Writers Solution

How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses?

Reply to classmate’s discussion ( answers to your peer of 150 words) each reply needs citation and reference independently. Turnitin less 15%.

Classmate 1 post:

The United States has a growing demand for highly skilled and specialized nurses. An aging population, a growth in chronic illnesses, and an increasing emphasis on preventative care drive this demand. Nurses must be able to grow their careers and practice to their full ability to meet this demand. Unfortunately, various barriers prevent nurses from doing so, one of the most significant being policy. Nurses must be able to ensure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses to solve labor shortages in remote places. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one strategy to accomplish this. The Affordable Care Act gives financial incentives to nurses.

Nurses can advocate for policy changes in a variety of ways. One approach is to educate decision-makers on the value of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). APRNs play a crucial role in providing high-quality care, and policymakers must recognize their value to the healthcare system (Hassmiller, 2022). Another option for nurses to lobby for policy change is to speak out about the importance of APRNs having access to the resources they require to be successful. It includes education and training, as well as adequate remuneration. Nurses can also endeavor to educate the public about the value of APRNs and the need for legislative reform (van Wijk et al., 2022). This objective can be accomplished through social media, community outreach, and other forms of public interaction.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has many provisions aimed at addressing rural labour shortages. One section authorizes the establishment of Community Health Centers (CHCs), which will offer primary care services in underprivileged communities. CHCs can help attract and maintain rural health care practitioners by offering debt repayment assistance and other financial incentives. Another ACA provision created the National Health Service Corps (NHSC), which offers medical practitioners scholarships and loan repayment aid if they agree to serve in underprivileged communities. The NHSC also provides loan repayment help to providers who commit to work for at least two years in underserved areas. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers financial incentives for medical care providers (Zhang et al., 2020). Increasing the number of graduates from medical institutions, attracting foreign-trained physicians, and implementing contemporary technology are some initiatives to equip the physician workforce to cater to the rising healthcare demand.

The current demand in the United States for highly competent and specialized nurses can only be met if legislative adjustments are adopted to allow nurses to reach their full potential. One technique used to do this is the Affordable Care Act. Financial incentives are provided to healthcare providers under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which also forms Community Health Centers (CHCs) that might assist attract and retaining rural healthcare practitioners. Nurses may help bring about the policy reforms needed to solve the nursing crisis by educating decision-makers and the general public about the significance of advanced practice registered nurses and the need for legislative reform.


Hassmiller, S. B. (2022). How Nurses Can Help to Create a Better Post-Pandemic World. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice23(1), 3–4.

van Wijk, M., Lalleman, P. C. B., Cummings, G. G., & Engel, J. (2022). Public Opinion Leadership in Nursing Practice: A Rogerian Concept Analysis. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice23(1), 67–79.

Zhang, X., Lin, D., Pforsich, H., & Lin, V. W. (2020). Physician workforce in the United States of America: forecasting nationwide shortages. Human Resources for Health18(1).

Classmate 2 post:

How should nurses assure policy change for advanced practice registered nurses? What role does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) play in addressing workforce shortages in rural communities?

Nurses participate in policymaking as healthcare professionals, which is critical for improving service, protecting patient safety, increasing healthcare outcomes, and facilitating access to excellent health care. Advanced registered nurses are particularly suited to play a significant role in healthcare policy formation. Advanced registered nurses have an impact on health policy at several levels, particularly organizational, regional, and national levels. They use their leadership abilities to drive shifts in policy at both levels. Advanced registered nurses impact policy at these levels by introducing advocacy skills to the management and advocating collaborative governance mechanisms in their organization (Arabi et al., 2014). They may, for example, lobby fellow caregivers to optimize staffing numbers, emphasize professional growth, and guarantee an appropriate provision of safety gear. Through these channels, nurses encourage a safe working environment in order to safeguard both patients and staff from injuries and other hazards.

By taking on leadership roles in healthcare and addressing policy issues with state authorities, registered nurses may influence policy. This may be achieved through enrolling in formal political education programs, participating in local government organizations and councils, or even campaigning for local office. Additionally For example, by engaging in lobbying and using their voting privileges. Specialized training Registered nurses may also do this by joining organizations for professionals, many of which include lobbyists who can raise concerns about nursing with authority or political figures (BARZEGAR SAFARI et al., 2020). They may also become members of state nursing organizations, in which they can fight for unrestricted practice rights, or join state nursing associations, where they have the chance to promote professional autonomy (BARZEGAR SAFARI et al., 2020). Nurses may also promote policy change by campaigning for elected office; if elected, they will have the ability to directly address concerns with the Legislature or the Presidency.

The Affordable Care Act is a critical component in the effort to alleviate labor force shortages. This is made easier by the availability of financial support to support rural communities in attracting and retaining clinical staff and also by the creation of a national office of rural healthcare reform to aid in coordinating and improving medical coverage in remote regions (Kominski et al., 2017). Both of these measures are aimed at making it easier for rural residents to receive medical treatment. It is possible that the ACA can help alleviate the nursing labor shortage by investing in education and training initiatives that will assist in the expansion of the proportion of healthcare practitioners working in rural regions (Kominski et al., 2017). This is accomplished by providing financial aid to remote healthcare professionals in order to assist them in the recruitment and retention of staff members. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) contributes to an increase in the number of nurses actively working in the field, which in turn helps alleviate any labor shortages that may exist in the field.


Arabi, A., Rafii, F., Cheraghi, M. A., & Ghiyasvandian, S. (2014). Nurses’ policy influence: A concept analysis. Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research, 19(3), 315–322.

BARZEGAR SAFARI, M., BAHADORI, M., & ALIMOHAMMADZADEH, K. (2020). The Related Factors of Nurses’ Participation and Perceived Benefits and Barriers in Health Policy Making. Journal of Nursing ResearchPublish Ahead of Print.

Kominski, G. F., Nonzee, N. J., & Sorensen, A. (2017). The Affordable Care Act’s Impacts on Access to Insurance and Health Care for Low-Income Populations. Annual Review of Public Health38(1), 489–505.


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Direction of change for either supply or demand

  • Complete the unit homework questions below and submit them (direction of change for either supply or demand)
  1. Predict the direction of change for either supply or demand in the following situations:
  2. Several new companies enter the cell phone industry.
  3. Consumers suddenly decide SUVs are unfashionable.
  4. The U.S. surgeon general issues a report stating that tomatoes prevent colds.
  5. Frost threatens to damage the coffee crop, and consumers expect the price to rise sharply in the future.
  6. The price of tea falls. What is the effect on the coffee market?
  7. The price of sugar rises. What is the effect on the coffee market?
  8. Tobacco lobbyists convince Congress to remove the tax paid by sellers on each carton of cigarettes sold.
  9. A new type of robot is invented that will pick peaches.
  10. Nintendo anticipates that the future price of its games will fall much lower than the current price.
  11. The U.S. Postal Service is facing increased competition from firms providing overnight delivery of packages and letters. Additional competition has emerged because communications can be sent by emails, fax machines, and text messages. What will be the effect of this competition on the market demand for mail delivered by the post office?
  12. Consider this statement: “Government involvement in markets is inherently inefficient.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
  13. Which of the following are public goods?

A. Airbags

B. Pencils

C. Cycle helmets

D. City streetlights

E.Contact lenses

  1. Consider the following demand schedule:


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How can effective leadership bring a massive change in the destiny of a company

Proposal for the dissertation on topic : How can affective leadership bring a massive change in the destiny of a company. 2000 words. Can be only as essay I can make a powerpoint myself from it. Must use some of this:
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods by John W. Creswell
Business research Methods by Alan Bryman and Emma Bell
Research Methods for Business Students by Mark Saunders, Phillip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill
It should contain the following aspects:
Title/topic (1 slide) To ensure that your title and topic point directly to the focus of your research, check to see that key terms in the statement of the gap in the literature and the research aim are reproduced in the title.
i. Introduction to the project/dissertation (overview; context; aim & objectives: 1 aim and maximum 3 appropriate objectives)
ii. Brief Literature Review (on main scholarly areas of knowledge)
iii. Methodology (what kind of data and creative processes you will adopt to meet your chosen objectives/specifications)
iv. Potential outcomes
v. A conceptual map that outlines the concepts explored in the Literature Review
vi. Gantt Chart
vii. Risk Register
a. The resources you would need, what are the risk, where you lack resources, knowledge, access etc.
b. The knowledge you have and/or intend to gain during the project, how have you ensured you will be able to gain the knowledge you need for the successful completion of the dissertation.
c. Any health and safety issues that may arise.
d. Any other risks that you perceive for the dissertation.
viii. A list of the key reference sources for the project that you have identified. (10 references as a minimum)


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Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation

Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback.

After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250–350-word summary of the presentation. Include a description of the changes that were suggested by your preceptor before your presentation and how you incorporated that feedback. Describe how this interprofessional collaboration improved the effectiveness of your presentation. Include a description of the feedback and questions from your audience after your presentation, and how this experience will affect your professional practice in the future.

APA style required, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center


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State the need for innovation/systems change

After considering the many topics discussed in this course on innovations in schools and the elements of a Globally Oriented school or classroom, pick a topic of interest for an analysis paper emphasizing characteristics of change-adept educators and educational institutions to meet current demands. Include in your analysis paper, how the situation influences your work and how you will become a change agent and support positive change efforts. Your paper must:   

Analyze the situation

State the need for innovation/systems change

State actions in progress -” Working on the work”.

Written Assignment Requirements

Submit a paper which is 3-4 pages in length exclusive of the reference page, double-spaced using 12 point Times New Roman font. The paper must cite at least 2 outside sources in APA format and be well-written. The paper should have an introduction and a conclusion. Check all content for grammar, spelling and to be sure that you have properly cited all resources (in APA format) used


1. Guo, Y. (2006). Why Didn’t They Show Up? Rethinking ESL Parent Involvement in K-12 Education. TESL Canada Journal, 24(1), 80 – 95. doi:

This article inquires into “Why don’t they show up at school?” The absence of ESL parents from school is often misinterpreted as parents’ lack of concern about their children’s education. However, many ESL parents indicated that they cared passionately. Instead of assuming that ESL parents do not care, educators need to understand the barriers that hinder some parents from participating in their children’s education.

2. Juvonen, J., Le, V., Kaganoff, T., Augustine, C., & Constant, L. (2004). Whole-School Reform Models. In Focus on the Wonder Years: Challenges Facing the American Middle School (pp. 98-111). Santa Monica, CA; Arlington, VA; Pittsburgh, PA: RAND Corporation. Retrieved from

This text is concerned with innovations and programs designed to improve student outcomes and addresses other perceived problems at the middle school level. The following questions are addressed in this reading: (1) What are the major reform efforts at work in the middle school? (2) What are their goals and primary features? and (3) Do the reform show promise for addressing the challenges middle schools face today?

3. Hoover‐Dempsey, K., Walker, J., Sandler, H., Whetsel, D., Green, C., Wilkins, A., & Closson, K. (2005). Why Do Parents Become Involved? Research FIndings and Implications. The Elementary School Journal, 106(2), 105-130. doi:10.1086/499194. JSTOR, JSTOR

This article inquires into “Why do parents become involved in children’s education?” Based on this review, the authors offer suggestions for (1) research that may deepen understanding of parents’ motivations for involvement and (2) school and family practices that may strengthen the incidence and effectiveness of parental involvement across varied school communities.

4. Pilegaard, M., Moroz, P., & Neergaard, H. (2010). An Auto-Ethnographic Perspective on Academic Entrepreneurship: Implications for Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(1), 46-61. Retrieved from

This paper offers insight into (a) how socio spatial contexts may be structured to better evaluate the entrepreneurial facilitation process and (b) why academic entrepreneurship in the social sciences and humanities may differ from that in the hard sciences. The findings illustrate the importance of bridging innovation using twin skills to balance research and commercial goals, and the need for codifying knowledge capacities and creating new or changing existing institutional structures to legitimize and facilitate entrepreneurial activity. The research also demonstrates the great value of auto-ethnographic techniques to bring fresh insight to the study of entrepreneurship


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How can we use classList methods to change the CSS being displayed?

For this project, you will be writing most of your code in js/app.js

Rubric Tip: All the points mentioned below will help you to satisfy the criteria for the project rubric. Please make sure to re-review the rubric for detailed project requirements prior to submission.
Start by linking your app.js.
Build out your HTML and at least 4 content sections. The rest of your functionality relies on these sections.
Take a quick look at all the HTML elements in index.html. Note the values for their id, class, and data attributes.
Think about how you can create, say, an unordered list (i.e., bulleted list) in HTML from this structure, and where you be placing that list.
Think about how you’ll test whether a section is in the viewport.
What actions are you performing that will cause interactivity with the DOM?
Build the navigation menu.
Add functionality to distinguish the section in view.
How can we use classList methods to change the CSS being displayed? What about removing that CSS?
Add the functionality to scroll to sections
Add an active state to your navigation items when a section is in the viewport.
Detect the element location relative to the viewport using .getBoundingClientRect() built-in function.
Set CSS class active state when the element is in the viewport


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critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts


Behaviour Change Report

Assessment type;

Essay addressing behaviour change in a specific population

Word limit/length; 2000 words

Learning Outcomes

1. critically analyse and deconstruct behaviour change theory and its application within mental health contexts

2. evaluate and critique, biological, psychological, social, neurophysiological and systematic factors that impact on behaviour and behaviour change in mental health contexts

3. formulate effective individual and systemic responses to facilitate behaviour change founded on theory, empirical research and recovery principles

4. apply motivational interviewing knowledge and strategies to facilitate coconstructed constructive consumer behaviour change


Select a behaviour that is relevant to a specific population of mental health service users / consumers and propose an evidenced based approach to successful behaviour change. Consider and include in your discussion:-

1. The rationale for focusing the behaviour change intervention with the specific population;

2. A critical review of theoretical perspectives that have been applied to supporting behaviour change in the population;

3. A discussion of potential barriers to behaviour change at the neurophysiological, individual, interpersonal, organisational levels and how these barriers could be overcome.

Specific details of the proposed intervention are not required within this assignment. The focus should be on the justification, the theoretical approach to addressing the behaviour and a sophisticated understanding of obstacles to behaviour change


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How to Change Delta Flight?

Find here the all in one solution for the question “How to change delta flight?”. Below are all the different conditions, criteria, and steps for changing flight with Delta Airlines.

How to Change Delta Flight for A Non-Refundable Ticket:

If you have purchased a non-refundable ticket and want to change your flight reservation, then the fee charged for this service will vary from $200 to $500. The fee will depend on the destination mentioned on the reserved ticket and the fare difference between the old and new flights.

Steps :

  1. Visit the official website of the Delta airlines and log in with your credentials.
  2. Look for the option of “My Trips” and click on it.
  3. Now select the flight you want to change.
  4. Find and click on the “Modify Flight” button.
  5. Now you will see the option of “Start Flight Change”, click on it.
  6. And choose a new flight.
  7. Now follow the checkout process and make payment for the change fee and the difference in fare.
  8. In the end, make sure to get the confirmation for your new flight reservation.

How to Change Delta Flight for a Refundable Ticket:

For refundable ticket holders, the change fee may be waived off if the seats are available and all the terms and conditions are met. But if the ticket price is higher than that of the original ticket, you will have to pay the difference amount in the fare.


  1. Visit the official website of Delta airlines and log in using your credentials.
  2. Go to the option of “My Trips”.
  3. Make a selection for the flight you wish to change.
  4. Now choose the option of “Modify Flight”.
  5. And click on “Start Flight Change”.
  6. Make your selection for a new flight.
  7. Now complete the checkout process of the Delta Airlines and pay the difference amount of ticket fares.
  8. Remember to get the new flight ticket confirmation.

Contact Airline: +1-844-673-0381

How to Change Delta Flight for an Award Ticket:

Award ticket passengers are allowed to make changes and amendments in their flight reservation, but remember that the changes are only allowed at least before 72 hours of the scheduled departure. The change fee for this category is $150 and free for Diamond and Platinum Medallion members.


  1. Enter your credentials and log in through the official website of Delta Airlines.
  2. Find the option of “My Trips” and select the flights you wish to change.
  3. Click on the option of ”Modify Flight”.
  4. Now click on “start Flight Change”.
  5. Make a selection for a new flight.
  6. Follow the further website guided checkout process and pay all the change fee and fare difference.
  7. Make sure to get the new flight confirmation.

How to Change Delta Flight for Tickets through Third-Party:

There may be some additional fee charged if you wish to make changes in a ticket that was not booked directly through Delta Airlines. The additional fee may be charged for bookings through an offline travel agency, online travel agency or some other airline (including codeshare partners and SkyTeam).

This additional fee will not be charged for:

  1. Tickets issued Anyhow by Delta Airlines 
  2. Reservations with government or military fares 
  3. Same-day confirmed changes 
  4. involuntary delays, cancellations or schedule changes
  5. Passengers reaching a SkyMiles upgrade

If you wish to seek any further knowledge regarding Delta Airlines flight change, then visit the official website ( of the Delta Airlines or call on the Delta flight change phone number- +1-844-673-0381.

Delta Flight Change Fee:

Delta Airline’s change fee depends on the fares and membership purchased by the customer and the time period in which the change is demanded. The complete Delta flight change fee structure which shows all the cost to change delta flight is described below in the table.

How to Avoid the Delta Flight Change Fee?

Want some tips and points regarding ”How to avoid delta flight change fee?”, read the below-mentioned points to avoid any kind of Delta flight change fee and be prepared already.

Delta Change Flight within 24 Hours:

All Delta airline tickets come with a 24-hour change/cancellation window. Passengers can enjoy this service without any hassle, It states that you can change or cancel your ticket within 24 hours of booking if the ticket is of at least 7 days ahead.

Prefer Buying Flexible Or Refundable Tickets:

Some passengers may not be sure about their travel plan, but still, they book tickets according to their rough idea of the plan. For this kind of passenger, refundable tickets are best. Refundable tickets will be expensive but the change fee charged on this one will be much less than the fare difference of the tickets. 

Delta Same Day Flight Change:

Passengers can enjoy the Delta same day flight change services without any hassle. This policy states that a passenger is making changes within 24 hours of the originally scheduled departure. This policy is only applicable for passengers flying within Puerto Rico or the U.S Virgin Islands and the United States. The international tickets and Basic economy class tickets are not eligible for the Delta same day flight change service and all same-day changes depend on the flights and seat availability.

Delta Airlines offers two options within the same day flight change service:

  • Same-day confirmed changes: If there is a seat available in the passenger’s originally booked fare class, then the passenger is allowed to change his/her tickets for a confirmed seat on a new flight. This service is complimentary for the Gold Medallion, Platinum and Diamond members.
  • Same-day standby: Passenger can choose to wait for a seat on an earlier flight if there is no option of same-day confirmed changes. The change fee will only be charged when the passenger gets a seat on the requested flight. 

Can i change my delta flight?

 Yes. You can change your flight till the day of departure by paying Delta flight change fees based on your fare types. The airline may forgo the change fee if you make a Delta change flight change request due to the loss of an immediate family member or a medical emergency. The death certificate or medical certificate, on the other hand, must be included in the Delta change flight request submission procedure. 

what is the change fee for delta airlines.?

 According to Delta flight change policy, passengers who make changes after the risk-free time must pay a change charge based on their price category. 

how do I change my seat on a delta flight?

 You can make Delta airlines change flight requests in a number of ways. However, if you follow our advice, you should always go with the online option because it will save you money and time. With the Delta change flight online approach, you do not have to pay any additional fees


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How to Change Delta Flight?

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An article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today

Informative Essay Assignment

The purpose of the Informative Essay assignment is to choose a job or task that you know how to do and then write 3 full pages Informative Essay teaching the reader how to do that job or task. You will follow the organization techniques explained in Unit 6

Here are the details:

1. Read the Lecture Notes in Unit 6. You may also find the information in Chapter 10.5 in our text on Process Analysis helpful. The lecture notes will really be the most important to read in writing this assignment. However, here is a link to that chapter that you may look at in addition to the lecture notes:

2. Choose your topic, that is, the job or task you want to teach. As the notes explain, this should be a job or task that you already know how to do, and it should be something you can do well. You may ask your instructor for advice if you have a difficult time finding a job or task to write on. Also, think at this point about your audience (reader). Will your reader need any knowledge or experience to do this job or task, or will you write these instructions for a general reader where no experience is required to perform the job.

3. Plan your outline to organize this essay. Unit 6 notes offer advice on this organization process. Be sure to include an introductory paragraph that has the four main points presented in the lecture notes (again, while your introduction has those main points, they don’t have to be in the order given in the lecture notes).

4. Write the essay. It will need to be at least 3 full pages long. You will use the MLA formatting that you used in previous essays from Units 3, 4, and 5

5. Be sure to include a title for your essay.

6. After writing the essay, be sure to take the time to read it several times for revision and editing. It would be helpful to have at least one other person proofread it as well before submitting the assignment


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An article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today

For this assignment you will find an article pertaining to food culture and some sort of change that is occurring today. You must choose a food culture outside of the U.S. You will then write a paper (2 pages minimum; double-spaced) that summarizes the article and discusses the internal and external pressures that are changing the food custom/culture and your conclusions. You may need to seek out other sources to dig deeper into the topic and answer all the rubric points. All sources must be cited in APA format in both a list at the end of the paper and in the body of the paper.

Here’s an example of internal and external pressures for a fictitious topic/article:

You find an article about rising saffron prices in India. External pressures (those outside of the country) might include decreased demand from other countries and global climate changes that have lowered crop yields. Internal pressures (those within the country) might include a decreasing number of saffron growers, civil war, or issues with infrastructure such as destroyed bridges or roads


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