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Disease’s widespread eradication or intense suppression in a chosen country


•3000–3500 double-spaced words,

• 12 point kind;

•10–20 or more citations of primary sources from peer-reviewed publications.

Disease Control Plan For SARS CoV-1 or SARS CoV-2, provide a feasible strategy for the disease’s widespread eradication or intense suppression in a chosen country (e.g. yaws in Rwanda).

A. Background: The burden of disease caused by the infectious disease, including social, developmental, and economic effects; epidemiology of the disease, including life cycle, mode of transmission, the force of infection, R0 if known, any reservoirs (and specifically how these will be overcome); infectivity, and virulence.
SES, population, and cultural aspects that may have an impact on how well your eradication or elimination plan is carried out in the chosen nation.

B. Control Instruments: Suitable, efficient treatments

Prophylaxis, tools for control, vector control abilities, and, if accessible or appropriate, a thorough cost analysis

Can describe possible future technologies that have not yet been created, such as mHealth, electronic surveillance, or other cutting-edge or modern technology.

C. Offer an elimination or eradication plan for a certain nation or area.
Offer a general summary of the plan’s details and its constituent parts (e.g. vector control, vaccination, mass treatment).
Describe the communication tactics and incentive schemes you would use to encourage substantial stakeholder participation.
Discuss the formation of potential alliances, such as public-private partnerships (such as Rotary), where necessary or suitable.

Describe the projected program plan’s frequency (i.e., how frequently for IRS, immunization, and mass treatment) and duration.
Talk about any foreseeable obstacles, issues, and failure causes.

grading scale




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mind the social and industrial contexts of your chosen film while writing your essay

Film Analysis Paper: 8 pages in length. This paper will count for 30% of your grade. Late papers will be penalized 2/3 of a letter grade per day.


For this paper, choose one of the following five films and write an essay about how it represents issues related to this class: race/ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, and ability. Your essay should consider intersectionality: how do these various “categories” of social identity relate to one another in your chosen film?

Also keep in mind the social and industrial contexts of your chosen film while writing your essay.  For example, is your film a Hollywood social problem film from the 1940s, or an independent film from the 1980s?  As such, you should consider questions of authorship, genre, and/or other aesthetic concerns.  Draw on your textbook and classroom experience to help situate your film; if you don’t know anything about it, you should do a little research ( is a quick reference site).   

These essays are thus analytical essays that place the given film text within some of its various contexts.  Your analysis will need to be organized around a thesis of your own devising, which might be something as simple as “Film X is a good example of [Film Type Y] because it embodies formal elements that represent diversity issues in [These] ways.”  

Close textual reading of you chosen film will produce a better paper.

Choose one of the following films to analyze:

1. ​Fried Green Tomatoes (1991, dir. Jon Avnet) 

2. ​Judas and the Black Messiah (2021, dir. Shaka King) 

3. ​Minari (2020, dir. Lee Isaac Chun) 

4. ​Three Billboard Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017, dir. Martin McDonagh) 

5. ​Hustlers (2019, dir. Lorene Scafaria) 

Papers will be uploaded to before or during Week 15, due date May 3.

Caveats and Helpful Hints

This assignment is NOT about summarizing the story, NOR is it about describing the film in a shot by shot manner.  You should assume your reader is familiar with the film in question and any story synopsis should brief.


*​Make sure you have seen the film you are going to write about.  Consider watching it twice and taking notes on its form and style.

*​Make sure you understand the assignment. If you have any questions or doubts, contact the teaching assistants or the professor. 

*​You may want to prepare an outline before you start to write. 


*​Use one-inch margins on all sides of each page.  DOUBLE SPACE your lines.

*​Underline, italicize or CAPITALIZE the titles of the films you discuss. Do not place them in quotation marks. Note that underlining the titles is the preferred method since it allows you to use italics for emphasis. 

*​Number the pages in the top right corner, and place your last name on the word file.

*​An original title is not an absolute requirement. However, try to provide one if you can.

*​Put your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date on the title page. 


*​Do not use regionalisms, slang, or colloquial language (“kind of,” “sort of,” “like,” etc.)  

*​Structure your sentences clearly and precisely. Any claim you make has to be supported with convincing evidence.

*​If a sentence becomes too long, split it into two before it gets out of control. 

*​Avoid sentence fragments.  Every sentence needs a subject and a verb.

*​Do not overuse pronouns (he, she, they, etc.). When you do use pronouns, make sure it is clear to what or whom they refer. 

*​Avoid repetition.  Don’t make the same point over and over. 

*​Avoid contracted forms (use “it is” not “it’s,” “they are” not “they’re,” etc.).


*​Make sure your opening paragraph contains a specific and precisely formulated thesis that anticipates the main points of the argument of the essay.

*​Your paragraphs should reflect a logical development of the thesis.

*​Make sure your argument flows smoothly, with clear transitions between paragraphs and sentences. 

*​Support general observations with concrete examples.


*​We are not interested in your personal opinions about the quality of the film you are analyzing.  Whether you enjoyed the film or not is irrelevant to the assignment. Try to be as objective as possible. 




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ability to condense and highlight critical information about your chosen company to investors will determine whether they decide to invest in you and your company or not

At this point in the course, you have completed all the necessary sections of your business plan. Your task in this assignment is to create the final version of your plan. You will include all the previous assignments you have been working on and attach the financials.The key to this assignment is to use the feedback you have received throughout the course to polish your plan to the point that you could confidently show it to investors and potential partners or customers. One new piece you will be including is a 1–2 page executive summary.This assignment consists of two parts:

  1. Your final business plan (an MS Word document).
  2. Your final business plan financials (using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template).

To successfully complete this assignment, you must attach both documents to the submission area as separate files and then click Submit.

Reminders and Notes
  • Your company, whether a startup company of your choosing or based on the snack food company scenario, will operate in a 100-mile radius from your home address. Your goal is to reach $1 million in sales by the end of the second year.
  • Be sure to follow the guidelines, whether you chose the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice:

Part 1: Business Plan—Final

  • The executive summary is a critical aspect of this assignment. Your ability to condense and highlight critical information about your chosen company to investors will determine whether they decide to invest in you and your company or not.
  • Chapter 4, “The Executive Summary,” pages 53–66, provides information about writing the executive summary. You may write either a synopsis or a narrative summary. Pay particular attention to the following:
    • Executive Summary Plan Preparation Forms on pages 58–61.
    • Sample Plans on pages 62–66.

In MS Word, construct a 10–20 page business plan in which you:

  1. Write a 1–2 page executive summary highlighting key aspects of each section of the business plan.
  2. Incorporate feedback to produce a comprehensive business plan for the product or business. Specifically, you will be combining all of the previous assignments and revising them to build your business plan:
    • Week 3 Assignment: Company Overview and SWOT Matrix.
      • Be sure to include all the headings from the assignment.
    • Week 5 Assignment: Marketing Plan and Budget.
      • Be sure to include all the headings from the assignment; the budget part of this assignment will be addressed in Section 2.
    • Week 8 Assignment: Operations, Technology, Management and Organization, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials).
      • Be sure to include all the headings from this assignment; the financials part of this assignment will be addressed in Part 2.
    • The written section of the financials from the Week 8 discussion thread.
      • Be sure to include any financial information that will help to convince the investors.

Format your assignment according to these requirements:

  • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.
  • Typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
  • You must include headings in your paper for each major topic.
  • Include a cover page containing the assignment title, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
  • Include a source list page. All sources used must be listed in the source list page and have a corresponding in-text citation. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The source list page is not included in the required page length.
    • There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in this assignment.

Part 2: Business Plan Financials—Final

Using the Business Plan Financials Excel Template, incorporate feedback from previous submissions to produce a comprehensive set of business plan financials the business’s first two years.

  • Be sure to refer to the appropriate guidelines for valuable information about how to complete the business plan financials section of your assignment:
  • Specifically, you will want review and make sure you’ve thoroughly incorporated feedback you received from:
    • Weeks 7 and 8 discussion threads.
    • Part 2 of the Operations, Technology, Management and Organization, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials).


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Impacts the chosen company and their effect on communities and the world

Social Responsibility and Ethics

This week we focused on Social Responsibility & Ethics. Research a well-known company (examples Starbucks, Ben & Jerry’s, TOMs, GE, etc.) and explain their commitment to social responsibility and ethics. Be sure to address their policies, actions and how each impacts the chosen company and their effect on communities and the world. Be sure to use references and citations from research (facts, stats, numbers) to prove your paper.

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded: 

·         Write between 500 – 750 words (approximately 2 – 3 pages) using Microsoft Word.

·         Attempt APA style.

·         Use font size 12 and 1” margins.

·         Include cover page and reference page.

·         At least 60% of your paper must be original content/writing.

·         No more than 40% of your content/information may come from references.

·         Use at least two references from outside the course material, preferably from EBSCOhost.  Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the two reference requirement.

·         Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must be identified in the paper and listed on a reference page.

Reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, online newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc.  Sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, etc. are not acceptable


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Explain multiple organizational issues from chosen organization and validate with workplace examples

Instructions You will use the Milestone Three Assignment Template for this assignment. **Template, Milestones 1&2, and Case Study will be e-mailed through support for reference** Review the  Engstrom case study looking specifically at organizational issues, and address the following:

Prompt: For Milestone Three, you will apply the same methodology to a workplace experience of your choice, either past or present. 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

III. Workplace: Root Cause Analysis & Solutions Development 

a) Explain multiple organizational issues from chosen organization and validate with workplace examples. 

b) Analyze root causes of workplace organizational issues from a human behavior perspective and validate your analysis with scholarly research evidence. 

c) Create solutions to the organizational issues by applying human behavior theories and concepts and validate your recommendations with scholarly research evidence. 

d) Recommend strategic actions of sound change management practices that lead organizations in a proactive manner by applying human behavior theories and concepts. 

e) Examine the impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts


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converse of the Pythagorean theorem using side lengths chosen from 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, and 11 feet

Select the procedure that can be used to show the converse of the Pythagorean theorem using side lengths chosen from 6 feet, 8 feet, 10 feet, and 11 feet.1. Knowing that 62 + 82 = 102, draw the 6-foot side and the 8-foot side with a right angle between them. The 10-foot side will fit to form a right triangle.

2. Knowing that 82 + 102 < 112, draw the 4-foot side and the 10-foot side with a right angle between them. The 11-foot side will fit to form a right triangle.

3. Knowing that 62 + 102 ≠ 112, draw the 6-foot side and the 10-foot side with a right angle between them. The 11-foot side will fit to form a right triangle.

4. Knowing that 62 + 82 = 102, draw any two of the sides with a right angle between them. The third side will fit to form a right triangle




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What topic have you chosen and why? What do you wish to argue about Ghoul?

Must watch Netflix show the Ghoul  1.2.3. in order to answer/ do essay. 

The topic I choose is Nida’s Transformation :Write a paragraph of about 150-200 words, address the following questions: What topic have you chosen and why? What do you wish to argue about Ghoul? Is your thesis contestable? Does it pass the “contestability test”? (That is, can you think of a counterclaim?) Is your thesis actually about the text, Ghoul, or is it making a more general claim about philosophy/morality/etc.? (Note, your thesis should be about Ghoul, since this is a literature class and not a philosophy class!) What THEORY about Ghoul do you wish to convince others to believe that they would not have noticed just by watching the show?

Part II. ANALYSIS PACK: Now start to consider how arguable your thesis is. How well can you build your case? Which SCENES from Ghoul do you wish to use to help to support your thesis? In a bullet-point list, write down at least 3 scenes from the show that you wish to add to your “analysis pack” (the collection of scenes you’ve selected to analyze) and one short sentence explaining why you think that particular scene can help support your thesis.

Essay topic is Nida’s Transformation, everything underlined is part of the topic that must be discussed in the essay. Also, please write a thesis statement for this essay.

  • Instructions for Essay paper
  • Each piece of textual evidence should also be surrounded by carefully reasoned analysis.
  • The goal of this paper is not only to persuade your readers to support your claim, but to teach them something new and valuable about the text that they did not know before. What new insight does your particular reading uncover?
  • The essay should aim to take an “in-depth” approach to textual analyses by zooming in on particular moments (quotations) from the readings/show.
  • A tip for organizing your paper: I recommend choosing 2-3 scenes in Ghoul to analyze closely, and dedicating one body paragraph to each scene. Try to strategically select scenes that help support your claim in some way. Be sure to describe the scene (setting, characters, dialogue) in detail before diving into your analysis.

This is the Essay Topic : #2: Nida’s Transformation ,In the first episode of Ghoul, Nida betrays her father, giving him up to the state. She is top of her class at the academy, and appears to believe fully in the integrity of the government. Why, by the show’s end, does Nida undergo such a drastic transformation? How does the jinn and her experience at the advanced interrogation prison alter her perception of the state? What do you make of the show’s ending, and what broader social and moral message do you think the show is attempting to convey to viewers

  • For this assignment, please compose an essay of 3-4 pages (double-spaced) on one of the following topics OR a topic of your choosing. This essay must be written according to MLA format and must include a Works Cited page.

Your essay should present a contestable thesis statement, take a clear stance, and use carefully chosen textual evidence to support your claims. Since this paper will center on the series Ghoul, “textual evidence” will come from the scenes in the show as well as the readings from the Quran and Amira El-Zein’s text. Any textual evidence from the show should come from descriptions of the scenes you choose to discuss as well as the show’s script (link to script below)

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Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper.

Your paper is worth 200 points. The guidelines are below and are also on the syllabus.
• You will be expected to write one paper, due the last Friday of the class. Papers will be applied to a business problem of your choice that you have experienced or witnessed in some way. Business situations that have been presented in the media are not permitted. Papers will be submitted using Microsoft Word and will be uploaded through the assignment in Blackboard. Papers will be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Calbri, font size 11pt, with 1” margins all around, and should be around 1000 words, or roughly four to five double spaced pages, with a firm limit of 1250 words, with the above requirements. Please spell check and proof read your paper. Please note that a shorter paper is absolutely fine as long as you address the required components outlined below. A poorly written paper will not score as well as a well-written, error-free paper. Cover pages, references, and graphs do not count toward length. Please do not eat space with headings–all that is needed is your name at the top. Think of this as an executive memo of sorts within your business! Papers must be submitted to Blackboard no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on the posted due date. Again, you must upload your paper through Blackboard through the assignment tab. The paper will count toward your grade for 200 points. Early papers are definitely welcome!
• Papers will be graded with a list of criteria as a guideline for consistency but with any written work, there is not a complete formula. Your ability to follow instructions, write clearly and concisely, and apply economic concepts and the paradigm we are using are all factors that will be incorporated in the grading rubric. Please note we will not be able to read drafts of your papers. The discussion board posts will serve as your primary mechanism of feedback as you work on your paper. You are encouraged to work with a classmate to share drafts /proof read each other’s papers. Your instructor will not read drafts of your paper.
The paper components and guidelines are as follows:

Paper Components:
o Introduction: Identification of the components of the problem-solving paradigm as it applies to your chosen business problem and identification of the three economic theories you will use in your paper. (125 – word guideline/max, 25 points). Your week 1 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 1: Application of your first chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 2 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 2: Application of your second chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 3 discussion board ties to this component.
o Economic theory 3: Application of your third chosen theory to your problem and analysis of the theory in context of the problem and paradigm. (250 – word guideline/max, 50 points). Your week 4 discussion board ties to this component.
o Conclusion and recommendations: Tie your recommendations that flow from you economic applications and analysis together to present a remedy/remedies to the problem(s) identified in the problem-solving paradigm in your introduction. Be sure to clearly tie you recommendation back to the decision maker you identified in your paradigm! (125 – word guideline.max, 25 points). Your week 5 discusison board ties to this component.
• Paper Guidelines
• Part 1: Introduction
Your introduction should follow this format:
Introduce the topic in a few sentences, present the problem clearly by including all three question components of the Problem-Solving Paradigm presented on pages 4-5 in Chapter 1 as they relate to your topic. Identify your three economic theories you will be using in the paper.
o Include: WHO made the BAD decision. In a sentence. (ex: The purchasing manager made the bad decision to sign a contract with a suppplier despite the slowdown in orders over the past year).
o Include: Did the decision maker have enough information to make a good decision? YES/NO, within a one sentence explanation. (ex: Yes, the purchasing manager had enough information to make a good decision.)
o Include: Did the decision maker have the incentive to make a good decision? YES/NO, within a one sentence explanation. (ex: No, the purchasing manager did not have an incentive to make a good decision because her salary was not tied to profit.)
o List which economic THEORIES (at least 3 from the list below) you will use to discuss the problem identified (In this example, it would be either the incentive problem or that you have the wrong decision maker, or both).
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated (complete sentences, no grammatical or typographical errors, flow of writing, ability to follow instructions).
• Parts 2-4: Three Economic Theories and Analysis
Present your case. Expand upon your identified paradigm components from the introduction using your chosen theories to analyze the problem(s) that will lead to your recommended remedy.
o Analyze the problem by applying your FIRST stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your paradigm. Use the first theory correctly in your explanation.
o Analyze the problem by applying your SECOND stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your praadigm. Use the second theory correctly in your explanation.
o Analyze the problem by applying your THIRD stated theory. Explain how it applies to the problem in your paradigm. Use the third theory correctly in your explanation.
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated as explained above.
o You may use other theories as part of your analysis, but you must pick three main theories from the list below. For example, you might use marginal analysis as part of your application/discussion but it is not one of the three required theories.
• For your economic theories, please choose three theories to apply from among the following topics:

• 1. Shifts in Demand or Supply and impact on market equilibirum
• 2. Shortages and/or surpluses
• 3. Price Controls-Price ceilings or Price floors
• 4. Elasticity: Price elasticity of demand, cross price elasticity, or income elasticity
• 5. Cost factors-fixed and/or variable costs, productivity
• 6. Cost Factors-economies and/or diseconomies of scale or scope
• 7. Cost factors-productivity/diminishing marginal returns
• 8. Competetive industires versus monopoly
• 9. Pricing decisions with commonly owned products (substitutes or complements)
• 10. Pricing decisions with promotional pricing and/or psychological pricing
• 11. Direct price discrimination
• 12. Indirect price discrimination-Volume discounts or bundling
• 13.Adverse selection-risk, screening, signaling
• 14. Moral Hazard

• Part 5: Conclusion
Present recommendations and concluding remarks that connect to your paradigm components.
o State and explain your recommendation(s) to RESOLVE the problem(s) identified in your paradigm, and/or what you would do differently to resolve the problem. This recommendation/resolution must be tied to the decision-maker identified in your paradigm-in the above example, it is the purchasing manager.
o Your recommendations are logically connected to and flow from your economic analysis using your three chosen theories.
o Provide concluding remarks to wrap things up.
o The quality of your writing will be evaluated as explained above.
• Please note that you are expected to show a clear understanding of the theories you choose by correctly explaining their application to your problem. Restating theory definitons is not needed and should not be done-we know the theories and this eats your space. Avoid using technical jargon that is not widely known to someone not familiar with your industry or situation. Any graphs, table, or numerical examples that are stand alone should be put in an appendix that will not count in your word count but an explanation should be in the body of the paper.

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Clearly identify the Healthy People 2030 topic chosen and why this topic was selected


Creating a Plan of Care

Utilizing the information you have gathered over the last four weeks regarding the specific illness group you identified, this week, you will create a plan of care for your chronic illness group.

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, (this page requirement includes the holistic care plan). Include the following in your plan:

  • Provide a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and rationale for selecting this illness and the participants.
    • Clearly identify the Healthy People 2030 topic chosen and why this topic was selected.
  • Develop a holistic plan of care including patient, family and friends acceptance of the diagnosis, coping and impact on plan of care.
  • Summarize the information gathered in each week (Weeks 1–4) over 2 to 3 pages. This is should not to be copied and pasted from previous assignments.
  • Create a care plan for your chronic illness group organized using the following headings:
    • Nursing Diagnoses (at least 3 related to topic and interview results)
    • Assessment Data (objective and subjective)
    • Interview Results
    • Desired Outcomes
    • Evaluation Criteria
    • Actions and Interventions
    • Evaluation of Patient Outcomes
  • Identify strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and provide your rationale on how they will work.

Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.

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key forces driving the new marketing realities, design a two-paragraph plan of how your chosen company is likely to change in the future.

Select a company mentioned in our chapter 1 reading (Kotler and Keller). Considering the three key forces driving the new marketing realities, design a two-paragraph plan of how your chosen company is likely to change in the future. What other major trends or forces might affect marketing for this company?

IBM Having celebrated its 100th corporate anniversary in 2011, IBM is a remarkable survivor that has maintained market leadership for decades in the challenging technology industry. The company has managed to successfully evolve its business and seamlessly update the focus of its products and services numerous times in its history—from mainframes to PCs to its current emphasis on cloud computing, “big data,” and IT services. Part of the reason is that IBM’s well-trained sales force and service organization offer real value to customers by staying close to them and fully understanding their requirements. IBM often even cocreates products with customers; with the state of New York, it developed a method for detecting tax evasion that reportedly saved taxpayers $1.6 billion over a seven-year period. As famed Harvard Business School professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter has noted, “IBM is not a technology company but a company solving problems using technology.”


· Five citations/references (in addition to the text) are required for this engagement.

· 700-750 words


Marketing Management,15th ed.

Kotler, P. & Keller, K.

Prentice Hall Publishing. 2016

ISBN: 9780133856460

Select a company mentioned in our chapter 1 reading (Kotler and Keller). Considering the

three key forces driving the new marketing realities, design a two

paragraph plan of how

your chosen company is likely to change in the future. What other major trends

or forces

might affect marketing for this company




Having celebrated its 100th corporate anniversary in 2011, IBM is a remarkable survivor

that has maintained


leadership for decades in the challenging technology industry. The

company has managed to successfully

evolve its business and seamlessly update the focus of its

products and services numerous times in its history

from mainframes to PCs to its current


hasis on cloud computing, “big data,” and IT services. Part of the reason is

that IBM’s well

trained sales force and service organization offer real value to customers by staying close to them


fully understanding their requirements. IBM often even cocr

eates products with customers;

with the state of

New York,

it developed a method for detecting tax evasion that reportedly saved

taxpayers $1.6 billion over a seven

year period.

As famed Harvard Business School professor

Rosabeth Moss Kanter has noted, “IBM

is not a technology company but

a company solving

problems using technology.”




citations/references (in addition to the text) are required for this engagement








Marketing Managemen







Kotler, P. & Keller, K.

Prentice Hall Publishing. 201





Select a company mentioned in our chapter 1 reading (Kotler and Keller). Considering the

three key forces driving the new marketing realities, design a two-paragraph plan of how

your chosen company is likely to change in the future. What other major trends or forces

might affect marketing for this company?

IBM Having celebrated its 100th corporate anniversary in 2011, IBM is a remarkable survivor

that has maintained market leadership for decades in the challenging technology industry. The

company has managed to successfully evolve its business and seamlessly update the focus of its

products and services numerous times in its history—from mainframes to PCs to its current

emphasis on cloud computing, “big data,” and IT services. Part of the reason is that IBM’s well-

trained sales force and service organization offer real value to customers by staying close to them

and fully understanding their requirements. IBM often even cocreates products with customers;

with the state of New York, it developed a method for detecting tax evasion that reportedly saved

taxpayers $1.6 billion over a seven-year period. As famed Harvard Business School professor

Rosabeth Moss Kanter has noted, “IBM is not a technology company but a company solving

problems using technology.”


 Five citations/references (in addition to the text) are required for this engagement.

 700-750 words


Marketing Management,15



Kotler, P. & Keller, K.

Prentice Hall Publishing. 2016

ISBN: 9780133856460





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