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Organizational Resistance to Change (And why good companies fail).

C/BUS503 Organizational Change and Transformation

Assignment Overview

Organizational Resistance to Change (And why good companies fail).

In the Module 1 Case Assignment, you will write a 5- to 6-page paper in which you analyze in-depth the reasons that good companies fail due to their reluctance to respond to changes in the internal company and the external environment.

To begin the Module 1 Case assignment, read the following article and chapter from the following sources:

Butt, J., & Ivanov, S. (2017). Study of a large office supply retail organization: How good companies slowly go out of business. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 9(4), 100-116. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Shein’s (2011) Phases of Organizational decline? Shein, James B. (2011). Chapter One – The Phases of Decline and Early Warning Signs Reversing the slide: a strategic guide to turnarounds and corporate renewal. [Books24x7 version] Available in the Trident Online Library.

Case Assignment

After you read the foregoing sources, visit the library, and consult IBISWorld (download the IBISWorld Academic Overview). Search for “Office Supply Stores in the U.S.” Scan through the various pages associated with the large office supply retail industry, noting key areas of opportunity, key areas required for success, and key threats. Then, in a well-written 5 page paper (not including Cover and References pages), respond to the following:

  1. Based on your research, what are the key drivers for success in the large office supply store industry? This section should be at least 2 pages in length.
  2. What were the reasons for the failure of the Fortune 500 office supply company, as discussed in the Butt and Ivanov (2017) journal article? Are these reasons consistent with Shein’s (2011) phases of decline?
  3. What other reasons, if any, have you identified? Are there any practical difficulties that served as barriers to needed organizational change? (This section should be at least 2 pages in length).
  4. What recommendations would you have given the leadership of the foregoing Fortune 500 company relative to how the company may have avoided organizational failure? (This section should also be at least 2 pages in length).
  5. Conclude your paper by identifying the key lessons you have learned from Module 1 (as taken from both the Background materials and the Module 1 Case assignment) concerning the need for ongoing adaptation on the part of the organization and the need to avoid organizational inertia and resistance to change. This section should be at least 1 page in length.

Assignment Expectations

  1. Minimum length requirements for the Module 1 Case assignment is 5 pages (not including Title and Reference pages).
  2. Be sure to cite at least 3 scholarly sources using APA Style
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Organizational Resistance To Change and Why Good Companies Fail

SLP1/BUS503 Organizational Resistance  To Change and Why Good Companies Fail

For Module 1 SLP, we will continue our research into why good organizations resist change. To this extent, please visit the library, and find the following texts:

Iverson, L. (2010). The science of change management: The 7 phases of change & breaking through resistance to change. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Davidson, Jeff. (2009). 5 ways to overcome resistance to change. [Books24x7 version]. Available in the Trident Online Library.

Read the chapter titled “Resistance to Change” from Iverson (2010) The 7 Phases of Change and Breaking through Resistance to Change. In this chapter, you will note several key barriers that cause organizations to resist needed change. Namely, these are:

  • Lack of Knowledge or Skill
  • Physical or Resource restrictions
  • Negative Projections (Future or Past)
  • Discomfort
  • Fear of the Unknown

It is important to note the author’s emphasis that any one of these factors creates organization-wide resistance to change.

After reading the chapter “Resistance to Change,” respond to the following in a well-written, 3- to 4-page paper to include 2 Scholarly Sources from the Required and Optional readings List:

Part One: Description

Think of an experience you had with an organization that failed to change when change was needed.

Describe the change and explain why the organizational change you identify was needed. Describe what negative consequences (or outcomes) resulted from the organization’s failure to enact the needed change. What were the costs to the organization (e.g., poor employee morale, loss of customers, poor company image, financial losses, etc.)?

Part Two: Application and Analysis

Apply Iverson’s (2010) perspective to demonstrate how lack of knowledge, physical or resource restrictions, negative projections, discomfort, and fear of the unknown contributed to the resistance to change in this organization. In other words, explain how Iverson helps us understand why the barrier you have selected caused organization-wide resistance to needed change (keep in mind that we are focused on organization-wide, and not individual resistance to change).

Part Three: Solution and Recommendations

Finally, as a leader, what could you have done to avoid or minimize this resistance to change? Be specific and be sure that your recommended actions target the barrier you identified in Part Two (e.g., lack of knowledge, physical or resource restrictions, negative projections, discomfort, and fear of the unknown). See Davidson’s (2009) “5 ways to overcome resistance to change” to help you “connect the dots” by making a clear argument regarding how these specific recommendations would have helped the organization implement the needed change without resistance. If the resistance to change is ongoing, what suggestions do you have for resolving this problem going forward? 

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Minimum length requirements for the Module 1 SLP assignment are 3–4 pages (not including Title and Reference pages).
  2. Be sure to cite a minimum of 2 scholarly sources from the Required or Optional Readings List using APA Style


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Embracing Technology and Adaptability Through Change Management

Assignment Overview

Managing Change

Change Management

Rapid technology changes in workplaces can cause stress, prompting employees to resist adopting new tools. This resistance stems from fear of obsolescence, disrupted routines, and perceived tool complexity.

Addressing these anxieties through effective communication and training is crucial for smooth technological transitions.

**Complete Case 4 before SLP 4**

Case 4 Resources

Embracing Technology and Adaptability Through Change Management (2023)Technology Modernization Requires Cultural Change (2023) America’s generational divide doesn’t apply to technology. (2023) Resistance to Change: Workflow Evolution Across Generations (2023) 2023 Work in America Survey (2023)Workplace stress affects most workers despite employers’ efforts (2023)Artificial Intelligence (2023) You may create a free login to access more information.Text: 10.1 Organizational Structures and Design (2023) Text: 10.2 Organizational Change (2023) Text: 10.3 Managing Change (2023)  

Scholarly Readings:

As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035 (2023) 

Technology Supported Change

Investigate the role of technology (AI, data analytics) in facilitating change. How has technology transformed the landscape of change management in recent years? (1 ½ pages). Research Required.

Technology Resistance and Adoption

Analyze the challenges and advantages of managing a multi-generational workforce in the age of rapid technological change (1 ½ pages). Research Required.

Workplace Stress & Coping Mechanisms

Examine how changes in technology can cause workplace stress. Research how managers and organizations mitigate adverse effects for smooth tech transitions (2 pages). Research Required.All research for this case should have been published within the last two years. 

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: Failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” across the grading rubric. This is a professional paper; not a personal one based on feelings. The paper must be written in the third person. This means words like “I,” “we,” and “you” are not appropriate.

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Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base

Topic: Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base: Leading and managing change is an important part of successful project execution and implementation. The nurse leader and project manager should be intimately familiar with a particular change theory or model that serves as the framework for leading the change represented by a project. Spend time researching and investigating some evidence-based change models such as Kotter, Lewin, Lippitt, & Rogers (aka – Diffusion of Innovations). Identify your “go-to” change leadership framework and discuss how you will use that framework to guide organizational change. Application: For change models with a series of steps or phases, identify which phase/step you are at now with your project and how the change model guides you in moving to the next phase/step.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Leading Change and Creating the Evidence Base


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Meaning of positive social change

Choose one of the three social change literature review articles found in this week’s Learning Resources and review the article in detail.

· Explore the Walden Social Change website and locate an additional document, video, or webpage that will inform your understanding of the meaning of positive social change. Reflect on any additional sources you find.

· Next, write field notes based on the information you gathered from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites that might inform your changing impressions about the meaning of positive social change.

· Finally, review the media programs related to coding and consider how you will use this information to support this Discussion. Note: In your Excel Video Coding template there is a tab for your website data. Use this tab to place your content and codes for the website.

· BY DAY 4

· Prepare a brief explanation of your understanding of the meaning of positive social change thus far. Refer to the additional sources you have reviewed this week, and comment on how they are shaping your experience. Use the data you gathered from your analytic memo to support your explanation.

· Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.


The following articles are examples of literature reviews on the aspects of social change. Choose one of the articles for this week’s Discussion 2.

· Ashoka. (2017).  My changemaker toolkitLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· Tackling Heropreneurship. (n.d.).  The impact gaps canvasLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· Thomas, E.F., MCGarty, C., & Mavor, K.I. (2009).  Transforming “Apathy Into Movement”: The Role of Prosocial Emotions in Motivating Action for Social ChangeLinks to an external site. Personality & Social Psychology Review, 13(4), 310-333.

· Kezar, A. (2014).  Higher Education Change and Social Networks: A Review of ResearchLinks to an external site. Journal of Higher Education, 85(1), 91-125.

· Aguinis, H. & Glavas, A. (2012).  What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda.Links to an external site.  Journal of Management, 38(4). 932-968.

· Walden University. (2015).  Social ChangeLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

As you review this website, think about Walden’s meaning of social change and how this website will guide you as you consider positive social change for your Major Assignment 2.

· Document:  Excel Video Coding Document Template (Excel spreadsheet) Download Excel Video Coding Document Template (Excel spreadsheet)

Review this Excel template as you view this week’s media programs. Also, you will use this template for organizing your transcripts and preparing them for coding.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Meaning of positive social change


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Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change


Assignment Details

There are many ideas that come from errors or accidents. Complete the following:

  • Research 1–2 game-changing ideas that came from an error or accident. Do something different from well-known accidental inventions such as sticky notes.
  • Write a paper of at least three pages about what you learned.
    • If it is a simple situation where you may only be able to get a page of material from it, choose two accidents or errors and continue.
  • Please talk about the forces that supported it.
  • This paper should be in APA format with a cover page and references.
  • Turn in the Word document with your paper.
  • Post your work to your blog.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook, all course resources, and any external research and resources you have gathered.

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedComments
Assignment-Specific: Researched and discussed 1-2 game-changing ideas that came from an error or accident.35
Assignment-Specific: Articulated what they learned about the ideas and discussed the forces that support the idea(s).35
Assignment-Specific: Submitted a paper and posted the work to their blog.35
Assignment-Specific: Demonstrates the utilization of the course readings and other scholarly and/or professional materials to complete the assignment.10
Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors. (APA formatting is required or style specified in assignment).10
Total Points125
Total Points Earned

Unit 6 Assigned Reading:

Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change: Chapters 10–11


Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future

by Wade

ISBN: 9781118237410 | Edition: 1


Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

by Tidd

ISBN: 9781119713197 | Edition: 7

………Get more on Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change

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MongoDB: used on datasets that change frequently

A variety of modern tools for big data analytics exist in the market today. The following are well-known analytics tools, and you will find additional descriptions and ratings here:

Hadoop: used to store and analyze data

MongoDB: used on datasets that change frequently

Talend: used for data integration and management

Cassandra: a distributed database used to handle chunks of data

Spark: used for real-time processing and analysis of large amounts of data

STORM: an open-source, real-time computational system

Kafka: a distributed streaming platform used for fault-tolerant storage

Select two analytic tools from the list and resources above. Create a 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation addressing the features and functions their systems provide. Following your comparison, address how each may be used in a business environment, as well as which you would recommend and why. Your presentation slides must be professional and written in a manner that would be appropriate to present to business leadership.  




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Lead and manage organisational  change

Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 3A

  BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational  change

  BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

  CHCMGT002 Manage partnership agreements  with service providers

Participant Assessment

Need Help with your Assessment?

Post your query to your fellow participants in the Discussion Forum. Use this forum to post any question about any part of the assessment. Alternatively, post your query to the Facebook Study Group for your course.

Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources. Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your

assessment here and ask your instructor for a constructive and supportive review.

Perhaps, you can even help another participant and answer their questions.

Sharing information is the key to success and remember the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


Assignment Activities

There are 2 parts to this assignment.

Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully.  Answer each section.

Part 2 is the Major Project.  Read and follow the instructions provided.


You have taken a role in a traditional family business. Nothing much has changed in many years and revenue and profit is declining because the company is starting to fall behind the times. The owners are looking to you for some fresh thinking,  particularly about how to bring more sustainable practices into the business. Their power and waste removal costs are way above industry average.

You are encouraged to try an ideation workshop with the staff to see if you can come up with one or two innovations that you can take to the owners for approval.

   Consider the following methodologies  you have discovered from reading on the subject and the eLearning courses. Describe them and explain how they are best used.

o Brainstorming

o Osborne Checklist

o Six Thinking Hats


o Multiplication Technique

o Task Unification Technique

o Attribute Dependency Technique

   Decide which methodologies or tools to use in your workshop. Explain why you have

chosen these tools.

   Develop an introductory PowerPoint presentation for your workshop to brief the staff on performance improvement, sustainability and innovation as an essential element of competition.

    Describe the process you would use to evaluate the ideas.


You will use your newly gained knowledge to propose a Change Management Strategy for a new service you have proposed in order to facilitate a successful outcome for an external client.

It is important that you have access to the details of a service you can use to base your assessment on. Contact your trainer if you do not.

Some time has passed since you designed and implemented the previous project and you believe you can further enhance their profitability by offering a new service or product.  You should review the business model again to see if you think they can benefit from a new offering.  Perhaps when you did the project you had ideas that could have improved it that were not accepted at the time.

You will need access to the following information…

    Business Plan

    Company Profile

    Existing State

    Stakeholder interviews

You need to produce a plan to Change to the new service or product.  The following is a list of the project


Short Proposal outlining an executive summary of the selected service including:

    Reasons behind your proposal, based on an organisational review

    Plan for consultation meetings to negotiate deliverables

    Agenda templates

    Meeting outcomes matrix (RACI)

    Develop a Change Management Strategy including:

o  Change Procedure

o  Change Management Plan

o  Change Management Project Plan

o  Change Management Approval process

o  Training Program

    Implementation Strategy including:

o  Communication  Plans

o  Priority Plan

o  Delivery Plan

o  Risk Management Plan

o  Timetable

o  Evaluation Meetings Plan (stages)

    Review Plan including:

o  Method of gathering feedback with examples

o  Action plan to respond to feedback provided

o  Reporting on performance of the new service against needs

o  Method of reporting outcomes to stakeholders

o  Sign off

o  Service Maintenance plan (SLA)/ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

There are many components that go into developing a successful Change Management Strategy. Ensure you use appropriate documentation for each component.

Use network maps or diagrams, lists, block diagrams, component maps, etc.

Ensure all of the work that you submit is your own and that appropriate referencing is used.

Upload your completed documents on the MyUpskilled Portal.




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Theories for Planned change seems to be the best fit for your proposed project?

Which of the Theories for Planned change seems to be the best fit for your proposed project?. The theory of planned changes that seems to best fit my proposed project is the Six phases of Planned change “Havelock (1973) Th six stages are as follows:Building a relationship, Diagnosing the problem,Acquiring relevant resources, Choosing the solution,Gaining acceptance, and Stabilizing the innovation and generating self -renewal.The TITTLE OF MY PROPOSED PROJECT IS FALL. Why do you think this model is the best fit for your project?  Describe the likely laggards and rejectors at your facility. What plans do you have to address laggards and rejectors? How ready is your team for change according to the website provided? Look at the following and identify potential problems and solutions with change. (Links to an external site.)
At least two references should be used to support the content of the initial post. At least one reference should be outside the assigned textbook, not a website, and written within the last 5 years or less. Write this in 350 words. APA format 7 edition




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change in order to take advantage of the strategies

For Tesla.  Advise the CEO on how best to position the organization to be responsive to change in order to take advantage of the strategies you have recommended. 

6-8 page

  1. Give your opinion as to whether your chosen company’s industry is maturing or declining, based on its evolution history. Justify your answer.
  2. Use Porter’s National Diamond to evaluate the relative main advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration versus outsourcing for the company. Support your response.
  3. Use the Boston Consulting Group’s growth-share matrix to evaluate the company’s strategic position as of 2013. Note: Refer to Figure 14.2 “The BCG Growth-share Matrix,” located on page 369, chapter 14 of the textbook.
  4. Suggest one approach for the CEO to adopt in order to implement the strategies that you recommended in Project Deliverable 3. Include the main changes in decision-making style, main changes in planning structure, and measures of success in your recommendation. Provide a rationale for your response.
  5. Use at least three quality references




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