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The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom

Journal Article Review

This assignment is meant to support a later research paper where the topic will be, “The impact of COVID-19 on the American Classroom.”

Assignment Instructions

Locate, read, and review the following peer-reviewed journal article :

Annotate – annotate – annotate. As you read through the article – do not read just to cover the information below. What sticks out? What do you wish to know more about? What are the conclusions and implications? Who is the author(s) citing in their work? This will help you when it is time to begin synthesizing this information within your literature review. I recommend choosing articles that highlight different forms of research – both quantitative and qualitative. You can always alternate throughout the semester. Oftentimes, quantitative research reports, whereas qualitative research paints a picture. All of these journal article submissions can be included in your final research paper.  

The article summary should be at least three paragraphs in length, if not more, in order to include all of the above information.  

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How classroom concepts relate to real-world marketplace phenomena

Within a ‘consumption diary’, you will be asked to record 6 consumption episodes that you either: currently are, have recently been in, or shortly foresee being involved in. 

For example, you may be engaged in making major purchase decisions (e.g., buying a car, or planning a vacation) or mundane ones (e.g., choosing between gas stations, or going grocery shopping). 

The identified consumption episodes should then be related to concepts you have learned within this course, and how what you have learned might influence your decisions in the future. This would allow for a better understanding of how classroom concepts relate to real-world marketplace phenomena. 

This is an individual project. It should be initiated and completed exclusively for this course. 

The diary will be evaluated on the quality of writing (including coherence, grammar, and spelling) and arguments made, as well as its creativity and originality. The length of the write-up should not exceed 5 pages (excluding any title page, executive summary and appendices; double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins). 

To make sure that all the consumption episodes in the assignment are related to the concepts studied in the course, link is attached below with the course files.


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What is your philosophy of classroom management?

Assignment Details

During the course, you have explored numerous classroom management models or theories. For this unit’s assignment, you will reflect on these classroom management models or theories by writing a personal philosophy of classroom management.

Your personal philosophy should include the following:

What is your philosophy of classroom management? This might include:
What would be the desired atmosphere in your classroom?
What should the teacher-student relationship be like?
What should the teacher-parent relationship be like?
What is your view of students’ ability to learn?
What is your goal — to prepare students for your classroom or for the world beyond your classroom?
How do you view rules and consequences?
What classroom management model or theory most informs your personal philosophy?
Support your personal philosophy of classroom management with a minimum of two credible and reliable sources.

Your paper should be 3 pages and follow APA style format guidelines.




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Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system

Discussion 4

Discussion Directions

After all you have learned in this course, it is time to think about how you would develop your own classroom management plan and philosophy. What theories and theorists stand out most to you? With which ones do you most closely identify? Let the following learning activity help you think of ways you would develop your own plan.

( )

Answer the following questions and respond thoughtfully to your classmates’ posts:

Analyze Ms. Zeichner’s plan for developing her classroom management system. Is it realistic or idealistic to seek input from all of these groups?
Based on what you have learned in this course, what theories or models would you incorporate into your own classroom management plan? Why did you choose these specific theories or models?
Would you seek input from students, administrators, and parents, like Ms. Zeichner? Explain why or why not. If so, what questions would you ask?
Getting off to a good start is key to effective classroom management. The Wongs’ classroom management model focuses on the first days of school and preparing your classroom for an effective school year. Review the principles of the Wong classroom management model.

How can you use the Wong classroom management model to ensure success in your classroom?
How can you apply Wong’s approach to your personal philosophy of classroom management?
Review your classmates’ posts. How are their answers similar to or different from yours? Explain.

Discussion 5

Topic 1: Implementing a Cooperative Learning Approach

There might be times when you as a teacher will want to think about changing your classroom management plan. You may come across new theories on your own, a fellow teacher might have a suggestion for you, or the decision to change might come from administration. In any case, you should be prepared to handle such a switch. Read the following case studies and answer each of the associated questions.

Case Study 1

Phillip Naylor was a high school student teacher. In a discussion at a weekly Seminar, he said, “Jones’ opinions on rules might make sense for elementary students, but they certainly do not apply to the high school where I teach. Listen, these students are tough with a capital T — they argue, threaten others, and fight. What will happen if I use some of these strategies that are focused on motivating the students instead of controlling student behavior? What we need are strict and specific rules — ones we can enforce.”

What reasons would you give to either support Jones’ beliefs about classroom management or to support Mr. Naylor’s comments?
How could you apply Jones’ model on classroom management in your classroom?
How can you address the needs of students with behavioral challenges?
Review a classmate’s post, looking for similarities and differences from your response. Compare your peer’s response with yours. Are there other ideas and perspectives you did not originally consider? Explain.

Case Study 2

As a preservice teacher, Sandi Williams was not sure about the effectiveness of using cooperative learning with diverse students. “OK, I know it works with those who are working on grade level. But I’m not sure about students with disabilities or special needs. Just how much can they contribute to or get out of a group? And gifted students like to compete. Cooperative learning takes away half of their fun! And it probably slows them down, too. Then there are those students who just like to goof off. With a cooperative learning group, they’ll just wait for someone else to do the work. Nope, I don’t see how cooperative learning helps diverse classes of students and I don’t see how it helps classroom management.”

Using the ideas of the Kagan model, respond to each of Sandi’s concerns.
Can cooperative learning groups work with a diverse population of students? Use the Kagan model of classroom management to develop a plan for effectively incorporating diverse students into cooperative learning groups.
What accommodations or modifications might she have to make to meet the needs of students with disabilities?
Review a classmate’s post. Compare and contrast your response with your peer’s response.

Discussion 6

Topic 1: Creating Your Classroom Management Plan and Reflecting on the Course

The discussions in this course include several components. You may not be able to address all of these questions in a single post. You will need to plan to return to the discussion several times during the week to weigh in on the questions. Please make sure you do so as part of both original posts as well as in replies to your classmates. Remember that your grade for the Discussion Board comprises both original postings and your contributions through replies. Both are great places to introduce new information, opinions, links, etc., and both are equally important to your grade.

In this course, you have reviewed numerous models of classroom management. Use these models to share the rules, consequences and rewards, procedures, strategies for motivating learners, and strategies for building a positive learning environment for your classroom.

Classroom Management Plan

List the following:

Rules (only 4–5)
Consequences & Rewards
Discuss your strategies for addressing the following in your classroom:

Motivating all diverse learners.
Building a positive learning environment.
State and discuss the models or theories of classroom management that you used to inform your classroom management plan.

After you have posted your classroom management plan, please respond to your classmates and give them feedback and suggestions on their plans — what else might they do? Are there additional issues they could plan for or should have considered? Do you see some ideas that you might incorporate into your own plan?

Course Reflection

Reflect back on your initial response about classroom management in your introduction post.

How do you define classroom management now after completing this course?
What are the areas of classroom management that you now find most challenging after completing this course?
How have your responses to these questions changed since the beginning of the course?
How can you use the details learned in this course to inform your classroom management practices in your classroom?




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How can you arrange your classroom most effectively to reduce or eliminate distractions

Assignment Details

In this course, you have looked at various theories and methods that relate to classroom management. Through this, you have studied a number of classroom management models explaining how to manage and prevent behavior problems. Now it is time to develop your own classroom management plan.

Use your course readings, journal articles, and other credible and reliable resources to answer the following questions. Use a minimum of four credible, reliable sources to support your responses. Your plan should contain the following:

Part 1: Classroom Management Plan

In detail, describe your classroom management plan. Your classroom management plan should include each of the following details:

How can you arrange your classroom most effectively to reduce or eliminate distractions (i.e., placement of desks for students, location of bulletin boards, chalkboard, whiteboard, other permanent fixtures)?
What expectations do you have of your students? How can you convey that to your students?
What rules will you have to begin the school year? Will you ask for student input for all, some, or none of the rules? If others are involved, how will this be accomplished?
What will you do when a student breaks a rule? Will you have a hierarchy of consequences?
What strategies will you use to motivate your students?
What procedures will you use in your classroom (i.e., beginning the class, ending the class, distributing material, collecting materials and assignments, assigning student helpers or assistants)?
How will you establish a positive classroom environment?
How can you positively impact student behavior change in your classroom?
How can you ensure a safe learning environment for all diverse learners in your classroom?

Part 2: Reflection of classroom management models or theories

In the second part of your classroom management plan, reflect on the models or theories that were used to create your classroom management plan.

Describe at least two classroom management models or theories that have informed the development of your plan.
How do each of these models or theories inform your classroom management plan? Be specific.
How are these models or theories similar? How are they different?

Your classroom management plan should be 6–8 pages in length. Please follow APA guidelines for formatting, citations, and references.




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explore numerous classroom management models and theories

Assignment Details

In this course, you will explore numerous classroom management models and theories. You will begin this journey by choosing one model to research for this paper. This assignment provides you an opportunity to develop your understanding of one particular model. In this paper, you will choose one of the models or theories presented in the textbook. The research project should include the following elements:

Introduction: The introduction should state the name and author of the model or theory you have chosen along with a short overview. Explain why you chose this model or theory over others.

Body: The body of the paper contains the key points of the model or theory with specific explanations of those points and examples of how they would work in the classroom. Include a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of implementing this model. A minimum of three credible, reliable sources should be used to support your writing.

Summary and Conclusions: In this section you should discuss how you would implement three of the key points of the model or theory into your own classroom (noting any changes in your present management style you would need to make or any training you feel you might need) to make this implementation successful. If you disagree with one of the key points, discuss why that point could not be successfully implemented into your classroom and support this reasoning with evidence from another model or theory.

This paper should be 2–3 pages in length. Present the research project in APA format, with a title page and properly formatted citations and reference list.




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Student Engagement and Classroom Management Plan

 Building the community for your classroom and your students will give you the opportunity to engage your students and their families. Communicating your procedures, routines, and expectations creates transparency with all stakeholders.

In the previous weeks, you completed assignments to develop knowledge and skills for effective classroom management. These assignments will inform this benchmark assignment.

Create a “Student Engagement and Classroom Management Plan” for a specific grade-level and content area that includes the following:

In 250 words, write a personal philosophy of student engagement and classroom management (adapted from your Topic 1 assignment, I have attached the Topic 1 Assignment) that includes: 

  • A description of your overall classroom management philosophy aligned to personal beliefs you hold that support it.
  • An overview of how you will manage your learning environment in order to engage students.
  • How you will collaborate with students, families, and colleagues to build a safe, positive learning climate of openness, mutual respect, support, and inquiry.
  • How you will take a leadership role advocating for meeting the needs of students, and enacting system change. 

Write a one-page letter to send to families at the beginning of the school year introducing yourself and explaining your classroom management plan and how you will maintain ongoing communication with students and families to build positive school-home relationships.

In 250 words, describe how you will actively and equitably engage students by establishing procedures, routines, and expectations. Include 4-5 specific procedures, routines, or expectations you will implement in the classroom. (These procedures or routines may be revised from previous assignments, or they may be new.)

Write a 100-250 word description of three strategies you plan to utilize in your future classroom that will address limiting and mitigating the effects of disruptive and off-task behaviors in the classroom, including rewards and consequences.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion


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What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?

Use lesson Plan for guide(attached)

Fill out lesson Plan template

Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan (Due in Unit 5: 150 points)

This assignment is concerned with your ability to develop a lesson plan that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective while employing differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Consider the following when you plan your lesson:

What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?

Create a lesson plan using the lesson plan template or submit a Word document found under Course Documents on the Course Resources. It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment.


Be sure to use two additional sources beyond your textbook to justify your instructional decisions for diverse learners.




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What are the 4 key methodologies of a Critical Skills Classroom?

Question 1 

Read the following articles from Edutopia and respond to the following:

Assessing Learning Without a Test (Links to an external site.)

1.  What are the 4 key methodologies of a Critical Skills Classroom?

2.  Describe/explain the process/strategies the teacher uses in this article to develop learning and assess his students?

3.  What are ways you could assess your students without using a formal test?  Give at least two examples.

4 Reasons Teachers are Going Gradeless (Links to an external site.)

1.  What are the reasons the author states for going “gradeless”?

2.  What are your thoughts on giving students feedback instead of grades?

Question 2 

Read the article from Edutopia in the link below and respond to the following:

7 Smart, Fast Ways to Do Formative Assessment (Links to an external site.)

56 Examples of Formative Assessment (Links to an external site.)

1.  What is formative assessment?

2.  After reading both articles, select four formative assessment strategies/practices.  Give a brief description of each one and how it works.





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What are the barriers EAL students face in mainstream English classroom, and in what ways teachers could facilitate their learning?

Annotated Bibliography
Word Count: 1600 words
In this task you will review eight peer reviewed research articles published in academic journals that are immediately relevant to the topic or problem you are choosing to investigate. In the introduction to your annotated bibliography, you need to identify the researchable issue and explain why you have chosen to focus on this inquiry.
Topic/Problem: What are the barriers EAL students face in mainstream English classroom, and in what ways teachers could facilitate their learning?

Part One: Introduction
(a) What is your research question? (b) What is the purpose of this review?
Part Two: 8 Peer Reviewed Articles
Framing your annotated bibliography as a response to a question makes the contribution of each article clearer. Discuss each paper (in no more than 200 words each) reporting:
(2) What is the scope of the research (i.e., what is the paper is about?).
(3) What are the key findings of the study (what did the study discover?
(4) the significance of these findings for education practice (so what?).
Try to balance all 8-peer reviewed article, focusing on different area of the topic.
3-4 Article talking about the barriers EAL students face in mainstream English.
4-5 Articles, talking about the ways teacher could facilitate their learning.

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