Writers Solution

ethical issues encountered by clinical and counseling psychologists in the digital age

Prior to beginning work on this week’s discussion, please review Standard 3: Human Relations (Links to an external site.) in the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Please also read the Asay and Lal (2014) “Who’s Googled Whom? Trainees’ Internet and Online Social Networking Experiences, Behaviors, and Attitudes with Clients and Supervisors,†Harris and Robinson Kurpius (2014) “Social Networking and Professional Ethics: Client Searches, Informed Consent, and Disclosure,†and Taylor, McMinn, Bufford, and Chang (2010) “Psychologists’ Attitudes and Ethical Concerns Regarding the Use of Social Networking Web Sites†articles.

For this discussion, you will examine ethical issues encountered by clinical and counseling psychologists in the digital age. Begin by reviewing the cases of Dr. Arnold and Dr. Washington listed below and selecting one of these ethical dilemmas for analysis.

Case 1
Dr. Arnold is a clinical psychologist who specializes in child and adolescent issues. From time to time, she provides consultation on high lethality cases within the juvenile court system. Recently, she was referred a case involving a 15-year-old male who has a history of aggression, angry outburst, destructive behavior, and cyberstalking. Concerned for her safety and well-being, Dr. Arnold input the client’s name into a search engine, which yielded the client’s social network page. Dr. Arnold is uncertain whether or not to look at the client’s social network page.

Case 2
Dr. Washington is a counseling psychologist who specializes in trauma and self-harming behavior. Recently, he received a “friend request†from a former client who he provided individual therapy to six months ago. Dr. Washington opted not to accept the “friend request,†but considered sending a private message to the client with the social networking policy from his informed consent. Dr. Washington is uncertain whether or not to send the private message to the client.

In your initial post, assume the role of a colleague to the doctor named and analyze the ethical issues encountered in your chosen case. Given the situation described in the case study, recommend how your colleague should proceed. Provide support for your response by citing the required articles for this discussion. Consider the current and potential actions of your colleague and explain whether or not he or she is currently, or potentially will be, in violation of the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Provide support for your explanation by citing Standard 3: Human Relations (Links to an external site.) in the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Explain how your colleague might avoid this type of ethical dilemma in the future. Describe what policy or policies you might put in place if you were your colleague.


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please watch the Virtual Clinic (Links to an external site.) video and review the Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology (2013). Be sure to also read Baker and Bufka (2011), “Preparing for the Telehealth World: Navigating Legal, Regulatory, Reimbursement, and Ethical Issues in an Electronic Age,†Harris and Younggren (2011), “Risk Management in the Digital World,†Luxton et al. (2014), “Best Practices for Remote Psychological Assessment Via Telehealth Technologies,†and Gros et al. (2013), “Delivery of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy via Video Telehealth†articles.

In your initial post, provide an evaluation of the efficacy of using telehealth with mild, moderate, and severe mental health disorders. As part of your evaluation, assess the integration of evidence-based practices into the telehealth trend in psychotherapy. Consider the population, specialty, and treatment preferences you identified in the Week One Creating a Specialist Website interactive assignment, and assess the appropriateness of using telephone, text-based, virtual clinics, and/or video telehealth given your client focus, specialty, and treatment preference(s). Analyze ethical and professional issues you might encounter and explain the risks and benefits of using these delivery methods with your identified treatment population.





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Telehealth is a concept that is increasingly gaining popularity in the recent past particularly in counseling therapy. It involves the use of telecommunication technologies in healthcare delivery. Such telecommunication devices include mobile phones, telephones, computers and internet. In the digital age, such devices have greatly been used in providing therapy for patients with mild, moderate and severe mental health disorders. Several studies have been conducted to determine the efficacy of telemedicine in the three states of mental health disorders. Wickwar, McBain and Mulligan (2018) established that remote monitoring and use of telephones are effective in monitoring the adherence to medication particular among severe patients of mental health disorders. However, the study further established that computer aided therapy does not present any added advantage to psy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

clinical and counseling psychologists in the digital age

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Writers Solution

Differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools


Consider the following scenario:

Terrence is considering next steps for a client, Angela, who has come for therapy at the family counseling center where he works. When Angela scheduled her appointment on the telephone, she had described her concerns with marital difficulties, insomnia, and depression. During her first session, however, Terrence noticed that Angela had a very nervous demeanor, picked at her skin constantly, and had a rasping cough. When Terrence asked Angela about her employment, she admitted that she had lost her job and that her husband was angry about it. She said she was afraid her husband was on the brink of becoming abusive.

Terrence is not sure what to do first. He suspects Angela might have a substance addiction, but clearly she has several interlocking problems, and many are urgent. Should Terrence administer a screening for addiction or a more general clinical assessment? If he does decide to administer an addictions assessment, which of the many that are available should he choose and why?

This week, you differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools and review several assessment tools in order to evaluate one of them.


Students will:

  • Differentiate between the use of addictions assessment tools and clinical assessment tools  
  • Critique an addictions assessment tool

Required Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.


  • Gupta, R., Nower, L., Derevensky, J. L., Blaszczynski, A., Faregh, N., &Temcheff, C. (2013). Problem gambling in adolescents: An examination of the pathways model. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 575–588.
    Problem Gambling in Adolescents: An Examination of the Pathways Model by Gupta, R.; Nower, L.; Derevensky, J.; Blaszczynski, A.; Faregh, N.; Temcheff, C., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the three Pathways (pp. 577–578).
  • Larimer, M. E., Cronce, J. M., Lee, C. M., & Kilmer, J. R. (2004/2005). Brief intervention in college settings. Alcohol Research & Health, 28(2), 94–104.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the section titled “Advantages and Efficacy of Screening and Brief Interventions in College Populations,” paying particular attention to the direct effect of assessment on substance use.
  • Muñoz, Y., Chebat, J-C.,& Borges, A. (2013). Graphic gambling warnings: How they affect emotions, cognitive responses and attitude change. Journal of Gambling Studies, 29(3), 507–524.
    Graphic Gambling Warnings: How they Affect Emotions, Cognitive Responses and Attitude Change by Muñoz, Y.; Chebat, J.; Borges, A., in Journal of Gambling Studies, Vol. 29/Issue 1. Copyright 2013 by Human Sciences Press – Journals. Reprinted by permission of Human Sciences Press – Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.

    Focus on the section titled “Use of Graphic Images” (p. 510).
  • Nagy, T. F. (2011). Ethics in psychological assessment. In Essential ethics for psychologists: A primer for understanding and mastering core issues (pp. 171–183). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.  

    Focus on the reasons behind selection of different types of assessments and why multiple assessments might be needed. This article also includes excellent information on ethics of assessment.
  • Samet, S., Waxman, R., Hatzenbuehler, M., &Hasin, D. S. (2007).  Assessing addiction: Concepts and instruments.Addiction Science & Clinical Practice,4(1), 19–31. Retrieved from

    Focus on the types of assessments used for addictions treatment and the characteristics of each that might elicit data relevant to addictions rather than some other type of psychiatric disorder. Table 1 on p. 25 provides a snapshot of many common addictions assessments.
  • Suissa, A. J. (2011). Vulnerability and gambling addiction: Psychosocial benchmarks and avenues for intervention. International Journal Of Mental Health & Addiction, 9(1), 12–23.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

    Focus on the section titled “A Hidden Area of Vulnerability: Internet Gambling.” It is suggested that the entire article be read, as it is important. In particular, it provides good information on gambling addiction.

Optional Resources

Week 4 Assignment:

Application: Evaluating an Addictions Assessment Tool

Addictions professionals can choose from many types of tools. Addictions assessments are divided into screening and assessment tools. Addictions screening tools are meant to determine if an addiction might be a possibility; they are not intended to diagnose. Addictions professionals use them to gain a basic idea of an individual’s orientation to an addiction. Addictions assessment tools are typically geared toward detecting dependence on or addiction to a specific, identified substance or behavior. These tools are broader in scope and often take special training and considerable time to administer.

The difficulty often is not in finding a tool to use with a client, but rather in choosing the most effective and appropriate tool from a wide variety. Though choices of screening and assessment tools is often made by the organization in which an addictions professional works, many considerations including cost, time to administer, training, and accuracy enter into the selection of the right test for each individual with a potential substance or process addiction. Thus, it is important that addictions professionals be familiar with the tools available to them and understands the effectiveness of these tools in assessing what they are intended to assess.

In this Assignment, you select one assessment tool from several well-known addictions assessment tools and research and provide an evaluation of its purpose, administration, and efficacy.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources, including the following:

  • “Brief Intervention in College Settings”
  • “Ethics in Psychological Assessment”
  • “Assessing Addiction: Concepts and Instruments”

Assignment Directions:

Select one of the following assessment tools, found in this week’s Learning Resources:

  • Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3
  • The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
  • The Addiction Severity Index

Research and select two articles of your choice on your chosen addictions assessment tool.

Submit by Day 7 a 2- to 4-page critique of the addictions assessment tool you chose. Include the following:

  • Brief purpose of the assessment
  • Reliability of the assessment
  • Validity of the assessment
  • Type of normative data the assessment assesses
  • Time of administration
  • Cost
  • Reading level, if known
  • Any special administration considerations (e.g., need for a computer or special training)
  • Benefits and limitations
  • Overall utility of the test in an addictions assessment

McLellan, A. T., Luborsky, L., O’Brien, C. P., & Woody, G. E. (1980). An improved diagnostic instrument for substance abuse patients, The Addiction Severity Index.Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 168, 26–33.

Miller, G. A., Roberts, J., Brooks, M. K., &Lazowski, L. E. (1997). SASSI-3 user’s guide. Bloomington, IN: Baugh Enterprises.

Seltzer, M. L. (1971). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test: The quest for a new diagnostic instrument. American Journal of Psychiatry, 127, 1653–1658.






Psychology: Evaluating an Addiction Assessment Tool

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

January 30th 2016.

The Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

            The success of an addiction assessment process depends on the competency of the addiction professional and the choice of the assessment tool, among other factors. Owing to the availability of numerous addiction assessment tools, it is pertinent that an addiction professional to have appropriate knowledge regarding the tools (McLellan, Luborsky, O’Brien & Woody, 1980). Although the organizations often choose addiction assessment tools for specific disorders, having appropriate knowledge regarding the tools ensures that an effective assessment of a disorder is performed. The addiction severity index is a structured interview that is intended to assess several problem areas in substance abusing clients.

            The main purpose of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) is to assess substance abuse, for example alcohol abuse (McLellan, Luborsky, O’Brien & Woody, 1980). The tool provides an assessment of other number of assessment areas, such as employment status, family relationships, legal problems, and psychiatric status (Carey, Cocco, & Correia, 1997). According to (Deady, 2009), the use of Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has yielded mixed results from different populations. However, (Carey, Cocco, & Correia, 1997) and (Deady, 2009) asserts that the tool has been found to have good inter-rater, split half, internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Moreover, the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has been found to have good construct, content and criterion validity. The tool has been shown to have a varying internal consistency scales such as 0.89 for medical problems and 0.65 for employment problems (Carey, Cocco, & Correia, 1997) and (Deady, 2009).           The Addiction Severity Index (ASI) has been used in treatment planning and evaluation (Deady, 2009). The tool typically assesses normative data b………………………..







Writers Solution

Development of clinical leadership

 Appendix II – Marking Criteria for Assessment 3Criteria
0-2.5 Marks 2.5-5 Marks 5-7.5 Marks 7.5-10 Marks Total
Definition of clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion of clinical leadership. Includes definition & description, could have been improved. Good discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Relevance could have been stronger. Exemplary discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Moral courage Poorly describes moral courage in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good description of moral courage and clinical leadership Good use of theoretical concepts to support discussion. Exemplary description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Considers challenges and difficulties in this area. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Emotional intelligence and Reflection Poorly describes emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved Good description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Good use of literature to support discussion. Exemplary description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Established importance and presented practical use of concepts in the context of clinical leadership. Excellent use of literature to support discussion. …./10
Development of clinical leadership
Poorly identifies ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership and/or does not link to practical examples Sound identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Exemplary identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Provided practical examples while considering particular concerns as a new graduate. …./10
Mentor Qualities Insufficient description of the attributes/styles of good mentors and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of the attributes/styles of good mentors although some areas could have been improved Good description of the attributes/styles of good mentors. Exemplary description of contemporary mentorship styles and attributes which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Goal setting- Surviving Clinical placement Poor discussion regarding the mentor relationship and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Although several areas could be improved Good discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Exemplary discussion
with worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies to succeed as a mentor provided …./10
Feedback Insufficient discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback; could have been improved. Good practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback. Exemplary practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback …./10
Poor performance Poor discussion regarding managing the poorly performing student and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Some areas were not considered Good discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Exemplary discussion regarding the poorly performing student, provided worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies with reference to relevant literature …./10
Key Messages Poorly identified and/or irrelevant. Sound identification and relevance. Some areas could be improved. Good identification and relevance Exemplary identification and relevance of do’s and don’ts in the context of mentor-mentee relationship. …./10
Quality Intext references matches with the list; at least five recent (last 5 years preferred) and reliable references (at least one textbook of recommendations) were included. Engaging, however, further consideration should be given to improving area regarding practical elements to assist in engaging the target audience. Colourful, creative, visually appealing, mostly appropriate and likely to engage the target audience. Visually appealing, sums up and underlines the main points, highly creative and engaging, its delivery was appropriate for the target audience. …./10

Assessment 3 – Written Assignment
Assessment Type Written Assignment
Purpose This assignment will assess students’ understanding of leadership, mentorship and clinical
Description New Graduate or Undergraduate Nurses’ Practical Guide to Clinical Leadership
In this assessment item you are required to do following:
• Submit a booklet (four pages of a word document) of a practical guide to
clinical leadership for your fellow new graduate nurses or nursing students.
• Create an interesting, engaging, relevant and practical guide.
• Use intext referencing of the evidence-based sources
Booklet Content:
1) What is clinical leadership?
2) Moral courage and clinical leadership
3) Emotional intelligence and reflection in clinical leadership
4) What can you do to develop clinical leadership?
5) What can you do to demonstrate clinical leadership?
6) What makes a good mentor?
7) Goal setting and surviving placement
8) Feedback – what it is and what it isn’t
9) Managing the poorly performing student
10) Do’s and Don’ts list
11) References
Note: Further instructions for the assignment will be provided on Blackboard.
Please also refer to marking criteria in Appendix II.
Weighting 50%
Submission Requirement – Students must submit this assessment item to pass the
Length 1400 words maximum
Due Date 9th November 2020 23:59
Submission Method Online via Turnitin
Assessment Criteria See Appendix II
Feedback Provided Grades and feedback will be available through Turnitin on Blackboard.
Opportunity to
Reattempt Students will not be given an opportunity to re-attempt this assessment

Writers Solution

clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature

 Appendix II – Marking Criteria for Assessment 3Criteria
0-2.5 Marks 2.5-5 Marks 5-7.5 Marks 7.5-10 Marks Total
Definition of clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion of clinical leadership. Includes definition & description, could have been improved. Good discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Relevance could have been stronger. Exemplary discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Moral courage Poorly describes moral courage in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good description of moral courage and clinical leadership Good use of theoretical concepts to support discussion. Exemplary description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Considers challenges and difficulties in this area. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Emotional intelligence and Reflection Poorly describes emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved Good description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Good use of literature to support discussion. Exemplary description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Established importance and presented practical use of concepts in the context of clinical leadership. Excellent use of literature to support discussion. …./10
Development of clinical leadership
Poorly identifies ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership and/or does not link to practical examples Sound identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Exemplary identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Provided practical examples while considering particular concerns as a new graduate. …./10
Mentor Qualities Insufficient description of the attributes/styles of good mentors and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of the attributes/styles of good mentors although some areas could have been improved Good description of the attributes/styles of good mentors. Exemplary description of contemporary mentorship styles and attributes which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Goal setting- Surviving Clinical placement Poor discussion regarding the mentor relationship and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Although several areas could be improved Good discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Exemplary discussion
with worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies to succeed as a mentor provided …./10
Feedback Insufficient discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback; could have been improved. Good practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback. Exemplary practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback …./10
Poor performance Poor discussion regarding managing the poorly performing student and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Some areas were not considered Good discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Exemplary discussion regarding the poorly performing student, provided worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies with reference to relevant literature …./10
Key Messages Poorly identified and/or irrelevant. Sound identification and relevance. Some areas could be improved. Good identification and relevance Exemplary identification and relevance of do’s and don’ts in the context of mentor-mentee relationship. …./10
Quality Intext references matches with the list; at least five recent (last 5 years preferred) and reliable references (at least one textbook of recommendations) were included. Engaging, however, further consideration should be given to improving area regarding practical elements to assist in engaging the target audience. Colourful, creative, visually appealing, mostly appropriate and likely to engage the target audience. Visually appealing, sums up and underlines the main points, highly creative and engaging, its delivery was appropriate for the target audience. …./10

Assessment 3 – Written Assignment
Assessment Type Written Assignment
Purpose This assignment will assess students’ understanding of leadership, mentorship and clinical
Description New Graduate or Undergraduate Nurses’ Practical Guide to Clinical Leadership
In this assessment item you are required to do following:
• Submit a booklet (four pages of a word document) of a practical guide to
clinical leadership for your fellow new graduate nurses or nursing students.
• Create an interesting, engaging, relevant and practical guide.
• Use intext referencing of the evidence-based sources
Booklet Content:
1) What is clinical leadership?
2) Moral courage and clinical leadership
3) Emotional intelligence and reflection in clinical leadership
4) What can you do to develop clinical leadership?
5) What can you do to demonstrate clinical leadership?
6) What makes a good mentor?
7) Goal setting and surviving placement
8) Feedback – what it is and what it isn’t
9) Managing the poorly performing student
10) Do’s and Don’ts list
11) References
Note: Further instructions for the assignment will be provided on Blackboard.
Please also refer to marking criteria in Appendix II.
Weighting 50%
Submission Requirement – Students must submit this assessment item to pass the
Length 1400 words maximum
Due Date 9th November 2020 23:59
Submission Method Online via Turnitin
Assessment Criteria See Appendix II
Feedback Provided Grades and feedback will be available through Turnitin on Blackboard.
Opportunity to
Reattempt Students will not be given an opportunity to re-attempt this assessment

Writers Solution

Effective clinical decision-making is fundamental to competent nursing practice and the provision of safe, high quality care.

Word Count: 1200 words. Weighting 30%
Effective clinical decision-making is fundamental to competent nursing practice and the provision of safe, high quality care. It is essential that nurses are competent in patient assessment, and the appropriate use of health information technologies, to ensure accuracy of assessments, recognise patient deterioration, and to make appropriate clinical decisions to ensure patient safety and prevent adverse events (Dalton, Harrison, Malin & Leavey, 2018; Razieh, Somayeh & Fariba 2018).
The aim of this assessment task is for students to demonstrate understanding of factors that influence clinical decision-making in a nursing context, and the potential impact of health technologies on the quality of patient health assessment and thus quality of clinical decisions.
For this task you need to write a 1200-word structured essay. There are TWO parts to this essay detailed below:
(400 words) Multiple factors influence clinical decision-making for nurses.
For this part:
• Describe one key factor that influences clinical decision making in the context of your work environment, and discuss how this influences nursing clinical-decision making.
(800 words) In healthcare, a range of Health Information Technologies are used to support patient safety and quality of care.
For this part:
• Identify and discuss at least one technology (technological devices / equipment / processes) commonly used by nurses in relation to patient assessment and care.
• Discuss the potential impact (positive / negative) in relation to quality of clinical patient assessment and nursing clinical decisions.