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Type-2 diabetes occurs at a lower BMI (Body Mass Index) among Chinese (Luong 2014). African-Americans have a lower incidence of osteoporosis compared to Whites (CDC 2015)

Topic Paper Assignment

Purpose: to gather reliable information & think critically about a course-related topic that interests you, & to express the information in an organized, logical, & well-written paper.

Topic: Heart Disease

Title: should be descriptive, but not more than 12 words long. Write your name below the title. Introduction: Briefly introduce your topic. You can include your personal interest in your topic. Body of paper: Present information clearly & logically & in your own words & style. Do not quote, copy, or simply paraphrase sentences from your sources (5 or more – at least 2 pubmed and 1 .gov website) Clearly indicate which reference you used when you present information in appropriate citation format (please see below and sample research paper). Use the author (or organization)-year method:

Utvich (2015) found that a certain type of epilepsy was related to a gene dubbed E4S7. Type-2 diabetes occurs at a lower BMI (Body Mass Index) among Chinese (Luong 2014). African-Americans have a lower incidence of osteoporosis compared to Whites (CDC 2015).

Integrate the information, rather than serially presenting info from each of your references. The info should be substantive. Depending on your topic: Explain what’s known about the causes. For diseases, are there genetic causes or susceptibilities; are they affected by lifestyle (e.g., diet, exercise, smoking)? Are there societal or ethical issues (e.g., discrimination, animal rights)?

Your paper should not be technical. Write it as if telling your classmates what you learned. Write multiple drafts, exceeding the word count at first, allowing you to edit & make the paper more clear & concise & grammatically correct. Allow time to polish & proofread. If needed, get help from the Writing Center.

Conclusion: What did you conclude about your topic? Has what you learned impacted your


Word Count: Put below conclusion: Must be 900 words, from introduction to conclusion. List of

References Cited: List only those that you cited in your paper. List in this format:

Afable-Munsuz (2014). Immigrant generation and diabetes risk among Mexican Americans: The Sacramento area Latino study on aging. American Journal of Public Health.

American Cancer Society (ACS). (2015, June 10). What are the risk factors for breast cancer? Retrieved from

Sample Topic Paper: Read it as an example of a well-written paper, & an example of how the references should be cited & listed.

Submit your paper as a Word file as [your last name]-paper (e.g., Lee-paper). Separately, submit the full texts of your references in PDF format. Submit all of this online by 11:59 pm M 11/15.

Late penalty: -5pts/24 hrs (can turn in up to a week late for credit).

Grading: Informative, well-written, logical, organized, clear, concise, polished, information documented by citing the source, spelling, grammar, word count, references cited correctly, etc. = 100 pts (Grading Rubric on next page.) Grading Rubric: Informative: /10 Introduction /40 Substantive info on your topic, documented by citing sources (author-year). /10 Conclusion: Possible effects of info on your lifestyle choices, etc.

Well-written: /20 Organized, clear, concise, written in own words (no quotes) in language understandable to classmates /10 Correct grammar, spelling, proofread, polished, word count (900-1100 words)

List of References Cited /10 Includes all & only the references cited in paper, in alphabetical order, in appropriate format as listed in assignment sheet, all full text pdfs uploaded.

Penalties ___ Late (-5 pts/24 hours) ___ Topic NOT consistent with sign up sheet

Total /100


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A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

Linguistics course

2. For each pair of statements below, indicate which one is true and which one is false. For

the true statement, say which theory of language acquisition best accounts for it as well

as which theory is the least suited to explain the statement. Explain your answers.

a. • A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

like other children growing up in Denmark with Danish parents.

• A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

more slowly than other children growing up in Denmark with Danish parents because the child is genetically predisposed to learn Chinese.

b. • Children say things like foots and both mans before they master the correct forms feet

and both men because they overuse the rule for regular plural information.

• Children never say things like foots and both mans, because imitate what

adults say and no adult would say this.

3. Consider the following examples of children’s speech taken from Clark (1995), and

answer the questions:

[playing with a toy lawnmower] “I’m lawning.”

[pretending to be superman] “I’m supermanning.”

[realizing his father was joking] “Daddy, you joked me.

[of food on his plate] “I’m gonna fork this.”

i. Explain what the children are doing with language. How are these utterances different from the adult norm? What do the children not know about the English language yet? On the other hand, what do the children already demonstrate knowing

about English in order to use it so creatively?

ii. Which theory of language acquisition best accounts for these data? Why?

4. Consider the following exchange taken from Braine (1971). Discuss the effectiveness Of

the father’s strategy in teaching the child. Also think about what the father’s and child’s

respective objectives are. Which theory of language acquisition does this example


Child: Want other one spoon, Daddy.

Father: You mean, you want the other spoon.

Child: Yes, I want other one spoon, please Daddy.

Father: Can you say “the other spoon”?

Child: Other … one … spoon.

Father: Say “other.”

Child: Other.

Father: “Spoon.”

Child: Spoon.

Father: “Other spoon.”

Child: Other … spoon. Now give me other one spoon.

8. The data below are from a child named Paul at the age of two. They were collected by

his father, Timothy Shopen. Consider each set of examples, and answer the questions

at the end of each section.

A. Adult Word    Paul                                      Adult Word                         Paul

a. sun                    [SAn]                                     d. snake                               [nelk]

b. see                    [si]                                          e. sky                                     [kai]

c. spoon               [pun]                                    f. stop                                   [tap]

i. State a principle that describes Paul’s pronunciation of these words. That

is, how does Paul’s pronunciation systematically differ from the adult pronunciation?

B. Adult Word      Paul                                     Adult Word         Paul

g. bed                    [bet]                                      w. bus                   [bAS]

h. wet                   [wet]                                     n. buzz                  [bAS]

i. egg                     [ek]                                        o. man                  [mien]

j. rake                    [lelk]                                      p. door                  [d:)J]

k. tub                     [tAp]                                      q. some                [SAm]

I. soap                   [soup]                                  r. boy                    [b:H]

ii. State another principle describing Paul’s pronunciations here. Be sure to word

your statement in a way that reflects the fact that (o)-(r) are not affected.

C. Adult Word    Paul

s. laugh                 [l<ep]

t. off                      [Jp]

u. coffee              [kJfi]

iii. State a third principle describing Paul’s pronunciation in this section.

Based on the principles you have seen so far, suggest how Paul would pronounce the word love.

D. Adult Word   Paul                       Adult Word         Paul

v. truck                 [tAk]                      aa. clay                 [keI]

w. brownie         [bauni]                  bb. cute                [kut]

x. plane                [pem]                    CC. beautiful      [butdpdl]

y. broken             [boukan]              dd. twig                [tlk]

z. crack                 [k<ek]

iv. State a fourth principle describing the new aspects of Paul’s pronunciation

in these examples.

E. Adult Word                    Paul

ee. quick                              [kWlk]

ft. quack                               [kw<ek]

v. Do these two words illustrate an exception to the fourth principle? If so, how?

9. The data below are taken from Fasold and Connor-Linton (2006). The data show words

pronounced by different children at about the same age. Are there any sounds or sound

sequences that seem to be particularly difficult? What patterns are evident in the children’s pronunciations?

Adult Word/ Child                            Adult Word/ Child

a. bottle [boboJ                                 h. key [til ]

b. [bAfm]                                             i. duck [gAk]

c. tub [bAbJ                                        j. water [wowo]

d. baby [bibiJ                                      k. stop [tJp]

e. tree [til                                            I. blanket [ba:ki]

f. candy [ka:kiJ                                   m. doggie [gJgi]

g. banana [na:n;)                              n. this [dis]

10.) The children below pronounce some words differently than adults do, and differently from one another. Look at the examples of each child’s speech and determine how each will pronounce the target phrases that follow.

Child A:

Adult word                         Child

A. ghost                               (doust)

B. dog                                   (dag)

C. cat                                     (kaet)

D. gopher                            (doufer)

E. muffin                              (mafin)

F. pig                                     (pig)

Child B:

Adult word                         Child

A. ghost                               (goust)

B. dog                                   (dak)

C. cat                                     (kaet)

D. gopher                            (gouf)

E. muffin                              (maf)

F. pig                                     (pik)


Go Faster

Big tummy

Good baby

15. For each word below, explain what a child has to learn about the word in order to use

it correctly.

ft. cold

b. Susan

c. you

d. bird

e. this

16. This activity is adapted from Yule (1996). Show the following list of expressions to some

friends and ask them to guess the meaning:

ft. a snow-car

a running-stick

a water-cake

a finger-brush

a pony-kid

Now compare your friends’ versions with those of a two-year-old child below (from

Clark 1993). What do the examples suggest about the nature of vocabulary acquisition?

b. [talking about a toy car completely painted white]

Child: This is a snow-car.

Parent: Why is this a snow-car?

Child: ‘Cause it’s got lots of snow on it. I can’t see the windows.

Child: This is a running stick.

Parent: A running-stick?

Child: Yes, because I run with it.

Child: [in the bath] It’s a water-cake.

Parent: Why do you call it a water-cake?

Child: I made it in the water.

Child: I bought you a toothbrush and a finger-brush.

Parent: ‘vVhat’s a finger-brush?

Child: It’s for cleaning your nails.

Child: [wearing a sun hat] I look like a pony-kid.

Parent: What’s a pony-kid?

Child: A kid who rides ponies.

17. Read the following “conversations!! between three-month-old Ann and her mother

(from Snow 1977). Which aspects of how adults talk to young children and what they

say to young children can you identify in each “conversation!!?

a. Mom: Oh you are a funny little one, aren’t you, hmm?


Aren’t you a funny little one?



b. Ann: abaabaa

Mom: Baba.

Yes, that’s you, what you are.

18. For each pair of sentences, which of the two would an adult most likely say to a young

child? Justify your answer.

a. Timmy, see the bird?

Do you see the bird?

b. You are taking a bath now.

Timmy is taking a bath now.

c. Look, the girl is eating. And now she is playing with the balL

Look, the girl is eating. And now the girl is playing with the ball.

d. That’s a birdie.

That’s a robin.

e, No, that’s a kitty, not a doggy.

No, say went, not goed.

19. Many adults use child-directed speech to speak to children, and they seem to be able to

use child-directed speech in ways that are helpful to the child. How do you think adults

know what to do to be most helpful?

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  • A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish

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Writers Solution

Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of “weaponising” trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China.



Word limit 1500 words

REFERENCING: 10-15 references Harvard style

 You should use intext citations, references for any theory, any stats, any article/ industry report that you would use to present the answer.

All Questions are compulsory.

Short EssayQuestion 1

Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of “weaponising” trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China. Give at least 2 examples of such measures and analyse their effectiveness (10 marks).

Short Essay Question 2

Recently, “fast fashion” has come under the international microscope regarding the exploitation of workers in developing countries and the environmental damage this industry has caused to local communities. Provide 2 examples of each of these issues and discuss how the global community (consumer, businesses, government, other stakeholders) may address these problems (10marks).

Mini Case Study – How to establish a successful business that works across multiple borders (20 marks)

Two questions at the end of the case study have to be addressed.

The year 2021 marks when VAVAVOOM – supplier of promotional and award solutions to some of Australia’s leading brands – will celebrate its 18th anniversary. Matt Cave, CEO, is proud to have reached this point. Everything has finally come together for his business. But it’s taken a lot of effort. Managing 22 staff in Australia and 10 in China does come with many challenges. To explain, a big part of VAVAVOOM’s business is in manufacturing. And with 90 per cent of the world’s manufacturing based in China or nearby Asian countries, working with China is just part of Matt’s Day.

Do your research.

To initiate overseas operations, Matt suggests:

Researching to find the right suppliers and trading companies that “best fit” your requirements. Initially, hiring an agent who can help you may be a good initial step. Don’t just focus on cost, but also look for value, quality and reliability. Flying overseas to assess the situation. Choose a supplier in your source country who will be your representative for at least a year while you familiarise yourself with that country’s system and local processes. Once familiar, learn about the country’s business structures to find out what your best options are. For example, after a few years of doing business in China, Matt realised it would be more beneficial to set up a wholly owned foreign enterprise (WOFE) based in China. This means that VAVAVOOM can now transact as a Chinese business, enabling B2B processes like local currency billing, with less restrictions.

Know your supply chain.

One of the key reasons clients choose VAVAVOOM is because of its commitment to ethical and sustainable work conditions in China. To keep on top of this, Matt knows VAVAVOOM’s operations inside out, including where items are sourced from and how they are made. Further, giant strides are being made internationally on the CSR front, and it’s important to keep abreast of how compliance is being managed globally and how it can be applied locally. Knowing the capabilities of your supply chain gives you confidence to tell a client about your practices. Plus, being heavily involved provides great insight into how processes can be improved to better meet client expectations.

Manage cultural expectations and standards.

When creating promotional products for big companies, it is especially important to deliver only the highest quality. The problem is that in some countries, the definition of “the highest quality” isn’t always the same as in Australia’s. To combat this, Matt stands by the mantra of “Communication is Key”. He facilitates weekly team meetings and emails staff daily across offices to manage customer and operational priorities, despite the time difference. While the natural tendency is to do most of the “talking” in communication, Matt cannot stress enough the importance of a healthy two-way dialogue. It is in the listening that the learning occurs and future opportunities arise.

Get the right people on the bus.

Matt acknowledges that language and culture are major issues when conducting business across two or more countries. If possible, appoint a General Manager who has a good understanding of both cultures and can speak both languages. Better yet, hire someone who also has an understanding of your business. As an example, VAVAVOOM’s GM in China is a Chinese / Australian former employee, and Matt has no doubts this has been invaluable to the team’s success there.

Define what success looks like and performance manage to get it.

With the help of his finance team, Matt developed monthly performance indicators that are consistently applied across all branches. Irrespective of location, a laser-like focus on these numbers means everyone knows what the target is and works diligently to meet the business expectation. Biannually, all GMs get together to “deep dive” on performance and tweak the plan, focusing on specific “pain points”.

Question 1. Identify the relevant political, cultural, economic, ethical factors and market entry method highlighted in this case study.

Question 2. Critically analyse how VAVAVOOM addressed each of the above issues.





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