

Mallen, C. (2008). The concept of knowledge in event management. In C. Mallen, & L. J. Adams (Eds.), Sport, recreation and tourism event management: Theoretical and practical dimensions (pp. 9-24). Elsevier.
• Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management (3rd ed.). Routledge.
• Parent, M. M., & Smith-Swan, S. (2013). Managing major sports events: Theory and practice. Routledge.
• Prani, L, Petri, L., & Cetini, L. (2012). Host population perceptions of the social impacts of sport tourism events in transition countries. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(3), 236-256. doi:
• Preuss, H. (2007). The economic impact of visitors at major multi-sport events. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 296-313). Routledge.
• Temnyk, I. (2017). Criteria and provisions of efficient implementation of macro-projects of international sport event tourism. Journal of Environmental Management & Toirus, 8(6(22)), 1307-1321. doi: 10.14505/jemt. v8.6(22).18
• Weed, M. (2007). Sports tourism theory and method – Concepts, issues and epistemologies. In W. Weed (Eds.), Sport & tourism: A reader (pp. 12-23). Routledge.
• Weed, M., & Bull, C. (2009). Sport tourism: Participants, policy and providers (2nd ed.). Elsevier.
• Tourism Australia (Sporting Events)
• World Tourism Organization
Grading Criteria / Rubric Please see below.
Assessment 1 – Poster Presentation Marking Rubric
Criteria HD
(85-100) D (75-84) CR
(65-74) PASS
(50-64) FAIL
Knowledge and organisation
(30%) Demonstrates exceptional sport event tourism issues,
through complete knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes all required elements. The poster has an outstanding structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of
the poster has a
sophisticated relation to the other elements. Demonstrates highly appropriate sport event tourism issues, through detailed knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes most required elements. The poster has a detailed structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has a coherent relation to the other elements. Demonstrates very appropriate sport event tourism issues, through good knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes some required elements. The poster has a logical structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has a consistent
relation to the other elements. Demonstrates appropriate sport event tourism issues, through reasonable knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster includes only some required elements. The poster has a reasonable structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has an acceptable relation to the other elements. Demonstrates basic sport event tourism issues, through poor knowledge and understanding of relevant lecture and tutorial materials.
The poster does include any required elements. The poster has a poor structure, with information grouped under appropriate headings. Each element of the poster has a limited relation to the other elements.
Development and analysis (20%) Excellent analysis with detailed connections detailing the link between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Excellent research and summation of sections and a detailed analysis and explanation. Well-developed analysis with clear connections of the link between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Impressive research and summation of sections and a detailed analysis and explanation. Good analysis with frequent connections between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Solid research and summation of sections and thorough analysis and explanation. Analysis contains some connection between the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies presented in the course materials.
Acceptable research and summation of sections and adequate analysis and explanation. The analysis fails to connect the experience and the theories, concepts, and/or strategies to the course materials.
Poor research and no summation of sections or analysis and explanation.
Poster design (30%) Material is complete and accurate. Clear evidence of research. Visual aids are useful in making the Material is complete. There is evidence of research and collaboration. Visual aids are useful in making the presentation interesting. Material is somewhat complete. There is some evidence of research and collaboration. Visual aids Material is satisfactorily complete but there is minimal evidence of research and
collaboration. The visual Material is lacking in evidence of research and collaboration. Visual aids are missing in the presentation.
Page 6 of 7
presentation more interesting and meaningful.
Shows a polished and imaginative approach to the organisation of presentation. Full use of research poster style conventions with logical flow, and appropriate sections.
Fluent academic writing style throughout. Grammar and spelling accurate throughout. Referencing is consistently accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. Introduction states purpose clearly and outlines main points succinctly. There is a clear summary of findings and recommendations.
Carefully and logically organised in presentation. Introduction states purpose clearly and outlines main points succinctly. There is a clear summary of findings and recommendations.
Grammar and spelling accurate. Referencing is accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide. are used in making the presentation interesting.
Organised well in the presentation. Introduction and conclusions outline and summaries main ideas.
Grammar and spelling mainly accurate. Referencing is mainly accurate and compliant with ICMS Style Guide.
aids used in the
presentation are limited to being useful in some areas.
Organised in some parts of the presentation. There are some concepts used but they may not correspond to the elements. Meaning is apparent but academic language not always accurate.
Grammar and spelling generally accurate but may contain errors. Some attempt at referencing but not always compliant with ICMS Style Guide. Disorganised/incoherent in the presentation. The few concepts used do not correspond to the key elements. Meaning may be unclear.
Grammar and spelling contain frequent errors. Referencing is unsystematic and not compliant with ICMS Style Guide.
Delivery (20%) A substantial presentation and effective
communication of findings fully supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
Evidence of very good communication, smooth handovers and answer audience question in a professional manner.
A well-structured presentation and communication of findings supported with concepts that closely correspond to the elements.
Evidence of good communication, good handovers and ability to answer questions easily.
An appropriate presentation and communication of findings supported with visuals. These may not always correspond to the written text but do not detract from the communication of findings.
Evidence of
communication, handovers and ability to answer questions.
A presentation that shows evidence of report Structure, but errors may detract from communication of findings.
Evidence of some communication, some hesitation during handovers and answering questions.
Lacks evidence of a structured presentation with limited visuals to support description and explanation.
Lacking evidence of communication and unable to answer questions


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Discuss why people start smoking and the challenges people face in attempting to quit smoking

  1. Medical Terminology
  • It is widely known that smoking is bad for your health. If everyone knows it is so harmful, why do so many people do it? Discuss why people start smoking and the challenges people face in attempting to quit smoking.
  • Is circumcision medically necessary? What are the factors that contribute to a parent’s decision whether or not to circumcise?
  1. Math
  • Throughout this course, you have completed homework and assessments in MyMathLab, and you also have completed one assignment in Blackboard. Each of these tasks required you to use different methods for entering in the answers and submitting the assignment. For example, homework assignments require you to use the MyMathLab symbol toolbox, assessments require that you show your work in the show work window, and Blackboard assignments require you to upload a document into Blackboard. For this discussion board question, describe a challenge that you encountered while using these different platforms to submit your assignments. How did you overcome this challenge? Additionally, what tools do you use to help you submit these different types of assignments in an efficient manner?
  • Throughout this course, you have had access to unit study guides, reference sheets, note-taking guides, instructional videos, and learning aids. As we get closer to Unit VIII and the end of the course, how can you utilize these resources to start preparing for the comprehensive final exam? Next, describe your method for studying for exams.
  1. Managerial Accounting
  • Discuss which you prefer most: job costing or process costing. Include examples as you explain the reasons for your preference.
  • In your opinion, which is more difficult to work with: absorption or variable costing? Offer examples as you explain your opinion.
  1. Financial Management
  • How important is corporate governance when it comes to investing in a firm? Does a firm’s social presence need to be considered before an individual decides to invest? Why, or why not?
  • You overhear your coworker say that only the balance sheet and income statement are needed to evaluate a firm’s financial health. Do you agree with this assessment? Why, or why not? Explain.
  1. Principles of Management
  • What managers’ decisions have you seen as a course of action or program in health or safety that upheld the value of “human capital,” or people in the organization? Do you recommend a different course of action in hindsight?
  • Continuous advancements in technology are deeply affecting the way businesses are managed. Do you think technology (the Internet, for example) should radically alter the fundamental strategies and organizational structures of companies? Or do you think companies can simply graft new strategies and structures onto existing ones? How have innovations in technology affected your life and the way you do business?
  1. Business Ethics
  • Is creating energy and electricity through nuclear power plants, a sustainable energy source, in order to augment reliance on fossil fuels an ethical idea when compared to other technologies, such as solar, wind, and natural gas? If so, on what basis? If not, why, and is there anything that could bolster its ethical production?
  • Do you agree that when one enters into a disadvantageous bargaining position because of one’s own voluntary acts (such as ignoring a warning) that an otherwise exploiting act becomes morally permissible because the person assumed the risk, or is the act always impermissible because the person is especially disadvantaged? Why, or why not?


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Master Level – SMEs marketing challenges

Master Level – SMEs marketing challenges

1) Based on the theoretical framework(PowerPoint will show) develop the Research Objectives -> Research questions(primary Research )only within the scope of the literature review. A) Research Obj

1) Based on the theoretical framework(PowerPoint will show) develop the Research Objectives -> Research questions(primary Research )only within the scope of the literature review.  

A) Research Objectives  

B) Research questions(primary Research)

2) Ref to 1B, prepare the Research questions for the SME interview & Questionnaires for customers


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The performance of many organizations and individual workers is undermined by challenges such as burnout

Put into a Power Point

Executive Summary

The performance of many organizations and individual workers is undermined by challenges such as burnout. Call center agents are among the leading service providers who have experienced a high rate of employee burnout. Different research studies have been conducted to determine the most effective strategies that can be implemented to reduce burnout among call center agents. Burnout among call center agents is associated with low employee turnover, leading to excessive workload. Emotional labor is one of the factors that contribute to Call Center Burnout. Call Center Burnout hurts productivity and satisfaction at work. Luckily, strategies such as the use of the Human Resource (HR) department play a vital role in reducing Call Center Burnout through HR practices. The use of modern forms of technology such as call center technology also helps to reduce employee burnout. General participation and active collaboration among all the stakeholders will help to reduce burnout among call center agents. 


Call Center Burnout is a psychological condition that negatively affects the performance of an individual at work. It is also one of the leading medical and psychological conditions that have undermined the performance of healthcare systems in different countries. It is important to note that ineffective management of workplace situations leads to Call Center Burnout. Workers with call center burnout often experience weakness and exhaustion at work. They also experience increased mental distance from their job, accompanied by cynicism or negativism towards the job. All the effects of Call Center Burnout reduce an individual’s performance at work since it reduces professional efficacy. Work-related stress leads to burnout if it occurs for a long period. It manifests as feelings of dread or helplessness, which causes huge problems to both the individual and the organization. In addition, chronic stress at work can lead to other mental conditions such as anxiety and depression that manifest in physical form or symptoms such as heart disease. Most victims of Call Center Burnout are customer care services providers since their job is fast to keep up with, and it requires a lot of emotional labor. However, all experiences Call Center Burnout due to the changes that occur in all organizations. It implies that Call Center Burnout is a condition that is contributed by an external environmental factor. Call Center Burnout is an adverse psychological condition that undermines workers’ performance, health, and safety; therefore, this paper examines Call Center Burnout while elaborating on why it happens and the best ways to prevent it. 

Literature Review

A research article published by Molino et al. (2016) claims that emotional labor is one of the factors that contribute to Call Center Burnout. The article defines emotional labor as the process where workers regulate their expressions and feelings at work while serving the customers with high-quality services. The process of interaction with customers in a call center requires an indevotional to portray certain emotions that are acceptable by the organization. Labor emotions must not be necessarily similar to a worker’s true feelings. The same is defined as emotional dissonance. It represents a vital job feature, especially for call center services. The study’s main aim was to determine whether emotional dissonance arbitrates the relationship between work demands and job resources, such as job autonomy and support from colleagues and supervisors. Also, a job demands-resources model was used as a framework to determine another affective discomfort at work. The findings from the study indicate that call center agents experience a great emotional dissonance and customer verbal aggression as compared to information service agents. The results also show a full arbitration of emotional resonance among the call center workers. Luckily, the article states that suggestions for practitioners in originations came up with suggestions that will help them reduce burnout and promote the health, safety, and wellbeing of their workers. As a result, it is recommended that the findings in the research article should be used to further study to understand the causes and mitigation measures for Call Center Burnout.

According to Ogrysko (2021), burnout among call center agents is associated with low employee turnover, leading to excessive workload. For example, The Department of Veterans Affairs has experienced low employee turnover, making it difficult for the organization to have a clear sense of the exact number of workers needed to complete a specific task. The inspector general of the organization stated that their organization has not been able to appropriately determine the number of workers needed for direct patient care roles as a result of low employee turnover. The findings from the article also discovered that other challenges that contribute to burnout include recruitment challenges and other challenges such as non-competitive payment. It explains why the organization experienced a shortage of staff. Fortunately, the organization has established a model called the validated staffing model to help support workers and reduce burnout among the workers. The model supports that all workers should be engaged in the process to determine the appropriate personal needs of the workers since they may have different options or definitions of their work needs. It explains how the use of different staffing models to determine individual needs may help to prevent the occurrence of burnout and increase employee turnover. Thus, it is recommended that the information published in the article should be used to study how employee turnover and burnout can be reduced.

The findings from the study by Ogrysko (2021) correspond to the information provided by an article by White, Aiken, and McHugh (2019). The two studies examine how burnout is caused by job dissatisfaction among Registered Nurses. The study by White, Aiken, and McHugh (2019) was conducted among registered nurses in hospitals across Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California. 687 RNs were interviewed on how job dissatisfaction contributes to employee burnout across the four states. The findings from the study indicate that 30% of RNs across the states exhibited a low level of burnout. It was also discovered that 31% of RNs are dissatisfied with their job. In addition, 72% of the workers miss one or more tasks during their last shift. Due to work pressure and lack of adequate time and resources leads to job dissatisfaction that contributes to burnout. The study also determines the difference in performance rates of RNs who are satisfied and those who have job dissatisfaction. It was discovered that RNs with a high level of job satisfaction portray a high performance that is not associated with low burnout. On the other hand, RNs who portrayed job dissatisfaction performed poorly since they registered high medical errors, especially during their last shifts. The article provides a solution to job dissatisfaction by suggesting that the working environment should be improved for effective reduction of dissatisfaction rates and to reduce burnout.

Klint et al. (2021) state that Call Center Burnout hurts productivity and satisfaction at work. The leading factors that contribute to the condition include community fairness, values, reward, and control. Other factors include stressful conditions at work and ineffective management of work conditions. The article also states that there are different dimensions of Call Center Burnout. One of the dimensions is emotional exhaustion which includes physical exhaustion and emotional stress. Another dimension is cynicism and depersonalization, which is caused by the first dimension of burnout. The last dimension is low self-esteem or decreased sense of self-accomplishment. People with a low sense of personal accomplishment feel like their efforts are not enough or do not contribute to the performance and growth of the organization. It explains why the symptoms of burnout are similar to those of other mental conditions such as anxiety, stress, and depression. High burnout is related to increased medical errors and poor patient safety for healthcare workers. 

A study by Castanheira and Chambel (2010) illustrates how the Human Resource (HR) department plays a vital role in reducing Call Center Burnout through HR practices. It is important to note that HR practices are related to job dissatisfaction, discomfort, and stress. All these are interlinked, and they can lead to burnout both collectively or independently. A theoretical framework known as the Job Demands-Control (JD-C) was used to examine job demands such as quantitative demands and emotional dissonances to appropriately determine the role played by HR practices in reducing employee burnout. The study has also made it easy for HR managers to reduce burnout through HR practices by distinguishing between HR involvement systems and HR control systems. HR involvement systems include practices that involve monitoring of performance and practices. On the other hand, HR involvement systems include practices relating to training, performance-related pay, and employee participation. Generally, the findings from the study support that the use of various HR practices will help improve job satisfaction, commitment to reducing burnout among call center agents. The findings discovered that the HR systems could reduce burnout by verifying that they lead to more emotional dissonance among the workers. For instance, the HR involvement system alleviates the workers’ quantitative demands and emotional dissonance to help reduce burnout. The two HR systems help to decrease cynicism and exhaustion among its workers to reduce burnout. 

According to a study by Kwon and Yoon (2011), social support and emotional labor help to reduce burnout and increase employee satisfaction at work. The study was conducted among call center agents in the airline industry. The article is relevant for this study since it examines the impacts of mention on emotional labor and the differences in levels of emotional labor. It also provides recommendations for the improvement of the competitive power of call center agents in airline companies. It was discovered that emotional labor affects the rate of burnout.  


Call Center Burnout is a global health problem that affects call center agents’ health, well-being, and performance. It arises due to many reasons, such as external and environmental factors that lead to job dissatisfaction. Thus, all organizations must provide a safe and conducive working environment for their workers to avoid cases of burnout and low employee turnover. Most employees who experience job dissatisfaction face all the work pressure and challenges, such as a lack of adequate support from their colleagues or supervisors. Lack of adequate resources, such as financial resources, has been noted as contributing to the increase in burnout among employees. As a result, all organizations should ensure that active participation and collaboration are upheld among all the relevant stakeholders to ensure that measures that promote the well-being and safety of employees are implemented. Research is one of the best tools that organizations and individuals have used to find the most relevant solution to various problems since it enhances accuracy during decision-making. It explains why this research article should be used to find the best solutions to employee burnout among call center agents. Similarly, the article makes it easy for organizations to identify and implement the most appropriate strategies to solve the issue since it outlines the procedure for the implementation of such measures. 


Since Call Center Burnout is a serious issue that undermines call center agents’ performance, health, and safety, it is vital to establish or identify the best solutions. One of the solutions to Call Center Burnout is the investment in call center technology. The rise in the use of modern forms of technology has reduced work overload among workers in various industries. Similarly, implementing a call center technology system will help reduce call center burnout among employees since it reduces burnout. For instance, call center software can enhance collaboration among call center teams and empower employees by displaying relevant information at a fast rate. Another solution to Call Center Burnout is the recognition of burnout among the employees. The first step toward finding the appropriate solution to a particular problem is the acceptance that the problem exists. However, detecting or recognizing burnout among call center agents takes empathy and a keen eye. It explains why identifying burnout at its initial stages is a step toward recognizing and finding an early solution. Addressing unfair treatment is another solution that can help keep employees committed and motivated hence reducing burnout. Most cases of employee burnout are caused by unfair treatment at work. Addressing unfair treatment is similar to providing a conducive working environment for all employees regardless of the hierarchy levels. The same can also be achieved by sorting out unreasonable demands and unmanageable workloads in the workplace. 

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Another important stage when solving the issue of employee burnout is the practical implementation of the solutions that will help reduce Call Center Burnout. The best way to implement the identified strategies is through active participation and general indolence among all stakeholders, such as the workers and the supervisors. In other words, everyone’s option should count during decision-making on the best strategies to implement to reduce call center burnout. The implementation of these strategies should reduce employee stress and increase job satisfaction. Appropriate manager support will ensure that burnout is reduced since it helps to reduce workloads and remove unnecessary workplace demands. Changing management expectations and work environment reduces stress to reduce the rate of burnout among the call center agents. Another step toward the implementation of Call Center Burnout is the provision of safe working environments by eradicating works risks and other hazards that may cause physical or emotional damage to the workers. It is similar to creating a working environment that is from all physical, psychological, and emotional hazards. Implementing incentives such as cash incentives among the call center agents has been one of the best ways to implement employee burnout since it keeps employees motivated.  


In conclusion, Call Center Burnout is an adverse psychological condition that undermines workers’ performance, health, and safety; therefore, this paper has examined Call Center Burnout while elaborating on why it happens and the best ways to prevent it. It is among the leading issues that have undermined the ability of all organizations to provide a safe working environment for their call center agents. It has also led to work-related stress that has contributed to low employee turnover in many organizations. Luckily, different strategies and measures have been implemented to reduce employee burnout and stress. One of the solutions is the implementation of call center technology since it helps make work easier for the call center agents. Another solution is the provision of a safe working environment for the employees. Adequate support and resources such as financial resources also help provide a solution to employee burnout. Finally, it is essential to note that research is another critical tool that can be used to find the best solution to problems such as employee burnout


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Safeguarding against cyber crimes, Ways to combat challenges in the digital world

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Guidelines for assignment

  1. Format for the assignment:
    a. Covering page
    • Topic
    • Name, Roll Number, Department
    • Date of submission
    b. Content
    c. Introduction
    d. Sub-topics covered under the main topic
    e. Analysis
    f. Key learnings
    g. Recommendations
    h. References (must have proper citations, all reference materials must be mentioned, including websites etc.
    i. Conclusion
    j. Acknowledgements
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    TOPICS (Choose any one topic)
    a. In the area of climate justice, human rights, sustainable development goals, secularism and so on.
  • The above is indicative only, you may cover other relevant points
    a. Safeguarding against cyber crimes
    b. Ways to combat challenges in the digital world
    c. Examples of how youth are using the digital platform to spread love & PEACE
    d. Examples of youth mitigating the spread of fake news * The above is indicative only, you may cover other relevant points
    a. Afforestation
    b. Water conservation
    c. Air pollution
    d. Rise of zoonotic diseases
  • The above is indicative only, you may cover other relevant points
    a. Family relations
    b. Friendships
    c. Acquaintances
    d. Romantic relations
    e. Privacy
  • The above is indicative only, you may cover other relevant points
    a. Sexism
    b. Conditioning on masculinity since childhood
    c. Role of traditional masculine values
    d. Archaic gender roles
  • The above is indicative only, you may cover other relevant points




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theories which best addresses the developmental challenges facing South Africa and the region

Types Of Theories
– Modernisation
– Dependency
– Neoliberalism
– Post Development
– Uneven Development
Choose two of the above theories which best addresses the developmental challenges facing South Africa and the region, then Provide a critical review of each theory and argue why one particular theory is more appropriate to your analysis than the other and Why
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500 words excluding refs




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